Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

Monday, July 12, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

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Carrie tells Austin that she believes they can get their love back. Austin is unhappy with her for pushing the idea of counseling on him when he knows she is still in love with Mike. Carrie says that she never would have slept with Mike if he hadn't pushed her away. She says this all started when Sami lied to him about Lucas hitting Will. Carrie says Sami lied so she could draw him into her web and they could live a happy little life together. Austin tells Carrie that she's still doing it, she is still blaming Sami for all their problems, and her affair! Carrie says that it was not an affair, it only happened once. Austin says that still doesn't make it right. Carrie knows she hurt him and asks if they can't try to fix the mistakes she's made. Austin says that he will agree to counseling, but she has to quit her job. Carrie says the hospital needs her right now, and her relationship with Mike is only professional. Austin says that he's heard that before, and their marriage is a farce, just like Nicole and Lucas'. Austin asks her to sign the papers, but Carrie refuses until they try to save their marriage. Austin says it is over.

Sami is looking through a family photo album. She says that she knows she's dreaming, but she still wishes she, Austin, and Will could be a family. Lucas shows up at the door and tells Sami that he's here to take Will home. Lucas walks inside and Sami refuses to let him take Will. Lucas tells her that she doesn't have a choice, he has soul custody of Will. Sami says that is because he coerced Nicole into marriage, that is the only reason he married her, he would do anything to get Will. Lucas says she would too, and asks Sami to admit that he never hit Will.

Sami says he almost killed Will by kidnapping him while driving drunk, but Lucas says this is all her fault for lying, she started the ball rolling. Sami says she and Austin will challenge custody, but Lucas says he has everything on his side. Sami gives him a look, and Lucas sees that the old Sami is back. Lucas tells Sami that Austin is just her friend, he doesn't love her and never will. Lucas had hoped her near death experience would have changed her. Sami says it has, and he has no idea what it is like to look death in the face. Lucas says he hopes he doesn't until he's an old man, and his offer to share custody with her still stands. Lucas asks her if she wants peace, or war?

Sami says she will not rest until she gets her son back. Lucas says he is sorry he ever saved her life, and he should have listened to his mom. Sami tells him that he confessed because of his guilty conscious. Chelsea brings Will down and Lucas and says he's leaving. Sami wants to say goodbye to Will privately, and Chelsea asks Lucas to call next time and she'll have his things packed. Lucas says there probably won't be a next time. Lucas takes Will and leaves. After he is gone, Sami vows to prove his marriage to Nicole is a sham, or that he really killed Lucas.

Bo demands Stefano tell him where "Hope" is. Stefano says he doesn't know what he's talking about. Bo tells Stefano that he knows he changed her into Princess Gina the night of her accident. Bo tells her that she has been different ever since, and now she's disappeared after flipping out at John and Marlena's wedding reception. Stefano asks what she said, but Bo says he knows what she said because he engineered it. Stefano says he had no part in this, but Bo knows he went to Europe to meet "Hope." Stefano says he was on a business trip, and has nothing to do with "Hope's" disappearance. Stefano says it sounds like Hope is going through a break down.

In Hawaii, the cost guard tells Marlena that they are searching for John, but there is no sign of him yet. Marlena tells him that she knows he's still alive. The coast guard says a storm is coming and they have to delay the search, which upsets Marlena. He hands her his binoculars to watch the surf while he talks with his men. Marlena wonders why John had to be a hero, and then we see flashbacks of John rescuing Marlena so many times. Marlena asks God not to take him from her now. Marlena calls Bo, who is still on Stefano's jet, and she tells him that John has disappeared. Bo asks how long he has been gone? Marlena says its been a few hours. She tells him that John went into the water to save a woman, and never returned. Bo tells her that he's on his way.

