Eric made major headway in his investigation; Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Eric (Greg Vaughan) ID
Eric (Greg Vaughan) IDed Fiona (Serena Scott Thomas).

In Gabi’s hospital room, Gabi grew frustrated after she browsed through a magazine full of wedding ideas. Melinda arrived to check on Gabi following their mutual ordeal. When Gabi told Melinda that she was fine and being released that day, Melinda admitted that she had an “ulterior motive” for visiting. Melinda handed Gabi paperwork and reluctantly confessed that some of the papers were divorce documents that she’d drawn up for Stefan. Melinda quickly added that she would lose Stefan as a client if that was what Gabi wanted.

Gabi insisted that she and Stefan had agreed the marriage was over. She gave Melinda the green light to represent Stefan in the divorce proceedings.

At the DiMera mansion, Stefan was moping and staring at his wedding ring when an exuberant E.J. entered the room and poured himself a drink. He offered Stefan a drink to combat Stefan’s “dour disposition,” and Stefan snapped back about E.J.’s good mood. E.J. proclaimed he was “ecstatic” because he finally had "that miserable miscreant" Brady behind bars. Stefan snarked that putting people behind bars was one of E.J.’s favorite pastimes, along with sleeping with his brother’s wife. E.J. reminded Stefan that Gabi had hit on him, and Stefan retorted that E.J. could have turned her down.

When E.J. made a remark about Stefan and Gabi’s divorce, Stefan asked how E.J. knew that detail. E.J. smirked, took a drink, and informed Stefan that Gabi had told him after he’d visited her the previous night. Stefan demanded to know why E.J. had gone to see Gabi, and an unfazed E.J. replied that he’d told Gabi about Rafe’s warning to stay away from her. Stefan suggested that E.J. heed the warning. E.J. challenged Stefan on why Stefan cared, since Stefan was divorcing Gabi.

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Stefan claimed that he still cared about Gabi and that he didn’t want E.J. to hurt her. E.J. believed that he, Stefan, and Gabi had to get along while living under the same roof, at least until Gabi could take Stefan for everything he was worth. Stefan stated that he didn’t believe Gabi would ever return to the mansion. On cue, Gabi walked through the door. E.J. excused himself and left Stefan and Gabi to talk.

Gabi questioned Stefan about his choice of Melinda for a divorce attorney. Stefan defended the decision, since he trusted Melinda. Gabi fired back that Melinda had a “schoolgirl crush” on Stefan, which made her easy for Stefan to manipulate. Stefan mused if Gabi had changed her mind about what she wanted from the divorce. Gabi claimed there was nothing left to discuss and said she’d come back to retrieve her belongings.

Gabi made an awkward exit upstairs to pack, while Stefan looked after her forlornly. Later, the duo shared what they vowed would be a “final” goodbye. Gabi cried and softly said to Stefan, “En otra vida, mi querido.” Stefan repeated the sentiment as Gabi touched his cheek. When Gabi turned to leave, Stefan teared up, as well.

At the Titan offices, Xander lambasted someone over the phone and angrily hung up. Kristen strolled in, and Xander snapped at her, as well. With a smile, she asked what Xander had been doing to free Brady. Xander testily responded that he’d done nothing and that he never would. An incredulous Kristen reminded Xander that with Rolf’s help, she could have Sarah “running the 5K by spring.” Xander called the proposal “intriguing,” but he wondered why he should believe a word out of Kristen’s mouth.

Xander refused to let Sarah become Dr. Rolf’s “guinea pig.” However, he had second thoughts after Kristen reminded him of other instances of Rolf’s “genius” throughout the years. Xander insisted that Kristen take him to the lab so he could see for himself, but Kristen believed Xander would take the opportunity to have “thugs” break into the lab and steal the serum. She made a counteroffer to provide Xander and Sarah access to lab data in exchange for Sarah recanting her statement against Brady. Xander balked at the suggestion, and Kristen essentially told him to take it or leave it.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Sarah attempted to pick up a toy from her wheelchair. She grew upset when she could not reach it. Fiona watched from the doorway, with a guilty expression. Sarah’s frustration increased after the phone rang and she couldn’t pick it up. Fiona approached, retrieved the toy, and gave it to a crying Victoria.

Fiona then comforted Sarah, who confessed that she’d sent the servants away so that she could prove to herself that she could take care of her daughter alone. Sarah felt she was “failing the test,” but Fiona rebuffed the claim and commended Sarah on the “remarkable” way Sarah had been navigating her circumstances. Sarah, in turn, thanked Fiona for all the support she had provided and for not judging Sarah about her lie to the police. Sarah assured Fiona that she never would have told the lie if she'd had any doubt that Brady had been the driver.

