Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 22, 2024 on Y&R

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Abby accepted Devon
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 22, 2024 on Y&R

Victor told his family that he intended to take over Chancellor Industries and have Nikki run it. Adam spun a lie to cover up his tryst with Chelsea. Summer legally stopped Kyle from taking Harrison out of the country. Abby accepted Devon's marriage proposal. Sharon fantasized about kissing Nick.

Adam lies to assuage Billy
Adam lies to assuage Billy's concerns about Chelsea

Adam lies to assuage Billy's concerns about Chelsea

Monday, July 22, 2024

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by Jenny Smith

At Crimson Lights, Lucy gushed to Daniel about how her new swimsuit was going to "slay" at that evening's pool party. Daniel wasn't sure it was something a father wanted to see, but Lucy was determined to look cool while hanging out with Faith and Faith's friends. Daniel recognized that his daughter was really excited, but he wanted to talk to her before she ran off to have fun. He shared that he wanted to do something special for her mom, since he thought they'd hurt Heather's feelings by not wanting to go to Portugal.

Lucy agreed that they should do something nice, but she protested that it couldn't be that night because the pool party meant "everything." Lucy spotted Faith and another girl walk in, and she bustled across the coffeehouse to find out what time the party was going to start. Faith introduced Lucy to Miriam, and Lucy inquired whether Miriam was going to the pool party that night. Lucy enthusiastically peppered them with questions about coordinating their plans, and Faith and Miriam exchanged a glance. Faith apologetically informed Lucy that she was afraid it wouldn't work out.

Faith regretted that Lucy couldn't attend the party, since Faith had learned there was a strict head count policy, and alcohol would be served. Lucy pointed out that Faith didn't drink, but Faith stressed that there would be an older crowd there. A clearly disappointed Lucy figured that she could tag along next time, and she walked away. Faith groaned that she'd hated having to do that, and Miriam replied, "That was extra."

Lucy returned to Daniel's table, and Daniel asked if everything was okay. Lucy insisted that the party was on, and she couldn't wait.

At Society, Phyllis was glad to run into Heather. Phyllis inquired whether Heather and Daniel were packed for their trip to Portugal, but Heather reported that it had been postponed. Phyllis wondered why Daniel hadn't let her know, and Heather shared that they'd just recently decided it wasn't a good time to go. Phylis pointed out that they were both unemployed, so it was a great time. Heather blamed the hot weather, but Phyllis surmised that something was going on between Heather and Daniel.

Heather argued that people canceled trips over the weather all the time, and she found it odd that Phyllis had jumped to the conclusion that Heather and Daniel were having problems. Heather theorized that it was Phyllis' way of probing into their personal lives, but she assured Phyllis that things were good at home. Heather sensed that Phyllis would have been happier to hear the opposite answer. Phyllis swore that she desperately wanted things to work out for the couple. Heather suggested that Phyllis "take the win" and stop poking around their relationship.

Phyllis voiced concern about the last time Daniel had lost everything, and he'd spiraled to a dark place. Heather conceded that she'd been worried at first, too, but Daniel wasn't the same man that he'd been back then, and he was handling the situation with strength and determination. Heather was confident that Daniel wouldn't fall apart that time. Phyllis questioned whether Heather would leave Daniel if it did happen again.

Heather recalled that in Savannah, she hadn't run out on Daniel at the first sign of collapse, but nothing she'd done to try to help him had worked. Heather swore that she'd stayed as long as she could -- until she'd reached a breaking point -- and she'd only left for Lucy's sake. Phyllis scoffed at the thought that it had been Lucy's idea to go to Portugal. Heather contended that she'd seen what Daniel's decline had done to Lucy, and she hadn't wanted her daughter to watch him fall deeper into the abyss.

Heather admitted that she hadn't seen the change in Daniel at first because he'd tried to keep things to himself, and he'd already been in a very dark place when she'd realized how bad things had become. Phyllis worried that Heather might miss the signs again, but Heather insisted that she had learned what they were. Heather was certain that Daniel wasn't heading down that path again, but if he did, she'd know right away. Heather reiterated that Daniel was a different man than he had been before, and Phyllis asked how Heather could be sure. "How can you not be?" Heather responded.

Heather urged Phyllis to have more faith in her son and in Heather. Daniel and Lucy approached, and he wondered what was going on. Phyllis plastered on a smile and claimed that she and Heather had been talking about their future work prospects. Lucy considered it her cue to leave to get ready for the pool party. Daniel and Heather lectured Lucy about not drinking or taking any other substances, even if she saw her friends do it. Lucy ordered them to stop being "those parents" because she could handle herself.

Daniel explained that he just wanted to make sure Lucy didn't get in over her head with an older crowd, but Lucy thought they should be happy she was making new friends like Faith. Heather insisted that they were happy, but they also wanted Lucy to be careful. Daniel instructed Lucy to call him when she was ready for him to pick her up. Lucy exited the restaurant and stopped for a moment to gather her composure before heading off.

