Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 8, 2024 on Y&R

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Victor named Nick and Adam co-CEOs. Nikki went on a drinking binge, and Lauren tended to her. Claire confronted Jordan.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 8, 2024 on Y&R

Victor named Nick and Adam co-CEOs. Adam and Sally began to make love. Nikki went on a drinking binge, and Lauren tended to her. Claire confronted Jordan. Audra told Tucker that Kyle had been playing him all along. Kyle punched Tucker. Ashley accused Tucker of gaslighting her.

Victor orders Nick and Adam to work together as equals
Victor orders Nick and Adam to work together as equals

Victor orders Nick and Adam to work together as equals

Monday, January 8, 2024

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by Anne Carpenter

Nikki questioned Victor when he entered her office at Newman Media and began searching through the drawers in her desk. Victor claimed he was searching for a pen so he could jot down some information. Nikki complained that Victor was actually searching for places she might have secreted vodka. Nikki assured Victor that she was doing better every day.

Victor invited Nikki to join him for lunch, insisted that being together was not his way of keeping tabs on her. Nikki said she would have to check her busy schedule, and she admitted that she missed having Claire serve as her terrific assistant. Victor suggested they could find someone even better. Nikki replied, "Hopefully someone who is not out to kill me."

Victor told Nikki he had a meeting set up with Nick and Adam, adding that he believed he had devised a solution involving plans to persuade each of his sons to do what he wanted them to do. After Victor left, Nikki closed her office door, breathed a sigh of relief, and retrieved a small flask hidden in the back of a desk drawer. Nikki unscrewed the lid on the flask before immediately replacing the lid and putting the flask back in the drawer. Nikki phoned her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor and admitted she was having a hard time.

At the Abbott home, Jack wished Ashley a good morning, but she did not respond because she was distracted by something she was searching for on her laptop. Ashley told Jack she was certain Tucker had enlisted his public-relations team to spin a response to the recent news release regarding the cover-up of his lie. Jack checked his phone and said he had not found anything. Kyle entered and suggested Tucker might instead choose a private counterattack.

Jack feared that Tucker might have temporarily retreated, in which case, the silence might be the calm before the storm. Ashley replied, "The whole world knows by now that Tucker covered up that ugly scandal." Ashley was certain that Tucker's small company with a pristine reputation had been adversely affected in some way. Ashley added that the company's board members would demand Tucker's "head on a spike."

Jack told Ashley and Kyle that it was time for Tucker to take refuge on a mountaintop. Kyle disagreed, citing that after Tucker's unseemly outburst in Paris, he was still out for blood. In a flashback, Ashley recalled how Tucker had smashed a champagne glass on a table, violently tossed a chair, and angrily yelled, "Goodbye, Ashley. You go to hell!" Jack asked Ashley if she was okay. Ashley admitted she had not recovered from the fight she and Tucker had had in Paris. Ashley acknowledged that Tucker seemed to be ignoring the truth of what had transpired, though just seeing Tucker reminded her of his intense rage.

After Ashley stepped out, Kyle told Jack that Ashley was having a rougher time than he had thought. Jack noted that Tucker had shaken Ashley to the core, so they should move forward to rid their lives of Tucker for good. Kyle informed Jack that Tucker was no longer certain he wanted to take over Jabot in the wake of the Abbotts having released information about his scandal. Kyle said he had told Tucker to reach out if he decided to proceed with their original plan to steal information about a fragrance Jabot planned to launch in 2025.

Jack ordered Kyle to put pressure on Tucker to make a decision. Kyle sent a text message to Tucker, asking if he had made his decision, adding that the clock was ticking. Jack warned Kyle that Tucker was a cunning sociopath. Kyle, taken aback, firmly insisted he could handle Tucker. Jack suggested that sometimes changing course was necessary. Kyle insisted on carrying out his plan, so their family could be done with Tucker once and for all.

Audra approached Tucker at the Athletic Club and asked why he had not responded to her inquiries about his plan. Tucker replied that he was regrouping. Audra challenged Tucker, telling him that he likely felt too humiliated to admit that the Abbotts had knocked him off his game. Tucker invited Audra to join him for breakfast, so he could fill her in, noting that heads had already rolled.

Tucker told Audra he had not ordered his team to defend what he termed "a cover-up of a cover-up." Instead, Tucker explained that he would lay low and regroup, noting that most people had a short attention span. Audra asked Tucker if the board of directors of his company had ousted him. Tucker replied, "Just the opposite. I'm firing all of them. I have no intention of walking away just because of a little hiccup."

Tucker declared that the Abbotts had not defeated him, nor had they won. Audra asked Tucker if he still planned to go after Jabot. Tucker replied, "All in due time." Audra asked Tucker if he still planned to use information Kyle had offered to share about Jabot's new product. Tucker said he refused to trust Kyle, fearing he would set a trap.

Audra admitted that Kyle had been playing Tucker all along. Audra explained that Kyle had approached her about switching allegiance and joining him on the winning side, adding that she had been tempted. Audra told Tucker she had invested too much in their partnership to give up. Tucker was not convinced of Audra's loyalty. Audra assured Tucker that she had not fallen for Kyle and never would, promising Tucker that she felt a stronger bond to him and would always choose him over Kyle.

Ashley entered the Athletic Club and paused in the entryway, watching Audra and Tucker talking intimately. Ashley sat at a table near a window and glared at Tucker. Audra noticed Tucker glance at Ashley. Tucker told Audra that Ashley had accused him of having been physically violent when they had argued in Paris. Audra noted that it sounded like Tucker had caused a scene.

Tucker claimed he had merely tipped over a glass and shoved a chair, but he denied having engaged in violent actions. Tucker admitted that Ashley seemed to believe that her version of the altercation had actually unfolded. Audra suggested that perhaps Tucker was in denial because he hoped to salvage his marriage. In Tucker's version of a flashback, he'd merely smashed a glass, shoved a chair, and said without raising his voice, "Goodbye, Ashley. Go to hell." Ashley had reacted in fear, her jaw agape.

Across the room, Ashley recalled her memory of the altercation quite differently, having recoiled in fear when Tucker had put his face near hers when he had angrily yelled his hateful words. When Ashley rushed out, Tucker followed her, reaching out to grab her coat as she neared the door. Ashley cried, "Don't touch me. I have nothing to say to you." Tucker calmly replied that he did not understand what was going on, adding that it appeared she was fleeing to get away from him. Ashley replied, "Exactly."

Tucker asked Ashley if she was afraid to be around him in public. Ashley advised Tucker not to attempt to gaslight her regarding their fight in Paris, so he could let himself off the hook. Tucker refused to acknowledge Ashley's version of the events. Ashley replied, "Well, one of us is wrong, and it's not me." Ashley left abruptly. While Tucker was away from the table, Audra read the text message Kyle sent, pressuring Tucker to make his decision.

While Adam and Nick waited for Victor to arrive at Newman Enterprises, Adam asked Nick if he knew why they had been summoned. Nick acknowledged that with Victoria having stepped down and Nate having been fired, the company was shorthanded. Adam recalled that Victor's desire was for his sons to work side by side. Nick replied that perhaps he and Adam could work together for a while, though eventually, Adam would become bored or feel like he was being snubbed and would, as always, self-destruct.

