Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 5, 2021 on Y&R

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Chelsea and Connor reunited, Amanda agreed to defend Naya, and Nick and Summer shared an emotional goodbye in Milan
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 5, 2021 on Y&R

Victoria and Ashland made love. Chelsea attempted to blackmail Dr. Hedges into releasing her. Chelsea and Connor reunited. Anita called Adam to request that Chelsea be released to help her recover from a broken hip. The Abbotts welcomed Harrison into the family. Mariah suddenly fell out of touch.

Victoria and Ashland kiss
Victoria and Ashland kiss

Victoria and Ashland kiss

Monday, July 5, 2021

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by Nel

At ChanceComm, Billy asked if Lily was ready to celebrate the fact that they were about to break a record on their site with the Locke story. Lily wanted to stay vigilant because they didn't know what kind of fireworks were headed their way. Billy claimed he was ready for any backlash because they'd spoken to everyone in the story, and no one would be blindsided, including Tara, who he'd personally interviewed.

Billy told Lily their source had discovered that Locke had flown his personal doctor to Genoa City. He felt a few people might be surprised by the article; however, Victoria would be surprised how many times she was mentioned. Billy said he'd made certain his kids wouldn't be affected by the article. If Victoria got burned by the article, she would understand that being involved with Locke was playing with fire.

Billy told Lily the doctor was an oncologist who specialized in late-stage cancer cases. Shocked, Lily said getting a cancer diagnosis was one of the scariest things a person could go through, and she felt for Ashland. Billy asked if they should keep the information to themselves or publish it to clarify what they'd published. Lily told Billy it would be better if they had confirmation before publishing sensitive information. Billy knew one person who would know -- Victoria. If Locke was dying, perhaps Victoria was lobbying for a seat on the board of Locke Communications Group.

Billy admitted to Lily he'd been skeptical about Victoria's feelings for Locke from the beginning, but he felt it had more to do with business than anything else. Lily asked if Billy thought Victoria was trying to get close to a dying man to get a seat on the board of his company. Billy didn't think Victoria would see it that way. Lily suggested they have one of their reporters follow that angle to see if it was true; however, Billy felt there was a bigger score to be had. He asked how Lily felt about ChanceComm taking over Locke Communications Group.

Billy suggested to Lily that they go after the brass ring. He said it would do them good and put ChanceComm on a par with Victor and Adam. It would give them the power to fend off any attack Newman Media claimed wasn't coming, but they both knew was.

Billy asked Lily to imagine the power they would have if they got their hands on Locke's empire. Lily claimed they had to confirm Locke was actually sick. If he was, they had to act fast. She asked where they would get the money. Billy said he would go to Jack. Lily claimed it was a Chancellor Industries-level takeover, and Jill needed to sign off on it. Billy said Jill would, or they would find more backers if they needed to. Lily said if they went ahead, they would undermine Victoria's attempt for a seat on Locke's company's board. She asked if Billy was okay with that. Billy said when Victoria had gone after Cyaxares, she'd claimed she'd been doing it to save him, and he was returning the favor.

At the ranch, Victor read the Locke article and sent a text message to Adam, "Read ChanceComm's story Re: Locke ASAP."

On the patio at Crimson Lights, Adam read Victor's text message and ignored it because he was with Connor. Adam informed Connor they would be living at the ranch. Connor was thrilled, but he wanted to see his mom. Adam said Chelsea was back in the hospital, resting up and getting better. Connor would be able to visit her very soon. Connor wanted to see her immediately. Adam promised that Chelsea would be ready for a visit very soon.

When Sharon saw Connor, she was delighted to see him. Connor told Sharon he missed his mom and that he and Adam were moving to the ranch. When Connor left to get a glass of milk, Adam told Sharon they were going to be neighbors. He hoped it wouldn't be a problem for her. Sharon asked about him and Chelsea. Adam said that when Chelsea was released, she would live in the penthouse, and she would have a job on a fashion platform with Newman Media and Chloe.

Sharon asked if Adam and Chelsea would reconcile. Adam claimed that whatever love they'd had, there was no return after what had happened. Adam said Connor didn't know the whole story; however, Adam wouldn't stop Chelsea from seeing Connor. He would explain to Connor that even though he and Chelsea weren't living together, they were still family. He didn't see a future for them as a couple.

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis had finished reading the article about the Lockes' divorce when she received a video call from Nick. He was in Italy with Summer. Nick told her that Summer's apartment was awesome, and Summer had a very cool setup in her new office. Phyllis asked how Summer was emotionally. Nick said Summer put on a great front, but he could tell she was hurting. Nick said that pasta, good wine, and a fun new job helped. Phyllis felt it would keep Summer's mind off the Internet -- and the article by ChanceComm.

Nick told Phyllis he'd read the article and asked what Billy had been thinking; dragging Victoria into it had been bad enough, but he wondered why Billy had published the details of Kyle and Tara's affair. That was the last thing Summer needed. Nick told Phyllis he needed to get home.

At home and angry, Kyle told Tara and Jack he was going to kill Billy. Jack said the article wasn't good for anyone involved. Kyle was furious on Harrison's behalf and asked "what the hell" they were going to do. Jack claimed the article was invasive and infuriating, but every word appeared to be true. Kyle claimed Harrison's paternity was a personal matter and shouldn't have been exploited. Jack said he'd tried to talk Billy out of publishing the article, but he'd failed.

Tara told Jack and Kyle that Billy might have had an ulterior motive because Victoria had a prominent role in the story. Jack said it appeared Ashland had moved on with Victoria. Tara hoped Ashland would be happy in the time he had left. Jack asked what she meant. Tara covered by saying there was a chance that the rumors about Ashland's health could be true. Kyle added that Ashland hadn't shared anything with her. Jack left for the office.

Tara thanked Kyle for helping her out with her slip of the tongue. She said the truth would eventually come out. She said Kyle had done "so much" for her and Harrison, and she claimed he'd been a perfect dad to Harrison. She was happy Kyle was living at home again. It gave her someone to lean on whenever the ground gave way under her feet. She pointed out that Kyle was in a similar situation with his broken engagement and Summer gone. She suggested they lean on each other.

Kyle told Tara he'd believed that he and Summer had done everything right, but it had all shattered. He felt like shutting down and turning off his heart completely. Tara said she'd had that feeling, but it had never worked because, somehow, love got through. She pointed out how quickly Ashland had turned to Victoria.

Victoria arrived at Locke's hotel suite with her overnight bag, ready for her flight to Los Angeles with him. He told her he'd had a difficult night. He'd been having some chest pressure, and difficulty breathing and swallowing. He apologized for canceling their trip. Victoria said she was worried about him. Ashland claimed that as long as he could walk and talk, it was a win in his book.

Victoria asked Ashland if there was anything they could do to mitigate his symptoms, but before he could answer, they both received notification that the ChanceComm article was out. Ashland wanted to see how much damage Tara had managed to do. After reading the article, Ashland asked Victoria how they'd discovered he'd flown his doctor to Genoa City. Victoria said she wasn't thrilled with how many times she'd been mentioned in the article. They hadn't said she was a player in the divorce, but the implication was there. She wondered how they'd known Ashland's legal team had been seen outside her office. That would spark more rumors.

Ashland apologized to Victoria for dragging her into his mess. Victoria said it was just Billy being Billy, trying to teach her a lesson. She said Billy had warned her that she was courting disaster by getting involved with Ashland. Ashland asked if they were involved. Victoria claimed she hoped so. Locke said he could sue ChanceComm, but Victoria said a retraction wouldn't make any difference in public opinion. Locke claimed his legal team could tie ChanceComm in litigation for years. Their company was a competitor and eager to start a rivalry with Newman Media.

Victoria told Ashland that as a board member of Newman Media, the last thing he wanted to do was encourage Billy's feud with Adam and Victor. Ashland was visibly in distress. Victoria asked if there was something she could get for him. Ashland said if he didn't die, Victoria would get her merger. Victoria claimed they could merge their companies and run them together. They could rule the entire business empire. She encouraged him to picture how amazing that could be and to get some treatment.

Victoria suggested that Ashland find a private hospital and get the treatment he needed. Ashland appreciated her concern, but it wouldn't work, since everyone was suspicious about his health. They would see through his fabricated excuse about his absence. Victoria questioned what difference it would make if he was receiving the treatment that he needed to prolong his life. Ashland claimed the available treatment wasn't for him. Victoria asked what he had to lose. Ashland said he'd had a great life. He accepted what his future held because he'd forged his own path, and he would stick by it. He wanted to make every moment count. He took Victoria in his arms, and they kissed.

