Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

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Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

Diane wanted to have Victor's baby, but he had just had a vasectomy. The police felt that Nina's account of the shooting was tainted. Ashley admitted to Victor that she was the other woman in Cole's life.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, October 27, 1997

by Soap Central

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Erin Goldsby remains on maternity leave. We wish her and her new bundle of joy the best. Gladys will assume recapping responsibilities for this week.

Victor is home. He calls Diane's office but is told by the secretarythat Diane isn't in. She was there earlier, but has since left theoffice.

Jack is conducting business on the phone when Diane enters the office.Once off the phone, he greets Diane. She is hesitant about conversingwith Jack so he makes an educated guess that she is there to discussgetting pregnant. How does Victor feel about a baby, she asks. Dianetells him that she hasn't discussed it with Victor yet. Jack issurprised. Don't you think you should discuss this with your husband?he asks. You told me to wait when we spoke before, Diane accuses. Jackreminds her that she doesn't always take his advice. Diane says thatthe time hasn't been right to talk with Victor. Jack wonders what itsays for the marriage when she is afraid to talk to her own husbandabout a subject as important as a child. He encourages her to go toVictor as soon as possible and let him know her feelings on the subject.

Nick comes downstairs in a happy mood and greets his wife as "Cupcake."Sharon is tickled at his thinking up a new "nick" name for her. They doa little married chit-chat and Nick thanks her for marrying him. Sharonsuggests that when he gets to the office, he should go talk withVictoria.

Lynn is reading a letter back to the boss but Paul isn't listening. Heis gazing out into the distance. When Lynn calls him on his behavior,he tells her that Chris went to Atlanta after all to do the depositionsfor the other client. He can't help wondering what made her change herplans. There was something about her mood . . . something in her voicethat sounded strange. But Lynn tells her boss that she knows what isbothering Paul.

Danny visits Katherine. Esther rattles away about Danny and hiscareer. She thinks he has been out of town on another concert. Sheloves his music and plays his latest CD all the time. Katherine rescuesDanny and sends Esther away. She then asks about his trip, but beforehe answers, Danny makes a point of asking if Katherine has been drinkingfrom the fountain of youth.

Paul is astonished that his secretary thinks she knows him so well! Youare suffering from "wife withdrawal," she tells him. But Paul remindsher that he and his wife are independent of each other and livingdifferent lives separate of each other. Lynn reminds him that he andChris have been putting in a lot of hours on Danny's case; it is justnatural that he would miss her. Paul suddenly decides that he hassomething important to do and asks Lynn to cancel his appointments.

Nick tells Sharon that he knows what his sister wants to talkabout---her marriage. Sharon remarks that his sister thrives on onelifestyle while Cole thrives on another. Cole is content to sit athome and work at his "damn computer," Nick responds angrily. Well, thatis his life, Sharon says. Nick is sure that there is more to this thanhis sister is saying. Sharon convinces him that Vicki needs asympathetic ear from her little brother, so Nick tells her that he will"give it a shot." As he leaves he tells her: Have a nice day, Cupcake.

Jack offers Diane his services but she laughs him off. Still, Jack isadamant that she should talk to Victor. If you want a rug rat, you haveto talk to your husband, he states. Diane decides that she will go homeand talk to Victor right now.

Paul visits Legal Aid and asks about Christine. No one has heard fromher yet today. Paul asks why did she change her mind about going toAtlanta. The secretary tells Paul that Tom was all set to go toAtlanta, but Chris called and said she would go. Did Chris fax anythingfrom DMS? Paul asks, but is told no. As he is about to leave, he seesthat there is someone in Chris' office. He is told that John Silva ishelping with some of Chris' work. Paul enters the office and asks Johnif he is taking over his wife's law practice.

Ashley is preparing for a meeting when Jack enters. He wonder whathappened with Victoria and Cole the night before. Ashley admits thatshe hasn't heard from Cole today. Jack is astonished at Ashley's cooldemeanor; if it were him, he would be pacing the floor. Ashley admitsthat she is curious but she wants to give the two young marrieds time totalk over their problems. When Cole is ready to tell me what happened,he will let me know she tells him.

Danny tells Katherine all that happened in New York and all that theydiscovered about Phyllis. Katherine is appalled that Phyllis could beso devious. Danny also discloses to Katherine how Phyllis actuallytricked him into believing that he had made her pregnant. That is theonly reason I divorced Chris, he says. Katherine says that she hasn'tknown anyone so evil since her association with Jill many years ago.She proceeds to give comfort to Danny.

Nick enters Vicki's office. He is sorry that he wasn't there the nightbefore when she wanted to speak with him. They begin discussingVictoria's marriage. She tells him that she doesn't regret themarriage; they have some fabulous memories and have had some goodtimes. But, things are not the same. Nick cautions that she has justbeen away a long time and only returned a couple minutes ago. Give ittime. Make it up to Cole, he advises. But Vicki thinks it is toolate. Nick tells her not to panic. He reminds her of her habit ofrunning away from trouble.

Diane arrives home and is warmly greeted by her husband. He gets hersome coffee and she compliments him on knowing how she likes it. Heassures her that he is trying to learn all that he can about his wife sothat he can please her. They share a warm embrace, then Diane tells himthat she has something serious she wants to talk to him about.

When Jack cannot convince Ashley to call Cole, he backs down. MaybeAshley is right; Cole has enough to deal with without having to answerher questions also. As Jack leaves, he tells Ash that he will be therefor her.

Nick wonders if there is more than Vicki is telling him. Victoriaadmits that there is another player: Ashley Abbott. Nick is surprised.Vicki tells him that Cole was consulting with Ashley about the cosmeticsindustry which is the subject of his new book. Nick tries to point outthat Cole was lonely and Ashley was just being "a friend." They aren'thaving an affair, are they? he wants to know. Vicki admits that ithasn't gone quite that far, but they are more than friends. Nick tellsher that she should fight for her man. We are Newmans, he tells her.Don't just hand him over to Ashley Abbott; come out swinging!

Ashley is still preparing for a meeting when Vicki enters the room. Ashgreets her warmly and congratulates her on a successful trip. Vickitells her she is glad to be back; she then asks how Ashley is doing. Ihear you and my husband have been working together.

John Silva tells Paul that it is amazing how Chris can juggle all thesecases. He admits that Chris called him from Atlanta and ask him to doher a favor. He is preparing the paperwork for serving DMS. Paul isconfused. Didn't Chris go and see the man from DMS? Did he turn herdown again? John doesn't think that Chris even went to see the man atDMS; she just asked him to prepare the papers for what they need. Oncehe is served, he will have to give us the information we need, Johntells Paul. That makes two things Chris changed her mind about, Paulsays. John tells Paul that the rules say that women can changetheir minds any time they want to. A thoughtful Paul leaves the office.

