Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 1, 2023 on Y&R

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Diane was released on bail. Victor attempted to bribe Sally into leaving town. J.T. rejected Elena
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 1, 2023 on Y&R

Victoria and Nate had sex. Elena blasted Nate for his betrayal. Victor attempted to bribe Sally into leaving town and allowing her baby to grow up with the Newmans. Summer told Daniel that Phyllis was alive, and he threatened to go to the police. Diane was released on bail. Harmony returned to Genoa City.

Elena vows to take action against Nate for cheating
Elena vows to take action against Nate for cheating

Elena vows to take action against Nate for cheating

Monday, May 1, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

After Tucker's first night living at the Abbott mansion, he arose early and prepared a tray of coffee for Ashley. As Tucker, clad in his robe, made his way out of the kitchen and toward the stairs, he encountered Ashley. Ashley was already fully dressed and ready for work. Tucker, his hair mussed and his face unshaven, complained that he had not known what time Ashley usually awakened because his bedroom was down the hall from hers. Ashley explained that she had no time to sit and drink coffee. Before Ashley kissed Tucker goodbye, she told him they would discuss bedroom assignments later.

After Ashley left, Tucker greeted a surprised Jack and offered him coffee. Jack, miffed, told Tucker he found it offensive that Ashley had invited Tucker to move in while the family was dealing with chaos and crises. Tucker acknowledged that though Jack did not like him, he was just as much dedicated to his family as Jack was to his. Jack disagreed. Tucker explained that he was actively repairing his relationship with Devon, so Ashley had offered to help by allowing him to move in. Jack insisted that Ashley's goal was "to make [his] life hell." Tucker assured Jack that his true intention was to prove to Ashley that he was worthy of her love, so they could build a future together.

Jack scoffed at Tucker's claim that he could convince Ashley to believe that his intentions were genuine. Tucker reminded Jack that Ashley believed Diane's intentions were suspect. Jack, growing frustrated, defended Diane, explaining that she had changed, while Tucker still remained the same man who had screwed over everyone in town. Tucker barely winced and changed the subject by offering Jack a cup of coffee.

Before Jack left, Tucker said he was truly sorry about what Diane was going through, adding that he did not believe she was entirely responsible for Phyllis' death. Jack replied, "For what it's worth, I don't give a damn what you think." Jack threatened to retaliate if Tucker threatened or used Ashley in any way. Tucker admitted he had not been an upstanding man in the past, but he assured Jack that he was dedicated to proving himself worthy to Ashley and the rest of the Abbotts. Jack again declared that he would protect his sister. Tucker assured Jack that he would protect Ashley, as well.

After Ashley arrived at the office, she greeted Billy. Ashley complained about Jack choosing to defend a "murderess" over concerns about how the fallout had affected the family company. Ashley warned that Diane's trial would launch a press feeding frenzy, and she entreated Billy to take drastic measures to protect Jabot. Billy suggested that Ashley's doomsday scenario was overblown. Ashley was adamant that Jack's irrational behavior and support for Diane was damaging the company's reputation. Billy gently assured Ashley that she was overreacting.

Billy sighed as Ashley firmly insisted that Diane wanted Jack, his name, his money, and his power. Ashley declared that because Jack was blind to Diane's manipulation, he was in no position to be running Jabot. Billy replied, "What do you think we should do about that?" Ashley said, "We need to convene the board and contain Jack. I don't want to see it come to that, but maybe we need to do something." Billy informed Ashley that her proposal sounded like a coup. Billy insisted that no one would force Jack out of his position as CEO. Ashley cried that Jack's obsession with Diane had gone too far and would have to end. Billy replied, "This is about a hell of a lot more than business, isn't it?"

Ashley recalled that Jack had tried three times to kick her out of the house because she had refused to play along with the "fatal attraction thing" he had going with Diane. Billy suggested that Ashley was retaliating by kicking Jack out of the company because he had attempted to kick her out of the Abbott home. Ashley said she understood how Billy might perceive her actions as exacting revenge, and she admitted having invited Tucker to move into the Abbott home. Billy sighed and recalled that Tucker, a known liar, had once shredded her heart to pieces and had even attempted to steal Jabot. Billy insisted that Tucker was just as malicious as Ashley believed Diane was, adding that Tucker might be using Ashley to take over Jabot.

Ashley grew increasingly frustrated. Billy struggled to contain Ashley's vengeance while defending Jack. Ashley refused to back down, much to Billy's dismay. Ashley yelled that Diane was lethal and could destroy Jack and the family. Ashley stated with absolute certainty that Diane had incredible influence over Jack. Ashley warned Billy that if Diane beat the murder charges, she would insinuate herself even more deeply into their family and declare herself queen of the Abbott household as well as head of Jabot.

Jack was in a foul mood when he joined Michael at Society. Jack asked Michael about Diane's defense strategy. Michael explained that they were sitting in the shadow of a mountain of evidence that pointed to Diane. Michael informed Jack that Jeremy Stark's cause of death had yet to be determined. Jack insisted that he and Michael uncover something that would at least give Diane hope. Michael reminded Jack that all they could do was "investigate the hell out of" Jeremy Stark.

Jack reported that the forensic accountant had not yet been successful in tracing Stark's money. Michael said he planned to subpoena phone records, including Phyllis' records, as she was the victim of the crime. Jack was disappointed to learn that getting Stark's records would prove difficult. Michael said he would consult people who could tap into records "quietly and proactively." Jack replied, "Good. Do it."

Michael said he would also covertly acquire security footage to glean hints from Stark's movements throughout the city. Michael acknowledged that implicating Stark as Phyllis' murderer would prove difficult before the judge and jury. Michael explained that without bona fide, indisputable evidence, Christine would rip the "Stark did it defense" to shreds in the courtroom.

Michael laid out plans to prove that the evidence against Diane had been fabricated and planted by a manipulative mastermind hellbent on exacting revenge. Jack confidently assured Michael that they would find the answers to support Diane's defense. Jack noticed Tucker enter and wave at him and Michael. Jack sarcastically scoffed, "Wow, this day only gets better." Michael advised Jack to ignore Tucker and focus on Diane.

Jack told Michael that Ashley had invited Tucker to live under his roof as retaliation for him having moved Diane into the family home. Jack complained that Ashley's unfortunate timing had exacerbated the family's chaos and misery. Michael told Jack to remember his priorities. Jack assured Michael that working to free Diane was what kept him going every day. Ashley entered and joined Tucker. Jack shook his head in disgust and acknowledged that though he could not save Ashley from her unfortunate decisions, he would focus all his energies on saving Diane.

At their nearby table, Ashley told Tucker that her pigheaded brother might give her indigestion. Tucker told Ashley that he and Jack had had a heart-to-heart talk and had made inroads. Ashley declared that common sense had skipped the men in her family. Ashley cried that she was helpless to prevent Jack from destroying her family and her legacy. Tucker suggested that Ashley shake things up to make Jack realize he was being an idiot.

Ashley thought for a moment and said she and Tucker should retire to his suite. Before leaving the restaurant, Ashley and Tucker dramatically embraced and kissed as Jack and Michael watched. Michael quipped, "You could have sold tickets to that." Jack rolled his eyes and emphatically declared that it was not his problem, adding that he had no time for games while the woman he loved desperately needed his help. Jack pleaded with Michael to investigate every aspect of Phyllis' death. Jack declared that he would do everything possible to prove that Diane was innocent before the case went to trial.

At a patio caf in Los Angeles, Nate waited for Victoria. Unlocking his phone, Nate gazed at a photo of Elena before sending a text message to Victoria's phone to let her know he had selected a table. In her room, Victoria glanced at herself in a full-length mirror before she headed out to meet Nate. Victoria joined Nate and assured him that their business ventures would be successful. Nate nodded in agreement.

