Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R

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Sharon was told she needed a biopsy, but hid her medical concerns from her loved ones
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R

Jack got Jabot back for his father. John arrived in town with Traci and Steve. Jill accused Mac of thievery. Paul returned without Katherine. Ryan and Tricia grieved the loss of their child. Nikki and Brad shared a dance and a kiss.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, September 13, 1999

by Anne Carpenter

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The Big Buyout

Jack is at Gina's for a progress report from Ashley, but Diane showsup while he's waiting. Diane offers to help Jack, even though she'sstill not sure about him. Jack tells Diane their relationship was not allabout revenge. Ash walks up to the table and is snotty to Diane andDiane leaves the table. Ash is snotty to Jack too about even talkingto Diane. Jack lets Ash know John is AWOL. Ash does not trust Diane.Jack asks what else they have and Ash replies Jill. Jack asks aboutprogress on selling La Desconsolada, but there has been no interest onthat front yet. Ash lets Jack know she will have none of any last-minutescheme he might have up his sleeve. Jack and Ash suddenly realizeBilly should know when John will return and trot out of Gina's together.Diane watches them leave and thinks to herself, I wonder if Brad knowsJack is back and he's come up short.


A vehicle pulls up and Kay asks about Brock. It seems he went on toanother village where there is a lot of unrest. It's not safe for Kayto try to go there. Paul says he'll go, but Kay refuses. She'llstay and wait for Brock's return. Kay wants Paul to go back to GC andcheck on Mac. The relief organization lady assures Paul she will take careof Kay, so Paul leaves. Kay has more of the same flashback about Brock.She wonders if Brock will have room in his heart for a daughter, thenasks God to guide Brock back to her safely.

Callie and Malcolm

Callie is on the pay phone to Trey's office. Trey is out on toursomewhere but Sam won't give Callie a number to reach. Callie tellsSam to let Trey know she needs to talk to him. When she turns around,Malcolm is standing there, but he didn't overhear what she was talkingabout. Mal is there to break their lunch date because he and Oliviaare seeing a psychologist to find out how to break the divorce news toNate (one specialty Olivia must have missed somehow). Mal tells Calliethey will have smooth sailing from now on (famous last words!).

The Ex-wives Club

Vicki is at Crimson Lights and goes over to Nina's table to say hi.Ends up wife #2 tells wife #1 about wife #3 losing the baby. Ninamentions she and Ryan lost a baby too and Vicki sympathizes. ThenNina realizes Vicki knows all about losing a child.

Back at the hospital, Ryan gets an update from Meg. Ryan wakes Triciaup and Meg goes home to get Tricia some clothes. While there, Tonystops by because Meg left a message. Meg rambles on about it being sounfair and Tony tries to comfort her. Meanwhile, Ryan is trying toget Tricia to eat something. She says all she wants is to go home, soRyan goes to look for the doctor, leaving Tricia alone when Vicki shows upto tell her how sorry she is to hear about Tricia losing the baby.

LP meets Nina at Crimson Lights and asks about Ryan. Nina tellsRyan junior that Ryan doesn't need to talk to him now. Phillipsays oh, something didn't work out and Nina replies yes.

Vicki asks if her being there makes Tricia uncomfortable, but Triciaasks her to stay. Tricia doesn't know how she is going to get throughthis. Vicki lets her know it's OK to cry; she does all the time.Vicki tells Tricia that losing a child is like nothing else she'll ever gothrough. Wife #1 and wife #3 bond as Ryan watches through the closeddoor.

The Chancellor Estate

Jill mumbles to herself about that miserable little thief, then yellsfor Billy to let him know where she found her lighter. Billy defendsMac, but Jill is sure Mac is a thief. Billy even points out thatthere are a lot more valuable things Mac could have taken if she were goingto steal things. Billy walks out leaving Jill with her mouth hangingopen.

John calls Jill from the plane to let her know he will be back thatevening. John is coming to GC to pick Billy up. John can tellsomething is bothering Jill, but she doesn't want to get into it onthe phone. Jill tells John she isn't going to tell Billy she heard fromhim, it'll be a surprise.