Back on the jet, Stefano asks if something is wrong? Bo tells him that it is none of his business. He tells him that he will be back and deal with him later. Bo leaves and Rolf shows up. They wonder what Gina is up to and where she is. Rolf says he wishes he knew what happened on the hillside when he was knocked out. Stefano wonders what Gina is up to, and says Gina will pay dearly if she has betrayed him. Stefano say it will be the end of Princess Gina and Hope Williams Brady.

On the sub, John is amazed that Gina got the sub without him. They kiss and Gina asks John to make love to her. John picks Gina up and carries her to the bed, but then he stops and says they can't pick up where they left off. Gina asks why not? John says that he is not the John Black she knew and loved, and he knows she's not Princess Gina. John tells her that they have to assume new identities and disappear with Greta. John asks her where they are, and Gina tells him that they are off the coast of Hawaii, and he's been unconscious ever since she rescued him from Stefano. Gina remembers when Stefano told her that he used John for another assignment.

John tells Gina that Stefano drug him and took him out of Europe, he was going to turn him into someone else to get revenge on a family he hated. John laughs when he thinks that Stefano was going to turn him into Roman Brady, though he never says his name. John says the last thing he remembered is being strapped down and Rolf was about to implant him with new memories. John asks Gina how she found him? Gina says that she threatened Rolf, and then called in some favors before Rolf turned him into Roman. John asks her who Roman is? Gina says she saw the name at the dossier on a file at Rolf's lab, which was located in San Diego. John asks what day it is, and Gina shows him a paper from 1985, it's July 12th. John looks out the periscope and says a storm is on its way, so they should dive deep and set the auto pilot. John also says he needs fuel, and asks if she has food. Gina says you'll see, and then asks what will happen if Stefano finds them? John doesn't think he will, but if he does, he'll kill him. Later, Gina sets up a seductive little scene, including dinner for a hungry John. John tells her to hell with dinner, and the two kiss. John feeds Gina some caviar, then pours champagne on her and licks it off. The two then go at it on the bed.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

Tuesday, July12, 1998, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Sami tells Austin how hard it was giving Will back to Lucas. Austin apologizes and says he should have been here for her. Austin and Sami decide to work together to prove Lucas and Nicole's marriage is a fake. Sami then asks Austin how his talk with Carrie went? Austin says that Carrie won't sign the papers until they try counseling, even though he wants a divorce now. Sami tells Austin that he should give counseling a chance. Austin wonders what the point in prolonging it is, but Sami says she knows he would kick himself later on if he didn't give it his all. Sami asks Austin if he would take Carrie back if she promised never to see Mike again. Austin doubts that will happen, and then tells her that Mike is being sued by Ali. Still, Sami tells Austin he should still try counseling, or he might always wonder what might have been. Austin tells Sami that she is right and he will do it.

Carrie runs into Ali. Ali tells Carrie that she passed the exam, so her lawsuit against Mike is now a lock. Carrie accuses her of lying, but Ali says she is not lying. Ali tells her that Mike is going to be in some deep you no what, and she can't put a PR spin on this because she will be part of the scandal. Carrie tries to leave, but Ali grabs her and accuses her of stealing Mike away from her. Carrie tells Ali that they weren't even close, they only went out a couple of times. As Ali is about to spill all, Claire shows up. Carrie tells Claire and Ali not to spends their millions yet because she will exonerate Mike. Claire suggests Carrie take the time she spends on Mike and spend it on her husband. After Carrie leaves, Claire tells Ali how proud she is of her. Claire tells Ali to keep her mind on the prize, the money. Ali is upset with her mom, who only wants the money because Ali's dad lost their money on bad investments.

