Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
The Newmans hosted a party to celebrate Cassie
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

Billy planned a party when he learned that Jill was going to New York. Nikki researched vasectomy reversals. Katherine went to India to look for Brock. Nick and Sharon happily announced that they had purchased Crimson Lights.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, August 30, 1999

by Soap Central

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While J.T., Billy, and Raul sit at one of the outside table at Crimson Lights,Billy reminds J.T. that he'd love to help him with the party but he's going tobe in New York City on Friday, finally out from under his mother's thumb.J.T. says that he's got to find someone to help him and leaves. Raul callsBilly on his subtle deception to J.T., stating that he couldn't have been ofhelp anyway since Billy's on restriction. Billy tells him that everyonedoesn't have to know that now. He thanks Raul for helping him "get through"the summer in GC and states that Raul should come to NYC sometime but Raulmakes no promises. He leaves Billy at the table and goes inside, stands atthe jukebox and watches Mac at work. Mac is surprised that one of hercustomers, a young man who introduces himself as Patrick, has left her a $2tip. It's more than the usual fifty cents she gets for serving coffee topatrons. Patrick remarks that she made his visit to the coffeehouse veryenjoyable and she earned every cent of it. Mac blushes and shyly thankshim. Raul approaches her when Patrick leaves and she shares the story ofthe generous tip she received with Raul, who seems a bit protective of Mac,even to the point of a mild display of jealously which totally goes overMac's head. He reminds her that they didn't get to see the video last nightbecause of Jill's arrival. Raul states that it wouldn't be good for them togo to his house to watch it and Mac laments that things are impossible athome for her as well. Raul asks her to go out with him this weekend to themovies. Mac, realizing she's being asked on date, stutters momentarily butsays yes. Raul grins from ear to ear. Mac has to get back to work and assoon as she's gone, Billy joins him, having watched the exchange from theoutside doorway. He's eager to find out if Billy "made his move" on Mac andwhen Raul doesn't answer immediately, Billy accuses him of "wussing out."Raul smiles and tells Billy that he and Mac have plans for the weekend. J.T.joins them with sad news -- no one is going to be able to help him host hisparty and begs Billy to stay just until Labor Day. Knowing that Jill won'tbudge on her decision to keep Billy grounded, J.T. wonders if somehow theycould get Mac to help through Katherine. J.T. assures him that where there'sa will, there's a way and he will find a way to get around Jill, Katherine,and Esther. Billy nods his head in approval and seems excited about J.T.'sproject.

A courier delivers the final papers to Nick. It's official -- he and Sharonnow own Crimson Lights. Sharon already has some ideas about expanding themenu and bringing in bands on the weekend. She doesn't want to face Victorwith this news thought because he was adamantly against this venture. Nicktells her that this is exactly what his father did with NE. He took acompany, built it from the ground up and now it an internationalconglomerate. Nick says he doesn't want to tell his father about it nowanyway. He wants to build up the business and show his father what asuccess he can be; that he has a lot of Victor Newman in him. Both Nick andSharon are excited at the prospect of saving the place where they first met.Sharon says that perhaps they should celebrate with champagne but Nick looksat her lustily and says he has something else in mind. Sharon grins andadmits that she was thinking the same thing. Both clamor up the stair toindulge in a little "afternoon delight."

Paul is just hanging up the phone with Chris when Lynne and Katherine enterhis office. Katherine asks Paul to stop searching for her son because aftersomething Mackenzie said about Brock not keeping in touch with her over theyears, she has concluded that she has family that is just as dysfunctionalas the one Mackenzie left. Her immediately concern is that Mac will leaveand never return. Paul vehemently disagrees with Katherine, stating thatMac's mother did Brock a disservice when she didn't tell him about Mac whenshe was pregnant with her. Brock never got a say in the matter and nowKatherine knows this precious piece of information -- that Brock has thiswonderfully vibrant daughter -- and she too is deciding whether or not Brockshould be told. Katherine sees the validity in Paul's words but decidesthat telling him he has a daughter over the phone isn't the way to go aboutit. She wants to tell him face to face. They know where Brock is now, soKatherine is going to India.

Brad continues to berate Nikki, telling her not to do something she is goingto regret. She's trying to convince herself that she still loves Victor byhaving another child with him. Heatedly, Nikki tells him that he's the mostpresumptuous man she's ever met. Victor interrupts them and asks what'sgoing on. Nikki replies that she was just getting a few things off herchest and Brad excuses himself. Victor asks Nikki to respect his decisionto keep Brad on because he knows what he's doing. Brad is just a pawn inhis little game. One false move and Brad will be out on his ass, Victorassures her. Nikki is still unsettled from her conversation with Brad andVictor asks if there's something else going on. Nikki says that she usuallyallows Victor to handle business matters but this time she thinks thatVictor's judgment in allowing Brad to remain at NE is being clouded by hisoverwhelming hatred of Jack. Victor firmly tells her that he's not going tochange his mind about Brad and their conversation is interrupted whenNikki's cell phone rings. It's Dr. Reilly's office saying that there hasbeen a cancellation if Nikki would like to come immediately. Nikki acceptsand tells Victor that she must leave for a meeting now and scoots away fromthe table before Victor can say anything else.