Ash and Jack show up and the aftermath of the party is still obvious.They guess Jill didn't know. Billy tells them he doesn't know whenJohn will be back. Jill overhears from the stairs as Jack says (aboutJohn) if I don't hear from you I may have to do something we're all going toregret.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, September 14, 1999

by Soap Central

At Crimson Lights, Nick tells Sharon that today is the day his father gets his company back---hopefully. He kisses her goodbye and heads out to his father's office. After Nick leaves, Mac begins complaining to Raul about how things are going at the Chancellor Estate. She tells him that Jill is blaming her for everything even though she wasn't there and didn't know about the party until she got home. Sharon overhears her and says that her family and Mrs. Chancellor have been friends for ages. If there is any way she can help, she will do it. Mac says that she can take care of herself so Sharon says that she should keep her offer in mind; if things get too sticky, she can always crash at her home. Mac thanks her for this saying that it is very nice of her. As Callie walks by, Sharon calls her over along with the rest of the employees and makes an announcement. She tells them that there are going to be quite a few changes. She says that they will still be the best coffee house in the city during the day but at night, they are going to become an all age club with bands and a D.J.

Victoria visits Malcolm and tells him that if he is still interested, he can be their photographer IF he can work with Neil. However, she wants him to be Brash and Sassy's exclusively. He tells her that Jabot was instrumental in giving him his big chance in the first place and he doesn't want to abandon them. Vicki says that if Jabot is comfortable with him working for Brash and Sassy, she will accept his working for them both. She says that she trusts him but she wants him to talk to Neil. She tells him that family is family and you don't want to lose your family. Malcolm tells her that if they are going to work together, she must realize that his personal life is his and he wants no interference.

Neil visits Olivia in her office to find out how she is feeling. She says that she is trying not to feel anything since so many people are counting on her. She tells him that she and Malcolm are going to see a psychologist about the best way to break the news to Nate. Malcolm walks in on them just as she thanks him for dropping by. After a few cold harsh words to each other, Neil leaves. Malcolm informs Olivia that he has hired a lawyer and he wants to know the name of her attorney so that they can get things going. She says that she doesn't have one yet. He tells her to hurry and get one.

Jill overhears Ashley and Jack questioning Billy about John's return. They can't understand why they haven't heard from him. Billy says that the sooner his dad gets there and gets him out of this hellhole, the better. Jill walks in and guesses that they haven't raised enough capital for the Newman deal. Grinning with embarrassment, Jack asks her if the deal is still on the table. Jill won't give them a direct answer, enjoying seeing them squirm. Jack says that it is best for her because maybe John will relocate in GC and he KNOWS how much she wants Billy to be close by. She tells him that he is really good at laying on the charm and promises, but she isn't sure that keeping Billy in GC is for the best. Ashley is shocked that she doesn't want her son near her. Jill blasts her for jumping to conclusions and then tells them how things have been going since Billy arrived. When it appears that Jill isn't going to help them but only wants to rub their nose in their misfortune, Ashley and Jack begin to leave. As the reach the door, Jill calls them back.

Brad cautions Victor about pushing Ashley too hard; he says that his source tells him that Jack hasn't raised the money to buy Jabot. Just then, Victoria and Nick arrive and let Victor know that they still want the deal to go through. They completely ignore Bradley. Victoria also tells Victor that Ryan and Tricia lost their baby and she has given him some time off to be with his wife. Bradley again says that there will be no deal but Victor is sure that things will work out his way. He asks Brad if he doesn't have something he needs to be doing. Brad says it wouldn't do for Jack to arrive and find him there; he leaves. As time passes and Jack and Ashley don't show up, Nick, Victoria and Victor begin to get nervous. Nick and Vicki want Victor to call Jack but he says that doing so is a sign of weakness. They persuade him to call and just as he is going to make the call, Jack, Ashley and Jill arrive.