Adam admitted he would have "blown things" in the past, but he insisted he had set a new goal in 2024, vowing not to engage in self-destruction. Nick replied, "I don't buy it. Sorry." Adam reminded Nick how they had put aside their differences to save Faith, how they had both helped Sally, and how they had worked well together with Sharon at SNA. Nick reminded Adam that Adam had continued to betray him. Nick recalled that Adam had continued to pursue Sally after she had chosen Nick over Adam.

Victor arrived and announced to Nick and Adam that, after much corporate turmoil and assaults on their family, it was time to start new. Nick mentioned that Victoria's leave of absence would necessitate changes. Adam said he and Nick were ready to help. Nick told his father he was ready to step into Victoria's former position as co-CEO. Adam quipped that he hoped he would not be relegated to picking up Nick's laundry. Nick asked, "What's the big plan?" Victor replied, "You'll be working as equals under me." Nick and Adam exchanged wary glances. Adam replied, "In what capacity?"

Victor announced that Nick and Adam would be co-CEOs, adding that neither of them would outrank the other. Victor noted if they did not agree to the terms, he would make the final decision. Victor said he hoped his sons would not be at each other's throats before they even got started. Adam insisted that he was totally committed to making it work. Nick replied, "I will do my best to give Adam the benefit of the doubt. I seriously hope he doesn't do anything to make me regret that decision."

Victor assigned his sons a task, requesting them to draft a plan to fold a new acquisition into the existing Newman structure. Victor noted that he would review the presentation after lunch. After Adam stepped out, Nick asked if his father had thought through his plan. Victor pointed his finger at Nick and said, "Your task is to get along with your brother. That's all." Nick told his father he would do his best in order to please Victor. Nick said he hoped Adam did not let Victor down again. Victor advised his son to keep in mind that letting him down was not an option for Nick or for Adam.

Nick and Adam met together at Crimson Lights to share ideas. Adam suggested placing the new acquisition under the umbrella of Newman's real estate division and branding it as a boutique shop. Nick insisted that a startup would not be welcomed with open arms. Adam disagreed, explaining that the acquisition was innovative. Nick replied, "Interesting choice of word. I have gone with 'risky.'"

Adam asked Nick why he had acquired a company he had no faith in. Nick recalled that Victor had pushed for it, comparing their dad's decision to acquire the company to the way he had insisted his sons work together successfully. Adam suggested his and Nick's working relationship might be doomed. Nick admitted he had not tried to be fair or productive. Nick suggested renaming the acquisition "Newman Real Ventures" instead of "Newman E. Ventures." Adam said they should guarantee support for two years as a boutique setup, which he said would be both an investment and a demonstration of their trust. Nick upheld the decisions and vowed, as he had earlier promised, to buy Adam a brownie to celebrate their mutual agreement on all terms.

Before Nikki met her sponsor at Society, she sent a text message to Victor to let him know she would meet him at Society in an hour. Seth, Nikki's sponsor, arrived and told her he was glad she had called him. Nikki cried that she had been struggling through "one of those days" after having endured the horrors her family had gone through. Seth agreed that what Jordan had done was worse than a physical attack because she had unleashed Nikki's inner demons, pitting the mind and body against each other. Nikki admitted her rage against Jordan infuriated her, though she was aware that her anger and rage were dangerous because they intensified her desire to drink.

Seth recalled that he and Nikki had been together at meetings, and he had reached out to her previously. Seth asked Nikki why it taken so long for her to call on him. Nikki admitted she had tried and failed to win her battle on her own, admitting that Victor had almost found an empty office flask she had hidden away to test her resolve. Seth admitted he had faltered numerous times, and he reminded Nikki not to lie. Nikki breathed a sigh of relief and told Seth it helped to talk to someone who did not judge her.

Nikki cried that Victor believed her to be the strongest person in the world. Seth winced and replied, "Oh. That's a lot to live up to." Nikki cried that she owed Victor her life for having saved her many times. Seth advised Nikki not to give anyone power over her life, explaining that she had to recover for herself and no one else.

Seth told Nikki to call on him day or night. Nikki admitted that her recovery seemed more difficult than the previous times she had endured. Seth replied, "Well, maybe, but listen to me. You do not have to face this alone." Nikki, looking desperate, admitted she had been avoiding Seth because she had in the past leaned on dear friends, both of whom had since passed away.

Victor arrived and greeted Nikki. Seth told Victor he was Nikki's Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor. Nikki reminded Victor that Seth was very discreet. Seth noted that recovery was based on progress, not perfection. Victor turned to Nikki and said, "I don't anticipate any missteps now, do you darling?" Victor offered to let Nikki and Seth get on with their meeting.

Nikki thanked Seth and assured him that their meeting had been helpful. She dismissed him. Seth shook hands with Victor and said he was a fan of Nikki's. After Seth left, Victor asked Nikki why she had never mentioned Seth. Nikki reiterated Seth's words about anonymity being very important. Victor, sounding concerned, recalled that Nikki had assured him that everything was all right. Victor asked Nikki if she had been struggling. Nikki appeared distraught.

Claire makes a request of Victoria and Cole
Claire makes a request of Victoria and Cole

Claire makes a request of Victoria and Cole

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

by Jenny Smith

Summer sauntered into Society and spotted a sullen Chance at the bar. Flipping her hair as she approached him, she remarked that Chancellor-Winters couldn't be that demoralizing when he'd barely even started. Chance admitted that it wasn't a good look to belly up to the bar first thing in the morning, and Summer asked what his poison was. He referred to a combination of tropical juices the bartender had recommended, and he wished he'd stuck with coffee. Summer sensed that something else was wrong, and she guessed he was having second thoughts about hanging up his cape.

Chance stated that it had been a strange morning, and Summer figured that he wasn't used to life as a civilian yet. He commented that there had been a lot of change that would take time to process. She suggested that it would help to really feel the part of a Chancellor-Winters executive on the rise, and she offered to help.

A short time later, Summer returned with a special delivery from Marchetti. She handed Chance a shopping bag and revealed that it contained new shirts and ties. He asked how she'd known his size, and she boasted that she could guess anyone's size because she was a pro. Chance balked at accepting because he'd seen Marchetti's prices, but Summer assured him that she had gotten a big discount as the CEO. She invited him to return anything after getting Sharon's input, and he clammed up. Summer pressed to know what was going on because Chance didn't seem like himself.

Summer reminded Chance that they were friends, and he could tell her anything. He told her not to worry about it, but she recounted that he'd listened to her go on and on about her mom and the breakup of her marriage, and she wanted to return the favor. Chance mumbled that there wasn't much to say, but Summer suspected that once he started talking, he might find there was a lot to say. She suggested they talk over lunch.

At Crimson Lights, Adam and Nick strategized about how to make their presentation to Victor. Nick envisioned their father's amazement when they absolutely crushed it. Sharon walked in as the men toasted to the co-CEOs of Newman Enterprises. "Without bloodshed and restraining orders," she marveled as she approached their table. Sharon refused to pretend the sight was normal, and she wondered who was going to explain. The brothers pointed at one another.

Nick and Adam explained that Victor had told them to either get along or find another place to work, so they'd forced themselves to find common ground. Sharon applauded them for finishing their toast without breaking mugs or bones, and she predicted they were on their way to a beautiful partnership. Adam joked that if they could fool her, they could fool Victor. Sharon noted that they seemed poised to accomplish great things together.