Mickey and Mike are talking about Ali's exam, and how she passed. Mickey reads the doctors report, which blames Ali's problem on Mike's rejection of her. Mike thinks she fooled the doctor, but Mickey says that she was tested by three doctors. Mike asks what he should do, and Mickey suggests he settle out of court. Mike refuses because that would be accepting defeat. Mickey tells him that if he goes to court, the prosecution could use his affair with Carrie to prove a pattern of using women he works with. Mike refuses to settle and wants to fight all the way, as long as Carrie doesn't get hurt. Carrie shows up to see Mike, but Mickey wants to talk with her too. Mickey tells them that they have to keep their relationship strictly professional. Mickey leaves, and Carrie tells Mike that she knows about Ali. Mike tells her that he doesn't want her to be apart of the fight, he doesn't want her to get hurt. Carrie wants to help him, but Mike asks her if she is ready for Ali and Claire to come after her with full force. Carrie says that she is ready to do battle with Ali. She tells Mike that she is ready to fight with him, she will always be there for him.

Mickey goes to Salem Place and is confronted by Claire. Claire tells him that she was hoping they would run into one another, because she has an offer to make him. Meanwhile, Ali continues to shop and says she doesn't care about the money, she is out for revenge on Carrie. Ali spots Sami and realizes that she could be Ali's little helper.

Rolf shows up and tells Stefano that wherever Gina went, she didn't use her "Hope" passport. Stefano can't believe that Gina is traveling Europe as Gina Von Amberg, but Rolf says she may not be in Europe at all. Stefano says of course she is, that is where she was supposed to meet him. Then he finally realizes that Gina has betrayed him, and he will find her. Stefano makes some calls to have his men search for Gina. Stefano remembers how quickly Bo rushed out of his jet and he must have something to hide. He remembers the phone call and how Bo asked "How long has he been gone?" Stefano wonders what is going on, and where Gina is. Stefano wonders if Gina hit Rolf in the forest as part of her own plan, which does not include him. Rolf remembers another time when Gina caused a scene after John left. In the flashback, Gina told Rolf that she was completely alone, and she wanted Rolf to find someone to replace her. Rolf tells Stefano that he fears the current Gina might be deteriorating the same way. Stefano gets a call from Bart, who has information on Bo. Bart tells Stefano that Bo went to Hawaii, where John and Marlena are honeymooning. The pieces fall into place and Stefano realizes John is the missing person. Stefano tells Rolf that he's starting to think Gina and John's relationship was more than professional. Stefano gets another call from Bart, who tells Stefano about John's disappearance while trying to save a woman. Stefano realizes that Marlena must have been the person who called Bo, and maybe John and Gina are together.

In Hawaii, there is a knock at Marlena's door and she races to it, thinking it is John. It's only Bo, and a tearful Marlena throws her arms around him. Marlena explains to Bo how John went missing, and how long he's been gone. Bo tells her that John has made it out of tight spots before, he'll make it out of this one. When Bo learns that neither John nor the woman's bodies have washed ashore, he puts two and two together. Bo tells Marlena that Hope is missing as well. Marlena asks him if he thinks that they are together? Bo says that Stefano has transformed Hope back into Gina, which explains her recent behavior. Bo tells her that Gina was in love with John, and he thinks Hope might have orchestrated John's disappearance. Marlena doesn't think is true, but Bo says that his gut tells him that John and Hope are together, and DiMera is responsible. Marlena fears that if his theory is right, she may never see John again. Bo promises Marlena that he will find both John and Hope, and he races out of her room. Bo returns shortly and tells her that the storm is too bad to allow him to search for John and Hope. Bo asks Marlena if John has had anymore flashbacks recently? Marlena tells him yes, John even tried to strangle Stefano. Bo thinks that Stefano was afraid John was getting his memory back, so he decided he had to control John again to save himself. Marlena realizes that Gina may have finally gotten John, and then she damns Stefano.

Gina and John have finished their roll in the hay, and Gina says it was definitely worth the wait. John is manning the sub, and Gina wants him to come back to bed. John says he can't take a chance that Stefano will find them, and Gina tells him that he worries too much, nobody will find them. John tells Gina how worried he was about her when Stefano was holding him captive because he said she was very ill. Gina says she lost her spirit when he was taken from her. John tells her that she had to know he'd come back for her, but Gina says there were others who didn't want them together. John demands to know who these people are? He says he wants a list. Gina says it was just all the suitors who pursued her thinking that she was available.