Sally entered the coffeehouse and told Sharon she was reading an article on the Lockes' divorce, and it was fascinating. When Jack arrived, he asked Sally how her fist day had gone at JCV. She said it was going well, but she was a little nervous until she could prove herself. Jack said the best thing was that Sally had come by that position honestly -- no scheming and no ploys. He said Sally should be very proud of that.

Sally told Jack that Summer had left her job in great shape, and Sally had never lied about respecting Summer's business savvy. She had no intention of wiping out anything Summer had done. She wanted to enhance it and take it to the next level. Jack told Sally to analyze the changes she would make and keep the ones that worked. Phyllis arrived. When she saw Jack and Sally together, she greeted them cheerfully, pulled up a chair, and asked what they'd been talking about. Sally told Phyllis about being promoted to run JCV.

Hiding her anger, Phyllis claimed Sally had some very big shoes to fill. Sally agreed, and that was why she'd been so grateful that Summer had recommended her to take over the job. Phyllis doubted Summer would have done that. Sally said Lauren could verify it. Phyllis claimed Sally wouldn't hold that position for long. Jack intervened and asked to speak to Phyllis privately.

Phyllis claimed she'd believed Jack had come to his senses about Sally. She said Sally had an agenda. Angry, Jack warned Phyllis to stop, and he joined Sally on the patio. Sharon saw the look on Phyllis' face and said she thought that look had been reserved for Sharon only. Sharon suggested that Phyllis not go there. Phyllis told Sharon she wasn't going to allow Jack to fall into Sally's trap, and she claimed that her beef with Sally was nothing like her and Sharon's history.

When Phyllis saw Sally leave, she rushed to Jack and asked how the Abbotts were handling the fallout from Billy's article. Jack said they were weathering the storm. He said Kyle was torn up. She felt Kyle was lucky because he had his whole family to support him. Phyllis managed to bring Sally back into the conversation, and she questioned Jack about his association with Sally. Angry, Jack said it was none of Phyllis' business, but he and Sally had a dinner date later.

Phyllis agreed with Jack that it wasn't any of her business and said she would stop. She asked if Jack would have dinner with her. She claimed that with Summer and Nick gone, she felt very alone. She said there was no one in the world who cheered her up like Jack. Jack agreed to have dinner with her on one condition; there wasn't any talk about Sally, and dinner was on Phyllis.

At the ranch, Victor assured Connor that he had the run of the whole ranch. Connor was thrilled, and he left to text his friends. Victor asked if Adam had read his text message and claimed it had revealed some interesting information. Victor thought it was time for them to make their move. Adam said they needed to make sure their facts were accurate, but first, he had to take care of something important.

At the mental hospital, Adam told Chelsea that Connor was home. Excited, Chelsea said she couldn't wait to see him and asked if he was in the hallway. Adam said that Dr. Hedges had told him Chelsea wasn't ready to see Connor. Chelsea claimed she was getting better every day, and she wouldn't traumatize Connor by losing it in front of him.

Chelsea asked Adam why he'd come to see her if he wasn't going to let her see Connor. Adam said he wanted her to know that Connor was doing well, and they were moving to the ranch. It was a great environment for Connor and a fresh start for him and Connor. Chelsea asked if she was going to be locked up in the hospital forever. Adam said she wouldn't be, and when she was released, the penthouse was hers. She could do whatever she wanted with it.

Adam told Chelsea that he was trying to make her transition easy. She asked when she'd be released to return to the penthouse. Adam didn't know. Chelsea was upset that Victor would be spending more time with Connor than she would. She asked why Adam was torturing her. Adam claimed he was doing what was best for Connor. Chelsea cried that keeping Connor away from her wasn't what was best for him. Adam swore to Chelsea that as soon as the doctor said she was ready, he would prepare Connor to see her. She claimed it wasn't good enough. Adam said that was all he could give her at the moment. Adam left Chelsea in tears.

Dr. Hedges rushed into Chelsea's room and asked if everything was okay after he'd heard her screaming into a pillow. Chelsea asked if he'd spoken to Adam about her son. Dr. Hedges admitted he had. He didn't think Chelsea should rush into spending time with Connor. Everyone wanted her to take it slowly. Chelsea claimed that by "everyone," he meant Victor. Chelsea stated that she needed to be re-evaluated immediately because she needed to be with her son. She wanted to know what kind of deal she could make with the doctor. He said no deals, and only time would heal her wounds. He left.

Adam returned to the ranch and told Victor it was where he and Connor belonged. He told Victor that Ashland had made a last-moment cancellation of his flight to Los Angeles with Victoria. Victor said they needed to plan their next move, even though Ashland was ill.

Adam asked if Victor wanted them to write a story about a member of their board who'd been extremely generous to them. Adam claimed it was a ruthless move. Victor laughed and said he'd built his company by being ruthless in business. He said he didn't "give a damn" how ill Locke was. He and Adam had to use that information and gobble up Locke's entire company before anyone else could.

Chelsea attempts to blackmail Dr. Hedges into releasing her
Chelsea attempts to blackmail Dr. Hedges into releasing her

Chelsea attempts to blackmail Dr. Hedges into releasing her

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

by Jenny Smith

At the Newman ranch, Adam told Victor that he was about to meet with a reporter to discuss an investigation into the rumors surrounding Ashland's health. Adam added that he should be back before Connor and Nikki got home, and Victor remarked that having Adam and Connor there was a joy. Victor anticipated that having them both at the ranch would pay big dividends, since Adam could focus all his attention on making their company bigger, better, and stronger.

In Ashland's hotel suite, Victoria, clad only in a sheet, smiled down at Ashland as he lounged in bed. "So, was it worth the wait?" she asked. He told her that she'd made a dying man feel like he could live forever. She advised him to prepare himself for the gift that kept on giving, and she dropped the sheet and crawled back into bed with him.

After having sex, Victoria lay in bed as Ashland gazed out the window. She asked if everything was okay, and he assured her that despite his disease, he felt energized and strong, thanks to her. He mused that he'd been content sitting in his room, hiding from the world, but that had never been who he was. Ashland wanted to get out into the fresh air and let the sun shine on their faces. Victoria cautioned that after the ChancComm article, everyone would be trying to gauge what was going on between them. He swore that prying eyes were the last thing he was worried about, and he proposed that they go to Society and order their best bottle of Champagne.

At Society, Abby was surprised to see Stitch when she'd thought he'd already left town after his colleague's retirement party. Stitch asked what kind of friend he would be if he'd left without saying goodbye. Stitch told Abby that it had been great seeing her again, but he understood if she didn't feel the same way because his presence had reminded her of what they'd lost. Abby pointed out that it had been years earlier, and she wished him safe travels.

Adam entered the restaurant and was happy to see Stitch, who explained that he'd just been saying goodbye. After Stitch departed, Abby figured that Adam and Stitch would always share a connection after Adam had saved Stitch from the fire at Newman Tower. She marveled at never knowing which Adam she was going to get -- the one everyone justifiably loved to hate, or the one who'd saved Stitch and Faith. Adam acknowledged that he'd hurt a lot of people, but he had a chance to make up for it; all he could do was try.

Later, Adam met with his reporter, but he was distracted when he spotted Ashland and Victoria walk in together. Ashland heaped praise on Abby for having the best food in town, and he crossed the room to take a seat in the lounge. Abby pushed Victoria to spill about what was really going on between her and Ashland, but Victoria claimed that they were just good friends. Abby hoped the rumors about his health weren't true, and Victoria replied that Abby couldn't believe everything she read. Abby observed that Ashland looked like the picture of health, and all she wanted for Victoria was to be happy and in love. Victoria hesitated to get ahead of themselves, but Abby held out hope.

Victoria joined Ashland, and Adam approached and asked if the duo was having a late lunch together. Ashland started to respond, but he suddenly became short of breath. Ashland covered by stepping aside to take a call. Victoria and Adam discussed the ChancComm article, and she surmised that he was questioning Ashland's health. Adam reminded her that Ashland was on the board of Newman Media, and Adam claimed that he was concerned about his colleague. Victoria requested time to adjust to the concept of Adam showing concern for someone other than himself.

Adam told Victoria to get used to it, but she wondered how long the new Adam would last before he reverted back to his old self. Adam swore that he liked the new life he was building for himself, and he appreciated that others were willing to give him a chance. Victoria chided him for sucking up to their father, and Adam countered that she didn't need to do it anymore because she'd hitched her wagon to another billionaire. She refused to let him bait her, but he sensed that she and Ashland were growing close. Adam wondered if Victoria had prepared herself for the heartache of losing Ashland. Victoria responded that if she didn't know better, she'd think Adam cared.

