General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 12, 2023 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 12, 2023 on GH

Tracy's lie caught up with her. Ned woke up and claimed to be Eddie Maine. Gladys had a connection to Sasha's psychiatrist. Zeke learned that Jordan was Curtis' ex-wife. Dex agreed to act as Sonny's secret bodyguard. Drew told Carly that he had decided to take the fall for the insider trading charge. Austin urged Ava to comply with Mason's demands.

Austin tries to pressure Ava

Austin tries to pressure Ava

Monday, June 12, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At Carly's mansion, Michael surprised Dex when he said he wanted Dex to continue working for Sonny. Josslyn protested, but Michael asked Dex to gather information about Pikeman and to report back to Michael.

Carly surprised Josslyn when she said the idea had been hers instead of Michael's. Dex asked to speak to Josslyn in private. Before Carly and Michael left, Carly asked Josslyn to understand how important Carly's request was.

Alone with Josslyn in the kitchen, Dex said that he felt Sonny needed Dex's protection, and he warned that Pikeman was a dangerous company. Dex added that he had already decided not to leave town and that working for Sonny was his best option.

Josslyn told Carly and Michael that the two were "both terrible" for asking Dex to protect Sonny. Dex reiterated that Pikeman was dangerous. Carly claimed that Sonny had never been in a situation like the one with Pikeman. Michael added that he hoped Sonny didn't end up trusting the wrong people.

At the Metro Court pool, Tracy told paramedics that Drew had attacked Ned. Drew tried to defend himself, but Tracy noted that it wasn't the first time that Drew had attacked Ned. Olivia yelled that it wasn't the time or place to argue.

Chase appeared as Tracy left for the hospital with Olivia and Brook Lynn. Before she left, Tracy ordered Chase to arrest Drew. Zeke appeared, and Drew told him that Tracy had accused Drew of having attacked Ned.

Chase asked Drew to accompany him to the police station to provide a statement. Before leaving with Chase, Drew whispered to Zeke that the two needed to make the pool incident go away as soon as possible. "The last thing we need is Tracy's wild accusations to complicate our case with the SEC," Drew said.

Later, in the interrogation room at the Port Charles Police Station, Chase asked Drew to walk him through what had happened before Ned's fall. Drew recalled that he had seen Ned running while calling Drew's name, and he noted that Ned had fallen into the pool and was unconscious.

Drew added that he had performed CPR on Ned and that the paramedics had appeared shortly afterwards. Drew denied that there had been any physical contact with Ned. Chase asked why Tracy would claim otherwise. Drew said that he and Tracy were "at odds."

An officer interrupted, and he asked to speak with Chase in private. Chase left the room. Afterwards, Drew told Zeke that he was worried about Ned. Zeke said that Ned was likely Drew's best chance to make the insider trading charges go away. Out in the lobby, Chase reviewed the security camera footage from the Metro Court pool.

At Pozzulo's Restaurant, Nina asked Sonny if she could tempt him into leaving for Sonny's penthouse. "Let's get out of here. Let's go home, get into bed, and let's pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist," Nina said softly to Sonny.

Sonny liked Nina's idea, but he said that he was expecting a call from Brick. A short while later, Sonny received a call from Brook Lynn, who shared that Ned was at the hospital. Nina offered to go to the hospital with Sonny, and the two left together.

At the hospital, Elizabeth received a call from someone who asked to speak to Epiphany. Elizabeth grew sad as she told the person that Epiphany had passed away. Finn appeared, and he and Elizabeth shared that they both missed Epiphany.

Elizabeth recalled that Epiphany had told her to never take the hospital for granted. Elizabeth remarked that Finn seemed more hopeful and optimistic than he would have people believe, and she joked that his secret was safe with her.

Later, Tracy and Brook Lynn met up with Olivia at the hospital. Olivia shared that Ned was still unconscious. Tracy spotted Finn, and she asked him to examine Ned. Finn noted that he wasn't a neurologist, but Tracy insisted.

Finn returned a short while later to share that Ned was stable but unconscious. Finn asked what had happened. Olivia said that she hadn't seen the accident, but Tracy claimed that she had seen everything. "Drew Cain flew into a rage and attacked him!" Tracy declared.

