Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 18, 2024 on Y&R

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Jordan swallowed a toxin and Nikki, Victoria, and Claire mulled letting her die. Dr. Alcott recommended Connor be placed in a residential treatment facility.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 18, 2024 on Y&R

Chelsea supported Dr. Alcott's recommendation that Connor be placed in a residential treatment facility, but she was furious when she found out Adam had told Connor he didn't have to go. After Jordan swallowed a vial containing a toxin, Nikki, Victoria, and Claire contemplated whether to let Jordan die.

Billy has a troubling encounter with Ashley
Billy has a troubling encounter with Ashley

Billy has a troubling encounter with Ashley

Monday, March 18, 2024

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by Anne Carpenter

In the waiting room at Dr. Alcott's office, Chelsea and Adam engaged with Connor as he repetitively tightened and loosened the drawstring on his hoodie jacket, closely cinching the hood around his face and widening the opening again. Adam assured Connor that his parents were ready to listen to whatever he had to say. Connor, sounding frustrated, replied, "I hate this. I hate the doctor. I hate being here. I hate myself." Chelsea pressed her palm to her chest and cried that it hurt her heart to hear her son talk in such a way about himself because to her, he was the most lovable boy on earth.

Adam turned his chair to face his son and said, "Believe me, I know how you feel. There have been a lot of times in my life where I'm angry and frustrated because things aren't the way I want them to be, and there's nothing I can do about it." Adam assured Connor that his parents would do everything to help him have the best life. While Connor watched highlights of a soccer match on his mother's phone, Chelsea and Adam stepped away to talk.

Chelsea told Adam that Connor's condition had been the same before Adam had arrived, adding that she had done everything possible to calm him and convince him that his sessions with his doctor would be helpful. Connor set down the phone and said, "I can hear you, you know." Adam replied that he and Connor's mom were trying to determine what was going on. Connor was adamant that his parents should take him away from the clinic, though Chelsea reminded Connor that he had told Billy he felt safe there.

Connor expressed frustration with Dr. Alcott, complaining that she did nothing other than ask questions. Adam quietly told Chelsea that they should consider canceling the session because it was a waste of everyone's time. Chelsea flatly refused and insisted that Connor needed immediate treatment. When Dr. Alcott opened the door to her office, Connor pleaded with his mom and dad to take him away. Chelsea gently explained to Connor that treatment was part of the plan, even if it did not appear to be immediately helpful to him. Adam agreed and promised Connor they could see a movie together afterward. Adam told Dr. Alcott he would join the session, so Connor would have the attention of both his parents.

Dr. Alcott asked Connor how he felt and what he thought about learning about his diagnosis. Continuing to fiddle with the string on his hoodie jacket, Connor cried that he did not want to talk about it and did not want to be in therapy. Chelsea and Adam encouraged Connor to share his feelings about himself with Dr. Alcott. Chelsea asked Connor to stop playing with his hoodie and focus on the conversation. Connor, angered, complained that his parents did not understand. Dr. Alcott explained that fiddling with the hoodie strings was a behavior that manifested from Connor's obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD, which the doctor explained was a separate entity from the patient.

Adam asked the doctor to help him and Chelsea understand how they could help their son. Dr. Alcott explained that the goal was to control the symptoms in a way to make them manageable. Dr. Alcott suggested residential therapy coupled with a mitigation technique called exposure and response prevention, abbreviated as ERP. Dr. Alcott noted that the technique required a patient's exposure to images, thoughts, objects, and situations that triggered obsessions and learning ways to confront troubling circumstances instead of pretending the difficulties did not exist.

Eventually, Dr. Alcott explained, the patient would learn not to engage in compulsive behaviors. Adam seemed uncomfortable with the doctor's plan to intentionally expose Connor to situations that would make him anxious. Dr. Alcott assured Adam and Chelsea that a specialist trained to conduct ERP therapy would carefully coach Connor through each step to help reorient his brain.

Dr. Alcott informed Connor that his treatment would be carried out in a school setting like the one familiar to him. Connor replied, "Except that it is not a school, is it? It's a hospital for sick people." Dr. Alcott suggested Connor think of the school as a place of healing. Connor asked the doctor if there was a soccer team he could join. Dr. Alcott explained that other activities besides soccer were offered, though she promised that Connor's coach would keep his spot open for him at his school. Connor cried that he did want to go. Adam informed Dr. Alcott that Connor and his parents would make a decision about the treatment center as a family.

After Adam, Chelsea, and Connor stepped outside the doctor's office, Connor told his parents that attending the treatment center would make him feel like he was crazy. Chelsea explained that Connor's OCD was an illness that was separate from him and that they should learn how to manage the condition. Chelsea reminded her son that she had received treatment at a hospital. After Adam escorted Connor back to his dorm room, Chelsea returned to Dr. Alcott's office. Chelsea broke down in tears and cried that she was not sure she could deal with what was happening.

At Society, Billy approached Ashley after she wandered in, appearing bewildered, and seated herself at the bar. Ashley, giddy, smiled at Billy and said, "Hey, bro, what's up?" Billy replied, "Hey, sis. Everything okay?" Billy recalled that Ashley's life had hit a few rough spots. Ashley assured Billy that she had everything under control. Billy asked Ashley if Tucker was completely and totally out of her system. Ashley replied that she was over Tucker, adding that so was... Ashley ended her incomplete statement abruptly.

Billy replied, "And so was who?" Ashley, growing frustrated, said, "I am saying that I am over Tucker. I mean he's gross, isn't he? The family's over him, and you're over him, right?" Billy said he and the family were over Tucker because he was nothing but trouble and lies. Billy noted that cutting Tucker out had not been easy for Ashley. Ashley, nodding her head, replied, "I did it. I did it."