Victoria pledged not to let her guard down after Adam had burned her many times before. Adam observed that her guard wasn't up around Ashland, despite Ashland's equally checkered past. She referred to the rumors swirling around town and bet that Ashland was going to outlast all of them. Adam realized that Ashland truly intrigued her, and he was sure there was something deeper going on than just business. Adam added that he was happy for her, but Victoria snapped that the day she or Adam were happy for one another was the day the world stopped spinning.

Adam thought it would be easier to try to bury the hatchet and have a fresh start, but Victoria huffed that loathing him took no effort at all. She stressed that she'd never trust him because the new Adam wouldn't last very long. Ashland returned, and Adam commented that running an empire was a 24/7 operation. Adam cautioned that all work with no payoff could be grueling, and he implied that a weekend getaway to L.A. might be nice for Victoria and Ashland. Adam pointedly stated that it might be just what the doctor ordered.

After Adam left, Victoria urged Ashland to remember that Adam was always up to something. Ashland surmised that Adam was one of the sharks she'd warned him about, and Victoria encouraged him to be very careful until their deal was finalized. Abby checked on them, and Victoria mentioned that a friend of hers at the hospital had told her Stitch was in town. Abby indicated that she'd been glad to see him, but he'd since returned to Iowa. After Abby stepped away, Victoria explained to Ashland that Stitch and Abby had briefly been married. Ashland remarked that it sounded like Abby had a better relationship with her ex than he'd ever have with Tara.

Ashland and Victoria returned to his hotel suite, and he wished he'd sold Cyaxares to her instead of Victor and Adam. Victoria pointed out that they were working on something much bigger, and he revealed that the call he'd taken earlier had been about the merger. She shared that she'd also been getting updates, and everything seemed to be moving along. Ashland recalled how good he'd felt after they'd made love, but his difficulty breathing at Society had been a reminder that they had to get the deal closed before he was too weak to see it through.

Victoria assured Ashland that they'd get there, and she proposed that they take a moment to focus on the non-business aspect of their relationship. Ashland murmured that being with her that day had been wonderful, but he was worried he'd be a complication for her that she didn't need. He accepted that he was dying, and he felt that pulling her closer wasn't fair to her.

Mariah jogged through the park and was startled to run into Stitch again. He claimed that he'd been spending a few moments there before he left for Iowa, and he remarked that it was a nice spot to end a run. Mariah preferred to keep running, but she thought the baby was dying to stop. Stitch informed her that one of his colleagues in Iowa had developed an exercise program for pregnant women, and he offered to share it with her. Mariah appreciated it, but she explained that she needed to jog sometimes to clear her head. Stitch apologized for "mansplaining" about pregnancy, and he watched her jog off.

At the psychiatric facility, Chelsea griped to Chloe that everything had changed since Adam's last visit. Chelsea ranted that he was determined to erase her from her son's life, so her plan to get out of there wouldn't work anymore. Chelsea shared that she'd found out that Dr. Hedges wasn't on her side, and she had to force his hand if she wanted to get out anytime soon. She revealed that Connor was returning home from school, but he wasn't going home because Adam had chosen to move to the worst possible place -- the ranch.

Chelsea complained that Victor had first persuaded Adam to go into business together while she'd been immobilized due to her stroke, and she assumed Victor planned to get his hooks into Connor by taking every opportunity to subtly poison the boy's mind against her. Chloe insisted that Connor loved Chelsea, and she thought Chelsea was blowing things out of proportion. Chloe sympathized, but she encouraged Chelsea to wait for the doctors to declare her well enough to leave. Chelsea announced that she had a new plan, and she needed one thing from Chloe to pull it off.

Later, Chelsea summoned Dr. Hedges to her room, but he maintained that they'd already said everything they needed to say about her situation. Chelsea barked that she never would have allowed him to take her to that place if she'd known it would be permanent. The doctor insisted that she put in the time to heal, but she considered it obvious that Victor was calling all the shots. She pondered what would happen if it got out that Hedges had been taking money from Victor to keep her there.

Hedges crowed that it didn't matter how much he'd taken from Victor, since no one would believe a mental patient over her doctor. He taunted that she'd be there until he said she was getting out. She revealed a hidden cell phone that had been recording their entire conversation. Chelsea bragged that she'd sent it to a friend who was on standby to send the recording to the medical board. She demanded that Hedges defy Victor's orders and approve her immediate discharge, or the doctor stood to lose his career, reputation, and freedom.

Chelsea sent a text message to Chloe to inquire whether she'd gotten the recording. Chloe confirmed that she'd saved everything to the cloud, and Chelsea smiled as she wrote back that she'd soon be with her son.

Adam returned to the ranch and told Victor about Ashland trying to catch his breath. Adam concluded that the rumors about Ashland's health were true, citing that Ashland had also canceled his trip to L.A. Adam thought there was no question that they should make their move, especially if Victoria was going to make one of her own.

Hedges rushed into the room to see Victor, and Adam asked what he was doing there. Hedges said he had something to discuss with Victor, and Adam determined that there was something the doctor didn't want him to know. Adam demanded to know what was going on with Chelsea.

Nate, Devon, and Moses met at Crimson Lights. Nate noted that he hadn't seen much of Moses lately, and he joked that while the teen's cookie looked delicious, he couldn't stop craving Society's crab cakes. Moses solemnly replied that it wasn't funny, since Nate could have died that day. Nate voiced surprise that Moses was still upset about what had happened, and Moses admitted that he'd been having nightmares about it.

Moses recalled that it had been hard to see Nate struggling to breathe and not be able to do anything about it. Nate pointed out that Moses had followed Elena's instructions, but Moses regretted that he'd frozen in a blind panic at first. Nate reasoned that Elena was a professional with years of training, and it took experience to get past panicking in an emergency. Devon wondered if the incident had made Moses reconsider becoming a doctor, but Moses insisted that it hadn't.

Moses brightened when Faith entered the coffeehouse, and she said she'd been about to call him with a question about their summer reading list. Devon suggested that the teens talk on the patio, and Moses followed Faith outside. Moses opened up to her about how he'd felt helpless during Nate's allergic reaction, and she reasoned that Moses couldn't have possibly known what to do when he wasn't a doctor yet. Moses hated that he'd freaked out, and he relayed Devon's question about whether he was reconsidering a career in medicine.

Faith encouraged Moses not to let one bad moment scare him away from his dream, but he contemplated whether he'd only been pursuing it to please his mom and honor his dad. Faith pointed out that he didn't have to commit to a whole future when most kids their age hadn't even begun to figure it out. Moses noted that he was there to learn what it was like to be a doctor from Nate, and he worried that his mom might want him to return home if he wasn't doing that anymore. Faith hoped he stayed in Genoa City, since he was her one and only friend, and losing him would make her very sad.

Elena joined Devon and Nate and remarked that Moses and Faith were cute. Devon shared that Moses had a big crush on Faith, but he thought the two were still just friends. Elena imagined that it could blossom into something more. Devon was glad to see that things seemed good between Elena and Nate, and he invited them to have drinks with him and Amanda that night.

In Amanda's hotel suite, Amanda was relieved that Naya and Imani had finally agreed to let her represent Naya. Naya was adamant that they use Sutton's plan for her defense strategy, but Amanda argued that it wasn't about Sutton. Naya recognized that pleading not guilty at her bail hearing hadn't changed the fact that she'd confessed because she was guilty of killing Amanda's father. Amanda pointed out that no one in that room believed it, and she stressed that Naya had to abandon the lie to stay out of prison.

Imani begged Naya to listen, but Naya refused to allow Amanda to cast blame on Sutton as an alternate theory. Amanda questioned why Naya was facing the consequences for him, but Naya maintained that she'd done it. "You need to stop this right now, Mom," Amanda ordered. Naya was clearly moved, noting that Amanda had never called her that before. Amanda explained that she needed Naya to understand what they were to one another.

Amanda asserted that she was determined to help Naya, but she couldn't do it if Naya insisted on standing behind a blatant lie. Amanda added that she'd finally found Naya, and she didn't want to lose her mother. Naya blasted Imani for letting Amanda influence her, and Imani asked if she was supposed to accept that Naya was going to prison for no reason other than to protect Sutton. Amanda suggested that Naya renounce her confession, but Naya reiterated that she wouldn't let Amanda force her into redirecting guilt toward Sutton. Amanda reiterated that he was the guilty one.