Sonny and Nina appeared, and Sonny rushed to hug a worried Olivia. Sonny tried to assure Olivia and Brook Lynn that Ned was a fighter and that he would be okay. Nina said that what had happened to Ned was a "horrible accident."

Tracy continued to claim it hadn't been an accident, and she insisted that Drew had tried to kill Ned. Sonny said that Tracy was only looking for someone to blame. Tracy shot back that Sonny always defended guilty people.

T.J. appeared, and he said that Ned had sustained a traumatic brain injury. T.J. added that Ned was also suffering from hypoxemia, and he guessed that Ned's brain had been deprived of oxygen for a considerable amount of time. Olivia sobbed, and Brook Lynn asked if Ned might never wake up.

T.J. said that it was too soon to tell if Ned was in a coma, and he said that Ned could have one visitor at a time. Tracy suggested that Olivia go first. Chase appeared, and Brook Lynn rushed to hug him. Tracy asked Chase if Drew had been "locked up."

Chase revealed that security cameras had caught the incident on tape, and he asked if Tracy wanted to recant her statement. Under pressure from Chase, Tracy admitted that Ned had slipped and fallen. Tracy left to visit Ned. At the same time, back at the Port Charles Police Station, an officer told Drew that he was free to leave.

In Ned's room at the hospital, Olivia pleaded with Ned to wake up, and she said through tears that she loved him. "You've got to come back to us. You've got to come back to me," Olivia cried.

Olivia left Ned's room a short while later, and Brook Lynn visited Ned. Outside, in the waiting area, Nina offered to bring Olivia some food. As Nina tried to comfort Olivia, Chase stared at a text he had received. Chase looked up from his phone, and he stared at Nina.

At Metro Court, Austin told Ava that there were more dangerous threats in the world than Sonny. Ava noted that Sonny was the only person who could keep Avery away from her, and she said that nothing would be worse than losing her daughter.

Austin said that Mason was capable of making sure Ava never saw anyone again. Ava said that going after Sonny would be "suicide." Austin replied that if Ava didn't do what Mason wanted, it could get both Ava and Austin killed.

Austin said that Ava knew Sonny's vulnerabilities and that she could leverage them against Sonny. Ava said she wouldn't betray Sonny, given that Sonny was Avery's father. Austin tried to pressure Ava into doing what Mason wanted, and he brought up Sonny's past behavior of barring Ava from seeing Avery.

Austin suggested that Ava's life would be better if Sonny were "gone for good." Ava swore that she would not deprive Avery of her father, and the two started to argue. Austin said that he was only trying to protect Ava.

Ava asked why Austin wanted to protect her. "Well, you're not boring, are you, Ava? You're never boring, even when you're at your worst. And when you're at your best, you say mean things that make me want to hear you say more mean things. It's true. You get me right here. It's like the burn you get after a strong drink," Austin said.

Ava seemed flattered by Austin's words, and she said that she would think about his request. Ava asked Austin to tell her who he was working for, but Austin said that it was in Ava's best interest not to know. Austin brought up Nikolas, and he said that it was time for Ava to "return the favor." Ava accused Austin of trying to have a "quid pro quo." Austin claimed that his actions were in Ava's best interests.

PREEMPTED: General Hospital did not air

PREEMPTED: General Hospital did not air

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

by Soap Central

Due to ABC News coverage of the arraignment of Donald J. Trump in federal court in Miami, General Hospital did not air. This was not a planned preemption, but there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the preemption. Regular programming resumed on Wednesday, June 14, and picked up where the Monday, June 12, episode concluded.

Trina gives Curtis a special birthday gift

Trina gives Curtis a special birthday gift

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Metro Court, the pool was closed for Curtis' birthday party. It was a small family gathering, but Zeke was unable to stay for the festivities because he had to meet a client. Stella urged Zeke to wrap things up quickly and return to the party. After Zeke left, Portia checked her phone. Curtis noticed that Portia seemed troubled, but she quickly cheered up when she saw Trina arrive. "Happy birthday, Curtis," Trina said as she handed a gift to him.

