Nice guys really do finish last

Nice guys really do finish last
Nice guys really do finish last

Phyllis suffered a twinge of guilt as she and Billy declared their love for each other. Will the newly anointed Peter and Wendy bring down good guy Jack with their Neverland secret? Would Sharon prefer to be off-her-meds delusional again rather than face any more Sage hauntings? And Devon may have finally realized Hilary's not a good person. It's a miracle! We switch from the bad boys to the nice guys in this Two Scoops.

No matter how much we want to believe otherwise, it almost seems to be the gospel truth that nice guys finish last. Just ask Jack Abbott. Okay, sure, he may not know it yet, but he will see it's a fact again very soon, just as he's learned in the past. Phyllis has cheated on him before, so it's not like this is anything new. The wounds will still be just as deep, and I'm not sure he will recover from the pain this time -- at least not enough to ever forgive Phyllis for her affair with his brother. You think Jack would have learned his lesson, though, and would realize that a leopard never changes its spots. Not even a redheaded one.

Nevertheless, Jack's heart will shatter in a million pieces, because he will be blindsided by Phyllis' betrayal. I mean, it's not quite as bad when you can see the hurt coming, so you can try your best to ward it off. But Jack's head was totally in the clouds where Phyllis was concerned, and he believed Phyllis was still completely swept off her feet, hopelessly and eternally in love with him. When he learns the truth, it will knock Jack completely off his keister. Yes, the truth hurts, Jack.

It's funny in a sad sort of way. Jack gave Phyllis all his love and put all of his faith in her, and where will that get him? Nowhere but lost and alone again. The good and generous Jack took the chance of trusting Phyllis again, but he will be the one to end up looking like a fool. And really, how does anyone who gets slammed with the betrayal of the one they loved above all else ever get brave enough to trust again? It's rather baffling, but most of the time, it does happen. After enough times of being knocked to the ground, though, even a fool will get tired of trying.

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The worst part of it all, of course, was that Jack's own brother -- the very brother he always tried to protect and support -- was the culprit who pursued Jack's wife. No, Jason Thompson's Billy Abbott is nothing like Dr. Patrick Drake on General Hospital, who, being the good guy he was, had also been knocked around once or twice himself. You know, I am really going to miss Jason Thompson at the GH Fan Club Weekend events this year. I did see him at last year's event with Dominic Zamprogna (Dante) and Emme Rylan (Lulu). Remember Emme's Naked Heiress version of Abby Newman? Seriously, how could we ever forget her Lady Godiva ride on a white horse?

But look at how much Abby has changed from the time Emme Rylan played her to now, with Melissa Ordway's spin on the character. It's almost like night and day. I always find it interesting to see a different actor's take on a beloved character and also to see if the fans will accept it. The Y&R fans seemed to be a little reluctant to accept Melissa's portrayal of the more toned down Abby, but I believe they have come to like the calmer, cooler Miss Newman. After all, you can only be a Naked Heiress for so long.

However, the actors who followed in Billy Miller's footprints as Billy Abbott had a much tougher path to travel. In fact, so much so that the first actor to play a post-kid Billy, David Tom, he was dismissed in lickety-split time. It proved how just how hard it was to fill Mr. Miller's shoes. Then came Burgess Jenkins, and he really did a credible job, especially toward the end when his emotions rang so true.

But now, Jason Thompson is giving a different kind of edge to the character. Despite Billy's many flaws, I have always liked him as a character (although I sometimes wavered with Mr. Tom's approach). But Billy's total disregard for the damage he is causing his older brother's marriage is making Billy Boy rather unlikeable. It truly is a unique take on the immature and irresponsible Billy Abbott. It's one of those car wreck type of situations, where you don't want to look, but you can't help yourself. I hate watching Phyllis cheat on Jack with his sibling, and it's hard watching Billy encourage her to do it. Billy doesn't seem to care what he's doing to the brother he has always looked up to all his life.

