Fiona confesses everything to Xander; Days of our Lives recap for Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Xander and Fiona have it out over the truth of her actions | Image Source: JPI Studios
Xander and Fiona have it out over the truth of her actions | Image Source: JPI Studios

Chanel was flipping through a magazine in a hospital bed when Johnny arrived. “What happened to you?” Johnny asked. “You’re not going to believe it. I somehow threw my back out,” Chanel said. Johnny thought about when he had walked onto the hospital set and seen Alex having sex with someone. Chanel told Johnny about how she had thrown her back out when she had bent over to tie her shoes.

“They had to cancel my love scenes with Alex today,” Chanel said. “I know. I heard,” Johnny said. When Chanel noted that she had not been able to even rehearse the scene, Johnny thought again about Alex on the hospital set. As Johnny started to say something, Alex walked into the room. “What’s going on, girl? How you feeling?” Alex asked. Chanel noted that she was groggy from the muscle relaxers, and she apologized.

“It’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re okay. I would have come to check on you sooner, but I had to do those scenes with Bonnie,” Alex said. Johnny asked about Alex’s good mood. With a smirk, Alex suggested that Bonnie’s good mood had rubbed off on him. When Alex noted that Kate would reschedule the love scenes, Chanel said the doctors had confirmed that she should be better in a day or two.

“Great! You guys will be undressing each other in no time,” Johnny said. “You don’t seem to be very excited about me and Alex getting back to work,” Chanel noted. Johnny explained that he did not want Chanel to rush back to work before she was ready. Alex wished Chanel well, and he left.

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“Johnny, you seem a little bit off,” Chanel said. Chanel asked what was wrong. “Nothing!” Johnny said. Johnny explained that he was tired from the first day of shooting. Still unsure, Chanel noted that she sensed some jealousy. “No! What’s to be jealous about? It’s not like you and Alex are actually having sex, right?” Johnny said.

Jada met up with Stephanie in the Brady Pub to talk. “I’m kind of freaking out,” Stephanie said. Alarmed, Jada asked what had happened. Stephanie admitted she had had sex with Alex. Jada grinned. “I am not judging, but I just thought you both agreed that you wouldn’t go there,” Jada said. “We did agree,” Stephanie confirmed. Jada asked for details, and Stephanie explained what had happened.

“Are you telling me you guys slept together on set in the hospital bed?” Jada asked. Stephanie said yes then grabbed her head with her hands. “What was I thinking?” Stephanie whispered. Jada noted that there was a history of chemistry between Stephanie and Alex. Stephanie argued that Alex had stressed that he only wanted to be friends. “I guess he changed his mind,” Jada said with a shrug. “I don’t know if he did,” Stephanie countered. Jada asked what had happened afterward. Stephanie explained that she had been forced to run off to deal with the PR crisis surrounding Hattie’s dismissal from the show.

“My whole job is containing fallout. So why am I so bad at doing it in my own life?” Stephanie said. Jada encouraged Stephanie to talk to Alex instead of her. “It’s not exactly a scandal, and hey, it might be the start of something great,” Jada said. Stephanie worried aloud that the tryst would ruin her friendship with Alex. “Then it wasn’t a very good friendship, was it?” Jada countered.

When Stephanie returned home, she ran into Alex in the hallway. “I was literally just texting you,” Alex said. Alex asked if they could talk, and Stephanie agreed. After Alex and Stephanie entered his apartment, Alex told her that he had not asked her to rehearse with him in an effort to sleep with her. “And neither was I,” Stephanie said. “I just got a little too caught up in the scene. A little too method,” Alex said with a chuckle. Alex noted that he understood why Johnny had been worried about Alex doing the scene with Chanel.

“Not that that would ever happen between her and I. It’s not like you and me,” Alex said. Stephanie and Alex agreed that they wanted to be friends. “It took us a very long time to get back to this place,” Alex noted. Stephanie acknowledged that their friendship was too important to risk over a physical relationship. “I guess I should probably let you get to bed then, huh?” Alex said. Stephanie nodded yes and fake yawned. Alex said goodnight. Stephanie smiled and said goodnight. Alex grabbed Stephanie and kissed her.

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny tucked Chanel into bed. “You coming to bed?” Chanel asked. “No. I’ve actually got a bunch of scenes I’ve got to block for tomorrow,” Johnny said. With a nod, Chanel asked Johnny to get her a pill. “What are husbands for, right?” Johnny said with a smirk.

Johnny went downstairs and poured a drink. “Can you believe it, Nonno? I walked in on my wife, my wife, having sex with her on-screen co-star. And what do they do? They act like nothing even happened. They lie right to my face. Mocking me. Humiliating me. I was gonna confront her at the hospital, when I realized there wasn’t any point. It’s not like she would admit it,” Johnny said to Stefano’s portrait. Johnny said he resented that Chanel had made him feel like a fool for having felt jealousy. “I was right, damn it!” Johnny yelled as he hurled his glass into the foyer.