Victor tells Diane to go ahead and talk; he is listening. She stumbleswith her words but finally gets it out that she wants to have his baby.Victor is stunned.

You and Chris should never have broken up, Katherine tells Danny. Youhad a perfect marriage. Now you are telling me that because of thiswoman, you have lost all your hopes and dreams? What are you going todo about it? But Danny tells her that there is nothing he can do.Chris has already gone on with her life; she is married to Paul now.But Katherine will not accept this. As she goes on and on about Dannyand Chris, he remembers the kiss they shared in New York. Suddenly hetells Katherine that he has to leave and he rushes out of the house.

So Cole told you, Ashley says. Of course, Vicki answers, but I am alittle fuzzy about the details. Ashley explains that she was helpinghim understand the ins and outs of the cosmetic industry. Vicki wondersif that was all. Ashley tells her that her husband missed her very muchbut he did have his work to occupy his mind and time. Ashley continuesto talk about the special "friendship" that developed. Oh, I am sure,Vicki counters. Lots of late dinners, cozy little lunches. Are youaccusing me of something? Ashley asks. She then reminds Vicki that shewas gone for a very long time. Was she alone that entire time? Didn'tshe meet a lot of new people? Were there no special dinners? Nolunches? Nothing of a social nature. While she admits that all thatdid occur, Vicki won't let up. Ashley tells Vicki that there are twopeople in the marriage and they need to sit down and decide what they doand do not want. No, Vicki says, there are three people and I know whatyou want. You aren't getting my husband without a fight. As she leavesthe office, she smiles and wishes Ashley a "nice day."

Are you shocked? Diane asks Victor. He isn't shocked but he issurprised. He realizes that Diane's biological clock is ticking, but hehad no idea that she wanted children. Is this the only reason youmarried me? he wants to know. No, Diane tells Victor. I married youbecause I loved you! Well, I hope that love is enough, Victor tellsher. I am about to disappoint you. You won't even consider it? sheasks. I might have but now it is too late, Victor quietly tells Diane.I didn't know you wanted children. I thought you were as happy with ourlifestyle and I was. So, I recently had a vasectomy.

Paul is in the office when Danny arrives. I got your message, Dannysays as he enters. What is up? Paul faces Danny. I want you to tellme what happened with you and Chris after I left New York, Paul tellsDanny.

You had a vasectomy? Diane is dismayed. So I guess that explains yourdistance in the bedroom recently. Victor tells her that it was still alittle painful. Diane cannot believe that he would do this without evendiscussing it with her. It should have been a decision that the two ofthem made together. Why didn't you talk to me about it? Victor tellsher that she had given him no indication that she wanted a child. But Iwas on the pill. Didn't you trust me? Diane asks. Again Victor says heis sorry. He thought they had a wonderful life and had no idea shewanted a child. Not a child, Diane tells him. Your child. We shouldhave discussed this before you did anything. Victor embraces his wifeand tells her that he is sorry---really sorry. Diane weeps softly whileVictor tries to comfort her.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 28, 1997

by Soap Central

Paul's office Paul and Danny face off. Danny is confused by Paul'sdemand to know what happened with Chris in New York. Paul tells Dannythat Chris did not go to DMS but Danny has no answer for him. I toldChris that I was coming home and offered to have her come with me, Dannysays. However, she didn't show up at the airport so I came home alone.Where is Chris, Danny asks. Paul tells him that Chris is in Atlanta.Why would Chris just take off, Danny?

Phyllis' apartment Phyllis and Michael enter the apartment. Phyllistells her that they are alone; Joanie has taken Daniel out. As Michaelmakes overtures, Phyllis stops him. She doesn't know when Joanie andDaniel will return. I'll just have to owe you one, she tells him.Michael isn't upset; he tells Phyllis that he needs to talk to her aboutsomething important.

"Cupcake, I am home." Nick calls as he enters his home. He is greetedby his wife with a kiss. He tells her he had a good day. I am soproud of you for going back to your father's company to work, Sharontells him. Well, he tells her, they have me on a strict trainingschedule. They aren't treating me like "the bosses son" and it is "sinkor swim" on my own. Did you talk to your sister? Nick tells her thatthere is more to it than they had thought. They are in serious troubleand need help. Nick tells her that he has a plan and will need Sharonto bring it about. Sharon is willing to do anything. Nick wants tohave a small intimate dinner party---just the two of them with Cole andVicki. The problem is how to get the two of them there for dinner.Vicki tells Nick that she will call Vicki and she won't take no for ananswer.

Ryan's office Ryan calls John Silva. John is very busy but Ryan tellshim that he has to see him; it is very important. John tells him tocome to the courthouse and he will see him whenever he has a chance.Ryan hangs up just as Victoria comes into the office. How are youholding up? she asks sympathetically. He tells her that he can now seethe light at the end of the tunnel. She asks after Nina and Ryan tellsher that mentally, she is better, but physically, they still are notsure. Vicki is happy for Ryan and wishes Nina well. Ryan asks how sheis doing. When she answers that she is fine, Ryan doesn't believe her.Come on, Vicki, I know you. What is wrong?

Keith's home Tricia enters the house. Megan sees her and is overjoyedto see her sister. Have you come home? How are things? Tricia tellsher that she isn't home for good and she hasn't seen Ryan. She has beenhoping that he would come to her, but that hasn't happened. Doesn'tthat tell you something? Megan asks. Tricia tells her sister that shehas decided to just wait. She will give Ryan time and space to decidewho he wants in his life. Maybe he will decide that he has room in hislife for her. Megan hopes that there isn't room for her. All theproblems won't just go away. Some of them are there for a lifetime.

Paul's office Danny and Paul stare at each other. Danny says hedoesn't know why Chris went to Atlanta without coming home, but if Paulreally wants to know, he should ask his wife. Paul tells him that he isasking HIM (Danny). I know something happened after I left New York andI want to know what it was. I don't like your tone, Danny tells Paul.And I don't care, Paul tells him. Now, out with it Romalotti. What isgoing on with my wife? Nothing happened, Danny insists. I left and shedidn't. End of story. She did not discuss her plans with me. Dannyreminds Paul that Chris is a lawyer and lawyers have more than one ironin the fire. But Paul is not convinced. We have worked too hard onyour custody case for her to just drop it. You are keeping somethingfrom me and I am sick and tired of it! Paul shouts. I am not keepinganything from you, Danny shouts. I didn't even know she didn't returnto GC. "You had better not lie to me," Paul threatens. Why would I lie?wonders Danny. Chris is my lawyer, Paul. She is also my wife, Dannydeclares. Then you should talk with your wife, Danny says as he leavesPaul's office. Alone, Paul whispers, "Chris, what the hell is going on?"