Fiona granted Sarah’s request for alone time with Victoria. As she left the room, she overheard Sarah softly crying. Fiona walked away guiltily. Later, Xander arrived home and hurried to Sarah when he noticed her demeanor. Sarah told him about the incident with the toy and admitted that she felt “helpless.” She then chastised herself for the self-pity and asked Xander not to give her a “pep talk."

Xander (Paul Telfer) alerted Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) to Kristen's proposition.
Xander (Paul Telfer) alerted Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) to Kristen's proposition.

Sarah said she’d have to deal with her new reality, but Xander suggested that things didn’t have to be as they had been. Xander hesitantly told Sarah about Dr. Rolf’s potential cure, and she responded with intense skepticism. Xander claimed that Kristen had shown him promising data, but he admitted there was a catch. Sarah’s skepticism and doubt grew after Xander disclosed Kristen’s caveat about freeing Brady. Xander pledged that he would leave the decision to Sarah and raised the possibility of calling E.J., if that was what Sarah wanted.

Later, E.J. strode into the mansion and assumed that Sarah and Xander wanted to discuss the hearing scheduled for the next day. He told the couple about Brady’s potential plea deal and assured them that justice would be served. Xander cautioned E.J. not to get ahead of himself, which raised E.J.’s ire. The displeasure intensified after Sarah said she wanted to recant her statement.

Sarah told a skeptical E.J. that she was no longer sure she could identify Brady and even suggested that her memory might have been a dream. E.J. quickly derailed Sarah and Xander’s plan by announcing that he would not accept Sarah’s amended statement.

At the police station, Eric updated Brady on Holly’s impending visit with Nicole. Eric worried that E.J. had already successfully poisoned Holly against her mother, and Brady griped about the extent of E.J.’s recent bad behavior. Brady filled Eric in on the upcoming plea hearing and reaffirmed his intention to plead guilty. When Brady mentioned that his guilty plea would come with a ten-year prison sentence, Eric exclaimed that Brady couldn’t take the deal. Brady was sorry for the negative impact the sentence would have on his family, but he remained steadfast in his decision.

Brady opened up about how he felt he’d “squandered” the gift of Daniel’s heart. Eric reassured his brother that Brady still had time to make amends, and he urged Brady to stop punishing himself. Brady was unsure if he could ever get past his guilt.

Later, Brady was surprised at his next visitor in the interrogation room: Fiona. Brady asked Fiona why she was there, as he’d thought they’d already said goodbye. Fiona sat down and declared that things had changed, since she’d believed at the time that Brady would be a free man. Brady expressed confusion, and Fiona added that she had a confession to make. She began talking about the mistakes she’d made with Xander, and she prepared to come clean.

Before Fiona could confess, Kristen burst into the interrogation room. When she saw Fiona holding Brady’s hand, Kristen demanded, “Who the hell are you?” Fiona introduced herself as Xander’s mother and then claimed she’d visited Brady so she could tell him that she hoped he ended up in prison for a long time. After Fiona walked out, Kristen was incredulous at the woman’s audacity. Brady impatiently reminded Kristen that she shouldn’t be at the station, either.

Kristen beamed and pronounced that Brady would be leaving the station with her soon, as a free man. Brady warned Kristen to give up on her plan to harm Sarah, but Kristen corrected that Sarah would be thanking her before long. When Brady asked Kristen what she meant, she replied with a coy “You’ll see,” and she left. Brady was exasperated.

After leaving the station, Eric met with Roman at the Brady Pub and updated his father on Brady’s intention to plead guilty. Eric stated his firm belief that there was more to the story. He listed the discrepancies he’d found with Sarah and Xander’s stories and then surprised Roman with the revelation about Brady and Fiona’s affair. Roman picked up on Eric’s insinuation that Fiona might have been connected to the accident and suggested that his son ask Brady. Eric didn’t believe Brady would remember Fiona’s possible presence on the night of the accident, but he declared that he had another idea for getting the truth.

Later, Eric arrived at Small Bar and questioned the waiter who had served Brady before the accident. The waiter talked about Brady’s belligerent behavior and then piqued Eric’s interest by mentioning that a woman had left with Brady. Eric pulled up a photo of Fiona on his tablet and asked the waiter to confirm her identity. The waiter identified Fiona as the woman at the bar that night.

Eric seemed to be putting the pieces together, just as Fiona entered the restaurant.

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Edited by Lisa