Victoria told Nate she was eager to create a strong economic model as the company expanded. Nate suggested offering premium subscriptions to generate intellectual property deals with contacts in Hollywood. Nate admitted that he often gleaned ideas while listening to podcasts during the wee hours of the night, sometimes doing so as a distraction from feeling lonely. Flirting, Victoria batted her eyes and replied, "A man like you can't possibly feel lonely."

Nate admitted to Victoria that the people who mattered to him the most had not moved forward with him and did not understand aspects of his driving force. Victoria commiserated, adding that seeking bigger and better opportunities was not for everyone, though she welcomed the opportunity to work with someone who was in sync with her. Nate shared plans to venture into scripted fictional content that might appeal to their targeted demographic. Victoria, beaming, replied, "Well, thank God you're on top of things."

Victoria declared that choosing Nate as CEO of Newman Media was one of the best decisions she had ever made. Nate replied, "I learn from you every day." Victoria boasted that working with Nate was inspiring and intoxicating. Victoria mentioned a book she had been reading about cultivating innovative business relationships. Nate expressed interest and requested that Victoria send additional information about the book. Victoria told Nate she happened to have the book in her room. Nate suggested they peruse the book together. Nate accompanied Victoria to her room.

At Crimson Lights, Elena and Audra met for coffee. Audra noted that Elena was in a good mood. Elena replied, "I am relieved. Things are finally getting better between Nate and me." Elena, excited about an upcoming vacation with Nate after he returned from his business trip, described to Audra various destinations she had considered. Elena said she should not have doubted that she, not Victoria, was Nate's priority. Elena vowed to trust Nate going forward. Audra informed Elena that Nate had traveled to Los Angeles with Victoria. Elena cried that Nate had told her he was going alone. Audra replied, "What an ass."

Audra expressed disdain for Nate for having lied and promising Elena a romantic getaway to cover his guilt. As Audra continued pointing out Nate's misbehavior and labeling him a cheating liar, Elena cried that she had been dumb enough to trust him because she wanted to believe they were okay. Elena said that whether or not Victoria and Nate had already slept together, he was still a liar who had betrayed her trust and patience. Audra reminded Elena that Victoria was shameless about going after whatever she wanted. Audra comforted Elena, declaring that she was a smart woman who had trusted a man who continued to actively sabotage their relationship.

Elena recalled how she had supported Nate after he had been forced to give up medicine and find his place in the world again. Elena recalled how Nate had been considered "a god" in the operating room before suddenly becoming just a normal guy. Elena noted that despite the radical changes beyond his control, Nate still had a great life, success, and love. Elena acknowledged that for Nate, it was not enough because he hungered for power, even if he had to break the rules to get it.

Elena recalled futile attempts to reason with Nate by reminding him that he had once been compassionate, loyal, and committed to doing what was right. Elena cried that to Nate, lying had become easier than telling the truth, and power had become more important than love and family, so collateral damage was inconsequential. Audra asked Elena what she planned to do. Elena suggested she might fly to Los Angeles, catch Nate and Victoria in the act, and make a scene. Elena told Audra that because circumstances had changed, she was ready to locate J.T. Hellstrom.

Upstairs in Victoria's hotel room, Nate and Victoria began undressing each other. Desire and passion took precedence over reason and restraint. Nate and Victoria began kissing and groping each other's bare bodies. Victoria relished the ecstasy of Nate kissing her neck and lifting her off the floor. Nate set Victoria on the bed and hovered over her, kissing her lips and gazing into her eyes. Victoria and Nate made passionate love. Afterward, Victoria fell asleep, resting her head on Nate's bare chest. Nate kissed the top of Victoria's head and glanced at himself in the full-length mirror as he lovingly cradled Victoria in his arms.

Elena asks J.T. to return to Genoa City
Elena asks J.T. to return to Genoa City

Elena asks J.T. to return to Genoa City

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the Abbott mansion, Summer flashed back to seeing Phyllis alive. Phyllis apologized for putting Summer in a horrible position. Summer sobbed that if her mother didn't go with her right then to clear everything up, she might never see Phyllis again. Phyllis swore that wouldn't happen, and all she needed was time. Kyle startled Summer, who hurled herself into his arms.

Kyle remembered when Summer had hugged him like that all the time, and she pledged to hug him more. He pressed to know more about the errand she'd run earlier that she'd thought would give her closure. Summer protested that he'd promised to give her space. Kyle insisted that he was glad she'd done whatever she'd done, since it was the first time she'd spoken actual sentences to him in a long time. He reiterated that he would back off, but he pleaded with her not to move into the guest room. She agreed.

Kyle figured that he and Summer could just sit there, getting old and forgetful together, but at least they'd have one another. He added that he understood she thought his mother was guilty, and he wondered if she considered him guilty by association. Summer assured him that she didn't feel that way. Kyle swore that his mother was innocent, but he respected the fact that Summer didn't and probably never would -- unless they were lucky enough to get a miracle.

Kyle hoped to find solid proof his mother hadn't been involved in Phyllis' death, but he promised not to involve Summer in his quest to help his mom. Summer wailed that she was already deeply involved, and talking about it was stirring up feelings. She requested that they not discuss it if he didn't want her to sleep in the guest room. Kyle acknowledged that it would take work to get past it, and Summer added that it would also require a lot of forgiveness. He mused that nothing else mattered as long as they had one another, and they embraced.

"I like this," Kyle mused as he and Summer snuggled on the sofa. He reveled in holding her and having her all to himself with no arguing. She wished they could stay like that forever, but she expected that the real world would rush in the second they moved. Kyle asked if Summer was hungry, and she thought she probably should be. Kyle yelled out for Traci, but Summer scolded him for calling his aunt and told him to get the food himself. They professed their love and kissed. After Kyle headed to the kitchen, Summer flashed back to Phyllis saying that Summer could either save Diane or save Phyllis. A torn Summer grabbed her coat and left.

Victoria and Nate canoodled in bed in her Los Angeles hotel suite. He asked if she was hungry, and she purred that she was starving. She planned to order avocado toast, and he recalled that avocados had once been considered an aphrodisiac. She informed him that it had just been a marketing story to get people to buy more avocados, and avocado sales had gone through the roof. He teased that she had a one-track mind about business. Victoria cooed that she had other ideas right then, and they kissed.

Victoria's phone rang, and she abruptly shut it off. Nate voiced concern that the call might be important, but she declared that she got to decide what was top priority -- and that was them. Victoria stated that she knew it was what she wanted, and she wondered what he wanted. Nate replied that he wanted what he shouldn't want because it would only lead to trouble. Victoria doubted they were talking about carbs anymore. Nate asserted that he could stay away from carbs, but staying away from her was starting to get a lot more complicated.

Nate said being with Victoria hadn't been on his itinerary for the trip. She chirped that some of the best things in life happened unexpectedly, with things falling into place when they weren't even paying attention. Nate recognized that he'd betrayed Elena, and he didn't want to be the kind of guy who lied to his girlfriend. Victoria sympathized that his conscience was bothering him. She contended that they hadn't had to sleep together, and the question was why they had. Nate was determined to do the right thing.

Victoria flirtatiously pondered whether Nate's guilty conscience had been locked out in the hallway or hiding under the bed during their escapade. Nate surmised that his conscience had been asleep at the wheel again, and he thought the problem was that she was irresistible. He suspected the little voice in the back of his head was as charmed by her as he was. Victoria realized that Nate truly liked her. He confirmed that he liked everything about her, and part of the issue was that what he felt for her was far more than physical attraction. She wondered what they should do next.

Nate recalled that he was supposed to have become a different man when he'd taken the job at Newman Media, building a career and earning back his family's trust. Victoria observed that he'd ended up in a hotel room with the wrong woman. "The right woman, wrong time," he replied. She wished someone could put her in touch with a division in charge of time machines, so they could transport themselves into a universe where they could be together. Nate smiled and contemplated why being with her was so easy.

