In pictures: Brian Shaw's hilarious appearance with Mr. Olympia

Shaw on the Mr. Olympia stage, via Shawstrength on Youtube
Shaw on the Mr. Olympia stage, via Shawstrength on Youtube

Brian Shaw's appearance alongside Mr. Olympia contestants has been spectacularly hilarious every time it has happened. He stands at 2.03 m or 6'8', much taller than even the tallest of Mr. Olympia winners. Because of his enormous physique, Shaw is regarded as a true giant of the Strongman events.

Here is a compilation of the best photos when Shaw stood (or sat) next to the best of bodybuilders:

1. Presenting the Classic Physique Award to Chris Bumstead:

Shaw shaking hands with Chris Bumstead; source: Shawstrength on YouTube
Shaw shaking hands with Chris Bumstead; source: Shawstrength on YouTube

2. Sitting with Ronnie Coleman:

Shaw hosting Ronnie Coleman at a podcast, via @Shawstrength Podcast on Youtube
Shaw hosting Ronnie Coleman at a podcast, via @Shawstrength Podcast on Youtube

3. Training with Ronnie Coleman:

Shaw and Coleman training together; via @shawstrength on YouTube
Shaw and Coleman training together; via @shawstrength on YouTube

4. "I made it to the Mr. Olympia stage":

At the Mr. Olympia stage with all winners; via @Shawstrength on YouTube
At the Mr. Olympia stage with all winners; via @Shawstrength on YouTube
At the Mr. Olympia stage; via @Shawstrength on YouTube
At the Mr. Olympia stage; via @Shawstrength on YouTube

5. Backstage:

Backstage at the Mr. Olympia
Backstage at the Mr. Olympia

Hilarious comments pour in on such sightings of the Strongman with bodybuilders:

"He can almost use him as his keychain" the user commented; via @ShaunJones on YouTube
"He can almost use him as his keychain" the user commented; via @ShaunJones on YouTube

One user sarcastically commented:

"6' vs. 5'11, one user commented" Another user commented; via @ShaunJones on YouTube
"6' vs. 5'11, one user commented" Another user commented; via @ShaunJones on YouTube

How adorable the other muscular men start looking when Shaw appears, another comment read:

"went from 'that's impressive' to 'that's adorable'" another wrote
"went from 'that's impressive' to 'that's adorable'" another wrote

A bodybuilder puts in hard work to become one, while a strongman is born with special genetics, implied another:

"Difference between genetics and hardwork" the user commented; via @ShaunJones on YouTube
"Difference between genetics and hardwork" the user commented; via @ShaunJones on YouTube

Strongman and Bodybuilders: What's the difference?

Strongmen are expected to move and carry more weight, in any way - lifting, dragging, pushing, etc. They can have more body fat than muscle. Due to their muscles being buried deep inside their fat and flesh, strongmen often appear like giants.

Bodybuilders like NPC athletes and Mr. Olympias are, on the other hand, expected to have well-defined and visibly differentiable muscles. Also, the ability to lift weight is only a behind-the-scene factor of their final show and posing. Their body should have aesthetic appeal such as uniform skin tone and bilateral symmetry. Their form is more like a chiseled mythological hero (as opposed to giants).

This is why a strongman looks like a mythological giant when surrounded by bodybuilders. Watch this hilarious video of Brian Shaw on the Mr. Olympia stage:

Edited by Yash Singh