Nick and Adam made plans to meet at the office later, and Sharon wished them luck. Adam quipped that they didn't need luck because they had one another. Nick winced, and the brothers agreed the remark had been too much. After Adam left, Nick mused that he'd never thought he'd see the day he'd be working with Adam. Sharon proclaimed that change was good when one was on the path they were supposed to be on, and signs were that Nick and Adam were on the right one. Nick suspected that she was looking for her own signs.

Sharon informed Nick that she'd broken up with Chance the day before. A surprised Nick said he'd thought things had been going great. She confirmed that it had been lovely while it had lasted, but she knew that Chance wanted a serious relationship at some point. Sharon reasoned that she was about to launch a new business, and her days were exciting and busy. Nick was sure he was where he needed to be, but part of him regretted he wasn't sharing in her success.

Sharon gushed that she wouldn't have gotten that far if it hadn't been for Nick's help, but he thought she wasn't giving herself enough credit. He admired her for running her company her way, and he couldn't wait to see her at the launch party in all her glory. Nick voiced concern about Sharon finding a work-life balance, and he joked that it was a good thing having a love life was no longer an option. Sharon swore she wasn't giving up on love, and she was confident it would find her again. She added that she wasn't in any rush, and she'd know when she found the right guy at the right time.

Nick queried whether Sharon was sure that guy wasn't Chance. Sharon admitted that Chance was fun, funny, and easy on the eyes, but she didn't want to make the same mistakes she'd made before by convincing herself a relationship was more than it should be. She believed that she and Nick were both lucky because they knew what it was like to have had the real thing, and she refused to settle for anything less. She looked forward to running her business in the meantime, and she exclaimed that she was already having the time of her life. Nick implored her to tell him everything she had in the works with the launch approaching, and she excitedly obliged.

Ashley entered the coffeehouse patio and was stunned when she saw Cole sitting at a table. She flashed back to a time when he'd tried to convince her to move with him to Oxford. Ashley thought their time would be better spent apart, but Cole pointed out that just the night before, she'd been willing to do anything to save their marriage -- even have a child. She recalled that she'd rejected the idea, but he clarified that he was open to it in the future. He sensed that there was another reason for her turnabout.

Ashley blasted Cole for having an intimate conversation with Victoria about him wanting to start a family. Ashley lectured that it wouldn't have been a big deal if it had been an isolated incident, but the bond he shared with his ex-wife was deeper than Ashley could live with. Ashley approached Cole, and he greeted her with a hug and observed that she was more beautiful than ever. She mused that his was a face she'd never thought she'd see again, and she asked why he was back in town. Cole replied that it was complicated, and Ashley said she couldn't wait to hear about it.

Cole referred to a private family thing, and Ashley hoped it all worked out for the best. He mentioned that he'd heard she'd gotten married recently, and she reported that it hadn't ended well. She wished things had turned out differently, but she accepted that she couldn't rewrite history. Ashley commented that it was never easy to say goodbye to a relationship, and she hoped he'd had better luck. Cole indicated that he couldn't say he had, but he was sure Ashley had been too good for her ex. Victoria entered the patio and called Cole's name.

Ashley voiced surprise that Cole and Victoria had kept in touch, and she referred to the family thing Cole had mentioned. Victoria surmised that Ashley had already been informed the matter was private, and she curtly thanked Ashley for respecting that privacy. Ashley hugged Cole goodbye and headed inside the coffeehouse. Cole pointed out that Ashley wouldn't be the last person to ask what was going on, and he doubted he and Victoria could keep Claire a secret. Victoria vowed to do whatever it took to maintain their daughter's privacy, but Cole countered that letting everyone know truth was the first step in setting them all free from Jordan's control.

Victoria revealed that Claire had asked her and Cole not to visit anymore. Victoria relayed that Claire felt terrible shame and guilt, and Claire had told herself she didn't deserve their help because of everything she'd said and done. Cole pointed out that Jordan had forced Claire to do those things, but Victoria stressed that it didn't make sense to Claire that they cared about her when she hated herself. Victoria continued that the one thing Claire had learned was that it wasn't safe to count on anyone, and the damage couldn't be undone overnight.

Victoria believed Claire needed time and affection after it had been drilled into her that she had been rejected. Victoria vowed to keep reminding Claire that they cared, no matter how long it took to get through. Victoria wanted to know everything about Claire and to show their daughter what her life could be like. Cole pledged to do whatever it took to find a way to get through to Claire.

Victoria praised Cole for being steady and reassuring despite being a new parent. He admitted that he had no clue what he was doing, since baby Eve had been his only child. Cole murmured that when he looked at Claire, he couldn't help but see what he'd missed. He imagined he would have given Claire the world if he'd known she'd been alive, and he wished he'd had the chance to make it right the first time. Victoria answered a call from Memorial and learned that Claire wanted to see them. Cole looked forward to having another shot at helping Claire, and they headed out.

Victoria and Cole arrived at the psychiatric facility. Cole assured Claire that there was no pressure, and everything could go at her pace. Claire clarified that she hadn't changed her mind, and she maintained that she couldn't have them in her life. Victoria recognized that it had probably been scary for Claire to call them back, but she promised that they would always be there for her. Claire reiterated that it was for the best for everyone to go back to forgetting that she existed, but Cole proclaimed that he'd never wanted that and never would.

Cole suggested that he and Victoria sit in on a session and listen to what Claire had to say in a safe environment. Claire preferred to focus on her future, and she only wanted one thing. Claire divulged that she'd already spoken to Michael and her therapist about it, and she announced that she needed to face Jordan to tell her aunt to her face how Claire felt about her. Claire insisted that she had to do it, or there would be no hope of her moving forward and getting better. She asked if Victoria and Cole could make it happen.

Adam ran into Sally in the Athletic Club foyer, and he detected a pep in her step. She observed the same thing with him, and he confirmed that he was inordinately happy because his life appeared to be on the upswing. She reported that hers was, too, although she had to reschedule their dinner that night for a good reason. He suggested that she tell him her good news over lunch, and he could share his own.

Over lunch, Sally commented that lunch was a more appropriate option than dinner, although breakfast was the safest meal. Adam countered that it depended on the evening before, and he recalled that they'd had quite a few provocative breakfasts and brunches. He prompted her to enlighten him about the unseen pitfalls of dinners, and she explained that after-dinner drinks led to danger -- like dancing. Adam turned the topic to her good news, and Sally shared that she'd gotten three new clients. She inquired whether there was a special reason his life was going well. He chalked up 75 percent of it to her, and the other 25 percent to something else.

Adam updated Sally about how Victor had forced him and Nick to find a way to work together. Sally was amazed that the brothers were tolerating one another, but Adam cautioned that it was still early. He recognized that things could still go south, but he was optimistic his father would be proud of what he'd accomplished. Adam noticed Sally was smiling, and she realized it was becoming a habit. She found it nice that he wanted his father to be proud of him.

Across the room, Audra ordered Tucker to be honest with her and himself, since his argument with Ashley had proven that he couldn't let go of his ex. Audra pointed out that all he'd been able to think about was Ashley blowing up their argument in Paris into an event he didn't recognize, and she imagined that he hoped all would be forgiven if he got Ashley to realize that what she thought had happened hadn't actually happened. Tucker accused Audra of being the one obsessed with Ashley. Audra groused that the second Tucker had thought he had a shot to get Ashley back, every plan of Audra and Tucker's had gone down the drain.

