AEW Dynamite Results: Dolph Ziggler's brother debuts, Team reunite after 5 years, and more (January 27th, 2021)

What a night on AEW Dynamite (Pic Courtes
What a night on AEW Dynamite (Pic Courtesy: AEW

As always, this week's AEW Dynamite had a stacked card with several big matches and moments.

Dolph Ziggler's brother, Ryan Nemeth, went up against Hangman Page. Dr. Britt Baker faced a seasoned talent in Shanna. Jungle Boy and Dax Harwood, known as established tag team wrestlers, engaged in a singles match.

The Tag Team Champions from AEW and IMPACT Wrestling teamed up for a great match against The Dark Order. Dynamite also had segments featuring Cody Rhodes and Sting, in addition to The Inner Circle being in action.

Here are the results and highlights of the latest AEW Dynamite episode:

Lance Archer vs. Eddie Kingston kicked off AEW Dynamite

A singles match between Eddie Kingston and Lance Archer on AEW Dynamite has been in the making for a long time, which was expected to be a hard-hitting contest.

Archer sent Jake 'The Snake' Roberts to the back, much to the legend's disappointment. The match got underway with Kingston going on the offensive. Archer took his shirt off and rattled Kingston with a big boot and multiple splashes in the corner.

Kingston did everything in his power to level the playing field against his larger opponent. Eddie got some control in the match as he connected with knuckle shots to the ribs of Archer.

The commentators highlighted Kingston's street fighting roots. Both men, as expected, went at it and exchanged hard shots. Archer weathered the early storm and floored Kingston with a big shoulder tackle. It was Archer's turn now to land several chops on Kingston's chest.

Archer dropped Kingston with a chokeslam on the apron from inside the ring. That looked brutal, and it got the fans to chant 'holy s***'!

Archer followed Kingston on the outside, and he rammed his head into the camera. Lance was relishing the opportunity to punish Kingston, who was sent into the guard railing.

Back in the ring, Archer continued his dominance with a full nelson slam on Kingston. The former NJPW star went up to the middle rope for a splash, and he broke up the pinfall.

Kingston went for the back fist, but Archer caught his arm. Eddie responded with a basement dropkick and a running strike, which got him a two-count.

Archer countered with a clothesline, and he followed it up with a blackout attempt. Kingston saved himself by coming off the back door. Archer caught him with a ripcord chokeslam.

Kingston's lower back gave him a lot of trouble, but Archer continued to show off by walking the top rope and delivering the moonsault press. Impressive!

Archer was relentless, but he was distracted by The Butcher and The Blade, who got a beaten-up Jake Roberts near the ramp. Bunny handed Kingston a knuckle duster from the ringside area while the referee wasn't looking.

Kingston put on the knuckle duster and stunned Archer with the back fist for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: Eddie Kingston def. Lance Archer via pinfall on AEW Dynamite

Grade: -B

Butcher, Blade, Bunny, and Eddie Kingston attacked Archer after the match on AEW Dynamite.

Jon Moxley promo

Jon Moxley cut a promo in which he spoke about The Elite. He felt that the alliance between The Bucks, Kenny Omega, and The Good Brothers would not work in the long run in AEW.

Moxley said that he was a simple man, and he listed all the things he liked doing. The former AEW World Champion ended his promo by hyping up the six-man tag team match on next week's Beach Break episode.

Sting and Darby Allin send a message to Brian Cage and Ricky Starks

Sting began his promo by saying that he was hurt by Team Taz's false allegations against himself and Darby Allin.

Sting admitted that Darby is a hoodlum. The AEW TNT Champion stood up and said that the streets were all about survival. He rammed his skateboard into the glass. Sting followed suit and broke some glass with his bat. Sting ended the segment by saying that he was a hoodlum too and that they were ready for a fight at the AEW Revolution show.

MJF & Chris Jericho vs. The Varsity Blondes on AEW Dynamite

MJF berated Garrison before the match and offered him the chance to quit. Garrison reacted by going on the offensive. The Varsity Blonde was on a roll as he rocked MJF with a big boot.

MJF went to the outside and tried to get a chair before being stopped by his Inner Circle stablemates. MJF made the tag to Chris Jericho, who rushed towards Garrison only to get tripped. Pillman came in, and he worked in tandem with his partner to execute a fast-paced sequence of moves.

Jericho was on the ropes as he got taken down with a dropkick. MJF connected with a sneaky knee to the lower back of Pillman, which was enough to shift the momentum in favor of the heels.

