Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
The Newmans hosted a party to celebrate Cassie
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

Nikki daydreamed about her kiss with Brad. Mac got a job. Jill continued to drink, while Billy got drunk at a keg party. Tony tried to get the charges against Megan dropped. Katherine told Jill that Mac was her granddaughter.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

Monday August 2

by Soap Central

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Vicki comes downstairs and greets her father. Victor tells her about Jack's offer to resign asCEO if Victor returns Jabot. Victor has "conditions" before he will do this. Vicki goes over thepossibilities, accepting Jack's offer would save them time and millions. Victor is concerned aboutBrad. Jack went behind Brad's back. Vicki thinks that is good as Brad would be weaker alone,they could overpower him in no time. She asks about the fate of Brash and Sassy? She couldnever work for Jack. Victor tells her not to worry, it's not part of the deal. He won't give itaway. He has a plan... plans for Brad, too! "Something rotten!"

Brad is giving Jack the third degree over his meeting behind closed doors with Victor. Jackmakes up the excuse that he was telling Victor that his making Ryan "Assistant to the Founder"will have no effect on the situation. "Does it sound like I was conspiring with the enemy?" Jackasks. Brad apologizes for doubting and they shake hands. Ashley walks in on the scene andcatches them "making nice" as Brad puts it. He claims that he and Jack understand each othernow and if they hang together not even Victor can stop them! After Brad leaves, Ashleyquestions Jack further. She thinks something is up. "Yea, I'm up to something, you'll knoweverything in twenty-four hours!" Jack tells her. She guesses he is referring to Jabot, but Jackwon't give her anymore details. He tells her to trust him.

Kay tells Jill that Mac is family, her grandchild! Jill doesn't believe any of it. She wants to knowwhere Mac came from? " The homeless shelter." "Oh, you drop into the humane society and geta puppy and you drop into the homeless shelter and get a granddaughter!" Jill replies mockingly. Kay tells her that the shelter was her home the entire time that she was away. Jill calls Kay's story"garbage" and advises her that she needs a shrink! Kay tries to make her believe it is the truth. She wants the two of them to call a truce, for the sake of Billy and Mac. The phone rings, it'sBilly. He tells his mother that he is "out" and will "be home when he gets home!" and hangs upon her. Mac gets home from her new job and watches at the doorway as Jill heads for anotherdrink. Kay continues to berate Jill on her drinking as Jill sees Mac standing in the doorway. Jillstops and looks closely at Mac on her way out of the room, "Sure she is!", she laughingly states.

Trish tries to convince Meg that it is best now that their father knows everything. They agree thatit is best if he doesn't find out where Tony lives. At this same moment, Keith is knocking atGrace's apartment door. Tony answers, Keith barges in, "You have a hell of a lot of explaining todo!" Keith informs Tony that he got his address from the court records. He demands to knowwhy Tony didn't tell him about the arrest when they met before? "You stole a car and got mydaughter arrested!" Tony tells him that they are both innocent, he's knows he isn't the right guyfor Megan, and that he told her to stay away. Keith can't believe Tony let this happen! Justbefore he leaves, he points a finger at Tony and orders him to stay away from his daughter!

Ashley arrives home from work to find Cole out by the pool. He tells her his novel is finished andhe has dedicated it to his wife. She reads the dedication and declares that she loves it and loveshim! They kiss. When asked about work, Ashley tells him there is nothing to tell. Cole wants togo skinny dipping and starts to undress Ashley. After their relaxing "swim", Ashley admits toCole that she is worried about Jack and she hopes he knows what he is doing.

Megan and Trish are waiting for their father when he comes through the door. He sees the two ofthem and walks to the other side of the room and begins rubbing his head with his hand. Megantries to explain that she had hoped to handle this problem herself so he wouldn't have to worry. He tells Trish that as the oldest, she should have told him what was going on, and yet she didn'teven tell him about her pregnancy right away either! He thought that his two girls could take careof themselves while he was gone, but instead he has returned to "secrecy and a total lack oftrust!" Meg reminds him that they aren't little girls anymore. He tells her that the two of themwill ALWAYS be his little girls! He informs them that he tracked Tony down and has told himNEVER to come around again! When he leaves the room, Meg declares that she must call Tonyto talk to him, but before she can dial, the phone rings...Tony. He is calling to check up on her. He asks if her dad has told her of his visit? Yes. Tony tells Megan that he is sorry, so sorry, andhangs up. Afterward, they both continue to think about the other.

