AEW Dynamite Homecoming Results: Two former WWE Superstars debut; WCW legend faces Chris Jericho after 22 years; possible retirement?

Malakai Black (L) squashes Cody Rhodes; Juventud Guerrera (R) faced Chris Jericho after 22 years
Malakai Black (L) squashes Cody Rhodes; Juventud Guerrera (R) faced Chris Jericho after 22 years

AEW Dynamite Homecoming did not disappoint. The main event saw Cody face Malakai Black in the latter's in-ring debut for AEW. We also saw two former WWE NXT stars making their AEW Dynamite debut. Miro was in action defending the TNT Championship against Lee Johnson. We also had the third Labour of Jericho, which saw Chris Jericho face Juventud Guerrera after more than two decades.

Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera kicked off AEW Dynamite

Chris Jericho's third labor saw him take on WCW legend Juventud Guerrera, who returned to TNT after more than two decades. The last time these two wrestled each other came 22 years ago in 1999. Guerrara headed to the top rope early and hit a Hurricanrana.

Chris Jericho then sent Juventud crashing out of the ring early on in the matchup. They returned to the ring after a brief brawl at ringside and Jericho, in line with the stipulation, hit a crossbody from the top rope. It wasn't enough to put Juventud away. Guerrera responded with some incredible high-flying moves of his own. He followed up with the Juvi Driver but it wasn't enough to put Jericho away.

The finish of the match saw Jericho tear at Juventud Guerrera's mask. He then briefly locked in the Liontamer before hitting Juventud with the Judas Effect. However, as per the stipulation Jericho needed to hit a top rope maneuver to get the win. Jericho headed to the top rope and hit an incredible flying Judas Effect. Jericho then made the cover and picked up the win.

Chris Jericho def. Juventud Guerrera


Wardlow hit the ring after the match and destroyed both Chris Jericho and Juventud Guerrera. MJF then took the mic and announced that Jericho's next labour would see him face Wardlow. MJF also announced that he would be at ringside.

Dasha caught up with Death Triangle backstage and PAC was not there. They were then interrupted by Andrade and Chavo Guerrero.

The Dark Order and Hangman Page lost their big match against The Elite last week on AEW Dynamite. Tony Schiavone caught up with them backstage.

Former WWE head writer Vince Russo has a very interesting take on the whole Chris Jericho vs. MJF storyline in AEW. In this episode, Russo also speaks at length about the genius of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts. Check out the entire video here:


Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston and Darby Allin vs Daniel Garcia and 2.0 on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming

2.0, who were formerly known as Ever-Rise in WWE, made their AEW Dynamite debut.

Darby Allin and Daniel Garcia started the match against Daniel Garcia but Matt Lee tagged himself in early on. Darby was on the backfoot at this point and tagged Eddie Kingston in.

Matt Lee chopped Kingston in the chest. Kingston hit back with a series of strikes before booting Lee in the corner. As the referee had his back turned, the former AEW World Champion choked Lee in the corner. Lee fought back and tagged Jeff Parker in. They traded tags and isolated Eddie Kingston in their corner, while rotating tags.

Kingston hit back with a few chops of his own before both Kingston and Parker went down with simultaneous clotheslines. Kingston was about to make the tag when Lee and Garcia ran in, stopping him in his tracks. Jon Moxley had seen enough and he took it to Garcia at ringside. Darby Allin took out Matt Lee with a suicide dive out to ringside.

Inside the ring, Eddie Kingston finally made the tag, tagging in on Moxley. Moxley hit Daniel Garcia with the Paradigm Shift and tagged in Darby Allin who followed up with a Coffin Drop for the win on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming.

Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston and Darby Allin def. Daniel Garcia and 2.0


Christian Cage vs The Blade on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming

Christian Cage attacked The Blade while he was still making his entrance, clearly still angry with his attack last week on AEW Dynamite. The Bunny got involved early on, holding Christian's leg while he was on the top rope. We then saw Leyla Hirsch come out, chasing The Bunny away.

The Blade took contol of the match and was all over Cage at this point. He went for a couple of cover attempts but only managed a two-count. He continued to punish Christian with shoulder thrusts and chops in the corner. Christian hit back with right hands of his own but The Blade retained control with a thumb to the eye.

With The Blade out at ringside, Christian hit a double axe-handle off the top rope. Back in the ring, Christian hit a series of right hands and was in total control at this point of the match. He went for the cover but only managed a two-count.

The Blade tore off one of the top turnbuckles and had the referee distracted who was trying to fix it. The Blade then took the brass knuckles but Christian hit him with a Spear when he turned around and pinned him.

Christian Cage def. The Blade on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming


Red Velvet challenged Dr. Britt Baker on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming

Dr. Britt Baker said that she became AEW Women's Champion in Daily's Place in Jacksonville. She was interrupted by Red Velvet who came down to the ring. Red Velvet said that she wanted a piece of the AEW Women's Champion. Britt Baker reminded Red Velvet about how she beat her in less than three minutes.

Red Velvet reminded the champion that she was on a winning streak. Baker accepted the challenge and the match will be set for the debut episode of AEW Rampage on August 15th, which takes place from Britt Baker's hometown of Pittsburgh.