And speaking of a whole new version of a much-loved character, I am still amazed by Gina Tognoni's spin on Phyllis Summers versus Michelle Stafford's. Gina's Phyllis is still fiery, but she hasn't seemed to be quite as out of control -- at least not when compared to Michelle's Phyllis. But that's not saying a lot, since Phyllis, as played by Michelle Stafford, could be "way out there." Although I have loved both versions of Phyllis, I probably prefer Gina's just a tick more. But I enjoy watching Michelle Stafford as Nina on GH, so it all works out. Plus, I get to meet Ms. Stafford at her own GH Fan Club Weekend event with Finola Hughes (Anna) this year. What fun!

Back to Phyllis' affair with Billy. Wow, just think. At one time, this could have been Michelle Stafford and Billy Miller kissing it up. I wonder if Y&R had ever thought to pair up those two back then. I wonder if GH would ever consider it now. Anyway, I do think Billy's a little delusional if he thinks Phyllis and Ashley would make a good team in a crazy brain and fire-in-the-belly kind of way. Is he nuts? I am surprised that absolutely no one in the Abbott family is the least bit suspicious of Billy and Phyllis yet. Apparently, Jack is not the only one with blinders on. But if Billy keeps pushing Phyllis and Ashley together, how long would it take for his sister to figure it all out?

Or will Phyllis' moral sense finally bug her enough to let Jack in on her little secret? Red's no shrinking violet, and it's obvious she has felt bad for being dishonest to Jack. However, Phyllis doesn't seem too horribly wracked with guilt to let it stop her from being with her "true love." Sheesh, it wasn't all that long ago that Jack was her true love. Where's the loyalty, man? That seems to have flown out the window as fast as Billy's pursuit to get groceries for their romantic weekend. But, wait...Jack needed Phyllis, so she was ready to fly out the door, back into his loving arms. No, on second thought, after one glance at Billy's Peter, Phyllis' Wendy was in no rush and would return to Jack in the morning. Calling Jiminy Cricket to act in the place of Phyllis' wooden conscience in the lovers' Neverland sanctuary.

Phyllis' slight twinge of remorse sent her back home to Jack the next day, even though you could tell she wasn't really with Jack in spirit. She no sooner met with him than she decided their reunion had to wait until later. Jack was still totally and remarkably clueless when he pointed out how loving and loyal Phyllis had been. Puke! Jack is really going to feel like kicking himself once he finally sees all. And Billy was so obvious (although obviously not to Jack). Have you noticed that Billy always seems to wind up wherever Phyllis is? Oh, except for that brief moment when he ran into a lovey-dovey Victoria and Travis smooching it up. Hey, Billy, could that have been jealousy rearing its ugly head?

No, Billy wasn't exactly cordial to Travis or to Victoria, either, when he made the comment, "Nice day, nice pool, nice guy" and nice to have a little "me" time, or should I say "we" time? Billy seemed to care a little too much about what Victoria was doing for someone who had already moved on with Phyllis. Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too. Perhaps Phyllis was Billy's rebound person to help him get over the lady everyone else believed to be the love of his life. Plus, Billy also got the chance to get back at Jack for firing him at Jabot. Okay, a double whammy.

There's comfort in knowing that once Jack learns about his wife's affair with his brother...hey, wait a minute. What is it with Y&R and sharing the love? Two brothers passionately desire the same lady. Father and son share the same womanly treasures offered from a pure and fair maiden. Okay, she's more like a self-centered and self-serving harpy, however, I see a recurring theme here. But there may be an added twist headed our way to shake up the family lovefest. We may see the changing of some partners if a certain scheming vixen has her way. And she always does.