Daniel teased Phyllis for not being able to keep herself from meddling. Heather revealed that Phyllis was worried Heather would abandon Daniel the second he got depressed over the loss of Omega Sphere. Phyllis clarified that she'd simply voiced concern about how Daniel was holding up after losing everything he'd worked hard for. Daniel swore that he wouldn't fall apart or risk losing his family again. Daniel looked forward to creating something completely new, and Heather pledged to be right by his side, wherever his path took him. Daniel requested that Phyllis just let them live their lives.

Nikki entered the Athletic Club and ran into Jack, who said he'd been about to call her to see how she was doing. She assumed he was referring to her outpatient treatment, and she confirmed it was going well. Jack offered to buy her a cup of coffee -- unless Victor was meeting her there. Jack imagined Victor had his team following her and reporting back if Nikki got near Jack. Nikki asserted that she wouldn't let Victor determine who her friends were, and she welcomed the coffee and conversation.

Over coffee, Jack imagined that it had stung when Victor had unceremoniously let Nikki go from Newman Media. Nikki objected to Victor's decision to have Adam temporarily fill in for her, and she thought there was more to it than Victor wanting her to focus on her recovery. She fretted about the havoc Adam might wreak in her absence, but Jack noted Adam's history with Newman Media and doubted that Adam was out to destroy it. Jack wondered why Nikki hadn't fought harder to keep her job. Nikki swore that she'd fought as hard as she could, but she'd realized that the stress of the battle had made her want to drink more than ever. Nikki refused to lose her sobriety over it.

Nikki shared her concern that the situation with Kyle might tempt Jack to turn to pills again. Jack insisted that he was fine, and he wished he could say the same about the relationship between his wife and son, since Kyle couldn't forgive Diane for firing him. Jack divulged that Kyle was threatening to move out of the house and that Kyle had already taken over Glissade as co-CEO with Audra. Nikki commented that it left just Jack and Diane in charge at Jabot, and she knowingly pointed out that it had been Diane's idea to fire Kyle. Jack testily asked what Nikki was getting at.

Nikki sympathized with Kyle because she imagined he'd felt pushed out. Jack recalled that Kyle had endorsed Diane for the co-CEO job, but Nikki guessed that Kyle had felt like he'd had no choice. Jack questioned why Kyle had cut off Diane at every turn with insults and backstabbing, pushing her to the breaking point. Nikki found it interesting that Diane had conveniently gotten everything she'd set out to achieve when she'd first returned to town.

Jack was irritated that Nikki still thought Diane had a hidden agenda. He argued that Diane didn't have what she wanted most -- to reconnect with Kyle and repair the damage done by her absence in his life. Nikki huffed that Diane hadn't needed to fire Kyle. Jack refused to let Nikki paint Diane as someone who was in his life only for what she could get. Nikki apologized for upsetting him, but she didn't trust Diane and didn't know if she ever would.

Jack blasted Nikki for not giving Diane any benefit of the doubt. Nikki clucked that the past wasn't easy to overlook, but Jack figured they'd all done things they weren't proud of. Nikki flatly stated that some things were more horrible than others. Jack barked that she was talking about the woman he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he was livid that one of his dearest friends would only look at Diane as a gold-digger who was out for herself. Jack declared that he was done there, and he stormed off over Nikki's protests.

Nikki followed Jack to Jabot and begged him to hear her out. She reminded him that he'd always said they should be honest with one another. She wished she could trust Diane the way he did, but she couldn't. Nikki again referred to the situation with Kyle, but Jack cut her off and demanded to know why Nikki thought Diane's grand plan included losing her son. Jack accused Nikki of having no faith in his instincts or his heart, adding that what hurt the most was that she thought he wouldn't know if Diane had a hidden agenda. Nikki swore she hadn't meant to hurt him, and she wanted only the best for him. She left.

In Chancellor Park, Sally looked lost in thought as Billy called to her. He apologized for startling her and inquired whether everything was okay. She claimed that she'd been thinking about a design for the new line she'd be designing for Marchetti, but she realized Chelsea hadn't told him about it. Billy admitted that Chelsea had been distracted lately. Sally half-heartedly stated that it was exciting to be the lead designer on a line for the younger generation, but Billy observed that she didn't seem all that excited about it. He surmised that there was something else she was worried about.

Sally recalled that she and Adam had gotten into an argument that morning about him going back to run Newman Media. Billy contemplated whether it might be a good thing for Adam, but Sally expressed reservations about Victor's motives. Sally shared that Adam had been edgy lately, and she'd warned him against letting Victor suck him in again when Adam had enough on his plate with Connor's troubles. Sally indicated that she and Adam had smoothed things over, and she'd accepted that he was going in with his eyes wide open. Billy sensed that something else was weighing on her.

Sally confided that she was worried because she'd expected the latest good news about Connor to make Adam less tense, not more. Billy relayed that an upset Chelsea had rambled earlier about making mistakes and not being able to do it anymore, but he hadn't been able to get her to explain what she'd meant. He added that she'd given him an excuse about having a meeting she'd needed to get to. "So, you're worried, too," Sally concluded. Billy suspected that maybe things hadn't been going as well as Adam and Chelsea had said -- or maybe they didn't want Billy and Sally to know what had really happened in Baltimore.