Naya called Sutton a pillar of society and the backbone of their family, but Amanda scoffed at what kind of backbone he had if he was willing to let his daughter go down for a murder he'd commissioned. Amanda offered to be the one to face Sutton if it was too difficult for Naya to do so, but Naya warned Amanda not to pretend to know what she was thinking. Naya maintained that there was no proof that Sutton had had Richard killed, but Amanda vowed to find the proof if it meant keeping Naya out of prison.

Amanda imagined that Michael would have an airtight case against Sutton if she passed along what she knew, and she suspected that Naya could provide even more incriminating details. Naya stressed that she wanted Amanda's help, but she insisted on following Sutton's guidance. Amanda flatly stated that it was the one thing she wouldn't do. Imani sided with Amanda in that Sutton didn't deserve Naya's sacrifice of taking the fall for something he'd done. Naya accused Amanda of brainwashing Imani into going along with incriminating their grandfather, and she threatened to have Sutton hire someone else to defend her. Imani pleaded with Amanda to help Naya, even if it had to be on Naya's terms.

Amanda inquired whether Naya would let her continue with the defense if Amanda left Sutton out of it. Amanda considered other options that could result in an acquittal, but she warned that it wouldn't be easy. Naya was relieved that they were finally in agreement, and Amanda promised to make sure Naya didn't pay for something she hadn't done. Naya thanked Amanda and left. Imani was certain that Amanda had no intention of going along with Naya's demands. Amanda vowed that by the time she was through, Naya would be cleared of all charges, and Sutton would finally pay for what he'd done.

Devon arrived at Amanda's hotel room, and Amanda informed him that Naya had finally agreed to let her handle the case. Devon was glad to hear Amanda fired up about it again, and Imani assured him that she was in Amanda's corner. Devon expected that the women would make a formidable team. He mentioned that he'd invited Nate and Elena for drinks that night, but he understood if Amanda didn't want to be there. Amanda thought it was time they moved forward, and she asked if Imani could join them. Devon agreed, noting that the night was about family. The sisters exchanged smiles.

Victor and Adam plan for Chelsea
Victor and Adam plan for Chelsea's release

Victor and Adam plan for Chelsea's release

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

by Nel

At the Grand Phoenix, Nate told Lily and Billy he'd had no idea that "Ask M.D. Now" would take off the way it had. Nate said he was happy if he helped one person, but Lily said he was helping ten million people.

Billy asked Nate for his professional opinion about a friend who suffered from shortness of breath and an oncologist was involved. Nate realized Billy was going after a story about someone's health and well-being. Lily said they wouldn't put Nate into a compromising position, but they were concerned about their colleague. They were only wondering if they needed to give that person some time off.

Nate told Billy there were many reasons for difficulty with breathing: allergies, pneumonia, viral infections, bronchitis, and even lung cancer. Nate stated that symptoms from lung cancer often didn't appear until it had already spread, and it made sense that their colleague had consulted with an oncologist and sought immediate treatment. Nate said that he had to leave because he and Elena had been invited to Devon's for drinks. Billy thanked him for the information about their colleague. After Nate left, Lily said she knew what Billy was up to, and he had her full support.

In Ashland's suite, Victoria said Ashland didn't get to decide what was or wasn't fair for her. Ashland realized he'd been selfish, but he got to spend time with a beautiful woman who made him feel invincible and gave him the confidence of knowing his legacy was secure. Victoria claimed she got to watch one of the most dynamic men do what he did best.

Victoria refused to accept the premise of Ashland's inevitable decline. She once again asked what if the treatment worked, but Ashland said there were no more "what ifs." He had no intention of trying it because it would keep him from enjoying evenings like the one they'd had. He needed to know that Victoria accepted his decision.

Ashland asked Victoria to be honest with him. Once the merger was completed, he wanted Victoria to consider whether she was up to dealing with everything. Victoria claimed she'd never considered the possibility that he wouldn't try to beat his cancer. Ashland said he accepted his prognosis, and he didn't have any time to waste. He claimed that he needed to secure the only legacy he had. His only heir was Harrison.

Victoria told Ashland that their deal would accomplish that. Ashland said he didn't share Harrison's DNA, but he was Harrison's father in every way that mattered. He felt Tara couldn't wait for Harrison to forget that Ashland had ever existed, since he'd cut off financial ties to her. He said Victoria was the only one he could count on to keep him alive in Harrison's memory.

Victoria told Ashland that was the reason he needed to try the treatment. It would give him more time with his son. Ashland claimed he wasn't abandoning his son, and he refused to squander the time he had left. He wanted to live his life to the fullest for Harrison, chart the future of his company, and spend the time he had left with Victoria without holding out for a miracle. That included no more talk about a treatment.

Victoria apologized to Ashland and admitted she selfishly wanted to keep him around for as long as possible. He said he'd made his decision, and if she couldn't abide by it, he needed her to tell him before things between them went any further. He wanted Victoria in his life for whatever time he had left; however, it had to be on his terms. Victoria accepted his terms.

As Devon prepared for the party, he told Amanda she still had a chance to cancel if she didn't feel up to it. Amanda said it was good for her to make small talk with friends. It would be a welcome distraction from worrying about her mother being handed a life sentence for a crime Amanda was convinced Naya hadn't committed.

Imani arrived with a bottle of wine and claimed it had been nice getting dressed up for a party instead of focusing on family issues. Amanda agreed.

Nate arrived and said Elena was running late. Nate asked if Imani was back in town to help Amanda. Amanda informed Nate that Imani was her sister. Thunderstruck, Nate mentioned that Imani had taken out a restraining order against Amanda. Amanda said that obviously a lot had changed since then. Nate was happy everything had worked out, and he asked what had happened. Devon said it was a conversation for another day. Amanda claimed the evening was to be a drama-free family zone.

Imani wanted to hear more about Nate's Internet stardom, but Nate wanted to know more about Imani. She stated she had strong opinions, and she liked being direct, especially when that person was the Internet superstar doctor. She said it had to have felt gratifying having that kind of platform. Nate said the people who ran the site had told him about the numbers, and it was very gratifying knowing how many people he was benefitting.

Elena arrived. Elena said Amanda had to have been surprised to discover she had a sister. She also commented that she'd read that Sutton Ames's daughter, Naya, had been arrested for murder. Elena asked if that was Amanda and Imani's mother. Amanda admitted that Sutton Ames was her grandfather, and instead of defending him, she was defending her mother.

Devon told Nate and Elena that Amanda hadn't gone public with her family ties. Amanda wanted to keep the information private until further notice. Imani coyly said Nate looked like he could keep a secret. Elena raised an eyebrow at that comment. Devon said the point of the evening was to take a break from all the drama. Amanda asked to change the subject.

Elena and Devon discussed music. Imani noted that Elena was a doctor, yet she knew so much about Devon's business. Nate interrupted and began discussing the new label, but Imani wouldn't have it. She said when she'd met Amanda, she'd felt there was something between Amanda and Nate, and she'd later discovered they'd dated. She said she had the same vibe about Devon and Elena. Elena admitted they'd dated for a while. Imani was surprised they'd been able to make their friendships work. Nate claimed friendship was important, as was family. Devon said they had all figured out where they were meant to be. Nate said everything had worked out the way it was meant to.

Nate asked Amanda how she was doing. She said she'd been through a lot in the past few months. Nate said that when he'd encouraged her to get the DNA test, he hadn't known where it would lead. Amanda said she'd wanted to find the family she'd dreamed about, and she'd gotten what she'd wished for.

Imani thanked Devon for inviting her, and she said it had been an eye-opening evening. Elena said Amanda was lucky to have Imani help her with a difficult case. Imani said there was nowhere she would rather be, and Genoa City was growing on her.

At the hotel, when Billy saw Victoria exit the elevator, he said he'd been certain she would spend the night with Ashland. She said if she'd spent the night with Ashland, Billy would have had more gossip for his tabloid. She bid him goodnight and began to walk out, but Billy stopped her by asking how Ashland felt. He said she could confirm that the rumors about Ashland's health were true, and he would make it an exclusive.

Victoria asked if Billy should be running his company instead of pestering people with his insinuations. Billy claimed he'd heard from an unimpeachable source that Locke had cancer and that the prognosis wasn't good. She asked about his source. Billy claimed it was someone who'd heard a conversation between Locke and the oncologist Locke had flown into town.