Ryan's office Talk to me, Vicki. Ryan encourages. You don't have tohide things from me. Vicki tells him that she does not want to burdenhim, but she is so confused. She doesn't know if she really wants to bemarried or not. You enjoyed your trip, didn't you? Ryan asked. Vickiadmits that she loved her trip. She felt so free and in control of herlife. Ryan tells her that it is because she is a free spirit and feelsthings deeply. Now that she is back, Vicki says, she feels thateveryone is closing in on her. Everyone disapproves of her. They areinterrupted by the phone. It is Sharon and she invites Vicki todinner. At first, Vicki declines the invitation but Ryan encourages herto go. Finally she agrees to the date. Sharon hangs up the phone andsays: one down and one to go. Now it is my turn, Nick says. Back inRyan's office, Vicki tells him that she has moved to the main house. Itis that bad? Ryan asks. I don't think I was cut out for marriage, Vickisays. I don't even know if Cole wants to stay married. She is hopingthat distance will give her some perspective because right now, her lifeis in chaos. She remembers one other time when she felt this way. "Whenwe were married?" asks Ryan. "No," she tells him. "When we got divorced.""We were too young," Ryan tells her. Vicki tells him that she believesthat their divorce was a mistake. "Do you ever wonder what it would havebeen like if we had stayed together?" But then, she sighs, I am gladthat we are divorced so that we could be such good friends. I need afriend more than I need a husband. You could have a friend AND ahusband, Ryan tells her. In a more cheerful note, Vicki suggests thatthey go on the road together. You could represent the Men's Line and Iwould speak for Brash and Sassy. Then at night we could compare notesin our hotel room. When Ryan laughs, she tells him that she is notkidding. She then kisses him on the cheek and leaves.

The Newman house Nick calls Cole and asks him down to dinner. Colesays that sounds good and Nick doesn't have to twist his arm. Nickhangs up and tells Sharon: Mission accomplished! Now Sharon gets busypreparing for the dinner. When Nick asks what he can do, she tells himto think up something clever to say when Cole and Victoria realize whatthey are up to.

Keith's home Tricia doesn't know how she can let Ryan go. Meg tellsher that a good start would be to move back home and start seeing otherguys. Alex would love to see you again, she says. Jill enters and ishappy to see Tricia. You're home! It is wonderful to see you, sheexclaims. When Tricia says she hasn't returned home, Jill asks Megan ifshe can speak with Tricia alone. After Megan leaves, Jill apologizesfor putting so much pressure on Tricia about Ryan. I took too hard astand when I should have had more patience. I know it is partially myfault that you moved out, Jill admits. Tricia isn't mollified. I guessmy father wasn't happy with you when I moved out, she says. He isworried about you, Jill tells her. We both regret that we came down toohard on you. If I came home, how would it be different? asks Tricia.

Phyllis' apartment Michael tells Phyllis that countering Danny'scharges are only half the battle. They need to take the offensive. Iam sure that Danny is no saint, he remarks. After all, Danny is a rockstar and frequently goes out of town for concerts. What is he going todo with Daniel when he is out of town? Leave him with a nanny? Or willhe drag him along from hotel to hotel. And Daniel will be ready forschool soon. How is that going to work. Meanwhile, he has a mother whowill be there for him---fixing lunch---taking care of him day andnight. They decide to make a list. When Michael mentions that rockstars and concerts are notorious for drug use, Phyllis tells him thatDanny has never used drugs. But that doesn't mean that Daniel wouldn'tbe around those types of people. Then there is Danny's marriagehistory. He seems to go into and out of marriage too frequently. Andnow here he is getting closer with his ex-wife. They will get expertwitnesses to testify as to that kind of influence on a child. Michaeldecides that they will let Danny's side take their best punch. Afterthey have put on their case, we will deliver our knock-out punch. Ourcase will be uppermost in the judges mind when he goes in to deliberate,Phyllis says. She tells him that he is brilliant---and brilliance turnsher on. They kiss. Michael picks her up and they go to the couch.Just then the door opens and Joanie and Daniel are home. Quickly Joaniepulls Daniel back out into the hallway. As they redress, Phyllis tellsMichael that she still owes him one.

The courthouse Ryan is pacing. Finally a courtroom door opens andJohn exits. Ryan is excited. I've got good news! he tells his lawyer.Nina has her memory back! She remembers everything that happened. Thatis great! John says. How did you find out? Did she call you? No,John, I was there. We talked it out. WHAT!! John shouts. Ryan tellshim how they had constructed the entire night of the shooting. He hadtaken her step by step through the happenings and it all came back to her.John is angry. I told you not to go to the hospital. I told you not togo anywhere near Nina. Did you just ignore everything I told you? Ryanis deflated. He doesn't understand where John is coming from. Johntells him that he has to go talk to Nina right away. Ryan wonder why hehas to talk with Nina. It isn't just that he has to talk with Nina,explains John. He has to take a court reporter along and get it alldocumented. It has to be documented that she really remembers and itwasn't a case of Ryan planting the memory in Nina's mind. He then findsout about the two orderlies who tried to throw him out of the hospitalroom. John says he has to go to the hospital right away but he ordersRyan to STAY AWAY FROM THE HOSPITAL. STAY AWAY FROM NINA. Does he makehimself clear? Ryan promises to stay away. The bailiff exits thecourtroom and tells John that the Judge wants to see him. John tries toget away but the bailiff insists that the Judge wants to see him rightnow.

Phyllis' home Daniel is in bed. Joanie prepares to leave. Phyllisthanks her for keeping Daniel out of the room while she and Michaelreadjusted themselves. Joanie begins to chastise Phyllis, but Phyllisinterrupts by saying that from now on she will be more discrete. As shesees Joanie to the door, Danny is there. Phyllis tells him that Danielis asleep. He insists on seeing his son. Phyllis tells him to comeback tomorrow but he shoves her aside and enters. He goes straight toDaniel's room.

The Newmans' The house is beautiful and the aroma of good food fillsthe house. Nick is bragging on his wife and she loves it. She wonderhow Vicki and Cole will react when they find out they were setup. Willthey be at each other's throats? Will we have made it worse? The doorbell sounds and they decide that they will soon find out. Colearrives. He tells them that he needed a break. Nick asks how the bookis coming and he says it is going well. Nick wonders if he ever getslonely. Are you kidding? he laughs. All my characters do whatever Itell them to do. They pour the wine and toast to a terrific evening.