John tells her that nobody will keep them apart, he would kill for her. They talk about their past and the thrills. John says they will have to give that life up, but he has other private, and dangerous, plans for them. John tells her that he's tired of playing a good guy, he wants to be bad. Gina tells John to marry her and make an honest woman out of her. John says okay, he'd like to settle down with her and Greta. He asks Gina where Greta is because they can go pick her up. Gina tells him that they can't! Gina says that she moved Greta to a safer location, and she doesn't want Stefano to find her. Gina says they can get her soon, but now it is John and Gina time. John says he needs to work off some of this food, so Gina leads him back into the bedroom, where Gina puts on Rapture, and then they go at it again.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

Wednesday, July 14, 1999

by Marcia Elgart

Ali spots Sami, so she pretends to be crying and accidentally run into Sami. Sami asks Ali if she can help her? Ali tells Sami that she had an ugly run-in with Carrie earlier. Ali says that she thinks Carrie is afraid Mike isn't over her yet, so she's trying to ruin his career. Sami tells Ali that she is the one who is running Mike's career by suing him. Ali says she had no other choice, Mike tried to get rid of her. Sami says that it isn't sexual harassment if someone breaks up with you. Ali tells Sami the whole story, how Mike promised her the job to get her into bed, and Carrie talked Mike out of giving her the job. Sami tells Ali that she knows Carrie has been obsessed with Mike for some time.

Austin finds Carrie with Mike in Mike's office. Carrie tells Austin that they were discussing the law suit. Austin advises Mike to settle out of court. Mike thinks Ali will drop her suit, and Carrie says Ali is full of lies and the court will realize that. Mike has to leave because he's beeped, and Austin tells Carrie that she's unbelievable. He says she tells him that she wants to work on their marriage, yet she won't stop working for Mike. Carrie says she's not working for Mike, actually for the hospital. Austin believes Ali and says the hospital would be better if he left.

Carrie says Ali is lying, but Austin asks why Ali would make up a lie like Mike sleeping with her and dumping her? Carrie tells him to ask Sami, she's the expert! Austin tells Carrie not to drag Sami into this. Carrie apologizes because she forgot Sami was a saint now. Carrie tells Austin that maybe he's the one who needs to wake up. Carrie tells Austin that he's been caught up in lies before, but this time it's Ali's lies. Nancy goes to see Carrie and tells her that Mike really needs her. Carrie asks Austin to wait for her, she'll be right back.

Craig and Nancy are gossiping about Mike and his career, which is over. Nancy wonders what will happen if Mike settles out of court? Craig says that can't happen, he has to go to court and lose so he can become COS. Later, Craig goes around the hospital complimenting all the doctors and nurses on the great jobs they are doing. Craig talks with Mike to find out his next move. Mike says he's going to court. Mike leaves and Nancy tells Craig that they have a problem, the board is going to press Mike into settling out of court. Craig says maybe not, and says he has a plan. Nancy does as he tells her to do, and later says they should sit back and watch the fireworks.

Carrie goes into the hospital corridor and finds the media there questioning Mike. Carrie steps in and tries to save Mike, but the reporters are relentless.

Greta, Billie, and Eric are at the Cheatin Heart playing pool, and Greta hustles Eric. Brandon is at the pub and sees Greta, and he recalls Nicole telling him that she was a daughter of a princess. Brandon offers to buy her a beer, but she says no thanks. Eric approaches Brandon, who can't believe every time he meets a lady she is with him. Brandon then introduces himself as Nicole's brother. Eric says Nicole never mentioned him, but he's not surprised because Nicole seemed to be good at keeping secrets. Brandon finally meets his sister-in-law, Billie. Brandon tells her that he's living at the Kiriakis mansion, they just seem to be missing one another. Later, Greta and Brandon dance the two-step.