After Stella and Portia greeted Trina with a hug, Stella asked about T.J. Curtis revealed that T.J. had to work because he'd had an opportunity to shadow the head of the neurology department. Stella was disappointed because she had hoped to have the entire family together for the first time since Trina had joined their fold. Marshall decided to toast to Curtis' birthday. He talked about feeling blessed the first time that he'd held his newborn son, and how he had hoped to teach Curtis all the things that Marshall's father had passed down to Marshall. According to Marshall, his father had wanted Marshall to be open to new experiences and to explore the world.

Stella admitted that the only thing that gave her more joy than being with Curtis on his birthday was having Curtis' daughter join them. "Welcome to the family, Trina," Stella said. After everyone took a sip of their drinks, Stella announced that it was time to take a family photo. To everyone's surprise, Trina excused herself and quickly left the pool area.

Later, Marshall sat down with Stella to discuss Trina's hasty exit. He advised Stella to give Trina some time. Stella conceded that she had pushed Trina too hard, but she explained that she was eager for their loved ones to get past the hurt. Stella also admitted that she saw her sister in Trina, and she hated that Trina would never know Irene. Marshall assured Stella that they would tell Trina about Irene when Trina was ready. "I don't know. That girl really loves Marcus Taggert," Stella said. Marshall insisted that they had to continue to encourage that, but he was confident that Trina would eventually want to get to know their side of the family.

Nearby, Portia opened up about her concerns regarding Trina. Curtis explained that Trina needed time, and they might want to chill on the "instant-family kumbaya stuff." Portia agreed, but she admitted that it bothered her that Trina was on summer break and living at Carly's house with Josslyn. Curtis assured Portia that Trina hadn't chosen Carly over Portia. Portia shifted gears because she was eager to know where things stood between her and Curtis. Curtis reminded Portia that they were trying to figure things out.

"But we're not," Portia said. Portia pointed out that she and Curtis had been dancing around the issue rather than talking about it. Portia was certain that Curtis resented her because he had missed out on Trina's entire childhood. Curtis acknowledged that he would have loved to have seen Trina grow up. "But what's done is done," Curtis said. He refused to let it hold him back because he had the rest of his life to connect with his daughter. Portia assured him that she would never forgive herself for staying silent for as long as she had, but Curtis told her that -- at some point -- she would have to forgive herself and move on.

Touched, Portia admitted that she believed there was still hope for her, Curtis, and Trina to be a real family. "There is," Curtis said. Moments later, Trina returned to the party. After Portia left to check on the cake, Trina asked Curtis to open her gift while they were alone. After Curtis opened the gift, Trina explained that she had made homemade gifts throughout her childhood, and she had wanted to give him a homemade picture frame in the hopes that he would one day put a photograph of them in it. Curtis was moved by the special gift, and he suggested that he and Trina take a selfie together. Trina smiled as she posed with Curtis, and he snapped a picture on his phone.

In the hotel, Drew was on the phone with Michael. He thanked Michael for holding down the fort at Aurora Media, and he assured Michael that he would head over to the hospital soon. Drew explained that he had some business to take care of first. "Let's just say that I'm taking the future into my own hands," Drew said.

In the hotel's restaurant, Jordan sent Zeke a text message asking him if he had a minute to meet up with her. She walked over to the bar and sat down. A short time later, Zeke walked up, and he confessed that he had assumed that she would forget about him. Jordan admitted that she had something to discuss with him, but Zeke explained that he couldn't stay because he had to meet a client. Jordan advised Zeke to find a new excuse, but he assured her that it was true. Zeke admitted that he was at the mercy of his client because Zeke didn't live in Port Charles.

Zeke offered to meet Jordan for lunch, but she was noncommittal. Zeke reminded her that he had her number, and they could always make other plans if lunch didn't work out. After Zeke left, Jordan walked to the elevator. Her smile vanished when she saw Taggert stumble into the restaurant. It was clear that Taggert was drunk, so she asked if he was okay. "Why wouldn't I be?" Taggert asked. Jordan recalled her conversation with Portia when Portia had mentioned that Taggert could use a friend because the DNA results had revealed that Curtis was Trina's father.

