Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

SC Desk
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

Victoria discovered that Nikki had partnered with Brad to bail out Jabot. Larry and Matt set up Nick to make it look as though Nick had bought drugs in Milwaukee to sell at Crimson Lights. Christine accepted a job in Hong Kong.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

Monday, November 20, 2000

by Hale

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Nikki Stirs Things UpVictor and Nikki celebrate Cassie's good news with drinks and kisses by the fire. Sharon and Cassie drop by and Sharon senses that they may be butting in on some romance. Nikki confides to Sharon that things are going well between her and Victor -- for now. Later, Victor and Nikki discuss Victor's hope that the baby Diane is carrying is not his so he can get her out of his life for good. They head upstairs for an early evening romp.

Meanwhile, at Brash & Sassy, Victoria finds out that it wasn't just Brad who was the "savior" for Jabot -- it was also her mother. She tries to persuade Neil not to tell Victor that he found out it was Nikki who prevented the takeover since things are going so well between Nikki and Victor, but Neil holds firm. Ryan does talk him into giving Vicki a day to break the news to Victor herself. After she leaves the office, Neil and Ryan congratulate each other on handling Victoria so well. When Victoria gets home, she runs into Sharon who excitedly shares the romantic moment she witnessed between Nikki and Victor. Vicki is visibly upset.

On the FringeNick shows up at Carter's as he is filling Tricia in about his plan for revenge on Victoria. Tricia hides and Nick wants to know why he can't meet Carter's girlfriend. Carter lies and Nick warns him that things could get sticky if she has a boyfriend and states in no uncertain terms that he should not be dating customers.

Meanwhile, Tricia can't believe she put herself in a situation where she had to sneak down a fire escape. Ryan assumes she is mad because she overheard him discussing their relationship with Victoria. He promises to stick around while she gets well. She feels guilty and starts to make a confession to Ryan when the phone rings -- it is Victoria. Ryan leaves. By the time he gets back, Tricia has reconsidered getting revenge on Victoria.

At Gina's, a happy Brad runs into Diane. After exchanging barbs, Diane admits that if she had it to do over again, she would do things differently. But she reiterates that no matter what else is going on, Victor is the father of her baby.

Chris and Paul's TitanicChris lets Paul in on her romantic cruise vacation plans and Paul goes ballistic. He believes that the holidays are family time and reminds Chris that Mary is hurting from Chris's decision, too. Then he calls Cricket selfish and blurts out that they seem to think differently about a lot of things. Cricket thinks Paul should be putting their relationship over the one he has with his mother, but cancels the cruise because he seems to need it and she will do anything for him. Paul wants to know if she understands why it is so important to him. After Chris leaves, Paul wonders if things are really resolved.

Meanwhile, Paul's meddling mom is at Nina's, presumably because she wanted to finalize the Thanksgiving plans. It soon becomes clear that Mary wants Nina to tell her what Chris is thinking when she says she does not want to have a baby. She also asks if Nina has tried to change her mind. Mary explains that since Paul has been unable to change her mind about having a baby, the family must take action. Nina thinks Chris and Paul should work things out on their own, but Mary is convinced Michael Baldwin is to blame for Christine's change of heart.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

Tuesday, November 21, 2000

by Marian Crane

Neil asks Victoria if she's met their 24hr deadline to confront Nikki about her investment in Jabot. She hasn't had a chance yet so Victoria has a plan: she wants to alter the report so that it names someone else as the investor, leaving Neil's hands clean and Nikki off the hook. Neil balks at her very illegal idea. She makes veiled threats but he only gives her another 24hrs. No more. She will hold him responsible if this destroys her parents' reconciliation. He blows up at that saying it's Nikki's own doing. Olivia and Nate interrupt so Victoria leaves but not before making another veiled threat. Olivia and Neil plan for Thanksgiving. Olivia fills Neil in on Malcolm's card and how it upset Nate, feeling that he's misleading Nate leaving her to cover for him. Neil tries to see things from Malcolm's side. Olivia thanks Neil for being there for her and Nate, citing him as his only stable male presence.

Nikki is at the ranch when Katherine arrives. Nikki updates her on Cassie's good health. Katherine asks about Victor's plans. Nikki is about to answer when Vic enters the room on his way to the office. After he leaves Kay comments on the sparks between Victor and Nikki. Nikki tells her that things are different now since it's on her terms as well as his. She feels as though she's his equal, amazed at his acceptance of her involvement in Jabot and desire for career. Kay's convinced it's because he loves her. Victoria calls and commands her mother's presence at her office.

Nick and Carter are waiting for word from Trina about the last shipment. When she calls to say they can go back to GC, Carter takes the call but lies to Nick about it, saying it was the front desk. Nick goes to take a shower. Warton arrives and Carter gives him Nick's ATM card and the pin number with instructions to take out $500 and no more. Later Warton reports that all wen. Matt sneaks the ATM card into Nick's jacket and tells Nick he'll stay behind to tie up the loose ends so he can go back home. Warton fills Matt in on the room he rented. Matt isn't pleased with Warton's vague answers and worries that the deal won't be closed on time. He calls the contact and gives his name as 'Nick'. The deal is set. Wearing rubber gloves, Matt collects hotel stationary and the money. Matt tells Warton that Nick doesn't realize that he's going into a new business: drugs. Warton gets it now. They're going to frame Nick and get paid to get the rich boy out of trouble. Matt leaves it to Warton to use his contacts to score the drugs. Matt will get the money for them from his connection: Tricia.