In Hawaii, the coast guard tells Bo that they can't search for John until the storm passes. In her room, Marlena remembers Stefano wishing her happiness with John, and "Hope" asking Marlena to forgive her for the way she's acted the past few months. There is a knock at Marlena's door, and when she answers it, it's Stefano! Marlena demands to know what he has done with her husband. Stefano waltzes in and says he has no idea where John was, he didn't even know she was in Hawaii. Marlena remembers blurting it out at the reception, and says "Hope" must have heard it and told him.

Stefano says that Hope told him nothing. Marlena asks Stefano if "Hope" followed them here to lure John away from her? Stefano doesn't know why she would say such a thing. Marlena knows he set this up and says she will spend the rest of her life paying him back. Bo shows up and is furious to see Stefano. Stefano tells Bo that he is here to help find John. Bo gets a laugh out of that, and then threatens to rip his lungs out if he doesn't tell him where John and Hope are. Stefano says that he has no idea where they are, and tracked Bo here after learning he went to Hawaii and that John has gone missing. Bo starts talking about Gina, and Stefano says that there was no transformation, and Hope went to Europe according to her letter. Bo says that Hope never left the US. Stefano swears that he does not know where they are, but he will use his influence to find them.

Stefano leaves and Marlena tells Bo that Stefano was telling the truth. She said Stefano was nervous, he doesn't have a clue where John and Hope are. Bo reminds her that she's no longer Hope, she's Gina. Bo says that if Stefano doesn't know the truth, Gina has obviously double crossed Stefano, who was planning to turn John back into his pawn. Bo thinks that Stefano's plan failed, but Gina's went off without a hitch. Bo thinks that Gina and John are hiding somewhere, and Stefano really is trying to find them. Bo then tells her the crazy part, Hope is having the real Gina's memories and feelings for John. Marlena says John is in love with her, and he'll get away from her. Bo says that John may not be the man who married her, he may have been brainwashed back into Father John, the man who loved Gina. Marlena asks Bo if he thinks they are lost to them? Bo says no, but they have to find them before DiMera does. Marlena takes a walk on the beach and sees a man and a woman who have found a pair of pants in the surf She runs over to them and realizes that they are John's pants, they are bloody and torn.

John tells Gina that all they have to do is get their money, pick up Greta, and head to Paris. John asks for the compact, and Gina realizes she left it behind. John asks her how she could be so stupid! John says they have to go back for it, but Gina says they can't. John says that it was more than a compact, it held a key to the safe deposit box in Paris. John says it doesn't matter, he will get the money some other way. When Gina falls asleep, John sneaks out of bed. Gina wakes up and finds him gone. John returns with some champagne and food, when suddenly the sub hits something. John runs to the control deck and says that the sub is descending for some reason. He asks her to man the controls while he checks the engine. Gina realizes that John is putting himself at risk in order to save her. John kisses her and tells her that he loves her. John manages to fix the problem, but they have to head to the surface so he can further work on the engine.

Stefano boards a boat and screams that he's coming for Gina and John, and they are going to pay! The show ends with John heading up to the deck of the sub and coming face to face with Stefano!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

Thursday, July 15, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

As Bo learns that Stefano is still in Hawaii, Marlena is talking to the coast guard who informs her there have been shark sightings recently. Marlena returns to her room, where she starts crying on Bo's shoulder. She can't believe that he is gone, but it is apparent that the woman he went out to save dragged him down under water and they both drowned. Marlena needs some time alone, so she walks along the beach, remembering John's poem to her, and another time in Hawaii when they were so happy. As she's sitting on the beach, she spots something in the water.