Victoria reasoned that Nate didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't with her, whereas he'd been trying to be the man his girlfriend expected him to be when he was with Elena. Victoria pointed out that Elena was part of the life he'd lived before he'd walked away from medicine, but he'd started a new path where he'd given up on old dreams and goals to move on and start something new. Nate bemoaned that being with Victoria meant having to lie to everyone in his life. She urged him to decide whether he wanted to be someone else's version of who he should be or if he wanted to be happy.

Victoria proposed that she and Nate start to figure things out by always being fully clothed in one another's presence and never being alone in the same room together. Nate added that they could never look at one another, but he questioned what they'd do when she randomly started blushing when she remembered the things they'd done. Victoria thought she'd have to learn how to forget, and Nate said she'd have to teach him how to do that -- from far away. She prepared to take a shower by herself, and she ordered him not to look. She dropped her robe, but he couldn't help but peek as she headed to the bathroom.

At Crimson Lights, Audra announced to Elena that she finally had good news -- she'd tracked down J.T. Hellstrom. Later, Elena sat down in a booth, opened her laptop, and initiated a video call. She introduced herself to J.T., who mentioned that he'd been expecting her call. She explained that she hosted a podcast that spotlighted stories of people who had medical conditions that had changed their lives. She continued that she'd heard only a portion of his story, and he informed her that he'd survived an undiagnosed brain tumor.

J.T. lamented that it had been traumatic how it had changed the lives of everyone around him, and he didn't like the idea of revisiting that time. Elena recalled that Audra had told her he was willing to talk, and he asked if Elena worked for Newman Enterprises. J.T. conceded that if the request was from Victoria, he owed it to his ex to hear Elena out. Elena divulged that while Victoria was CEO of everything Newman, Victoria's involvement with the podcast would be very limited. J.T. understood that Victoria wanted to stay in the wings, since he'd done things when he'd had the tumor that he never would have done otherwise, and he'd regret them forever.

Elena proclaimed that the podcast would be an opportunity for J.T. to let the world know that the incidents had only happened because of his condition, and he was proof that patients could go on to have a normal life with proper diagnosis and treatment. Elena anticipated that people would be inspired by J.T.'s story and that it might even change a life. J.T. supposed he could do that. Elena planned to book a flight and hotel, but J.T. vehemently objected to returning to Genoa City.

Elena recognized that J.T. had only done horrible things because of his medical condition, and she doubted anyone would hold it against him. J.T. surmised she was new to Genoa City, since the town had a long memory. He reiterated that the only way the podcast would work was if they recorded it remotely. Elena encouraged J.T. to take some time to think about making the trip there, and she wished him the best of luck.

Later, Audra returned to the coffeehouse. Elena reported that J.T. had been receptive to the podcast idea, but he'd refused to return to Genoa City and would only record remotely. Audra insisted that Elena convince him to return to town, since it was the perfect thing to get Victoria to keep her hands off Nate. Elena called J.T. a sweet guy who was trying to do the right thing, and she hesitated to drag him into her relationship drama.

Audra firmly stated that Elena wasn't the bad guy, and she urged Elena to bust up Victoria's monopoly over Nate by refocusing Victoria's energies on her former husband. Elena groaned that it would take too long, and there were too many ways the plan could go wrong. Elena opted to go to L.A. to find out once and for all what was going on.

Sally answered her door and asked Adam if he was her escort. He asked if she needed one, and she hoped he'd tell her what it was all about on the way there. Confused, Adam admitted that he had no idea what she was talking about. Sally wondered why Victor had just requested to see her if Adam had nothing to do with it. Adam grumbled that he wasn't his father's errand boy, and Sally apologized.

Sally disclosed that Victor had sent a text message, asking to see her. Adam asked when and where they were going to meet because she'd need backup. Sally declared that she wasn't afraid of Victor, but Adam thought he'd heard a twinge of fear when she'd asked if he knew why Victor wanted to talk to her. Adam warned that it wouldn't be nice, and the scars could last a lifetime. Sally demanded that Adam explain why he was there if it wasn't because of Victor.

Adam announced that he wanted to build a trust fund for the baby. Sally voiced surprise that he wanted to do it so soon, and she argued that they hadn't even picked out the baby's name yet. Adam declared that the Newman name carried a lot of weight, and he wanted both Sally and the baby to know that the tot would never want for anything.

Adam recalled that he hadn't had access to the advantages of being a Newman as a kid, but he was adamant that his and Sally's child would have full and equal access to everything to which she was entitled. Sally clarified that she would never use their child to grab for a slice of the Newman pie. Sally pointed out that they had several more months to figure out the details of their daughter's life, but Victor was waiting right then. She showed Adam to the door.

At Newman Enterprises, Nick looked lost as he sorted through some paperwork. He asked if Nikki knew where the blueprints for the Abu Dhabi project were, and she immediately found them. She wondered if he was leaving town, but he explained that he was just covering for Victoria at a meeting with the international team. Nikki revealed that she'd heard the news, and she supposed she should congratulate Adam and Sally on expecting a baby girl.

Nick assumed Victor had also told Nikki about the stunt Victor had tried to pull, but Nikki remarked that her husband usually kept those to himself. Nick recounted that Victor had tried to poach him to run McCall Unlimited with Adam, hoping Nick would back away from Sally and allow Adam to be with the mother of his child. Nikki swore that she would have nipped it in the bud if she had known, but she cautioned that children had a way of drawing their parents together. Nikki cited the undeniable chemistry between Adam and Sally. Nick questioned why Adam and Sally weren't together if they were so perfect for one another. Nikki considered it a good question.

Nikki thought it should give Nick pause that everyone in the family agreed about the connection between Adam and Sally. Nikki referred to how Adam had held onto Sharon for years, and she contemplated how long Sally would be able to keep Adam out of her life. Nick shared that Sally had set boundaries, but Nikki lectured that people could put up fences, yet the flowers bloomed where they chose. Nick imagined the progress they could be making if they spent half as much time talking about work as they did discussing his love life. Nick predicted that the baby would thrive, and Adam would simply need to figure out how he fit into their lives.

Nikki warned that Sally would have a whole world of worry to deal with if she broke Nick's heart, since Sally would need Nick once the baby was there. Nikki praised that no man was better equipped than he was, and Nick bragged that babies loved him. Adam entered the office and requested to speak with Nick. Nikki congratulated Adam on expecting a girl, and she stepped out. Nick told Adam not to bother if he was there about McCall because Nick didn't want to be involved.

Adam relayed that he'd stopped by Sally's room to see if she'd be okay with him setting up a trust fund for the baby before he took any action, since he hadn't wanted to step on anyone's toes. Adam revealed that Sally had been about to head over to Society after Victor had summoned her there. Nick started to leave, but Adam stopped him.

At Society, Sally marched over to Victor's table and hoped she hadn't kept him waiting long. Victor said he understood congratulations were in order with a sweet little girl on the way. Sally stressed that they were all very excited, and Victor surmised that included the father and Nick. Sally acknowledged that it was complicated, and Victor noted that his sons had a penchant for falling in love with the same woman. Sally wondered if that was why Victor had asked her there.

Victor advised Sally that Nick and Adam had more in common than they liked to admit. Sally asserted that her relationship with Adam was ancient history and that she and Nick were very happy, and she didn't see that changing. Victor admired her confidence, but he clarified that they were there to talk about his grandchild. He believed there were certain things she needed to know before the baby was born.

Sally admitted that she didn't know much about parenting, but she understood it was a learning process. Victor noted that she had no friends or family to lean on, but she defended that she had her sister and her "Grams" and that she was close with Chloe. Sally added that she'd always been independent, and things hadn't turned out too badly. Victor referred to her difficult childhood, having been abandoned by her mother and raised by her grandmother. He compared it to his own tough upbringing, and she figured it had built character.

