The Young and the Restless Recap for October 17, 2024: Jack and Diane explode in public

Jack, Diane, and Kyle argue on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Jack, Diane, and Kyle argue on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

At Crimson Lights, Claire told Cole and Victoria about how angry and vindictive Kyle becomes about work but assured them that he was kind and gentle with her outside of work. Claire thought it was very sad that Kyle's battle had affected Jack and Diane's relationship. Claire noted that Jack and Diane were in the coffee house and looked very tense.

Claire admitted that the Abbotts had been sharing their family drama with her but noted that she did ask Jack. Claire said that Jack told her how hurt he was, and she offered to help with the situation with Kyle. Cole and Victoria told Claire the Abbott's issues run very deep and to stay out of them.

Across the coffee house, Jack and Diane couldn't hold a conversation because of their tension. Every word Diane said was dripping in sarcasm. Jack called her out on it, and she snapped back that instead of sipping coffee and checking emails, he should have their son arrested for corporate theft.

Diane said their son was a thief but Jack pointed out they did not have proof. "Even in the face of Kyle humiliating us and blatantly stealing from us, you can't bring yourself to retaliate, can you?" Diane asked. She told Jack that Kyle would not suddenly see the light and apologize. Diane told Jack to accept that their relationship with Kyle was over.

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Jack didn't think the solution was to have Kyle written if he stole the formula. Diane couldn't believe Jack used the word "if." She said Kyle had been on a one-man crusade to pay them back for not giving him what he wanted. Jack shot back that they wouldn't be at the point that they were had Diane not fired Kyle. "You used to acknowledge that," Jack said. "That was before he became a criminal," Diane said before stomping out. Jack saw Victoria, Cole, and Claire watching as he left.

Victoria was surprised as Jack was usually discreet and didn't act out like that in public. Claire said that her instinct was to make sure that they were okay. Cole and Victoria reiterated that Claire should avoid involvement and used Victoria's issues with Victor as an example. "Funny you should bring up Grandpa," Claire said.

Claire revealed that Victor was the investor in Glissade and was using Kyle to take down Jack. Victoria said Victor was the kindest, sweetest, most ruthless person, and she had the scars to prove it. Victoria advised Claire to be able to separate the two versions of Victor and noted she may need to do the same with Kyle. Cole added that Victor was family, but Kyle wasn't, and she could choose whether or not he was in her life.

In the jazz club, Kyle told Victor that Glissade was better without Audra. Victor warned him that things would be sticky because of the press release. Kyle said the product was in the clear and he had covered all the bases. Victor said he would cover whatever fallout came of it but warned Kyle that his parents would not take this lying down.

Chance met Summer at the Athletic Club and told her he found disturbing evidence at Daniel's apartment. "Things don't look too good for your brother right now," Chance revealed.

Chance said he could only talk off the record, so he couldn't say if Daniel were guilty of anything. "That's crazy. He wouldn't hurt her, he loved her," Summer insisted. Chance said he had to follow his instincts.

Chance asked if Lucy could have hidden evidence at the apartment, but Summer said no. "How did it get there, then?" Chance asked. Summer said she didn't even know what the evidence was, so she couldn't really offer suggestions. She asked if Chance thought Daniel himself planted it. Chance said he didn't know, but it's been known to happen when someone wants to get caught.

Summer asked Chance if Daniel was a suspect. "I hate it that it's you and your family in the middle of this investigation," Chance lamented. He told Summer if she wanted to know what he was talking about, she should ask Daniel.

Phyllis met Daniel in the park, and he told her that he had gotten rooms at the club for him and Lucy. He explained that Chance made them move out after finding Heather's phones and the bloody towels. Daniel said the towels were bloody enough to make him sick to his stomach. Daniel wondered how someone got into the apartment to put the evidence there. Daniel asked if someone was playing a sick head game with him or if Heather really did have a lover.

Phyllis told Daniel not to go there and that Heather loved him. Daniel added that the passcode on Heather's phone had been changed and told Phyllis about the unsent message to Paul. Daniel said he felt like he was living in an alternate universe. Phyllis knew that the text message was a lie and said something about this whole situation was very wrong.

Daniel said the last straw was finding out that Sharon told Chance that Heather was angry at Daniel. "We were fine, none of it makes sense," Daniel said. Phyllis was shocked that Sharon was somehow involved. She noted that Sharon had been unstable for weeks but suddenly clear-headed.

Phyllis recapped that Sharon claimed to have felt remorse about how she was treating the Romalottis. She went to their apartment, and only Heather was home. "All of a sudden, Heather feels comfortable enough to unburden herself to Sharon, the woman who's been making her life a living hell?" Phyllis said. She noted that the one person Sharon told was Chance, a policeman.