Tucker swore that his focus had always been on his plan with Audra, and he wondered why she was questioning him when she'd just been telling him that they were a team with a deep, strong connection that no one could break. Audra argued that her entire career was riding on it, but Tucker countered that she'd had one foot out the door when he'd returned to the table. She asserted that she'd proven her loyalty over and over, and she would continue to do so -- as long as it made sense. She asked him to swear she'd get Jabot.

Audra explained that she needed Jabot because Tucker was the one with a name and money, but she didn't carry his weight in the corporate world -- even after the hit his reputation had just taken. She reminded him that he'd promised her things, and she demanded to know if she could still trust him or if Ashley would ruin it. Tucker conceded that he didn't know how he'd react if Ashley realized she'd made a mistake. He added that everyone had someone in their life that they would cross the line for, and Ashley was his.

Audra wanted guarantees, but Tucker questioned how he could guarantee anything when his life was in flux. Audra recalled that they'd just discussed how their professional goals were completely in sync, yet it had only taken one minute with Ashley to make it crumble. Tucker asked if it was an ultimatum, and Audra informed him it was goodbye. She invited him to sit around with his bourbon all afternoon, pining away for a woman who didn't want him, but she had a career to salvage. Audra suggested that he check his phone for messages because he had everyone hanging by a thread -- including himself.

Tucker returned to his hotel room, where he read a text message from Kyle, asking whether Tucker had made a decision. Tucker answered a call from Kyle and immediately said goodbye. Tucker revealed that he'd always known what Kyle had been up to, and Audra had just confirmed it. Kyle swore that Audra had gotten it wrong. He requested a chance to explain, but Tucker hung up.

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle told Jack that Audra had blown the plan wide open, and Ashley overheard as she walked in. Kyle announced that Tucker had backed out of the deal for Kyle to give Jabot's product to Glissade because Audra had told Tucker what Kyle was really planning. Ashley clucked that Kyle shouldn't be surprised. Jack figured that they'd taken a chance, and they needed to learn their lesson and move on. Kyle abruptly left, claiming he had to get to the office.

Jack guessed from Ashley's foul mood that she had just been with Tucker. Jack worried that she'd returned home before she was ready to face Tucker. Ashley huffed that ignoring Tucker wasn't the problem, and Jack concluded she was admitting there was one. Ashley ranted that Tucker was just being Tucker by trying to make her believe a painful lie to make himself look less horrible. She wished Tucker would go far away and get out of her life once and for all. Jack realized that she was still in deep, and there was no denying it to him or to herself.

Audra answered a knock at her hotel room door, and Kyle stormed in. She snapped that they were no longer on show-up-uninvited terms. He demanded to know "what the hell" she'd been thinking when she'd sabotaged his plan by telling Tucker all about it. Audra claimed that she'd done it to protect Kyle from Tucker, since Tucker had known Kyle was framing him for corporate espionage. Kyle doubted her motive had been keeping him safe, and he spat that he knew who and what she was. Audra retorted that she was dying to hear it. "Give it a shot, golden boy. Who am I, and what was my motive?" she dared.

Tucker showed up at Audra's door, and Audra sarcastically exclaimed, "The more, the merrier!" Tucker considered it predictable that Kyle had made a beeline for Audra, and he guessed that Kyle wanted revenge after she'd blown his plan out of the water. Tucker revealed that he'd never needed Kyle to steal a product from Jabot, but he'd just wanted to see if Kyle had the stones to get the job done -- and Kyle didn't.

Tucker taunted that if he looked past the hair gel, he saw a little potential, but Kyle would have to break free of the stranglehold his dad had over him. Tucker envisioned that if Kyle did, he might become a "world-class bastard" like Jack. Kyle slugged Tucker, who fell back on the couch. Audra rushed to tend to Tucker. "Pretty good," Tucker acknowledged as he staggered to his feet.

Audra tells Tucker she is done with him
Audra tells Tucker she is done with him

Audra tells Tucker she is done with him

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

Adam and Nick met at Victor's office in order to demonstrate to Victor that they could work together. They explained that they believed a company Newman Enterprises had acquired, EVRS, would do better as a boutique standalone, rebranded as Newman Real Ventures, rather than being folded into and dismantled under the Newman umbrella. They would consider the higher costs involved as an investment in an undervalued company in which they perceived promise. Victor liked the idea and liked his sons' cooperation even more. "It warms my heart to see both of you work together for my company, your company, our family's company," Victor said. He touched on the importance of legacy, then, smiling, declared his pride and happiness.

After Adam had left, Nick asked Victor about Nikki. Nick declared his hatred for Jordan for destroying his mother's sobriety. Victor told him that the ups and downs were being handled "one day at a time" but that Nikki was strong, and they would all "work this out together." They then expressed their mutual concern for Victoria in dealing with Claire. Victor noted his daughter's "Newman strength," and when Nick mentioned the "Newman stubbornness," Victor reminded him that that stubbornness made them all fighters.

Nick admitted that, despite the situations with Nikki and Victoria, he felt optimistic about the future of his family and that working with Adam was unexpectedly "cool." "You throwing us together like this could have ended in a cage fight. You know that, right?" Nick asked Victor.

Nick admitted that Adam has been working hard to prove himself, but he expressed a bit of skepticism. Victor reminded him that Adam's early traumas and feelings of abandonment had left deep wounds, which were only worsened by seeing the great bond between Victor and his other children and feeling excluded by it. Nick admitted that Adam had impressed him then assured his father that he knew that Newman, working with his father and Adam, was where he belonged.

Adam ran into Sally at Society. He told her about his successful pitch meeting with his brother and their father. Sally told him how proud she was, and he concurred. He felt pride in this first step toward having a good relationship with Nick. Sally agreed to have a celebratory dinner with him. "I'm ready to live dangerously if you are," she said as she smiled.

Claire dreamed about explaining her request to meet with Jordan to her parents, but it turned into a nightmare where Victoria and Cole thoroughly rejected her and left her at the hospital. Claire woke, looking scared and sad.

At Society, Cole and Victoria worried about Claire's request to meet with her aunt. Victoria expressed concern that Jordan's manipulative ways might upset Claire even more, but Cole assured her that Claire was much stronger than she had been at Jordan's lake house and that even making the request was a sign of Claire's courage. Cole told Victoria that he'd seen Victoria in Claire when Claire had approached them for help, careful and polite, trying not to offend, but very determined. Victoria admitted that she had seen that, too, then told Cole that she saw him in Claire, as well. "The more she feels something, the deeper inside of herself she goes," Victoria said.

Cole reminded Victoria that Claire was adamant that meeting with Jordan was what she needed to do to get better, but Victoria was still worried that Claire was too fragile to risk letting Jordan get back into her head. Victoria wondered about how to get Claire to let her guard down. Cole suggested that they show trust in her first, despite the risks.

Victoria and Cole went to see Claire, who was taken aback to learn they planned to help her confront Jordan. Cole told her, "Given my history, my mother with her mental illness, I understand why you need to do this." Claire could see that Victoria was reluctant, but Victoria declared, "If this is what you need, I will do whatever will help you get to the other side. However, I have one condition." Claire assumed the condition would be permission to continue visiting her at the hospital, but Victoria explained that the condition would be that she and Cole would go with Claire to Oregon.