Victoria told Billy she couldn't believe he would stoop as low as spying on Ashland. She said covering Ashland's divorce was one thing, but Billy needed to stop digging into Ashland's personal life. Billy claimed she wouldn't have been so upset if it weren't true. He asked how long Ashland had, and he claimed Ashland had the means for the best treatment money could buy. Victoria told Billy to stick to the actual news and leave the other stuff for the tabloids, because the story was beneath him. When Victoria left, Billy went to Ashland's suite.

Billy told Ashland he was 90% certain that Ashland was suffering from a serious illness, and he felt terrible about that; however, Ashland never shied away from the harsh realities of life. Ashland hoped Billy didn't expect him to accept condolences for a nonexistent illness. Billy stated that Ashland didn't have any family to carry on his legacy. He believed Ashland would leave something for Harrison, but there was no guarantee that Harrison would follow in Ashland's footsteps.

Billy told Ashland that media communications was what they did, and they did it well because it took a certain vision and vitality, something he and Ashland shared. He knew Ashland had seriously considered ChancComm's offer to buy Cyaxares. Ashland agreed, but he added that Billy could never afford Locke Communications Group. Billy claimed it was the opportunity Chancellor Industries had been waiting for, and money wasn't an issue.

Billy told Ashland that Victoria would have been a fool if she hadn't already made a play for Ashland's company. Billy assumed that Adam and Victor would probably be waiting for the same opportunity. Billy said he would make a generous offer for Locke's company. He suggested that Locke could ease out of his empire smoothly and enjoy whatever time he had left, secure in the knowledge that the company Locke had built had been left in the best hands.

Ashland said Billy had nerve, walking into his suite to throw the dice. Ashland had envisioned Billy at a baccarat table with a large bet with the continued belief his luck was about to change. Billy admitted he'd spent most of his life that way, but his days with high-stakes bets were instead being made in a more constructive way. Ashland told Billy to write down what he would be willing to pay for Ashland's empire. If he was interested, he would call Billy the following day, but if Billy didn't hear from him, then he wasn't interested.

Billy wrote down the number. Before Billy left, he said he hoped he was wrong about Ashland's prognosis, and it was something he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. Alone, Ashland decided to look at Billy's number. He looked thoughtful.

At Crimson Lights, Victoria told Lily to put a leash on Billy. She said Lily and Billy needed to stay out of Locke's personal life. She claimed the article about Locke's divorce was trashy, and she didn't like how she'd been dragged into it. Lily claimed it hadn't been personal. Victoria said it had been personal for Billy. It was inexcusable to speculate on whether a man was sick or dying. Victoria said she expected Billy to swim in the sewage; however, she'd expected a lot more from Lily. Lily smiled when Victoria left.

When Billy arrived home, Lily told him about the tongue-lashing she'd received from Victoria. Billy said he'd run into Victoria, and she'd spent a lot of time warning him to stay away from Ashland. Lily knew Billy's next move had been to see Ashland. Billy said he'd made an offer for Locke Communications Group. He'd taken the chance and had gone for it. When Lily asked how it had gone, Billy stated that Locke hadn't said either way. Locke had asked him for a dollar amount.

Lily asked Billy to write down that number. Lily gasped when she saw what Billy had offered. She asked Billy where they would get the money. Billy said they would tackle that problem once Ashland accepted their offer.

At the ranch, Adam asked why Dr. Hedges was there. The doctor claimed there was no cause for alarm. Chelsea was fine. Victor told Dr. Hedges he would contact the doctor later. After Dr. Hedges left, Adam demanded to know what was going on because Dr. Hedges wouldn't show up if there wasn't a problem.

Victor told Adam that he'd had Chelsea agree to confessing that she'd poisoned Rey Rosales and to spend some time in the psychiatric ward rather than prison. To that end, Michael had entered an insanity plea. Victor said he'd convinced Chelsea to go along with his plan by promising to shorten her time in the psychiatric ward. Adam asked if Chelsea had been pretending to have had some kind of breakdown.

Victor told Adam that Chelsea had been cognizant enough to agree to confessing she'd poisoned Rey, and she'd agreed with Victor's plan in order to stay out of prison. It meant she had a sense of self-preservation, but it didn't mean she was well. Adam realized Victor had paid off the doctor to go along with his plan and Chelsea had been moved into a ward. Victor claimed it was where Chelsea belonged. Adam wondered how Victor could be so certain.

Victor reminded Adam that when they had visited with Chelsea, she'd sat in the chair, pretending she hadn't been able move, and planned for Rey's demise. Adam said Chelsea had been resentful and angry, but he couldn't say that she hadn't been in her right mind. Victor didn't care how angry and resentful Chelsea was; she needed psychiatric care.

Victor reminded Adam that the cops had been looking for him because they'd believed Adam had poisoned Rey. As soon as Chelsea had confessed, the search for Adam had ended, and the insanity plea had been entered to keep Chelsea out of prison. Victor didn't want Connor to know if Chelsea was in prison. Adam was grateful for what Victor had done for him, but Victor should have told him what he'd planned. They needed to figure out a way of getting Chelsea out of the hospital without serving any jail time.

Adam told Victor that everything Chelsea had done had been because of him. Victor asked if Adam couldn't see that Chelsea was getting the help she needed. Adam claimed that from what he'd seen, it was detrimental to Chelsea. He told Victor to ask Dr. Hedges to return because he wanted to hear the doctor's assessment of Chelsea's condition, and then they would figure out what they needed to do next.

Dr. Hedges returned to the ranch. Adam asked about Chelsea's condition. Dr. Hedges claimed Chelsea had legitimate mental issues, but Chelsea's skills as a con artist were intact. He said Chelsea had secretly recorded him admitting to his part in the deception by using a phone he assumed Chloe had left after her visit with Chelsea. He said Chelsea wanted her freedom, and they had to give in to her demands. Victor said it had been an empty threat. Dr. Hedges claimed his career was at stake if she played the recording to the authorities.

Victor told Dr. Hedges that if Chelsea played the recording to the authorities, she would be confessing that she'd played the legal system, and she would end up in prison. Victor told Dr. Hedges not to screw things up again, and Victor dismissed him. Victor claimed Chelsea didn't know what she was doing, but Adam said she was desperate, with no idea when she would be released. He said Chelsea's freedom was in Victor's hands, and they needed to get her out as soon as it was reasonable. Adam claimed Chelsea wouldn't be a threat to anyone for the reasons Victor had mentioned.

Adam told Victor they needed a real bargaining chip. He said he would talk to Chelsea and let her know she had an opportunity to get her life back without any more threats. Victor said their ace in the hole was the fact that Chelsea wanted access to Connor more than anything. Victor told Adam to tell Chelsea they were offering her a wonderful opportunity, and she would be a fool to jeopardize it. Adam had to convey to Chelsea that if she thought of betraying him, she would no longer have access to her son.

Chelsea and Connor reunite
Chelsea and Connor reunite

Chelsea and Connor reunite

Thursday, July 8, 2021

by Nel

At Newman Media, Nikki told Victor she was excited about their trip to Italy. Victor asked if they could postpone their trip because he wanted to be there for Connor. Connor had returned from boarding school to a new home, he couldn't talk to Chelsea, and his parents were separated. Nikki said Connor had Adam to look after him.

Nikki reminded Victor that once Nick left Italy, Summer would be alone. Nikki knew Summer's breakup with Kyle had been very hard on her, and Summer needed Victor's support. Victor agreed to go to Italy.

In the park, Chelsea asked Dr. Hedges if he would recommend an early release because he knew how important it was to her. Dr. Hedges said he couldn't do that immediately because there were protocols he had to follow. Chelsea said she understood; however, she didn't know how long she would continue to understand.

Chelsea told Dr. Hedges she would appreciate it if he would call Chloe and invite her for a visit. Dr. Hedges said there was someone who wanted to see her. Adam arrived. Chelsea asked if he'd brought Connor. Adam said he would have if she hadn't made a huge mistake.

After Dr. Hedges left, Adam told Chelsea he knew about her arrangement with Victor to go to a mental hospital and avoid prison time. Victor had promised to get her out in a reasonable amount of time. Chelsea said Victor would be happy if she rotted away in that facility forever. Adam said Victor didn't want Connor to grow up without his mother. Victor needed to know that he could trust Chelsea. Chelsea said she didn't have to prove anything to Victor because she'd figured out a way to get released.

