Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

Monday April 27, 1998

by Soap Central

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Hope asks Celeste why she snatched the box away from her. Celeste says shewasn't honest when she told Hope she didn't know about her past at MaisonBlanche. Celeste says she was with Hope the entire four years watching herrecuperate from her injuries and have reconstructive surgery, and she justdidn't want to remind her of the painful memories. Hope says if that's thecase, there's no harm in looking in the box. The box contains an intricatewooden case with some expensive toiletry items, including a silver mirror andlipstick case. Hope puts on some lipstick and Celeste asks her if she'shaving a memory. Hope says she isn't, but she wonders where she got thesethings. Celeste says Gina was very important to Stefano and he gave hereverything she wanted. Hope pretends she believes Celeste that nothing elsehappened while she was at Maison Blanche. Celeste tells her it's best not totry to remember, and Hope pretends to agree. As soon as Celeste leaves, Hopesays she will never give up, but she will let Stefano and Celeste believe shedid.

Stefano stares at the picture of Hope with the Russian writing underneath. Hewonders if someone has been snooping, but decides that if Hope or Bo had foundthe picture, they would have taken it with them. Bart comes in and swearsthat he set the alarm every time he left, so no one could have come in.Stefano dismisses him and burns the picture, but he smiles as he remembers howfearless Gina was and how profitable their association was. He has a memoryof her putting on lipstick with the same kit that Celeste gave her. Celestecomes in and tells Stefano that she has convinced Hope to give up on findingout about her past. Stefano says she's done well, but if he needs herservices in the future, he hopes she knows better than to refuse. Celestestorms out without a word.

Bo walks in on Billie pretending to drink a martini. He is alarmed and asksher what's going on. Billie puts on an Oscar-winning performance, pretendingshe is so worried about the amniocentesis and the possibility of their babybeing harmed by her drug habit that she is driven to drink, since Bo is neveraround for her. Bo says he'll always be there, and Billie tells him to shutup, because she's heard it all before and obviously it isn't true. Shepretends to flip out and hurl her drink on the floor and break down sobbing.Bo holds her in her arms and can't see her smile of triumph that her plan isworking. Bo says he will be there for her more often and will go to the amniowith her tomorrow. Billie says she'll be fine with his support and tells himto leave her alone for a while. Bo leaves and Billie jumps for joy, mentallythanking Hope for giving her an idea of how to hold on to Bo. Bo heads over toMrs. Horton's house to talk to Hope. He tells her that Billie kicked him outand Hope asks exasperatedly, "What's she up to now?" Bo looks shocked atHope's cynicism.

John sees Roman and Marlena embracing and assumes they've decided to get backtogether. Before he can turn around and leave, Roman sees him and calls himout onto the terrace. They talk about Belle's condition and then Roman tellsJohn to stay, because they have something to tell him. John says he thinks heknows what it is and he doesn't want to hear it. A nurse comes and tellsMarlena that Belle is awake and asking for her and Marlena rushes off. Johnasks Roman if he forced the issue with Marlena and Roman says yes, but itisn't what John thinks. Roman tells John that he knows Marlena and Johnbelong together and he has decided to step aside. John is shocked andoverwhelmed at Roman's selflessness and nobility. They wish each other welland John goes to see Marlena and Belle, while Roman closes his eyes in pain.While John and Marlena feed Belle her ice cream and rejoice in being together,Roman heads over to a blues bar to drown his sorrows. He tells the bartenderthat the old saying about holding on to a person by letting them go is a lie.Just as he's feeling at his worst, he hears a woman say, "You look like youneed a friend." He turns and sees Billie standing beside him.

Mike asks Carrie if she's sure it was a good idea for them to agree to go todinner with board members Lewis and Winston. Carrie says of course it is -they have to strike while the iron is hot. She congratulates Mike on hismoving speech that totally turned them around. Mike says he's not lettinganyone intimidate him from trying to follow in Tom Horton's footsteps. Carriesays she's glad, because that way they can spend more time together. Sheleaves to see Austin and Craig Westley comes to congratulate Mike on hissuccessful suck-up speech. Mike tries to ignore him, but Craig asks how theboard members would react if they knew Mike was fooling with a married woman.Mike gets mad and says he and Carrie are just friends, and have been sincechildhood, that she is happily married to Austin and their only reason forspending time together is that she is running his PR campaign. Craig says heis so confident of winning the Chief of Staff position that he has moved hiswife to Salem.