Meanwhile, Zeke and Drew were seated at a table as Zeke updated Drew on the efforts to work out a plea deal with the SEC. Zeke tried to persuade Drew not to take the fall for the insider trading, but Drew's mind was made up. "But you want me to hold off finalizing the deal because of that ace up your sleeve, correct?" Zeke asked. Drew confirmed the delay, but he noticed that Zeke's attention had strayed to Jordan helping Taggert into the elevator. Drew asked if everything was okay, so Zeke admitted that he wasn't sure.

In Taggert's hotel room, Taggert flopped down on the sofa and offered to call room service for drinks. Jordan warned him that alcohol wouldn't fix his problems. "One minute, I have a daughter, and the next minute -- I don't," Taggert said as tears filled his eyes. He told Jordan that there was no way to get Trina back, but Jordan pointed out that Trina was not gone. Jordan insisted that he would always be the man who had raised Trina and that she had seen how much Trina loved him. Jordan promised that a DNA test could never change that.

Taggert confessed that he had convinced himself that he'd been prepared for the possibility that Trina was not his daughter. However -- in reality -- he'd been holding out hope that she was. Jordan assured Taggert that anyone would have been crushed by the news, but she was confident that he and Trina would pick up where they had left off once the shock wore off. Taggert explained that he tried to be brave around Trina, but he couldn't help but realize that all of Trina's features and traits that he'd once believed had been passed down from him and his family had really been from another family. Taggert tearfully acknowledged that he'd made mistakes -- he'd chosen his career over his marriage and he'd compromised himself in the pursuit of justice -- but Trina had always been his one perfect accomplishment.

Jordan reminded Taggert that no one could take that away from him. "They already have," Taggert said in a tone filled with despair. A short time later, Jordan left Taggert's room. She stopped in the hallway to check her phone because she was eager to sort things out with Zeke before he talked to his sister.

In the restaurant, Portia was delighted when she bumped into Zeke. She asked if he intended to return to the party, but he admitted that he might have lunch plans. Portia noticed that Zeke seemed troubled, so he told her about seeing Taggert earlier and that Taggert hadn't seemed well.

At the nurses' station, Gladys was surprised to see Sasha. Sasha explained that she hadn't wanted to be late, but Gladys reminded Sasha that there was no rush. Sasha asked Gladys not to start, but Gladys insisted Sasha shouldn't jump into terminating the guardianship. Sasha disagreed, so Gladys pointed out that it had only been a few days since Sasha had nearly suffered another breakdown during an appearance on the shopping channel. Sasha argued that she'd figured out that the two "sleazy" producers had been manipulating her for ratings. "Still, the worst could have happened," Gladys said.

Sasha was quick to credit Cody with saving the day. Gladys' mood didn't improve when Dante and Sam walked up, and Sam defended Cody by pointing out that it had not been proven that Cody had stolen the bracelet from Gladys. Gladys turned to Dante for backup, but he refused to comment on the case. Sasha tactfully shifted gears by asking if Dante and Sam were there to see Willow. Dante filled Sasha in about Ned's accident, but the conversation was cut short when his phone rang with a call from work.

After Dante walked away to take the call, Sam asked if Sasha was there to see Willow. Sasha confessed that she had an appointment with a psychiatrist to start the process of terminating the guardianship. Sam was happy for Sasha, but Gladys cautioned Sasha that it wasn't a "done deal" yet. Sam frowned as she asked if Gladys objected to Sasha reclaiming her independence. Gladys assured Sam that it had always been the goal for Sasha to heal and not need the guardianship, but Sam didn't appear convinced.

When Dante returned, Sam wished Sasha luck. After Dante and Sam left, Sasha told Gladys to stop worrying. "I'm ready. It's time I took my life back," Sasha said. Sasha admitted that it felt like Gladys couldn't see all the progress that Sasha had made. "It's starting to feel like you don't believe in me," Sasha said. "No, that's not it," Gladys replied. Desperate to understand, Sasha asked Gladys to explain. Gladys claimed that she wanted to do right by Brando because she had promised to take care of Sasha.

Sasha insisted that she would not be moving forward with her plan if she didn't think she was ready. Moments later, Dr. Damon Montague walked up and introduced himself. Sasha and Gladys started to follow him to his office, but Dr. Montague informed Gladys that the first session would only be with Sasha. Gladys argued that she had a lot of questions, but the doctor assured her that they would talk another day. Sasha smiled reassuringly at Gladys.