Phyllis bumps into Michael at Gina's and asks about his Thanksgiving plans. She asks to have dinner with him. He agrees. She then goads Michael bout Christine and Paul. He tells her about Christine's cruise and that it's a sign that the marriage is solid. Christine calls him wanting to meet with him.

Christine informs Nina that Paul nixed her cruise idea. She laments that he wants her to bond with his mother and how she is too much of a factor in their marriage. Nina surprisingly agrees. She tells Christine that Mary tried to recruit her to change Christine's mind about the baby. Christine is furious but agrees not to confront Mary about it. Nina suggests a cruise after January but Christine tells her it's too hard with the office already being closed for the holidays. She then gets an idea and heads out. She meets with Michael and fills him in on the nixed cruise. She then suggests taking the Hong Kong deal. She is willing to go for the extended period.

Cassie and Sharon look forward to the Newman Thanksgiving dinner. Sharon is in charge of the pies and recruits Cassie to help. Victor arrives to see Cassie and fishes for clues as to what to get her for Christmas. Vic wants it to be something special. Sharon asks if Victoria had a chance to speak to Nikki since she seemed so anxious the night before. He didn't know but will look into it. She then regrets mentioning Victoria's desire to see her mother. Nick arrives later. He praises Carter's 'help'. Nick asks if Vic will be home for Thanksgiving. He hopes for once that the family will have a nice holiday. Sharon remembers to give Nick back his ATM card but can't find in her purse. She's sure it was there. Nick finds it in his jacket.

Olivia and Nate are also planning Thanksgiving at home. Nate receives a brief and vague letter from Malcolm, which he interprets as Malcolm not coming back in time for Thanksgiving. Nate's upset that he's not home yet. Later on, they return home and Nate is overjoyed to find a toy on the coffee table. He's then blown away when Malcolm reveals himself.

Victoria waits for Nikki to arrive. Victor arrives instead asking if there's anything he can do to help concerning Nikki. She covers saying it was only about Thanksgiving. She then asks about his plans about his living arrangements. He tells her things are going well now between him and her mom despite their problems before. He notices she seems pre-occupied but Victoria brushes it off. Nikki arrives and asks Victoria what was so urgent.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

Wednesday, November 22, 2000

by Soap Central

Chris explains to Michael her decision to go to Hong Kong but reveals that Paul's going to go with her. Though he doubts Paul will want to go, Michael agrees to call the client once she gets Paul's okay. Chris thanks him with a peck on the cheek and runs to Paul. As friends arrive at Nina's place for Thanksgiving dinner, Paul wonders where Chris is. Mary suggests to Jill that she use Phillip in her effort to get close to Billy again. Paul's relieved when Nina finally arrives. After sending Victor on his way, Victoria confronts her mother about using her money to rescue Jabot. As Olivia fumes, Malcolm promises Nate that he is ending his long trips. He later confides in Olivia how difficult it was reaching an agreement with Dru. Olivia admits she'd like him to get out but won't hurt Nate anymore than he has been. Seeing Neil, Malcolm explains that he and Dru have an arrangement to end things. When Billy invites Brittany to the movies this weekend, Jack's confused about their relationship. Brittany confronts Mackenzie at the Crimson Lights and orders her to stay away from Billy. Instead, Mackenzie calls Billy to arrange a meeting. Nikki's nervous as the family sits down for Thanksgiving dinner.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

Thursday, November 23, 2000


Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, The Young and the Restless will not be shown today. Programmingwill resume as normal on Monday, November 27th. There will be no lost episodes as a resultof this preemption.

On behalf of everyone at Soap Opera Central, we wish you and yours a happy, healthy andsafe Thanksgiving.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 20, 2000 on Y&R

Friday, November 24, 2000

by Marian Crane

Due to the extended Thanksgiving holiday, CBS aired a "classic" episode of The Young and the Restless. The original airdate was June 23, 2000.

Mackenzie is named Prom Queen and Billy King. Jill is livid and Brittany furious. They share a sweet dance and their feelings become undeniable to them. Later, at the Chancellor house, Billy arrives and finally declares his true feelings for her. She admits that she cares for him as well and they embrace.

Raul tires to comfort Brittany and finally tells her to smarten up and accept the loss and be happy for Mac. She puts on a brave face and congratulates Mac and then cries on Billy's shoulder.

Nina is on pins and needles waiting for Thomas' opinion of her book. He loves it. He does though critique the ending because it is too easy and simple an ending. This upsets her since it's the ending she desperately wants for herself.

Nikki and Victoria are concerned for Nicholas who is in a meeting with his father. Nicholas, furious at his father's lack of faith in his abilities, quits Newman Enterprises. Victor refuses his resignation. Nick relents a little and agrees to think about it overnight but doesn't promise anything.

Lauren visits with Brad before leaving town. They share a wonderful evening reminiscing and enjoying each other's company. Jill bursts in and tells Brad about the 'disaster' of a prom. She blames Lauren for the evening because she brought the dress.

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