Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

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Kevin admitted to Michael that Gloria who contaminated a Jabot cream that killed a client
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

Comprehensive daily recaps for The Young and the Restless, dating back to 1996.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

Monday, May 22, 2006

by Isaac

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At Newman Enterprises, Nikki arrived in the CEO office and met with Victor, who was concerned that she might be in pain. They discussed the fact that Jack had resigned from Jabot and Chancellor -- and that Jabot still had to lay off more people. Nikki was hoping that something good might happen at Jabot since she had a lot of money invested in it. Victor said that he did as well, and then picked up the phone to make a call.

At the Abbott House, Ashley told Jack that the boycott of Jabot products was being called off. The phone rang and Jack answered. It was Victor, and Jack mistakenly thought he wanted to speak with Ashley. Victor told Jack that he wanted to see him, but Jack said he would pass. Jack told Ash that Victor wanted to see him and she told Jack that Victor was feeling sympathetic toward him. Later, Jack was touched when Ashley made Wilbur the Whale pancakes for him -- they were his favorite when he was a child. When Jack thanked her, she said that people may come and go through one's life but that she would always be there for him. Jack commented on how Phyllis had betrayed him by having an affair with Nick, and Ashley said she wasn't sure she'd be able to work with Phyllis any more. Jack didn't think Jabot could handle any more changes. When Ash said that she was going to visit John later that day, Jack said that he would need her support -- after all, she was the last Abbott at Jabot.

Back at Newman, Nikki wondered why Victor had called Jack. Victor said that he and Jack had spent too many years arguing and that it was time to do things differently. Nikki said that it warmed her heart to hear him say that if he meant it. He said that her being shot changed his perspective quickly, and that, to be frank, he felt sorry for Jack -- that Jack had lost everything.

Later, Nikki was on the phone dealing with a problem with the electrical wiring at the spa -- it didn't pass inspection. Nick stopped by while Nikki was still on the phone and they discussed Neil's report on the Korean car market in Chile. After she hung up the phone, Nikki told Nick and Victor about the electrical problem. Victor asked how preparations for the benefit in Cassie's memory were going. Nikki thought it was a wonderful opportunity for Nick and Sharon to work together on something. Nick told her they were working on it -- but not together.

At Nick and Sharon's, Sharon was on the phone and was ecstatic to learn that Cassie's favorite -- Jewel -- will perform at the benefit. She told Noah about the benefit which would raise money to educate teenagers on the dangers of alcohol and that it would be a nice way of remembering Cassie. Sharon asked him if Daniel was still coming over -- Noah said he was and asked her which horse Daniel should ride. When Sharon said Sea Wind, Noah became upset as Sea Wind is Nick's horse. Sharon received another phone call from Kevin regarding the auction, and Noah snuck out of the house.

Sharon was on the phone when Daniel arrived, and she called for Noah. Noah came out and Sharon asked Daniel if he was ready to go horseback riding. Daniel said he thought that would have to wait -- it seemed that one of the horses, Sea Wind, was missing. Noah shouted that they needed to call Nick as Sea Wind was his horse. Sharon said they didn't need to bother Nick, that Ray would find him and in the meantime Daniel could ride another horse. Daniel said that all the stable hands were looking for Sea Wind. They decided to play baseball for the time being, and Sharon took off.

In the break room at Newman, Nikki and Nick had some coffee while Nick told her that Sharon didn't want to work with him -- that she was sending him emails, faxes, etc. His phone rang -- it was Noah calling to tell him about Sea Wind. Nick reassured Noah that Ray would find Sea Wind, but since Noah was upset Nick decided to go to the house. On his way out, he ran into Victor by the elevator and told him that Sea Wind was missing. They reminisced about horses and Nick talked about Blackstar -- a horse who never let him down. Victor said that Nick shouldn't let his family down and that the current mess was of his own making. Nick left.

At the Athletic Club, Jack spotted Sharon, walked up to her, and said he thought they were friends. When Sharon said they are, Jack asked why she didn't have the decency to tell him that Nick was having an affair with Phyllis. Later, before Sharon was about to leave, Sharon told Jack she didn't tell him because it was embarrassing and degrading. He said that if the situation were reversed, he would have told her. She told Jack not to blame her because Phyllis screwed him over -- and as she walked out she passed Nikki, and harshly told Nikki that she bet Nikki thought it was her fault too. Nikki had no idea what Sharon was talking about. Nikki and Jack had a chat and she informed him that Victor had reinstated Nick and Victoria as co-CEO's and had offered Brad a seat on the Newman Board of Directors -- and she felt it was genuine. Jack told her he thought it was an act -- and to enjoy it while she could.

