AEW Dark: Elevation Results: Jeff Hardy in action for the first time, Andrade El Idolo defeats popular star (18th April 2022)

The Hardys were in action on Elevation for the first time
The Hardys were in action on Elevation for the first time

Welcome to the results for AEW Dark: Elevation episode 59.

This week's episode featured seven matches with major names in action. Jeff Hardy made his debut on the show, and Andrade El Idolo defeated a member of The Dark Order.

Without any delay, let's jump into the results.

Kris Statlander vs. Ashley D'Amboise on AEW Dark: Elevation

Kris Statlander started fast with an early clothesline and hit an upper cut-knee strike combination. She then hit a reverse suplex and followed it up with a vertical suplex.

Galaxy's Favorite Alien delivered the Big Bang Theory for the win.

Result: Kris Statlander def. Ashley D'Amboise

Grade: C

Andrade El Idolo vs. Alan Angels on AEW Dark: Elevation

Both men locked up as Andrade caught Alan Angels in a headlock.

Angels hit a reverse hurricanrana, forcing Andrade to roll out of the ring. The latter hit a dropkick inside the ring and worked on the Dark Order member's arm. The number five of The Dark Order fought back with kicks and chops before delivering a Northern Lights Suplex. He hit a frog splash for a nearfall.

Finally, Andrade locked in a brutal submission hold for the hard-earned win.

Result: Andrade El Idolo def. Alan Angels

Grade: B

Tony Nese vs. J. Spade on AEW Dark: Elevation

Tony Nese backed J. Spade into the corner and hit a cheap shot to his throat. Nese then hit a running knee on the debutant and clubbed Spade with forearm strikes.

The debutant hit a leg lariat, but the Premier Athlete slammed his opponent before finishing the match with a running knee in the corner.

Result: Tony Nese def. J. Spade

Grade: C+

Dark Order vs. Allen Russell, Kameron Russell, Dale Springs, and Izaiah Zane on AEW Dark: Elevation

Stu Grayson got off to a hot start before all members of the Dark Order got inside the ring.

John Silver tagged in and tossed his opponent around before tagging in Alex Reynolds. The Dark Order traded quick tags to wear down Izaiah Zane.

All four members combined to deliver the Fatality for the win.

Result: Dark Order def. Allen Russell, Kameron Russell, Dale Springs, and Izaiah Zane

Grade: C+

Roppongi Vice vs. The Factory on AEW Dark: Elevation

Rocky Romero and Aaron Solo started the match before Trent Beretta made a blind tag and took Solo down. Nick Comoroto tagged in and hit a huge lariat as the heels took control. Beretta hit a tornado DDT and made the hot tag to Romero.

The latter hit a hurricanrana and delivered clotheslines in the corner. Comoroto interfered as he hit a spear for a nearfall. Trent hit a backdrop driver, and the Roppongi Vice combined to hit the Strong Zero for the win.

Result: Roppongi Vice def. The Factory

Grade: B+

Hikaru Shida, Ruby Soho and Anna Jay vs. The Bunny, Emi Sakura and Raychell Rose on AEW Dark: Elevation

The heels jump-started their opponents before the start of the match. The Bunny and Anna Jay got the match officially underway as the latter got the first nearfall of the match. The Bunny regained control, and the heels made quick tags to isolate the Dark Order member.

Ruby Soho got the hot tag and struck the Bunny multiple times with her knee. Hikaru Shida tagged in and hit a running knee for a nearfall. Shida fought off both Raychell Rose and Emi Sakura before all three babyfaces locked in their submission holds for the win.

Result: Hikaru Shida, Ruby Soho, and Anna Jay def. The Bunny, Emi Sakura, and Raychell Rose

Grade: D

Top Flight and The Hardys vs. Private Party, The Butcher and Angelico on AEW Dark: Elevation

Dante Martin and Isiah Kassidy started the match and traded locks. Dante mocked Kassidy and tagged in Darius Martin. After controlling Isiah in the corner, Jeff Hardy tagged into a huge ovation. Marq Quen prevented the Charismatic Enigma from delivering a top rope move, and the heels cut the ring in half.

Darius Martin got the hot tag and hit an enziguiri on Marq Quen, but Isiah hit a cutter on the top rope as the heels took control once again. He tagged in Dante Martin, who took out all his opponents.

He delivered a suicide dive as Matt Hardy made a blind tag and dropped Kassidy with a back body drop. Every wrestler in the match got their offense in inside the ring before Jeff Hardy finished the match by delivering a Swanton Bomb on Angelico.

Result: Top Flight and The Hardys def. Private Party, The Butcher, and Angelico on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: A

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Edited by Debottam Saha