At the Salem Inn, Leo was working on a script when there was a knock at the door. Leo opened it and yelled, “Hattie! No, no, no, no, no!” Leo yelled that he was on a deadline. There was another knock, and Leo yelled that Hattie had already threatened his life. “It isn’t Hattie. It’s Dr. Evans,” Marlena yelled through the door. Leo was hesitant to believe it was Marlena. After Marlena answered a couple questions, Leo let her inside.

“I thought you were Hattie! She was incensed with me over these death scenes I wrote,” Leo said. Leo complained that the show was stressing him out. Marlena said she was there because Abe had asked her to talk to Leo. Leo asked Marlena to finish Hattie’s scenes. Marlena refused. “It’s just one scene,” Leo said. “Why didn’t Abe ask me about this?” Marlena countered. Leo noted that because Marlena had rejected Abe once, Abe had thought that Marlena might be more receptive to a request from Leo.

“It will take all of an hour. The set is down the hall from your office. We can do this on your lunch break,” Leo said. “You just don’t quit, do you?” Marlena said. Leo noted that his strengths were persistence and being annoying. “Plus, the fans will go ballistic if they don’t get to see Charlemagne plunge to her untimely death,” Leo added. Leo asked Marlena to agree as a favor to him.

“I don’t want to do this,” Marlena reiterated. “I know you don’t,” Leo said. Leo argued that if Marlena helped him, he would spend less time talking to her about his failed career as a writer when the show tanked. “I am immune to manipulation. That’s what I do for a living. So, this emotional blackmail will not work on me,” Marlena said. Leo suggested a bribe. With a sigh, Marlena admitted that in all the time they had spent arguing, they could have filmed the scene. “I concede,” Marlena said. “Was that a yes?” Leo asked in disbelief. Marlena said yes, but she refused to do more than one scene.

In the interrogation room at the police station, a stunned Brady told Eric that he remembered that Fiona had been driving the car the night of the accident. Brady told Eric everything that he remembered, and he theorized aloud that Fiona had moved him into the driver’s seat.

“All this time, I thought I was guilty. I was ready to go to prison for a decade,” Brady said. “Thank God you remembered. Just in the nick of time. In another twelve hours, you would have accepted that plea,” Eric said. Brady thanked Eric for pushing him to remember. “My father, he fought tooth and nail for me from the beginning, even when I didn’t want to fight for myself,” Brady said. Brady noted that if Eric had not jogged his memory, he likely would not have remembered anything from that night.

“I’m sorry that Fiona betrayed you the way that she did,” Eric said. “The crazy thing is, I actually cared about her,” Brady confessed. Brady admitted that Fiona had encouraged him not to go to the police. “And when she came to visit me, she told me she had something to confess,” Brady added. Eric noted that if Fiona had wanted to confess, she would have. As Brady started to explain that Kristen had interrupted Fiona, he groaned. Brady told Eric that Kristen had a plan to free him.

“Stop worrying about Kristen. We’re going to get you out of here,” Eric said. Eric vowed that Fiona would pay for her crime. After a moment, Brady wondered aloud why Sarah had told the police that she had remembered that Brady was behind the wheel. “I talked to Sarah. She had no idea that you and Fiona were even together,” Eric said. Eric told Brady not to worry about Sarah until after Brady was freed from police custody. “We need to get Fiona behind bars where she belongs,” Eric said.

When Jada returned to the station, Brady and Eric told her about their revelations. “And you’re absolutely sure your memory of the account is correct, Brady?” Jada asked. “100%,” Brady said. Jada argued that she needed more evidence, and Eric advised Jada to speak with Fiona and Sarah. “I believe you’ll find all the proof you need,” Eric said.

Eric called Marlena, and he asked her to meet him at the police station. “There’s some good news that Brady and I want to share,” Eric said. After Eric’s call, Brady said he was unsure whether they should tell anyone, but Eric insisted. “I have no doubt that all the charges against you are gonna be dropped,” Eric said.

After a moment, Eric wondered aloud if Xander had known about Fiona’s guilt the whole time. “He was so angry, Eric. He literally wanted to kill me. No, he had no idea,” Brady said. “Well, he’s gonna find out the hard way,” Eric said. When Marlena arrived, she celebrated the good news with Eric and Brady. With a sad smile, Brady said he felt relieved.

“You know, I understand why Sarah was so confused. She said that the person she saw behind the wheel, she thought was somebody she knew, ao I assumed it was you. I’m so sorry,” Marlena said. Brady shook his head no, and he thanked Marlena and Eric for their support. “I’m relieved it wasn’t me that put [Sarah] in that chair. But now I have to stay the course, and I’ve got to stay in treatment. I just want to make the most of this second chance that I’ve been given,” Brady said.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Fiona pushed Sarah’s wheelchair out of the bedroom as Sarah struggled to stop her. Fiona argued that Sarah was the only one that knew that Fiona had been the driver, and she intended to push Sarah down the stairs to silence her. Sarah grabbed the doorframe. “Please stop!” Sarah screamed. “Such a pity. But I’m sure no one will be the wiser,” Fiona said as she wrenched Sarah’s hand free from the door.