Back at Nick and Sharon's, Noah was thinking about the day that his parents told him that Nick was moving out. Daniel brought him a soda -- he also thought it was good that Nick was coming. Noah told Daniel that Nick wasn't living there anymore. Daniel told him that he knew as Sharon came in. Nick entered and assured Noah that they would find Sea Wind. Nick started thinking that it was a ruse (on Noah's part) to get Nick over to the house. Noah was acting nervously but Nick broke the tension by saying that it didn't matter how Sea Wind got out -- that all that mattered was that they would find him. Sharon returned and was surprised to see Nick. Daniel whisked Noah away, ostensibly to help Ray. Sharon told Nick that she had told Noah not to bother him about Sea Wind. Nick told her that this wasn't about the horse -- that it was about Nick not living there -- that it was hurting Noah. Sharon became defensive and told Nick this was happening because of his affair with Phyllis. Noah returned (without Daniel, who was helping Ray) and wondered if Sharon was mad at him for calling Nick. Nick told him that he could call him any time he wanted to. Noah asked him why he couldn't come home -- that he had promised he would never leave when Cassie died. Nick told him that he hadn't left him -- that he was the most important thing in his life. They hugged. Daniel returned to inform that that Sea Wind had been found. Nick told Daniel outside to talk and thanked him for coming out -- that he knew he had done it for Noah. Daniel told him not to pretend they were friends -- that he had made a mess out his mom's life and now he was making a mess out of Noah's. Daniel took off.

Jack showed up in Victor's office, and Victor said he knew he spent most of his life building up Jabot -- only to see it crumbling now. When Jack started to leave, Victor asked him to stay, and asked him why he had come. Jack said he had heard about Victor changing and wanted to see it for himself. Victor said that they had a lot in common now, but Jack said the only thing they had in common was the fact that they hated each other. Victor told Jack that Nikki was overwhelmed at NVP -- and offered a shocked Jack a job!

At the prison, Ashley peered at John holding his head in his hands in the visiting room. At Newman Enterprises, Nikki arrived in the CEO office and met with Victor, who was concerned that she might be in pain. They discussed the fact that Jack had resigned from Jabot and Chancellor -- and that Jabot still had to lay off more people. Nikki was hoping that something good might happen at Jabot since she had a lot of money invested in it. Victor said that he did as well, and then picked up the phone to make a call.

At the Abbott House, Ashley told Jack that the boycott of Jabot products was being called off. The phone rang and Jack answered. It was Victor, and Jack mistakenly thought he wanted to speak with Ashley. Victor told Jack that he wanted to see him, but Jack said he would pass. Jack told Ash that Victor wanted to see him and she told Jack that Victor was feeling sympathetic toward him. Later, Jack was touched when Ashley made Wilbur the Whale pancakes for him -- they were his favorite when he was a child. When Jack thanked her, she said that people may come and go through one's life but that she would always be there for him. Jack commented on how Phyllis had betrayed him by having an affair with Nick, and Ashley said she wasn't sure she'd be able to work with Phyllis any more. Jack didn't think Jabot could handle any more changes. When Ash said that she was going to visit John later that day, Jack said that he would need her support -- after all, she was the last Abbott at Jabot.

Back at Newman, Nikki wondered why Victor had called Jack. Victor said that he and Jack had spent too many years arguing and that it was time to do things differently. Nikki said that it warmed her heart to hear him say that if he meant it. He said that her being shot changed his perspective quickly, and that, to be frank, he felt sorry for Jack -- that Jack had lost everything.

Later, Nikki was on the phone dealing with a problem with the electrical wiring at the spa -- it didn't pass inspection. Nick stopped by while Nikki was on the phone and they discussed Neil's report on the Korean car market in Chile. After she hung up the phone, Nikki told Nick and Victor about the electrical problem. Victor asked how preparations for the benefit in Cassie's memory (the topic being teenagers, drinking, and driving) were gong. Nikki thought it was a wonderful opportunity for Nick and Sharon to work together on something. Nick told her they were working on it -- but not together.

At Nick and Sharon's, Sharon was on the phone and was ecstatic to learn that Cassie's favorite -- Jewel -- will perform at the benefit. She told Noah about the benefit which would raise money to educate teenagers on the dangers of alcohol and that it would be a nice way of remembering Cassie. Sharon asked him if Daniel was still coming over -- Noah said he was and asked her which horse Daniel should ride. When Sharon said Sea Wind, Noah became upset as Sea Wind is Nick's horse. Sharon received another phone call from Kevin regarding the auction, and Noah snuck out of the house.