We went to the first picture-in-picture commercial of the match. MJF was the legal man now, and he was wearing down Pillman.

Pillman found himself in the wrong corner as MJF and Jericho beat him down. The Inner Circle members executed a double team facebuster on Pillman.

Pillman Jr. was in a precarious position as Jericho had him on the top turnbuckle. Jericho, however, failed to hit the suplex as Pillman dropped his opponent down.

Brian then leaped off the top for a cross body on Jericho. Pillman finally made the hot tag to Garrison, who came in and took out both MJF and Jericho.

Pillman connected with splashes on both men, followed by a double spear. He got a near fall for his efforts. Pillman got the tag, and he landed the missile dropkick on MJF.

He rocked Jericho with a thrust kick for a very near fall. That was really close! Jericho and Pillman then exchanged elbow strikes. The veteran got the better of the exchange, but he got sent outside the ring. Pillman connected with a dropkick through the ropes.

Back in the ring, Pillman got caught with a Judas Effect in mid-air. Jericho followed it up with the Lionsault for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: MJF & Chris Jericho def. The Varsity Blondes on AEW Dynamite

Grade: B

The Inner Circle celebrated the win together after the AEW Dynamite match, but MJF and Sammy Guevara's differences were all there to be seen.

PAC cuts an intense promo on Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers

PAC was in top form as he cut a promo to hype up next week's AEW Beach Break match. PAC was ready to bring the heat with Rey Fenix against Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers.

Cody responds to Shaquille O'Neal

Shaq called out Cody earlier in the day, and he said that the former AEW TNT Champion was a 'punk.' The NBA legend meant business, and he was ready to fight Cody in March.

It was Cody's turn to respond. Tony Schiavone introduced Rhodes and Arn Anderson for the AEW Dynamite segment.

Cody said that he would have liked to have teamed up with Brandi Rhodes to face Shaq and Jade Cargill at Revolution on March 7th, 2021. However, Brandi's pregnancy would prevent that from happening.

Cody said that in times like these, he turns to Arn Anderson for advice and direction. Cody recalled getting his 'a** chewed out' a few times before shifting the attention to Arn.

Arn took the mic and said that Cody is becoming a father, which should be the most essential thing in his life.

Arn Anderson reminisced a story from the 80s when he saw Dusty Rhodes compete in a 30-minute match and then travel to witness the birth of Cody.

Arn explained that Shaq dominated the sport of Basketball for years. He said that Jade also dominates the stage whenever she shows up. The veteran added that he would like for Cody to see something while he ponders his future. This was the cue for Red Velvet's entrance.

Red Velvet walked towards the ring and cut a promo. Velvet was fed up with the attacks and Cargill disrespecting Brandi Rhodes.

Cody and Red Velvet issued their challenge, and the ball was now in Shaq and Jade's court.

Cody & Red Velvet vs. Shaq and Jade Cargill seems set to AEW Revolution.

Ryan Nemeth vs. Hangman Page on AEW Dynamite

Dolph Ziggler's brother was labeled as the Hollywood Hunk, but he had a challenging task ahead of him on his AEW debut against Hangman Adam Page.

Page used the size advantage to take control of the match. Hangman stomped on Nemeth in the corner before sending him out with a springboard strike. He elevated over the rope with a splash. The action was back inside the ring, and Ryan connected with a dropkick, which got him a one-count.

Matt Hardy showed up at ringside for potential scouting purposes. However, who was he trying to scout here?

Nemeth delivered a hanging neckbreaker for a two-count. Hangman, however, responded with two explosive clotheslines. The spine buster followed, and Hangman was feeling it. He delivered a clothesline in the corner and a sliding lariat for near fall.

Ryan fought out of the fireman's carry position and spiked Hangman with a DDT for a two-count. Nemeth looked solid thus far on his AEW debut.

Nemeth went for the German suplex, but Hangman landed on his feet and connected with a spinning fist. He followed it up with a powerful shot before taking Nemeth's head off with the Buckshot Lariat. Pinfall...1...2...3!

Result: Hangman Page def. Ryan Nemeth via pinfall on AEW Dynamite

Grade: -B

Matt Hardy's support for Hangman Page

Matt Hardy looked impressed as he clapped for Page's efforts on the ramp. Hardy was stopped by Page just as he started to walk towards the back on AEW Dynamite.