Billy told Ashley that she did not sound like herself. Sounding defensive, Ashley insisted she was her own person and that she was okay. Billy told Ashley that never in her life had she referred to him as "bro." Ashley laughed it off, explaining that she had tried and failed to be cool. After receiving a text message reminder from Devon about a board meeting, Billy admitted to Ashley that he and Devon were not always in agreement.

Stuttering, Ashley advised Billy not to engage in corporate infighting, adding that it was better to be peaceful, as it would be beneficial to everybody. Mumbling, Ashley quietly repeated that it would be better. Billy again asked Ashley if she was okay. Ashley implored Billy not to worry about her. Billy replied that he would try.

After Billy walked away, Ashley summoned the bartender and ordered ginger ale with a cherry. Ashley, her arms folded close to her chest as if she were protecting herself, whispered, "Boy, that was a close one." After Ashley took her drink and moved to a table, she heard her own voice in her head calling out, "Ash? Ash!" Ashley quietly answered herself aloud and said, "Shut up! No, no, I'm not going back in. Your plan is too dangerous. I'm going to protect her. I can do it."

Ashley plunged her straw into her drink and sipped the ginger ale as she surveyed her surroundings warily. Ashley again heard her own voice in her head. Ashley said to herself in a confident manner, "You know you can't do this yourself. That's not who you are or what you do. This is my department. You need me. You know you do. More importantly, Ashley needs me."

Ashley audibly shushed the voice in her head and said aloud, "No. I've got this." Ashley sent a text message to Tucker. It read, "Forget what I said. I don't ever want to see you again." Ashley lifted the cherry by the stem from her drink and bit the cherry off the stem.

At the Newman ranch, Victor, with a business file folder spread open before him, boasted to Nikki that he had managed to get Jordan right where he wanted her due to her overconfidence. Nikki agreed that Victor had turned the tables on Jordan. Victor admitted that Nick's assistance had been invaluable. Nikki sighed and said she was glad it was all over, though she shuddered to think of the risks to her husband and son. Victor insisted he would always take risks to protect his family. Nikki told Victor that Jordan was suffering in a hell of her own making, since she was locked inside a room and cut off from the rest of the world. Nikki recalled that she had lived the same horror, thanks to Jordan.

Victor declared that Jordan was suffering poetic justice for what she had done to Nikki and their family. Nikki told Victor she needed to confront Jordan before the authorities arrested her. Victor replied, "That's ridiculous." Nikki said that she would rather confront Jordan while she remained in a vulnerable place rather than in a courtroom or a jail. Nikki assured Victor that Jordan would be unable to harm her, and she promised not to attempt to strangle Jordan. Victor expressed concern that facing Jordan might trigger Nikki to drink again. Nikki disagreed, insisting that facing her tormentor could give her the strength to stay sober, reclaim her power, and put her nightmare behind her.

At Crimson Lights, Kyle, Summer, and Harrison chatted with Victoria and Claire. Summer said she could not believe that her grandparents had not yet introduced Claire to them at a family dinner. Summer and Kyle listened intently as Victoria, admitting she had not been forthcoming, told them that she and Cole had believed they'd lost Claire shortly after birth, later learning that someone had intentionally deceived them. Victoria glanced at her daughter and happily noted that Claire had searched for and found her parents, a kinship proven by DNA testing. Victoria noted that the Newmans, including Claire, were eager to move forward as a family.

Kyle asked about the person responsible for Claire's disappearance. Victoria insisted that the person did not deserve attention. Kyle asked Claire about her hospitalization. Claire assured Kyle that she was fine, adding that her family had been supportive. Summer replied, "Why do I get the feeling that there's more to the story that you aren't telling us?" Victoria replied that some specifics should be saved until another time. After a moment of silence, Harrison said, "Why did everyone stop talking?"

Claire picked up her cup of hot chocolate, walked toward Harrison, and asked him how many marshmallows he had. Harrison said he had four. Pretending to be slighted, Claire remarked that she had only two and teased that she had been cheated. Harrison was amused. Kyle and Summer looked on as if they were aware that Claire's distraction was her way of hiding something. Summer told Claire that she could not have fallen into a more loyal and more loving family. Claire agreed that her family had been amazing. Victoria told Claire that her words made Victoria happy.

Kyle and Summer were eager to hear about Claire's future plans, recalling that she had once been Nikki's assistant. Victoria interjected that Claire could decide for herself. Claire said she had discussed with Nikki the possibility of working with children. Claire explained that she appreciated a child's inquisitive nature. After Victoria received a message from Victor summoning her and Claire back to the ranch, they left.

Kyle, Summer, and Harrison entered the Abbott home. Kyle asked Harrison if he had enjoyed going out for hot chocolate and getting a new book. Harrison nodded and replied, "Claire's funny, too." Harrison asked when he might see his friend again. Summer explained that Claire might be too busy to schedule a visit soon. Kyle asked Harrison to go upstairs and choose a game he could play with his parents later. Harrison claimed that he and Claire could team up and beat both of his parents.

After Harrison went upstairs, Kyle told Summer it was good to see Harrison smile again after he had been surly with the nannies they had interviewed. Kyle recalled that Claire had said she was interested in working with kids. Summer noted that Claire was having to rebuild her life from scratch. Kyle suggested they consider Claire whenever they needed a sitter. Summer mentioned Claire's lack of training and references. Kyle recalled that Claire had quickly bonded with Harrison, adding that she'd had a solid rsum when Nikki had hired her to be an assistant. Summer agreed to talk to Nikki, though she reminded Kyle that trusting someone in an office setting was different from trusting that person to take care of one's child. Summer expressed reservations based on Victoria and Claire's refusal to talk about what had happened.

Victoria and Claire rushed back to the Newman ranch. Victoria asked her parents if something was wrong. Nikki, irritated, asked Victor why he had summoned Victoria to intervene. Victor told Victoria that Nikki intended to confront Jordan. Nikki insisted she confront Jordan to let Jordan know that she had failed to destroy Nikki or Nikki's family. Nikki cried that it was the only way for her to regain her power. Victoria offered support for her mother's plan. Claire voiced support for Nikki, too, and she offered to accompany Nikki when Nikki confronted Jordan. Victoria said she would join her mother and daughter.