Claire objected, claiming the two of them had already given up too much time away from their lives, work, and families. "You're our family now," Victoria declared. Cole agreed. He reminded Claire that even if she didn't want to see them, that didn't change their feelings for her. He told her he could write his book anywhere, and Victoria told her about stepping away at Newman.

Claire was dumbfounded. "You quit your job because of me?" Victoria explained that it was just a leave of absence. Claire still did not understand. "Why would you sacrifice something you love so much?" Victoria explained that her family would always come first.

Claire still could make no sense of any of what Cole and Victoria told her. Cole explained that it was what "normal" families did -- loved unconditionally. Claire couldn't see how she could deserve that. "I'm a monster," she exclaimed. Victoria insisted, "No, you're not. You're free."

Claire replied, "No. Not yet. Not until I face her. I have to ask her why. How could she destroy an innocent child and call it 'love'?" Claire hoped getting answers would help her heal, so she accepted Victoria's condition, but with one of her own: "We go together... but I face my aunt alone."

At the Abbotts' home, Jack asked Ashley to confide in him. She explained that she believed Tucker was gaslighting her as punishment for leaving him. "He's trying to make me lose my sanity," she exclaimed.

Jack was livid, as Ashley explained that it concerned the events at the caf in Paris. She told him Tucker had been in a rage, and that he'd thrown a chair and broken a glass at the restaurant. She explained to Jack that while Tucker had admitted to the anger and argument, he'd claimed the violence had never happened. Jack accused Tucker of being a coward for trying to erase his actions then implored Ashley not to let Tucker's manipulation get into her head. "Easier said than done," she admitted, doubting herself. Jack reassured her that what she saw, heard, and felt was real. Ashley expressed her gratitude to her brother. "I love your faith in me," she said, then added, "What if I'm wrong?"

Jack told Ashley that he wouldn't let her doubt herself. Neither understood what Tucker would have to gain at that point. Jack postulated that Tucker might be in denial over the loss of the relationship and might be aiming for reconciliation. Ashley declared that if that was the case, then Tucker was the one who was delusional.

After punching Tucker in the face in Audra's room, Kyle warned that he could do it again. Tucker called him a "daddy's boy" and taunted him, saying, "Touched a nerve, did I?" As Kyle lunged at Tucker, Audra stepped between them. Kyle demanded that Tucker walk away and leave Kyle's family alone, "including Ashley."

Tucker, wiping his bloody lip, told Kyle that Ashley could fight for herself and that she fought dirtier than most people gave her credit for. He taunted Kyle yet again, telling Kyle that his father had to be disappointed in him, which forced Audra to once again jump in to keep the men apart.

Kyle warned Tucker that if he kept going after the Abbotts, they would outsmart and defeat him every time, but Tucker regarded that as "extra incentive," because he could add another Abbott to his "list." Kyle scoffed at that remark, but Tucker declared before he left, "Just know that somehow, sometime, somewhere, I'm gonna come for you -- all of you. Not 'if.' 'When.' And I'm gonna thoroughly enjoy it."

Audra told Kyle it was a bad idea to provoke Tucker. Kyle waved away her concerns, but Audra was insistent. "You really don't get it, Kyle, do you? You want to win. He wants to destroy!" she said. She warned him how dangerous Tucker was, but Kyle berated her for continuing to be his "trusty little cheerleader." Audra told Kyle that Tucker had always had her back, while on the other hand, Kyle had betrayed her by leaking the McCall scandal without warning her. Furthermore, since Kyle had shown up trying to pump her for information, she would be sticking with Tucker.

Kyle expressed regret at what might have been between him and Audra. "I really thought the two of us could accomplish something great. Too bad you don't have the guts to think for yourself," he said. "Get out," she quietly fumed, as she opened the door. "Gladly," he said, as he left.

Kyle returned to the Abbott home and explained to Jack and Ashley about confronting Audra about blabbing to Tucker about the family's plan to take Tucker down. Kyle explained that Audra had claimed to be protecting Kyle, and he was convinced that being so far in with Tucker would take her down, too. Ashley hoped that Kyle would waste no more time feeling sorry for her, but Kyle assured his aunt that he'd wasted enough time on Audra.

Kyle told Jack and Ashley that Tucker seemed unfazed by what was going on. Ashley attributed it to Tucker's usual bluster, but Kyle told them that things had gotten physical. Ashley asked if Tucker had been violent. When Kyle admitted that he was the only one who had thrown a punch, that rattled Ashley, and she abruptly left the house.

Kyle told Jack about Tucker's threat to go after them all. Jack hoped that Tucker would leave Ashley out of it.

Audra found Tucker drinking alone in the lobby of the Athletic Club and told him things were over between her and Kyle. Tucker thanked her for warning him about the Abbotts' plan. Audra told him that Kyle had no problem betraying her, so she was just "returning the favor." She then told Tucker that Kyle was not the only one with whom she was cutting ties. Tucker pleaded with her not to leave him. She told him his "lovesick revenge" was a "recipe for disaster."

Tucker denied being lovesick then said, "I can't do this without you." She insisted that the McCall scandal would still catch up to her, and Tucker said he would protect her. "You have trusted me before. Trust me now," he pleaded. "No," she told him, just as Ashley entered, unseen. "That was before this love/hate thing you have with Ashley and her family. This war isn't about money. It isn't about power or control. That would make sense. This is about your feelings... and I want no part of it!" Audra declared.

Audra accused Tucker of not knowing what he really wanted. "Do you want to punish Ashley and her family into oblivion, or do you want to win her back and live happily ever after?" Audra asked. When he offered her a promise, she told him his promises weren't worth anything then stormed away, immediately running into Ashley. "He's over there. Have at him. You two and your twisted dance never ends," Audra said.

"Audra," Ashley replied, "I'd like to speak with you."

Lauren takes care of a very drunk Nikki
Lauren takes care of a very drunk Nikki

Lauren takes care of a very drunk Nikki

Thursday, January 11, 2024

by Nel

Adam and Sally were on a dinner date in the Athletic Club dining room. Adam proposed they toast to themselves. Sally said she'd worked up an appetite from being a huge success earlier that day and from Adam and Nick getting along with Victor. She claimed she'd always felt guilty for her part in Nick and Adam's fractured relationship. Adam assured her that his and Nick's relationship had been fractured years before Sally had entered the picture.

Adam asked if Sally was ready for dessert, but Sally suggested they have chocolate truffles that were in the mini bar in her suite. She said she didn't want their evening to end. Adam agreed, but he said he'd made assumptions about Sally's feelings in the past and didn't want to make that mistake again.

Sally asked if Adam was happy. He admitted he was. She admitted she was, as well, and she asked if they had gotten to know each other in a whole new way. He admitted he had, and he'd enjoyed every second of it. Sally said they'd been through a lot and lost "so much," and she hadn't thought she would ever feel light and elated the way she did at that moment. She said they had to grab joy and hold on to it for dear life. She said she voted for joy. Adam took her hand.

In the Newman office, Nick and Victor discussed Newman Real Adventures and how it had the potential to over-deliver. Victor commented that it made him very happy that Nick and Adam were working together. Victoria entered. She thanked Nick for stepping in for her, but she realized Nick had been promoted during her leave of absence. Nick admitted he and Adam were co-CEOs.