Victor stated that a rough childhood built bitterness, and he'd rather watch a child grow up in familiar surroundings with family, horseback riding, art lessons, and travel. Victor assured Sally that whatever her little girl wanted, she'd be afforded. Sally gushed that it meant the world to know her baby would be welcomed into his family. Victor opined that nothing should interfere with Sally's career, since she was very talented, and he was sorry he'd intervened in her bid for Jill's business. Sally informed him that he'd only delayed things, but she was still making her dreams come true. Victor called her very ambitious and gifted, and he announced that he had a proposal for her.

Moments later, a stunned Sally repeated Victor's offer to back her, but only if she left Genoa City. Victor called it the opportunity of a lifetime for her to build her business wherever she wanted. Sally struggled to comprehend the proposal because he'd just indicated that he wanted his granddaughter to be part of the Newman fold. Victor confirmed that he wanted his grandchild to grow up on the ranch, surrounded by family.

Victor proclaimed that everything his granddaughter wanted would be hers. "But not me. My baby stays, and I go," Sally numbly stated. Victor stressed that Sally was gifted, and she could build a company of her own wherever she wanted. He left her with that thought and voiced confidence that she'd make the right decision -- not only for herself, but also for her baby. Sally reeled as Victor exited the restaurant.

Summer tells Daniel that Phyllis killed Stark
Summer tells Daniel that Phyllis killed Stark

Summer tells Daniel that Phyllis killed Stark

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

by Nel

To Sharon's delight, Mariah arrived at Crimson Lights with Aria. After some small talk, Sharon sensed that something was amiss, and she asked Mariah to share. Mariah said she'd been embarrassed when someone had asked her if Aria was her first child, and she hadn't known how to respond.

Mariah told Sharon she'd wanted to say she'd been pregnant before, but not with Aria. She said she hadn't wanted to lie and deny Dominic because it had been such an important time in her life. She said she adored Dominic; however, Aria was her first child, and she wanted to tell the world how amazing Aria was. Sharon said she could relate because whenever she was asked how many children she'd had, she had to stop and think. She said it was complicated for her because of Cassie.

Mariah noted that Sharon always talked about Cassie with "so much love." Sharon said, just like Mariah, Cassie had been a shining light, and she wouldn't stop talking about Cassie because it kept her spirit alive. She said when a stranger asked about Cassie, she had to weigh how much she wanted to say. She said telling anyone what had happened to Cassie made things awkward because the loss of a child made people uncomfortable. Mariah said whenever Sharon wanted to talk about Cassie, Mariah would love to listen.

Mariah told Sharon she thought about Cassie a lot. She said she wondered if they would have had their own language, like twins sometimes did, or if they would have been complete opposites. Sharon said one day, someone would say that Aria looked just like Mariah. Wide-eyed, Mariah said that had already happened. Sharon suggested Mariah take each comment on a case-by-case basis and really consider how much she felt like sharing. She said people would react, but that wasn't Mariah's problem.

Sharon said one of her biggest regrets was that she'd missed Mariah's early years. Mariah stated the past was in the past, and they might not have spent her earlier years together, but what mattered was what they were doing currently and what was happening with their growing family. She said as a new mom herself, she had never been more grateful that Sharon was her mother.

At Chancellor-Winters, Daniel told Lily he'd had a strange conversation with Summer, but he had to be careful not to betray her trust. He said he'd bumped into Summer at the park the previous evening. He said she'd been alone, and she was falling apart. He admitted he was having a tough time dealing with that. He said Summer was looking for answers; because she couldn't find them, she was making them up, and it scared him. He said he'd tried talking her through it, hoping she would see reality, but he could see she'd hung on to the fantasy she'd created in her head.

Daniel told Lily he was mad about what had happened to Phyllis, but Summer had some serious rage going on, which wasn't helping her cope with the loss. He said he just wanted Summer to be okay. He admitted he didn't know how that would be possible, since he was barely keeping his head above water.

Lily said Daniel and Summer were in pain and dealing with the same thing. He said they both wanted Phyllis back so badly that they saw her in their dreams, but Summer was seeing her while she was awake. Lily said losing someone was crushing, and as he and Summer worked through their grief, they would do and say things they would regret. He said he didn't regret anything to that point in his life, and he had no regret reconnecting with Lily.

Lily told Daniel she didn't regret their night together, since it had been something they'd both wanted and needed. He admitted he wasn't looking to start anything new at the moment, and they shouldn't put any unnecessary pressure on each other. He said the most important thing was their friendship. Lily agreed. Daniel left as Devon arrived. Devon asked Lily how things were going with Omega Sphere. Lily said Omega Sphere was doing great. She said Daniel and his team were on track, and they would have a rollout by late May or early June.

Devon told Lily he wanted to christen the jazz lounge properly by throwing Neil a party there later that evening. He thought they could put out some pictures of Neil and play his favorite music all night. Lily agreed it was the perfect way to commemorate Neil's passing. Lily said it was hard to fathom four years had gone by, and she noted how much Neil had been part of their lives. She agreed that Neil was rooting for them every step of the way.

In the park, Summer recalled Phyllis saying that Summer was the only one who could know what had happened and what Phyllis needed to do because of it. Chance arrived. He apologized if he'd startled her. She asked why he wasn't looking for Stark's killer. Chance said that wasn't supposed to be public knowledge yet, but he acknowledged that word was out that Stark's death hadn't been an accident.

Chance informed Summer that Stark's case was out of his jurisdiction, and he was only consulting. Summer said Chance knew Stark better than anyone and what a disgusting thug he'd been. Chance said Stark's record spoke for itself. Summer asked if Chance had any idea who might have killed Stark. He said the sheriff's department was handling the investigation, and they knew what they were doing. He said he would stay on top of that case, and he would keep her updated.

Summer asked Chance if Stark had drowned, if there had been any witnesses, or if there was any other physical evidence. Chance looked at her suspiciously, and he asked if there was something going on. Summer said that with her mom being murdered, followed by her new husband being murdered, the two things had to be related. She said there was nothing else.

Chance told Summer that if she'd learned something or if she knew anything, she could tell him. Summer said he was the police and asked how she could know something he didn't. Chance apologized and said he hadn't meant to imply anything. He said if she came across anyone suspicious or threatening, she should contact him. Chance also wanted her to know he wasn't trying to put ideas in her head, as Kyle had intimated. He said he only wanted to help.

Sumer apologized for snapping at Chance and admitted she was barely holding it together. She said Daniel believed she was losing her mind, and maybe he was right. Chance said she was in pain, and given how stressful her situation was, wandering around town alone wasn't the best idea. Daniel arrived and asked why Summer was in the park again. She said she'd needed to clear her head. He asked if Summer and Chance had arrived together. Summer said it had been a coincidence.

Chance said they had that in that in common -- it was their mutual thinking spot. Chance asked how Daniel was doing. Daniel replied that he was okay. Summer asked Chance to give her some alone time with Daniel. Before he left, Chance assured Summer they would find whoever had been responsible for Stark's death.

Daniel told Summer that Stark had been murdered, just the way she'd said the previous evening. Summer said she hadn't said anything to Chance about that or that Phyllis was alive, and Daniel shouldn't, either. She told Daniel to forget what she'd said. He asked how they should do that. He said Phyllis and Stark had been connected, and the two of them being killed hadn't been a coincidence. He said that hadn't been what she'd said the previous evening, and she'd done a complete turnaround. He wanted to know why.

Summer told Daniel she hadn't been thinking clearly the previous night. She said she'd been looking for answers that weren't there. Daniel asked if she'd guessed that Stark had been murdered, and then it had turned out to be true. Summer said Stark had deserved that for who he'd been and what he'd done, and she'd wanted it to be true. She said she didn't know how to be in a world without Phyllis in it. Daniel said he needed to know Summer was going to be okay, because he wasn't sure she was.