Victor told Nikki that confronting Jordan was a bad idea, adding that she did not even know where Jordan was being held. Victoria told her dad that she, Nikki, and Claire deserved a chance to face Jordan and tell her that she would never have control over them or anyone else again. Victoria declared that Jordan should suffer for stealing her daughter, terrorizing her family, and burning down her house. Nikki told Victor that she, Victoria, and Claire all needed closure. Victoria assured Victor that the three of them together could offer each other protection, agreeing that Victor's security guard could accompany them as long as he did not interfere. Victor remained wary of the plan.

Jordan's fate rests in the Newman women's hands

Jordan's fate rests in the Newman women's hands

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

by Jenny Smith

In Dr. Alcott's office, Chelsea told the doctor that she had enormous faith in therapy and treatment, but she wasn't sure whether she could deal with Connor's OCD. Dr. Alcott assured Chelsea that she would be more than capable of helping Connor once she was equipped with the right tools. Chelsea remained concerned that she'd make things much worse for her son -- if she hadn't done so already. Chelsea confided that she'd once attempted suicide by standing on the ledge of a roof of a building, ready to jump, because she'd been convinced it had been the only way to escape a pain that had become unbearable.

Chelsea imagined that her own intrusive thoughts were similar to Connor's, and the only reason she was still there was because a friend had been able to get to her in time to stop her from jumping. Dr. Alcott surmised that Chelsea had sought help. Chelsea confirmed that she'd been admitted to an inpatient facility and that she'd been in therapy ever since. The doctor commended her for showing a great deal of strength. Chelsea whimpered that while she was proud of her progress, she was starting to feel that she'd passed something horrible on to her son, and it was overwhelming.

Chelsea explained that Connor was a sensitive kid who picked up on her moods, and she didn't want to cause him more pain. Dr. Alcott stressed that there was no issue of blame, and it wasn't too late to seek treatment. Chelsea recounted that she'd acted out for years to avoid the voices in her head, but they'd eventually chased her onto a ledge. Chelsea shared Connor's statements that he hated himself and had scary thoughts, and she worried that those things would chase Connor onto the ledge before he got treatment.

Chelsea insisted that she wasn't trying to make the situation about herself. Dr. Alcott imagined that what Chelsea saw as a liability was actually an asset, since Chelsea's own struggle with mental health made her sensitive to Connor's needs, and Chelsea understood there was no quick fix. Chelsea asked if the doctor really thought the residential facility was the best step. The doctor advised that the treatment was critical to helping Connor deal with the uncomfortable feelings that sparked his ritualistic behaviors, and she urged Chelsea to make a decision as soon as possible. After Chelsea stepped out of the office, she sank into a chair in the waiting room and cried.

In Connor's dorm room, Connor lathered his hands in sanitizer. Adam offered to help put away the stuff he'd retrieved from home, but Connor protested that his father would do it wrong. Adam pointed out that Connor had never revealed why he'd wanted to change rooms, but Connor didn't want to talk about it. Adam theorized that it was a problem with another student or that Connor hadn't liked the color of the walls. "It was me," Connor blurted out, adding that he hadn't been able to stay in his old room because of "me and my craziness."

Adam stressed that the "crazy" word was just the OCD talking, since Connor was the greatest kid ever. As Connor fixated on arranging the books on his shelf, Adam turned the topic back to the room change. Adam swore that he was trying to understand so he could help Connor. Connor admitted that the problem had been the room number, and Adam recalled that Connor liked the number seven or numbers that could be divided by seven. Connor divulged that his old room number had been 23, and two plus three added up to five, which was bad.

Adam declared that his favorite number was 21, and Connor guessed it was because Adam had liked to gamble in Las Vegas. A shocked Adam wondered who had told his son that, and Connor recounted that Johnny had overheard his parents talking about how Adam had once lived in Vegas, playing cards. Adam muttered that it had been a lifetime earlier, and he asked what Connor thought about the retreat the doctor had suggested. Connor grumbled that it was a hospital for crazy people, but Adam insisted that it was a place where people could give Connor the help he needed.

Connor whined that his parents had said they didn't have to decide yet. Adam clarified that they'd agreed to talk about it, and that was what they were doing. Connor confessed that he didn't want to go because he was scared. Adam promised that he and Chelsea would do everything they could to make it easier, and he brightly noted that they could find out the room number in advance. Connor argued that he knew where everything was at his school and at home; however, he wouldn't know where anything was at the facility, and he would be alone.

Adam was sure that Connor would make friends. Connor argued that he didn't have friends at school, so there was no reason to believe he'd have friends at the hospital. Adam swore everything would be all right. "Not if I have to go to that place," Connor cried. Adam recommended that they see how things played out, since they were just starting the process, and no decisions had been made yet.

Adam suggested that he and Connor get some pizza, but Connor mumbled that he wasn't hungry. Adam proposed that Connor show him how to unpack his bag the right way. Connor snapped that he didn't want to be there because he hated it, and he didn't want to go to the place for "crazies." Adam swore that the facility could help Connor, but Connor wailed that nothing could help him. Adam assured Connor that he and Chelsea would be with Connor every step of the way, be it the residential program or something else. Connor begged Adam not to make him go to the place and to take him home instead. "Absolutely," Adam replied, and Connor hurled himself into his father's arms.

Later, Adam, Chelsea, and Connor arrived at Crimson Lights. Adam tempted Connor with a brownie, but Connor fretted that his mom might have changed something in his room, and he wanted to go upstairs and fix it. Chelsea promised she hadn't touched anything, and she suggested they discuss the decision they needed to make. Connor sullenly headed to the patio.