Sharon was on the phone when Daniel arrived, and she called for Noah. Noah came out and Sharon asked Daniel if he was ready to go horseback riding. Daniel said he thought that would have to wait -- it seemed that one the horses, Sea Wind, was missing. Noah shouted that they needed to call Nick as Sea Wind was his horse. Sharon said they didn't need to bother Nick, that Ray would find him and in the meantime Daniel could ride another horse. Daniel said that all the stable hands were looking for Sea Wind. They decided to play baseball for the time being, and Sharon took off.

In the break room at Newman, Nikki and Nick had some coffee while Nick told her that Sharon didn't want to work with him -- that she was sending him emails, faxes, etc. His phone rang -- it was Noah calling to tell him about Sea Wind. When Nick reassured Noah that Ray would find Sea Wind, but since Noah was upset Nick decided to go to the house. On his way out, he ran into Victor by the elevator and told him that Sea Wind was missing. They reminisced about horses and Nick talked about Blackstar -- a horse who never let him down. Victor said that Nick shouldn't let his family down and that the current mess was of his own making. Nick left.

At the Athletic Club, Jack spotted Sharon, walked up to her, and said he thought they were friends. When Sharon said they are, Jack asked why she didn't have the decency to tell him that Nick was having an affair with Phyllis. Later, before Sharon was about to leave, Sharon told Jack she didn't tell him because it was embarrassing and degrading. He said that if the situation were reversed, he would have told her. She told Jack not to blame her because Phyllis screwed him over -- and as she walked out she passed Nikki, and harshly told Nikki that she bet Nikki thought it was fault too. Nikki had no idea what Sharon was talking about. Nikki and Jack had a chat and she informed him that he had reinstated Nick and Victoria as co-CEO's and had offered Brad a seat on the Newman Board of Directors -- and she felt it was genuine. Jack told her he thought it was an act -- and to enjoy it while she could.

Back at Nick and Sharon's, Noah was thinking about the day that his parents told him that Nick was moving out. Daniel brought him a soda -- he also thought it was good that Nick was coming. Noah told Daniel that Nick wasn't living there anymore. Daniel told him that he knew as Sharon came in. Nick entered and assured Noah that they would find Sea Wind. Nick started thinking that it was a ruse (on Noah's part) to get Nick over to the house. Noah was acting nervously but Nick broke the tension by saying that it didn't matter how Sea Wind got out -- that all that mattered was that they would find him. Sharon returned and was surprised to see Nick. Daniel whisked Noah away, ostensibly to help Ray. Sharon told Nick that she had told Noah not to bother him about Sea Wind. Nick told her that this wasn't about the horse -- that it was about Nick not living there -- that it was hurting Noah. Sharon became defensive and told Nick this was happening because of his affair with Phyllis. Noah returned (without Daniel, who was helping Ray) and wondered if Sharon was mad at him for calling Nick. Nick told him that he could call him any time he wanted to. Noah asked him why he couldn't come home -- that he had promised he would never leave when Cassie died. Nick told him that he hadn't left him -- that he was the most important thing in his life. They hugged. Daniel returned to inform that that Sea Wind had been found. Nick told Daniel outside to talk and thanked him for coming out -- that he knew he had done it for Noah. Daniel told him not to pretend they were friends -- that he had made a mess out his mom's life and now he was making a mess out of Noah's. Daniel took off.

Jack showed up in Victor's office, and Victor said he knew he spent most of his life building up Jabot -- only to see it crumbling now. When Jack started to leave, Victor asked him to stay, and asked him why he had come. Jack said he had heard about Victor changing and wanted to see it for himself. Victor said that they had a lot in common now, but Jack said the only thing they had in common was the fact that they hated each other. Victor told Jack that Nikki was overwhelmed at NVP -- and offered a shocked Jack a job!

At the prison, Ashley peered at John holding his head in his hands in the visiting room. Ashley went in and asked him if he was okay. He said he was fine -- that he was just a little tired. Ashley showed John some pictures -- one was of Abby in her dance recital costume and John (holding his head again) told Ash that it reminded him of her at that age. When Ash asked if she needed to worry about him, he told her she needed to worry about Jack. Ash started blaming herself for the problems at Jabot, but John said it was all just an accident. When the guard came in and told her it was time to go, John told her to tell Abby how much he liked the picture, and he had some trouble standing up. When Ash again expressed concern over his health, John said that he'd be fine -- that he wanted her and Jack to be strong. They hugged and Ash left.

Later, at the Abbott House, Ashley talked to DA Bardwell and told him that he was sick -- that he had a weak heart -- and that he was getting worse every day as he couldn't get proper medical attention. Bardwell told Ash that the DA's office had no authority in such matters, but he would still see what he could do. When Ash asked if it would be possible for John to get an early release based on his medical condition, Bardwell said that they would have to show that his illness was life threatening. She asked how they could do this, as the prison doctor wasn't being particularly cooperative. Bardwell said the prison warden wasn't a bad guy and that he might consider allowing another doctor to examine John. When Ashley asked him if she, or her attorney, should call about this matter, Bardwell said that he would be happy to make the call, which, in turn, made Ashley very happy.