Mac and Kay discuss Jill's drinking. They change the subject and Mac tells her that she made $22today in tips at her new job! She wants to "pull her weight." Kay praises her for the remarkablegirl that she is and tells Mac that she told Jill that Mac was her granddaughter. The two of themremember the day that Kay let Mac know that she was her "Granny" and what incredible news itwas for Mac. She's glad that Jill knows the truth about them. Kay goes up to bed while Macdecides to stay up awhile longer. When Billy comes stumbling in after too many beers, Mac getson his case about drinking. "Why are you always judging me?" Billy demands. Mac calls him a"poor little rich kid." He tells her that he just wanted to have some fun with kids his own age. There was a designated driver, so no driving danger. Mac tells him there may be hope for himafter all. After he goes upstairs, Jill comes in from the pool where she dosed off and heads overto pour another drink. Mac tells her that Billy is home, to Jill's relief. She thinks she will checkon him, but Mac advises her that at 16, he doesn't need her to "tuck him in." As Jill leaves theroom, she tells Mac that this "granddaughter" story she dreamed up is "clever, very clever!"

Nikki and Victor are cuddling on the couch. When she asks what he and Vicki were talking aboutearlier, he replies that it was "business." He does tell her that there is "movement" in reversingthe take over and that he will be "running my own company again soon and will deal with BradCarlton then!" This has Nikki thinking.

Jack is alone in his office. He picks up a picture of his father, looks at it..."Tomorrow, Dad,tomorrow!" he says.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, August 3

by Soap Central

Billy comes downstairs nursing a hangover but tells his mother that he is coming down with something. She checks him for a fever and blames Mac for not letting her go in and check him last night. He is surprised that Mac "saved" him the night before and tells Jill that he thinks that both Mac and Birdie are cool. Jill sets down some new ground rules for him and his behavior. He doesn't like the new rules and informs her that he is not a child any longer. She in turn tells him that he is still her son and has to obey her house rules. She tells him that she hasn't had much experience being a mom and the two of them will just have to work together. She is shaken when he says that he isn't used to having a mother around but she lets it go. After she has left the room and Mac has entered, he thanks her for keeping his mother out of his room the night before. She says that his mother is mean and he says that he will try to talk to her about that. She is pleased, but surprised, that he will do this. However, when she asks him to talk to his mother about being nicer to Mrs. Chancellor, Billy tells her that Mrs. C. gives as good as she gets.

Tony visits his attorney, the one who is taking Christine's place while she is away and asks him what he can do to get Megan off the hook. When he tells his attorney what he has already told the authorities, the lawyer says that he doesn't have the kind of information that the district attorney wants to hear. Later, Tony goes to the DA and offers to plead guilty if he will drop all the charges against Megan. The DA says he will have to hear what Tony has to say before agreeing to his terms. When Tony begins to confess, he turns on the tape recorder. Tony begins to spin a yarn about working for his boss but when the DA begins to ask for specific information, Tony is unable to provide it. Tony offers to wear a wire and go to his old boss, but the DA says that his boss will never trust him now. He calls off the deal and sends Tony on his way.

Sharon rescues Nick from the two children and says that he needs a little rest. They enjoy a touching family closeness and Nick promises that it will be like this all the time. Cassie asks if he will return to work and he says that he may have to return to work but he will not be working as hard and as long as he once did.

Keith takes Megan to John Silva and demands that he see that the charges be dropped against her, but John tells him that it doesn't work that way. Keith says that his daughter never stole a car; it was Tony who did that. Megan says that Tony didn't know that the car was stolen but Keith isn't interested in hearing that. When John continues to say that he cannot get the charges against Megan dropped, Keith says that it looks like they have the wrong attorney.

Ashley goes to Jack and demands to know what is going on. If he won't tell her then she is finished with defending him. Jack decides to tell her what he said to Victor. When he tells her that he has offered to resign from NE and give up the golden umbrella for Jabot, Ashley is beside herself with joy. She wonders if Victor will accept and reminds Jack that Victor hates to be given an ultimatum. Jack says that right now, that is the best deal that Victor could get. He reluctantly admits that Brad doesn't know about the offer. Ashley asks what she can do to help and he says that maybe there is something she can do.

Brad arrives in Victor's office and Victor tells him, without looking at him, that Jack has been there and presented him with a secret offer. Brad doesn't believe him until Victor tells him what Jack's deal is for. Victor then offers him his old job back as his right hand man if he will resign as CEO and refuse the severance package. Brad says no thank you to Victor's deal and leaves.

Nick arrives at the coffeehouse and meets Ryan who is fully energized because he has a job again. He says that Nick is probably really happy that he can once again get back to work. Nick surprises him by saying that he isn't as eager as Ryan thinks. He says that all the problems he has been through recently have taught him just how important his family is. Ryan can't understand Nick's attitude. Work is everything to him.