Chelsea mentioned that Dr. Alcott had recommended the ERP residential program. Adam pointed out that it had been a long day, and he proposed that they talk about it later. Connor complained that he was tired, but Chelsea refused to toss the issue aside because it was too important. Chelsea acknowledged that Connor was concerned about falling behind in his schoolwork, but she vowed to make sure he kept up while in treatment.

As Connor silently organized the condiments and napkins on the table, Chelsea sympathized that the thought of going to a retreat was scary, but she promised they'd find the right place and that things would get better. Connor snapped that his dad had said he didn't have to go if he didn't want to -- and he didn't. Chelsea glared at Adam.

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle sensed there had been more to Claire's story than what she and Victoria had been willing to share. Summer recalled that Victoria had been careful with her words, but she was impressed with Claire's instant connection with Harrison. Kyle enthused that seeing their son smile had been a nice change of pace. Summer wanted their son to feel safe again. She was open to the idea of interviewing Claire, but she needed to do some research first.

Kyle warned that Claire might not be interested. Summer pointed out that Claire had indicated an interest in working with children. Kyle countered that it didn't mean Claire wanted to be a nanny, but it was worth a shot. Summer intended to do some digging into the parts of the story Victoria hadn't shared with them. She sent a message on her phone.

Nick arrived at the Newman ranch and called out for his parents. Victor informed Nick that Nikki, Victoria, and Claire had gone to confront Jordan. Nick considered it a bad idea, and Victor acknowledged that he had been reluctant to agree to it. Victor explained that Nikki had thought it would allow her to reclaim her own strength and remain sober. Victor figured that Victoria and Claire had also felt it would be empowering to show Jordan that she could no longer terrorize them. Nick mused that they had strong women in their family.

Summer arrived at the ranch and hugged Nick and Victor. Summer recalled that she'd run into Victoria and Claire at Crimson Lights, and she found it wild that the baby everyone had thought was dead was actually alive and well. Summer shared that Harrison had adored Claire off the bat, but it had seemed like Victoria hadn't wanted to get into the details of Claire's past. Summer wondered what she should know about her new cousin. Nick admitted that Claire's backstory was complicated and ugly.

Summer was floored upon learning that Claire had been part of a plan to kill the Newmans. Victor explained that Claire had been raised by her aunt to hate them, and Claire had been as much of a victim as the rest of them. Summer asserted that it didn't excuse Claire's actions, and she wondered why Claire wasn't in prison. Victor revealed that Michael had ensured that Claire had been put into a mental institution, and Summer realized that Claire had been released from the psych ward rather than the hospital. Victor requested that Summer give Claire the benefit of the doubt and consider everything Claire had been through.

Summer referred to everything Claire had put their family through, but Victor was adamant that they welcome Claire into the family. Summer noticed that Nick hadn't said much. Nick conceded that it wasn't easy for him, since Claire was one of the reasons his mother's sobriety had been destroyed, and he couldn't forgive and forget after seeing Nikki in pain. He pledged to be civil and give Claire a chance for Victoria's sake, but he anticipated that it would take time to get over what Claire and Jordan had done to his mom. Victor assured them that Jordan was being dealt with as they spoke.

Summer returned to the Abbott mansion and informed Kyle that it was a good thing they'd checked out Claire's past. Summer opined that it would be a colossal mistake to let Claire look after Harrison or even be alone with him, since she was emotionally and mentally unstable. Summer couldn't believe anyone would accept Claire into the family after the things she'd done.

A bodyguard led Nikki, Victoria, and Claire to the dilapidated building where Jordan was locked up. They heard Jordan banging on the door, and Claire dryly remarked that her aunt didn't seem happy. "Just wait until she sees us," Victoria replied. Jordan called out to ask if someone was there, and she begged for help because she'd been locked in there to die like an animal. Jordan heard the door being unbolted, and she began to thank God until she saw Nikki, who announced that it wasn't a rescue party.

Jordan ordered the women to get out, but Nikki scoffed at the idea that Jordan had any power there. Jordan growled that she could take them all, but Nikki advised her not to try anything. Claire chirped that the three of them could easily take Jordan, who mocked Claire for suddenly being brave. Nikki signaled for the bodyguard to stay outside, and Jordan asked what kind of "sick tea party" it was.

Claire teased that it looked like Jordan had broken a nail, as if she'd thought she'd be able to claw her way out. Nikki huffed that Jordan wasn't as smart as she thought she was, pointedly adding that it wasn't fun to be locked up against one's will. Jordan wondered if they were merely there to gloat. Nikki asserted that after all the "hell" Jordan had put them through, Nikki couldn't think of a better way to spend an afternoon.

Jordan threatened to haunt the Newmans every minute of every day and every night for the rest of their lives. Claire recalled that Jordan had always been dramatic, but it was less effective than she remembered. Nikki declared that it was over, and Jordan invited her to tell herself that when she was alone, pouring herself a tall glass of vodka. Jordan speculated that Nikki was drunk right then because she'd needed to be to confront Jordan. Nikki asserted that she hadn't had a drop in days, and she'd taken back her sobriety after Jordan had stolen it.

Victoria compared it to how Jordan had stolen Victoria's daughter, yet Claire was home where she belonged. Claire proclaimed that Jordan had stolen her life, but she was getting it back with a family who loved her -- and it was even better than she'd dreamed. Jordan condemned them for their stupid whining and worrying about what she'd done to them when it had been what they'd deserved. She questioned whether they really thought it would solve all their problems.

Nikki reminded Jordan about which one of them had been stupid enough to get tricked into getting locked in a basement. Jordan announced that the time had given her clarity, since she'd studied the Newmans for years, and she predicted nothing but tragedy and doom for them. Jordan insinuated that Claire was still full of hate and would try to kill them again, perhaps with success the next time. Victoria defended that Claire's past behavior had all been due to Jordan's influence.