Sami sees Austin working out at the punching bag and gloats that he isprobably venting his frustration over Carrie's time with Mike. She brings upthe subject to him, but Austin says he trusts Carrie completely. Sami saysCarrie will be especially busy with Mike now that the Intruder article hascome out. She shows the article to Austin and then tells him that Kate hasapproved her New Faces campaign. Austin wishes her luck, although he knowsshe got Kate's approval by using Vivian. He says that if her campaignsucceeds, maybe she'll leave him and Carrie alone. Sami swears she has notinterfered with them lately. She tells him that her interest is in Titan,since her son is one of Kate's heirs. She tells Austin how much Will misseshim, and Austin tells her she should work out her differences with Lucas forWill's sake. Sami asks Austin if he is thinking of taking up boxing again.Austin says no; as much as he enjoys working out, Carrie hates boxing and hewon't do it. He leaves to get a drink of water and Carrie arrives. She asksSami where Austin is, and Sami teases Carrie about her time spent with Mike.Carrie assures Sami that she is devoted to Mike's campaign. Austin shows upand embraces Carrie and says he is ready to shower and spend the entireevening with her. Carrie tells Sami to give them some privacy and then tellsAustin (while Sami eavesdrops) that she had to do damage control after theIntruder article was printed, and she and Mike are having dinner with twoboard members tonight. Austin is disappointed, but Carrie assures him she'llbe home early and they can spend the whole night together. Sami listens withglee and then makes a phone call and tells someone it's time to turn up theheat.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, April 28, 1998

by Soap Central

At the hospital, John and Marlena wait to bring Belle home. Marlena seesCarrie with Mike and comments to John that they are spending a lot of timetogether. John asks if that bothers her, and Marlena says she hopes itdoesn't bother Austin. John says Austin is secure and doesn't mind having awife who has a career. Marlena remembers times when Roman was called Mr.Evans and how well he always handled it. John goes to sign Belle's releasepapers and Carrie and Mike, dressed for dinner, come up to Marlena to askabout Belle. Marlena tells them that she and John are going to be together.Carrie is happy for her and says true love always wins out in the end. Sheasks Marlena if she's as happy as she should be and Marlena says yes, she'sjust stressed out about Belle being in the hospital. Carrie and Mike leavefor their dinner and John and Marlena take Belle home. They announce toChelsea and the children that they are going to be a family again. Everyonecongratulates them, and Chelsea and Brady take Belle up for her bath. Johnasks Marlena if she is having any second thought about being together.Marlena says no, and John says he won't move in tonight; he wants to make sureeverything is perfect. He leaves and says mysteriously that he will call herlater.

At Mrs. Horton's, Bo tells Hope that Billie is going through a very rough timewith her worry about the drug use affecting the fetus, and that he caught herabout to take a drink. Hope is in disbelief that Billie could be so recklessand tells Bo that his place is with Billie to make sure she does nothing toharm the baby. Bo says that he will be there for Billie, but he also wants tohelp Hope with her quest to find out more about Maison Blanche and her missingfour years. Hope says she can take care of herself, but Bo says he won't lether endanger her life by going up against Stefano alone. Bo sees the box onthe table and asks what it contains. Hope says it contains clues to her past.

At the piano bar, Billie orders a mineral water and Roman puts it on his tab.He tells Billie that he has just let Marlena go. Billie says she would neverbe able to give up the man she loved, and she thinks Roman is very noble to doso. Roman says he is not noble, just realistic. Billie tells him how worriedshe is that Bo's quest to help Hope find out about her past will get himkilled, and she will have to raise their baby without a father. Roman says heheard about how many times Billie saved Bo's life during the undercoveroperation and that she is a remarkable, brave woman. He reminds her that hehas firsthand knowledge from their time in Paris. They exchange smolderinglooks as they remember how they helped each other through the hard times inParis, and Billie says that things are really not much different now - neitherof them has the one they love.