At Newman Media, Nikki was having trouble concentrating. She reached into her purse for her flask of vodka, and she stared at it. Without taking a drink, she placed the flask at the back of her desk drawer, and she left her office.

Back in Victor's office, Victoria was taken aback that Adam had been made co-CEO, but she claimed she couldn't think about anything except Claire, because Claire was struggling, and it would be a long road before she was healthy again. She said she and Cole were doing whatever they could to help Claire for as long as they could because Claire didn't want to have any more contact with them.

Victoria told Victor that Claire was in pain, ashamed, and confused, and she didn't know who she was. She said it made sense that Claire wanted to distance herself from them. Victoria asked if she could borrow the company jet and a security team so that she and Cole could take Claire to visit Jordan in prison. At the door, Nikki said, "Over my dead body."

Victoria asked Nikki to understand, but Nikki refused because any contact between Jordan and Claire was potentially dangerous for all of them. Victoria maintained that Claire seeing Jordan was important to Claire's recovery. Nikki insisted that Jordan was evil personified. Victoria assured Nikki that only Claire would see Jordan. Nikki stated that they didn't know what Claire and Jordan would concoct once they put their heads together. Victoria told Nikki they would have the security team with them, but Nikki reminded her that Jordan had been able to sneak Claire out of the mental ward that had had extra security.

Victoria told Nikki it would give Claire the clarity she needed to heal, and she and Cole had to try to make it happen. She said the therapist had signed off on it, and Michael was arranging all the legal details. Nick stated that Claire and Jordan had done a lot of damage, but he knew Victoria wouldn't ask if she didn't believe it was the right thing to do. He suggested they hear Victoria out.

Victoria told her family she had her own concerns, but if that was what Claire needed to move forward with her life, then, as her mother, she owed Claire that. Victor was against it, and Nikki stated that after all the horrible things Jordan had done to them, Jordan needed to rot in a jail cell for the rest of her life. Victoria stated it was about Claire and her recovery. She said she might lose her daughter forever if she didn't take a leap of faith.

Victoria told Nikki that when Jordan had kidnapped Claire, Nikki had risked her life to rescue Claire. Nikki claimed she'd done that for Victoria. Victoria said she had to take the same risk for her daughter because Claire needed to be done with Jordan. She said it was the only way for Claire to move forward to a healthy future, and it was a chance for Victoria to work toward having a relationship with Claire. She said she felt guilty for everything Claire has suffered and everything she'd lost. She knew she couldn't go back and change anything, but she could help Claire discover who she was and help her find the identity Jordan had robbed her of.

Nikki told Victoria that Claire hadn't been the only one robbed. Victoria stated that Claire shouldn't have to pay for any more than she already had, and Victoria reminded Victor that he'd taught them that family always came first, no matter what. She said she wouldn't give up on her daughter, and she begged Victor to help her, but Nikki vehemently claimed it could be another trap or manipulation.

Victor told Victoria his instinct told him no, but Victoria was a mother; to Nikki's horror, Victor said he would provide Victoria with the jet and a security team to transport her, Claire, and Cole to Oregon. Angry, Nikki asked if her feelings didn't matter, but Victor pointed out that he was caught between Nikki and Victoria.

Victoria apologized to for causing Nikki more pain, but she asked how she could deny Claire if that was what it took for Claire to move forward to have some sort of a future. Nick told Nikki he supported Victoria, and he offered to go with Victoria, if she wanted. As Nikki was leaving, she spat that she hoped Victoria wouldn't regret it. Nick noted that Nikki seemed shaky. He asked Victor if Nikki was all right. Victor said Nikki was fighting for her life, but he knew Nikki was strong and would fight to win.

Nikki returned to her office, opened her desk drawer, opened the flask, and, shaking, took a long drink. Moments later, Victor wanted to enter Nikki's office, but the door was locked. Nikki sat on the sofa, drinking. He knocked, and he asked if she was in there. When she didn't reply, Victor left. Nikki continued drinking.

At Crimson Lights, Nate asked Victoria how Nikki was doing; he hoped she was winning her battle. Victoria mentioned that Nikki had told her she'd been on the brink the previous day, but Nate had pulled her back. She said it had been kind of him, especially since her family hadn't treated him well. Victoria said rumor had it he was back at Chancellor-Winters. He said he was grateful for the second chance to work with his family. Victoria said they were lucky to have him. He said he'd heard Victoria had taken a leave from Newman. She admitted it was true, and it had been absolutely necessary for personal reasons.

Nate told Victoria he wanted to help if he could, but she might not feel comfortable. She said she wanted to talk about it. She said her world was upside down, and she didn't know how to get to the other side.

Victoria told Nate that Claire Grace was her daughter. She explained that Claire had been the baby she and Cole had believed had died after she'd been born, but Claire had been kidnapped from the hospital by her Great-Aunt Jordan, who hated the Newmans. She said Jordan had raised Claire to think Victoria hadn't wanted her. Claire had been raised on lies, hatred, and a promise that Claire would one day be able to punish "that horrible Newman family." She said Claire had gained Nikki's trust, and then she'd lured Nikki away to a remote location where she'd held Nikki prisoner. She said Jordan had hooked Nikki to an I.V. filled with alcohol.

Shocked, Nate told Victoria that had been pure evil and that Claire had been raised as a weapon to use against Victoria. Victoria said they were trying to get Claire all the help they could. She said they'd been able to get Claire into a hospital in lieu of prison, and their next big challenge was Claire wanting to confront Jordan.

Victoria told Nate she wanted Claire to find peace and happiness from all of it and to have everything Jordan had taken from her. She didn't want Jordan to hurt Claire again. Nate said supporting Claire was the right decision. He said if Claire felt strong enough to face Jordan, she should be given the opportunity to confront her about the abuse and the lies. He said that could be absolutely healing for Claire. Victoria thanked Nate. She said hearing that from him had made her feel confident they should move forward with their plan.

Victoria said she missed her partnership with Nate and being able to talk things through with him. She asked if everything that had happened had destroyed what they'd had. Nate said that as deeply as he cared for her, he would never accept the hold Victor had on her. He said that was too much for him to handle, but he would never ask her to walk away from Victor because he knew her family was the center of her life. He said he was Victoria's friend, and he would be happy to listen whenever Victoria needed to talk. He left.

Nick arrived at the Athletic Club as Sally and Adam were about to go to Sally's suite. Adam told Nick that he and Sally had been celebrating his and Nick's victory with Victor. Sally congratulated Nick on their pitch. Nick said it had gone well. Adam hoped that him being with Sally didn't wreck things between him and Nick because they'd had a great day as co-CEOs. Nick said they were good. Nick went to the bar and ordered a drink while Sally and Adam went upstairs.

Nikki staggered in through the Athletic Club doors. When she saw Nick, she turned her back to him, and she staggered to the alcove at the base of the stairs. Nick received a call. He didn't see Nikki as he went to a private spot to take his call. With Nick out of sight, Nikki left the alcove, only to bump into Lauren. Nikki slurred a hello to Lauren. She informed Lauren she was just leaving, but Lauren stopped her. Slurring drunkenly, Nikki complained about her meeting with the family, and how her feelings had been disregarded. She said she just wanted peace.