Jordan contended that she'd raised and loved Claire, and she argued that Victoria couldn't really love Claire if Victoria didn't trust her. "You used me," Claire spat. Jordan observed how Claire loathed her, and she warned Victoria to watch out because Claire could turn on her, too. Victoria huffed that there was nothing Jordan could do or say to make her doubt her daughter. Jordan dared Victoria to welcome Claire into her home, but she advised Victoria to sleep with one eye open.

Jordan screeched that Claire had snowed all of them as Nikki's competent, honest assistant, and she implied that Claire was scamming them by pretending to be Victoria's long-lost daughter. Claire insisted that she'd changed because she'd gotten help, and she knew what love and family were. Jordan contemplated how much heart Victoria had left when she hadn't even been able to hold on to a man or a house. Jordan raged that all Victoria had left was the Newmans' grandeur and name to keep her going. "Shut up, bitch!" Nikki bellowed.

Jordan taunted that she knew Nikki wanted to run out to a liquor store, find the best bottle of vodka, and guzzle it down so all of it would go away. Nikki declared that she'd survived Jordan's attack on her sobriety, and exposing Jordan as a miserable human being was another reminder that Nikki was much stronger without a drink. Jordan wished Nikki could have shared that joy with her poor sponsor Seth, who was dead because of Nikki. Nikki retorted that Seth had died because Jordan was a serial killer.

Nikki hoped that the picture of the three Newman women bound in love and strength tormented Jordan for the rest of her life, since Jordan would have plenty of time to think about it while she was in prison forever. Jordan voiced surprise that Nikki didn't intend to just keep her there. Nikki confirmed that she would prefer Jordan never leave the "hellhole" of her own making, but the next best thing was knowing that Jordan would slowly rot away in her cell. Jordan reinforced to Claire that all Jordan had done was avenge her sister, but the Newmans could get away with anything because of their name.

Jordan imagined that Claire would be just like her Uncle Adam as the next black sheep, only it would be worse for Claire because she was half Howard. Claire defiantly stated that Jordan couldn't get to her anymore, and she was right where she wanted to be. Jordan hoped that selling out to "those vipers" made Claire miserable. Victoria cooed that their family loved and accepted Claire completely, whereas Jordan would die all alone. Jordan predicted that someone would die sooner rather than later, and she removed a vial from under the dirty mattress. Jordan reminded them that she was the one in charge.

Jordan crowed that the toxin in the vial was more lethal than the one she'd used at the lake house. She mentioned that it had been her original plan to capture Nikki and Victor and administer it to them there, but she'd moved on to "Plan B." Jordan groused that she was sick of the Newmans' pompous yapping, thinking their money and name put them in charge. Nikki countered that Jordan was the one with delusions of grandeur, claiming she was righting wrongs when her life had really been meaningless.

Nikki envisioned that no one would listen to Jordan's stories in prison because she would just be another inmate with a number. Jordan cackled and revealed that the vial wasn't Nikki's ultimate way out. "It's mine," Jordan victoriously cried, and she chugged the contents of the vial. "Ta-ta, Claire," she said, adding that they could all "go to hell."

Jordan demanded to know if Claire had any final words for the woman who'd loved her and made sacrifices for her. Jordan staggered over to the bed, the toxin taking its toll. Victoria pondered whether they should help, but Nikki argued that they hadn't forced Jordan to take the poison. Victoria countered that Jordan had swallowed it to avoid justice. Claire contemplated everything her aunt had put them through and whether Jordan deserved to live -- or die.

Claire has a dream of how life could have been
Claire has a dream of how life could have been

Claire has a dream of how life could have been

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

Nikki, Victoria, and Claire gathered at the Newman ranch after their confrontation with Jordan. No one wanted to talk about what had happened in the basement prison. Claire asked if the three of them could just be together. Her grandmother agreed. "Let's all be together, as a family," Nikki said.

Victoria tried to lighten the mood with small talk about Claire having met Summer, Kyle, and Harrison at Crimson Lights. Claire found it strange to meet people whom she'd previously only read about. After witnessing the love and protectiveness of the Newman family, Claire expressed her admiration for Nikki and Victoria. As Claire, Nikki, and Victoria sat on the sofa, Claire wondered what her life would be like if she had always been a part of the family. Nikki declared to Claire, "Well, you're a part of us now, and Jordan can never take that away." Claire leaned in, and the three Newman women embraced.

Claire yawned. Victoria, also exhausted, went up to bed. Nikki embraced Claire, encouraged her to "get some good sleep," and left. Claire fell asleep on the sofa.

Claire dreamed about what her life would have been, had Jordan never kidnapped her. In the dream, it was morning, and Claire awoke just as Victor entered the room. Victor told his granddaughter that it was time for breakfast at the club -- with the whole family. Claire was confused. Victor reminded her that she had done it "dozens of times." Victor reminisced about her, in her baby seat, with one small pancake on her plate. Victor told his granddaughter that he had to make a quick stop at the office but would meet her at breakfast. On his way out, Victor called her "Eve." Claire asked aloud, "Eve?" as she followed Victor. As Claire passed by the family photos, the Christmas photo of Nick, Nikki, Victor, and Victoria included Claire in the center.

Claire arrived at the Athletic Club, where Abby and Summer called "Eve" over to their table. They greeted "Eve" with a giddy three-way hug. Abby and Summer gushed about the great time they'd had during the recent trip to Cabo that the three of them had shared. Claire could barely keep up with revelations: "Eve" was considered the most fun, most charming, most fashionable, and most levelheaded Newman of all. "Eve" worked as a model for Marchetti and had received straight A's at boarding school.

Nick and Cole arrived. Nick boasted about being better at basketball than Cole, who remarked to "Eve," "Your godfather is dreaming!" Cole commented about the three women being "inseparable," which led to Abby and Summer thanking "Eve" for having played peacemaker after Abby had slept with Summer's husband.