Stefano has pulled a gun on John, and he carefully lowers himself into the sub. Gina is shocked to see Stefano, and John enters right after. Stefano puts two and two together and realizes that his two best operatives are lovers. As they are talking, Gina secretly gets a knife and hands it to John behind his back. John walks up to Stefano, who is still holding them at gunpoint and starts to battle with the old man. The gun goes off, but no one is hurt. John tells Stefano to look into his eyes because it will be the last thing he sees before he goes to hell. John stabs Stefano, who sinks to the ground, gasping for breath. John turns to kiss Gina, and misses the two henchmen that have arrived. They scuffle with John and Gina, but Stefano shouts that he will take care of them. Seems John has gotten soft with his love for Gina, because the "Old John" would never leave an enemy without verifying he's dead. As John is getting beaten up, he is able to relay a message to Gina: find the note he wrote her in Paris, that will tell her where to meet him. The henchmen beat John until he's unconscious and drag him to the top of the sub. They transfer him to a speed boat, and toss him overboard, with blood smeared all over him. John is face-first in the ocean, unconscious.

Meanwhile, Stefano is furious with Gina and tells her that she will never see John again. Gina cries out, "NO!."

Marlena has a hopeful look in her eye and starts shouting John's name. She rushes into the ocean and holds onto John, who has washed up ashore, still unconscious.

At Salem Place, Ali continues to berate Carrie to Sami, when Austin comes up. He tells Ali that even though she may not like her, she's still his wife and she should treat her with respect. Sami is not offering any defense of her sister, and Ali leaves to go back to work. Austin tells her to use the back door, because he just came from the hospital and there's press everywhere. Alone, Austin tells Sami he never got a chance to tell Carrie about the marriage counselor because she was with Mike. Sami tells him that he can't give up on working it out with Carrie. She further says that it's a good thing they never had children, because it would be tougher to work out their problems. Austin asks if she has time for coffee, and she says she does now that Marlena and John are on their honeymoon. Austin remembers his honeymoon with Carrie in Rome when they ran into Billie, Bo and Mike. Sami confesses to Austin that she arranged for Mike to be in Rome. Austin is shocked, but quickly forgives her, saying that she did not force Mike and Carrie to go to Vegas or sleep together. At the Java Cafe, the discussion turns to Will. Sami wants to get full custody, but Austin reminds her, she has no job, no marriage and Lucas is a multimillionaire with a wife. This gets Sami upset, because she does not think Nicole wants to be a stepmom. Sami decides to find out for herself exactly what Nicole plans to do about helping to raise Will. Sami arrives at the Kiriakis mansion, looking for Nicole.

The press is asking all sorts of embarrassing questions to Mike, when Carrie interjects that all questions should be directed to her. Carrie makes a statement that Ali is out for revenge because Mike did not return the feelings Ali had for him. The lawsuit is frivolous and it will come out that Ali is delusional. Ali has heard all this, and the press ask for her rebuttal. Ali says she is not doing this for the money, but for women around the world who are victimized by men who use their power to get what they want. Ali says that Mike used her then tossed her aside for his next conquest. Before Ali can name Carrie as the next conquest, Mike interjects saying that this is a hospital, not a talk show and for everyone to leave. Ali goes to the other nurses on staff and says that if they side with her, they may have trouble with their bosses and their jobs. Mike hears this and assures the staff that no matter whose side they are on, there would be no repercussions.

Meanwhile, Craig and Nancy are quite pleased with themselves for orchestrating the press, but are concerned about the good job Carrie did in defending Mike. Claire arrives and tells Mickey that they have until today to accept her offer. Claire interrupts Ali, who is talking to a reporter who wants an exclusive interview. Ali is loving all the attention that the press is giving her, but Claire tells her that Mickey is about to settle for a hefty amount. Ali is P.O.'d because she wants to go to trial and make sure that Carrie is hurt in the process.

In Carrie's office, she's venting to Nancy about how much a liar Ali is. Nancy poses the question that perhaps Ali is not lying, and Carrie wonders if there is something Nancy is not telling her about Mike and Ali's relationship. Nancy says nothing, and Carrie keeps defending Mike, saying if there was more to their relationship, Mike would have told her.