Daniel told Summer he'd spoken to Kyle. Kyle had said she'd run off and wouldn't answer her phone, and Daniel had found her with Chance in the spot where she'd claimed she'd seen Phyllis. She said she hadn't imagined Mom, she wasn't seeing her or thinking she was alive, nor had she been talking to a police detective about any of that. She said she'd only wanted to get information about Stark, but Chance wouldn't give up any information about the stabbing or the scissors. Astounded, Daniel said if Chance hadn't said anything about a stabbing or scissors, he needed to know "how the hell" Summer knew about it. Summer claimed she had to have read about it in the news.

Daniel said he'd read every story there was about Stark, and news of Stark's murder had only been released that day. He said no other details had been released. Summer claimed there had to be more articles than he'd read. Daniel said it made no sense that she would have information that wasn't public knowledge, and he asked if she'd killed Stark. Summer laughed and told him not to be ridiculous. He asked her to tell him something that made sense, but Summer claimed nothing made sense.

Daniel told Summer he would talk to Chance, but Summer asked him not to bring Chance into it. Summer asked him to swear he wouldn't tell anyone else. She said she wasn't crazy, and she knew what had happened to Stark because she'd heard it from Phyllis. She said Phyllis was alive, and Phyllis had stabbed Stark to death.

When Diane saw Jack, she turned around and was ready to return to her cell. Jack stopped her and said he loved her. He said the last time he'd seen her; he'd left her with a question she hadn't answered. He'd asked her to marry him.

Jack said Diane needed him, and he refused to leave. She asked if he was there to marry her. She stated that was denial, not romance, and it broke her heart. Jack claimed it wasn't denial but devotion, commitment, and confidence. He stated he wouldn't spring an impromptu wedding on her. He told her to give him the word, and he would marry her anywhere, anytime.

Jack told Diane he would help get her through her ordeal, but Diane wanted to know how he could be so certain, since she would be stuck in prison for a long time, and he had a life to live. Jack claimed she was his life. He said he would visit her daily, and he wouldn't allow her to go through the ordeal alone. Diane said as good as that moment felt, nothing had changed. She refused to drag him or the rest of the family down. She told Jack to leave, and she called the guard.

Jack blurted out to Diane that Stark was dead. Shocked, Diane asked when it had happened and how. She wanted to know how he'd died. Jack told her it appeared he'd been murdered. She asked if the police knew who'd killed him. Jack said the police had been looking into Stark's criminal activities, and Jack guessed one or several of Stark's colleagues had had a grudge serious enough to want Stark dead. Diane said she was sure of that because she'd met some of them, and they weren't people one wanted to mess with.

Diane told Jack she was relieved Stark was no longer a threat to their family, but that didn't work in her favor. Jack said, like him, Diane thought Stark had killed Phyllis. Diane said she knew Stark had, and that made it a very bad thing for her because Stark couldn't confess, and her last chance for freedom had died with him. Diane shouted that since Stark couldn't be questioned, they would come after her. Jack claimed that the chances of getting a confession from Stark had always been slim to nil. He said they had to hope that while searching for Stark's killer, they would find proof he had been behind Phyllis' death. She doubted that Stark had left behind any proof. Jack claimed a guy like Stark would want to have a few mementos of his accomplishments.

Diane said she loved how Jack always held on to hope, but she needed to be a realist. She said most of Genoa City wanted her to go away for that crime. She said the case against her was growing stronger daily. Jack said she'd returned to town, believing she'd never see her son again and that her life was over, but she'd overcome those doubts. He stated she could overcome this ordeal, too, and he would help her do that.

Diane told Jack she found it difficult to find comfort in what he was saying, since reality told a different story. Jack stated that giving up wasn't an option. Jack checked his phone and said she had another visitor. Kyle walked in.

Diane told Kyle the same thing she'd told Jack: he wasn't to see her again. Kyle refused to leave. She said she didn't want to ruin his life again. He replied that not seeing her would hurt him. He said they knew she was innocent, and they would figure out a way of proving it. Diane said she knew the toll it was taking on Kyle and his marriage. He admitted things weren't great with Summer, but it would pass because they were strong as a couple.

Kyle told Diane that he and Jack would get Diane out of prison, and life would return to normal. Kyle said Harrison would be happy to see her because Harrison loved her. Diane was worried his little heart would be broken if she didn't return home. Kyle said he, Jack, and Michael had been working on a plan to get her out of prison. Diane said there was a very strong possibility she would be wrongly convicted, and she would spend the rest of her life behind bars.

On the patio of the coffeehouse, Chance asked Christine if she'd had a chance to check out the report on Stark. Christine said she had, but it wasn't their case. Chance said Stark hadn't drowned; he'd been stabbed to death. He said Stark had been wrapped in the shower curtain after he'd been killed. He said the murder could have happened in Genoa City. Christine pointed out that it could have happened anywhere. Chance said he had a gut feeling it had been closer to home. He said it hadn't been a coincidence that Phyllis had been poisoned, and days later, her new husband had been stabbed to death.

Christine said even if they proved Stark had killed Phyllis, they couldn't negate the evidence they already had. She said there had been a plan to kill Phyllis with poison, which Diane had purchased. She said even if Stark had been an accomplice, the case against Diane was airtight, and she intended to try it.

Chance was on the patio at the coffeehouse when Jack arrived and claimed Chance needed to be working on Phyllis' case. Chance said he was working. Jack asked if Chance was in the coffeehouse, looking for evidence that Stark had killed Phyllis. Chance said it was none of Jack's business, but he'd just finished a meeting with the D.A. He told Jack to stay out of it.

Jack told Chance that Stark was dead, and whatever his plan had been, it had gone awry. He said there had to be more to it than what they saw on the surface. He said it was up to Chance to dig up Stark's deepest and darkest secrets and tell them what had happened. Jack demanded that Chance do his job because that was the only way to exonerate Diane.

Diane is released from jail under house arrest
Diane is released from jail under house arrest

Diane is released from jail under house arrest

Thursday, May 4, 2023

by Nel

At the park, Daniel asked if Summer expected him to believe Phyllis was alive and had spoken to her. Summer assured him she'd seen Phyllis. She said Phyllis had told her about Stark's plan and how it had gone wrong. She said Stark had attacked Phyllis, who'd had to defend herself but ended up attacking Stark with scissors. She asked how she would know that if she hadn't spoken to their mother. Summer said the police could confirm how Stark had been killed.

Summer asked Daniel if he couldn't see Phyllis planning her own death to get revenge on Diane. Summer said Phyllis was alive, and she'd explained everything to Summer. Summer admitted she didn't know where Phyllis was. Daniel asked why Phyllis would risk sticking around. Summer stated that no one was looking for her. He asked if Summer was okay that Phyllis had allowed them to suffer that way. Summer stated she wasn't, but she was focusing on the fact that they had a chance to have their mom back. Daniel said he couldn't just gloss over it.

Summer told Daniel that Stark had pushed Phyllis into his plan. He'd manipulated her emotions, and he'd played up the idea that everyone had turned their backs on her. She said Stark had forced her to go along with his revenge plan against Diane. She said Phyllis had felt like everyone had abandoned her, and she'd been hurt and frustrated; in a moment of weakness, she'd given in, and then everything had gone wrong.

Summer told Daniel that Phyllis had immediately regretted going along with Stark's plan, and she'd wanted out; Stark had refused, and he'd attacked her. She said Phyllis had been forced to defend herself, and she'd killed Stark. She continued that Phyllis had felt trapped because there had been no way out. She acknowledged that Phyllis was far from innocent and had wanted revenge on Diane in a big way.

Summer told Daniel that Diane had stolen the life Phyllis had wanted with Jack, and Phyllis had been fighting with both her and Daniel. He asked how Phyllis was going to survive on the run, since she had no ID and no money. Summer claimed that Phyllis probably had everything she needed to start a new life. Daniel asked if Summer was okay with Phyllis disappearing without facing any consequences for her actions.