Lauren told Nikki she wouldn't find peace in a bottle. Lauren said she was going to call Victor, but Nikki protested loudly. Staggering, she accidentally knocked Lauren's phone out of her hand. Nikki claimed she was fine, and Lauren didn't need to call Victor. Lauren said she would drive Nikki home, but Nikki claimed she couldn't go home. She said Victor couldn't see her like that.

Lauren took Nikki to one of the suites, and she ordered a large, extra hot pot of coffee. Lauren gave Nikki a bottle of water, but Nikki refused it. Lauren said she was helping Nikki by keeping Nikki's secret, but it was a secret she didn't want to keep. Nikki promised it was just that one time. Lauren claimed Nikki wasn't in a position to promise that. Nikki asked if Lauren thought she was drunk.

Lauren said Nikki had an addiction and Nikki's state was Jordan's fault. She said she knew Nikki's sobriety meant everything to her, and she was fighting very hard to get it back. Nikki giggled, and she said she wasn't fighting hard enough because she'd almost fallen through the doors of that fine establishment for all of Genoa City to see, including Nick. Lauren insisted that Nikki wasn't alone in it. Nikki asked why she felt so alone.

The coffee arrived. Lauren poured Nikki a cup, Nikki took a sip, grimaced, and told Lauren not to worry about her. She said she didn't want another drink, but she wanted to sleep. Lauren said Victor would worry about Nikki, and he was probably expecting her home. Nikki complained that Victor called her ten or twelve times a day, asking where she was and what was she doing. As if on cue, Nikki's phone rang, and it was Victor. Nikki told Lauren if she answered it, Victor would know. She told Lauren to answer it.

Lauren answered the phone, and she told Victor that Nikki was with her. She said she'd had an emergency at Fenmore's, and Nikki had come to the rescue. She said they would probably be working through the night. Victor asked if Nikki had been drinking. Lauren admitted Nikki had. He asked Lauren to keep an eye on Nikki, and he said he would have a conversation with Nikki when she came home.

After Lauren ended the call, she said she would never lie for Nikki again. Nikki claimed Lauren wouldn't need to because Nikki was "fine now." She told Lauren to go home with Michael. Lauren said she wouldn't leave Nikki there alone.

In Sally's suite, Adam asked if Sally was okay after seeing Nick. She said it hadn't been the most comfortable moment, but Nick was Adam's brother. Adam asked if Sally felt their date had gone so well there could be more in the future. She said she didn't know because their date wasn't over yet. They kissed, and Sally led him to the bed, where they kissed again and began to disrobe.

Claire travels to Oregon to confront Jordan in prison
Claire travels to Oregon to confront Jordan in prison

Claire travels to Oregon to confront Jordan in prison

Friday, January 12, 2024

by Nel

On the phone in his suite at the Athletic Club, Tucker was informed by a reporter that they were investigating Audra Charles's involvement in the scandal. He told the reporter that someone had been feeding misinformation. He asked if all they had was that a name had been redacted from every document. He said he took full responsibility for his lapse in judgment, and he pledged it would never happen again. He ended the call.

At Society, Ashley asked Audra why Tucker was gaslighting her about what had happened in Paris. Audra claimed that when Tucker returned from Paris, he'd been torn up, mad at the world, and hellbent on destruction. Ashley stated she wanted to know why Tucker was lying about Paris. She said she knew Audra had seen Tucker without his mask. Audra asked if that was Ashley's territory. Ashley said it should be, but Audra probably knew him better than anyone.

Audra told Ashley that Tucker was infuriating, and he believed the world revolved around him. She said he played endless power games, but gaslighting wasn't in his playbook. Ashley suggested that Tucker was trying for a new low, but Audra claimed Ashley was exaggerating what had happened in Paris. Ashley denied it.

Audra told Ashley she'd known Tucker a very long time. She said he got furious and outraged, gave biting insults, and had an ice-cold death stare, but she'd never seen Tucker become violent. Ashley said she understood that Audra believed Tucker's version of the incident. She said she'd been there, and Tucker was lying. Audra said Tucker had chalked it up to Ashley misremembering it. Audra noted that Ashley wouldn't be that upset if she didn't still have feelings for Tucker.

Ashley asked why Audra cared how Ashley felt about Tucker. Audra replied that she cared about things that impacted her life, and Ashley had impacted her life a lot lately because of Tucker's fixation on her. Ashley asked what Audra's situation with Tucker was. Audra said it was classic love/hate. She said he was supportive, and he'd gotten her out of some tough situations, but he could be a giant pain in her ass and could make her life miserable. She said she never knew which Tucker she would face each day. Ashley asked why Audra had agreed to meet with her. Audra said she knew Tucker wanted to be with Ashley, and she wanted to see if he had a shot. Ashley said after Paris, no. Ashley thanked Audra for the chat, and she left.

At the ranch, Sharon told Victor she wanted to make sure he'd received her invitation to attend the launching of her company later that evening. She said she wanted to thank him in person for letting her keep Kirsten after the acquisition plans had fallen through. Victor informed her they'd been preoccupied, and they had to send their regrets to attend the launch. Sharon assumed it had something to do with "that crazy woman from Oregon" and everything she'd tried to do to Victor's family.

Victor told Sharon to have a successful launch. He advised her to meet any problems head-on, as he was about to.

Nikki woke up in the suite Lauren had secured for her. Nikki was startled when she saw she wasn't in her own bed. She saw a man sitting at the table and asked who he was. He reminded Nikki he was Seth, her sponsor. He asked if she remembered how she'd gotten there. She said she was still in a fog. Seth claimed time and water would take care of the fog, and talking would help, as well.

Nikki said she remembered that Lauren had helped her get the suite, but it didn't explain why Seth was there. Seth said Nikki had given Lauren his number. He said Lauren had stayed with Nikki until dawn, then he'd taken over. Nikki said she remembered running into Lauren in the lobby and admitted she had been a staggering drunk. Seth had high praise for Lauren, and he said Lauren was a good friend to have.

Nikki thanked Seth for being there for her. He reminded her he was her sponsor, and if she had a problem, he was there to fix it. Nikki told Seth she didn't think she could do it, knowing what was ahead. Seth stated he was there to remind her she could. There was a knock at the door. Seth told her he'd ordered a hangover breakfast for her, but when he opened the door, Victor stood there. Seth left.

Victor told Nikki that Lauren had called him. He embraced Nikki while she cried that she didn't know what was happening to her. Victor said Jordan had ruined all of Nikki's hard work. Victor told her to begin again, and they would get through it together. Victor said he loved her, and Nikki replied in kind.

Claire was in the visitation room in the Oregon prison with Victoria and Cole. Victoria assured Claire that Jordan was delayed because security measures were being checked to ensure Claire's safety. Claire admitted she was terrified, and she said she was going to be sick. The guard took Claire to the restroom.

Victoria asked Cole if they'd made a mistake. Cole said they were both worried because Jordan was unpredictable and vicious. He said the therapist had signed off on Claire's visit because she'd seen it as a good start toward healing. Victoria said she wondered how Claire would feel after she'd seen Jordan. Cole said they would help Claire through whatever she felt, and if they couldn't help, they would make sure someone else would.

