Caterpillars and butterflies; The Young and the Restless Two Scoops for the week of September 9, 2024

Kyle tells Claire his woes with his parents.
Kyle tells Claire his woes with his parents.

Dear readers, on The Young and the Restless last week, Claire and Kyle had a long talk about caterpillars turning from fuzzy bugs into beautiful creatures that can fly. Then they delicately danced around the topic of the two of them being more than just employer and employee and turning into friends who would see a movie together or have dinner.

Claire said she spent a great deal of her life being controlled, and now she wants to make her own choices and doesn’t care what people say about her choices of who she spends time with. In my opinion, it’s perfect timing for this tease of a relationship to move forward. While I enjoyed Claire-y Poppins hanging out with Harrison, I think I’m going to enjoy watching her relationship with Kyle unfold even more.

Claire is an innocent who has never had an adult relationship before. Kyle is far more worldly, but I think he would appreciate someone like Claire, who would look at him like he hung the moon. But just like when Kyle was dating Lola, Summer was always a presence, and I predict she will be again this time. Any truce Summer and Claire may have reached may vanish if Summer thinks Kyle and Claire are an item. No matter that she is dating Chance; I still think Summer loves Kyle. She is not the one who wanted to end their marriage, as you may recall.

But right now, Claire is the woman Kyle needs to help him let go of the bitterness he is feeling toward Jack and Diane. Claire gently warned him that the kind of animosity he is feeling is the evil that took over Jordan and led her to do terrible things. It seemed as though Kyle heard her and took that advice to heart. Jack overheard a bit of their conversation and tried to give Kyle the apology that Kyle said he wanted, but Kyle didn’t trust it.

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When Jack tried to tell Diane what happened, of course, she made it about her and played the victim again, because that’s what she does. It’s a miracle that Jack is staying off the pills and booze, because Diane’s whining could cause anyone to drink.

Have you noticed that Adam, Chelsea, and Connor are having a lot of family fun days at the park? It’s going to be challenging for Billy and Sally to forgive Adam and Chelsea when they are constantly together. It’s not as if they can promise to never see one another again. Adam and Cheslea are Connor’s parents and are committed to doing all they can to protect Connor’s mental health.

Billy and Sally met for coffee and asked each other if they are going to forgive their respective partners and take them back. Both Billy and Sally are wounded and confused about how to proceed. Sally, however, is far more resolute than Billy. She vowed that she is done with Adam. Not because of the cheating, but because of the lying. But, hey, Sally, let’s be real, if Adam had confessed, would you have been okay with it? I think not.

Chelsea begged Sally to give Adam another chance, but part of me feels like her plea is because she wants Adam taken so she’s not tempted by him. I may be wrong, but I got a vibe of desperation from Chelsea and couldn’t quite unravel where it was coming from.

These four heartsick lovers are doing their best to put a brave face on when Connor is around, but they are all hurting. Billy, in particular, is acting out in every area of his life because he doesn’t have a handle on the rage and betrayal he feels from Chelsea’s night with Adam. Billy is acting recklessly and making mistakes that will surely give Victor the opening he has been looking for to do a hostile takeover of Abbott-Chancellor.

Billy fired Lily and is treating his remaining staff like he’s auditioning for a role in The Devil Wears Prada. His own nephew Chance is about to jump ship, because I don’t think Billy’s ego will accept Chance’s proposal of becoming his co-CEO.

Last but not least, Victor, Lily, and Nikki are lying in wait for Billy to screw up. In this toxic mix of Billy’s ego and his pain over Chelsea and Adam’s affair, he is destined to fail. And then what? Does he crawl back to Jack for the scraps of Jabot, or will he end up where Chelsea was last year, feeling helpless and hopeless? Will he self-destruct? Perhaps that will be the moment that Chelsea swoops in to save him, just as he saved her, and that will heal their relationship?

There was a scene last week with Victor and Nate, and I am trying to figure out why Victor is working so hard to get Lily to go back to Winters if Nikki wants to partner with her at Chancellor. I want to believe that Nate has learned his lesson and is on the up and up now, but I don’t trust him 100% yet. Will Nate tell Lily about his conversation with Victor? This happened prior to Lily making a deal with Victor. Will she catch on that Victor has his own agenda where Catherine’s company is concerned?

Speaking of catching on, when is Sharon’s family going to realize the depth of her crazy? I mean, she needs to be hospitalized until she stops seeing dead bloody ghost Cameron. I am happy that Faith told Nick about it today, but truth be told, I am with Nikki and Victor—Nick should beware of allowing Sharon’s mental health struggles to take over his life again. Nick should have her committed and then run as fast and far away as possible.

I am afraid of what Sharon is going to do to Lucy, Daniel, and Heather. Her rage for them is out of control, and I feel like she could lash out at any moment. If she’s taking advice from a psychopath ghost, I don’t have much hope that Sharon will make rational decisions about how to deal with her big feelings. Heather’s right; time to go visit Grandpa Paul in Portugal.

I would like to applaud Daniel and Heather for what I think was an example of good parenting. They are holding Lucy accountable and giving her the punishment she would have received from a court of law. It was harsh and sobering, but perhaps Lucy will recognize what could have happened. Probably not, but it was refreshing to see Y&R write it this way and give Lucy consequences to her actions, particularly taking Daniel’s history into account.

What will happen tomorrow, dear readers? Will we hear more actual jazz music being played at Neil’s jazz club? Will Nick continue to impress by remembering the names of all of his kids, even Christian and Noah, who have seemingly vanished from the planet? Will Victor take delight in calling Billy a peacock a few more times? (I hope so, because it makes me giggle.) Will Lucy sign up for driver’s ed under an assumed name and steal a car to take her driver’s test?

Will Katie sing "Cats in the Cradle" for Billy the next time they have a daddy/daughter date, and he stays on his phone the whole time? Will Sharon see Phyllis touch Nick’s face again and lunge at her? Will we see 30 more black-and-white flashbacks of the current week because they think we can’t remember yesterday’s episode? Will Claire and Kyle go see Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice on their first movie date? Will Victor make a batch of Brussels sprouts, just for old times’ sake? Will Sharon call Heather a B*tch to her face, or just to the ghost?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.


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Edited by Lisa