Maximum damage

Maximum damage
Maximum damage

Tragedy struck in Genoa City as Abby took a tumble that caused maximum damage to the baby. Nikki got drunk and had an accident of her own. Sage and Sharon teamed up to get answers about Nurse Stevens while Adam tried to get answers out of Victor. Billy and Victoria started the eternal mating dance yet again. All this and more in this week's Two Scoops!

Was the death of Abby's baby as anti-climatic for you as it was for me? I don't know if that was because the acting was sub par or because I'm getting jaded about baby deaths on the soaps. Think about it. Just about six months ago, Christian was presumed dead, and Sage grieved. A few months before that, Sharon miscarried, and now Abby's baby is dead. Three happy couples scarred by tragic losses. On the other hand, children whose paternity is in doubt or whose paternity has been deliberately kept from the father have no problem surviving under the worst of circumstances, i.e., Katie in a closet, Connor in the loft, and Christian, a preemie, in the park (though Sage doesn't know Christian's alive -- yet!), to name a few.

Frankly, I'm getting tired of dead baby stories, though this one does have the demon seed element. It is also a creepy horror story scenario, which does somewhat mollify me. Max has done something heinous and gotten away with it. I'm pretty sure that most kids his age know that deliberately causing someone to fall down the stairs is wrong. That makes me wonder if Max is a psychopath or if he can still be helped by therapy. (I've read real life cases where kids as young as Max who committed premeditated murder, as Max did, were prosecuted and incarcerated.)

No matter how you look at it, Max is an unrepentant -- so far -- murderer. Abby's fall wasn't an accident. It took a lot of manipulation and planning to make it happen. Max knew what he was doing and why he was doing it. Max was jealous and acted out in the most hurtful way possible. His intent, that both Abby and the baby should die, was murderous. But, was it nature or nurture?

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Ben is not much of a doctor when it comes to his son. His ex-wife's vindictive behavior should have set off warning alarms about the son that she raised and poisoned with the malice that she felt toward Ben and Abby. It was clear from the outset that Max needed therapy -- and a lot of it -- as soon as he arrived in Genoa City, but it was not forthcoming. Instead, Ben adopted a "Pollyanna" attitude and chose to ignore the speed bumps in the road -- like that whole "My daddy abused me" tale that he told his teacher. Ben chose to believe the best about his son, despite his bride's misgivings and the obvious clues that Max's quick changes in behavior were not genuine. That oversight has led to premeditated murder and maximum damage.

Can Max be saved? In real life, such a child might already be unreachable, but soap life is different. Just like anyone can return from the dead, anyone can be redeemed. Is Max a sociopathic monster or just a misguided brat like Faith used to be? Remember when we all thought that she was a terrible child -- or at least I did -- because she wanted Nick and Sharon together and acted out? In retrospect, she seems like an angel compared to Max. If it were up to me, I'd lock Max up in Fairview and throw away the key, but I'm hoping that Max will eventually be rehabilitated and that this little leopard will change his spots -- but not until he's terrorized Abby and seen to the successful breakup of her marriage to Ben. Maybe Abby's next present to Max should be a tee shirt that says, "Sociopath in training!" Seriously, though, this is one disturbed kid.

In the "Picky, picky, picky" department, I wondered how Cane could watch video of Abby's fall and not notice Max rigging the stairs just before the fall then removing the evidence shortly after. Real-life police would have definitely caught that! (I just watched a true crime show where detectives scanned hours of video that eventually led them to the killer. They didn't just look at the five minutes when the killer made contact with the victim; they watched several hours before and after the contact.) Also, Dylan took Cane's word that the fall was an accident. Real police would have had to determine that for themselves. (I know, I know, "It's only a soap!")

Sage and Sharon are busily getting to the bottom of the Dr. Anderson/Nurse Stevens mystery, but only one of them is going to like what she finds out, and it isn't Sharon, who is going to do the opposite of what she should do. Sharon will keep the secret of Sully's paternity for as long as she can. My friend Bessie is already disgusted with Sharon, and honestly, I will be, too, if Sharon lies and breaks her promise to always tell "Dullen," as Bessie refers to him, the truth. I am always and forever team "Shick," and have been since Sharon -- before she had bipolar -- and Nick first lit up the screen 20 years ago and again two summers ago, but that doesn't mean that I approve of all Sharon's actions. I don't, but "for better or worse" means "for better or worse," and those are the vows that Nick and Sharon made to each other. I'd like to see Shick keep them, not to mention they are sizzling hot together.