Schiavone came to the ring to do some investigative journalism. He wanted to know what was happening between Matt and Page.

Matt Hardy explained that he was in Page's corner today to show his support. The former WWE Star felt that Adam Page was conflicted and going through a lot. Big Money Matt added that Hangman was a good person and that he deserved better in AEW.

Jungle Boy vs. Dax Harwood on AEW Dynamite

As promised, Tully Blanchard, Luchasaurs, Cash Wheeler were handcuffed to each other, and they took their seats at ringside on AEW Dynamite.

Jungle Boy and Dax Harwood stared each other down in the ring before engaging in the collar and elbow tie-up. Harwood laid out Jungle Boy with a powerful shoulder tackle, and the FTR member continued with the trash talk.

Jungle Boy reacted well with a dropkick and a double-leg takedown attempt. Blanchard and Wheeler wanted to get involved, but Luchasaurus kept them stationary.

Harwood and Jungle Boy exchanged a series of chops. The complexion of the match changed when Harwood went shoulder-first into the steel ring post. Jungle Boy tried to lock in the Fujiwara armbar, but Harwood dropped him with an uppercut.

Jungle Boy countered with a classic side suplex. Harwood was then sent to the outside with a clothesline. Dax punished Jungle Boy with uppercuts on the outside.

We were back in the ring after the commercial break, and Harwood got a two-count with the bridged Northern Lights suplex.

Jungle Boy fought out of a chin lock before momentarily trying to trap Dax in a sleeper hold. Harwood countered with a suplex, and he resumed with his attempts to wear Jungle Boy down in the AEW Dynamite match.

Jungle Boy finally created some separation with a jawbreaker and a hard elbow strike. Jungle Boy swung and missed, but he managed to land follow-up elbows.

Harwood planted Jungle Boy with a back suplex from the top rope. Jungle Boy kicked out at two and a half, and Harwood felt some discomfort in his shoulder after the bump.

The former AEW Tag Team Champion drove his boots into Jungle Boy's face.

Jungle Boy showed heart and resilience by getting in Harwood's face and slapping him. Harwood became wobbly with a superkick, but he stopped Jungle Boy's momentum with a big strike. 'This is awesome' chants broke out on AEW Dynamite.

Jungle Boy got a near fall with a quick roll-up. Harwood got a 2.99 with a slingshot powerbomb. Intense! Harwood attempted the Dragon suplex, but Jungle Boy broke out of the Full Nelson position.

Jungle then connected with the backstabber before delivering two German suplexes. He returned fire with a clothesline.

A quick exchange ended with Dax planting Jungle Boy into the mat with a DDT, which got him another near fall. Harwood started to look frustrated, and he positioned Jungle Boy on the top turnbuckle.

Jungle Boy pushed him down before leaping off for a crossbody. Both men went on to exchange several pinfall combinations. The sequence rightfully got another 'This is awesome' chant. Harwood and Jungle Boy were tearing the house down on AEW Dynamite.

Jungle Boy managed to lock in the Snare Trap, and Dax Harwood was forced to tap out. This was a phenomenal AEW Match!

Result: Jungle Boy def. Dax Harwood

Grade: A

Tully Blanchard sprayed some powder in Luchasaurus' eyes. The handcuffs were off, and Wheeler attacked Jungle Boy in the ring. Tully Blanchard also joined in the action by helping with the assisted spike DDT.

FTR cut off Luchasaurus' horns and handcuffed him to the ropes. They wanted to cut Jungle Boy's hair, but Marko Stunt and Top Flight came to the rescue on AEW Dynamite.

Team Taz respond to Darby Allin & Sting

Taz was shown with his boys outside the arena on AEW Dynamite. Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, Hook, and Powerhouse Hobbs attacked a few crew members and vandalized property to send a stern message to Darby Allin and Sting, who themselves broke glass earlier in the night.

Taz ended the AEW segment by warning Sting and Allin of the consequences of their feud.

Britt Baker vs. Shanna on AEW Dynamite

Shanna, a well-traveled wrestler and an AEW Dark regular, was looking to make a big impression against Britt Baker. She enjoyed some wrist control against the Doc in the early goings of the match.

Baker overpowered Shanna in a collar and elbow tie-up before rocking her with a stiff forearm shot. Shanna reacted with a couple of arm drags and a step-up enzuigiri.

Shanna attempted the sliding dropkick, but Reba pulled Baker out of the way. It was a turning point in the match as Baker took control of the proceedings by attacking Shanna at ringside.