Summer told Daniel that Phyllis had asked Summer to keep her secret, but Summer confessed she hadn't been able to keep it from Daniel. She said everything Phyllis had done to Diane would be exposed, and Phyllis could go to prison for that. He said Phyllis had killed Stark, and it couldn't be proven it had been self-defense. He said she would be locked up for the rest of her life. Summer cried that they couldn't lose her again.

Summer begged Daniel not to say anything to anyone. He asked who would believe him. Summer admitted she'd tried to get information from Chance, hoping to find a way to get Phyllis out of her ordeal; however, he'd become suspicious, and she'd had to back off. Daniel asked what would happen if they couldn't protect Phyllis. Summer suggested it might be best if they let Phyllis disappear to start a new life without them. Summer said she would hate that, but she would do anything to keep Phyllis safe.

Daniel asked if Summer would allow Diane to take the fall for a murder that never happened. Summer said Diane was far from innocent. She asked if he'd forgotten that Diane had abandoned Kyle as a child, and when she'd returned, it had been nothing but secrets and lies. She said Diane had gone after Jack the entire time, and she'd brought Stark to Genoa City. She said Diane had brought all of it on herself and all of them. Daniel said Diane wasn't guilty of murder.

Daniel reminded Summer that Diane was Summer's husband's mother and Harrison's grandmother. He said Phyllis wasn't any better than Diane because she'd faked her own death, just like Diane had done. Summer said they needed to clear Phyllis before they cleared Diane. Daniel stated that the only way to do that was to tell Chance the truth, and Chance would help them. He claimed honesty was the only way to fix the situation. He said when Phyllis came home, she would be dealt with in the most fair and supportive way possible.

Daniel told Summer he was going to the police. Summer firmly said no. He claimed they were accessories to a crime. She said they couldn't go to the police until they had a solution, otherwise Phyllis would go to prison for the rest of her life. She said she'd told Daniel because she'd needed an ally and someone she could trust. She asked if he was that person. Daniel began to walk away. Summer asked if he was that person. Daniel replied that he didn't know.

At the prison, Michael greeted Diane cheerfully. She didn't understand why he was so happy when the person who could clear her name was dead. Michael said he hoped to have Diane out of prison by the end of the day. He said he would see to it that she would be granted release on bail. He said he'd appealed the "no bail" order, and they'd been granted a second arraignment that day. He said he was sure Judge Betz would be more understanding.

Michael told Diane he'd brought her something to wear that Jack had carefully selected. He said given her history, bail wouldn't come cheap, but Jack was arranging the financing. He told Diane to get dressed.

At home, Ashley overheard Jack on the phone, telling someone he had to liquidate some capital because he needed a cashier's check that day. Ashley questioned what that had been about. Jack stated he wasn't interested in sharing any of his personal conversations with her. Ashley reminded him they were in a common room, and he should go elsewhere if he wanted privacy or if he didn't want to be overheard. He claimed her latest stunt was reprehensible and that she'd chosen that time to throw Tucker in everyone's face.

Ashley told Jack that he hadn't cared how anyone felt when he'd moved Diane into their home. She told him to learn to tolerate Tucker the same way everyone had to tolerate Diane. Jack said he couldn't believe she'd fallen for "that scoundrel" again. She said, unlike Jack, she was in complete control of her actions and her feelings. She asked how Tucker living there would affect Jack. Jack claimed Tucker was under his roof.

Ashley told Jack she'd forgotten it was Jack's house, and everyone else was just visiting. She wondered how their father would feel about that. Jack claimed tensions were high enough without Ashley adding to them. She countered that if tensions were high, it was because of his fiance, who'd been charged with murdering Summer's mother.

Jack told Ashley that Diane had been falsely charged, and Diane was family; she was his fiance, Kyle's mother, and Harrison's grandmother, whereas Tucker was a virtual stranger to Summer, Kyle, and Harrison. He asked if she'd considered what would happen when Tucker and Diane were under the same roof. She said Diane was in jail, and they didn't know when or if she would get out.

Jack told Ashley that Diane could be home later that day. Ashley said that was why he'd arranged for a cashier's check. She called him crazy if he thought Diane would be out anytime soon, since she was a flight risk. Jack claimed Michael had just cause to have Diane's bail reconsidered. He said justice would prevail, and Diane would be home where she belonged. Ashley said it wasn't Diane's home, and she didn't belong. Ashley left.

Jack was on the phone with Kyle when Michael and Diane arrived. She ran into Jack's arms. Diane reported that Michael's argument had been eloquent and impassioned. Michael said Judge Betz had gotten on board, and there they were. Diane said she was under house arrest, she had to wear an ankle monitor, and she had to give up her passport.

Jack told Diane he'd sent Kyle a text message, and he was on his way. He said Kyle hadn't been able to reach Summer. Diane stated that Summer wouldn't be excited to see her. She said she was there, but Summer's mother was gone. She said perhaps she should stay elsewhere. Jack insisted that house arrest meant with him, and he wasn't letting her out of his sight. He said he was determined to marry her as soon as possible, and he never wanted to lose her. They kissed.

Tucker arrived at Chancellor-Winters and offered to buy Devon a coffee. Devon asked what Tucker's agenda was. Tucker said he'd hoped they could work some things out over coffee. Devon said he didn't want to take a break from work.

Tucker told Devon that he'd sold McCall to Victor. Devon asked if Tucker would be leaving town, but Tucker replied that Devon and Dominic were the reasons he was staying. Tucker admitted he couldn't walk away without attempting to repair their relationship. He said he knew Devon and Lily were hosting an event in Neil's honor later that day. Tucker said he owed Neil because Neil had raised Devon so much better than Tucker would have. Tucker said he wanted to make an announcement at the event about the coming of the Neil Winters International Jazz Festival, which he would produce.

Tucker told Devon they could kick it off in Neil's jazz lounge with the top jazz artists in the world, and then they would launch a tour to the hottest venues. Devon stated that he wouldn't make a decision of that magnitude before the party. He said the point of the party was to have friends and family gather to share memories and listen to music. He said it wasn't meant for announcements, but if it were, it wouldn't be Tucker's announcement to make. Tucker understood. Devon said it was bad timing for a great idea.

Tucker told Devon he was putting down roots because Ashley had finally begun to forgive him, and she'd asked him to move in with her. Devon asked if Abby was aware that he'd moved into the Abbott house or how serious things had become between him and Ashley. Tucker admitted things weren't that serious because Ashley had him on probation. Tucker said he'd hoped that, since Ashley had given him a shot, Devon would be more inclined to do the same.

Devon told Tucker that he and Ashley had two very different relationships with Tucker, and because she trusted Tucker, it didn't mean he would automatically do the same. Tucker said he understood, and he knew why he couldn't attend the party. He said he would raise a glass to Neil to thank him for doing everything for Devon that Tucker hadn't.

Devon told Tucker he understood that the festival was Tucker's way of trying to rebuild the bridge between them. He said if Tucker wanted to be at the event, he was more than happy to invite him. Tucker said he would be honored to be there. They shook hands.

In a Los Angeles restaurant, Victoria commented that Nate had outdone himself on the presentation. Nate admitted he was pleased with the analysis, and he was positive about the meeting. Elena stood at the entrance, and she heard Nate say that he wanted to confirm they were putting aside their personal feelings and focusing strictly on the business side until he could figure out where his head was.

Victoria took Nate's hand and confirmed they would focus strictly on work. Elena approached their table and asked Nate if that was what traveling alone on a business trip looked like. Victoria invited Elena to have breakfast with them. Elena told Victoria to shut up because it was between her and Nate. Elena asked if Nate wanted Victoria there to fight his battles for him along with everything else he was relying on her for. Victoria left.

Nate asked Elena what she was doing there. Elena said he didn't get to question her. She warned him to be careful about the next words that came out of his mouth to make her disrespect him more than she already did. She demanded to know the truth about him and Victoria. Nate admitted he'd slept with Victoria. Elena threw a glass of water in his face.

