AEW Dynamite Results: 'Cameraman' attacks Hangman Page, Chris Jericho destroyed, Former WWE star takes out Jungle Boy

Hangman Page was left in a bloody mess ahead of Full Gear
Hangman Page was left in a bloody mess ahead of Full Gear

The go-home edition of AEW Dynamite ahead of Full Gear did a lot to build more hype for this Saturday's pay-per-view. The show closed with a contract signing segment between Kenny Omega and Hangman Page with a surprise at the end. We also had Rocky Romero wrestling his first match on Dynamite, a former WWE star attacking Jungle Boy, and more.

Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero kicked off AEW Dynamite

Rocky Romero made his in-ring AEW Dynamite debut as he faced Bryan Danielson in the night's opening match. Danielson dominated the early stages of the bout, locking in a Surf Board lock early. Romero fought back with a Cutter before Danielson hit back with a German Suplex for a two-count. Danielson followed it up with boots to the chest in the corner.

Rocky Romero tried to lock in an armbreaker, but Danielson saw it coming, blocked it, and got in an ankle lock. Romero fought out of it and briefly managed to lock in the armbreaker.

Romero then hit a Sliced Bread but Bryan blocked it and hit some nasty-looking stomps in the middle of the ring. Danielson then locked in a Tequila Sunrise and forced Rocky Romero to tap out.

Result: Bryan Danielson def. Rocky Romero

Grade: B+

Men Of The Year and American Top Team ambush The Inner Circle

As The Inner Circle made their entrance, they were attacked from behind by Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky, and the American Top Team members, including Arlovski and JDS. The Men of the Year held Samy Guevara as Junior dos Santos punched him in the stomach. They then turned their attention to Chris Jericho, and Ethan Page smashed him across the back with a kendo stick before tossing him inside the ring where a table had been set up.

Dan Lambert was on the middle rope and, with the help of Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, hit Jericho with an assisted Powerbomb through the table.

Dan Lambert then locked in the Walls of Jericho on the master of the move, as the fans in the arena showered him with boos.

Dr. Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter and Rebel vs. Thunder Rosa, Tay Conti and Anna Jay on AEW Dynamite

Dr. Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa squared off early, but the AEW Women's Champion quickly retreated after an attempted Fire Thunder Driver. Baker tagged in Rebel.

Thunder Rosa was briefly in control before she tagged out with Anna Jay coming in. Jamie Hayter grabbed Jay in a chokehold from ringside.

The heels still had Anna Jay trapped in their corner following the commercial break as Dr. Britt Baker tagged back in. Anna quickly hit back with both women tagging out.

Tay Conti came in on the hot tag and took down all three heels with clotheslines, following it up with a series of pump kicks. Conti then hit Jamie Hayter with the Tay-KO, but Baker broke up the cover.

Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker then hit a Backbreaker-Superkick combo, but Thunder Rosa broke the ensuing pin. Rosa then headed to the top rope and took out Jamie Hayter at ringside. Tay Conti had Rebel alone in the ring with her and hit the DD-Tay for the win.

Result: Thunder Rosa, Tay Conti and Anna Jay def. Dr. Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel

Grade: B-

Jungle Boy vs Anthony Bowens on AEW Dynamite

Max Caster rapped as The Acclaimed made their way down to the ring on AEW Dynamite, taking a shot at Anna Jay, Jungle Boy's girlfriend.

Caster's rap may have gotten a little into Jungle Boy's head as Bowens dominated the match's opening stages. Jungle Boy hit back with his patented armdrag and followed it up with knife-edged chops. The match spilled out to ringside, and Bowens and Caster got into a verbal fight with a fan, giving Jungle Boy the chance to get back in it.

Bowens took control again back in the ring, teeing off on Jungle Boy with more chops in the corner.

The Jurassic Express member hit back with a low Dropkick to the knee followed by a Lariat, taking Bowens down. More back and forth followed before Jungle Boy went to finish off the match. He locked in a Snare Trap on Bowens, who tried to reach the bottom rope but ended up tapping out instead.

Result: Jungle Boy def. Anthony Bowens

Grade: B

As Jungle Boy celebrated in the ring, Bobby Fish ran down and attacked him from behind. He continued the punishment until Christian Cage, and Luchasaurus ran down to the ring to chase him away.

Adam Cole and Bobby Fish have a small reunion in AEW

Adam Cole and The Young Bucks were backstage on AEW Dynamite when Bobby Fish walked up to them after his attack on Jungle Boy. With Fish set to face Jungle Boy on Rampage, Cole told his former Undisputed Era member to take care of business on Friday but leave a little for him and The Young Bucks at Full Gear.