Cole and Nick praised "Eve" for her leadership skills regarding sports teams. Nick thanked "Eve" for letting him sub as coach while "Eve" had been out on her book tour. Ready to begin the celebration, Summer flagged down a passing server. "Excuse me, can we order some drinks?" Summer asked. The server turned around. It was Jordan. The room darkened, and time stopped all around Claire and Jordan, as Claire was taken aback. Jordan regarded Claire with a snide smile.

Claire stood, closed her eyes, and concentrated. The dream changed around her. When Claire opened her eyes, Jordan was gone. Claire smiled and sat. Her good dream continued. Cole told a story about a camping trip when "Eve" had been about four or five. "Eve" had been more interested in chasing lightning bugs than making s'mores.

Abby talked about a time when "Eve" had been eight, "at one of Dad and Nikki's weddings," and "Eve" had run out in front of all the single women and had caught the bouquet. They all laughed. Nick reminded "Eve" that Victoria had explained about how catching the bouquet meant "Eve" would be the next to marry. The group laughed as they remembered how "Eve" had not been able to get rid of the bouquet fast enough.

Claire continued to dream. Summer talked about how, at her wedding in Milan, Summer had tossed the bouquet directly at "Eve," but "Eve" had purposely crossed her arms. Claire expressed surprise that her family remembered so many happy details of her life. Abby mentioned "the Naked Heiress thing" and reminded the group that "Eve" had been the one who had brought the horse. Devon arrived. Summer moved so that he could sit with Abby. Summer explained to Devon that they were all telling their favorite "Eve" stories. Devon told about the time "Eve" had shown up to Dominic's birthday party in the park, wearing a full "head-to-toe dinosaur outfit."

The gathered Newman family hinted to "Eve" that "this day" would be just as special as that day had been, but they wouldn't elaborate. They wondered why they had not yet gotten the Champagne they had ordered. "Is there a problem?" asked the waiter, who was Adam. Adam commented that it had been the best job he could get after "Eve" had turned him in to the police. "Not once, but twice!" added Abby. Despite having had both sets of charges dropped, the damage to Adam's reputation had destroyed his business career. Abby dismissed Adam by asking, "Ahem. About that Champagne?"

As Adam left the table, Mariah entered, and so did her twin sister, Cassie. The group was all smiles, but Claire looked confused. Cassie talked about having babysat Claire when Victoria and Cole had been having a date night. Sharon arrived and sat between Nick and her daughters. Mariah excused herself to check in with Tessa, who was home with an under-the-weather Aria.

Sharon asked if she had missed anything. Claire replied, "What would there be to miss?" Sharon told "Eve" that Faith and Noah had sent their best. Claire asked how long Nick and Sharon had been back together. "Since before you were born," Nick replied.

The Newmans sang "Eve's" praises as a kindergarten teacher. Summer expressed how happy Harrison was with "Eve" as his teacher, and Sharon hoped that "Eve" would also be Aria's teacher one day. Kyle arrived with Harrison, who ran to "Eve" to greet her. Summer greeted Kyle with a kiss and a "Hi, hub."

Summer and Kyle took Harrison to another table, in order for Harrison to see his friend Bobby. Victor and Nikki arrived at the club. Claire asked what the occasion was for the family breakfast, which was really a party. Nikki, with no signs of her recent real-life struggles with sobriety, commented on "Eve's" inquisitive nature. Nikki talked about all the questions "Eve" had had while Nikki had been teaching her how to ride. Nikki mentioned that "Eve" had been a championship rider.

Victor praised his granddaughter's "ambition and faith." He asked "Eve" not to go easy on him the next time they played chess together. Victoria arrived, carrying a bunch of balloons. "What is going on?" Claire asked. "You don't think we forgot about your birthday, do you?" Cole asked. The entire family shouted, "Happy birthday!"

Claire was overcome with joy. Cole told "Eve" that her birth had been the happiest day of their lives. The family talked about how scary it had been when a premature "Eve" had struggled to survive her first few days of life. Claire got a bit choked up. "This is so much more than I ever could have asked for. If this is a dream, I don't wanna ever wake up," she said.

Cole presented "Eve" with an advance copy of his latest book. It included a dedication: "To my beloved daughter, Eve Newman Howard, my pride, my joy, my truest inspiration." Claire thanked and hugged Cole as the family applauded.

Victor remarked that the Champagne and sparkling cider would be arriving soon. Adam returned, extended an arm, and said, "Here come your libations now." The room darkened, and time froze again as Jordan returned, pushing an I.V.-drip stand. "I don't need to ask who this is for now, do I?" Jordan taunted. Claire looked afraid.

Claire tried to wish Jordan away again, but she failed. Claire moved to push the I.V. stand away. "Dammit, Jordan! I will not let you ruin this for me!" Claire said with determination. Jordan called Claire "desperate" and "pathetic." Claire insisted that it was the life that Claire was supposed to have had.

"So, next, you're gonna tell me that your name is really 'Eve'?" Jordan scoffed. Claire maintained that "Eve" had been the name her parents had chosen and that Jordan had taken that away -- along with the life Claire should have had. Jordan challenged Claire, "Well, if you really want it that badly, come fight for it!" Jordan ran off. Claire looked back at her family, still frozen in time, then turned back and ran after Jordan.

Claire walked down the stairs to the Athletic Club lounge. On a table, Claire saw an antique doll with long blonde hair. Jordan's voice said, "This is not your life. It's a fantasy. It's a dream that will go 'poof!' and blow away. This is not how I taught you." Claire turned and was face to face with Jordan. "You only taught me lies. How to hurt people. How to hate," Claire said.