Elena said she'd believed in Nate; she'd trusted and supported him. She spat that he was pathetic, sneaking around and acting like he was on a business trip. Nate claimed it was business, but he hadn't intended to sleep with Victoria. Elena replied that he had, and he'd lied. She said she'd been suspicious from the beginning, and when she'd confronted him about it, he'd lied to her.

Elena reminded Nate that he'd accused her of being paranoid. She said that until she'd walked into that restaurant, she'd held on to hope that there had been some kind of misunderstanding, but her instincts had been spot-on. Nate claimed he'd never meant to hurt her, but Elena snapped that what he hadn't meant to do didn't matter, but what he'd actually done did matter. She said he wanted her to believe she'd blown things out of proportion.

Elena said Nate had spent a lot of time rekindling their relationship. She asked if all his efforts had been to compensate for his guilt. She demanded to know how long it had been going on. She wanted to know how big a liar and cheater he was. Nate maintained he'd had no intention of anything happening between him and Victoria. He said Elena knew he loved her, and he'd done nothing out of guilt. He said he'd wanted to be the man Elena loved, and he'd tried to fight "this thing" for Victoria. Elena said he just couldn't because he'd been too mesmerized by Victoria's charms to stop himself.

Elena said when Nate and Devon's relationship had blown up after Nate had tried to sabotage his family, they had all accused him of changing. She said they'd claimed he'd become ruthless and selfish, but she'd defended him. She said she'd tried to encourage him to take the higher path and to fix things with his family because she'd believed the man she'd loved still existed. Nate claimed he was still that man, but she spat that he couldn't believe that.

Elena told Nate to take a look at himself because he'd changed -- and not for the better, unless it was who he'd always been. She told him to either go straight to hell or back to his hotel room to be with his boss. She said it was over, and she left.

When Victoria returned, Nate informed her that nothing good had happened. He admitted he hadn't told Elena he would accompany Victoria because it would have created problems. Victoria suggested perhaps that had been because he'd hoped something would happen between them. Nate said it hadn't been his intention because he wouldn't purposely deceive Elena. Victoria suggested maybe subconsciously, he'd hoped to be caught as a way to end his relationship with Elena. He claimed that made him sound like a coward.

Victoria suggested that perhaps Nate hadn't been as happy in his relationship as he'd thought. She asked what had happened to his plan to compartmentalize his business and person life. He said given that his private life had just exploded, he wasn't sure he could do that. She asked if he needed to step away and process everything. Nate agreed he needed to take the time, and he left.

At Society, Ashley told Tucker that Jack was trying to bail Diane out of jail. She asked about Tucker's day. Tucker said he'd seen Devon, and he'd told Devon that he'd moved in with her. He said Ashley might want to tell Abby before Devon did. He admitted he'd regretted telling Devon as he was saying it. He reminded her she'd asked him to move in so they could figure out if they belonged together.

Ashley sent Abby a text message: "We need to talk." Ashley asked Tucker if he'd had any luck with his mysterious plan. He said he'd hoped to make an announcement at Neil's tribute about his fantastic idea, "Neil Winters' International Jazz Festival," but Devon had shut it down. He said Devon appreciated the gesture, and Devon had invited him to the event. He said he had to come up with something to show Devon his intentions were genuine, and time was limited.

Devon is surprised by his mother
Devon is surprised by his mother's arrival

Devon is surprised by his mother's arrival

Friday, May 5, 2023

by Nel

At the Jazz Lounge, Lily had a flashback of her and Neil at the coffeehouse. Neil told Lily since Dru had gotten a promotion and he'd gone back to work, he didn't get to spend as much time with Lily as he would like to. Lily told him she didn't have much time, either, because school was more difficult that year. He said he'd cleared all his work, and he was hoping they could go to the Athletic Club to get in a quick workout, grab a bite, and then take in a movie.

Daniel arrived. Lily told him he shouldn't be there because it was where his mother had collapsed. Daniel said he could deal with it, and he wouldn't stay away because of a bad memory. He said it was the coolest and most inspirational place in town, and he had to be there because he'd missed Neil's funeral. He said he was happy he could be there to honor Neil's memory.

At home, Abby told Devon everything was ready for the party, and it would be a phenomenal evening. Abby stated that it might be difficult for Devon because it was the anniversary of Neil's passing, and he would have some difficult moments. Devon assured her he was more than ready for it.

Devon told Abby that Tucker had stopped by with an idea -- Neil Winters International Jazz Festival, which he would pay for and produce. Devon said Tucker had wanted to announce it at the party. Abby claimed that was a major overstep, but Devon said it was Tucker's way of trying to make amends with him. He said he appreciated it, but the timing had been awkward. Devon said he'd invited Tucker to the party.

Devon told Abby it appeared Tucker would be sticking around town. He admitted he had believed Tucker would leave town after he'd sold his company to Victor, but Tucker had decided to stay in town for Devon and Dominic. Abby believed Tucker was being sincere. She suggested that Tucker might actually step up and be a father figure, but nothing like Neil had been. She said perhaps Tucker deserved a second chance.

Devon said Abby wasn't the only one who believed Tucker was redeemable. He said Ashley had invited Tucker to move into the Abbott house with her. He said he'd told Abby because he didn't want her to be blindsided.

At Society, Ashley commented on Tucker's big surprise for that evening. She said there was no going back. Tucker asked if she had a problem with it. Ashley replied that she would have handled things differently, but she understood why he'd done it. She said she hoped everything worked out the way he wanted it to and that Devon would realize that Tucker was sincere about reconnecting. Tucker said he wanted Devon to be happy.

Ashley told Tucker that when she'd bought his debt, she'd wanted Devon to buy McCall to bring Tucker and Devon closer, but that hadn't worked out. She said she was very proud of Tucker for taking his own steps to make it happen. Ashley received a text message from Abby that read: "I'm home. Come asap." Tucker stated that Abby knew.

At Crimson Lights, Adam told Chelsea that Sally was doing great, and so was their daughter. He said they needed to tell Connor about the baby. Chelsea agreed, and she asked when that should be and if Sally was on board with it. Adam said Sally had encouraged him to talk to Chelsea.

Adam told Chelsea that Sally was in her second trimester, and word had begun to spread because she'd begun to show. He said he didn't want Connor to figure it out by seeing Sally or finding out from someone else. Chelsea agreed Connor needed to hear it from them. Chelsea asked how they should approach the topic because Connor would be shocked. Adam said Connor was in a good place, and they didn't want to rock the boat.

Adam told Chelsea he recalled that Chelsea had said Connor would be an amazing big brother, and it would be something beautiful for their family. Chelsea said they had to make sure Connor understood they wouldn't love him any less. Adam asked how soon Chelsea would be comfortable telling Connor. She said there was "no time like the present."

Connor arrived at the coffeehouse from school. He was happy to see both his parents there. Adam told him they would be adding a new member to the family soon. Adam said Sally was expecting a little girl. Connor said he would have another cousin, since Sally was with Uncle Nick. Adam said Nick and Sally were dating, but Adam was the baby's father. Chelsea said it meant Connor would have a baby sister.

Adam said he understood it was a lot for Connor to take in. Connor said Sally and Adam weren't a couple anymore, but they were having a baby together. Connor asked if Chelsea was okay with all of it. Chelsea said she was excited to bring a new baby into their lives. She said the baby was Connor's little sister, and she liked the baby already. Connor said if that was it, he wanted to go upstairs.

Chelsea asked if Connor had any questions. Connor said he had nothing to say at the moment because he had to finish his history project. Adam assured Connor that Adam and Chelsea would be there whenever Connor wanted to talk. Adam said he would always love Connor, and nothing or no one would ever change that. He said the baby would never take Connor's place in his heart. Chelsea said she seconded that because they adored him. Connor said he loved them, too, and asked if he could leave.

After Connor left, Adam said he wasn't sure whether that had gone well or not. Chelsea told Adam to give it time, and Connor would warm up to the idea. Adam pictured Connor meeting his sister for the first time and the three of them starting a new adventure. Chelsea said it was "one big happy family" that included Sally and Nick. Adam agreed they were all in it together.