In Mike's office, Mickey is urging Mike to settle, but he won't because that would be an admission of guilt. Well, Mickey says, then you'd better 'fess up to Carrie about your whole relationship with Ali, because it would look bad if the COS is keeping secrets from his PR director. Mike sighs and says that he'll tell Carrie everything.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 12, 1999 on DAYS

Friday, July 16, 1999

by Carolyn Tong

Brandon is taking a dip in the Kiriakis pool, while Nicole lounges on a chair, soaking up with summer rays. She's bummed that Lucas is going to be away that evening, so she will be stuck with Will. Sami overhears this and call her on the fact that Nicole does not want to be a stepmother to her son. Nicole is shocked that Sami is there, and Sami continues to berate Nicole for having a sham of a marriage to Lucas so that he'd get custody. At this point Brandon walks up and Sami wonders who he is. Nicole informs her that Brandon is her brother. Sami is surprised, and lays into Nicole about how much Lucas must have paid her to marry him. She goes further saying that she and Eric were the ones that gave Nicole the big break, and she repays them by betraying their friendship. Brandon is intrigued about his sister's actions, but does not say anything. Nicole finally has had enough and demands that Sami leave her house. Nicole goes up to change, leaving Sami and Brandon alone. Brandon says that Sami has a lot of strong emotions, and he likes that in a woman.

On the beach, Marlena screams for help when she finds John's body drifting in the water. Paramedics come on the scene and take John away in a stretcher, but not before they say they are concerned about all the blood loss. Marlena goes to the hospital, where Bo meets up with her....he heard about John through the coast guard's radio. The doctor comes out and says that John lost a lot of blood, but he's stable now. A relieved Marlena goes in to see her husband, but Bo questions the doctor. He wants to know how John could have survived. All the doc says is that it was a miracle. In his room, Marlena thanks God that he's alive, and notices that he has lost his wedding ring. As Marlena is talking to John, Bo comes in, and John begins to wake up. He sees Marlena, and wonders where he is. Marlena hugs him, and John says shouldn't they be on their honeymoon now.

In her office, Carrie reveals to Nancy her strategy for discrediting Ali by getting her college records and any other info. Nancy feels bad for Carrie, who is still defending Mike and asserting that Ali and Mike never slept together. The phone rings and it's Mike, who wants to talk to Carrie at the park. She leaves to meet him, and Nancy sighs that Carrie is the one being caught in the middle.

At the park, Mike reveals to Carrie that he was dating Ali and he did sleep with her but only once. Carrie is appalled at Mike's actions, and is furious that she has been painting Ali as delusional because she never had a relationship with Mike. But now, she admits that she now understands why Ali is feeling rejected. Mike tries to persuade her that he didn't know Ali was on the list for head nurse when they slept together and that he never used Ali. Carrie doesn't even want Mike to touch her and is beginning to doubt Mike innocence.

At the hospital, Craig hears that "Dateline" wants to do a story on Ali and her legal fight. Ali is ecstatic that people are listening to what she has to say. She decides that she needs an image consultant to give her a new look and wardrobe. As Ali continues to make plans for her 15 minutes of fame, Nancy comes up and is worried about Carrie. Craig tells her that its wonderful that Nancy cares about other people, but he hopes that Nancy will continue to support him. He then tells Nancy about Ali's press coverage and that things are going their way. However, Nancy is worried that something will go wrong.

On the sub, Stefano angrily calls Gina selfish and threatens to turn her back into "Hope." Gina is scared now, and just wants her life back. Which life, Stefano asks, the one with him or the one with John. Gina explains to Steffie about John: the real princess Gina fell in love with John. When Hope was transformed into Gina, she had none of Hope's memories, so she did not know that John was alive and in Salem. This time, when Stefano transformed her, she had both Hope and Gina's memories and feelings and had to contend with them every day. She just wants to be Princess Gina again, living in Europe, going to fabulous parties. Stefano is not buying it, and says that he really loved Gina. This prompts "Gina" to wonder what really happened to the real Princess Gina. Stefano does not say anything, so she switches tactics and wants to make things up to him. She removing her robe and offers to do anything. But, she also asks him not to punish John.

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Edited by SC Desk