“Except for me,” Xander said as he grabbed the chair. “Thank God!” Sarah said. Xander demanded an explanation of why Fiona wanted to kill his wife. “She’s the one who put me in this chair! She doesn’t want anybody to find out,” Sarah said. A stunned Xander gaped at Fiona. Fiona pleaded with Xander to listen to her.

“No, you listen to me. Get away from her now!” Xander yelled. Xander shoved Fiona away from Sarah. Xander knelt beside Sarah, and he asked her what had happened. “Brady wasn’t driving,” Sarah said. Sarah told Xander that she remembered that Fiona had been behind the wheel. Xander asked Sarah if she was sure, and she said yes. “Besides, she admitted it,” Sarah added. Xander stood up, and he asked his mother if it was true.

“It’s true. I’m the one that hit Sarah,” Fiona confessed. “I don’t understand this. You were the one driving the car?” Xander asked. Baby Victoria started to cry, and Fiona offered to go check on her granddaughter. Xander stopped Fiona, and he asked Sarah to go. “My mother and I, we need a moment alone. Because before she tells the cops what happened, she’s gonna tell the whole story to me,” Xander said.

Xander escorted Fiona down to the living room to talk. “So, you’re telling me that after you hit Sarah and left her for dead, you just, you what, you dragged a drunken Brady into the driver’s seat and let him take the fall for you?” Xander asked. Fiona explained that she had been desperate. “It’s not as though I meant to hit Sarah. It was an accident,” Fiona said. Xander accused Fiona of having driven while drunk. Fiona countered that she had been far more sober than Brady. Xander scoffed at the defense.

“After it happened, I did stay with Sarah. I was going to call for help, really I was. I had my phone in my hand. And then you arrived. I’m not a monster. I would never have left her,” Fiona said. “But you did leave her there! You fled the scene! And pinned it on an innocent man. And then you made yourself completely indispensable to us, never once letting on that you were responsible for all of Sarah’s suffering,” Xander yelled. Xander reminded Fiona that he had almost murdered Brady. Xander called Fiona a coward.

When Fiona said she had lied because of Xander, he flinched. “You’re blaming me for this?” Xander asked. “Of course not. Xander, please, try and understand. You’re the only good thing that I ever had in my life. And I fouled it all up almost from the get-go,” Fiona said. Fiona admitted that she had been a terrible mother and that Xander had been better off without her in his life. “Is that what you told yourself?” Xander asked.

“I did. For every year that we were apart. And then when Sarah invited me to your wedding, I thought it would be my second chance. And it was a privilege to see you as a grown man, so handsome and so accomplished. And your lovely wife and sweet little Victoria, who is just as heavenly as you were,” Fiona said. Tears welled in Xander’s eyes, and he noted that he'd never realized he had taken after his mother.

“The liar. The reprobate,” Xander said. “Well, at least you’re not an addict. You were spared that. If only I could have resisted,” Fiona countered. Fiona explained that she had believed that if Xander knew she had relapsed, he would have never forgiven her. “I understand that addiction is an illness, one that you’ve struggled with your whole life. And so, yeah, you did what addicts sometimes do; you fell off the wagon. But you didn’t have to drive drunk. And you didn’t have to leave Sarah lying in the street. And you didn’t have to frame an innocent man!” Xander yelled. Xander told Fiona that he could not forgive her actions.

“Please, you have to understand how desperate I was, a lifetime of feeling bereft,” Fiona pleaded. “I might be more inclined to feel something for you, Mum, if I hadn’t just walked in on you trying to murder the love of my life!” Xander countered. Fiona argued that she had not planned to go through with it. “I know myself! I wouldn’t have done it!” Fiona yelled. Xander did not believe her. Fiona said she had not been thinking clearly. “A lifetime of excuses,” Xander whispered. Fiona admitted that she was ashamed of her behavior.

“I’m just surprised that all that shame hasn’t compelled you to, oh, I don’t know, cut and run. Isn’t that what you usually do?” Xander asked. “I should have,” Fiona whispered. Fiona told Xander that she had not been able to lose her son a second time. “You’re gonna have to bear it, Mum. Because you have lost me now. For good,” Xander said. Fiona broke down in tears.

After a moment, Xander noted that he did not feel the same rage against Fiona as he had for Brady. “Because this isn’t just rage. It’s shock and disgust, heartache, shame. Never in my life did I think I’d have to call the cops on my own mother,” Xander said. Jada walked in. “You don’t have to,” Jada said. Jada said she knew everything, and she arrested Fiona.

Sarah rolled her wheelchair into the room, and she watched Jada handcuff Fiona. “I thought I was doing a good deed by having you come to Salem. I trusted you with my daughter. I was grateful to you. What an idiot I am,” Sarah said. “I’m so, so sorry,” Fiona said. “Not as sorry as I am,” Xander muttered. “Believe it or not, I really do love you,” Fiona said to Xander and Sarah. Jada guided Fiona out of the house.

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Edited by Lisa