Ryan visits with Tricia in the hospital while they wait for the doctor to come and officially discharge her. She tells him about Vicki's visit, saying that the most unlikely people are drawn together by tragedy. And, she says, it was a tragedy that they lost their little baby. She can't help but wonder and worry about the future; she is afraid that something is wrong with her and she will never be able to have children. Ryan tells her that she will be able to have children in the future but she asks him not to say anything to the doctor about her fears. The doctor comes in and discharges her. She tells Tricia that soon she will be able to try again to get pregnant. She assures her that nothing is wrong with her; this happens all the time. Tricia feels a little better. The doctor tells her to go home and take it easy. She warns that the next few days will be difficult because of hormones; she says that her body will be undergoing changes and emotional ups and downs until the hormones get settled down. Megan arrives with some clothes for her and she goes to change so she can get home.

After Sharon's announcement, Callie goes to the phone and calls Trey. Sam answers the phone and tells her that Trey is out of town. He offers to help her but she tells him that it is personal and important. He refuses to give her his hotel number or his cell phone number. He promises to give Trey the message the next time he talks with him. After hanging up, Sam says that Trey doesn't need her; she is poison to him. Trey calls from the inner office and asks who was on the phone. Sam tells him that it was just someone wanting to sell something.

Victor is surprised to see Jill there and throws her "protestations of loyalty" in her face. Both he and Vicki say that now they are sure now that she was with Jack all along. She tells them that she was loyal to them until they accused her of being a traitor; she says that since he and his children froze her out, she went over to the other side. Victor tells her that she can just leave now because he doesn't want backstabbing traitors in his office. She tells him to think again; she isn't leaving. Jack informs Victor that now Jill's money is also on the table. Jack presents Victor with the papers and Victor is furious to find that they are offering him five percent less than the original price. They say that they hired their own assessors and this is what the company is worth. Victor reminds Ashley, very loudly, that he told her that there would be no renegotiating. She begs him to give them just one more day so that they can reach their father but he refuses. He harshly berates Ashley for lying to him. He then sends everyone out of the office saying that this has to be settled between him and Jack alone.

Ryan and Megan arrive at the apartment with Tricia. She tries to send Ryan back to work but he won't leave her. They insist that she rest but she tells them that she can take care of herself. They insist on taking care of her so she allows Megan to make her a light snack and some tea. She goes to put some music on and sees the spare room with all the things that she and Ryan bought for the baby. As she plays the music box, she breaks down in sobs.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, September 15, 1999

by Soap Central

With just the two of them in Victor’s office, Jack threatens to cash in his severance package and bankrupt Newman Enterprises in the process if Victor won’t deal. Victor reminds him that they would be tied up in a court battle for years and might reveal some “skeletons” that could land Jack in jail. Jack dismisses this as “idle threats” and reminds Victor that he too has some “skeletons”! Victor has an alternative solution to Jack’s cash flow problem by offering to carry a note for the 5% balance “out of respect for John”. Jack wants to know the catch. This will be the last debt that Jack pays off, keeping Victor involved in Jabot for years to come. Jack says “no way!” and starts toward the door. Victor tells Jack that if he touches the doorknob there will be no further negotiations!

Mac tells Raul that she can handle Jill but has an offer to stay with Sharon if it gets too rough. Raul would be glad to get her out for a while if she needs a movie, a walk, etc. He asks if it wouldn’t be better to return to her mother than stay in her current situation. Mac claims that even living with Jill is better than what she left and then refuses to discuss the matter any further. She suggests that they go check out the horses in the stable. When they get back to the house, Billy arrives and asks where his mother is. No one knows. Billy comments on the amount of time that Mac and Raul are spending together and after Raul leaves he tells Mac that she has a “thing” for Raul. He suggests that he and Mac try to get along, but Mac believes it won’t happen since Billy “sees life as one big party”. He tells her about his mother finding the gold lighter in her backpack. Mac figures Jill will now try to make her life even more miserable, but Mac is beginning to enjoy being a pain in the butt to Jill! Billy finds this amusing.

Sharon, Cassie, and Noah are at home, dancing to the music of one of the bands that may be performing at Crimson Lights when Nikki comes to visit. She joins in the fun and begins dancing too. When the song is over Cassie takes Noah to his room for a story and a nap. Nikki asks about the band on the tape and suggests that she and Sharon go hear them play sometime. When Sharon doesn’t answer her right away, Nikki assumes it is because Sharon thinks Nikki would be out of place at a concert. Sharon assures her that isn’t it, in fact, Nikki looks young enough to be Noah’s mother! She tells Nikki that she is wonderful with Cassie and Noah and questions why Nikki didn’t have more than two children. Nikki gushes that she would love another chance at motherhood! She then makes quick excuses and leaves in a hurry. Once outside the house she remembers her conversation with Brad about Victor’s refusal to consider another child and Brad’s eagerness to give Nikki her wish!