Jack may be added as a game-changer in the Winters merry-go-round -- or would that be the Winters Hilary-go-round. Really, Hilary has run out of Winters men to torment, even if you include Cane. So, once Phyllis breaks Jack's heart, he will still have Hilary to fall back on. Or for Hilary to fall back into his arms. They sure must be passing those blinders around, because Devon has not been seeing what's right in front of his face either. And the blinders must be super-strong for both Jack and Devon to not see two-faced Hilary with a sickening sweet smile for those who could help her climb up the ladder of society and a sneer at those she wanted to climb over. And Ashley should know the latter better than anyone.

Poor Hilary. Ashley threw her under the bus, which was exactly where the phony baloney belonged. How gracious for Hilary to say she didn't want to sit back and settle for living large as a billionaire's wife. Oh, we all sympathize with you, dearie. After Jack told Hilary that good guys didn't blackmail, I cracked up laughing when Hilary asked, "Well, can good people do bad things for the right reasons?" Now, where on earth would Hilary ever get the notion she was a good person? That's all in her mind -- or maybe it's another side effect of Simon's elixir.

And please don't even get me started about Simon. I'm still in mourning. I have truly enjoyed watching Michael E. Knight play Dr. Simon Neville. I'm not ready for him to go. I just checked for news, hoping the powers that be at Y&R had changed their minds and that our dear dorky doctor was going to get to stay, but sadly, I didn't find any. So I will need to prepare myself to accept that soon there will be no more Simonisms. Man, I am still bummed. Simon's expressions always brightened my day. Yes, Simon, nice guys really do finish last.

Jack finally learned that Neil had "kidnapped" Hilary, when she was in a coma, which was, of course, the exact way Hilary had spun it. However, Hilary left out the trivial part where Neil brought in Simon to save her life. Even after Neil pointed out to Jack that Hilary had been using the secret to blackmail just about everyone in town, Jack only saw her as the victim. Oh, yes, Jack was the perfect fly being drawn into the spider's web. Hilary's sly smile said it all as Jack pleaded at the door for Hilary to talk to him. She had that fish on her hook, and she was reeling him in. And you know Hilary would make sure that Jack would not be the one that got away.

Thankfully, nice guy Devon started to question if he ever really knew Hilary at all, and it's about time. He's probably the one who has been snowed by her more than anyone else. Devon had pursued Hilary for so long, I think he only ever saw the dream girl he had once thought she could be. But, as it took him long enough to find out, that person never really existed at all. Devon even stated that Hilary was not a good person because she had sold out his father just so Jack would continue to think highly of her. All of the other men in Genoa City should be relieved that Jack is Hilary's next victim. Seriously, even all of Devon's money couldn't stop him from landing on the bottom of Hilary's very tall totem pole of men for her to use.

Dylan's another nice guy that will be finishing last, just as soon as the truth about Sully comes out. And if the fact about Christian's paternity is ever revealed, Nick will be tagging along with Dylan for the ride. Seriously, how does Sharon think going off her meds is going to help her situation? It sure won't help her mental stability, because if she quits taking her medication, she can kiss that puppy goodbye. I guess it could help her avoid the pain she's caused two men she loves by going off the rails again. Plus, by not taking her pills, maybe Sharon's nightmares of Sage will float away in her delusions -- or it could backfire and cause Sharon to see a pouty Sage during the day too.

Since Chloe's name keeps popping up from time to time, we all know she's on her way back. Of course, we already knew Elizabeth Hendrickson was returning, and soaps are not very subtle in how they want to leak the news on the show. I was thrilled when Kevin acknowledged that Natalie resembled Chloe somewhat. Natalie reminded me of Chloe in appearance from day one. Probably either way, with Natalie or with Chloe, the best Mariah can hope for with Kevin is to be his best friend. And if her mother quits taking her medication, Mariah's going to need one.