SPOILER ALERT: Just before I wrote this column, I read that the Internet is rampant with rumors that a major character is about to be killed off. Speculation is that it's Sage. The article I read about the "whys and wherefores" was very persuasive. If true, that event would likely push Nick and Sharon back together. I like Sage, but she is not a core character and has no ties to anyone else in town except Adam through Christian, so I could let her go.

SPOILER ALERT ENDED: Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Sharon's dream was very intense, and I don't think it will be long before she remembers what happened while she was in that drug-induced trance that Dr. Anderson had her in. The previews show Sharon visiting Patty, so I think the truth will be revealed very soon.

Once, when I was a kid, I got a yo-yo as a gift for Christmas. It was fun for a while, but eventually I got bored. I feel the same way about Billy and Victoria. My advice to that couple, "Break up, already, and go your separate ways, or get married and stay together. Stop yo-yoing!" I'd welcome a story about family, love, and hope revolving around Victoria, Billy, and their children, but I'm tired of the breaking up, fighting, lying, and making up routine.

I'd much rather see a romance between Billy and Phyllis because Phyllis' relationship with Jack has also become stale. Over the past two decades, Jack has gone from daring young man to fuddy-duddy with a capital "FUD." Jack is a pale imitation of the man he once was. Both these couples need some shaking up.

This may be soap heresy, but I think I liked Marco -- when he was flamboyant and loved Phyllis and before he went all psycho -- better than fuddy-duddy, bobble-headed Jack. Jack used to lead the armada against Victor, now he's the anchor. It's no wonder that both Phyllis and Billy are disgusted with him. With Victor in prison, Jack ought to be gloating, but, maybe, like us, Jack has learned that it's hard to keep Victor confined. I do expect to see Victor out of prison before May is over, and dollars to doughnuts (What the heck does that mean?), I'll bet it has something to do with the prison doctor's father, who we recently learned is a judge. The doc seems very interested in Victor. Will they dilly-dally while Nikki shilly-shallies and languishes with the bottle?

Did Victor really get Adam fired, or was it merely a coincidence that Adam was terminated the day after Luca visited Darth Victor in prison? (Hmm, There are no coincidences on soaps, so...) Fortunately for Adam, Chelsea 2.0 needed a CEO, so there you go, no need for Adam to obsess over Newman Enterprises, but we all know that, deep down, he will. I wonder why Nick and Victoria don't invite Adam into the fold and offer him a job so they can keep an eye on him. Obviously neither has read The Art of War, which advises, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Adam is more of a "frenemy" now. He's been helpful to Victoria, and he's kept his word. If Nick can make peace with Dylan then he can do the same with Adam and end the sibling rivalry.

Melody Thomas Scott is doing a terrific job playing Nikki as a very believable lush. Her makeup bruises looked so real that my face hurt! I'm looking forward to her sparring with Sharon in the weeks ahead. Nikki was devastated by Victor's rejection, and while it is obvious that they still love each other, there has been a lot of hurt and betrayal on both sides. However, theirs has been an enduring love story, and it is still compelling to me. I am eager to watch them work their way back to each other. Older love may be gross and disgusting to young people, but it gives old people like me something to live for!

I'm so glad that Esther is working at Crimson Lights. Last time I was in for a snack, I noticed how much the coffee and baked goods had improved, and they are calorie-free. I'm sure that we have Esther to thank for that!

Till next time, fellow fan addicts, be well and remember it's better to have imaginary friends than to have no friends at all. Imaginary friends always listen, never talk back, and only give you advice that you want to hear -- just bear in mind that their input is probably as fanciful as they are. LOL!

Please join us in two weeks at the Athletic Club for the next meeting of Soap-aholics Anonymous. Our topic will be "The care and feeding of imaginary babies," with guest speaker Sharon McAvoy. No host beverages, and, as always, imaginary drinks are free.

READ MORE OF THIS WEEK'S TWO SCOOPSThe Bold and the Beautiful | Days of our Lives | General Hospital |

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