Lauren returned a day early from her business trip, and although happy to be home, was overcome by the paint fumes in the apartment -- Michael had been painting the nursery. He also purchased an unassembled crib and a laughing Lauren told him that the store would have assembled it for a mere $20. He filled Lauren in on what had been going on with Jack, Chancellor, and Michael's resignation. He got a cell phone call and told Lauren he had to take it. Later he returned -- done with the call, showered, and shaved -- and was amazed to see that she had assembled the crib in the short time he was out of the room. Later, at the Athletic Club, Lauren was pleased to find that Michael had taken a room -- just the two of them and no paint fumes! They decided to tell Gina to hold off the food delivery for a little while.

Ashley went in and asked him if he was okay. He said he was fine -- that he was just a little tired. Ashley showed John some pictures -- one was of Abby in her dance recital costume and John (holding his head again) told Ash that it reminded him of her at that age. When Ash asked if she needed to worry about him, he told her she needed to worry about Jack. Ash started blaming herself for the problems at Jabot, but John said it was all just an accident. When the guard came in and told her it was time to go, John told her to tell Abby how much he liked the picture, and he had some trouble standing up. When Ash again expressed concern over his health, John said that he'd be fine -- that he wanted her and Jack to be strong. They hugged and Ash left.

Later, at the Abbott House, Ashley talked to DA Bardwell and told him that he was sick -- that he had a weak heart -- and that he was getting worse every day as he couldn't get proper medical attention. Bardwell told Ash that the DA's office had no authority in such matters, but he would still see what he could do. When Ash asked if it would be possible for John to get an early release based on his medical condition, Bardwell said that they would have to show that his illness was life threatening. She asked how they could do this, as the prison doctor wasn't being particularly cooperative. Bardwell said the prison warden wasn't a bad guy and that he might consider allowing another doctor to examine John. When Ashley asked him if she, or her attorney, should call about this matter, Bardwell said that he would be happy to make the call, which, in turn, made Ashley very happy.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

by Isaac

Ashley and Will Bardwell were at the Abbott House -- he told her that he had just spoken to his boss about an early release for John, and would continue to do so -- but that Bardwell had made more progress talking to the chief prison doctor, who assured Will that he would pay special attention to John's health condition. Ashley was grateful -- she was going to offer Will something to eat, but since there was nothing in the refrigerator she would take him to the Athletic Club for dinner. At the Athletic Club, their newest waitress, Colleen, seated them. She teased Will about the explosion he caused while a chemistry major in college which made him turn to law. Will told her he had kept benzene near an open flame. When Will told Ashley that she hadn't confessed any of her sins, she said she would next time. Will said he liked the sound of that. At the door of the Abbott House, Will kissed Ashley good night and left. Ashley went inside and Jack wondered what she was smiling about. She told him that Bardwell was going to see that John got special medical attention at the prison. Jack was cynical about Will helping John out at all. When she brought up how much Phyllis had hurt Jack, he asked her not to bring up Phyllis. He also told her about Victor's job offer. Ashley said that she thought Jack would make a great catch and was available -- she thought Victor's offer was sincere. Jack said that Victor didn't have a sincere bone in his body.

At the Newman ranch, Nikki told Victor what a lifesaver Phyllis had been helping out with NVP since her shooting, but that it made her uncomfortable having Phyllis around Nick and Sharon all the time. Victor offered a solution -- he had already offered Jack a job working at NVP. Nikki was shocked, since Victor has hated Jack for years, and was afraid they might fight and that Victor would throw him out of the company. He told her that Jack hadn't jumped at the suggestion. When Nikki said he was probably suspicious, Victor said to just give him time and he would come around. Later, Victor came out of the kitchen with a fruit and cheese plate, and, after making love, he reassured Nikki that he had no ulterior motive hiring Jack at NVP, and that if Jack were on board they would be able to spend more quality time like this together.