Billy believed that something had changed, but he didn't know what it was. Sally chalked it up to stress, but Billy wondered what the source of it was. Sally assumed that he thought Adam was at fault, and she defended that Adam had done a great job supporting Chelsea. Billy referred to his long history with Adam, and his instincts told him that something Adam had said or done was the reason Chelsea was spiraling. However, he also recognized that Connor's condition might be worse than Adam and Chelsea had let on. Billy vowed to find out the truth because it was the only way for him and Sally to truly be there for their partners.

Adam arrived at Chelsea's apartment, and Chelsea said she had to talk to him because she'd almost told Billy everything. Adam was relieved when she assured him that she'd stopped herself, but Chelsea wailed that what had happened between them was making her crazy. She recalled that Billy had seen the state she'd been in, and she'd considered confessing everything to lift the burden and make the stress go away. Adam recognized that it was tempting to alleviate the guilt, but he anticipated that confessing would destroy everything for both of them. Chelsea acknowledged that it was what had stopped her, but it was tearing her up inside.

Adam reasoned that their son had been going through something traumatic, and he and Chelsea had had a moment of weakness when they'd both needed comfort, but it didn't mean they loved their partners any less. Chelsea swore that she wasn't willing to risk losing Billy. Adam insisted that they put that night behind them and move on with their lives. Chelsea bemoaned that the guilt was eating her up inside. Adam cautioned that blowing the secret open would affect both of them, and he didn't want to lose Sally.

Chelsea envisioned telling Billy and convincing him to keep it a secret, but Adam doubted Billy would be that understanding about Chelsea cheating on him -- especially since it had been with Adam. Adam pondered whether spilling the secret might threaten Connor's progress or cause a setback. Chelsea was adamant that Connor could never find out. Adam imagined that Connor would blame himself if the boy learned that both relationships had broken up because his parents had been so overwhelmed by what he'd been going through that they'd destroyed the people they cared about.

Later, Sally found Chelsea on the coffeehouse patio, and Chelsea lamented that she hadn't been able to get much work done. Sally asked if something bad had happened in Baltimore that Chelsea and Adam hadn't told Sally and Billy. Chelsea reminded Sally that Connor had been placed into inpatient treatment after he'd hurt himself. Sally swore that she wasn't trying to stir things up, but she pressed to know if Connor was really getting better and wasn't worse off than Adam and Chelsea had said.

Sally mentioned that Adam had been on edge lately, and she imagined the situation was especially hard on Chelsea as Connor's mom. Sally recognized that she'd been singing Adam's praises for supporting Chelsea, and she prompted Chelsea to tell Sally if Adam had done something to upset her. Chelsea stated that Adam had been nothing but supportive, so she couldn't speak to what was bothering him. She suggested that Sally ask him directly.

Billy stopped by Newman Media and asked if Adam had a minute. Billy observed that something had changed with Chelsea after her latest trip to Baltimore, and he hoped Adam could tell him what it was. Adam suggested that Billy ask her, but Billy indicated that she wasn't willing to open up. Billy implored Adam to help him understand what was really going on. Adam figured that both he and Chelsea were worried about whether Connor would ever live a normal life again.

Billy recalled that both Adam and Chelsea had seemed torn up after returning from their latest visit. Adam chalked it up to finding out that a great family outing had caused their son to hurt himself, so they'd blamed themselves. Billy asked if Adam believed the doctors when they'd determined Connor had turned a corner, and Adam replied that he had to. Billy questioned why Chelsea was still so upset and talking about how she'd made mistakes. Adam feigned ignorance, but Billy questioned whether Adam had done something to upset Chelsea when things had gotten scary with Connor.

Adam fibbed that he and Chelsea had fought in Baltimore when things had gotten crazy, and he'd lashed out at her because he'd felt helpless. Adam continued that they'd both been devastated, and he'd gotten drunk and needed someone to blame. He regretted that Chelsea had been in the line of fire. Billy condemned Adam for taking his frustrations out on Chelsea, knowing how vulnerable she was. Adam claimed that he'd apologized repeatedly since they'd been back, but the incident had created a rift between them. Billy resisted strangling Adam and instead thanked him for being honest.

Billy empathized that there were heightened emotions when a child was involved. He recounted that Delia's death had driven him and Victoria apart because they hadn't leaned on one another like they should have. Billy advised Adam not to go down that road, since Adam was lucky to have Sally in his life and needed all the support he could get. Billy exited, and Adam reeled as he flashed back to having sex with Chelsea in Baltimore. Sally appeared in the doorway and asked what was wrong. Meanwhile, an agitated Chelsea staggered into the park, gasping for air.

Sharon imagines passionately kissing Nick
Sharon imagines passionately kissing Nick

Sharon imagines passionately kissing Nick

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

by Hope Campbell

Sharon was home alone, staring at old, framed photos, when she got a text from Mariah asking where Sharon was because the meeting was about to start. A confused Sharon asked what meeting Mariah was talking. Nick showed up at Sharon's door. He was worried about her and wanted to see how she was doing. He was also concerned because she had not been eating.

