Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

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Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

Victor took Diane to Nikki's barbecue. After telling Diane how he felt, Jack left with Ashley. Veronica left the hospital and walked down a country road. As a car approached, she leaped in front of it, clasping a picture of Josh Landers in her fist. Katherine visited Christine and told her to stay out of Danny's life. Phyllis enticed Brian to visit Genoa City. She drugged him and took a sample of his blood. Ryan told Tricia that he was going back to Nina. Grace told Nick that he had taken advantage of her the night he had mistaken her for Sharon. Victor gave Diane an engagement ring. Olivia and Malcolm were married.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, July 7, 1997

by Laura Wagner

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The Newmans had a party. Victoria gave Diane the evil eye. Cassie spilled fruit salad on Mr. Newman, and he helped her get more. Sharon told Cassie she was so pretty and that her mommy had to be a beautiful woman. Nikki said goodbye to Josh, who was on his way to give a speech. He was mystified by the caller who didn't say anything to him -- Veronica.

After Josh hung up, Veronica said, "New wife? I'm his wife! I'm going to see you, Joshua. How could you do this to me?" She was taken outside for exercise. Later, Veronica was walking along a roadside, talking to herself, holding the newspaper photo of Josh. "I'm going to find you, Joshua. What am I doing here? I'm going to find you," she said. She walked some more then jumped in front of a passing car.

Victor took Diane back to her office. He asked her about her take on Nicholas and Victoria. She wondered what he thought. "I think that they were looking over the woman who could be their next stepmother," Victor said. He said he would let her get back to work. They kissed goodbye.

Cole talked to Nick about Grace being at the party and asked what Nick was going to do about "things." Nick said he didn't know. Cole wondered what Nick was getting himself sucked into. In the nursery, Sharon asked Grace if everything was okay, pointing out that "you never come over." Grace explained that she was just busy.

Sharon walked out with Noah. Sharon, Noah, and Cassie went to the main house. Grace stared at the bed and had flashbacks of her encounter with Nick. Nick walked in and said, "We need to talk, Grace." Nick asked, "Just what were you thinking, Grace? Why didn't you stop me? You knew I was drunk!" Tony entered and asked, "What's going on? Am I interrupting something?" Grace said he wasn't and asked Tony to leave with her.

Nina visited Christine and told her about the wonderful family dinner with Ryan and Phillip. Christine told Nina about Danny and her concern. Later, Katherine visited Christine and told her that she needed to leave Danny alone, saying, "What do you hope to gain with this truth? Danny is truly happy. Now let it be!"

Danny told Phyllis that the lab could work them in that afternoon. Phyllis said she had two important errands. She tried to call Brian, but it was busy. Danny visited Gina, who told him to do what it took to put everything behind him. Phyllis finally got through to Brian in New York. She told him how much she missed him. Brian said, "Yeah, right, Phyllis. It's been two years."

Phyllis argued, "But Brian, I have so many regrets. I need to see you." He replied, "You dumped me, Phyllis. For that rock star. Isn't everything peachy for you?" She advised him to not believe everything he read and insisted she needed to see him that day. Brian said, "I'll hop the first flight out, Phyllis. I never could say no to you."

Danny arrived at home and told Phyllis the test would finally put things to rest. He said, "You know, Phyllis, I'm not doing this because I don't believe in you, it's because I do believe in you." They embraced.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, July 8, 1997

by Laura

Victor visited the ranch and talked to Nick about giving Grace a job at Newman Enterprises. Later, Cole went up to the main house to talk some more to Nick about Grace. He said, "This could blow your marriage out of the water. I've got a bad feeling, buddy. You need answers, and you need them now."

Nick went to see Grace. He said, "We've got unfinished business." Grace wanted to forget and pretend nothing had happened. Nick said, "No way. I need answers. I was wasted. Why didn't you stop me?!" Grace told him that he couldn't blame everything on her.

Phyllis told Danny that he needed to wait for her so that she could go to the test with him and Daniel. She rushed out, snagging Joni and instructing her not to let them leave before she got back. Phyllis got some sleeping pills out of Tim. She somehow got a syringe and waited at the hotel for Brian. She had the wine waiting and put the pills in her pocket.

Brian arrived and said he didn't know why he'd gone. He explained that he was married. Phyllis was attacking, trying to undo his pants, then putting a lip-lock on him. She poured him some wine, putting the powder from the pills in his glass. Later, he was groggy and trying to get things going with Phyllis on the bed. He passed out, and Phyllis got her syringe.