Baker even executed a sling blade on Shanna on the floor. Baker was enjoying the punishment that she was dishing out on Shanna.

Shanna began to mount a comeback with some blows and a massive clothesline. Baker executed a smooth transition into a crucifix pin for a two-count. She delivered the snap swinging neck breaker, but Shanna kicked out at two, much to Baker's surprise.

The glove was on courtesy of Reba, but Shanna almost stole the win with a pinfall attempt. Shanna felt the power surging through her body, and she charged up for a running dropkick.

Baker reversed the Tiger suplex attempt to trap Shanna in the Lockjaw. Shanna tapped out.

Result: Britt Baker def. Shanna via submission on AEW Dynamite

Grade: B

Baker gave Shanna a curb stomp and sinched in the Lockjaw once again after the match. Thunder Rosa's music hit, and out came the former NWA Women's Champion.

Baker and Reba fled the scene as Rosa checked up on Shanna in the ring. Rosa will take on Baker next week on Beach Break.

MJF promised Sammy Guevara that Wardlow would never interfere in his matches again. Sammy, though, wasn't buying MJF's promise. The AEW segment ended with both Inner Circle members having a staredown.

AEW Dynamite Main Event: The Young Bucks & The Good Brothers vs. Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds of The Dark Order

The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers were involved in a pre-match AEW segment ahead of their first tag team match together in five years. The Bucks seemed to have problems with Don Callis, and the Bullet Club reunion doesn't seem all that rosy.

However, it was time for a stacked AEW Dynamite main event, and all the competitors made their entrances.

Evil Uno and Karl Anderson got the match underway. Uno got the side headlock before backing Anderson against the ropes. Uno enjoyed the early momentum with a Manhattan Drop and a kick.

Johnny Hungry got the tag, and he wanted to mix it up with the biggest man in the match, Luke Gallows. Silver seemed unfazed by Gallows' size. The IMPACT Wrestling star mocked Silver by going down on his knee.

Silver attacked, but a distraction helped The Bucks and The Good Brothers take control of the AEW Dynamite main event.

Reynolds came in, but he suffered the same fate as Bucks, and the Brothers dominated. All four members took turns to kick Reynolds in the corner. They made the too sweet gesture.

Reynolds somehow managed to tag Grayson, who flew in for a big move. Stu shut down a superkick attempt and delivered a suplex. Grayson was bossing it in the ring as he got a near fall with a frog splash on Anderson.

A distraction from Gallows helped his team get the advantage yet again. This time, it was Grayson who got worked over by the tag team champions.

The Bucks and the brothers made frequent tags. Grayson created the much-needed separation with a sit-out facebuster. Things broke down as The Good Brothers and Bucks attacked the members who were waiting for the tag.

The action spilled over to the outside as Bucks, Gallows, and Anderson unsuccessfully went for a triple powerbomb. All men remained outside as John Silver looked to win it for his team against Nick Jackson.

Silver took out Gallows, Anderson, and Matt Jackson on the outside before rolling back in and dropping Nick Jackson with a furious kick combo. He got a near fall.

Uno got the tag, and Matt was back in the ring. He delivered a double Northern Lights suplex. Matt was in his element as he looked to clear the ring.

However, Uno and Grayson delivered the Fatality on Matt Jackson. Nick rushed in to break the count.

Nick followed it up with a massive Escalada on his opponents. They finally did the three-way powerbomb around the ring.

Grayson was isolated in the ring, and he got hit with a quadruple superkick. Uno made the save this time by breaking up the pin.

However, Uno was sent back out, and Grayson was yet again left alone in the ring. The Bucks finished the match with the Meltzer Driver.

Result: The Young Bucks & The Good Brothers def. The Dark Order via pinfall on AEW Dynamite

Grade: A

The Bucks spoke about next week's AEW Tag Team Battle Royal match to determine the new #1 contenders for the AEW Tag Team titles. The Bucks are also in the contest, and if they win, they will get to choose their AEW Revolution opponents.

Rey Fenix ran towards the ring and attacked the Bucks. The Good Brothers targetted Fenix, but Moxley appeared.

Kenny Omega tried to blindside Mox, but the former AEW World Champion planted the reigning titleholder with the Paradigm Shift.

That was AEW Dynamite, folks! Did you like it? How much would you rate it out of ten? Let us know your thoughts and ratings in the comments section.

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Edited by Anirban Banerjee