AEW Rampage Results: Big return, Cody Rhodes destroyed, Owen Hart Cup details 

Cody Rhodes was taken out bu Men Of The Year
Cody Rhodes was taken out bu Men Of The Year

This week's edition of AEW Rampage saw Trent's in-ring return as he teamed up with Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero to take on The Young Bucks, Adam Cole and Bobby Fish in tag-team action.

We also had Dan Lambert returning and he was confronted by none other than Cody Rhodes, which set up a match for next week.

Brazilian star Tay Conti was also in action as she took on Penelope Ford in a submission match. The main event of AEW Rampage was a huge 10-man tag team bout pitting Santana, Ortiz, Eddie Kingston and the Lucha Bros against 2point-, Daniel Garcia and The Acclaimed.

Read on for full AEW Rampage results:

Trent, Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero vs The Young Bucks, Adam Cole and Bobby Fish (kicked off AEW Rampage)

The match saw both teams go back and forth early on, trading tags. The heels soon had Orange Cassidy isolated heading into the first commercial break.

Back from the break, The Young Bucks got pulled out of the ring and Orange Cassidy tagged Trent in.

Trent was all over The Young Bucks and Adam Cole, taking down all three men. He then took out Brandon Cutler at ringside, before turning his attention back to Nick Jackson.

Matt Jackson pulled Rocky Romero out of the ring as Best Friends hit Adam Cole with a Soul Food and Half-and-Half suplex.

The heels took back control as The Young Bucks hit a double Superkick and Bobby Fish followed it up with a Falcon Arrow from the top rope.

The finish to the match saw Trent along in the ring with Bobby Fish. The recently returned Trent hit Fish with a Strong Zero and pinned him for the win.

Result: Best Friends and Rocky Romero def. The Young Bucks, Adam Cole and Bobby Fish

Grade: B

Dan Lambert returns and calls out Tony Khan, confronted by Cody Rhodes on AEW Rampage

Dan Lambert was back on AEW programming and in the ring with Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page. Lambert slammed the praise Tony Khan has been getting, and he slammed the AEW President for pushing wrestlers like Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara.

Lambert added that while Tony Khan was dangling signings like CM Punk and Bryan Danielson to the fans like carrots, he gave title shots to his friends and EVPs.

Cody Rhodes' music hit during Lambert's promo. Cody was showered with boos as he headed into the ring and grabbed the mic from Dan Lambert.

After a brief back and forth over the mic, Cody got attacked by Sky and Page. Dustin Rhodes ran out to save his younger brother but the numbers were against him.

Sammy Guevara then came out to even the odds, taking Sky down with a Springboard Cutter before clotheslining Ethan Page off the apron.

We also learned that a big match has been booked for AEW Rampage next week. Cody Rhodes and Sammy Guevara will join forces in tag team action to take on Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky.

Tay Conti vs Penelope Ford (Submission match) on AEW Rampage

Tay Conti started strong on AEW Rampage, forcing Penelope Ford to retreat out to ringside early on.

Conti followed her out but was sent back-first into a ringpost. Ford then went for a strike but Conti ducked and Penelope ended up hitting the ringpost.

Back in the ring, Penelope Ford went for a handspring elbow but Conti caught her with double knees in the corner. Conti then caught Ford in a submission hold, wrenching back the shoulder. But The Bunny got on the apron and distracted the referee.

Conti then locked in a chokehold on the middle rope, but Ford countered it into a modified Dragon Sleeper. Ford followed it up with a Springboard Cutter, which she maneuvered into a cravat hold. Conti hit back with a pump kick but got caught with a heel kick to the side of the face.

Conti retaliated by locking in a modified rear naked choke, forcing Ford to tap out.

Result: Tay Conti def. Penelope Ford

Grade: B-

The Bunny attacked Tay Conti with the brass knuckles after the match before Anna Jay came in with a steel chair and cleared the ring.

Owen Hart Cup details

We also got some details regarding the Owen Hart Cup which starts next May.

Lucha Bros, Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz vs Daniel Garcia, 2point0 and The Acclaimed on AEW Rampage

The main event of AEW Rampage started in chaos as we saw the 10 men brawling at ringside. The bell finally rang with Max Caster and Penta inside the ring as the legal men.

Penta and Caster traded strikes and the luchador got the better of the exchange. Penta tagged Fenix in and the brothers were all over Caster.

Max broke free from an attempted suplex and tagged out. Anthony Bowens and Ortiz tagged in. The Inner Circle member tagged Santana in and they briefly double-teamed Bowens.

Things broke down at ringside once again during the ad break.

Back from commercial, 2point0 tried to double team Santana but got hit with a springboard moonsault. Santana tagged Penta in and he dished out Slingblades to Lee and Parker before taking out Garcia and Bowens.

Max Caster tried to blindside Penta but he tagged Fenix back in. Fenix headed to the top rope and hit a flying knee to Daniel Garcia. He followed it up with a spinning kick to Bowens before tagging Eddie Kingston in.

Kingston was about to get his hands on Daniel Garcia when 2point0 pulled him out of the ring. Things broke down in the ring once again at this point.

It was Garcia and Kingston alone in the ring at this point. Garcia managed to roll-up Eddie Kingston and pulled the tights to pick up the win.

Result: Daniel Garcia, 2point0 and The Acclaimed def. Lucha Bros, Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz

Grade: B

Jungle Boy, Christian Cage and Luchasaurus came out and cleared the ring to make the save after the match.

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Edited by Alan John