Brad leaves Victor's office and makes a beeline for Jack's office. Entering the office he wants to know what has been going on between him and Victor.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, August 4, 1999

by Soap Central

Brad confronts Jack about the offer he made to Victor. Is it really true? Jack admits it. When Brad begins to protest, Jack tells him to think about how he will be the remaining CEO. Brad is livid! He cannot believe that Jack would double cross him this way. Jack stresses that getting Jabot back is the most important thing to him. They argue. Brad says that if Victor turns down the deal with Jack, then he will not be able to trust Jack anymore. Jack tells him to be honest, did he ever really trust him to begin with? Brad remarks that John Abbott is such a classy businessman. How in the world did he ever raise a son like Jack?

Victor is reading a report in his office when Neil arrives with reports regarding Jabot's profits for the past two years. He questions Victor about the reports and Victor says he is interested in finding out Jabot's value.

After leaving Jacks office Brad returns to speak to Victor. He admits that Jack told him about the deal. He remarks to Victor that he can't believe he is stringing Jack along making him think he might accept the deal. Victor says he might accept the deal! The question is what is Brad going to do? Brad says he is sticking around, he won't be so easy to get rid of. He won't take Victor up on his offer because he swore he would never work for someone else again. It is a matter of pride. Victor tells him in the end he will lose. It' s better to bargain now than to pay later.

Nick is wandering around his office trying to get interested in work. Victoria stops by and tells him the enemies are turning on each other. Nick is glad to hear this news. However, he doesn't want to start counting on a future that might not happen. Victoria is stunned that Nick isn't more into this whole thing. Sharon shows up with lunch. Victoria acts like they were busy and Sharon is going to leave but Nick says she can stay and he will talk to Victoria later. Victoria reluctantly leaves. Sharon is sorry to intrude, but she misses him. He misses her too and he is glad she came. He tells her he can't get into the swing of things around the office. She reminds him of all they have been through and tell shim it will just take awhile for him to bounce back. They share an intimate kiss. She stays to eat lunch with him and he comments that he is starting to like the office better already.

Callie greets Malcolm as he comes downstairs getting ready for work. She immediately brings up the problem about Olivia and Neil. She just doesn't really think they slept together. He needs to try to mend his relationship with his brother. Malcolm gets so mad and he yells at her that he saw it with his own eyes and it is emblazoned on his brain now. He is not wrong so she had better just drop it or they will have their own problems.

Nina comes by to congratulate Ryan on his job at Newman Enterprises. She invites him to go with her to pick up Phillip on his last day at camp. He would love to but he has to be available for Victor. He will try though. They discuss Tricia's pregnancy and he tells her he is not comfortable with it yet. Nina tells him he needs to be more supportive. He is trying. Nina remembers that when they were married one thing he really wanted was a baby. Why is that different now? He looks at her for a minute and then remarks that Tricia is just so young.

Marissa comes by Paul's office and invites Lynn to lunch. She knows of a restaurant where some professional baseball players supposedly hang out. As they are about to leave Paul shows up. He just got back from Hawaii and he is ready to get to work. They tell him they were on their way to lunch. Paul gets upset and tells Lynn he has so much to go over with her and he also needs her to work late. She has a hurt look and says "Sure boss." Paul starts grinning and tells her he's just kidding! They leave. Later Nina stops by and wants a number for Christine in Hawaii. Paul gives it to her and asks if there is anything he can help with. She says no, it's just girl talk. Then Nina's cell phone rings. It is Brett and she tells him she would like to have a quiet evening, but she will see him in the morning. Paul guesses that Brett is the reason she wants to talk with Chris.

Neil is picking up some food at Crimson Lights when Olivia comes in and asks him to buy her a cup of coffee. They find a table and sit down. She tells him that right now she needs space and time to get her head together. She is trying to figure out why Malcolm has reacted the way he has, by just shutting them out. Neil points out that when she wanted to talk about her feelings for him, he didn't. Now he wants to talk about it and she doesn't. She says now is not the time. He tells her he has to go back to work and leaves. As Olivia is leaving a few minutes later, she notices Callie and finds out she works there. They exchange words and as Olivia is leaving Callie tells her to come back. Olivia tells her to say what she has to say and then get out of her face.

Jack is sweating it out waiting to hear from Victor. He finally goes to Victor with a report , but Victor knows why he has come by. Victor tells him he has drawn up a contract to make the deal official. He gives it to Jack to look over. The first thing Jack notices is an amount that he would have to pay for Jabot. He says no way, the deal is that Victor gives it to him. Victor says this is his deal like it or not. Then Jack notices that Brash and Sassy would be a separate company and not part of Jabot. He says that it has to be part of Jabot. Victor tells him that Victoria created Brash and Sassy after Jabot was purchased. Jack cannot have it, take it or leave it!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, August 5, 1999

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 2, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, August 6, 1999

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Edited by SC Desk