Sharon put on a happy face and showed Nick the takeout sandwich she was just about to enjoy. They shared homemade pickle chips. They made some small talk, with Sharon admitting she was burning the candle at both ends. "I have bitten off more than I can chew at work, especially now that my meds are being tweaked, but I'm getting really good at delegating," Sharon said.

Nick finally admitted he wanted to talk about Sharon's freak-out with Phyllis at Society earlier that day. He noted that at one time, that would have been normal, but not in recent years. Even Sharon was concerned because she knew that wasn't like her, but she was sure she'd adjust to her new medication soon. Nick worried because he felt she had been trying to adjust for a while, but Sharon said she trusted her doctor implicitly.

The subject soon turned to their kids. Nick and Sharon marveled at how well Faith was doing after the past few years. She shuddered thinking about how close Cameron had gotten to killing Faith. Nick and Sharon were grateful they hadn't lost her the way they'd lost Cassie. Nick also told Sharon about Summer's issues and how she wanted to change her custody agreement with Kyle. They both wondered if Phyllis was behind that, egging Summer on.

As Nick and Sharon discussed how much they had been through together, the subject went back to "Hurricane Phyllis." Sharon admitted that Phyllis often reminded her of when they'd lost Cassie. Sharon said she was thinking of Cassie more than ever as she saw Mariah with her own baby. Sharon thought naming her company Cassidy First might have had something to do with why Cassie was so often on her mind.

Sharon said it had been 20 years since Cassie's death, and it felt like "just yesterday." Nick was relieved the loss didn't debilitate them the way it had in the past. "Some days are better than others," Sharon tearfully admitted. Seeing Sharon's anguish caused Nick to worry for her some more. He promised to be there for her. "Nobody knows what you're going through better than I do," he said.

Sharon thanked Nick and said his support meant the world to her. Nick had to leave when he received a text from Victor summoning him to Victor's office. After Nick left, Sharon sat alone again, staring into space, until there was a knock at the door. Nick was there when she opened it. Sharon asked if he'd forgotten something. Instead of answering, Nick grabbed Sharon in his arms and passionately kissed her. However, it was only Sharon's imagination, as Nick soon appeared somewhere else.

Victor and Victoria read over the latest press release about Newman Enterprise leadership. Victoria was pleased with Victor for calling her an "industry titan" but wanted her father to wait to release it. Just then, Nikki walked in. Victoria had asked her to come, so Victor wondered what they were up to.

Victoria informed Victor that she needed "total assurance that Newman Media would go back to Mom when she feels strong enough to return to work." Victor didn't want to talk about it, but Victoria and Nikki demanded an exact plan in writing. When Victor hedged, Nikki accused Victor of planning to allow Adam to keep her job.

Victor just laughed, making it clear he had something else up his sleeve. Nikki and Victoria argued some more but insisted they weren't ganging up on Adam. Nikki said she had already assured Adam that she was only taking a temporary leave of absence. Victor feigned offense that his wife and daughter thought he would screw them over.

Nikki suspected that Victor's ultimate goal was to make her work with Adam, so she refused ahead of time. Victor was finally ready to tell Nikki and Victoria everything, but not before making sure Nick and Adam were there. When Adam arrived, he assumed he was being fired already, but Victor assured him no such thing was happening. Adam would be the new CEO of Newman Media -- permanently.

As soon as Nikki and Victoria heard that, they were up in arms. Nick then arrived in time to hear Nikki complain about Victor's announcement. Both Nick and Adam were surprised to hear it, leading Victor to make yet another announcement. "I am in the process of acquiring a company that's almost as big as ours," Victor said. He was even going to hand it over to Nikki. That company was Chancellor Industries.

Before Victor had called Adam to his office, Adam was pleased to see Sally pop into his Newman Media office. She told him she was concerned about him. He had not been acting like himself since he'd returned from Baltimore with Chelsea. Adam assured Sally that she had nothing to worry about. He was just stressed from a variety of things, including Connor's mental health issues.

Sally said she knew it was more than that. Adam didn't tell her the truth, but he did apologize for the way he had been acting lately. Sally promised to be there for Adam and insisted she wasn't trying to make everything about her. Adam finally broke down and told Sally he'd "made a horrible mistake after Connor's relapse."

After more prodding, Adam said that he had "lost it on Chelsea," but he did not go into further detail. Sally was surprised because Chelsea had never mentioned it during their business lunch at Society. Adam once again apologized to Sally, this time for pushing her away. He promised to make it up to her, but Sally said there was nothing for him to make up. She understood and felt Chelsea had to have forgiven him already. Adam reiterated that he'd never meant to hurt anyone. Sally kissed him and left.

Lily was surprised when Billy entered her office with something behind his back. After a little prodding, Lily got Billy to reveal that it was a golf putter just like they had used to blow off steam when they'd worked at Chance-Comm together. Lily was ready to play again, telling Billy, "I can't wait to beat you at your own game, Tiger."

After Billy and Lily played a flirty game of office golf, the subject turned to their employees. Billy didn't like working with Chance and said he felt like his nephew was always watching him like a cop, but Lily wanted to keep Chance around. She liked Chance's input and enjoyed working with him. Billy then got a text and hoped it was from Chelsea. He admitted he was worried about her, since Adam had claimed he had been hard on her.