Diane is telling Marisa about running into Jack and how she still has feelings for him. She even thought they might be able to get back together again until Ashley arrived and spoiled everything. The doorbell rings and Marisa opens the door to find Brad standing there. She leaves Diane and him alone to talk. Diane voices her surprise as Brad’s visit since she thought that he was “busy with Nikki” these days. He laughs at this. She can’t resist telling Brad about running into Nikki at the Urologist’s office and about her theory concerning a vasectomy reversal plan Nikki has for Victor. When Brad pretends to be totally uninterested, Diane suggests that Brad “open up” to her as she can lend a very sympathetic ear. Brad’s cell phone’s Nikki, and she wants to meet him now! Brad bids a hasty goodbye to Diane and rushes out to meet Nikki at their appointed place, the Lodge. From the look on Diane’s face, she is thinking something is up!

Nina is doing her exercises when the doorbell rings. Cole just stopped by for a visit. When she asks how his new book is coming, he tells her he has had trouble wrapping it up due to the turmoil in his home life. He believes that he and Ashley may have reached a dead end in their relationship. Nina is shocked to hear this and offers to listen to his troubles, but Cole changes the subject by asking about her. She tells him about her breakup with Brett and they offer each other some good natured relationship advice. Cole believes he needs another place to do his writing. “Not the tack house!” Nina says. She advises him not to take Ashley for granted and tells him about Ryan and Trish’s loss.

Back at Crimson Lights, Vicki voices her fears to Nick that he is breaking away from the family. He tells her that he needs more than a “title” to feel real. Chad arrives and when Nick introduces him to Vicki she snubs him and doesn’t even say hello. Nick chastises her for this when Chad goes back to work and tells Vicki not to worry as Crimson Lights is only his “side project”. Vicki is still waiting alone in the booth when Cole walks in looking for her. He sits down and tells her he heard about the baby Trish lost and it got him thinking about how different his and Vicki’s life might have been if their baby, Eve, had lived. She tells him matter-of-factly that she has no time to wallow in the pain of her loss as her business is her main priority right now. Cole looks a little hurt at her lack of compassion. Her cell phone rings, it’s Victor, he wants her and Nick to come to his office immediately! She calls to Nick, says a quick “gotta go’ to Cole, and takes off.

Jill is drinking heavy now and moaning to Ashley about all her problems with Billy, Kay, Mac, Birdie, etc. Ashley points out that “getting sloshed” isn’t the answer. Jill denies being “sloshed” although Billy could drive her to it! Jill claims everyone is against her. Ashley believes this is due to the fact that Jill acts as though she is “at war” all the time. When Jill says that Billy hates her and begins to cry, Ashley begins to soften and feel some sympathy for her. The waiting has got the better of both of them and they decide to go find Jack. As they reach the front door, Jack comes home. “Well?” Ashley asks impatiently. When Jack goes off on what a jerk Victor is, Ashley and Jill assume it means the deal fell through. Jack then says “We did it Ash!, it’s over, he signed the papers, Jabot is ours!” Ashley squeals and jumps into his arms. Jack clearly looks as though he has been through quite an ordeal!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 13, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, September 16, 1999

by Soap Central

Victor tells Victoria and Nick that the deal with Jack is final. They congratulate him and Victor comments that now that Newman Enterprises and Jabot will face each other on the open market, they will squish Jack like a bug. Victoria tries to call the Colonnade Room for a celebration party but it is booked. They decide to gather at the ranch. Victor tries to call Nikki but she isn't at home. He tries her cell phone but she doesn't answer.