Jordan advised Claire to go back and do her research into the Newman family. "Read the facts about their sordid lives. About how they cheated and robbed each other. And that's who the Newmans are!" Jordan insisted. She told Claire that the Newmans would "show their true colors." Claire accused Jordan of having spent Jordan's life on revenge. "It isn't revenge. It's called justice! And you know that! In your heart, you feel that," Jordan insisted.

Claire was resolute. "Nothing you say matters anymore. You're trying to avenge someone who died decades ago." Jordan demanded, "That was my sister, your grandmother. You show some respect!"

Claire defied Jordan. She said, "No! That's your fantasy world." Claire said that Jordan had been seeking revenge for something Jordan hadn't even been a part of. "Your life is... small. And it's petty. It's filled with bitterness and anger. Where is the joy?" Jordan claimed to feel joy at the prospect of destroying the Newmans.

Claire came to a realization. She told Jordan, "You can't be saved. You wasted every second of your life, and now, you'll never have anything good or decent. It's too late for you." Jordan listed her recent accomplishments. She declared, "I am your Aunt Jordan, and I am unstoppable. I brought an entire prison down to its knees. I got the high and mighty Nikki Newman back on booze. And then, I burned sweet Victoria's home to the ground... and I'm not finished! There's a lot more to burn down." Jordan claimed that she had changed the course of Claire's life -- and that she could do it again.

Claire told Jordan that she was going to return to her birthday celebration. "You can't hurt me anymore! Go to hell!" Claire exclaimed as she started back up the stairs. Claire turned back, but Jordan was gone.

Claire walked back to the dining area. The family was still frozen, but Adam was not. Adam advised her to work on her poker face. Adam accused her of being more like him, even if she didn't want to admit it. Adam claimed he could see past "happy, sweet, smiling 'Eve.'" Adam accused "Eve" of having a dark streak. Claire told Adam that they were nothing alike, "because you can't change, and I already have." Claire returned to her seat at the table. Time resumed.

Nikki explained to Kyle about a tradition "Eve" had started when she had been Harrison's age. Having decided that she already had everything she wanted, "Eve" had let everyone else at her party make a wish for themselves.

The tradition continued. "Eve" reported that she had everything she could want. Devon and Abby wished for Dominic to have a sibling. Kyle and Summer had the same wish for Harrison. Mariah wished that Cassie would always be as happy as she was that day. Cassie wished the same for her twin.

Before Nick expressed his wish, he asked his family, "How does a pickle celebrate its birthday?" The family groaned in unison. Nick hit them with the punchline. "It relishes every moment!" Sharon wished that "Eve's" year would be filled with joy, laughter, and love. Victor wished his entire family happiness, wealth, and health in the year ahead. They all raised their glasses.

Cole asked "Eve" if there was anything else she was wishing for. Claire stood. She expressed how blissfully happy she was to be a part of the family. She added, "But if I had one wish... I wish --"

Claire awoke on the sofa. "Mom? Mom!" she called out. Victoria entered and asked if Claire had had a bad dream. "Will you sit with me?" Claire pleaded. Victoria sat and held her daughter tight. Victoria wondered how long it would be before they could all rest easy again.

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

Thursday, March 21, 2024

by Soap Central

Due to CBS Sports coverage of the March Madness NCAA college basketball tournament, The Young and the Restless did not air.

This was a planned preemption, and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the less-than-soapy schedule change. Regular programming resumed on Monday, March 25, and picked up where the Wednesday, March 20, episode concluded.

To celebrate Soap Central's 30th anniversary, here is a look at what was happening on Y&R during the March Madness period in other years -- and there has been a lot of drama, including a shocking maternity reveal, two look-alikes, a long-lost relative, and, of course, Y&R's very first episode!

MARCH 1973The Young and the Restless debuted. The mysterious Brad Elliot arrives in Genoa City, and viewers are introduced to the legendary Brooks and Foster families. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 2000Tricia could not get Tony's accident out of her mind. Christine agreed to become partners with Michael in their own firm. Drucilla went back to Paris for a fashion show, leaving Lily in Genoa City to spend some time with her dad. Nina told Meg she thought Tricia needed professional counseling. Jack wanted to make sure Christian was well aware of Ashley's pregnancy, and Jack wondered what Christian was going to do about it. Jack thought that with time, Christian and Ashley could love each other and raise the child together. Brock was concerned about Mac's confusion over her feelings for Billy. Brock had no idea how to be supportive of his daughter without stepping over the boundaries. Brittany told Billy what had happened the night of the party, but she neglected to tell Billy one important thing. Jill and John had their talk with Billy about the trouble Billy had caused while he had been drunk. Jill insisted she would do whatever she could to prevent Billy from dying very young like Phillip had. Diane determined she would do whatever she could to hold on to her tie with Victor, even if it meant getting pregnant. Gary and Victoria became friendlier every day. Ross wanted to get out of prison as soon as he possibly could. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 2014Chelsea obtained a restraining order to keep Chloe away from Connor. Jill and Colin learned that Rachel Berenson had been a translator for Katherine's father during World War II. Colin feigned an illness to trick Jill into admitting that she cared for him. Tyler hesitated to share details of his past engagement to Mariah with Abby. The woman with the wrist tattoo slipped an engagement ring on her finger. Victoria took Johnny to Washington, DC, to spend some time away from Billy. Kelly accepted Lily's job offer to work at the Athletic Club. Kelly rejected Jack's attempts to make up for trying to bribe her to leave town. Lily lashed out at Neil for supporting Hilary. Nikki overheard Paul and Dylan discussing Ian's cryptic statements, and she suspected that Ian was still up to something. Willa Ward offered to provide information in exchange for money, but Dylan declined. Victor thought that the same person who had set him up for selling illegal drugs had also manipulated Cane into acquiring Bonaventure Industries. Nick admitted Sharon to the hospital after she suffered a breakdown. Victor ordered Cassie's look-alike to leave town. Sharon consented to electroconvulsive therapy in order to make her visions of Cassie go away. Cassie's look-alike sneaked into Sharon's hospital room and apologized, but a drugged Sharon passed out before she could alert anyone. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 2022Victor received bank statements Michael had sent before his disappearance, proving that a shell company owned by Ashland had deposited large sums of cash into the account of the Peruvian doctor who'd claimed he'd been paid to falsify Ashland's medical records. Victor showed the statements to Victoria, whose faith in Ashland began to waver. Victor appealed to Nick to try to make Victoria see reason. Adam was appalled that Nick was Victor's strategy to combat Ashland, and he asserted that Victoria was the one who'd failed their family. Victoria started to voice her doubts to Nick, but Ashland interrupted. Nate confronted Ashland with medical evidence that Ashland had faked his cancer diagnosis. Ashland threatened to have Nate's medical license revoked and claimed he could prove his innocence. Nate went to Victor and Adam and announced he had the smoking gun they'd been looking for. Sally sought Sharon's advice about Adam. Lauren's worry about Michael's absence escalated when Sally blabbed that Victor was having his people search for Michael in Peru. Chelsea and Sally declared a tentative truce. Jack learned that Allie was Keemo's daughter and that Keemo had claimed he'd never met his father. A shell-shocked Allie told Jack that she wasn't interested in getting to know him, but she later gifted him with a figurine that Keemo had treasured. Jack decided to return to Genoa City without figuring out who'd sent the mysterious text messages that had lured him to L.A. Click here for the complete recap of this week