Wardlow vs Wheeler Yuta on AEW Dynamite

Wheelered Yuta immediately hit a dropkick but Wardlow didn't even flinch. Yuta did his best to avoid Wardlow's offense but it didn't last long. Wardlow capitalized on a mistake by Yuta and hit him with a Uranage, followed by a massive powerbomb. Wardlow followed it up with a second Powerbomb as the fans chanted "One more time."

He went on to deliver a third and a fourth powerbomb, totallly dominating the match.

Wardlow followed it up with the rising knee strike in the corner and that was more than enough to put away Wheeler Yuta. Wardlow completely dominated that match.

Result: Wardlow def. Wheeler Yuta

Grade: B

As Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor were checking on Wheeler Yuta, The Blade and Isiah Kassidy came down to the ring and attacked them from behind. Matt Hardy, who was at ringside, got into the ring with a steel chair. Hardy wrapped the chair around Orange Cassidy's neck and hit him with a Twist of Fate.

CM Punk and Eddie Kingston clash backstage on Dynamite

We got backstage footage of CM Punk and Eddie Kingston getting into it again before their match at AEW Full Gear.

Dante Martin and Lio Rush vs. Lee Moriarty and Matt Sydal on AEW Dynamite

Lee Moriarty and Dante Martin started things off on AEW Dynamite. The pace was high from the beginning as they matched each other, move for move, with fans breaking into applause after their back and forth.

Both men tagged out, with Sydal and Lio Rush continuing the fast-paced action. Rush hit a hurricanrana to take control before tagging Dante Martin back in. Martin missed with a dropkick, and Sydal hit a standing Corkscrew Moonsault. Moriarty tagged in and locked in an abdominal stretch.

Back from a commercial break, Dante Martin and Matt Sydal were the legal men as Martin launched himself off the middle rope to hit a shotgun dropkick. Both men tagged out.

We saw some incredible offense from Lio Rush as he took down both Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty. Rush then hit a tope suicida taking out Moriarty at ringside.

Dante Martin tagged in and hit Lee Moriarty with his Springboard Moonsault and pinned him to pick up the win.

Result: Dante Martin and Lio Rush def. Lee Moriarty and Matt Sydal

Grade: A

Miro sends a warning to Bryan Danielson

Miro sent a warning to Bryan Danielson ahead of their World Title Eliminator final at AEW Full Gear. Miro said that he needed to drape the AEW World Championship belt over his shoulder, and Danielson was in his way.

Dax Harwood vs PAC on AEW Dynamite

Dax Harwood was in singles action next on AEW Dynamite as he took on PAC. Both men went toe to toe in the early stages of the match and Dax didn't look off the pace at all despite being a tag team specialist.

Both men continued to tee off on one another. The match spilled out to ringside as PAC hit a backdrop onto the entrance area. Harwood crawled back into the ring and PAC immediately stomped him in the head. Dax hit back with a spinebuster before locking in an abdominal stretch.

Both men were soon teetering on the top rope as PAC hit a top-rope avalanche Brainbuster. The Death Triangle member was in complete control at this stage of the match, heading to the top rope for the Black Arrow. But Harwood rolled away. Dax then hit a brainbuster out of nowhere for a two-count. PAC hit back with a thrust kick and headed back to the top rope. Harwood joined PAC on the top turnbuckle and hit a backdrop.

More back and forth ensued and Harwood went to hit an uppercut. PAC transitioned it into the Brutalizer, forcing Harwood to tap out.

Result: PAC def. Dax Harwood

Grade: A

PAC didn't let go of the hold after the bell, forcing Cash Wheeler to come out. The lights went out and Malakai Black and Andrade joined them. The Lucha Brothers and Cody Rhodes came out to make the save, clearing the ring.

Hangman Page and Kenny Omega sign the contract ahead of AEW Full Gear

The final segment of AEW Dynamite was the contract signing segment between World Champion Kenny Omega and the No.1 Contender Hangman Page.

Hangman put pen to paper first, saying that the sooner he signed, the sooner he could get his hands on Omega. Kenny Omega replied that he didn't share Hangman's enthusiasm.

Omega said they used to be friends, and if it wasn't for Hangman's insecurities and failures, they would not be in this position.

Hangman replied that he wasn't the only former tag team partner Kenny Omega ended up falling out with. Page added that Omega had told him that he wasn't good enough and once told him after beating him in a match that he was proud of Hangman. Page added that Omega's words had driven him where he is today and promised to leave AEW Full Gear as the World Champion.

Kenny Omega then offered to shake hands with Hangman Page one last time before the pay-per-view. Omega started to walk away when the cameraman attacked Hangman Page from behind. It turned out to be Don Callis in disguise. Hangman was busted open as Callis talked trash on the mic, and Omega signed the contract with Hangman Page's blood.

That was a really good way to finish off the go-home edition of Dynamite as we look forward to Rampage and then AEW Full Gear 2021.

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Edited by Alan John