In Dr. Montague's office, Sasha admitted that she was nervous and that being there was daunting. Dr. Montague explained that it was his job to take the pressure off of her. He sat down and told her that he had read her file, and he knew about her two traumatic losses while living in the public eye. Sasha conceded that it had been a struggle. Dr. Montague shifted gears because he was curious about her relationship with Gladys, so Sasha credited her mother-in-law with stepping up when Sasha hadn't been able to get out of bed. Sasha conceded that she and Gladys had butted heads a few times, but Gladys had always had Sasha's best interests at heart.

Later, Sasha and Dr. Montague returned to the waiting area. Gladys was eager to know how the session had gone, so Sasha told Gladys that it had been a good start. After Sasha left to check on Willow, Gladys asked for a word with Dr. Montague because she was concerned about him treating Sasha. He assured her that his private life had no bearing on his work. However, he was curious if Gladys would be returning to the card games at the Savoy. Gladys admitted that Sasha wasn't the only one trying to turn over a new leaf.

Outside Ned's hospital room, Brook Lynn found Olivia clutching a rosary and quietly praying. Worried, Brook Lynn asked if Olivia was okay. Olivia sniffled, wiped away her tears, and told Brook Lynn about growing up in Bensonhurst. Olivia recalled that her grandmothers and great-aunts had always pulled out their rosaries in times of crisis, and Olivia had vowed to never become "one of those old-fashioned ladies." However, Olivia had learned how scary life could be and that faith and prayer provided comfort. Olivia began to cry as she confessed that she feared God hadn't listened to her prayers. "Give me a sign, please. Something," Olivia said.

Seconds later, Carly arrived with a tray of coffee. Carly explained that Drew had told her about Ned's accident, and Carly had wanted to be there for Olivia. Olivia said nothing, so Brook Lynn took the coffee from Carly and thanked her. Just then, T.J. emerged from Ned's hospital room, so Carly offered to leave. Olivia's closed-off expression crumbled, and she began to cry as she asked Carly to stay. Carly quickly wrapped her arm around Olivia as T.J. gave Olivia and Brook Lynn an update.

T.J. explained that Ned had suffered brain swelling, and they had put him into "twilight sleep" to give Ned diuretics that would help reduce the swelling. T.J. revealed that Ned hadn't made the progress that they had hoped, and surgery might be necessary if there wasn't improvement soon. Olivia was devastated by the news. After T.J. left, Brook Lynn offered to update Tracy, since Tracy was at home with Leo.

Carly offered Olivia words of encouragement, and Olivia opened up about how thankful she was that Drew had been on hand to save Ned. "There isn't anyone Drew wouldn't help," Carly said. "The hell you just say?" Olivia asked in an angry tone. Carly was confused by Olivia's sudden anger, so Olivia accused Carly of implying that it had been ironic that Drew had saved the man who had tried to destroy Drew's life. Carly denied it, but Olivia insisted that Ned needed people there who were rooting for him, not against him. Carly promised that she didn't wish Ned any harm, but Olivia was unmoved.

Olivia informed Carly that she believed in Ned's innocence, and Ned didn't need Carly's judgment while he was fighting for his life. "You got it?" Olivia shouted. "That's fair," Carly quietly said. Dante and Sam heard the commotion as they walked up, so Dante asked if there had been bad news about Ned. "It's me," Carly said. Carly apologized to Olivia, and she promised that she would pray for Ned, Olivia, and their family. After Carly left, Dante asked if his mother was okay. Olivia began to sob as Dante wrapped his arms around her.

After Olivia pulled herself together, she filled Dante and Sam in about Ned's brain swelling. Sam excused herself to take a phone call, while Dante assured his mother that the doctors would do everything possible to avoid surgery. Olivia reminded Dante that they still didn't know the extent of Ned's brain damage, but Dante urged Olivia not to get ahead of herself. Olivia began to complain about the SEC investigation and how it had cost her precious time with Ned, but Dante pointed out that she had told Ned that she believed in Ned's innocence.