Phyllis' home Danny comes out of Daniel's room with the child in hisarms. Daniel is happy to see his daddy back from his trip. He askswhen he can go listen to the band with his dad. Phyllis reminds himthat they had a good time today when she read to him. And we bakedcookies, too, remember Daniel? Daniel remembers more; he remembers thata friend came to visit. Who? asks Danny. Phyllis tries to pass it offas a girlfriend but Danny tells his dad that mommy is teasing. It wasMichael. Danny gets mad. Daniel says that Michael is a nice man andDanny gets even madder. How could you do this, Phyllis? Daniel saysthat his mommy likes Michael a lot. How do you know? Danny asks hisson. Because I saw her kiss him, answers Danny. Danny grabs Daniel andstarts out the door. Come back, Phyllis demands. You can't do this.Just watch me, Danny says. Bye, bye, mommy, Daniel says. After Dannyleaves, Phyllis says: You may think you have won, Danny, but it is tooeasy to push your buttons.

The Newmans' Miguel brings over appetizers. Nick pours more wine.Cole wonders if he is delaying dinner but Sharon tells him that she madea mistake judging when the vegetables would be ready. They wait alittle long. Conversation drags a little. Finally the door bellrings. Sharon answers and there stands Vicki and a date. Nick comesup. Vicki introduces her friend, Darren Murphy. They welcome him butdo not move from the door. It becomes a little awkward. Vicki wondersif she got the day wrong. If was tonight, wasn't it. We can comeback. Well, well, Cole says. It should be a fascinating evening. Howare you Darren?

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 29, 1997

by Soap Central

Victor's office: Ryan visits Victor and thanks him for posting bond forhim. I'm sure it can't be good for the company having one of your VicePresidents arrested for attempted murder. Victor tells Ryan that heknows that there is no way he could do such a thing. I always had faithin you, Victor tells him. He then asks how Nina is doing. Ryan tellshim that Nina is doing much better and that she has finally rememberedwhat happened that night. Well, it looks like things are looking up,Victor says.

The Chancellor Mansion: Katherine opens the door to find Danny and hisson. She is happy to see the two of them and welcomes them into herhome with hugs, especially for Daniel. I need to talk to you, Dannytells her. Esther comes in and takes Daniel with her to the kitchen forcookies. I am ready to explode! Danny tells Katherine. He tells herthat he just came from Phyllis' home. I am so mad! She tried to keepme from seeing my son and then I found out that she is seeing thatsnake, Michael Baldwin. She has been KISSING that snake in front of myson! Katherine is aghast. How could that woman take up with the likesof Michael Baldwin.

Phyllis' home: Phyllis opens the door for Michael. She is very upset."Danny has kidnapped my son!" she announces. We have to call the police!Wait, Michael says, trying, unsuccessfully, to calm her down. She goeson to tell Michael that Danny came unannounced and took Daniel. Hedoesn't like what is going on between us, she tells Michael. Michaelfinally gets Phyllis to calm down and begins to carefully question her.Danny doesn't like what is going on between us or doesn't like what weare doing with Danny? Phyllis cannot see the difference, but sheexplains that Danny hates that you, Michael, are in my life. Danielmentioned that he saw us kiss and Danny just went wild. Michael says hewas afraid that kiss would come back to haunt them, but they will justhave to deal with it. We are wasting time, Phyllis tells Michael. Wehave to call the police.

The Young Newman's: There is an awkward moment as Vicki introduces her"date" for the evening. Darren is a business associate from New Yorkthat Vicki met on her trip. Cole walks up and welcomes Darren. Vickimakes the introduction. So, I take it you two know each other, Darrensays. Oh, yes. Cole is my husband, Vicki answers sweetly. Yourhusband? Darren gulps. Oh don't worry about it. Cole is veryunderstanding. Nick offers wine. Cole announces that he was going toinvite a date but changed his mind. As an embarrassed Sharon goes toget the table ready, Cole tells her to put him anywhere since he is the"odd man out" tonight.

The hospital: The doctor is examining Nina's feet and legs. Ninadoesn't feel anything even though she realizes that she should. She isslowly getting more and more upset. This doesn't look good, Ninacries. The doctor tries to reassure her. The doctors have told youthat it takes time, she says. When the spinal nerves are bruised, ittakes a while to get feeling back. As the doctor leaves, the police arethere to question Nina. They reintroduce themselves: Detectives Batesand Wylie, also Mr. Richards from the DA's office. We have a few morequestions for you, Detective Bates tells her. Nina tells them that nowshe has answers for them.

Victor's office: Ryan tells Victor that he is looking forward to afresh start. Nina continues to be paralyzed, he explains, but we don'texpect that to last much longer. She is recovering very well. I have alot of decisions to make. I know my marriage is over, but I just cannotwalk away while she is in this condition. Still, I can't deny that Ihave feelings for Tricia Dennison. You want Tricia in your life?Victor asks. I cannot make that decision just now, Ryan tells him. Iknow you are at a cross roads right now, Victor tells him. Just staythe course; take it one step at a time and you'll be okay.

Nina's hospital room: You now remember what happened that night? Ninais asked. You remember bringing the gun into the apartment? Nina tellsthem that she does remember. She had been gone. When she returnedhome, she found someone in her apartment. She argued with this personand took the gun from her purse. They ask who was in the apartment andNina answers that it was Tricia. Why did you have the gun? They want toknow. Nina hesitates. I cannot imagine ever committing suicide, shetells them. But my mind was a mess. I didn't want to hurt anyoneelse. How did you feel finding Tricia in your apartment? They want toknow. I didn't like it, she tells them. I was angry that she had thenerve to be there. Ryan had gone to St. Louis to identify a body. Didyou want to shoot Tricia? No, I don't think so. I just wanted to scareher a little. We argued, then Ryan came home. He got Tricia out of theapartment and I picked up the gun again and aimed it at my head. Ryantried to stop me, we struggled and the gun went off. Everything isquiet for a while. Then Mr. Richards ask: When did you remember? WhenI talked with my husband, Nina answered.

Katherine's: Can my son and I stay with you? Danny asks his friend.Danny, Katherine says. I share your concern about having your sonanywhere near that man, but what evidence do you have that any harm hasbeen done to your son? Danny is shocked! You know we cannot trustMichael Baldwin! Danny, you may not want to hear this, but you have toreturn that child to it's mother immediately. You are right, I don'twant to hear that! Danny tells her. I cannot take my child back to thatwoman. But Phyllis has custody, Katherine reasons. Maybe it istemporary custody, but custody nevertheless. If you ever want to getpermanent custody, you have to play by her rules. You know that Phyllisplays to win and you are risking getting permanent custody if you keepDaniel away from her.