Danny wanted to go. Joni tried to keep him there. He called the lab, trying to reschedule. They said they were sorry, but nothing else was available until the middle of the next week.

Veronica jumped in front of a car. She was taken to the hospital. She had no identification. They discovered the photo of Josh she was clutching. The badly injured Veronica awoke. Dr. Gallager, a psychiatrist, tried to get information from her, asking, "Who are you? Who is this man? Why did you try to kill yourself?" She didn't tell him anything but felt her face and wondered how bad it was. The doctor said they didn't know for sure, but they'd done the best they could so far.

Keith told Jill that he'd had Tricia followed and knew that she was still seeing that Don Juan, Ryan McNeil. Jill said that she knew. He asked how she knew. Jill said, "Tricia told me, and I couldn't break a confidence." Jill tried to assure Keith that Ryan wasn't "doing" anything with Tricia. They were just friends.

Tricia was seeing Ryan, wondering where she stood in his life. Ryan told her that he had to see what was left, if anything, in his marriage. "I've got to give it another month. Am I going to see you?" he asked before realize it was probably not a good idea. Tricia whined, "You don't have to string me along for a month -- tell me the truth now! I'm never going to see you again. This is all a big game to you, isn't it, Ryan? Now it's goodbye, Tricia!" She turned to leave, and Ryan grabbed her arm. They kissed.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, July 9, 1997

by Laura Wagner

Nick questioned Grace some more on why she hadn't stopped him. Grace asked, "Were you really that out of it, Nick, that you didn't know it was me?" Nick wondered what kind of a fantasy world Grace was living in. Grace finally told Nick the reason she hadn't stopped him was because she'd been terrified. She said, "I was so frightened! Your wife was just upstairs, and the baby was right there. What could I do?" Nick wanted to talk some more, but Grace yelled for him to "Go! Leave!"

Jack had visions of Diane while at the office. He also had visions of Diane with Victor. He threw the engagement ring across the room. Ashley picked it up and said, "I can see you're having a rough time." Ashley went to talk to Diane and asked, "Are you in love with Victor?" Diane said that to know Victor was to be overwhelmed by him. Ashley told of her regrets where Victor was concerned.

Diane went to see Jack and apologized, saying, "I'm so sorry Jack." Jack told her, "All I feel for you, Diane, is pity." She said, "Please don't hate me, Jack." He repeated, "Like I said, Diane, I feel sorry for you. Victor will use you then toss you aside for the next conquest." Victor entered the outer office and overheard part of the conversation. He stepped in and said, "Jack, you aren't painting a very pretty picture of me." Jack said, "I'm only relating what all your ex-wives have told me."

Victor asked Diane to a meeting. They both left. Later, at Victor's office, Victor wondered if Diane was going to run away after listening to Jack. She said, "I have no intentions of running. That's not my style. I like an adventure." Victor gave Diane a gift. Inside was an engagement ring. Diane wondered if it as real. She said, "It's like a fantasy come true. I'm so thrilled! Yes, yes, yes, I'll marry you!" The embraced and kissed.

Olivia tried on wedding dresses with Dru. Neil, Malcolm, and Nate took a look at tuxedos. Malcolm also gave Neil a pocket watch, explaining, "To make sure you get me to the wedding on time, bro!"

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, July 10, 1997

by Laura

Nick told Cole about his talk with Grace. Cole couldn't believe that Grace wasn't taking any responsibility. He said, "She's more dangerous than I thought." Nick wondered if he could really trust Grace to keep her mouth shut.

Grace was at her apartment with a smug look on her face. Tony walked in and said, "You look like the cat that swallowed the canary." She replied, "You know what, Tony? Maybe I am. Everything is fitting together beautifully. I was backed into a corner with no way out, but this opportunity presented itself." Tony countered, "But Gracie, you're not the conniving type." She explained, "It's like judo, Tony. You use the energy from the opposite force to flip your opponent to the mat." He said, "Boy, Gracie, you sure are full of yourself."

Sharon returned home from the store and started rambling. Nick had flashes of Grace. The phone rang. It was Grace for Sharon. Sharon was noticeably upset with the conversation. Nick thought the worst. It turned out that Cassie had fallen off the swing set and hurt her ankle. Grace couldn't get any doctor to see her because she had no insurance. Sharon wondered if it was okay with Nick to help her out. Nick wondered to himself how many more times that kind of thing was going to happen and how much he could take with the wondering if this was the one to blow his life apart.