A short time later, T.J. returned to give Olivia, Dante, and Sam an update. T.J. revealed that the latest tests had shown that Ned had turned a corner, and surgery would not be necessary. Overjoyed, Olivia threw her arms around T.J. and hugged him. T.J. explained that they would ease up on Ned's sedation, and Ned should soon wake up. T.J. assured Olivia that he was cautiously optimistic.

At Metro Court's restaurant, Drew and Carly went to the terrace to speak privately. Carly gave Drew an update on Ned, and she told him about Olivia's outburst. Drew suggested that Olivia had needed to vent because Olivia was scared, but he was confident that Carly and Olivia would be able to sort things out. Carly had her doubts because the SEC investigation loomed over everything. Drew revealed that he had uncovered something about Tracy and that he had confronted her at the pool moments before Ned's accident. Drew explained that it was the reason that Tracy had tried to accuse him of assaulting Ned.

Carly was grateful that she had insisted on putting cameras all around the hotel when she had been the co-owner. Moments later, Carly's phone rang. She answered the call when she saw that it was Diane. After a brief exchange with Diane, Carly told Drew that the US Attorney wanted to meet with her and Diane. Carly reminded Diane that she had no intention of turning against anyone that Carly cared about to secure her freedom. Carly disconnected the call, and Drew admitted that Carly was brave. "I have to ask you, now what?" Drew asked.

To Carly's surprise, Drew told her that they didn't both have to go to jail. "Only one of us does," Drew said.

Nina wants to tell Sonny the truth

Nina wants to tell Sonny the truth

Thursday, June 15, 2023

by Marissa PD

At the Metro Court pool, Spencer arrived with a gift for Curtis. Stella commented to Trina that Spencer sure didn't shrink from a challenge, but Trina suspected that Spencer was sweating. Curtis opened the gift and found a print of the artwork Jammin at the Savoy signed by the artist. In awe, Curtis promised that it would have a permanent spot at the club. Spencer again thanked Curtis for saving him and Ace in Greenland. Curtis reminded him that Trina had been first on his list, but he knew that Spencer was important to her. "She's important to me, too," Spencer replied, and he and Trina walked away.

Stella commented that Curtis had been a diplomat with Spencer, and he replied that he wanted his daughter to be happy. He, Stella, and Marshall talked about how great Trina was. Curtis added that he would be following her lead. Stella wondered why he wouldn't let her put candles on his cake, and he answered that everything he would wish for was already coming true. "Not everything," Marshall chimed in."

Marshall insisted that the best gift he could give Curtis was space, so he'd decided to move out of Curtis and Portia's house. Curtis tried to talk Marshall out of it, but Stella urged Curtis to listen. Marshall wanted Curtis and Portia to focus on their marriage and daughter. Curtis vowed that Marshall would always have a home with them, and they shook hands. Marshall promised that he wasn't going far, and Curtis and Portia could work on their future together.

Trina called Spencer's gift thoughtful and incredible. Spencer cracked that it had been good enough to not get him thrown out of the party. Trina had a request for him. She wanted him to go ask for a new playlist.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Zeke told Portia about someone helping Taggert into the elevator the night before. Just then, Jordan stepped out of the elevator, and Zeke identified her as the helper. Jordan approached, and Zeke was surprised to learn that she and Portia already knew each other. Portia asked about Taggert, and Jordan insisted that there was nothing to worry about. Portia wondered how Jordan and Zeke knew each other, and Zeke explained that they'd met at the pool the night before.

Spencer entered, and Portia reintroduced him to Zeke. Spencer rushed off to talk to the hostess about the music. Portia commented that Trina had invited Spencer to Curtis' birthday party, and she invited Jordan to join. When Portia was gone, Zeke asked Jordan, "Is there something you wanna tell me?" Jordan revealed that she was Curtis' ex-wife, but she insisted that she hadn't known who Zeke was until she'd overheard Portia introducing him to someone after their tryst. Zeke insinuated that he needed to tell Portia about Curtis and Jordan's kiss, but Jordan urged him not to hurt what Curtis and Portia were trying to rebuild.