Andrade El Idolo was backstage with Dasha again and was asked about the Lucha Bros rejecting his offer. Chavo Guerrero interrupted and told Andrade he had found someone to work for him. It turned out to be Fuego Del Sol. Fuego was told that his job was to shine Andrade's shoes which definitely took him by surprise. Andrade then attacked Fuego Del Sol and sent him face first into the steel gate next to him, laying him out.

The Elite confront Hangman Page on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming

Hangman Page was in the AEW ring with Tony Schiavone when they were interrupted by The Elite. Hangman said that he needed to say something to The Elite but Kenny Omega interrupted him. Kenny said that there was no place for a loser like Hangman Page in The Elite. Hangman had enough at this point and threw a right hand at Kenny Omega.

The Elite were all over Hangman Page and The Dark Order almost came out to help, only for Grayson and Uno to hold them back and remind them what Hangman had told them earlier on in the night. Frankie Kazarian did come out to try and help and briefly had some success but the numbers were against him.

After taking The Elite Hunter out, The Elite turned their attention back to Hangman Page. Omega told Page that he was going to give him one last good look at the AEW World Championship. After this, he took the title belt and smashed Hangman Page across the head, leaving him a crumpled heap in the middle of the ring.

AEW TNT Championship Match - Miro (C) vs Lee Johnson

Lee Johnson charged at Miro as soon as the bell rang for their match at AEW Dynamite: Homecoming, but The Redeemer took him down immediately. Miro was all over Johnson in the early stages of the match. Lee Johnson hit back with a boot to the head before leaping off the middle rope. Miro caught the challenger midair and slammed him down onto the mat. Johnson managed to roll out of the ring to buy himself some time.

Miro followed the challenger out to ringside and invited him to chop him in the chest. They barely had any effect on Miro, who suplexed Johnson on the floor before tossing him into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Lee Johnson tried to fight his way back to his feet but Miro wouldn't let up on the pressure. He caught the challenger in a bear hug. Lee Johnson hit back with a DDT but Miro was back on his feet. Lee Johnson followed up with a dropkick which sent Miro crashing out of the AEW ring. He followed it up with a series of dives. Johnson rolled Miro back into the ring and headed to the top rope, hitting a crossbody but it didn't keep the champ down for long.

Miro hit a German Suplex but Johnson landed on his feet, hitting the champ with a series of superkicks as he turned around. Johnson hit a Frog Splash off the top rope but it only got a two-count. Miro took Johnson down with a brutal Superkick before locking in the Game Over, forcing Johnson to tap out.

Miro def. Lee Johnson on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming


Christian was announced as the new #1 contender for the AEW World Championship

Christian Cage was backstage with Tony Schiavone where we learned that he's the new #1 contender for the AEW World Championship.

The Bunny vs Leyla Hirsch [NWA Women's Championship eliminator]

Leya Hirsch had the Best Friends as backup to counter the HFO who had accompanied The Bunny to the ring. We saw Hirsch hitting a dive out to ringside early on. Back in the ring, she attempted to lock in the armbar early. The Bunny hit back with a backstabber before tossing Hirsch out of the ring. The Bunny followed her out and dropkicked Hirsch into the barricade.

Back inside the ring, The Bunny continued to dominate the match until Hirsch finally found her opening. She couldn't put The Bunny away and locked in the Crossarm Breaker. The Bunny turned it into a inning attempt, getting a two-count. Hirsch caught The Bunny with a knee strike but missed her attempted Moonsault. The Bunny capitalized and hit a Death Valley Driver, only getting a two-count. Hirsch locked in another Cross Armbreaker and this time she was forced to tap out.

Leyla Hirsch def. The Bunny on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming


Malakai Black vs Cody Rhodes to close the show at AEW Dynamite: Homecoming

Malakai Black started the match on AEW Dynamite: Homecoming strong, locking in a half-Boston Crab early on, forcing Cody Rhodes to reach the bottom rope to break the hold. Black charged at Cody again who tried to catch him in the Cross Rhodes. Black broke out with a knee strike to the head. Cody then headed to the top rope and Black hit him with a pump kick, sending Cody crashing through the timekeeper's table.

Cody finally made his way back into the ring and Malakai Black caught him with his trademark spinning kick, taking Cody out. Black then covered Cody and it was all over that quickly.

Malakai Black def. Cody


What a debut by Malakai Black, beating Cody in the main event of AEW Dynamite Homecoming. Cody was still down afterward as Doc Sampson checked on him. Tony Schiavone joined Cody in the middle of the ring, asking Cody if he was okay. Cody said that when he started wrestling he only wanted to win back the title they took from his dad Dusty Rhodes.

He added that his goals had changed and gingerly made his way back to his feet. Cody said that people laught at him three years ago when they tried to start their wrestling revolution but now AEW was no longer just an alternative, it was competition.

While Cody was in the process of taking off his boots, Black came back out and struck him across the back with a crutch. It looks like we may not see Cody back in AEW for a little while.

Sportskeeda Wrestling's Jose G & Rico "El Glorioso" discuss and review both AEW Dynamite & WWE NXT in this week's edition of The Debrief. Check out the entire video below:


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Edited by Arjun Kumar