Dru and Olivia continued to prepare for the wedding. Olivia tore up a photo of Neil and talked to Nate about his daddy, Nathan. Olivia asked Lily to be her flower girl. Malcolm presented Olivia with an engagement ring.

Phyllis was finishing up drawing Brian's blood. Danny and Daniel left for the lab, despite Joni's protests. Phyllis returned and told Joni she'd deal with Joni later. Phyllis rushed off to catch the guys. She made it in time and was with her "men" as the blood was drawn. She made excuses to visit the ladies' room, and the guys left.

Phyllis returned to the exam room, and she had left her purse. She found a label and put it on the blood vial she'd taken with her, took the Romalotti Sr. blood vial, and made the switch. The lab tech entered and wondered what she was doing there. "I forgot my purse. Silly me!" she said. The tech asked Phyllis to hold the door for him. Phyllis said to herself, "You've done it again, Phyllis! You've gotten away with the impossible. There won't be any problems with keeping Danny now!"

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 7, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, July 11, 1997

by Nel

At home, Olivia had fallen asleep on the sofa, and she dreamed about her wedding to Malcolm. She dreamed that after saying their vows and exchanging rings, when she looked up, it wasn't Malcolm standing before her, but Neil. She woke up with a start and wondered what it meant. The dream had unnerved her.

Little Nate entered the room and asked Olivia what was wrong, and he hoped his mother wasn't sick, because it was her wedding day. Nate was impatient to get to the church because he couldn't wait for Olivia, him, and Malcolm to become a family.

A short time later, while Olivia was on the phone, leaving instructions with her secretary about various patients, Dru arrived. Dru noticed that Olivia seemed out of sorts, and Dru asked what was wrong. Olivia claimed it was only pre-wedding jitters. She suggested that Dru and Nate leave for the church, and she would follow them momentarily. Olivia appeared reluctant to get to the church. Dru was concerned because she appeared to sense Olivia's reluctance.

Neil and Malcolm were getting ready for the wedding in Neil's apartment. Neil asked if Malcolm was having second thoughts about getting married. Malcolm said he couldn't wait for Olivia to walk down the aisle and become his wife. Malcolm lifted little Nate into his arms. Nate said that Malcolm was the only dad that he wanted, and he hugged Malcolm. Malcolm assured Nate that they would have a great life together. A short time later, once Malcolm, Nate, and Neil were dressed, they left for the church.

At the hotel, Phyllis was in bed with Brian. When he finally woke up, Phyllis commented that his performance had been amazing the night before. Brian asked where they were. Phyllis informed him that they'd had a hell of a time in bed. Brian tried to kiss her, but Phyllis looked at her watch and claimed she had to be somewhere. She said she was really happy they had reconnected after such a long absence, and she added that if she died the next day, she would never have a lover as good as him.

Brian agreed with Phyllis and said he didn't believe that they should say goodbye. He asked if it was really over between them. He suddenly noticed the bandage on his arm and wondered what that was. He had no recollection of Phyllis drugging him and taking a sample of his blood. Phyllis suggested that perhaps it was a bug bite. Brian was ready to say goodbye for the moment, but he claimed that it didn't mean they couldn't do it again. Phyllis said goodbye to Brian and wished him a nice life. After he left, Phyllis smiled happily.

Ryan arrived at Nina's. She appeared to be in a sour mood. They talked about Olivia and Malcolm's wedding, and Nina said she wasn't sure whether she would go to it or not. Ryan reminded her that she had an invitation to the wedding. He said that he might see her later, and he left.

At the Abbotts', Jack was fixing his tie when Ashley walked into the room and asked if he needed help. Jack declined. He asked if Ashley was ready to go to the wedding. Ashley said she was more than ready because her best friend was getting married, and she wanted to be there to celebrate. Ashley said that Olivia had been through a lot in the past year, and she deserved happiness. Ashley took Jack's arm, and they left.

Danny arrived at Gina's with Daniel in his arms. Gina happily greeted them and ordered ice cream for Daniel. Danny told Gina that he'd done the paternity test, but he was certain that the test would show that he was Daniel's biological father, and "to hell with" Christine's suspicions. He said he would prove his paternity to everyone soon enough.

Phyllis arrived, and Danny greeted her with a peck on the cheek. Gina claimed that the family was back on track. Gina congratulated Phyllis on her pregnancy, and she left to take care of things in the kitchen, leaving Danny and Phyllis alone.

