Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Phyllis received a marriage proposal on New Year
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

Nina went out to a bar, where she danced with a friendly stranger. Ryan confronted his wife and escorted her home. Sharon was taken to surgery as a distraught Nick begged the doctor to save his wife and baby.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, February 24, 1997

by Laura

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Dru and Malcolm rehash. Olivia and Neil rehash.

Ashley quizzes Kurt about the man who stopped by the table. I don'tunderstand why you won't tell me anything about your past. I care about you,that man cares about you....blah, blah, blah. If you don't tell me, I'mgoing to go over there and ask him myself. Ashley, whatever I say is neverenough for you! Ashley, being the prying, nosey, b**ch that she is does goover to the man and asks him about Kurt. Of course Kurt follows. The mansays, well, I think it is up to your date to fill you in. Sorry. Ashleysays I don't get it, what were you, a hit man, part of the Mafia? Kurtlaughs. Well, I don't believe it, Kurt Costner can actually laugh.

Victor and Cole discuss Victoria.

Nina delivers lunch to Ryan and sees Victoria's letter. She reads it (ofcourse). Nothing new in the letter that we don't already know about Victoria.Nina rushes out after Ryan returns. Ryan reads the letter. Nina goes todeliver research material to Cole. She quizzes relentlessly about Victoria. Howcan you wait for someone who doesn't care? You really do love her don't you.Nina, why all the questions? Why did you really come? Later, Ryan showsup, I'm here to see my wife. Is she here?

Sharon is all spastic about the baby. Am I going to have a miscarriage? I'mhaving this bad feeling. The bleeding hasn't stopped, but not any worse.Wait and see. Nick calls Doris who comes to visit. Nick calls Miguel.Nick calls Victor. Later, Josh is filling in another doctor about Sharon.Hasn't it been long enough Josh? Let's wait another 30 minutes, thenadminister medication. Also, cross-match Sharon's blood in preparation forpossible transfusion.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 25, 1997

by Soap Central

Nina tells Chris she feels suffocated. She wants to get out, party, live alittle. Chris tells her to give it a day. Don't do anything till you talkto me tomorrow. Meanwhile, Ryan asking Cole about Nina. I think she wenthome Ryan. They then discuss Victoria. Ryan shows Cole the letter she wrote tohim. Later, at the office, Jill tells Ryan to make Nina feel like the mostdesirable woman in the world. He arrives home with a big bouquet of flowersonly to find a note. Ryan, I've gone out, don't know when I'll be home,Phillip is at mom's. And now we see Nina, dressed in a low-cut shirt and aleather jacket at some bar. She thinks maybe she made a mistake, untilanother leather jacket guy asks her to dance. They boogie on the dancefloor.

Chris tells Paul about Nina. Ryan calls Chris looking for Nina. Later,Chris calls Ryan to see if Nina has returned. Frankly, I'm getting worriedabout her Chris. (Of course, we see Nina could care less about Ryan andhow he feels.)

Sharon whines to Grace about the baby she gave up and the baby she mightlose. Meanwhile, Nick is getting the straight goods from dr. josh. There issurgery if the medication doesn't work, but there is risk as we will have todo a c-section and deliver the baby *prematurely*. (GIVE ME A BREAK! Thisstory has gone down the road to ridiculous! She was supposed to be almostready to deliver and now it would be PREMATURE!? Just goes to show you howSTUPID TPTB really think we are, and I guess they are right, as I keepwatching this garbage. Well, I've been fast forwarding through most of the Sharon drivelthese days. Anyway, I needed to vent. Thank you. Back to business.) Nikkisummons Victor to the hospital.

Victor has been in the middle of a tirade with Jack, Jill, and Keith. Thenumbers from the new acquisition are bad. New products won't be ready for ayear. Victor says, get your resume's ready, you might not be in business ina year.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 26, 1997

by Laura

I'll have to tell you all that I fast forwarding through a lot of today's show. They go overand over and over some stuff to death. You can see from my report just howmuch really happened in the 40 minutes of actual air time.

Jack, Jill and Keith rehash their meeting with Victor.

Ryan calls everywhere looking for Nina. Paul and Chris talk about Nina andRyan then Paul leaves to try to find Nina. He finds her at the bar. Paullurks in the background. Ryan arrives and presents himself to Nina as she isgetting ready to leave. When they get home, Nina says I'm not going toapologize. I did nothing wrong. You need to give me some space, etc. Ryancan't believe her behavior.

Sharon seems to be doing a little better. Grace returns (she's beenrehashing with Tony at the coffee slop) and talks to Nick in Sharon's room.Sharon is sleeping. All of a sudden, she pops up. Oh, it hurts, it hurts!Later, after much equipment is brought in and Josh and the tech. review theresults, the news is bad. Sharon has lost a lot of blood, her blood pressureis low, thus her heart rate is fast, stress for the baby. Now, not only isthe baby in danger, but Sharon's life is uncertain as well. No, Nick, shedoesn't have a clue and I see no need to tell her, the good doctor says.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

Nina doesn't think that there is anything to talk about with Ryan. I thinkyou need some counselling Nina. What, or you'll dump me Ryan? Would youcare Nina? Later, Ryan goes to see Chris. Chris then goes to see Nina.Nina blows up at Chris and tells her to butt out of her life. She can'tbelieve Chris would have Paul follow her. We were concerned, etc. Chrisfinally leaves telling Nina when she can talk and act like a grownup to giveher a call. Nina wonders just what she is doing with her life.

A transfusion is ordered for Sharon. Later, after much waiting anddiscussion, Josh tells Nick that because of potential sudden changes, he mayhave to chose between the life of baby (which would be premature) or Sharon'slife. (You know, all the medical stuff seems to be pretty realistic saveone; the gestation of the baby. One day we see Sharon, ready to pop, "yes,it's anytime now!" and here we are saying every minute, hour, day makes adifference in lung development for this *premature* baby!) Anyway, afterpassing along that wonderful information, Josh leaves, and Nick is embracedby daddy.

Paul, Chris and Lynn conspire to fool Mary into thinking they all haveforgotten her birthday. But the celebration and the conspiracy are revealedat Gina's.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 24, 1997 on Y&R

John A. quizzes Jill about Keith and his daughters. Later, Keith stops by tosee Jill. What did your daughters really think of me? The leave together.

Dru gets flowers and a nifty card from Neil. Malcolm is there. Sid calls.Got a big, big shoot, in PARIS! Dru wants to take Lily. Meanwhile, Neil isvisiting Olivia. He tells her just how great things are going with Dru.Family is everything. So glad she sacrificed her career for me and Lily,blah, blah.

Mary continues to Pesther Paul and Chris about a baby.

Nick and Victor pray together in the chapel. Grace relives the moment withSharon where they are discussing the *other* baby. Sharon awakens anddemands to know what is wrong. Grace tells her about the surgery. Nickenters. Josh summons Nick to the hall. Blood count really bad, we've got todo surgery now. Do what you have to do doc. Sharon begins to whine and begfor them to stop. Save the baby, I don't care about me.........They wheelher away to OR. Doc, you've got to save them, save my wife and my baby!

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