At the Abbott house, Jack tells Ashley and Jill about the finalized deal. Ashley is so happy and excited. Jill congratulates them and leaves to go home. Jack and Ashley cannot believe that Jabot again belongs to the Abbott family! The phone rings and it is John. He is at the airport and plans to pick up Billy and then head back to New York. Jack insists that he come by to see him before he leaves. John says ok but it will have to be a short visit. After hanging up with John, Jack calls the Colonnade Room and finds out there has just been a cancellation and they can have the private dining room tonight. Ashley decides that Jack should tell John the news himself. They plan to get John to the Colonnade Room by himself and the rest of them will join them a little later.

Nikki meets Brad and tells him she needs to talk to him as a friend. Brad is surprised that she is not at home waiting to hear the news of the deal between Jack and Victor. She comments that she is not a part of Victors business world so why should she sit at home waiting to hear about one of his deals? Her cell phone starts to ring and Brad tells her not to answer it. Brad then asks about Nikki having a baby and she starts to cry. She tells him about Victors vasectomy and that he will not have it reversed. Brad comments that Victor is once again thinking about himself instead of about what she wants. Nikki says she shouldn't be talking to him about this. "But you are Nikki. What does that tell you?" asks Brad. She gazes at him for a moment and then asks him to dance with her. As they are slow dancing Victoria walks in and sees them.

Mac cannot believe that Jill thinks she stole her lighter. She lays into Billy about his mother and he tries to calm her down. Birdie comes in and finally settles Mac down and tells her to hang in there until Kay gets back. Later, Jill comes home and Mac overhears Billy tell Jill to lay off of her. He doesn't think Mac took the lighter. Jill starts bad mouthing Mac and Billy gives up. He comments that he will be glad to go back to New York. Jill tells him about getting Jabot back and asks him to go to dinner with her to celebrate. He says ok, but they will also make it a bon voyage dinner. As he walks out Jill get tears in her eyes.

Paul arrives at the Chancellor Estate and Mac opens the door. She is happy to see him and starts to look past him for Kay. Paul tells her that Kay has been delayed a few more days. Mac is disappointed. Paul reminds her that she promised Kay that she would not leave before she came back. Mac says as far as she is concerned the deal is off because Kay said it would only be for a few days.

Grace is in her office when Michael walks in. They discuss the possible deal going on between Victor and Jack. Michael insinuates that if the deal goes through, Grace will be out of a job. Grace says that Jack told her she would keep her job. Really? Michael asks if Jack is Graces latest conquer. Grace is livid! She tells him that he is cruel. Michael then tells her that the reason he is so mean to her is because it really got to him when he lost her. It hurt a lot, and he is trying to hurt her back. Grace wishes that things had worked out differently, but after the number he pulled on her she will never trust him again. He starts to tell he that if she could just get past the damn trial.....when Victor walks in. He is glad to see them both there. He tells them that he has regained control of Newman Enterprises and they are both out. They are to vacate the premises immediately and never step foot on them again. "You have a good day now, I certainly intend to." he says as he walks out the door.

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again
Jack tells John that they control Jabot again

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again

Friday, September 17, 1999

by Jenny Smith

At the Lodge, Victoria glared at Nikki and Brad dancing close. A server asked if Victoria wanted a table or if she was with another party. "Yeah, it's a party, all right," she muttered. Meanwhile, Brad asked Nikki if she wanted to dance some more, but she suggested that they order dinner. They headed to a table, and he excused himself to make a call. Nikki objected to him calling the office, but he assured her that when he was with her, she was the only thing on his mind. He stepped aside, and Victoria confronted her mother and asked if Nikki was out of her mind.

Nikki resented that Victoria had gone looking for her. Victoria huffed that her mother's behavior was inappropriate, but Nikki defended that she was just having dinner with a friend. Victoria mentioned that Victor had been looking for Nikki and had tried to call her, and Nikki replied that she'd turned off her phone. Victoria scolded that Nikki had known it was an important day, since it was the deadline for the Jabot deal. Nikki questioned whether she should have waited by the phone, hoping Victor would call.

Victoria stressed that Victor had called, and she divulged that he had gotten his company back and wanted Nikki to join the family for a celebration. Victoria reprimanded Nikki for instead having dinner with one of the men who'd taken Newman away. Nikki intended to tell Victor that she was pleased -- later, after dinner with her friend. Victoria barked that Brad wasn't Nikki's friend, and she pleaded with her mother to go with her. Nikki ordered her to mind her own business, and Victoria warned that Nikki was making a terrible mistake. Brad watched as Victoria stalked off.