Danny asked Phyllis about her next prenatal appointment with Dr. Landers because he wanted to go with her. Phyllis claimed it was too early in the pregnancy, and there was no need for him to go. Danny told her that this time, he wanted to be there throughout the pregnancy. He said it was very important for him to participate.

Danny told Phyllis that he'd left a message with Dr. Landers because he wanted to be certain that Phyllis could travel. He said he was going to call Dr. Landers again. Danny said that the arrival of the new baby would prove how strong their marriage was. Phyllis tried to stop Danny from calling the doctor, but the situation was out of her control. She didn't look happy.

At Keith's, Tricia was sitting on the sofa when Jill and Keith entered the room, dressed for the wedding. Keith warned Tricia not to plan any clandestine meetings with Ryan, but Tricia claimed she was over Ryan. At that moment, Megan entered the room and said that her friend Jeremy would be over later, and they would watch a movie. When Megan left to buy some snacks, Keith asked Tricia not to leave Megan alone with Jeremy.

After Keith and Jill left, Megan asked Tricia for her opinion about which outfit she should wear, but Tricia wasn't interested in Megan's outfit because she wanted to talk about Ryan. She told Megan that she was confused about Ryan. Megan reminded her that Ryan had been trying to reconcile with his wife. Tricia stated that Ryan had kissed her like she'd never been kissed before. That didn't sound like he was trying to reconcile with his wife, but he had that child that he was so crazy about. She wondered if he would stay with Nina because of that child.

Megan said that Tricia saw things the way she wanted them to be, and not how they actually were. Megan said she didn't have the time to discuss Ryan because she had to get ready for Jeremy, and she left to get dressed.

When Jeremy arrived, Tricia left Megan and Jeremy alone and went into another room. She called Ryan.

In the dressing room at the church, Dru and Lily were getting ready. Dru had been wondering and worrying about Olivia when Neil knocked and entered the room. He asked where Olivia was. Dru stated that she had no idea. Olivia wasn't there, and she wondered if there would even be a wedding. She said it was showtime, but the bride was missing.

People began arriving at the church for Olivia and Malcolm's wedding. John and Katherine were already there when Jack and Ashley arrived. Jill and Keith were next to arrive. The Abbott family and Katherine looked at Jill with disdain. John stated he was happy that he was no longer with Jill. Jill and Keith chose that moment to approach the group, and a few unpleasantries were exchanged. As Jill and Keith were about to walk away, Katherine told Keith to keep Jill on a leash. Jill gave them a dirty look and walked away.

Keith saw Ryan arrive alone and commented to Jill that he thought Ryan was reconciling with his wife. Jill said they were. She was sure that things would improve.

Ryan was alone when he received a call from Tricia. She told him she'd been thinking about him. She asked Ryan to tell her that he'd been thinking about her. Unhappy, Ryan reluctantly said that he'd been thinking about her. After the call ended, Ryan sat down in one of the pews. Nina arrived a short time later, and she sat down beside Ryan. Jill nudged Keith and pointed at Nina and Ryan and said, "I told you." Keith seemed to be appeased.

Olivia arrived at the church a short time later. She explained to Neil and Dru that she'd received an emergency call from her secretary about her secretary's mother. Olivia said she'd gone to the hospital to treat her secretary's mother and then she'd gotten stuck in traffic on her way to the church.

Neil left, and Dru said she'd been worried that Olivia wouldn't show up. Olivia said it was her wedding day, and she wouldn't miss it for the world. Dru suggested that Olivia put on her wedding dress and get married.

Malcolm, Neil, and the minister entered the church through a side entrance and took their places. Lily, as flower girl, walked down the aisle from the main entrance and stood to one side. Little Nate, as ring bearer, followed, and he stood next to Neil.

The matron of honor, Dru, was next then all eyes turned to see Olivia arrive. Malcolm couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked down the aisle then took Malcolm's hand. They stood at the altar before the minister, and the ceremony began.

Malcolm was the first to say his vows. He said he took Olivia as his wife to join with her in all things in their time together. He vowed to be loyal to her with all his being and that she was his beloved for all the days of his life. He put the ring on Olivia's finger.

Olivia said she took Malcolm as her husband to join with him in all things in their time together. She vowed to be loyal to him with all her being and that he was her beloved for all the days of her life. She put a ring on Malcolm's finger. The minister pronounced them husband and wife, and as they kissed, friends and family applauded.

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