Adam told Chelsea he'd heard that she'd blackmailed Dr. Hedges. Chelsea said it would succeed because Dr. Hedges would protect himself. Adam said she couldn't expose Dr. Hedges because she would then have to admit she'd faked her breakdown. She would go to prison and never see Connor again. Adam said all she'd done with her blackmail scheme had been to show Victor that she was unreliable. He said she'd made the wrong move.

Chelsea told Adam she'd been desperate and admitted there were flaws in her plan; however, Connor was being kept away from her, and she had to figure out a way to get out of that hospital. Adam asked if she was going to grab Connor and run as she'd done previously. Chelsea denied it. He asked how she could be trusted to hold up her end of the bargain after her latest stunt. Chelsea said if she'd wanted to go on the run with Connor, she would have done it. She didn't want to live with fake identities. She couldn't separate Connor from Adam. Adam said he would talk to Victor. Adam said there would be a job waiting for her when she was released.

Adam wanted assurance from Chelsea that she would continue her treatment on an outpatient basis. Chelsea claimed her breakdown had been a ploy, and she didn't need therapy. Adam said it hadn't been an act because she'd gone off the rails in her attempt to take him down. He acknowledged his part in the situation, and he wanted to make amends by providing the support she needed to put it all behind her. Adam stated that she had to continue her treatment and play by the rules.

Adam admitted to Chelsea that he'd let her down in the past. Adam said Connor needed his mom. Chelsea claimed that Adam had been keeping Connor from her. Adam said Connor needed her at her best, not in a mental hospital or prison. He asked if Chelsea would let him help her.

At Society, Michael commented that Chloe had been spending a lot of time with Chelsea. Chloe said Chelsea was her best friend. Michael said Chelsea's doctor had kept him updated. Kevin asked Michael why the doctor kept him updated. He thought the case was closed.

Michael said he was curious about what Chelsea and Chloe talked about on those visits. Chloe said they talked about their kids and fashion. Michael said he'd felt bad for Chelsea because she'd sat paralyzed in a chair while the man she loved had pursued her rival right under her nose. That was what Chelsea believed. Chloe stated it hadn't all been in her head because they'd all seen the photo of Adam kissing Sharon.

Michael asked Chloe if it justified what Chelsea had done in response. Chloe said she didn't condone Chelsea's behavior, but Chelsea shouldn't have been cut off from her child. Michael asked if Chloe believed Chelsea was capable of being a mother to Connor. Chloe said Chelsea was an incredible mother, devoted to her son and fiercely protective. Chloe said Adam was responsible for Chelsea's mental issues. It wasn't fair that Adam got to raise Connor when he'd put everything into motion. Michael asked why she was working for Adam if that was how she felt.

Chloe told Michael that Adam had offered her the job out of guilt. Chelsea's reputation had been destroyed, and Adam wanted Chelsea to have a fresh start when she was released. Chloe said she was doing everything possible to make sure Chelsea had a job when she returned home. Michael said those closest to Chelsea believed she would bounce back from a very serious mental illness. It was almost like they didn't think it had been that serious to begin with.

Chloe said Michael was putting words in her mouth. Chelsea hadn't been in her right mind when she'd poisoned Rey. Michael wasn't convinced, because it had taken forethought and planning to frame Adam. Kevin didn't like what Michael was implying, and he accused Michael of believing Chloe had helped Chelsea. Michael said that the case had been closed, and he had no interest in reopening it. It meant that whoever had had the poor judgment to aid and abet Chelsea had gotten away with it. Chloe left abruptly.

Sharon was delighted to see Faith and Rey when they arrived at Crimson Lights. She told Faith that the next time she and Rey went to Miami, they would take Faith with them. Rey left for his run. Faith commented that things seemed to be back to normal between Sharon and Rey. Sharon said the trip had been everything she'd hoped for. Faith said Sharon had then returned home to find out that Adam had moved in next door. She asked if that was going to be a problem for Sharon. Sharon denied that it would be. Faith asked how Rey felt.

Sharon told Faith that Rey seemed fine with it. Sharon asked how Faith felt about Adam moving in next door. Faith said it was Victor's ranch, and since Adam was his son, Adam had every right to be there. Faith said the reason Adam had returned to Genoa City was to donate his kidney to her. She felt she had to give him the benefit of the doubt. Faith told Sharon she wouldn't be happy with Adam if he messed with Sharon's marriage again. Sharon said there was no need to worry about that.

At the Chancellor estate, Nina ended her call with Christine. Abby asked if there was any news about Chance. Nina said there wasn't. Nina commented that everyone had worked late the previous evening. Abby said she'd stayed late at Society, Tessa had had a gig, and Mariah had had a last-minute business trip.

Tessa walked into the living room, half asleep. Nina asked what time Tessa had gotten home. Tessa said she'd done her set and hung out with some fans. She'd sent Mariah a goodnight text message when she'd gotten home, but Mariah hadn't responded. Abby suggested Mariah might have been tired after her flight and gone to bed. Tessa had thought the same thing, but Mariah still hadn't responded. Abby said Mariah hadn't said where she'd been going, and there could have been a time change. Tessa said Mariah could be shopping because it didn't appear she'd had time to pack a bag before she'd left.

Abby asked Tessa if Mariah kept a travel bag at her office. Tessa didn't think so. Nina asked if Mariah had mentioned what projects she'd been working on. No one knew. Tessa said Mariah hadn't mentioned any upcoming deadlines. Abby wondered if Mariah had been in a rush to tidy things up before her due date. Abby decided to call Jack and find out when Mariah would be home.

Abby left Jack a voicemail message asking what hotel Mariah was staying at so they could contact her. She explained that they hadn't been able to reach Mariah for some time, and she asked Jack to call her back.

Tessa was composing a lullaby in the living room, and Abby was thrilled her son would have his own lullaby. Tessa said she wanted to add her contribution to Abby's baby. Jack called and told Abby he hadn't known Mariah had left town. She asked Jack to let her know if he heard anything. Abby told Nina and Tessa that Mariah would probably have her typical hilarious explanation for being out of touch.

At Newman Media, Adam told Victor he'd seen Chelsea, and it had gone well. Chelsea had admitted that out of desperation, she'd recorded Dr. Hedges, because she'd been convinced that she would never leave the facility. In desperation, she'd taken matters into her own hands to get her life back. Adam said he'd been firm with her, and Chelsea had agreed to continue treatment after she was released. Victor asked what would happen if she decided to run off with Connor.

Adam told Victor that Chelsea wouldn't flee because she knew it wouldn't end well. Adam said Connor was older, and if Chelsea put him in a position of having to choose between her and the Newmans, he would fight her and jeopardize her relationship with him. Victor claimed he didn't trust Chelsea. Adam said it wasn't in their interest to keep her locked up. He said that when Chelsea's back was against the wall, she lashed out.

Victor called Dr. Hedges and told him he would call Chelsea's lawyer and ask him to talk to the court about an early release. Victor told Adam he hoped they wouldn't regret their decision, because Chelsea was a dangerous woman.

Chloe met Chelsea and said she'd received a message from Dr. Hedges. Chelsea claimed she was on a short leash, and she had to be careful what she said. She'd been brought to the park to meet with Adam. She said Adam knew about the recording. She claimed she couldn't trust that Adam would get her an early release. Chloe said she didn't trust Adam, either, but he'd given her a job and told her to hire Chelsea when she was released. Chloe felt Adam would do the right thing. Chloe told Chelsea it would be better to wait rather than confess that she'd faked her breakdown. Chelsea said it depended on how long she had to wait.

Rey was running through the park, and when he saw Chelsea, he asked why she was there. Chelsea told Rey that Tyler was keeping a close eye on her. Chloe said she had to go.

After Chloe left, Rey said Chelsea looked stronger. She said Dr. Hedges was pleased with her progress. Rey asked if she'd seen Connor. Chelsea said Adam wouldn't let her see Connor yet. Adam felt it was for Connor's protection, and she couldn't blame Adam after what she'd done; however, she hoped to be reunited with her son soon. Rey asked if she would be staying in town or leaving after her release. Chelsea said Connor deserved to grow up knowing his family, even if the Newmans tried to keep her out of her son's life. Rey wished her luck, and he continued on his run.

Adam arrived at the coffeehouse with Connor, and Sharon was delighted to see Connor. Connor said he loved living on the ranch, and Nikki said they could go riding over the weekend. Sharon said Nikki was a good teacher, and she'd taught Faith how to ride. Adam asked how Faith was doing. Faith arrived and said she was doing great. Faith asked how Connor liked living at the ranch. Connor said he loved it. Grandma had allowed him to brush Concerto, the new horse. Faith and Connor left so Faith could give Connor some pointers.