Sami runs into Eric in Salem Place and comments on how handsome he looks.Eric says he is taking Nicole out to dinner. Sami throws a fit and says it'sbad policy to mix business with pleasure. Eric can't believe his ears, andpoints out that Sami is dating Franco, and her personal life is too screwed upfor her to be giving him advice. Sami tells Eric he wouldn't even have a jobif it weren't for her. Eric says he was waiting for her to pull a power playlike that and that she can keep her job. Sami realizes she was wrong and runsafter Eric and begs him not to quit. She promises she won't ever try thatagain. Eric says he wants his twin back, and that Sami needs to stopinterfering in people's lives. She promises she won't, and they hug. Ericheads over to meet Nicole. Sami sees Austin in Salem Place and contrives tobump into him. She asks him if he and Carrie will have a drink with her(knowing full well that Carrie is having dinner with Mike) so she can discussa problem she's having with Lucas and Will. Austin says Carrie can't come, soSami says she will talk to him alone, if it's all right. Austin asks where,and Sami says Chez Vous is just around the corner, knowing that's where Carrieand Mike are having dinner.

Someone knocks on Nicole's door and she opens it to find her angry landlordtelling her the rent is late - again. She says she'll have it tomorrow, buthe tells her if she can't come up with it now, she can move out. She showshim her modeling contract with Titan, and he reluctantly agrees to waitanother day. Nicole says to herself she can't wait until she doesn't have todeal with losers like him. She puts on her new dress and meets Eric at SalemPlace. He tells her she looks great and that he is taking her to Chez Vous,his father's favorite restaurant. She looks a little intimidated, but isexcited. They head over there and run into Austin and Sami, who are sittingin the bar. Nicole thanks Sami again for giving her such a great opportunity,but notices Sami is a little cold. She and Eric sit down to dinner and Erictells her Sami is just protective. He tells her a little of Sami's historywith Austin. Nicole says they should forget all that and drink to their newcareers.

At Chez Vous, Mike and Carrie are sitting down to dinner with the boardmembers, Lewis and Winston, when a drunk man comes up to Mike and loudlyaccuses him of killing his wife. Mike remembers the man, Mr. Collins, assomeone whose wife recently died as a patient at University Hospital. Hecalms the man down and refuses to let the restaurant call the police. Hetells Mr. Collins that he remembers his wife well, and that he knows the griefmust be overwhelming, but there was nothing anyone could do to save her. Hetells Mr. Collins to give him a call in the morning and he will recommend agrief counselor. The man calms down and starts crying and apologizing for thescene he made. Mike tells him it's all right, but he should make sure to callMike in the morning. Mike gets the restaurant to call him a cab, and the manleaves. Carrie, Winston, and Lewis are all impressed with how smoothly andcompassionately Mike handled the crisis. Lewis suggests they dance, andCarrie and Mike start dancing close. Just then, Sami and Austin walk in.Austin keeps noticing Carrie and Mike dancing, and Sami pretends she doesn'tsee them. She tells Austin that Lucas is turning into a drunk and she isworried that it might be affecting Will. Austin doesn't know whether tobelieve her, but says he will check it out. Meanwhile, Carrie and Mike startreminiscing about their dance on the hilltop in LA while Austin watchesjealously. The dinner ends on a positive note, with Lewis and Winstonpromising they will do this again when the board has narrowed down itschoices. Carrie congratulates Mike on how well he handled the dinner, and hetells her he is glad she was there. Austin comes up to them and asks howthings went. Carrie says it was great, and Austin tells her it's time to gohome. She says good night to Mike and they leave. Mike is obviouslyunsettled.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, April 29, 1998

by Soap Central

John calls Marlena and tells her that he wishes they had known each other whenthey were younger, so he's recreating a date as if they were in high school.He tells her to meet him and she dresses in a ponytail and fifties clothing,while John dresses in a leather jacket, jeans, and T-shirt and drives a redsports car. They go to a movie theater John has rented out and filled withsixties memorabilia, including pictures of Martin Luther King, the Kennedys,and lots of pink decorations. Marlena remembers when JFK, Martin Luther King,and Robert Kennedy were shot and John says she must have been a sensitiveyoung girl. She says she imagines he was popular and athletic, a leader.They sit down to watch the movie John set up - Grease - and start making outin the back seats.

Hope shows Bo what's in the box that Celeste sent - the comb, mirroredcompact, and lipstick. She asks him why Stefano would have given her a mirrorif her face was so horribly scarred for so long, and if he waited until herface was reconstructed and he knew she was Hope, then why does the mirror havethe initial "G" on it? Bo urges her to give up her search because he doesn'twant to lose her, but Hope says there is no way, now that she is close to thetruth. Bo begs her to be careful, but says that he can't be there for her allthe time because of Billie. He leaves and Hope looks ready to cry.

Billie and Roman continue to reminisce about their dangerous ISA assignment inParis and how they helped each other through the rough times. Billie says shewishes Bo had such high regard for her and that he would remember the promiseshe made in Rome. She starts to cry because she says her pregnancy should be amagical time in her life, and instead it's just painful. Roman says shedoesn't deserve to go through this and he hopes Bo will come to his sensessoon. As they leave the piano bar, Roman promises Billie he'll always bethere for her. She tells him he's a wonderful man and they embrace. Justthen, Bo walks up and looks disturbed.

Eric asks Nicole to fill him in on her life up to this point. She keepsavoiding his questions, but when the waiter asks her if she wants dessert, shedisplays an astonishing knowledge of port wines. Eric is impressed andguesses she was a debutante. Nicole refuses to answer and instead asks him todance. As they dance, Eric asks if she would consider dating him now thatthey're working together. Nicole says she will go out with him again. Thedance ends and Eric offers to take her home. Nicole, ashamed of her dumpyapartment, says she will walk. Eric is worried, but lets her go alone. Hetries to give her a kiss, but she puts him off. Nicole returns home and saysthat Sami and Eric are her ticket out of this dump. Meanwhile, walking inSalem Place, Eric notices a teenage girl (enter LeAnn Rimes!) stuffing muffinsfrom a bakery into her bag. The proprietor yells out and the girl tries toescape, but Eric stops her and says he saw her stealing the muffins. Shelooks up and asks, "So? What are you going to do - call the cops?"

Kate sees Franco in Salem Place and chews him out for letting Sami slip out ofhis control. Franco tries to make excuses, but Kate says she's interestedonly in results - that's what she's paying him for, and he'd better controlSami or he'll be out of Salem so fast his head will spin. Franco promises hewill take care of Sami.

Sami leaves a message on Franco's machine, telling him she misses him and hasgreat news to share. Lucas overhears her and taunts her that her newboyfriend has probably dumped her. Sami says Franco is just busy. Sheaccuses Lucas of drinking too much, and he says it's no wonder he drinks whenhe has to deal with someone like her blackmailing his mother. Sami puts Willto bed. When she comes back out, Lucas tells her he heard all about her powerplay with Vivian and that he has no choice but to make good on his threat andsue Sami for full custody of Will. Sami says he will never win, becauseAustin won't support him and knows what a good mother she is. Lucas says hedoubts Austin would support her if he knew she was a blackmailer. Sami tellsLucas to quit being such a drunk. He leaves the room to say good night toWill. The doorbell rings, and Sami is delighted to see Franco. He soondashes her happiness by telling her that her plot with Vivian was directly inopposition to the plan of action he laid out for her, and that if he can'tcount on her to trust him, he wants no relationship with her. Sami says theimportant thing is that her plan worked and the campaign was approved. Francosays congratulations, but he wants no part of her manipulations. He stormsout, leaving Sami confused and upset. He sees Kate outside the door and tellsher Sami is all taken care of and will soon be begging for him to take herback. Inside the house, Lucas, who overheard Franco dumping Sami, teases herabout it, but Sami is in no mood and says if she were a man, she'd deck Lucas.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, April 30, 1998

by Soap Central

Eric holds the arm of the girl he stopped from stealing the muffins. She askshim not to call the cops and he says he won't. He pays for her muffins andthe baker agrees not to prosecute - this time. The girl tries to take off,but Eric convinces her to sit down and eat her muffin and he'll buy her somemilk. She reluctantly agrees and tells him her name is Madison. She staresinto Eric's filled wallet when he pays for the milk. Eric tries to convinceher to go to a shelter or to go home, but she tells him no way. Obviously,she doesn't trust him or anyone. Finally, he convinces her to spend the nightat the pub's spare room so she can get a shower and have a good night's sleep.While she is showering, Eric calls Nicole. After he gets off the phone, Ericpicks up Madison's bag to put it in the bedroom and sees something inside thatconcerns him.

Nicole stares at the letter she ripped up and asks herself why this ishappening to her when everything is starting to go right in her life. She isso freaked out that when someone knocks on the door, she turns out all thelights and pretends she's not home. She hears a girl's voice and answers thedoor. It's her neighbor, Inez, who asks her why she's hiding out. Nicolesays she thought it was her landlord and she didn't want to fight with himabout the rent. Inez asks her why she's so dressed up and Nicole says shewent to Chez Vous with a great guy whose family connections could get her intothe big time if she plays her cards right. Inez asks if Nicole could get hera modeling job and Nicole tells her to slow down - she hasn't even startedworking at Titan yet. Inez leaves and Nicole gets a phone call. It's late atnight, so she picks it up and yells, "Stop calling me!" But it's only Eric,who wonders why she's so upset. Nicole says she gets prank calls and Erictells her to change her number. He says he just wanted to be sure she gothome okay. She thanks him and hangs up.