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

Friday, March 22, 2024

by Soap Central

Due to CBS Sports coverage of the March Madness NCAA college basketball tournament, The Young and the Restless did not air.

This was a planned preemption, and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the less-than-soapy schedule change. Regular programming resumed on Monday, March 25, and picked up where the Wednesday, March 20, episode concluded.

To celebrate Soap Central's 30th anniversary, here is a look at what was happening on Y&R during the March Madness period in other years -- and there has been a lot of drama, including a shocking maternity reveal, two look-alikes, a long-lost relative, and, of course, Y&R's very first episode!

MARCH 1973The Young and the Restless debuted. The mysterious Brad Elliot arrives in Genoa City, and viewers are introduced to the legendary Brooks and Foster families. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 1993Neil and Drucilla honeymooned in Antigua. Brad secretly had the newlyweds' apartment completely overhauled by an interior designer. Nikki found herself torn between Jack and Victor. Jill told John that she was pregnant, but John's reaction was not what she expected. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 2009Amber begged Kevin to go home, but he wanted to drive to Canada instead. Michael and Daniel found Clint's dead body. Jana was rushed to the hospital because she had severe headaches. Jeffrey hired a bounty hunter to search for Kevin. Cane proposed to Lily, but she turned him down because she did not agree with his quest to obtain full custody of Cordelia. Jill fired Billy, Ashley, Jack, and Mary Jane from Jabot and appointed Cane as CEO of the company. In order to prove that Katherine was alive, Nikki and Katherine asked Jill to exhume Marge's body and conduct a DNA test. Initially, Jill refused, but she eventually said yes when Victor offered to give her his Jabot stock in exchange for a third DNA test. The DNA test proved that Jill was not related to Katherine or Marge. Katherine told Jill that Jill was not her daughter. Jill scoffed but seemed worried. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 2019Rey agreed to help Nick and Billy make things right for Nikki, Victoria, and Sharon. Rey staged it to look like the women's prison transport van had been in an accident, allowing Nick to whisk the women away to the Abbott cabin. Hoping to lure J.T. out of hiding, Nick and Billy plotted to make it look like the women were being held at a Dark Horse warehouse before being smuggled out of the country. At the cabin, J.T. knocked out the guards, swiped the women's burner phone, and cut the power. J.T. tied Nikki, Victoria, and Sharon up at gunpoint. Complaining of horrible pain in his head, J.T. flew into a rage, smashing everything around him and damaging a gas line. The women begged J.T. to release them, but he collapsed. Phyllis followed Billy to the cabin. A clearly shaken Summer proceeded with the transplant surgery. Abby speculated that Summer had blackmailed Kyle into marriage, but he denied it. Nate reported that Lola was in recovery, but he told Kyle that Summer's surgery hadn't gone as well. Mia and Arturo reflected back on having sex on the night of the storm. Mia threatened to tell Abby that they'd slept together unless Arturo convinced Rey to take Mia back. Devon discovered that Ana had tracked down her biological father, singer Jet Slade, and had been providing money to help with his health problems. Ana and Jet continued to decline Devon's offers of financial assistance. Click here for the complete recap of this week

MARCH 2022Victor received bank statements Michael had sent before his disappearance, proving that a shell company owned by Ashland had deposited large sums of cash into the account of the Peruvian doctor who'd claimed he'd been paid to falsify Ashland's medical records. Victor showed the statements to Victoria, whose faith in Ashland began to waver. Victor appealed to Nick to try to make Victoria see reason. Adam was appalled that Nick was Victor's strategy to combat Ashland, and he asserted that Victoria was the one who'd failed their family. Victoria started to voice her doubts to Nick, but Ashland interrupted. Nate confronted Ashland with medical evidence that Ashland had faked his cancer diagnosis. Ashland threatened to have Nate's medical license revoked and claimed he could prove his innocence. Nate went to Victor and Adam and announced he had the smoking gun they'd been looking for. Sally sought Sharon's advice about Adam. Lauren's worry about Michael's absence escalated when Sally blabbed that Victor was having his people search for Michael in Peru. Chelsea and Sally declared a tentative truce. Jack learned that Allie was Keemo's daughter and that Keemo had claimed he'd never met his father. A shell-shocked Allie told Jack that she wasn't interested in getting to know him, but she later gifted him with a figurine that Keemo had treasured. Jack decided to return to Genoa City without figuring out who'd sent the mysterious text messages that had lured him to L.A. Click here for the complete recap of this week

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