Adam told Sharon it was possible that Chelsea would be released from the hospital soon. The doctor felt it had been a short-term mental health crisis triggered by helplessness and rage Chelsea had felt after her stroke. Chelsea was recovering physically, and the mental health would follow. Chelsea could maintain her mental health treatment on an outpatient basis after she was released.

Sharon asked Adam how much he'd told Connor about Chelsea. Adam said Connor knew Chelsea had had a difficult recovery after a complicated surgery, and she was in the hospital, getting well. Rey arrived and said he'd run into Chelsea at the park. Connor heard Rey and questioned him. Rey said the doctor had felt she could use some fresh air and had allowed her to go outside. Rey said Chelsea wanted Connor to know she loved and missed him, and she couldn't wait to see him.

Connor asked Adam if they could visit Chelsea later, but Adam said he needed to check with Chelsea's doctor. Connor said if she could talk to Rey, she should be able to talk to him. Adam said he would look into it. Connor told Faith the riding lesson might have to wait because he wanted to see his mom because he really missed her.

Elsewhere, Adam told Rey he wished Rey hadn't mentioned that he'd run into Chelsea. Her doctor didn't think she was ready to see Connor yet. Connor didn't know Chelsea was in a mental hospital. Rey said Adam could take Connor to see Chelsea immediately, since she was in the park. Adam said it was none of Rey's business. Rey said everyone could see how much they missed each other, and it seemed cruel to keep them apart.

At the park, Tyler told Chelsea it was time to go back to the hospital. She begged for a little more time. Tyler allowed her two more minutes. Connor was running through the park, and when he spotted Chelsea, he ran into her arms. They were both elated to see each other. Adam watched.

Chloe returned to Society, and she asked Kevin how things had gone with Michael. Kevin said he'd smoothed things over, but he wished she hadn't gotten into it with Michael. He said she'd known Michael would question her about how involved she'd been in Chelsea's crimes, and running off had only reinforced Michael's suspicions. She hadn't wanted Michael to know that she was going to see Chelsea. Chelsea explained that Dr. Hedges had sent her a text message asking her to meet Chelsea in the park.

Kevin couldn't believe Chloe had left in the middle of Michael telling her how lucky she was that the investigation was closed. Kevin said Chloe could have gone to prison for what she'd done. Chloe said there was nothing wrong with going to see a friend who was trying to get her life back. Kevin claimed there was something wrong with a friend who had involved Chloe in poisoning a police detective. Her friend had almost ruined Chloe's life. He was certain Chloe wasn't facing charges because his brother was the D.A. Chloe said Chelsea had denied that anyone else had been involved in her scheme, but Kevin claimed no one believed Chelsea.

Chloe told Kevin the case was closed. Kevin said cases were reopened all the time. Kevin warned Chloe that Chelsea was still fighting with Adam and the Newmans. He warned that Chloe could get caught in the crossfire. Kevin begged her to spend less time with Chelsea. He wanted her to reconsider taking that job with Adam. Chloe said Chelsea really needed her. Kevin claimed that Bella and Miles needed her. Kevin said he loved her, and he was trying to keep her safe. He said their family couldn't afford to lose her again.

The Abbott family meets Tara and Harrison
The Abbott family meets Tara and Harrison

The Abbott family meets Tara and Harrison

Friday, July 9, 2021

by Jenny Smith

In Milan, Summer and Nick returned to Nick's hotel room after a shopping trip, and he clucked that they were supposed to go shopping for her and not him. She pointed out that he was flying out the next day, whereas she could buy out the stores at her leisure. Summer thanked Nick for helping her get settled in, and he planned to go to London the next day to visit Noah. Summer prompted her father to talk about what he'd been keeping from her, since she thought they should deal with it before he left.

Summer assumed Nick had thought she wouldn't see the ChancComm article about the Lockes' divorce, and Nick admitted that he'd hoped she'd miss it with everything else going on. Summer was grateful to be far away from all the drama, and Nick was amazed by how well she was handling it. She considered the story proof that she'd been right to leave when she had, since it would have been harder to break up with Kyle after they'd gotten married and she'd bonded with Harrison. Nick questioned whether she had any second thoughts about ending things.

Summer maintained that she'd faced the reality of where things had been headed, and she'd done what was best for everyone. Summer encouraged Nick to stop worrying about whether she had any secret regrets and to just believe her when she told him she'd be fine. Nick contended that as Summer's dad, he'd never stop worrying about her or wanting to protect her, and he just wanted to see her happy. She acknowledged that he'd always been there for her, even when she drove him insane.

Nick recognized that Summer had always marched to her own drummer, just like her mother. Nick reflected back on the time Summer had returned to Genoa City in a stolen sports car after going through her entire trust fund. She gently scolded him for focusing on a low point in her life, but he marveled at how she'd turned things around in a short period of time. He reiterated that there was nothing he wouldn't do for her, and all she had to do was ask. Summer requested that he not be too hard on Kyle, since she wanted her ex to find as much happiness in his future as she expected to find in hers.

Summer reluctantly recognized that she had to get ready for the next day. Nick became choked up as she said she would miss him. He replied that he'd miss her, but he and Phyllis wanted to see her soar. Summer vowed to make them proud, and they exchanged words of love. "Arrivederci," he stated, and she translated, "Until we meet again." He tenderly held her face in his hands and reiterated that if needed anyone to eat ice cream with, he'd fly over in a second. She paused in the doorway before softly saying goodbye. After she left, Nick was overcome with emotion.

Later, Nick answered a call from Phyllis, who asked how everything was going. He relayed that he and Summer had had a great time exploring the city, but he was sad after watching her go. There was a knock at the door, and Nick told Phyllis to hold on. He opened the door and found Phyllis there. She greeted him with a passionate kiss.

Phyllis explained that Summer knew she was there, but she'd made it clear that she wasn't there to persuade Summer to return home. Phyllis mentioned that she'd made plans to get together with Summer for breakfast before work, but that night was about her and Nick. She asked if he liked her surprise, and he called it wildly romantic. They began to disrobe one another.

After having sex, Phyllis and Nick lounged in bed, and she purred that it had been worth the ten-hour plane ride. Nick decided to spend an extra day in Milan with Phyllis before meeting Noah. Phyllis wondered if Nick thought Summer would be happy there. Nick responded that Summer seemed very excited about her future, but he'd sensed a twinge of sadness underneath. Phyllis thought they both knew there was more to the story about why Summer had left Kyle and Genoa City that abruptly.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack was thrilled when Ashley and Traci arrived early after flying in from Paris. He hugged them and couldn't wait for them to meet his new grandson. Ashley looked forward to meeting Tara, and Traci intended to spend time with Kyle, who she believed was suffering underneath his brave front. Ashley bemoaned that Kyle and Summer had seemed happy, and she'd thought things would work out for them that time. "So did I," Kyle remarked as he entered the room.

Kyle insisted that he was fine, but he just needed to find a way to move forward. Traci called him strong and resourceful, but Ashley was mystified by Summer's actions. Jack pointed out that Summer had broken engagements before, but Kyle dryly noted that it had been the first time she'd run off to another continent. Kyle recounted that he'd begged her to make things work, but she'd decided that she hadn't been ready to be a stepmother. He barked that some people hadn't made it easier, and he glared at Billy.

Billy reasoned that he'd given Kyle and Tara a heads-up about the article, and Tara had chosen to speak with him on the record. Billy argued that every major media outlet was going to cover the story, so he hadn't been able to sit on the sidelines. Kyle griped that Billy had gone too far by disclosing Harrison's paternity and Victoria's relationship with Ashland. Billy figured that it all would have been made public eventually, and he'd done a good thing by handling it in a respectful manner.

Traci inquired whether the allegations about Ashland's health were true, and Jack pledged to focus to providing stability for Harrison. Kyle echoed that Harrison was the priority, and he demanded that everything that happened inside those walls stay private. Billy gave his word that he wouldn't cross the line. Tara and Harrison joined them, and Kyle introduced the boy to his aunts and uncle and explained that they were there to welcome Harrison to the family. Harrison shyly said hello.

Billy reminded Harrison that they'd met once already at the coffeehouse, and Ashley asked if the boy's stuffed fox had a name. Tara reported that it was Zippy, and Harrison confirmed that it was his favorite toy. Ashley recalled that she'd had a favorite doll when she'd been his age, and Jack remembered that Esmerelda had gone everywhere with Ashley. Traci inquired whether Harrison liked staying there, and the boy replied that he did. Jack gushed that they all loved having Harrison there. The group laughed as Harrison happily chattered.