Phyllis' apartment: Phyllis doesn't understand where Michael is comingfrom. He explains: We can't call the police. How long has Danny beengone with Daniel? An hour? It isn't reasonable that he would have theboy home yet. But I didn't give him permission to take Daniel, shecries. Right now, it is just your word against his, Michael explains.Wait; give him time to bring Daniel back. If he doesn't, then we go tothe police. But that won't work, Phyllis tells him. He probably headedstraight for Christine's and she will just convince him to bring Danielback.

Nick and Sharon's: Dinner is going well. Vicki explains that Darrenjust popped into the office as she was leaving and invited her out. Soshe just invited him along to her brother's home. Everyone iscomplimenting the cook on a fabulous meal. Sharon is a wonderful cook,agrees Vicki. I am hopeless in the kitchen. But you make a meanreservation, her husband quips. Vicki laughs.Just wait until you taste her souffls, Nick boasts. Cole wants tochallenge everyone to a duel for the souffls, but Vicki doesn't wantany. Darren offers to share his with her, but Nick tells Sharon tobring him a whole one and he will eat what Vicki leave on the plate.

Jill's office: Tricia enters. Jill is happy to see her. Tricia issorry that she walked out on Jill earlier, but she cannot come homeyet. She has to sort things out first. Jill promises not to putpressure on her, but Tricia knows that her Dad will pressure her. Jillfinally backs down but tells her that if she changes her mind, they wanther home. Please tell my father that I am okay and that I love him.As Jill promises to do so, she sees Ryan enter the office. Ryan, how isNina? Jill asks. I'm hopeful, he answers. I have a positive attitudeabout the future. Were you looking for me? Tricia asks hopefully. Ryanasks Jill if he can talk with Tricia alone.

Your husband was here? The detective asks Nina. Yes, she tells them.He stopped by after his bond hearing. Were you aware that he was notsupposed to come here? They want to know. I think someone mentionedthat, but Ryan wouldn't hurt me. Obviously there is more to this story,Mr. Richards tells Nina. So, tell me. Did you remember before hearrived or while he was here? Nina tells them how Ryan walked herthrough the entire night of the shooting.

You are right handed, aren't you? the detective asked and Ninaacknowledges that this is so. Did you know that the gun was found byyour head on the left side? they ask. Nina is confused. Why does thatmatter? Ryan would not hurt me. He didn't do anything wrong. Well,they say, that is all for now. We will be in touch.

Outside the room, the DA says that McNeal should not have been in thatroom. They approach one of the orderlies. He tells the group that heheard a lot of noise coming from Nina's room. When he went in, Ryan was"pitching a fit." He tried to get him out of the room, but then Ninasaid he could stay. They get his name. The DA looks at the detectivesand ask: Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I think we need to have a littletalk with Mr. O'Neal.

The two stare at each other. You look good, Tricia tells him. Heapologizes for staying away, but Tricia knows that he has beenoverwhelmed. He tells her the good news about Nina. We talked itthrough and the memories came flooding back, he tells her. So now youwon't be punished for something you didn't do, she tells him, relieved.I can move on with my life, says Ryan. I'll soon be free. Then what?asks Tricia.

Phyllis' pad: Michael smiles. Trust me, Phyllis. Danny isn't going toChristine's. How do you know? Phyllis wants to know. "I know somethingyou don't know," Michael sing-songs to Phyllis. He then tells Phyllisthat Chris is out of town. So, his guardian angel won't be there torescue poor little Danny, Phyllis says. Michael tells her that thislittle incident will cost Danny in court, but Phyllis is still worried.Still, she tells him seductively, you are good at reassuring me. Theykiss.

Jill's office: I don't know what happens next, Ryan tells Tricia. Shetells him that she understands. It is great to see you. I've missedyou so much. I love you, Ryan. Soon all of this will be behind us,Ryan tells his love. They embrace, then kiss. Later, he tells her thathe has to go check on Nina.

Nick and Sharon's: Dinner is over and everyone is finishing up withcoffee. Darren has an early flight so he and Vicki get ready to leave.Sharon takes Vicki aside and tells her that she is sorry for trying toset her and Cole up. Cole decides it is time to leave also. When Vickitells him not to stay up too late, he tells her that he is going toknock out a couple of new chapters on his book. After tonight, I havetons of new material. Outside, Darren tells Vicki that she has one heckof a family. Back inside, Nick tells his wife that there is one thingabout tonight---it sure wasn't dull! Talk about plans going haywire!Sharon says. But, maybe it all worked out for the best. Did you seethe way Cole was watching Vicki? Maybe he will take a closer look andsee what he is losing. Yeah, agrees Nick. Maybe Cole remembers why hefell in love with my sister.

Katherine's: Danny tells Katherine that thinking of his son withBaldwin makes him sick at his stomach. Katherine assures him that itwould only be temporary. Just for now, you need to work with Phyllis.She is in the drivers seat at the moment. Please don't give her anymore ammunition than you have to. Danny looks at her for a moment. NO,he states. I cannot make myself do it.

Nina's bedside: Nina tells Ryan that she has told the detectives allthat she remembered. Thank you, Ryan whispers. Nina begins to cry. Iam so sorry, she tells him. He begins to comfort her. A hospitalworker enters the room and tells Ryan that there is someone outside whowant to speak with him. It is the same people who was talking to yourwife, she tells him.

The detectives tell Ryan that he should come with them. We have morequestions for you, they say. What are you talking about? he demands.My wife told you what went on. What are you trying to pull? They tellhim that there is a conference room at the hospital they can use or hecan go to the station with them. Not without my lawyer, Ryan tellsthem. I'm not saying anything more without my attorney present. Ofcourse, the DA says. You definitely should have your attorney present.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, October 30, 1997

by Soap Central

The hospital:John Silva enters the hospital and is directed to the conference roomwhere Ryan and the police detectives are waiting. What is going on? heasks. The DA tells John that one of the conditions of Ryan's releasewas that he would stay away from his wife. Yet, as soon as he isreleased, he makes a beeline for her hospital room. Ryan immediatelyjumps in: I had to see her. This is my life we are talking about. Hebegins telling John in a very aGityated voice that these people are stilltrying to pin the shooting on him. It is very odd that until you talkedwith your wife, she could not remember. This is such a joke, Ryan tellsthem. Listen to Nina; she will tell you what happened. John interruptsRyan and tells the authorities that he and his client haven't had achance to discuss this. Until we do, I don't want him answering anyquestions.

Phyllis' home:Phyllis is very antsy. She thinks Danny should have been back withDaniel by now. Michael hopes they will stay out all night. Phyllissays that it is amusing how Danny has shot himself in the foot. Dannyis a hothead, Michael tells her. I am just glad he doesn't have hislittle nursemaid here to hold his hand. Hopefully, the next time yousee Danny it will be in jail.