Daniel and Lily went to the Athletic Club for their "prom" dinner. Gina mentioned that some prom-goers had been in earlier and she wondered why they weren't going -- she asked if they were boycotting it. They agreed that "boycotting" was a good word, but they had actually decided not to go in order to save money. Gina started to tell them that their meal would be on the house but they wouldn't hear of it, saying that Gina had already done so much for them. They were surprised when they saw their new waitress -- Colleen. Victoria came into the club to order some take out and was surprised to see Colleen working there. When Victoria asked Colleen to take her order, she said she would -- if Gina asked her to. Colleen brought Lily and Daniel a huge dinner -- much more extravagant than what they had ordered -- and Gina went to their table and said even though they insisted that she not do it, she was doing it anyway. When Colleen brought Victoria her take out order, Victoria told her she was impressed with her initiative in getting a job, but she thought a job at Newman might be more challenging and pay more. Colleen said no thanks -- that she like the clientele at the Athletic Club. Victoria gave her a tip and left. Daniel and Lily's dinner ended with a cake with a sparkler on it. Daniel told Lily that he felt sorry for Noah, that he had thought that Nick was a stand-up guy, but now he hoped that Nick stayed as far away from his mother as possible.

At Newman, Phyllis was on the phone with someone making an appointment for a DNA test. She told the person she was speaking to that she knew she needed DNA samples from both possible fathers. An appointment was set. Brad entered and told Phyllis he wanted to talk to her about the "situation." Phyllis sarcastically asked if that was what they were calling it at Newman -- the "situation." When Brad told her she shouldn't be coming around Newman, Phyllis went after him: "Oooh... Brad Carlton... movin' on up... aren't you?" She told him that there was a time when no one wanted him around Newman, but then he married the boss' daughter. When Brad said he wasn't talking about him, Phyllis told him that if he had a problem with her, he needed to take it up with Nikki.

In the Executive Office at Newman, Sharon and Nick ran into each other -- Sharon was going to use the office to make some phone calls regarding Cassie's benefit. She rejected Nick's offer to help and told him to read the reports he needed to read elsewhere. Nick left. Brad entered the office and Sharon started talking about the benefit -- the great sponsors they had, etc. Brad told her to open up to him, and she told him how much Noah is suffering with Nick gone, but that she just couldn't let Nick move back in and pretend everything is okay. They hug each other -- but the hug turns into a passionate kiss -- which ends the second Victoria enters!! When Victoria asks Sharon what's wrong, Brad tells her that she's been having a tough time lately. When Sharon said she was fine, Victoria said she was not fine and that she knew why -- it was because she had been talking to people about Cassie. Victoria told Sharon she admired her strength and that she wanted to do more to help. The ladies split up the "people to call" list and Victoria made Sharon promise to call if there was anything else she could do. Sharon said she expected to get a lot done tonight as Noah was spending the night with a friend. Sharon left. Victoria told Brad that Colleen had taken a job as a waitress at the Athletic Club. When Brad said they could have gotten her a job at Newman she said that she had suggested that, but that Colleen had turned her down. Brad realized that there were worse things that Colleen could be doing. He thanked Victoria for the heads up about Colleen and for helping Sharon. Victoria left.

Jack paid Nick a visit at Newman. Nick asked him if he was there to hit him again but Jack said he wouldn't dirty his hands on him. Nick told Jack that he didn't blame him for his being angry -- and that he was sorry. Jack told Nick that he remembered when he raised Nick (when Nick was 10) and Nick had broken a window in the house by throwing a baseball inside, he went to Jack and cried, told Jack the truth about the window and the baseball. Jack asked how, in the scheme of things, Nick could think that a window was so important to him, but that Phyllis wasn't. He asked if Nick had slept with Phyllis just for the sex. Nick said, "Yes.... No... it's everything." He then sarcastically told Jack that he did it to hurt Jack -- that he wanted to stab a knife into the back of the man who had raised him -- so he risked his marriage, risked his son to hurt him. Jack realized that Nick was in love with Phyllis and left. On his way out, he ran into Phyllis by the elevator. He told her if she was looking for her boyfriend that he was in the conference room, and stepped into the elevator. Phyllis held the elevator door open and told Jack that Nick was not her boyfriend -- that it was over. Jack said then he offered his congratulations, or condolences, or whatever was appropriate. Phyllis stepped into the elevator with him. Jack asked her if they could possibly make this more of a public spectacle than they were. He got off the elevator as the door closed, leaving Phyllis in there alone. Phyllis called Nick and told him she was upset -- she needed to talk to someone who doesn't hate her -- meaning him. When Nick asked if that was smart, she said that it wasn't.

Nick showed up at Phyllis' apartment -- he told her that Jack thought he was "dog meat." Phyllis said that dog meat was a step up from what Jack thought of her. They laughed when Nick said she would be in the gourmet dog meat section, and Phyllis told him that he was the only one who didn't look at her with hate in their eyes. Phyllis asked Nick if he could erase what they had done, would he? He said that was tough to answer -- if he said yes that would mean he would hurt her, but if he said no, it meant he was willing to give up his wife and child. She then asked if he liked the idea of parallel universes -- one where he could be with Sharon and one where he could be with her. Nick said he would do that in a heartbeat. Before he left, Phyllis thanked him for coming by, since she had to hide her face from everyone else. Nick said he didn't know how he would get through the next few days with the benefit and the anniversary of Cassie's death. Nick said that he always wondered what would have happened if Cassie lived -- what would have happened to him, Sharon, and her -- but that it was no good thinking like that. Phyllis said that maybe Cassie was waiting for him in the parallel universe. Nick said he sure hoped so. They hugged and Nick left.