Billy suggested that Harrison give him some pointers about how to play catch. Kyle led Harrison into the kitchen to get some of Mrs. Martinez's muffins. Billy expected Tara to unload on him about the article. She calmly replied that she preferred that her personal life not be splashed over the Internet, but she recognized that Ashland was a public figure, so it also made her one by extension. She lectured that her boy wasn't, and she hoped Billy exercised future restraint with anything that pertained to Harrison. Ashley and Traci expressed interest in getting to know Tara, and Tara declared that she was an open book.

Tara revealed that both her parents were gone, but she still wasn't used to it, even though it had been a while since they'd passed. Traci empathized that it was something one never got used to, and Ashley inquired about Tara's siblings. Tara shared that she had a brother named Shane, and she wished she could say they were close. Billy noted that Tara didn't have a lot of family, and she confided that she'd been a bit lonely. She was grateful to have Harrison, and Jack enthused that she wasn't hurting for extended family anymore.

Tara admired that they were all there because family meant a lot to them, and she mentioned that Jack had given her a copy of the Abbott family history. She considered Harrison very lucky to be part of the Abbott legacy, since the family's love and loyalty had been apparent on every page. Ashley turned the topic to Tara's future plans, and Tara announced that she was putting down roots there to allow Kyle and Harrison to continue to bond. Tara referred to the joint custody arrangement with Ashland and her plan to market her shoe line with Lauren.

Ashley mentioned that she'd bought some of Tara's shoes in Paris, and Tara considered it an amazing compliment. Tara stated that it meant a lot to make a name for herself and be known for her work rather than just being ex-Mrs. Ashland Locke. Tara asserted that her most important role was being Harrison's mom, and she excused herself to check on her son. "She's something, isn't she?" Jack mused in admiration. Billy sourly muttered that he'd been thinking the same thing.

Jack exclaimed that it was delightful to have a young life under an old roof with the next generation in the Abbott house. Traci pointed out that when Abby and Chance's baby was born, both her siblings would be grandparents. Ashley recalled when that would have made her feel old, but she felt great about it. Billy asked how Mariah's pregnancy was going. Ashley mentioned that Mariah had taken off suddenly for work, but she didn't think there was anything to be worried about.

Traci brainstormed an idea about creating a family division on ChancComm's fiction platform, where they could post about their favorite books. Kyle returned with a request from Harrison to join him outside to play. Jack, Ashley, and Traci readily accepted the invitation, but Billy claimed that he had to run. Billy offered to schedule a play date for Johnny and Katie to meet Harrison. Billy stopped Kyle from joining the rest of their family outside.

Kyle ordered Billy to make it quick, unless it was an apology about the article. Billy divulged that it was about a promise he'd made Summer, who had asked him to be a friend to Kyle. Kyle was stunned, and Billy explained that Summer had been worried about what would happen to Kyle after she left. Kyle didn't want to get into it, and he resolved to move on with his life. Billy advised him to be careful how he did it, since Kyle was in middle of a storm, and Tara was lonely and looking to connect. Kyle demanded that Billy "stay the hell" out of his business.

Later, Harrison ran back into the house, followed by the adults. Traci praised Harrison for being the best at tag by catching his daddy every time. Jack fondly recalled how generations of Abbott men had played with their sons in the yard, and he was thankful that he had the chance to build memories with his grandson. Tara thanked the Abbotts for such a special day and for making her and Harrison feel like part of their family.

At Society, Nina apologized for being late for her meeting with Lily, and she explained that no one had been able to reach Mariah after she'd taken off on a business trip. Nina figured that Mariah was just tied up with work, and she remarked that she'd been pleasantly surprised to get Lily's call so soon after their last meeting. Nina cited how busy ChancComm had been with the Locke divorce saga, and she wondered if that was the project Lily wanted to talk to her about.

Lily informed Nina that Billy and his team were handling the Locke story, and she crowed that it had all the intriguing ingredients to capture an audience. Nina countered that there was also a human side to it, since Ashland was the father of a young boy. Nina imagined the stakes were high for the Abbotts, and she was sure Billy had considered how his children might be affected, since Victoria was also involved. Lily shared that the reason for their get-together was about the human side, and she thought Nina was perfect for what she had in mind.

Lily revealed that she and Billy wanted Nina to write a series of feature stories that focused on the old guard versus the new guard in the business world, and Nina wished she'd thought of the idea. "I am so in," Nina proclaimed, and the women toasted. After Lily left, Nina checked in over the phone with Abby and learned that Mariah still hadn't been in touch. Nina assured Abby that there could still be a reasonable explanation.

At home, Billy told Lily that the outrage over the article had been kept to a minimum at his family gathering. He called Harrison a sweet boy, and he recalled that Tara had turned on the charm. Billy sensed there was more going on with Tara than anyone else knew, and he referred to how quickly Tara had made herself feel at home at the Abbott mansion. He was determined to watch out for Kyle. Lily assumed that Kyle had told Billy to butt out, and she urged Billy to let it go.

In Chancellor Park, Adam looked on as Chelsea joyfully hugged Connor. She cried that she'd missed Connor more than he knew, and she loved him more than anything in the world. She hoped he never forgot that, and he asked how much longer she'd be in the hospital. Chelsea told him that it was hard to say, but she was hoping to be home soon. She added that she was getting better by the day, and seeing him was the best medicine of all.

Connor bragged to Chelsea about how he'd scored a soccer goal, and Chelsea wished she could watch Connor play. Adam suggested that he retrieve a ball from the car so they could kick it around a bit. Adam prompted Connor to buy them some cold drinks from a park vendor. After the boy scampered off, Chelsea thanked Adam, since she hadn't expected him to allow her to visit with Connor. Adam recounted that Connor had overheard him talking to Rey about seeing Chelsea in the park, and Connor had been desperate to see his mother.

Chelsea hoped Adam could see that she wasn't a threat, and all she wanted was to be released and have Connor back in her life again. She insisted that all her cards were on the table, and she proposed that they put an end to the threats and games. Adam informed her that Victor was already talking with her attorneys about setting her release in motion. Chelsea tearfully imagined getting her life back, and Adam stressed that she had to play by the rules and do whatever the court required. She swore she would.

Later, Chelsea thanked Adam for letting her kick the ball around with him and Connor. She compared it to how the three of them used to be, but she was adamant that things would never be the same between her and Adam. Adam agreed that there was no going back, but he didn't want them to be enemies because they had to be the best parents Connor could have. Chelsea lamented that she'd lost months with Connor that she'd never get back, and she insisted on spending as much time as possible with her son. Adam figured that they'd discuss arrangements as the need arose, and he asked if that would be a problem. She shook her head and plastered on a smile, but she glowered after she turned away.

Chelsea asked what Connor had planned the rest of the day, and he chirped that Faith had offered to give him a riding lesson. Through gritted teeth, Chelsea noted that he was staying at the ranch, and she was sure he'd have fun. Adam prompted Connor to get going, and Connor asked if he'd get to see his mother again. Chelsea urged him not to worry, and she and Connor hugged. Chelsea cheerfully waved goodbye, but she looked forlorn as she watched them leave.

The orderly pressed Chelsea to get back to the hospital, but Chelsea pleaded with him to stay a little longer. He agreed to stay a few more minutes. Adam returned and informed Chelsea that he'd just gotten off the phone with Anita, who hadn't been able to reach Chelsea. Adam reported that Anita was in the hospital with a broken hip and needed to have surgery. He continued that Anita wanted Chelsea to help her recover if Chelsea's doctors and the judge allowed it. Chelsea worriedly stated that her mom didn't have anyone else. Adam demanded to know if Chelsea and Anita had concocted the whole thing.

Chelsea denied that her mother's predicament was part of a nefarious plot. She assumed that Adam had called the hospital to confirm Anita's story, and he found it suspicious that Anita had granted permission to the hospital to share her medical status with him. Chelsea argued that her mother hadn't broken her hip on purpose, but Adam pushed to know whether Anita's injury had been a backup plan if Victor hadn't agreed to get Chelsea released.

Chelsea conceded that the timing was suspect, but she swore that it was just a coincidence. She anticipated that Anita would need a lot of physical therapy and wouldn't be able to be alone, and she wanted to take care of her mother. Chelsea pleaded with Adam to talk to Victor one more time, and she offered to wear an ankle monitor or have an orderly accompany her. She added that if she was allowed to go, she wanted to take Connor with her.

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Edited by SC Desk