Katherine's home:Katherine tells Danny that he must take Daniel back home. Danny says hecannot turn his son over to Phyllis and a convicted felon so that theycan corrupt him. Michael Baldwin is sick, he tells Katherine. Justthink a moment, Katherine encourages Danny. You cannot fight MichaelBaldwin. Then what am I to do? asks Danny. You wouldn't take yourchild back to that home!

Neil's office:Neil is having a difficult time concentrating on work. He picks up apicture of his family and gazes at it. Malcolm comes into the officeand tries to lift his spirits. He invites him to come along to the gymbut Neil tells him he is working under some major deadlines. All workand no play, begins Malcolm and Neil continues: makes Neil a dullbusinessman, I know. No matter what Malcolm does, he cannot lift Neil'sspirits. Since he can't get a "ha ha ha" with his poor jokes, he willleave.

Katherine's:Katherine tells Danny that he is in an extremely difficult situation.She agrees that he must keep a very close eye on Phyllis but he shouldnot do anything that will jeopardize getting custody. Even thoughPhyllis is a poor role model and she has a poor choice in men, she doeslove Daniel. She would not let anything happen to that child. IfMichael were making any abusive moves on that child, she wouldn't lethim anywhere near Daniel. I am concerned about you, she tells Danny.She reminds him that Phyllis may have already called the police. Dannyshould think of his future with Daniel. He has to take him back now sothat there will be a future with him---a future full of joy and love.But that future will never happen if he doesn't take Daniel backnow---that is the only way---take him back NOW. Danny walks around theroom, thinking; then he goes into the entry way and calls for Daniel.When the child arrives, he tells him that they are leaving. Saygood-bye to Grandma Kay, he tells Daniel.

Hospital Conference room:Mr. Richards tells John Silva that they are having some real problemswith Nina's story. Ryan shouts that Nina backs him up! Why can't youjust believe her?

Olivia's office:Olivia is finishing with a phone call when her husband arrives. This isa surprise, she tells him as they embrace and kiss. He tells her abouthis visit with Neil. My brother is seriously depressed. Olivia tellshim that all they can do is be supportive. Malcolm doesn't buy it. Heknows that there is technology out there that can make his brother'sdream come true. He wants Olivia to go to Neil and tell him all aboutthat technology. Olivia tells him that it isn't that simple but thereare things they could consider IF they choose. But there is a lot oflet-downs and sacrifices. Then go tell Neil all that, Malcolm pleads.

Phyllis' place:How much longer before we can call the police, she asks Michael. Hetells her to have patience. They have to wait long enough for Danny totorpedo Christine's case. Suddenly Phyllis panics. What if Danny goesaway with Daniel and never comes back? Michael reassures him that thatwill never happen. Danny is too easily recognized all over the world.Then he tells her to go ahead and call the Police. Phyllis tells thepolice that she wants to report a missing child; her son has beenabducted by his father, Danny Romalotti.

Olivia's:Talk to my brother, Liv. Tell him he doesn't have to give up; theystill have a shot at that family. Olivia tries to discourage him butall she accomplishes is making him wonder why she doesn't want to talkto Neil. I don't get why you wouldn't want to do this, he tells her.Think about it.

Nina's hospital room:Nina is alone when Jill enters. They greet each other happily. Jillnotices a large arrangement of flowers. They are from Katherine, Ninatells her. A lot of people care for you, Nina. Nina agrees. She tellsJill that she is so happy that she has been given a second chance.

The Conference Room:The police continue to question Ryan. They think it is convenient thatsuddenly Nina remembers what happened. They want to know if Ninaregained her memory in a flash or was more going on.

Olivia's office:Dru enters the office. Okay, she says. I am here. What is going on.Olivia tells Dru about Neil's depression. Dru tells her sister that shedoesn't have to tell her; after all, she lives with Neil. She knows himbetter than anyone. Olivia tells Dru of Malcolm's request. She alsotells Dru that the scaring on her tubes doesn't mean she can never haveanother child. There is artificial insemination, invitro fertilization. . . Dru tells Olivia to stay out of it. She is making it her businessto remind Neil just how lucky they are. Well, you better get started,Olivia tells her sister. Time is running out. Dru picks up the phoneand calls Neil. She invites him out for some dining and dancing. Eventhough he isn't in the mood, she finally convinces him that it will begood for him---for both of them. After he tells her he will meet her,Dru hangs up. She turns to her sister and asks if that was fast enoughfor her.

Phyllis':Phyllis is telling the police that her son has been missing for hours.Just at that time, Danny arrives at the apartment with Daniel. Nevermind, she tells the police. There are angry stares all the way around."Hi Mommy," Daniel greets Phyllis.

Nina's room:Jill wonders if by "second chance" Nina is referring to Ryan. Ninatells her that yes, but she is also referring to her son. Jill tellsher that she didn't deliberately neglect Phillip; she was depressed.Nina tells her that she really hit rock bottom. But now she has anotherchance. She doesn't believe she could have thinking of throwing awayher life---that she could actually think of doing something like that toher son. She lays up in bed and thinks of her son. She misses thesmall things: asking him about his day at school, reading to him,kissing him goodnight. She will never take these things for grantedagain. Even though Ryan has been great to her, she doesn't know whatwill happen. She doesn't know if he will want to build a life with heror not. Only time will tell. Just remember this, I will always bethere for you and Phillip, Jill assures Nina.

Phyllis':Phyllis cheers up and greets her son with kisses. Well you are finallyhome! Daddy and I had lots of fun, Daniel tells his mother. Did youhave fun? What did you and daddy do? Danny doesn't even try to hidehis anger. He blasts Phyllis for trying to spy on him through his son.Phyllis puts Daniel down and tells him to get ready for bed. She willbe in to kiss him good night in a little. As Daniel heads for hisbedroom, Michael calls out: Sleep tight, Daniel. Daniel waves ateveryone from the doorway. Danny attacks Michael. What is thatsupposed to mean? Michael tells him he was only wishing the child goodnight. Danny tells him that he had better stay away from his son. Iknow what you are trying to do, he tells them. But I won't let youscrew up my case. We are going to nail you buddy, Phyllis tells herhusband. Who will believe you? sneers Danny. I believe her, Michaelsays in a quiet, menacing voice.

Olivia's home:Olivia paces about her apartment. How can you do this, Dru? shemurmurs. You say you love your husband. Malcolm arrives home justthen, loaded with packages. He sends his wife for Nate. When Nateenters the room, Malcolm jumps out from behind the couch wearing a"monster mask." He tells an excited Nate that he has a Frankensteincostume for him.

The Lodge:Dru has a table at fireside. She is waiting for Neil. When he arrives,he apologizes for being late. Jack needed something from him at thelast minute. They order wine. He tells her how beautiful she is; shetells him he is handsome. She tells him that she feels so blessed. Shehas him and their precious little girl. Neil agrees. God is smilingdown on me, he tells her. You are an amazing woman, he continues. Youhave courage and sensitivity. I have never loved you more.