Bo asks Billie and Roman what's going on. Roman says he'll leave them aloneand gives Billie another hug and kiss before disappearing. Bo notices thecloseness between them. He asks Billie what she's doing out, and if she wasdrinking. She says she only had mineral water and she was just bored andunable to sleep. Bo takes her home and rubs her shoulders and then leaves toget some pistachio ice cream because Billie says she craves it. Billie smilesin triumph and tells herself her plan is working perfectly. When he's outlooking for the ice cream, Bo runs into Roman again. Roman says they need totalk more and he reminds Bo of his promises to Billie in Rome. Bo wonders whyBillie told Roman so much and asks Roman when he appointed himself Billie'sprotector. Roman says they're friends and he is looking out for her. Hetells Bo that right now, Billie needs him more than Hope does and Bo shouldremember his responsibilities. Bo hates the lecture and tells Roman that he'sgetting ice cream for Billie right now. Roman says he's only lecturingbecause he wants to keep Bo from making a mistake. Bo says that's great, butjust as he will never stop loving Hope, Roman will always love Marlena. Thatstops Roman short. Bo goes home and gives Billie the ice cream and decides tosleep at her place so that he can go to the amniocentesis with her in themorning.

John and Marlena kiss passionately as they watch "Grease." They swap a lot ofromantic talk and then leave the theater. On their way out, they bump intoRoman, who can't hide a look of pain. He quickly assures them not to feel badand to go on and enjoy their date. Although he is hurting, he smiles andleaves them alone. He tells himself that there is only one way he will getover Doc. Meanwhile, Marlena and John decide to go home, and Marlena says shehopes Roman will find someone to love soon.

At the hospital, Mike can't get his mind off of his dance with Carrie. Lexiesees him mooning and guesses why. Nurse Allie, whom Mike dated a few weeksago, comes by and tells Mike how sorry she is about the article in theIntruder. An emergency develops and Mike has Allie page Craig Westley tohelp, since he's the only other doctor on call. They all work together tosave people's lives and Craig keeps probing Mike about his relationship withCarrie. He even takes Allie aside and asks why her relationship with Mikedidn't work out. Before she can tell him, she gets called away. Lexie isdisgusted with Craig, but manages to be polite. Craig calls Lexie away toassist on an appendectomy. Mike looks at Allie and tells himself that if heis going to get over Carrie, he'd better start focusing on other people.

At home, Carrie and Austin get undressed for bed. Carrie can't stop talkingabout how amazing Mike was with the board members, especially when the drunkman accused him of killing his wife. Austin listens to the story politely,but obviously, he is sick of hearing about Mike 24 hours a day. He massagesCarrie's back until she relaxes and then starts kissing her, but Carrie saysshe's too tired and has to get up early tomorrow. Austin is stung by herrejection, but says he understands and holds her close. Carrie, however,can't stop staring at a picture of Mike in a magazine she left on hernightstand. She asks herself why she can't stop thinking about Mike.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of April 27, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, May 1, 1998

by Soap Central

At the Brady house, Eric tells his Aunt Kim about Madison, the runaway hefound at Salem Place who spent the night in the spare room. He says that hesaw her ID and she's only a kid. Kim says he did the right thing and she willfigure out how to help Madison. Madison comes out and meets Kim and they sitdown to breakfast. Kim gets a phone call from LA and Madison overhears hercalming someone down. Madison decides Kim must be a shrink and yells, "Youtricked me!" to Eric and runs out the door. Eric chases her down and tellsher that yes, Kim is a counselor, but she isn't here to call social services;she just wants to help. He finally convinces Madison to come back and talk toher. Madison tells Kim that she was in foster care her whole life and now hermother wants her back, and she doesn't want to go. Kim says she understandsthe anger and tells Madison about her own past - about being molested by anuncle and turning to prostitution. She also tells her that when she decidedto reach out for help, she was met with love and support. Madison calls herpastor and is surprised to learn that everyone has been looking for her andthe pastor and his wife want to take her in permanently. Eric takes her tothe bus station and they part ways, but Madison has a fantasy about dancingromantically with Eric and says, as she's leaving, "Maybe I'll be backsomeday."