Brad returned to the table and noted that he'd seen Victoria leaving. Nikki griped that Victoria had shown up there expressly to find her, and Brad asked if Victoria had had news about Victor's deal. Nikki refused to talk about Newman with Brad, and he agreed to talk about whatever she wanted, since she was obviously upset. She groaned that she loved her children dearly, but there was a limit to her patience.

Nikki complained that Victor could do whatever he wanted, but she had to conform to the perfect mother image. She found it ironic because Victoria was a liberated young woman who did what she pleased, and she questioned whether she wasn't allowed the same freedom. Nikki regretted rambling on when they were supposed to be having a nice dinner, and Brad swore that he'd be there for her as a distraction, a sounding board, or whatever she needed. She purred that it was exactly the right thing for him to say, and she leaned in and passionately kissed him.

Nick arrived at the cottage and found a young man playing the guitar for Sharon. She clapped when the song ended, and Nick joined in. Nick jokingly asked if it was what she did while he was at work all day, and she introduced Roy, who was there to audition to play at the coffeehouse. The men shook hands, and Nick complimented Roy's playing. Roy departed, and Nick remarked that it had been an experience to find his wife being serenaded by another man. Sharon wrapped her arms around Nick and teased him for being jealous; she covered him in kisses.

Nick inquired whether Sharon had seen his mom that day, since Nikki hadn't been at the main house. Sharon mentioned that she'd seen Nikki earlier, but Nikki had left abruptly. Sharon recalled that she'd been playing a tape of a band when Nikki had stopped by, and Nikki had seemed to like it. Nick worried that Sharon had said something about them buying the coffeehouse. Sharon assured him that she hadn't, but it had been weird to keep it from Nikki.

Nick intended to move ahead with their plans quietly, and he'd fill in his parents if they asked about it. Sharon sensed that he was concerned about Victor's reaction, and Nick responded that his dad had enough on his plate. Sharon remembered that the deadline for the Jabot deal was that day, and Nick announced that his old man had regained control of Newman, so all was right with the world again. They happily embraced.

Nick thought that he and Sharon should go up to the main house and celebrate, but he wanted to have their own private celebration first. She amorously asked what he had in mind. He invited her to join him upstairs and find out, and she proposed that they call Roy back to sing them a love song. Nick declared that if anyone would be singing, it would be him. They kissed.

At the Chancellor mansion, Paul lectured that it wouldn't kill Mac to honor her promise to stay until Katherine got back. Mac whined that they didn't know when that would be, and Paul urged her to consider her grandmother's feelings. Mac begrudgingly agreed to stay. He swore that Katherine would be back as soon as possible and that she'd wanted him to return because she'd been worried about Mac. Mac grumbled that she could barely stand it around there, even when Katherine was around. Paul surmised that Jill was the real problem.

Mac explained that she could deal with Jill's moods and sarcasm, but Jill had falsely accused her of stealing an expensive lighter. Mac revealed that Billy had told her that Jill had seen the lighter fall out of Mac's backpack, and she assumed that one of Billy's friends had stashed it there to avoid getting caught with it. Paul expected the incident to blow over, but Mac was worried that Jill would call the cops. Paul doubted that the police would get involved in something that petty and unfounded. Mac groaned that Jill wanted to get rid of her, and she didn't want to think about what Jill would do to make it happen.

Paul advised Mac to ignore Jill, but Mac compared it to trying to ignore a freight train heading right at her. Mac scoffed at Jill's allegation that Mac was corrupting Jill's precious son, who was a spoiled brat. Mac reconsidered hitting the road, but Paul urged her to think about her grandmother. Mac figured that she could call Katherine in a couple of weeks. Paul wondered if it would bother Mac that Jill would win, since leaving would be like admitting Jill had been right about Mac. Paul encouraged Mac to stay and stand up for herself -- at least until Katherine got home.