Back at Newman, Nick heard a lullaby playing when he was in the hallway. He opened a door and asked if anyone was there. Suddenly there was a bright light in the room, Nick turned, and saw "Cassie" standing there holding a music box!!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

by Citrine

Alone at Newman, Nick thought he heard a music box. He walked into an office and saw Cassie's spirit. He began to cry and hugged his daughter. He told her how everything in his life had changed from the moment he let her go out on that night a year ago. If he'd only done things differently, so many people could have been spared pain.

Nick remembered all the events of the past year, from Cassie's death, to he and Phyllis chasing Daniel across the country, his withholding evidence that would have cleared Daniel from responsibility for Cassie's death, the distance that grew between him and Sharon, and the impact his affair with Phyllis had on everyone's lives.

Cassie offered to go with him on a journey to see how things might have been different. They visited Phyllis, who was alone and tearful, and instead imagined Jack proposing to her. Then, instead of being married at eighteen, Daniel was getting ready for his prom with help from Jack and a proud Phyllis. Nick regretted that he'd hurt Daniel. Cassie reminded him that she'd told her parents that Daniel wasn't a bad person. Nick said he'd come to feel a lot of affection for Daniel, but now Daniel wouldn't forgive him for what had happened with Phyllis.

Then Nick and Cassie visited the Winters' house. Dru and Neil were fighting and Devon was upset about how divided his family was. But with Cassie, Nick imagined Devon getting ready for prom, and Daniel coming over to pick up Lily. Instead of hating Daniel, Neil and Dru welcomed him into their home and took pictures of them all before they left for prom: Lily and Daniel together, and Devon to pick up Sierra. Cassie said that Lily and Daniel belonged together, and Nick reminded her that she'd been obsessed with him the year before. Cassie said she knew better now.

Nick again regretted all the bad things that had happened, blaming himself. Cassie reminded Nick that things hadn't been perfect even before her death. He'd refused to give Victoria a job the year before, and everyone had been mad at him. Nick remembered that Victoria was supposed to leave for Italy on the night of Cassie's wreck. But maybe that would have been better, too. Maybe she'd have fallen in love with someone else. Nick and Cassie imagined Victoria radiant with her new Italian husband.

Then they went to the ranch. Nick watched Noah and Sharon sitting alone in the living room. He remembered all the times his wife had reached out for him, and he told Cassie that he should never have left her alone. Cassie told him that Sharon hadn't been alone. She then let him see Brad comforting Sharon and sharing a kiss with her in Denver. Nick couldn't bear to look at Brad with his wife. He was sure that was exactly how it had happened, and that, too, was his fault.

Cassie and Nick then went back to the ranch, only this time, Victor was there. When Victoria and her new husband came in, everyone went to look at the infant Sharon was holding: Faith, the little girl she'd had with Nick, just as Cassie had promised on her deathbed. While Nick held Faith, Noah and Sharon showed the others the baby gift Victoria had sent from her honeymoon. When Nick wondered where Cassie was, she came downstairs. She had a special gift for her little sister: a music box that had been hers as a child.

The real Nick walked out of the house, and Cassie took him back to the office. He said that all of those things could have been real if only he'd made her stay home that night. Cassie shook her head and said that Nick had to stop wondering what if. Those were the things he imagined would have happened. However, not only did he have no way of knowing the future, but he didn't have that much power over the way life turned out and the choices other people made.

Cassie begged Nick to stop blaming himself. She told him that he could have whatever he wanted if he was willing to fight for it. Then she made him promise that no matter how hard things got, Nick would never give up. Nick promised, and she hugged him goodbye. When he said he couldn't bear to lose her again, Cassie told him that she was always inside his heart. But then he knew that, didn't he? Nick nodded yes and watched his daughter fade away.

Later, Sharon was sitting at home alone when someone knocked. She opened the door to see Nick standing there with his suitcases. He told her that he couldn't bear to be away from his family. He was moving back home.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

Thursday, May 25, 2006

by Laura Honzay

Phyllis has stomach pains and takes a couple of pills. She sees the newspaper headline, "Jabot lawsuit settled." Jack calls Phyllis and tells her that he needs to talk to her, he wants to see her. Jack goes to Phyllis' office and begins snooping into her email account. When Phyllis arrives, she is unhappy to see Jack looking through her things. She asks him to leave, and Jack begins accusing her of betraying him all along. Phyllis has to call Jill for reinforcement. When Jill arrives, she begs Jack to stop harassing people at work. Jack thinks that Jill is happier now that he's gone. Jill finally has to ask Jack to leave. They get into a shouting match and a guard shows up and takes Jack away.