Spencer returned to the party, and Portia followed soon after. Portia was glad that Spencer had been able to make it, and Spencer was happy to be included. Portia had noticed how late he'd been, and he explained that he'd had to drop Esme and Ace off at Esme's new job. Portia went on about how much responsibility co-parenting was, but Spencer insisted that he was up to the challenge. He promised to always make time for Trina. Just then, his phone rang, and he walked away to answer it. Trina knew that Portia disapproved of the relationship, and Portia replied that she only wanted what was best for Trina. Spencer returned and revealed that he had to go pick Ace up, as there had been an illness at the daycare. Trina thanked him for being there, and he kissed her and left.

Portia returned to Zeke at the restaurant and vented about how infuriating Spencer was. She thought that Trina deserved more time and attention, but Zeke interjected that both Robinson women deserved better.

Cody found Leo reading a book in the stables. Leo talked about Ned's accident, and he added that he didn't want to go visit Ned in the hospital. Cody wondered why. Leo answered that he didn't want to see his dad like that, and he wondered what would happen if Ned didn't wake up. Tracy entered and listened in as Cody assured Leo that Ned had the best doctors, and Cody hugged Leo. Tracy called out that it was time to go see Ned, so Leo needed to go get cleaned up.

When Leo was gone, Cody informed Tracy that Leo responded better to gentle suggestion, and she introduced herself and scolded him for telling her about her own grandson. She went on about how Cody shouldn't even be working there after his arrest, until Brook Lynn entered and stopped her. Brook Lynn explained that Cody was good with Leo, whose disruption in his routine was probably messing with his head. Tracy promised to table the discussion "for now" until they could slowly change Leo's routine to phase Cody out.

When Tracy was gone, Brook Lynn insisted that Cody had just met Tracy on a bad day. Cody offered to do anything the family needed, and she only asked him to keep supporting Leo. She added that the whole family loved Cody, and she would work on Tracy. Tracy and Leo returned, and Leo gave Cody a goodbye hug. Brook Lynn left with Leo, and Tracy glared at Cody on her way out.

On the terrace at the Metro Court restaurant, Drew revealed to Carly that he'd decided to offer himself up to the SEC so she wouldn't have to go to jail. He continued that his lawyer had already proposed the deal so that she would only have to pay a large fine. She desperately suggested that they just try to wait out the five-year statute of limitations, but he turned it down. She didn't want to lose him. He promised that she wouldn't, but he would understand if she couldn't wait for him.

Nina was distracted with Crimson work when Sonny tried to tell her that the church had an opening for a wedding in the fall. She apologized and revealed that she was trying to distract herself from thinking about Ned. He assured her that Ned would make a full recovery, and then, Ned would tell the truth about the SEC tip. However, the only thing he wanted to worry about at the moment was their wedding. Nina replied that, if she married him, she would be the luckiest woman alive. "If?" Sonny asked, and she claimed that she'd meant "when."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and a guard let Ava into the apartment to get Avery. Sonny's phone rang, and he answered it to Dante, who informed Sonny that the doctors were about to wake Ned up. A few minutes later, Sonny was gone, and Nina updated Ava on everything that had happened with Ned. Nina knew that Sonny and Willow would never forgive her if the truth surfaced. Ava urged her to tell Sonny before Ned woke up if she wanted any chance at salvaging their relationship. Nina sadly put her ring on the mantel, as she believed that her engagement would be ending. She asked Ava to stay with Avery and Donna, and she left the apartment.

When Nina was gone, Ava called Austin. She revealed that she was alone in Sonny's apartment until the nanny arrived. She wondered where Sonny would hide any incriminating information.

At the hospital, Gladys' phone went off, and she saw a text from Selina, who was set to return soon, asking to meet Gladys for lunch in order to talk about "settling up." Gladys replied that she needed more time to pay Selina back. Just then, Sonny arrived, and a startled Gladys dropped her phone. Sonny picked it up, and Gladys grabbed it back from him. He wondered why she was so jumpy, and she told him about Sasha trying to end the guardianship. Sonny thought that was great news, but Gladys insisted that it was too soon for Sasha. She begged Sonny to convince Sasha not to do it, but he wanted to let Sasha decide what was best.

When Gladys was gone, Nina arrived. She informed Sonny that Ava was with Avery and Donna, as Nina had to see Sonny. He took her hands, and he wondered where her ring was.