Kate walks into her living room and wakes up Bo, who spent the night on thecouch. She rudely tells Bo that if he won't sleep with Billie, there are lotsof spare bedrooms. Bo says he just crashed on the couch so he could takeBillie to her amniocentesis. Kate tells him it's too little, too late, andthat he should stop spending all his spare time with Hope and concentrate onhis pregnant wife. Bo asks her what she did to make Hope quit. Kate saysHope has her own mind and no one makes her do anything. Billie iseavesdropping on them and walks in when the conversations starts getting tooheated. She tells Kate she can handle it and Kate leaves for the office. Botakes Billie to Dr. Bader's office for the amnio and has to practically holdBillie down to keep her from walking out, she's so nervous. After the amnio,the doctor tells them they'll call with the results. Bo pulls some stringsand gets Billie a private hospital room to relax in while they wait. Billieis touched by Bo's solicitude.

At Salem Place, Sami and Roman sit down to coffee and Roman tells Sami that heand Marlena will not be together. Sami is hurt and angry and tells Roman shehates Marlena and John. He tells her to stop it, and it's nobody's fault whathappened. Sami says her whole world is crumbling. Roman asks what she meansand she tells him Franco led her on and then dumped her. Roman looks angry,but tells her she's better off without him. He gives her a hug and she goesto the office.

Vivian and Ivan run into Stefano, who has just put away the photograph of"Kristen" with Elvis, which fooled him completely into thinking everything wasunder control. Vivian flirts with him outrageously and invites him to dinnerat her place (little do they know that her place is Stefano's place). Shesays she'll send a car for him. Vivian meets with a designer who agrees to doher office, but wants $40,000 up front. Vivian tells Ivan to sell that uglystatue in the hallway of the penthouse. Ivan sells it and gets the money.Meanwhile, Stefano goes to Titan.

Kate is at Titan, annoyed to learn that Vivian is putting her offices on thefloor above Kate's office and the sound of construction is overwhelming. Kategoes into her office and is angry to see someone sitting in her chair. Thechair whirls around and there is Stefano, who apologizes, but says he wants toknow what Titan's financial records look like for the past five years, sincehe's 49% owner in the company. Kate tells Marie to give him the records, butis plainly unhappy to have to bow to Stefano.

Franco bumps into Hope at Salem Place and asks her if she's going to the photoshoot. Hope tells him that she quit Titan a few days ago because of Kate andBillie. Franco is shocked and tries to talk her into coming back, but Hopesays her mission now is to find out about her past. Franco almost slips bysaying that Kate didn't mention this to him. Hope asks why Kate should tellhim anything about her, but Franco says it affects him because he and Hope aremodeling partners. She says she's sure he'll be fine without her. Francogoes to Kate's office to confront her and is furious that she let Hope quit.Kate says she had no choice and tells Franco that she is through putting upwith him and he should be concentrating on Sami. Franco yells that Sami isthe last person he wants to see right now. Sami, who is passing by theoffice, overhears that and walks away, hurt. Franco storms out of Kate'soffice after she tells him to get lost and runs into Marie, who gives him atelegram. Franco rips it open and learns that the INS has discovered that hisgreen card is a fake and he is going to be deported unless he can think of aplan. Suddenly, he remembers Sami. He goes to her office and stands outsideher door, thinking to himself that she might be just what he needs.

Heading back to Salem Place, Stefano sees Hope, who has just put away themirror with Gina's initials. He is polite to her and convinces himself thatshe is not a threat. A few minutes later, Stefano runs into Roman and spillshis Titan reports everywhere. Roman sees them and asks what Stefano is doingwith Titan's financial records. Stefano tells him that he inherited TonyDiMera's 49% of Titan from Kristen and he plans to take active part in runningthe company - especially by working with the employees. Roman is appalled tothink that all three of his children will now be working for Stefano. Stefanowalks on and is startled when he sees a statue in an antique store window thathe is sure belongs to him. He concludes that Jonesy must have sold it andgets a look of dark anger on his face.

Meanwhile, Hope telephones the doctor in New Orleans who worked on herreconstructive surgery. He remembers her after a while and tells her he hasbeen wanting to talk to her because he has discovered something veryinteresting about her case. Hope says she is on her way to New Orleans andwill meet him then.

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Edited by SC Desk