Brad goes to Jack's office to sign some papers since they still are co-CEOsof the company. Brad comments that the great alliance is over and hopefullythey'll never cross paths again. Jack comments that the purchasing of Jabotand leaving NE was nothing personal against Brad. Brad tells him that it ispersonal and that Jack is an amoral, backstabbing, double-crossing snake.Next time, he'll be much more careful whom he casts his fortunes with.Besides, it looks as if Jack is going to be left in the cold with nothing togive John after all. Jack has no deal with Victor yet and doubts he everwill. Brad walks out of the office and flippantly adds, "Enjoy yourcareer." Jack promises himself, and to Brad in absentia, that he mostdefinitely will.

In the Jabot lab, Jill tells Ashley that she knows she and Jack need cash tobuy Jabot and she's ready to use her 20% to raise the rest of the castthat's needed to buy Victor out. Ashley doesn't jump at her offer and Jillpromises that she won't be making this offer again even if they come to herbegging on their hands and knees. Ashley informs Jill that they could havealready had the money because she met with reputable investors in New Yorkbut Ashley turned them down because she didn't like their terms. Jill asksher to pass the offers along to Jack anyway. When Jack and Ashley meet,Ashley tells Jack that he was right not to go to Jill. She tells him aboutJill's visit to her and about the offer but she's puzzled by Jill'smotivation. They both know how she feels about the Abbotts and how sheburned their father twice in divorce. However, Jack is beginning to feelpressed and tells Ashley that beggars can't be choosy. The only otheravenue Jack thinks they can safely take is to ask their father for help. Hecomments that it's like asking someone to buy their own birthday present,but times are desperate. He knows John's itinerary in Australia andproceeds to call him immediately. Jack wants this thing settle once and forall.

John reaches Jill in her office and tells her that he'll be home on Fridayafter re-working his itinerary and he's anxious to see Billy. Jill callshome. "Chancellor residence," answers Esther. Jill is furious and remindsher that she owns half of the house and she wishes she'd refer to it assuch. When she demands to speak with Billy, Esther tells her that he's notthere and Jill flips because Billy has disobeyed her, taking the bus intotown against her explicit instructions. She hangs up and Neil enters heroffice as she very nearly falls to pieces. She proceeds to tell Neil abouther troubles with Billy and Neil suggests that she give the relationshipmore time. Billy's only been here a short time and she's still thinking ofhim as "little Billy," the son she sent off with John years ago. Jill seesthat Neil is exactly right. She intends to fly to New York to talk to John,telling him she needs to spend more time with Billy. She embraces Neil withprofound thanks.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, August 31, 1999

by Soap Central

Nick and Sharon arrive at the coffeehouse as the new owners and proudly look around at their new "baby." Mac is talking to Raul and Billy about the club closing. Billy says that the club is the only thing he will miss when he leaves except for Raul and Mac. He says that he will be out of there by Friday when his dad returns from Australia. He says that he has to leave now and get back home before his mother finds out that he left. "Too late!" Jill says from behind him.

Jill and Billy go out on the patio and talk. She tells him that they will be leaving right now for the estate but he refuses and tells her that she is way off base treating him like some kid. She says that he was grounded and deliberately disobeyed her. She tells him that they will either discuss this at home or here in the coffeehouse in front of his friends. She doesn't want to make a scene but he says that she already has. When she says he hasn't seen a scene yet, he says he will take the bus home and meet her there.

Back in the coffeehouse, Nick calls for everyone's attention just as Victoria comes in unseen. He announces he and Sharon have bought the coffeehouse and it will remain open but everyone should tell their friends so that business will continue. Without a word, Victoria leaves as all the customers applaud Nick and Sharon. Nick talks with Chad and he agrees to keep working. Sharon talks with Mac without knowing who she is. She says that they are hoping that she will stay on and when she learns who Mac is, she says that Katherine has told her about her, all good things. Mac says that her grandmother is a good woman.