It's still up in the air on whether Travis is a nice guy or not. Well, okay, he appeared to be a "nice" guy, and he had a good point that it had been Victoria who had always boomeranged back to his bar. I have to agree with Nick. If Travis has gotten Victoria to think more ethically and less like Victor, when it comes to business, the bar owner sure seemed to be on the right track. Somehow, I doubt if Victoria's father would approve of his daughter's upstanding morality though. And since we already know Victor framed Adam for Constance's supposed murder, it's a good guess daddy dearest had something to do with the numerous oil spillages that have suddenly plagued Newman Enterprises.

Luca's outrage that Summer could possibly suspect him of the wrongdoing just tore at my heartstrings. How could she possibly think that about such an honest and loyal man? That was funny! If Summer truly looked at everything Luca has done, since he first arrived in Genoa City -- and at his motives -- she might reconsider even living with him. Summer sounds like she has more in common with her Aunt Victoria, who tends to let her heart rule over her head. That must be a trait that runs in the female side of the family. Well, of course, they got it from Nikki.

If Summer suspected Luca so early on in their relationship, it's not going to get any better. If she had doubts while her passions for Luca were still running hot, those suspicions will only multiply as things cool down and a rational mind prevails. She's one lady who's trying not to see what's right in front of her. If Luca was working with Summer's grandfather, he surely wouldn't admit it to her. Luca's always had his own agenda. Yet Victor claimed to Nick he was not working with either Travis or Luca. Ahh...but at one time, Victor had also said he was not framing Adam. It appears we can't trust a word Victor says. Surprise, surprise.

So, just who is the mysterious lady, a.k.a. "my dear," that Victor has enticed to be his partner in crime? Hmmm...let's see...could it be a certain brunette with a crazy grudge against Adam, who we already know is returning to town? Yes, I do mean Chloe. She has believed, at times, that her entire family turned against her, so she knows what it's like. Could she be the accomplice who is now championing Victor's cause? Chloe would so enjoy sticking it to Adam while, at the same time, getting back at the rest of the Newman family as an added bonus.

It's rather funny that Kevin thought Natalie was the one working with Victor. He obviously saw Chloe in the security footage he had and mistook her for Natalie. All right, I'm just guessing at this point, but I know Victor's mystery woman has to be Chloe. It would be a great way to bring her back to town. I am looking forward to the day when Natalie and Chloe stand side by side, but my guess is their differences would be accentuated more than their similarities.

Adam talked to Chelsea of having adventures for the rest of their lives and suggested they hold onto their memories of each other, which could be a very good idea, since that may end up being all he will have left if Victor has his way. Actually, Adam had better enjoy any and all luxuries while he has the chance. He wouldn't have it so good in jail with his dad as his possible cellmate. Wouldn't Victor and Adam being "bunkies" really liven up the prison? Just think of the field day the other prisoners would have, watching the continuous antics between those two. They wouldn't need TV time with the Victor and Adam show to entertain them on a daily basis.

Chelsea wondered if Victor had always been one step ahead of them, and the answer to that would be a resounding yes -- although he did wait until the last minute to have the lady in black (who I am sure is Chloe) place a bottle of poison in a box in Sage's storage unit that held Constance's things. When Adam kept insisting he had never been to the storage unit and that Dylan was free to search it, I questioned why Adam didn't even consider that Victor had planted the evidence in it. He knows his dad well enough by now, right? And Adam is supposed to be a smart guy. I guess Harvard didn't properly prepare Adam for life as Victor Newman's son. Nothing could ever prepare anybody for that.

Other notable (or humorous) items that happened during the week

When Simon admitted to Neil that their secret circle had grown by one -- Ashley -- Neil reminded the doctor they had made a code that what had happened in the boathouse stayed in the boathouse. Come on, Neil, this isn't Las Vegas.

The Travis and Victoria story: going from being a bartender and a receptionist to "the CEO and the saboteur" in record time. Wouldn't that make for some great lyrics? They should write a song about it.

And finally, will the soap gods answer my prayers and have Billy Miller attend this year's GH Fan Club Weekend?

Until next time, please stay tuned.Teddi

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