In her suite at the Athletic Club, Sally had a flashback to her conversation with Victor. Victor told Sally he wanted the baby to grow up on his ranch, surrounded by uncles, aunts, and cousins, and anything the baby wanted would be hers. Sally stated that it didn't include her; her baby stayed, but she had to leave. He said Sally was ambitious, and she had a gift. She could build her own company wherever she wanted, and he would finance it completely. He said he would leave her with that thought. He said he had a feeling she would make the right decision, not only for herself but for her baby.

Nick arrived and said he knew Victor had summoned Sally to meet with him. Nick said he wanted to hear what Victor had had to say. She told Nick there was no need to panic. He guessed from her reaction that Victor had given her a hard time, which he'd had no business doing. Nick admitted that Adam had tracked him down to let him know what was going on. He said that he and Adam were very concerned about her.

Sally told Nick she could handle Victor. She admitted it had been an intimidating conversation. Nick asked if Victor had gone off on her. Sally said he'd been rather friendly, but she'd kept her guard up. She said Victor had dropped the axe, and he had laid out his real agenda. She said Victor would do anything to keep her away from Nick, Adam, and the rest of his "precious family."

Sally said she was okay telling Nick what had happened, but she wondered if Nick would be okay hearing it. Nick asked what Victor had said. Sally said Victor had asked her about her past, and he'd said he was sure she'd want more for her child than she'd had growing up. She said that Victor had told her the baby would have the best of everything, not just material things, but care, affection, and a big warm family. He'd told Sally the baby would never feel alone the way Sally had.

Sally admitted that at first, she'd been suckered into thinking that maybe Victor would give her a chance, since she was carrying one of his grandkids. She said he had offered to make it up to her for tanking her opportunity with Jill. He'd offered to set her up in business anywhere in the world, but the baby would remain with the Newmans. Nick stated that Victor had tried to pay her off and bribe her to leave town, but the baby would stay.

Sally told Nick that Victor only saw the person she'd been -- someone from a poor background who was desperate to get ahead, but he hadn't grasped that she'd changed, since he hadn't bothered to get to know her. She said he hadn't stopped to consider why both his sons cared about her or that being a part of her daughter's life would mean more to her than anything.

Sally told Nick that Victor had shown his hand, and she knew exactly what she and her daughter would be up against. Nick apologized that she'd been disrespected because she hadn't deserved it. He said he and Adam had her back, and Victor wouldn't get away with treating her like a second-class citizen. Sally said it was exhausting wondering what Victor would do next. Nick grabbed his jacket, and he was about to leave.

Sally said she knew Nick was planning to confront Victor, and she refused to let him leave. Nick asked how Sally thought she could stop him. Sally said she would ask him not to charge into battle and escalate things, and if that didn't work, she would have to use her feminine wiles on him. She said she could pretend to be super sexy and enticing, but instead, she wanted him to lie down with her and let her close her eyes for a bit. They lay on the bed, and Nick cradled her. Sally said things were better when he was around. Nick said he felt the same way.

Ashley arrived at Devon's, and Abby asked Ashley what she'd been thinking. Ashley said Tucker had been ready to leave town, but she'd known he wanted to be close to Devon and Dominic. She said she hadn't been ready to see him go, and she'd convinced Tucker to stay. Ashley assured Abby her eyes were wide open.

Abby told Ashley that was a little pathetic. Ashley said she saw a good man trying to do the right thing, but he'd always done the wrong thing. Abby stated that Ashley couldn't change him. Ashley said she was giving Tucker a little room to give it a shot. Ashley asked if Abby was angry that Devon had invited Tucker to Neil's tribute. Abby claimed that was different because it was a father and son thing, but Ashley had asked Tucker to move into their family home.

Abby surmised it was all about Jack. She said she'd told Ashley to move out because Ashley and Jack had been arguing over Diane. Ashley raised her voice and stated it wasn't about Jack. She said the primary reason had been Tucker. Abby said Ashley would regret that in many ways. Ashley said she hoped Abby was wrong, and she hoped the situation wouldn't come between them. They hugged, and Abby assured her it wouldn't. Abby said she loved Ashley, it was Ashley's life, and Ashley made her own decisions. Ashley left.

Devon arrived at the jazz lounge and picked up a photo of Neil. He told Lily he couldn't believe how much time had gone by. Lily said their lives were "so different" from back then, but it felt like it had just happened the day before. Devon said there was so much he'd wanted to say to Neil, and he'd never gotten the chance to. Lily suggested he do it later that evening because she knew Neil would be listening and looking down on them. She said he would be very proud of them.

Lily welcomed Mariah to the party. Mariah saw Daniel and said she and Daniel weren't well acquainted, but everyone seemed to love him. She expressed her condolences for his loss.

Addressing Daniel, Mariah said it had been a lot of years, but she asked if it was weird that she reminded him of Cassie. Daniel admitted he thought of Cassie every time he saw Mariah, but he wouldn't say it was weird. Daniel left to get drinks when Sharon approached. Sharon told Lily how sorry she was about Moses. Startled, Mariah asked what had happened to him. Lily said both he and Faith were studying for their finals, and they couldn't make it.

Elsewhere, Nikki told Victor the photos brought back a lot of memories. Victor said Neil had been one of the few people he'd trusted, and he'd been a good friend. Devon joined them and said their feelings had been mutual. Devon thanked Victor and Nikki for making the lounge so special. He said Neil would have loved every bit of it. Victor commented that it wasn't the same without him.

Abby greeted Victor and promptly left to check in with Devon. At the bar, Devon told Abby that Jack wouldn't be able to make it because of everything he'd been dealing with. Abby said that included Ashley and Tucker. She told Devon she would fill him in on her conversation with Ashley later, but at the moment, all she cared about was Devon and what that evening meant to his family.

Later, Mariah joined Devon at the bar and said she'd been looking at photos of Neil, and she stated that Neil had had a well-lived life. Devon agreed. She said Tessa sent her love, but she was home with the baby. Devon said it was crazy to think about their kids growing up together. Mariah said they would be best friends, just like she and Devon were.

Daniel told Abby the jazz lounge looked amazing and very elegant. He said he'd heard Abby had had a lot to do with it. Abby claimed it had been all Lily and Devon, and she'd lent a helping hand where she could. She admitted she'd enjoyed helping out, and it was the least she could do. Daniel commented that Devon and Lily had been to hell and back, and it was nice to see them getting along and focusing on what mattered most.

Abby asked if she and Devon would be seeing more of Daniel. He said he worked under the Chancellor-Winters umbrella, and he and Lily were old friends, so she would probably be seeing more of him.

Nikki told Sharon that she'd always believed Neil and Dru had been made for each other. Sharon said it had been a love for the ages. Victor commented that they were gone too soon. Sharon said the most important thing was the memories they'd left everyone. She said Neil and Dru had been extraordinary people, and it was no wonder that Lily and Devon had turned out to be the kind of leaders who everyone trusted and accepted.

All heads turned when Ashley arrived on Tucker's arm. Nikki warned Victor that if he had anything to say to Ashley about Tucker, it wasn't the time. Victor agreed.

Lily asked for everyone's attention. She said she and Devon wanted to welcome everyone to the evening's events. She said they were celebrating the life of Neil Winters, someone they'd all loved and respected. Devon said they would keep things simple. He said they had cocktails and mocktails, which had been some of Neil's favorites, and those were all thanks to Abby Newman. Lily introduced the pianist from the Winters mood label, Lester Thomas, who would play Neil's favorite tunes.

Devon said they wanted to honor Neil with stories and memories, with joy and music, and with recognition of his lasting legacy in Genoa City. Someone announced that they were glad they'd made it in time. It was Devon's biological mother, Harmony. Devon beamed.

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Edited by SC Desk