The Conference Room:How do I make you people believe me? shouts Ryan. Nina told you whathappened. Nina doesn't want a trial. It is obvious that your wifeloves you, the detective says. But you wanted out of the marriage andshe knew why. But now we have problems with anything Nina tells us.Everything she tells us now is tainted, they tell John. How do we knowit wasn't coerced or manipulated? If you had only gone through theproper channels . . . But now I strongly oppose having this casedismissed. Yeah, John says. I have a big job ahead of me.

Olivia's:Malcolm says he loves Halloween. You are a wonderful father, Oliviatells him. I love Little Nate. Don't ever forget that, Malcolm tellshis wife. She walks away quietly and Malcolm wonders if he has saidsomething wrong. She tells him that she is thinking of Neil. Malcolmasks if she will talk to him, but Olivia tells him that she cannot.

The Lodge:Dru convinces Neil to dance with her.

Phyllis':Stay out of this Baldwin, Danny threatens. You are a snake and I don'twant you anywhere near anyone who is important in my life. It was justa kiss, Phyllis tells him. Sure, he says. By now I don't doubt you twoare shacking up, but I don't want it around my son. My life is my own,Phyllis tells him. You gave up the right to tell me who I can andcannot see when you moved out. Michael tells him to back off. Dannygoes off about the morals of both Michael and Phyllis. He wonders howhis son could grow up normal with Phyllis as a mother. Michael tellsDanny if he doesn't stop these vicious attacks on Phyllis, he will getan injunction against him and he will never see his son. Danny marchesout of the apartment. Phyllis thanks Michael for defending her. Whatif he comes back tonight? she wonders. Michael tells her that he won'tbut Phyllis isn't convinced. Will you stay with me tonight? she asks.

Olivia's:Olivia tells Malcolm that the subject is too personal to talk with Neilabout. She doesn't want to get into the middle of all this. Shereminds him that he didn't ask her to talk to Dru, her sister, but tohis brother. Malcolm says that there is more that Olivia isn't sayingbut the phone interrupts.

The Lodge:On the dance floor, Dru and Neil whisper sweet nothings to each other.They talk about how important each is to the other.

Nina's room:A nurse enters the room and checks on Nina. She mentions all thevisitors Nina has had. She tells her that she is lucky. Not everyonehas visitors. Nina wonders where Ryan is. She expected him back bynow, but obviously he has gone home. The nurse tell her that he isstill here; he is in the conference room talking to the detectives thathad been talking to Nina. Again? Nina asks. Why? The nurse asks hernot to get upset. It will not help her. After the nurse leaves, Ninafigures out that the detectives did not believe her. They still thinkthat Ryan shot her on purpose. She has to make them understand. Shethrows back the bed covers and struggles to get out of bed. She liftseach of her legs and moves them to the side of the bed. She finallystands by the side of the bed, but her legs will not hold her up. Shefalls to the floor.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 27, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, October 31, 1997

by Soap Central

Christine's office:

Danny arrives in preparation for a meeting with Phyllis and herattorneys. Tom is taking Christine's place at the meeting. He hassomething he wants to talk to Danny about before they leave. I havesomething to talk to YOU about, Danny tells him. He begins to rantabout Phyllis carrying on with Michael Baldwin. He can't stand to thinkof his mother with "that scum" Baldwin. He is concerned about the kindof influence "that sicko" will have on his son. He wants to know ifthere isn't something they can do to keep Baldwin away from Daniel.

Michael's office:Michael is busy when Phyllis arrives. She tiptoes over and blows in hisear. Michael jumps up startled and yells at her for frightening him.But Phyllis isn't worried. She wants to talk about last night. She istickled that it bugs Danny so much that she is now with Michael. Shesnuggles close and kisses him. He stops her; we have to be careful, hesays.

Hospital conference room:Ryan wonders why he suddenly feels like he is on trial and the policeare his judge and jury. They tell him that they have problems with hisstory, especially since he went against orders and went to see his sickwife. Why did you go to see her? they want to know. John Silva stopshim from answering. You don't have to answer that question. You wouldbe smart not to answer it.

Nina's room:Nina realizes that the police did not believe her. She struggles to getout of bed but once her feet hit the floor, she crumbles. She layshelplessly on the hospital floor.

Victor's office:Ashley and Victor are closing a business meeting. Victor asks howAshley is and she tells him that she is fine. Everything is comingalong fine---business is great, she has a new perfume, etc. He wantsher to be happy in both her professional and personal life. And arethings good for you and your new bride? questions Ashley. Victor turnsaway and Ashley becomes concerned. What is wrong? Victor tells Ashleythat it appears that he may have disappointed his wife. How? she asks.I can't see you disappointing any woman. It will pass, he tells her.What he is really concerned about is his daughter. More and more he isconvinced that the problem in that marriage is another woman.

The tack room:Cole is taking a break from the computer when Vicki arrives. Is it safeto come in? she asks. Cole tells her that it depends; is she alone orwith her "date?" She laughs and tells him that she is only there forsome of her clothes. Cole tells her to help herself; he wasn't planningon wearing any of them. Vicki thanks him being such a class act at theparty the night before. She thinks he handled it like . . . a classact.

Neil Winters' residence:Neil rushes to the door dressed in his pj's and bathrobe. It is Malcolmwondering if he is running late. Neil tells him he was planning ongoing in to work late today. He and Dru had a late night. Hisbeautiful wife took him dining and dancing last night. Malcolm is gladto see him so happy and upbeat. He has something to show his brotherthat will make him even happier. He then tells Neil about reading thisarticle about alternative medical techniques. Cool, says Neil as hebegins to read the article. Thanks. It is good to know that there areother options. Dru is going to be so excited!

Christine's office:Tom agrees with Danny about the moral character of Michael Baldwin andhe wouldn't want Michael around his kids either. But, Danny cannot stopMichael from seeing Phyllis and even Danny. He then tries to reassureDanny by telling him that Baldwin is too smart to do anything that wouldjeopardize Phyllis' case. Tom then tells Danny what he needs to speakto him about. Today is the day when they have to present theirdiscovery items: witnesses they will be calling, evidence they willpresent. We will have to list Brian and the toxicology report, he tellsDanny. He and Christine feel that it is best to delay the hearing.This will give Phyllis and her attorney's less time to counter thesesurprise items. Danny agrees. We need to win here. Danny then askshow Chris sounded. Tom says that she sounded distracted. Then it istime to go. Can't keep Phyllis and company waiting.