Ashley isn't happy with the way Jack reacted to Phyllis, especially at the workplace. Jack apologizes, but says that he feels obsessed with knowing every little ugly detail about Nick and Phyllis' affair. Ashley tells Jack that he needs to get himself together.

Victor is sad to see Nikki leaving so early for work in the morning. She admits she has a lot of work to do. Victor worries when he sees Nikki taking pain pills.

Victor sees the newspaper headline and decides to call Jack to offer him a job at NVP once again. Jack still cannot believe that Victor is serious. Victor admits to Jack that he really needs his help, especially since Nikki is in recovery and has been working herself too hard. Jack tells Victor to never call him again. He tells Ashley that he would rather clean toilets than work for Newman Enterprises.

Noah happily flies in and out of Nick and Sharon, pretending to be a plane. Nick thanks Sharon for letting him come back to live at the Newman ranch. Sharon tells him that she had no choice. When Nick tries to tell her about his dream about Cassie, Sharon shrugs him off and tells him that she's busy. As Sharon tries to bury herself in work, Nikki wonders if Sharon needs any help from Nick. Sharon admits that she has been trying to get away from Nick. Nikki wonders why Sharon let him move back in. Sharon said that she had no choice.

Nick tries to get Sharon to go with him and Noah to a picnic. Sharon is annoyed that Nick set it up without even asking her first. She thinks that Nick is using Noah to get closer to her so that he can have his child back and so that he can see Phyllis. Nick says that is ridiculous. He says that he will see Phyllis because she lives in the same town. Sharon says that Phyllis says the same thing; they must be hanging out together. She's sick of this, she wants a divorce.

Gloria sees the settlement headline in the newspaper and smiles. When she tries to convince Ashley to let her have another try in the business, Ashley shrugs her off. Gloria goes to Jill and Jill tries to help Gloria out. Jill makes some calls and finds that she really does have something for Gloria.

Gloria happily goes to see John to tell him the good news. John doesn't seem himself, and calls Gloria by the name of his ex-wife Dina. Gloria worries, and asks if he knows who she is. He says her name is Gloria, but then John becomes frustrated and wonders why she is asking him so many questions. When Gloria asks him if he knows who her children are, he says that they are her children too. He accuses "Dina" of never being there for the children, leaving him alone to watch them cry. Gloria worriedly tells a doctor that John needs to be looked at. She wonders if John's being in jail has to do with his deteriorating memory. The doctor says that is a possibility. Gloria wants to get the doctor's words in writing, but he tells her that she needs to leave.

Gloria worriedly goes to Ashley and Jack. She is upset that Ashley didn't inform her of how poorly John is doing. She said that he called her Dina. Gloria thinks that if John doesn't get out of jail soon, he will die in there.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 22, 2006 on Y&R

Friday, May 26, 2006

by Citrine

Sharon told Nick that she wanted a divorce. She no longer had any hope that they could get past his betrayal of her with Phyllis. Nick agreed that if that was what she wanted, then he wouldn't fight her. He had two conditions, however. For Noah's sake, he wanted to wait until after the emotional impact of the benefit for Cassie before they told their son. And he didn't intend to move out of the house. Sharon finally agreed that he could stay in the house until Noah adjusted to the idea of their divorce. But she made Nick agree that it would be an uncomplicated divorce, and they wouldn't talk about it or argue about it at home. Nick agreed.

When Brad and Victoria came into work, he was surprised when she told him that Nick had moved back home. Victoria hoped that meant things were getting better between her brother and Sharon. Later, Brad ran into Sharon, who tearfully confessed that she'd asked Nick for a divorce. It hadn't been her idea for Nick to move back home, and she felt overwhelmed by that, her job, and the benefit for Cassie. Brad told her that as her friend, he believed she should hold off making such a life-changing decision until she was past the anniversary of Cassie's death. Sharon told him that she sometimes regretted not following her heart in St. Louis. If she had, things would be totally different between them. Brad was uncomfortable and told Sharon that they didn't make love that night because it wasn't meant to happen. He was happy with Victoria, and one day, Sharon would find a man who would treat her as she deserved. Sharon said she couldn't think about that right now.