When Claire returned, she apologized. Victoria and Cole told Claire that Jordan couldn't hurt her anymore because Jordan wasn't in control of anything. Cole said Claire had called the meeting, and she could call it off. Victoria stated it was Claire's decision, and the meeting didn't need to happen; they could just go home. Victoria said if just being there was enough to close the door on Jordan, that was fine because Claire didn't have to prove anything to anyone. Claire said she had to do it for herself because if she left, it meant Jordan had gotten inside her head and still had the power, and that made Claire very angry and sick.

The guard entered and indicated that Jordan was on her way. Victoria offered for one of them to stay, but Claire said she had to do it alone. Cole claimed one of them staying could make things worse. Cole said he and Victoria would be down the hall if Claire needed anything. Victoria said Claire was in control, and she could end the meeting anytime. She and Cole left.

Claire tried to get her nerves under control when Jordan entered. Jordan asked if Claire had missed her. Jordan said she wanted to put her arms around Claire, hold her tight, and never let her go, but that wasn't permitted. Jordan complained that she was being treated like a criminal because she couldn't bear to watch Nikki hurt Claire anymore.

Claire told Jordan that Nikki had never hurt her. She accused Jordan of taking her from the hospital. Jordan claimed she'd risked her life to save Claire, and she was paying the price for putting Claire first. She claimed she had no regrets about the sacrifices she'd made for Claire. She said she'd rescued Claire from that hospital because she loved her. Jordan admitted she felt terrible because Claire had suffered because Jordan had done and said things, and she'd been unkind.

Jordan told Claire their life hadn't been easy, but they'd been happy because they'd had each other. Claire insisted she didn't want to talk about the past. Jordan said she didn't know how she was going to survive in that prison because she wasn't meant to be in a place like that, since she'd done nothing wrong. She claimed the Newmans were using their power against her, just like they had done to Claire's grandmother. She said their retaliations and resentments ran deep.

Claire told Jordan the Newmans had been nice and very supportive of her. Claire said when they'd been in the cabin, Jordan had wanted to kill them, but Nikki had saved her life. Jordan claimed that was a lie. She said the Newmans were cold monsters, and they were trying to turn Claire against her. Claire stated that those cold monsters were trying to help her and making sure she was safe. Jordan asked if they were keeping Claire safe from her. Jordan claimed the Newmans were lurking and spying on her. She said she knew exactly how she and Claire could use that to their advantage.

Claire accused Jordan of using people like Jordan had used her and anyone else to get what she wanted. She said Jordan took people's confidence, hope, and love, and she left them with nothing. Jordan denied it. She asked how Claire could say that. Claire said because she'd lived it every day, and she wouldn't let Jordan use her again. Jordan claimed the Newmans had turned Claire against her. She said Claire had abandoned her the way the Newmans had abandoned Claire. Claire said the Newmans couldn't abandon her because she was the one walking away.

Jordan asked if the Newmans were buying Claire off, but Claire stated that the Newmans didn't want her to go because they claimed she belonged with them, since she was their daughter. Jordan asked if Claire would have a fairytale life, but Claire claimed Jordan had already taken that and any chance of happiness from her. She said Jordan had stolen her from her family. Claire said she couldn't stand the look in Jordan's eyes, how sad they were when she looked at Claire. She said the Newmans knew she was too broken to be the daughter they should have had, thanks to Jordan.

Jordan claimed she'd saved Claire, and she'd made Claire what she was. Claire said Jordan had turned her into a person who couldn't trust, love, or believe she deserved anything good in life. Shouting, Jordan asked "what the hell" Claire was doing there. Claire said she wanted to tell Jordan that Jordan was the monster who haunted her nightmares. Jordan claimed she loved Claire, but Claire said that hadn't been love because Jordan didn't know what love was. Claire said she knew love wasn't lying to someone their entire life and making them believe terrible things. She said she could have been happy and good, and she could have had a family.

Jordan told Claire she knew she'd made mistakes, but maybe they could help each other. Claire said they would never see each other again. She said she wanted Jordan to live a long and painful life, and maybe there was someone there who could make Jordan feel small and worthless and crush her hopes daily, the way Jordan had made Claire feel. Claire called for the guard.

Jordan asked Claire to look at her and have a "talk time" like they had in the past, but Claire said they were finished. Jordan shouted that they were finished when she said they were finished, not before. She said she had plans and all the time in the world. The guard entered, and Jordan resisted leaving. She shouted that Claire had chosen the wrong side. The guard led Jordan out.

Victoria and Cole returned and asked how Claire was. Claire stated she'd been raised by a difficult woman to do difficult things, but she'd said things she'd never believed she could. She stated that Jordan had tried to ruin "so many lives," but she didn't get to destroy Claire's anymore. She thanked Cole and Victoria for making the meeting possible and accompanying her, especially after everything she'd done to them. Cole told Claire they were there for her, day or night. They all left for home.

Ashley marched into the Athletic Club dining room and sat down at Tucker's table. She asked why Tucker was gaslighting her. He denied it but claimed he knew what had really happened, and he knew the facts. Ashley asked him to give her a minute-by-minute account. Tucker said Ashley had told him she loved him, but they'd needed to take a moment to catch their breath and calm down. He'd told her not to tell him to calm down because she'd destroyed him. He'd said for years it had been nothing but every vision of the future with her on his mind. He said he'd wished her well, finished his wine, knocked over his glass, and moved a chair out of his way as he'd left. He said he hadn't left her or the caf in ruins.

Ashley asked if that was what Tucker wanted her to believe had happened. She said he'd been incredibly angry. She'd told him she'd wanted to stay at Jabot, but she hadn't betrayed anything they'd had because she'd wanted to be with him. She said he'd been very angry, and he'd told her she'd been fixating on her family, her one true love and the company Daddy had built. She'd told him she loved him and cared about what they had, but Tucker had angrily claimed they had nothing. He'd said she'd made him beg her and cut open a vein, and he'd bled for her to believe in them. He'd yelled that she'd destroyed him.

Ashley said he'd mimicked her crying, stating he hadn't cared where she slept or what she did. She said she'd told Tucker they could talk about it in the morning if he could contain his temper, but Tucker had been furious; he'd finished his wine, smashed the glass, and thrown the chair that had been in his way as he'd left.

Tucker denied that was what had happened. Ashley said Tucker knew his behavior had been ugly and unacceptable, and he was trying to protect himself. Tucker stated there had been a full waitstaff and witnesses, and someone would have called the authorities or at least the manager. He said it had been an argument that had been no more explosive than an average couple having a heated disagreement. He didn't know why she had to make it into a violent tirade. He said if she stuck to that skewed version of events, then something or someone was at play.

Ashley told Tucker she didn't know which was more despicable, him psychoanalyzing her or him twisting everything that had happened to make her appear unbalanced. Tucker claimed she was the one with the agenda. She said it wouldn't work, but Tucker stated she'd come to him, so on some level, she was having doubts. Tucker left.

Back at the ranch, Victor told Nikki that Lauren had been a great help, but he asked where Seth had he been when Nikki had started drinking again. Nikki explained it had been her responsibility to call him, and she advised Victor not to blame Seth for her mistake. Victor said he didn't have a good feeling about Seth, and he wanted someone else as Nikki's sponsor. Nikki said she hated that she'd disappointed Victor. He said she never disappointed him. She asked why she had the feeling Victor was keeping something from her.

Victor told Nikki that Michael had gotten approval for Claire to meet with Jordan, and Victoria and Cole had gone with Claire to protect her.

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Edited by SC Desk