Malcolm arrived at Olivia's house, and Nate rushed into his arms. Nate excitedly revealed that his mom had gotten him something for school, and he ran off to fetch it. Olivia coolly greeted Malcolm, who asked what she'd told the boy about what was going to happen that night. Olivia replied that she'd told Nate what they'd discussed with the psychiatrist -- that they needed to sit down and talk as a family. Malcolm bemoaned that the news would hit Nate like a ton of bricks.

Olivia expected Nate to be shocked that she and Malcolm were getting a divorce. Malcolm wished that she'd prepared Nate to avoid dropping a bomb on him, and Olivia snapped that they had no choice. Malcolm lamented that they had to break Nate's heart, and he thought they had to reassure the boy that his life wouldn't change dramatically. Nate reentered the room and showed Malcolm the pocket calculator Olivia had gotten him for school. Malcolm stated that there was something they needed to tell Nate.

Olivia and Malcolm explained that sometimes it wasn't possible to keep a promise. Malcolm thought that promises should be broken as gently as possible to avoid hurting the other person. Olivia disclosed that as sad as it made them, she and Malcolm hadn't been able to resolve the differences between them. Nate asked if they'd tried, and Malcolm swore that they had, but their separation was permanent. Nate cried out, and Malcolm stressed that they loved Nate as much as they always had. Olivia insisted that nothing would change, except that Malcolm wouldn't be living there anymore. Nate demanded that they just tell him that they were getting a divorce.

At the Abbott mansion, Traci begged Ashley to tell her why Jack had gone ahead and left the rest of them behind. Ashley insisted that it was Jack's news to tell, but Steve anticipated that Traci wouldn't give up. Traci guessed that it was something that Jack had been wishing would happen for a very long time. Ashley hinted that it was something Jack had been wishing, hoping, and working for, but that was all she was going to say.

Traci requested that Steve cancel their plane reservations for that night, but he reminded her that he had to be back in New York the next day. She was sure that something big was going to happen that night, and she was adamant that they not leave town. He stepped out to take care of it, and Ashley informed Traci that Jill and Billy would also be there that night. Traci was surprised, but Ashley asserted that Jill deserved to be there. Ashley headed out to take care of something before they left.

At Newman Enterprises, Victor made a call to have Jack and Michael's names removed from any future correspondence from the board of directors and to make Grace's office available. Connie handed him a document from the pharmaceutical division in response to the information he'd sent them, and she greeted Ashley as she exited. Victor voiced surprise to see Ashley, since he'd thought she'd be out celebrating.

Ashley expressed her gratitude that Victor had allowed the deal to happen. He figured that he'd been backed into a corner, and he vowed never to let that happen again. Ashley clucked that they both knew he'd had a choice, and she suspected that he would have fought the deal with everything he had if he hadn't known there was a fundamental rightness to her father getting his company back. Victor admitted that he'd done it partly out of consideration for John, but there would have been no deal without Ashley.

Ashley recognized that she and Victor had clashed a lot over the past few weeks, but she'd found it exhilarating. She added that she'd rather do battle with him than peacefully coexist with just about anyone else, since he made life interesting. He replied that she did, too. She prepared to leave and thanked him again for everything. Victor stopped her and stepped in close. "Stay in touch," he softly said, and she agreed before she left.

Over the phone, Victor thanked Ramona for her response to the research material, since the head of the pharmaceutical division had been impressed. He invited her to attend a seminar the following week in Genoa City, and he offered to arrange transportation. Victoria appeared in the doorway as he hung up, and she remarked that she'd thought everything had been finished with Ramona. Victor swore that it had been strictly business, but Victoria argued that he could have consulted with someone else. Victor countered that it was Ramona's area of expertise and that she was the best person for the project. "At what cost?" Victoria questioned.

Victor objected to Victoria's tone. Victoria cited Leanna Love's reports, implying that Victor and Ramona had shared more than a business relationship. Victor thought Victoria was being as emotional as her mother had been lately, and he confided that Nikki had talked to him about having another baby. "You're kidding!" Victoria cried, and Victor said he'd had the same reaction. Victor pointed out that Nikki had grown children and grandchildren, and he shared that he'd rejected the idea outright. Victor didn't think a baby would get Nikki out of her midlife funk, and he instructed Victoria not to encourage Nikki's fantasy.