Phyllis went into her office to find Ashley sitting behind her desk. She wondered if Ashley, like Jack, was going through her personal computer files. Ashley told her she was trying to get some information from Phyllis that she'd requested in a memo. Phyllis realized that she hadn't seen the memo and apologized. Ashley said that Phyllis's work at NVP was interfering with her job at Jabot. When Phyllis accused Ashley of being angry with her on Jack's behalf, Ashley told Phyllis that she was causing too many problems at Jabot. She fired her and made it effective immediately.

Jack called Christine to talk to her about the possibility of getting John out of prison because of his heart condition. Christine told him that it would be difficult, but she thought it was possible Michael might be able to work with the DA's office on it. Jack said he wanted Michael off the case. He felt like Michael was only looking after Gloria's interests, not John's. Because so far, the only thing Michael had managed to do was make Gloria's toehold in the Abbott family and business stronger. Christine defended Michael's ethics. While they were talking, Phyllis came in. Christine excused herself to make some phone calls.

Phyllis accused Jack of goading Ashley into firing her. Jack said he didn't realize that Phyllis had been fired. Phyllis apologized and said she was glad that Jack hadn't struck out at her that way. Jack said he no longer cared enough about her to strike out at her. Plus he had much more serious problems than Phyllis to worry about. When Phyllis expressed concern for John's health, Jack cut her off and asked her to leave.

Gloria went to Michael and told him about John's memory lapses. She was afraid that her husband was seriously ill and might die if untreated in prison. Michael was sympathetic about John, but had a feeling his mother might be exaggerating the gravity of John's condition. Christine called and told Michael that Jack, too, was worried, but about John's heart condition, not his mental health. Gloria listened to Michael's side of the conversation and picked up the phone, telling Christine that she, not Jack, was in charge of what happened to John. When they all hung up, Michael agreed to go with his mother to meet with Jack and Christine.

As Phyllis was leaving the Abbott house, Michael and Gloria arrived. Michael could see how upset Phyllis was and warned her that she shouldn't be getting so worked up. Phyllis agreed and left. Gloria and Jack then fought about what was wrong with John. Jack was sure that Gloria's agenda was to have John declared mentally incompetent so she could get control of his money. Michael and Christine thought Jack was overreacting.

Ashley walked in as all of them were arguing and said she wasn't going to take sides. She only wanted what was best for her father. Later, Ashley and Jack spoke privately, and he told his sister his suspicions about Gloria. Ashley said that Jack had thought his father was in good physical condition until Ashley had told him John was sick. Why couldn't he believe that Gloria might have seen some recurrence of the memory lapses John had suffered a few years before? Jack said Gloria wasn't as reliable a source as Ashley. He thought maybe he should go see his father for himself.

Sharon went to Victoria and asked her if Brad could accompany her on a business trip to New York. She felt overwhelmed emotionally by everything that was going on, and she would be better able to take care of business if Brad was at her side. Victoria told her she'd think about it. Later, Brad told Victoria that he couldn't go. He had other business meetings in Boston that would interfere.

When Victoria told Nick about Sharon's New York trip and her hope that Brad could go with her, Nick was suspicious. He confronted Sharon, who told him that she no longer had to keep him apprised of her calendar. But when Sharon talked privately to Brad, Brad told her that it wasn't a good idea for him to be in New York with her, so he wasn't going to rearrange his schedule. Sharon assured him that he didn't have to worry about her making advances toward him. Brad told Sharon that it wasn't her he was worried about.

Victor continued to act strangely around Nikki, who was bewildered but not yet alarmed. However, when the two of them ran into Phyllis, he surprised them by telling Phyllis that she should quit her job at Jabot and return to NVP. Phyllis didn't tell them that she'd been fired. Instead, she said she'd have to think about it. Nikki begged her to consider it, and Phyllis promised that she would.

Later, Phyllis called Nick and got him to agree to meet her in the break room. She told him that Ashley had fired her, and Victor and Nikki wanted her back at NVP. Nick asked her if she could turn down the job. Even though Sharon had asked for a divorce, he'd moved back home and still had hopes of reconciling with his wife. But if Sharon got all worked up about seeing Phyllis all the time, it would make things worse. Phyllis wasn't happy that Nick was asking her to put his possible reconciliation with Sharon ahead of her own career.

Nikki and Victor spent a few minutes alone in the CEO's office. Nikki said she had to get back to work, but she wondered what Victor was doing with a piece of paper and some scissors. Victor said he was making a snowflake, as the only teacher at the orphanage who'd cared about him had taught him to do. Nikki said there were still so many things she didn't know about him. After she left the office, Victor opened a locked drawer that Nick hadn't been able to get into earlier. He picked up a stack of the paper snowflakes and put the new one with it. The expression on his face made it look like Victor wasn't really functioning on all cylinders.

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