Billy and Lily talked about the demerger next. Billy apologized to Lily for accusing her of trying to double-cross him. "You're a good person, and I forgot that for a minute," Billy said. Billy told her it was clear that Lily was where she was meant to be, and she agreed.

Abby accepts Devon
Abby accepts Devon's marriage proposal

Abby accepts Devon's marriage proposal

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

by Tiffany M

While looking for Tessa in Chancellor Park, Mariah spotted a picnic basket on the bench, and she pulled out a stuffed squid. Tessa arrived and told Mariah that they were belatedly celebrating their first date. Tessa and Mariah reminisced about Kyle setting them up at the Athletic Club. Tessa produced pasta from Society for lunch.

Tessa inquired about Sharon. Mariah thought Sharon was okay, but Sharon had forgotten to attend a meeting that morning. Mariah confessed that when Sharon and Nick had been talking about their past together, Mariah had wished Sharon had had a "happy ending."

Mariah said that their date would be "perfect" if they could see the stars. Mariah and Tessa chatted about stars and constellations, then Mariah said that she had gotten Tessa a gift. Mariah reached into her bag and pulled out colorful, cartoonish squid hats. Mariah and Tessa laughed and kissed.

At Newman Enterprises, Victor shocked his family by telling them that he would soon own Chancellor, and he would be giving it to Nikki to run. Victor recounted that Jill had made a mistake by giving Billy power, and Billy would "disgrace" his family. Victor's family all appeared to be skeptical of his plans. Adam, Nikki, and Victoria all asked questions about how Victor would "pull off" his takeover. Victor let them know that he had purchased his shares back from Mamie.

Victoria asked if Victor had considered Johnny or Katie's feelings when Victor had decided to go after Chancellor. Victor said that the situation was "business," and Billy could "always go crawling back to Jabot." Victoria questioned why Adam seemed "happy about all this." Adam was happy that everyone in the family would have a place, but Nick cautioned that Victor's plan was "far from a done deal."

Nikki asked what Victor's "real reason" was for taking over Chancellor. Victor reminded his family that Katherine had originally given her company to him. Victor said that he had given the company to Jill because he had felt sorry for her, but Jill had made a mistake by turning the company over to Billy.

Victor said that he would be taking Chancellor back to protect Katherine's "legacy." Adam interjected that he was in support of Victor's recent moves. Victor said that he wanted to hear what Nikki thought about his plan. Nikki was happy that Victor hadn't been trying to push her out of the company entirely, and she thanked him for his belief in her. Nikki asked if Victor really wanted to start "a war" with Jill and Billy. Victor said that Jill would be retiring, but Billy was "a different story." Victoria argued that Billy deserved "a little grace."

Nick asked what would happen to Lily at Chancellor, and Victor said that Nikki would make that decision. Nikki said that she still needed to decide if she wanted to run Chancellor. Nikki asked if Victor was "determined" to take the company from Billy, even if she didn't want to run it. Victor replied that he would wait on Nikki's decision before he determined his next move. Victor swore his family to secrecy, and Nikki and Victoria left the office. In the hall, Nikki said that she had no idea what she was going to do.

Nick said that he didn't "share [Victor's] confidence in taking over Chancellor." Adam said that Victor might be "underestimating" Billy. Victor vowed that Chancellor would be his.

At Society, Devon and Abby flirtatiously discussed their relationship, and they kissed. Devon noted that Billy and Lily had walked in, and he told Abby that he didn't believe Lily would be joining Winters, after all. Billy and Lily approached, and Devon was visibly tense at their arrival. Billy said that he'd thought Devon would be happier about the demerger. Devon said that he was "certainly" happy that he didn't have to work with Billy anymore.

Devon asked to speak to Lily privately. After they left, Billy and Abby talked about Devon's dislike of the "arrangement." Abby defended Devon, and she said that Billy had blown up the company.

Outside, Devon demanded to know if Lily would be staying with Billy or joining Winters. Lily nervously told Devon that she would be staying "with Billy at Chancellor." Devon asked if Billy had had to convince Lily to stay at Chancellor.

Lily was offended by Devon's insinuation that she didn't have a mind of her own, and she said that she was "excited about Chancellor." Lily reminded Devon that he liked working alone and having all the control. Lily begged Devon not to be mad, and he said that he was just disappointed. Devon said that Neil would have wanted Lily to be at Winters, but Lily said that she couldn't "live [her] life for anyone else."

Devon said that he was happy that Lily had told him the truth, but he insisted that she know that he would have listened to her and respected her if she had joined him at Winters. Devon said that Lily was making a mistake, and he cautioned that Billy might someday "kick [her] to the curb."

Devon and Abby left, and Lily, looking upset, returned to Billy. Lily reported that Devon thought Billy was using her for his own gain, but Billy insisted that Lily needed to be with him at Chancellor because they made "a good team." Billy suggested that Devon was just mad because the demerger hadn't been on Devon's "terms." Billy asked why Devon was questioning Lily's "intentions." Lily confessed that she had not been honest with Billy or Devon.