Ned wakes up and makes a shocking announcement

Ned wakes up and makes a shocking announcement

Friday, June 16, 2023

by Steve Holley

In the break room at the hospital, Elizabeth joined Finn for a game of backgammon. Elizabeth shared that she was excited to begin her first day as head nurse the following day. Elizabeth recalled that she had been linked to the hospital for her entire life, and she called her grandfather Steve Hardy the "symbol of virtue" and the "true hero of General Hospital."

"It's in this place that I have had my highest highs and my lowest lows. This place has put me back together more times than I care to count. And let's not forget all the legends of the nurses' station. There's Jessie Brewer, Bobbie Spencer, and Epiphany. Sometimes I wonder if I'm strong enough to be like them," Elizabeth said.

Finn said that being head nurse was part of Elizabeth's destiny. Elizabeth said she considered Finn "one of my best friends." Elizabeth and Finn resumed their game of backgammon, and the two started to laugh together. Elizabeth stood up to get back to work. Elizabeth and Finn bade each other goodnight. Finn smiled to himself after Elizabeth had left. "The tide is turning," Finn quipped.

At Perks Coffee, Alexis and Diane caught up over coffee. Diane surmised that Alexis missed being a lawyer. Alexis admitted that Diane was right. Diane feigned surprise that Alexis would complain. Alexis added that she wished she was more "fulfilled" at the Invader and that impactful stories were few and few between. Alexis said, "It's like finding a needle of significance in a haystack of triviality." Diane brought up the fact that Alexis had given Esme a job at the paper.

Alexis said she had a "soft spot" for Esme because of who Esme's parents were. Before leaving, Diane encouraged Alexis to join her exercise class. Alexis protested, and Diane countered that the two friends could do yoga instead. Alexis refused that offer, as well, and Diane playfully quipped that Alexis was "impossible."

In the stables at the Quartermaine mansion, Cody phoned Sam to ask for her help in exposing Gladys. Sam met Cody, and she said the two needed to prove that the bracelet Cody was suspected of trying to steal had been planted on him on the night he'd been arrested at the Nurses Ball.

Sam said that there were other ways to prove Cody's innocence without the benefit of Metro Court's security camera footage. Sam placed a call to Spinelli, and she said she had a job for him.

In Willow's isolation room at the hospital, Sasha donned a mask and scrubs to visit Willow. Sasha shared that Nina had written a glowing letter of recommendation to help end Sasha's guardianship. Sasha reminded Willow that Nina had forgiven Sasha and Valentin for the two having pretended that Sasha was Nina's daughter.

Willow cut Sasha off, and she said that Nina couldn't be forgiven. Sasha read Nina's letter of recommendation aloud, and she said that Nina's capacity for forgiveness was big and that it could be hereditary. Sasha agreed with Willow that both sides had caused plenty of harm to one another. Willow recalled having told Wiley that new beginnings were always possible. Sasha said that Wiley had a wise mother.

Nearby, in the hospital lobby, Michael bumped into Chase, who shared that he was avoiding Ned's room to stay clear of Tracy. Michael said that Tracy was a family-first person. Chase asked how Michael was holding up. Michael said that he felt hopeful, but he shared that he missed his family being together under one roof.

Chase said that he was there for Michael. Michael asked if Chase had ever thought of having children. Chase said that children were a "long way off." Michael quipped that the future had a habit of catching up to people sooner than they realized. Michael said he was glad that Chase and Brook Lynn were back together.

Chase started to leave for Ned's room. Michael asked Chase to give Ned his best, and he added that he thought Chase would be a great dad.

In Ned's room at the hospital, T.J. started the process of bringing Ned out of his coma. Tracy, Brook Lynn, and Olivia bickered, but the three were all relieved when Ned regained consciousness. Ned asked for water, and he said that his head hurt. T.J. asked if Ned knew how he had hurt his head.

Ned said that his memory felt "fuzzy." T.J. asked Ned what year it was and what city Ned was in. Ned replied that it was the year 2023 and that he was in Port Charles, New York. Olivia, Brook Lynn, and Tracy all breathed a sigh of relief. "Sounds like you're on the road to recovery, Ned," T.J. boasted.

Just then, Ned's tone shifted. "My name is not Ned. It's Eddie Maine," Ned said confidently. Tracy, Brook Lynn, and Olivia's faces all expressed shock.

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