Neil arrives in Victoria's office with some papers but finds it empty. Before he can leave, Malcolm arrives to speak with Victoria. When he tells Neil that he is there to find out how Victoria liked the work he did, Neil is surprised that Victoria contacted him about the work. Malcolm is confused until he realizes that Neil advised Victoria not to use him. The two of them get into it again about Olivia. Malcolm says that even though he didn't encourage any closeness that one night didn't mean that a few nights later he wouldn't have allowed Olivia to talk him into intimacy. They are about to come to blows when Victoria arrives. Malcolm leaves and Victoria wants to know what is going on, but Neil doesn't have anything to say.

Back at the estate, Jill and Billy really get into it. Both of them have some really hard things to say to each other. Billy accuses her of only thinking of herself and her career. He says that she really gets off on controlling people at work and she is only interested in boosting her ego and pleasing herself. The sooner he gets out of there, the better, he tells her. She says that he was supposed to be there until after Labor Day and that is what she expects. He wonders why she would want him to stay any longer than necessary. They have nothing in common, he tells his mother as he walks out. Jill swears that whether he wants to stay or not, he will stay and they will work this out.

Ashley visits Olivia at her office and asks if things are better with Malcolm. Olivia admits that they are not and even admits that even though she didn't have an affair with Neil, she wanted to. Malcolm interrupts their talk and Ashley leaves. Olivia thinks that Malcolm is there to work things out but he tells her he is there to talk to her about telling Nate of the change in their relationship. He says that the two of them together just is not working.

Diane and Marissa are having lunch. Diane says that she has an appointment with her doctor this afternoon. She needs to know just what is wrong with her lately. Marissa suggests that it is psychosomatic and Diane agrees that it very well may be, but she needs to know for sure.

Nick enters Victoria's office with information that he has set up appointments with three ad agencies for the Monday after Labor Day. She asks for the financial report on Jabot and how much they have invested in Brash and Sassy. He says that it is almost ready. "Almost?" Vicki asks. She wants to know why it isn't ready. He says she only asked for it yesterday and she feels that was plenty of time for him to prepare it. He says that he has been busting his butt getting all of this lined up for her; what else does she want? She asks about a cup of coffee. She then tells him she was there for his announcement. She wants to know if Dad knows about his buying the coffeehouse. Nick says that this is a private purchase; it is no different that someone else taking up flying or some other pastime. This has nothing to do with Newman Enterprises. Vicki says that Dad will not see it that way. Also, she tells him, he promised to help her out with this B & S deal and that didn't include taking off to run a coffeehouse. He says that he will be there to help her out but what he does on his own is his own business. He doesn't have to get his dad's permission or hers either, for that matter. This is his business.

Nikki arrives at the doctor's office and is asked what her reason is for seeing the doctor. She tells the receptionist that it is personal and private and she would prefer to only talk with the doctor about it. When she is given some papers to fill out, the receptionist remarks that she didn't fill out most of the papers. She says that she is there on her husband's behalf, not her own.

Nikki leaves the doctor's office with a lot of pamphlets that the doctor suggests she read. As she is about to leave, she sees Diane just as Diane looks up and sees her. Nikki remarks that Diane isn't wearing her engagement ring and she would be interested in knowing who called it off. However, she suggests that it has to be Jack who ended things now that he doesn't need her board vote any longer. Diane informs her that she is the one who ended the engagement. Nikki is surprised that she would give up such a large expensive piece of jewelry. Diane says that it was never about the jewelry. As Nikki continues to talk down to her, Diane brings up a very beautiful woman in New Mexico named Ramona. She warns Nikki that with Victor you never really knew where you stood. Nikki accuses Diane of being jealous that she has Victor and Diane has no one. Diane says that Nikki is really a bitch. "Yes, but I have Victor," Nikki says with a smile as she waltzes out the door. Diane considers the office door that Nikki exited from. She goes to the receptionist and asks if that isn't the Urologists office and when the receptionist answers yes, Diane has a speculative look on her face.

Paul visits Katherine and suggests that instead of her going to India alone, he wants to go with her. After Katherine agrees, she tells him that she wants this to be kept secret, especially from Jill. Paul says that if he calls and Jill answers, he will not mention it and he will tell Lynn to do the same. After showing Paul to the door, Billy steps into the room and Katherine realizes that he has overheard her conversation with Paul.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, September 1, 1999

by Soap Central

Kay questionsBilly on how much of her conversation with Paul that heoverheard. He heard enough to know that she is leaving town and doesn'twant Jill to find out. He tells Kay that he won't tell his mother since hedoesn't want to get in the middle. Jill walks in at this moment and askswhat he is talking about. Kay covers for him, but Jill isn't satisfiedwith her answer. Billy leaves to go pack and remarks that he can't wait toget on the plane tomorrow! Jill and Kay continue to discuss how Billyleaving is hurting Jill. Kay gives her advice and points out Jill'sdrinking habit. Jill doesn't need advice and wonders why Kay suddenly isso concerned. Kay informs her that it isn't concern, but pity! Jillis making the same mistakes that she did with Brock by drinking.