Lily filled Billy in on the original plan for her to go to Winters after the company separated so she could leave Billy "high and dry." Billy wasn't shocked, and he was happy that Lily had decided to be honest with him. Lily said that she had changed her mind because of Billy's "passion for the company." Lily said that if she had thought she could work well with Devon, she would enjoy going to Winters. Lily said that it was in Devon's "nature to go it alone." Lily assured Billy that she was fully committed to moving forward with Chancellor.

Devon and Abby strolled through Chancellor Park, and Abby asked about what had happened with Lily. Devon explained that Lily didn't feel she could work with him. Abby was sorry to hear that things hadn't worked out for Devon, but he said that he was happy that he could "move forward," since he knew where Lily stood.

Devon appreciated Abby for her support, and he asked her to join Winters. Abby said that she would think about it. Devon recounted that Lily had called him a "lone wolf." Devon grew introspective, and he told Abby that he didn't want to do everything alone. Devon asked if Abby would marry him. Abby gleefully accepted, and they kissed.

Abby and Devon share their good news with Victor and Ashley
Abby and Devon share their good news with Victor and Ashley

Abby and Devon share their good news with Victor and Ashley

Thursday, July 25, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Newman Enterprises, Devon dropped by to speak with Victor. Victor inquired about the changes at Chancellor-Winters, and Devon said that he was happy he didn't have to work with Billy anymore. Victor advised Devon to "stick to [his] guns" regarding business. Devon told Victor that he was there to discuss Abby.

Devon recounted that he had asked Abby to marry him, and he wanted to see if Victor approved. Victor pointed out that it would not be Abby's first marriage, but Devon assured Victor that it would "be the last." Victor was impressed that Devon had wanted to ask for permission, and Victor said that Neil would be proud of Devon. Victor hugged Devon and welcomed him to the family.

Devon said that Abby was telling Ashley the news. Victor asked if Ashley's treatment had been going well, and Devon said that it had been. Devon asked for Victor's "take on the whole situation with Ashley." Devon worried that Ashley would not "bounce back" quickly, and that Abby would struggle if that happened. Victor told Devon that Ashley and Abby were both "very strong." Victor said that Abby was his daughter, as well. Victor chuckled and said, "Good luck to you."

Devon said that he was going to Society to meet up with his fiance, and Victor invited himself along.

At Society, Abby video-chatted with Ashley in Paris. Ashley reported that she had been doing well at the facility. Abby asked if she could visit, but Ashley said that she needed to focus on her treatments. Abby told Ashley that Devon had proposed. Abby said that she had accepted, but she worried that she was starting to have "second thoughts."

Abby said that she felt closer than ever to Devon, and Ashley wondered what Abby had been worrying about. Abby shared her concerns about her previously failed marriages and engagements. Ashley said that Abby's relationship with Devon was different than the others, but Abby continued to worry that marriage would "ruin" what she had with Devon.

Ashley advised Abby to "trust [her] heart." Abby said that her heart told her that she loved Devon, and he made her feel happy and strong. Ashley said that Abby had her "answer." Ashley apologized for not being in Genoa City, but Abby said that Ashley had told Abby exactly what she had needed to hear.

Traci rushed to meet Alan at their Parisian bistro. Alan asked why Traci had luggage with her. Traci told Alan that a producer had called her and wanted to "option" one of her books. Traci, elated, said that she needed to go to Los Angeles to meet some executives about turning her book into a movie. Alan said that he was happy for Traci "and disappointed for [himself] at the same time." Alan asked what Traci's trip would mean for their relationship. Traci said that their relationship had been magical, and she would return as soon as she could.

Traci and Alan talked about the restaurant and the memories they'd shared there. Alan asked how long Traci would be in L.A., and she guessed that she might be there for a week before she visited Genoa City. Traci asked what Alan was up to, and he said that he had had some speaking engagements "lined up," but he had canceled to spend time with Traci. Traci felt terrible, but Alan told her that he'd have "plenty more offers." Alan said that he would miss Traci, and that the past few weeks had been "magnificent." Traci agreed, and she asked if Alan wanted to join her in Los Angeles.

Alan said that he'd never been to L.A. before. Traci and Alan agreed that Ashley had been doing very well, and Traci reported that Ashley had told Traci to stop "hovering and worrying about her." Traci asked Alan again to go to L.A. with her, and Alan asked how much time he had to pack. Alan and Traci toasted to making new memories. Traci was ecstatic to show Alan all her favorite places in L.A. Alan grabbed Traci's hand and said, "I'm so glad you came into my life."

At the Abbott mansion, Claire informed Kyle that after she had spoken with her mother, she had decided to go to Paris, after all. Kyle excitedly told Claire about all the sites she would visit in Paris. As Claire and Kyle discussed the trip, Summer entered and overheard. Summer smugly announced that Claire and Kyle could go to Paris, but they would not be taking Harrison with them.

