Was LeBron James compared to a monkey in a school art display? New York school under scrutiny over racist imagery targeting Lakers star

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Was LeBron James compared to a monkey in a school art display?

LA Lakers star LeBron James is the center of an investigation centered around a school art show in New York. The NBA star was the victim of what many have considered racist imagery.

The piece in question was an advertisement for a cereal called "Monkey Premium." At the top, it states that the food can help those who eat it jump like monkeys. Right below that is a picture of LeBron James.

The bottom of the advertisement also say consumers can jump like the Lakers forward. However, many have agreed that the piece as a whole has racist undertones due to the wording.

After this piece got put on display at an art show over the weekend, the Superintendent of Schools in New York released a statement. Cosimo Tangorra Jr. said that more needs to be done to make sure that all members of the community feel welcome and safe.

"As a district, we will continue working to ensure all students and their families feel valued," Tangorra said. "And it requires increased education, dialogue, and action from the entire school community."

The Superintendent also made it clear that an investigation will be launched regarding how this piece was allowed to be put on display.

Superintendent speaks on investigation of LeBron James being victim of racist imagery

During a radio interview, the Superintendent spoke on the assignment that led to LeBron James being depicted in this manner. He stated that students were first tasked to come up with a new product, and then they had to create a marketing plan.

Cosimo Tangorra Jr. said at the start, no athletes were connected to the cereal. The product was centered around nutrition and helping consumers with athletics. Tangorra said that the idea of adding an athlete wasn't brought up until much later in the process.

Tangorra later mentioned that he would have liked for a discussion to be help as to why this imagery of LeBron James might have been inappropriate. However, no such talks were had.

In the end, Tangorra stated how upset he was that something with such racial undertones was able to be put on display. He also said that one person can be pinpointed to letting this project make it to the art show.

“One adult is responsible for this oversight," Tangorra said. "But the bigger issue, in my opinion, is what are we going to do, about changing the culture so these things don’t happen.”

The school has found out who made this project with the NBA superstar in it. That said, privacy laws prohibit from their name being released or the punishment being discussed publicly.

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Edited by Kevin McCormick