The conference room:Ryan says that he isn't afraid to answer Mr. Richards question. Becertain, Ryan, John cautions. I am certain, Ryan tells his attorney.He turns to the DA and tells him that he went to see Nina to "bring somesanity" into this situation. All they needed to do was talk it out.Then why did two orderlies have to drag you out of her room? asks theDA. But Nina wanted me to stay, insists Ryan. That doesn't sound likea terrified wife, John tells the police. Unless she was afraid of whathe would do later, the police answer. Have you people lost your minds?screams Ryan.

Neil's place:Neil and Dru are waving good bye to Lily as she leaves for school. Wehave a perfect daughter, Dru says. Like her Mommy, Neil replies. Theyremind themselves how lucky they are. Dru offers to make anything Neilwants for breakfast. First, he tells her, I have something to talk toyou about. When you hear what it is you will smile from ear to ear.

Michael's office:Phyllis is kissing Michael. We cannot do this now, he tells her. Wehave to maintain some decorum. We have to stay focused on the case. Hetells he that he needs to update her on the case. Their counterattackis coming along great. He has found a psychologist to testify about thedetrimental effects on a child when the main caregiver is always away.Then he has found a musician that once played with Danny. He is willingto testify about Danny in an unflattering light. He possibly could talkabout drug usage. Phyllis tells Michael that she wants to paint Dannyin a bad light, too, but it is very unlikely that Danny ever useddrugs. Michael doubts that also, but if someone wants to say it is so,who are we to stop them.

The conference room:It all comes back to the same question, Mr. Richards says. You knew youwere not supposed to go anywhere near your wife. Now we hear that youcame here and engaged her in a very heated discussion. We were justtalking, Ryan told them. If I raised my voice it was to make a point.Or to make her see things your way, the detective says. Ryan looks atJohn. Can they really take this to trial? he asks. John calls Ryanaside. You really messed things up by not following my advice, he tellsRyan.I don't see how we can NOT go to trial. Nina's testimony is now taintedand I don't know how to get around that.

Nina's room:"Help me, please," Nina calls. "Can somebody help me, please?" Shetries to reach the call button but it is too far away. "I need help,"she calls louder. "Hello. Help." One of her doctors rushes into theroom. "What happened, Nina?" he asks. I need to find Ryan. Take me toRyan, Nina demands. No, Nina, we have to get you back into bed. Ninacontinues to beg to be taken to Ryan, but the doctor is worried thatNina may have injured herself worse. He can't get her into bed alone sohe calls for orderlies to come and help him.

Olivia's:Olivia and Malcolm are finishing breakfast. Olivia wonders whereMalcolm was earlier. He tells her about taking the medical article toNeil. He is bursting with pride at providing his brother with hope.Olivia tries to hide her disappointment. Mal has a big shoot today sohe has to leave.

Michael's office:The new lawyer, Patrick, is in the room. They wonder why Danny islate. Phyllis can't help getting in a few digs much to Patrick'sdisapproval. Danny and Tom arrive and the conference begins. Tom wantsa delay due to Christine's "court appointed business" while Patrickmakes angry noises about the delay. However, in the end, they agree toa one week delay instead of two weeks.

Dru and Neil's place:They are finally dressed and having after-breakfast coffee. Neil tellsDru about the options open to them for having more children. He rattleson happily while Dru stews. When Neil gets a call, Dru uses her cellphone to call her sister. I have to see you right away, she says. Whenshe hangs up she lets Neil know where she is going. Dru races out ofthe house leaving her purse wide open on the table.

Michael's office:Danny brings up his problem with Michael. Michael denies that neitherhe nor Phyllis have acted in an inappropriate manner. Michael will notallow accusations like that to be flung around. Tom tells him that ifthey get proof of any such behavior, they will certainly deal with it.

When Danny, Tom, and Patrick leave, Michael tells Phyllis that the delaycan work in their favor also. This means that Danny's attorneys won'thave time to check out their witnesses once they learn who they willbe. Phyllis makes overtures again, but Michael tells her that this is apublic place. They have to be careful. Phyllis goes to the door butinstead of leaving, she locks the door. She comes back to Michael; shesweeps everything off the desk, sit down on the desk and pulls Michaelto her.

Later, Michael and Phyllis redress. Phyllis' mind is far off. She issuspicious about who may have something on her. Michael brings up Brian but Phyllis is surehe won't say a word. Phyllis kisses him again but he tells her it hasto wait. She asks if he will be there tonight. He asks if her son willonce again be with the nanny and she tells him yes. She promises him anight he will long remember.

Christine's office:Danny is still upset but so is Tom. He wants Danny to try to controlhimself. Danny doesn't want to get so worked up, but the most importantthing is that they got their extension. He just hopes Michael doesn'tpush him into doing something he will regret.

The tack room:Vicki is finishing up her packing. Cole offers to carry her bag up tothe house. He wonders if she really meant what she said. Yes you are aclassy guy. They talk about the night before. It was anything butdull! Cole was happy to see her but he can't help but wonder who theshow was really for. Cole tells her they may do it again sometimes whenher "date" is back in town. She leaves, wishing him a good day. Hecan't imagine having any other kind.

Victor's office:Nothing is more important to me than my children's happiness. He isafraid his daughter is headed for a serious fall. Victoria is not alittle girl. She is a grown woman and she knows her own mind. Victorwonders what Vicki told Ashley. Is the woman still in the picture?Ashley tells him that the woman has stepped back to give them moreroom. How do you know that, he asks. I know, she tells him, becausethe other woman is me. Victor is speechless. Are you serious? Yes,she tells him. And you might as well know the rest. I may very well bein love with your son-in-law.

The conference room:John approaches Glenn Richards. You don't really believe you can get anattempted murder charge to stick, do you? Mr. Richards reminds him thatNina is very in love with her husband who wants to leave her. This isthe classic set-up for a woman to allow herself to be used. We are justtrying to get to the bottom of this. If it comes out that he is tellingthe truth, then fine! Just like you, all I want is the truth.

Nina's room:Nina is getting hysterical. She wants Ryan but the doctor wants her tocalm down. If she doesn't calm down, she will be sedated. Shecontinues to beg. Then she begins yelling for Ryan. Find my husbandand I will relax.

Olivia's:Dru enters angry. I warned you not to get involved with my life. Sheaccuses Olivia of getting her husband involved by sending Neil thearticle. Olivia is tired of all the little games Dru is playing todeceive your husband. You don't want another baby! What games? Oliviachallenges her to deny that she doesn't want another child. Dru saysshe DOES want another child. And who are you to question that?

Neil's apartment:Neil is preparing to leave but he can't find his keys. Maybe Dru's keysare in her purse. He digs thro the purse and comes up with the packetof birth control pills. "What the hell is this? he wonders.

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