Summer reported that she had found a different judge to sign off on giving her "temporary emergency custody." Summer said that it was "suspect" that Kyle wanted to take Harrison to Paris while they were in the middle of changing the custody arrangement. Kyle asked Summer how she could be so "vindictive." Claire excused herself to make art with Harrison, and Summer asked Claire to turn on some music because Kyle tended "to yell" when he was upset.

Summer said that she was trying to protect Harrison, and Kyle yelled, "From what? Me?" Kyle accused Summer of not wanting Harrison to have "affection for" any woman besides Summer. Summer and Kyle continued to argue about each other's motives. Summer asked how she was supposed to see Harrison if he was in France. Kyle, exasperated, reminded Summer that the trip would just be for a week. Summer said that it was possible that Kyle would take Harrison "permanently," and then she brought up Audra.

Summer said that Kyle's "latest erratic behavior" had begun when Audra had returned to Kyle's life. Kyle didn't seem to know what Summer was referring to, so she listed off that Kyle had been fired, was at "war" with his parents, and was trying to "uproot Harrison." Kyle asked if Summer had bribed the judge.

Kyle called his lawyer, Jason, and he asked to "meet ASAP." Kyle told Summer that she wouldn't "get away with this," and he stormed out. Claire returned downstairs, holding a piece of paper. Summer wasn't interested in talking about what had happened. Claire told Summer that Harrison knew how "deeply loved" he was, but he was "starting to sense" that things weren't right. Summer said that she didn't want "parenting advice" from Claire, and Claire asked if she could show Summer something.

Summer took Harrison's drawing, showing a picture of him and his family in Paris that read, "Mommy, I wish you could come, too." Claire wanted Summer to know that Harrison was disappointed that Summer wouldn't be joining them, but he was also really excited about the trip.

Summer felt that Claire was "overstepping," and Summer said that she did not want Claire's advice. Claire continued to talk about how excited Harrison had been about going to Paris. Summer said that even though she and Claire were cousins, things were "still messy." Summer was going to thank Harrison for the drawing, but she said that she would "leave it to Kyle to explain why he's not going to Paris."

Claire said that she was sorry it had "to be this way," but she relented that it was Summer's decision. Summer replied, "That's right. My son. My decision." Claire rolled her eyes as Summer went upstairs.

At Society, Abby wrapped up her call with Ashley just as Kyle walked up to the bar. Abby giddily told Kyle that she had gotten engaged to Devon. Kyle sarcastically said that he would introduce Abby to his attorney so she could save time and start working on "divorce papers." Abby said that she was sorry things weren't going well for Kyle, but he continued to talk badly about marriage. Abby said that she had "been there before," and she believed Kyle and Summer could "work through" their custody issues. Abby begged Kyle to be happy for her, and Kyle replied, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Victor and Devon walked in. Victor hugged Abby, and Kyle offered Devon "congrats" before he left to meet with Jason. Abby told Victor and Devon that Ashley had seemed "great." Victor suggested that Abby's good news would speed up Ashley's recovery. Victor asked the waitress for the "best bottle of Champagne." Victor toasted to Abby and Devon and the "merging of two of the most prominent families in Genoa City."

Kyle asked Jason how they could fight Summer's latest "stunt." Jason inquired if Kyle could "push off" the trip to fight the court order. Kyle said that he couldn't push the trip, and Harrison was "going to be crushed." Kyle said that if Summer wanted to be "selfish and vindictive," then "two could play at that game."

Nikki wants to honor Katherine by running Chancellor
Nikki wants to honor Katherine by running Chancellor

Nikki wants to honor Katherine by running Chancellor

Friday, July 26, 2024

by Tiffany M

Summer and Phyllis were at Society, and Summer informed her mother that a judge had prevented Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris. Summer said that Kyle had taken the news "like the big, spoiled baby that he is." Phyllis was relieved, and Summer thanked her mom for backing her up.

Phyllis said that Summer deserved the outcome, but Phyllis asked if Summer's heart was breaking. Summer said that she was not upset and that Harrison barely knew what Paris was. Summer complained about Claire "going on" about how much Harrison had been looking forward to the trip. Summer showed Phyllis the drawing that Harrison had made.

Phyllis accused Claire of trying to make Summer "feel bad," and Summer conceded that it had worked. Summer confessed that she wanted to experience "fun things" with Harrison instead of letting "some nanny" get to. Summer said that Kyle was trying to "squeeze" her out of Harrison's life. Phyllis said that Kyle would "retaliate" against Summer for her latest move, and Summer agreed.

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle arrived home and found Claire and Harrison reading a book about Paris. Kyle broke the news that Harrison and Claire wouldn't be joining him in Paris. Harrison asked if he had done "something wrong." Kyle said that Harrison had done nothing wrong, and Claire interjected that they could do "some fun, new stuff" at home when Kyle was away. Harrison seemed to feel better about not going to Paris.

Kyle said that he was proud of Harrison, and they talked about going to Paris another time. Harrison left to grab a grilled cheese in the kitchen. Kyle was frustrated that he had had to disappoint his son because of Summer. Claire told Kyle that she "may have overstepped" when she had spoken with Summer about Harrison's disappointment in missing the trip. Kyle shared that he couldn't postpone the trip to fight Summer, and he worried that Summer would "cause [him] trouble" while he was away. Kyle asked Claire to keep an eye on Summer while he was in Paris.