Diane issitting at Gina's when Michael Baldwin walks in and joins her.She asks for his help solving a puzzle. She wonders why a woman goes to aUrologist. He guesses that she is talking about Nikki and Victor.Michael isn't interested but offers that maybe Victor is considering avasectomy. Diane tells him about how Victor got a vasectomy already, atNikki's urging, while Diane was married to him. She claims that her lifewould have been so different if she had had a child with Victor, if not forNikki's interference! Diane adds that if Victor is considering a reversal,she hopes it doesn't work!

Nikki comeshome after her appointment with the Urologist. She has what sheconsiders great news from the doctor about the success rate for vasectomyreversals and can't wait for Victor to get home so she can share it withhim. When he arrives, before she can tell her news, he lectures her aboutmeeting with Brad. As he points his finger at her, he warns her that hewon't tolerate her meeting with Brad again! She lets this go and beginstelling him about her visit to the Urologist. Victor asks her "whatthe hell are you talking about?" He can't understand what has gotteninto Nikki wanting a baby at this stage in their lives. He thinks it wouldbe better if they spent more time alone, not raising another child! Heends by announcing "no more children for me!" She claims he hashis work and asks him "what do I have?" Victor thinks thatsomething else is bothering her and suggests a weekend away together.Nikki appears to like this idea until Victor adds that he doesn't want to hearanymore about babies. She begins to quote Brad's words to her about Victorthinking that she is too old to have another baby...she's a grandmother!After questioning how much Victor values their relationship she runs upstairsleaving a bewildered Victor wondering what has just happened.

Nick andVictoria argue over his buying the coffee house. She thinks itis beneath him! He tries to tell her that it is important to him, he needsmeaning in his life. Vicki tells him that if he needs meaning "youwould do better to shave you head, sit in some cave and contemplate yournavel!" She points out that their father won't understandeither! Nick figured that already and he can deal with it. He claimsthat their father always listens to Vicki..."except where Brad Carlton isconcerned!" she replies. Vicki then goes in to a tirade onBrad. When she is finished, Nick asks her what that was all about andaccuses her of hiding something. She admits there is something he doesn'tknow about and proceeds to tell him about Nikki's "spying" on Brad fortheir father's sake. Vicki now fears that Brad may be falling for Nikkiagain. "If Dad finds out, it will get ugly!" Nick says.

Callie and Macare discussing the decor at Crimson Lights when Neil walksin. Mac excuses herself and leaves. Neil asks Callie to stop seeingMalcolm to let him give his marriage a chance. She doesn't want to hearhis moralizing! She reminds him that he pursued Liv, too. Neilpleads "for Nate's sake." They continue to argue over eachother's motives where Liv and Malcolm are concerned. He accuses her of"trapping his brother" and she tells him not to lay a guilt tripon her!

Malcolm visitsLiv at her office and tells her that it is best if they split.He wants them to "learn from their mistakes and move on." Oliviais worried about Nate's reaction. They both agree to attend counselingwith him to help Nate cope. Malcolm brings up the "legalstuff." "You mean divorce" she says. He wants to keepit civil and wants Olivia's word that she will let him see Nate. Headvises her to get an attorney and she angrily replies that she will!After he leaves she breaks down and cries.

Trish hascandles lit, dinner cooking, and a sexy new dress on when Ryan getshome from work. He takes in the scene and she asks if he is surprised.They kiss and decide to have "desert first." Later, stillsitting by candle light, she asks if Ryan is happy about the baby now. Heassures her he is and suggests that they go shopping in the morning for abassinet. "This is how I dreamed it would be" Triciabeams. He gives her a gift...a baby name book...with some names alreadymarked. She is so happy! Ryan has a look of mixed emotions on hisface as they hug.

Malcolm walksin on the argument between Neil and Callie and breaks thingsup. She leaves as Malcolm tells Neil that he needs to speak to him.Malcolm denies that he wants to work things out with Olivia and tells Neil toask her himself. "The door is wide open for you." Neiltells him that this is not what he wanted. Malcolm tells Neil not to blamethis on Callie that he and Neil are big boys and knew what they weredoing. Callie rejoins Malcolm and he tells her that he and Olivia arehistory and are getting a divorce. This news pleases Callie and shesuggests they go home so she can "cure what ails him."

Mac and Billy areout by the pool discussing his leaving in the morning. She tells him thatshe may be leaving, too. They wish each other luck and part.

Still in heroffice, Olivia is crying when Neil walks in behind her and takes herin his arms. She hangs on to him and cries on his shoulder.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, September 2

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 30, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, September 3

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