At a lab, a technician pulled a case of samples out of a freezer. She asked her supervisor what she should do with rack thirteen, noting that it was an unlucky one because the vials were approaching their expiration date. The supervisor indicated that they had to start contacting the donors to ask what to do with the sperm samples. Victor Newman's name was visibly displayed on one of the containers.

Jill and Billy arrived at the Abbott mansion, and she cooed about how handsome he looked. He sourly thanked her as he struggled to loosen his tie. He asked if he'd be getting out of there and going back to New York with his dad, but Jill suspected that the party might run late. Steve and Traci returned to the room, and Traci asked Billy how everything had gone in Genoa City that summer. Billy made it clear that he preferred living in New York.

Traci tried to persuade Jill to tell them what would happen that night. Jill replied that she'd like nothing more, but she'd had enough problems with the Abbott family. Traci imagined it was something special, and Jill confirmed that it was good news. Mamie appeared, and Billy hugged her and said she looked great. Steve volunteered to make cocktails, and Jill requested a soda for her son. "What else?" Traci asked. Ashley joined them and observed that everyone looked fabulous. She encouraged them to drink up so they could be on their way.

In the private dining area of the Colonnade Room, John asked Jack what was going on, since Jack had twisted his arm to leave the airport, but Jack had been gone when John had gotten home. John added that Ashley had told him to meet Jack, and the rest of the family would follow. John suspected that it was something more than just a family dinner, and Jack confirmed that his father was right. Jack told John to hold onto his hat, since Jack had a surprise that would blow his dad away.

Jack wondered if John had any idea how much Jack respected him as a businessman, father, and person. John thanked Jack for the testimonial, but he pointed out that he had already retired. Jack commended John for turning the idea of Jabot into not only a reality but a towering success, and he felt honored that his father had made him part of the company. Jack shared that he wanted to be like John, and he wanted his father to respect him and be proud of him.

Jack continued that he'd had ideas to take John's dream and somehow make it better and bigger, but he'd needed capital to do it. He regretted talking John into taking the company public. John figured that there was no point in opening old wounds, since there was nothing they could do about it. Jack implied that perhaps there was, and John worried that Jack had a crazy scheme to get Jabot back.

Jack contended that not a moment had passed since the black day Newman had taken over Jabot that he'd lost sight of one objective -- to undo what he'd done. Jack confided that it had consumed him and eaten his guts out, and he knew John had questions about Jack's partnership with Brad to take over Newman. Jack recognized that everyone had assumed it had been part of the vendetta between him and Victor, and even his own family had doubted him. Jack swore that it had been a lot more than that, since he'd wanted to take something from Victor that was as important to him as what Victor had taken from John.

Jack recounted that he'd gotten the board's support and approval from the stockholders, and he'd even maneuvered a golden parachute that would have crippled Newman if they'd tried to get rid of him. John realized that it had all been a scheme to get Jabot back, but Jack considered it a well-executed plan. Jack announced that he'd gone to Victor with an offer to walk away from Newman and the severance package and give back control of the company under one condition -- Victor had to return Jabot to the Abbott family. John believed Victor would never accept. Jack informed John that it was a done deal, and Jabot was theirs again. John became choked up.

John stammered that he couldn't believe it. Jack clapped him on the back and handed over some documents that proved Jabot was John's again. John looked at them in awe and mused that he'd never expected something like that. Jack conceded that there had been times he'd never thought it would happen, and John shared that he'd never allowed himself to even dream it could. John thanked Jack and struggled to find the words inside him to express how he felt.

Jack hoped his father would take back the reins of the company and "kick retirement in the butt." John balked at the idea of moving back to Genoa City, and Jack argued that John was too young to sit in a rocking chair and too bright to hang it up. Jack swore that he wanted to see his dad back in action and work right by his side. "So, what do you say, boss?" Jack asked. An emotional John declared that all he could say was that he had a wonderful son who'd made him a happy, proud man. Jack stated that he, John, and Ashley were partners. "Partners," John affirmed, and the men shook hands and embraced.

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Edited by SC Desk