Claire asked if Kyle wanted her to "be a spy," and she reminded Kyle that Summer already didn't trust Claire. Kyle admitted that he sometimes forgot that Claire and Summer were related, and he told Claire to forget about his request. Harrison returned, and Kyle suggested they all go to the park for ice cream.

At Chancellor, Billy showed Lily a new company logo for Abbott Chancellor. Lily was displeased, and she said that the logo indicated that "Abbott is driving the bus, and Chancellor is the passenger." Lily said that it made "no sense business-wise" for Abbott to have "top billing" on the logo, since Chancellor was the more established company. Lily argued that Billy was "wasting no time trying to push [his] agenda." Billy smiled and said that it was "exhilarating" to have their "first disagreement as partners."

Lily said that she wanted a "smooth" transition for the company, and the logo had Abbott shining "like the S on Superman's chest." Lilly suggested that the logo contain Chancellor and Abbott is a more equal way. Billy said that he would make it happen. Billy left as Devon entered the office.

Lily didn't want Devon to "start an argument," and he said that he was there to "share good news." Devon told Lily about his engagement, and she asked how he had proposed. Devon confessed that he had gotten "a little ahead" of himself, and he had asked Abby to marry him in the park. Lily was very happy for Devon, and she joked that Abby would have "her work cut out for her" dealing with Devon. Devon said that they weren't going to schedule a ceremony until Ashley had returned from France. Lily and Devon hugged and told each other that they loved each other.

Devon spotted Billy's logo, and he said, "Looks like someone's wasted no time at all." Lily said that she had already vetoed the logo. Devon warned that Billy would keep pushing his agenda, but Lily said that she would prove Devon wrong. Lily changed the subject, and she offered to "help with wedding preparations." Devon left, and he and Billy caught the same elevator.

Billy asked if Devon was going to continue to "be pissed off all the time." Devon asked how Billy had convinced Lily to "stick with" Billy, when everyone knew that Billy would "self-destruct." Devon threatened that if Billy "tossed [Lily] aside," Devon would become an even bigger enemy.

Victoria arrived to work at Newman, and she told Nikki that it felt "strange" to be back. Victoria asked if Nikki had had any new thoughts about taking over Chancellor. Nikki said that he she had been wondering what Katherine would have thought of Nikki running Chancellor. Nikki admitted that it was "tempting," but she needed to know how Victoria would really feel if Billy took "a big fall."

Victoria said that Billy was "being unfairly blindsided," and she was bothered that Victor seemed to "relish the idea of humiliating him." Victoria worried about what she would say to her kids when Victor "blew up their dad's career." Victoria and Nikki continued to discuss the implications of Victor's plan. Victoria was disappointed that John Abbott had never gotten to see "the man Billy [had] become." Victoria worried that Billy would "feel like a failure to his parents." Nikki asked if Victoria was thinking about warning Billy about Victor's plan, and Nikki said that she wouldn't stop Victoria from doing so.

Nikki said that she and Victor had discussed that Victoria might "warn Billy," but Victor had said that it wouldn't change his plan. Victoria asked if Nikki really wanted to run Chancellor. Nikki said that she had been "going back and forth," and that things were moving very fast. Nikki had been wondering what Lily would do if Nikki took over, and Victoria replied that whatever Lily decided shouldn't "change" Nikki's decision. Nikki confessed, "I want it very badly."

Nikki said that the "connection to Katherine" would make running Chancellor "so special." Nikki spoke about Katherine with admiration, and she said that she wanted to "honor" Katherine. Victoria said that she would not warn Billy if Nikki really wanted to take on Chancellor. Victoria said that if the kids were upset, she would remind them that they were Newmans.

Phyllis and Summer continued their visit at Chancellor Park. Summer talked about places she wanted to take Harrison someday. Summer said that she felt like she was missing "so much," and Phyllis agreed that time went by quickly with kids. Phyllis became emotional, and she talked about how she had missed Daniel's "entire childhood." Summer said that she didn't want "to have those regrets."

Phyllis said that Kyle's trip would be a great break from "his snark and negativity." Summer vowed to spend every moment that she could with Harrison while Kyle was away. Phyllis suggested that Summer ask Claire to "leave early," so that Summer could have Harrison to herself. Summer agreed that she'd love that, and Phyllis told Summer to "take photos" to show that she had been spending time with Harrison while Kyle had been "galivanting all over Paris."

Kyle, Claire, and Harrison arrived at the park. Harrison ran over excitedly to greet Summer and Phyllis. Harrison told Summer that he wasn't going to go to Paris, after all, and Summer asked why not. Harrison reported that Kyle was going to be too busy with work, and Phyllis smugly said that Kyle shouldn't have "gotten [Harrison's] hopes up" with his "flimsy plan." Kyle said that they had visited the park to "make it up" to Harrison with ice cream.

Harrison wasn't too disappointed about the trip, since Claire had planned "a lot of fun stuff" for them to do instead. Summer said that she had also planned to have fun with Harrison, and she had even taken time off work to spend with him.

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