Summer found Daniel and Phyllis in the park. While Daniel called Lucy, Phyllis told Summer all the details and noted that Sharon hated Daniel. Phyllis said she hoped Chance was thinking about that because everything hinges on him. "If it were anyone else on this case, your brother would be locked up right now," Phyllis said.

Summer left, and Daniel returned to Phyllis in the park. Daniel said that he had only told Lucy about the search but that they needed to tell her about the evidence.

Lucy arrived, and Phyllis and Daniel carefully told Lucy that the police found incriminating evidence in the apartment. Phyllis said they had to face the possibility that a crime was committed. “Someone might be trying to frame me for killing Mom,” Daniel said.

Jack saw Victor in the jazz club. Jack said that Victor was corrupting Kyle and that it needed to stop. Victor didn't want to be bothered by Jack's "conspiracy nonsense" and told him to "run along and make another spectacle of himself."

Victor continued to deny any knowledge of what Jack was talking about. "It seems you have lost all connections and control of your family," Victor said. Knowing he was infuriating Jack even more, Victor dared Jack to hit him.

Jack said Victor was retaliating because Jack had tried to help Nikki. Victor snapped that Jack and Nikki's "night of debauchery" almost killed her. Jack noted that Victor was the only one who viewed it that way. "You manipulated my son to steal from his own family," Jack sneered. Victor said Jack should know that Victor would sleep well.

At the Athletic Club, Kyle ordered a shot of tequila as Diane walked in. She congratulated him on Glissade's new product and said developing it must have taken years of research. "You don't even have the decency to feel ashamed, do you?" Diane asked. Kyle said there was nothing to be ashamed of and noted that sinking new lows was part of Diane's m.o. "We have failed you as parents, and you have failed us as a son," Diane said.

Kyle ordered another shot of tequila. Jack walked in as Diane told Kyle that she planned on having him punished to the fullest extent of the law. Kyle said that Diane had just proved what he had known all along. “You care about your job and your title more than your own son,” Kyle sneered. “According to you, I don't have a son anymore,” Diane said. Jack interrupted and said that was enough. Diane was relieved and thanked Jack for finally coming to her defense. “I’m talking about you, Diane,” Jack said.

Diane started yelling at Jack, asking why he would defend him over her. Kyle started to walk away towards Victor, who was watching from the lobby. Jack asked Diane to keep it down, but she got louder and asked if he was worried that people would talk about how weak and pathetic they were as their son humiliated them.

Jack said Diane was making a spectacle of herself. “Oh, big deal, at least I’m not coddling a criminal,” Diane snapped. Jack said they both knew who the criminal was. Jack said what they had done so far wasn’t helping, not if they wanted Kyle back in their lives.

Claire entered the club and stood with Victor. Diane told Jack that she didn’t know if she wanted a relationship with Kyle. “He’s a greedy, selfish brat who stole from his family and a poor imitation of the boy that I raised,“ Diane said. “Until you left him and never looked back,” Jack said. Claire asked Victor what was happening. “Something very interesting. I love it,” Victor replied.

Cole and Victoria walked in but stopped by Victor and Claire as they saw the entire restaurant watching Jack and Diane. Kyle walked towards his parents so he didn’t miss a word. Diane said that Jack was hitting low and being mean. She started to cry as Jack said that she was the person everyone had warned him about, a raving narcissist who only thought about herself.

Jack said it was the truth and that she had rolled all over Kyle. Jack asked if she would do the same to him if she had the chance. Diane said it wasn’t an act and couldn’t believe he thought she loved herself more than Jack or Kyle. “How could you say that after everything I’ve been through?” Diane cried. “Everything YOU’VE been through…wow,” Jack said.

Jack told Diane to stick to the facts, which were that she abandoned Kyle and wormed her way back into playing the perfect wife and mother until she got the top spot at Jabot. Jack said he blamed himself for not seeing her who she was. Jack told Diane she was desperate to do anything to climb to the top and didn’t care who she hurt to get there.

Summer met with Chance again and said that she knew about the evidence. Summer insisted there was no way that Daniel hurt Heather. Chance told Summer that he had more information now. “I fast-tracked the blood analysis, and the lab just sent it back. It is a match for Heather — and Summer, there is a lot of blood on those towels,” Chance said.

Summer asked what that meant so she could understand what they were dealing with. Chance said the amount of blood that was found on the towels was from a serious wound and suggested Heather died in the apartment.

Summer insisted someone must have planted the evidence, but Chance said there was no sign of a break-in. Chance asked Summer who could have planted it. Chance advised Summer that Daniel should get a lawyer.

Watch full episodes of The Young and the Restless weekdays on CBS or stream through Paramount Plus.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby