Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

Monday March 9, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

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Marlena and Roman arrive for dinner and Marlena excuses herself to go make a phone call.Knowing that she is probably going to call John, Roman says fine, but he wants her attention forthe rest of the evening. She agrees and tells him that the call can wait. Romanorders champagne and they babble on and on about how there will now be no secretsbetween them and she apologizes about going along with Kristen's lies. Theytalk about the children, Stefano's influence on their lives .... They wonder if anyone will attendKristen's funeral and Marlena is still having trouble believing that Kristen committedsuicide, but Roman is sure she did as he explains the whole scenario. Romanarranges for them to play "Up Where We Belong" and asks Marlena to dance.She accepts and as they dance, they share a kiss.

Stefano and Laura continue to verbally duke it out. He calls her insane and walks away, butgood ole Laura has to have the last word and keeps on hounding him. He tells her not to celebratejust yet. She blames him for everything that happened to Peter and Kristen and she is thrilled thatjustice has been served and that she is THRILLED. He calls her a stupid fool and points out thateven if EVERYONE else hated Kristen, HE loved her. AGAIN, she says he is responsible andflashes back to walking through the Blake house with the gun. She doesn't know when to stopand just keeps on making Stefano madder and madder. He realizes that she leftJen' s funeral and questions her as to where she was during that missing time andasks her if she had anything to do with Kristen's death. Laura relies on thecoroner' s report and reminds him that it was ruled suicide. She admits to going toKristen's house, but she wasn't there, so she returned to the church. He says she ishiding something, but she denies it. As she leaves, she tells him that she will seehim at the funeral...she wouldn't miss it for the world. With that she turns on herheel and leaves. He is sure she is hiding something and wonders how she is involved.

Franco tells Sami that he has a special evening planned for her and theytoast in the back of the limo. She questions his motives and he says that he likes herand tells the driver to head to Titan. He has arranged a make over for her. Franco tells herthat any man would be honored to have her. Keith (the photographer) shows up. Francotells her that being in front of the camera will give her confidence. She is nervous, so he joins herin the pictures. You can tell she is being swept off her feet. Later, he tells her he has anothersurprise and kisses her.

Eric confronts his stalker .... it's a guy named Jed (his old room mate). He says that Eric ruinedhis life and he is there to return the favor. He was supposedly kicked out of school and disownedby his parents and may even go to jail (Golly...what did he do??) Eric says Jed is blamingeveryone else for his problems and Eric tries to walk away, but Jed threatens his family (Sami inparticular) if Eric doesn't follow his demands. Eric tells him if he comes near Sami, he'll beforced to finish what he started in Colorado. He wants Eric to return to Colorado and tell thetruth, that he is the one who actually did something.

At the police station, Edmund is thrilled that "Susan" accepted his proposaland picks her up and hugs her. She thinks to herself that she might just be onthe way to getting her baby back. As Edmund professes his love for her and kissesher, "Susan" keeps reminding herself to smile and keep up the Susan act. Hesuggests that they visit Sister Mary, but "Susan" panics...she's not sure if she canfool her, but finally agrees. At the convent, Celeste is still praying She tells Sister Mary that sheis feeling much better, even though she still refuses to call Lexie. She thanks Sister for her help,but Sissy says that thanks go to the Lord and they continue to pray. Later, Celeste excuses herselfto go outside and get some air and while she is gone, "Susan" and Edmund show up. Sissy talkabout horrible the ordeal was and about that mean Kristen. "Susan" almost slips when shetakes up for Kristen. Edmund announces their engagement and Sissy is shocked. Sheasks Edmund to step out of the room and gives "Susan" the 3rd degree. Celestereturns and stops dead in her tracks with one look at "Susan". Celeste'svisions begin to return and she can't figure out why (as she continues to stare at"Susan"). Edmund returns and they leave. After they are gone, Celeste asks Sissy ifshe noticed anything different about Susan. In the park, "Susan" assures Edmundthat Sissy approves of him, she just takes a while to warm up to people. He wantsto celebrate, but "Susan" doesn't want to have to face any more people that sheshe knows. He persists and she finally agrees to take him to the Penthouse Grilland just hopes that they don't run into anyone she knows.

In the sheik's quarters, Susan is completely incoherent as she babbles onabout that mean, mean, mean Kristen and screams for help. She keeps saying thatKristen won't get away with it. Edmund will see through Kristen's tricks.She comments that she doesn't know where she is, but it took 2 days to get thereand they are all foreign .She says she will never let Kristen get her baby OR her Edmund. Shepulls out a picture of the 3 of them and begins to cry. She vows to find a way back to them. Shetries to find a way out, but no luck. She crumbles into a heap crying for Edmund andElvis. She realizes that Kristen must still have Sissy captive and is sorry shecouldn't save her. She vows that Kristen will NEVER be her baby's mamma. As she looksat the picture, she just hopes that Kristen didn't trick Edmund as well. She starts beatingon the wall screaming "I'm coming back to you Edmund...I'm coming back!"

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, March 10, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Eric and Jed are still at Salem Place discussing the Amy Becker story. SeemsJed wanted her and so he drugged her with Mescadil and raped her then put her inEric's bed to wake up. Somehow Eric was able to make people realize what Jeddid and he got canned from school until the board has a hearing. Jed triesto threaten Eric into going back to Colorado with him and lying so that he canget back into school. Jed wants to be a doctor but Eric says some doctor hewould be when he uses drugs to get what he wants. Shawn shows up and gets introducedto Jed and offers to let him stay at the pub and Jed says he would love to andhe could fill him in on Eric's life in Bolder but Eric says he is returning to Colorado soon. Jedeven mentions wanting to hook up with Sami. Eric asks his Grandfather to excuse them theyhave some things to talk about so he leaves. Eric manages to get Jed to admit that Amy teasedhim and he was tired of it so he slipped the drug in her drink. Eric continues talking to him andgets him to say that he will go back and admit his guilt and pay for what he has done. So heleaves to return to Colorado.At The Penthouse Grill as Susan and Edmund, Kate and Lucas, Franco and Sami and finallyCarrie and Austin show up for dinner. And gosh everyone talks to themselves today too. Romanapologizes to Marlena for the passionate kiss saying he was caught up in the moment andshe says it's OK she was too but you can tell she doesn't feel very comfortablewith him. First Kate and Lucas come in and she's glad he suggested going out asshe could not stand to spend another evening watching Sami lounge around thehouse like it she owned it when in walks Franco and Sami. Lucas can't believehow good she looks and Kate is hoping that Franco knows what he is doing. Theyhave a seat and are greeted by Roman and Marlena who say how great Sami looks. Shesays she has Franco to thank. She is very nice to Marlena which definitely pleasesher. Then Susan and Edmund show up with Susan talking to herself saying that she hopesthey don't run into anyone they know. But no luck as Edmund says look it'sthat police captain and Dr Evans. R&M ask S&E to join them at their table andSusan is worried that she will blow her cover. She says that she can't let anyoneknow that Susan is dead and she is pretending to be her or she will never getlittle Elvis.

Marlena comments that she is glad Kristen didn't get her hands on Elvis butKristen just says to herself to keep calm as bad things are being said aboutKristen. Edmund comments that she has not had much to say about Kristen butshe just smiles. She excuses herself to the powder room as she can't standbeing around Marlena. In the restroom she talks to herself saying she has toremain calm when Marlena comes in. Marlena says that something is different about herand she says that maybe it's because she is in love with a man that loves herback but Marlena has this look on her face that makes you think she is having doubtsabout Susan. Next they all join on the dance floor for Susan and Edmund'sengagement dance and while on the floor Edmund steps on herfeet and then reminisces about their time in England. Susan is hoping she can gethis mind off the past being she doesn't know much about it but he keeps askingif she remembers this and that. So far she is able to pull the wool over his eyes.Carrie and Austin are curious about Sami and Franco but agree to not worry aboutthem tonight but when Carrie goes into the powder room while Sami is there theyhave words and Sami says that Carrie is telling her to quit lying to herself andadmit she has feelings for Mike. Carrie leaves and returns to Austin who notices sheseems upset but she says it's nothing worth repeating. Lucas is hitting the liquorpretty hard and sees Sami talking to Roman when he realizes that that's the key tostopping Sami. He tells Kate that if Roman did not approve of Sami it wouldbe devastating to her so he thinks if he tells Roman that Sami is blackmailingKate that Sami would give up the stuff. Kate tells Lucas not to take the chance and that he hashad too much to drink. Roman tells Franco he wants to talk to him and asks if he still loves HopeRoman says OK but if he hurts Sami he will have to answer to him. Marlena shows up and saysit's time to leave and they say good-bye to Susan and Edmund on the way out and Marlena looksat Susan again as if she is hiding something.

On the walk home Roman tells Marlena about his conversation with Franco when henotices a house on fire and a woman hollering out an upstairs window that she andher daughter are trapped. Marlena calls 911 and turns to Roman just as he rushesin and she says no don't go in but too late. Then back at the Penthouse GrillLucas has really had a lot to drink and he hollers that he wants to dance with her so he can talkto her. When she refuses he hollers that he was good enough to sleep with but notdance with huh? Then he says he wants everyone to know what she is and that she'sa slut. Franco, coming to Sami's defense, decks Lucas and knocks him to the floor.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, March 11, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Ivan has come to bid farewell to Violet. Viv has broken his heart for the last time and Violetshakes her head in disappear for poor Ivan. Violet tells him he owes Viv at least a good bye.Meanwhile, in their honeymoon suite, Jonesy is painting Viv's toenails and she's very content.He tells her if he dies tomorrow, he'll die a happy man. Shades of flashback as Viv remembersthat may be true when Dr. Woo tells her just that. She tells Jonesy she refuses to let him go. Afterhe finishes her toes, they hug and decide to spend all their time in bed. He asks if she'd give upall her friends, for him and she said who the hell needs friends when she has a husband like himwho'll live up to her every desire. She tells Jonesy she wants to be completely honest with himand needs to make a teensy weensy confession. She confesses to only being interested in hismoney. She was broke and desperate. He knew he said. He has his own confession to make andshe kisses him.

Later Violet pulls in Ivan, saying he shouldn't be trying to hitchhike on the coldest night of theyear ...and offers to make him some hot soup. No, he just takes a swig from his flask instead. Ivanthanks Violet for helping him warm up and she gives him tea, not more scotch. He sees a pictureof her husband and she tells him his name was Zigmund. She tells him Zigmund was her truelove. Ivan wishes he had his true love like the one Jonesy and his madam are sharing right now.Ivan tells Violet he's never seen Viv as happy as she is now. Back in bed, Ivan and Jonesy are atit again. As he starts to tell her he's broke, he dies on her chest. She calls his name and realizeswhat happened and starts crying.

At the hospital, a nurse tells Mike she's happy he's applying for Chief of Staff. Lexie asks him ifhe changed his mind and he smiles yes. She asks if Carrie helped change his mind and his smilegives it away again. He knows there's no future for him and Carrie, but they're still friends and hedoesn't trust anyone else as much as her with this. She learns Carrie already confronted himabout if she was the married woman he loved. She admires his sacrifice and astounded he canspend so much time around someone he loves and can't have. They go to have a cup of coffeeand he spills some on his tie. Lexie helps him wipe it off and notices his new shirt and tie,different from his usual look. He tells her Carrie helped him pick it out (it's the dark blue shirtand tie). Mike tells her he's determined to keep his and Carrie's relationship as friends only. Hetells Lexie the torch for Carrie is out and has to stay out.

At Titan, we see Lucas' drunken speech to Sami saying he's going to tell everyone what a lyinglittle slut she is when Franco punches him. Franco tells Lucas never to talk that way about Samiagain and Austin and Edmund go over to help Lucas up. He shuns them off, so they return toCarrie and Susan . Edmund calls it a "classic love battle" and Carrie questions OVER SAMI?Sami gushes to Franco that no man has ever done that for her before when he asks if she's ok. Hetells her as long as he's around, no man will ever hurt her. She comments to him that she reallycan count on him and they head back to dinner.

Edmund asks Susan if he told her he loved her recently and she hugs him wondering how muchlonger she can keep this up as this guy's a geek. He suggests they leave before any more punchesare thrown, but says it has been an exciting night, like the night they first met at the pub backhome. Susan just smiles, being clueless as to what happened there. He tells her he's going to callhis mum to tell her about their engagement and she says it's late. He reminds her mum is anight owl, which Susan really didn't know. He tells her to sit down and she does. Hehas a corker of an announcement for her. Susan Banks has done him the extreme pleasure ofbeing his wife. She's thrilled as she adores Susan and he says he does too.

Carrie and Austin talk about Lucas/Sami/Franco over dinner. Austin said Lucas deserved thepunch in the face. They can't figure out if Franco is really interested in Sami or not. Sami andFranco have finished dinner and he offers her a ride home in the limo. She said at this point she'dfollow him anywhere. They walk by Lucas without saying anything. Lucas gets up and afterCarrie and Austin ask if he's ok, he tells them it's not over yet.

Kate's at home hoping Franco isn't playing with fire, as she's the one who'll get burned. Lucasreturns home with jacket off and bow tie askew when Kate asks what happened to him. Hetells her about being out of line with Sami and Franco hitting him. He's not happy about Samiand Franco. He wants Kate to fire Franco and she refuses, he s their top model. Kate tells Lucashe's over-reacting. He yells back he's not going to have Sami running around Salem like a slutand ruining his son's legacy by taking Titan down with her. He's going to take Sami to court forfull custody of his son. Kate tells him not to attack Sami as she could expose her secret. Lucastells Kate he's getting tired of hearing about the blackmail that Sami's holding over her and Kateputting her needs above her children and her grandson's. Kate comes unglued and tells him hedoesn't know what sacrifices she's made for all of them. If Sami reveals what she knows it canruin their family. If it's that important, Lucas says, tell me what it is. Kate refuses.

At the burning house as Roman dashes inside to rescue the woman and her daughter withMarlena telling him don't. Roman grabs a blanket to put over his face. Marlena watchesanxiously from outside as we see Roman trying to see through the smoke when some thingcollapses and we see fall on the floor. Edmund and Susan walk up to Marlena and the burninghouse when she tells them Roman went into the house to rescue the people. Edmund, beingsubtle, says In there? He'll die. Marlena turns and looks at him in shock. Inside Roman pushesaside the wood on top of him and grabs the woman. She tells him her daughter is in the roomthere and the door is jammed. He pushes the mother out the door and tells her to go, he'll gether daughter Megan. The mother comes out from around the house and Marlena rushes to ask herabout the man who came inside. She tells Marlena he's helping her little girl. Edmund rushes into help as a man has to do what a man has to do. Roman kicks the door down and hears, but doesnot see Megan with all the smoke. Roman wraps his coat around Megan and dashes outside. Wesee Edmund coming back as he couldn't get past the foyer due to the flames. Firemen rush up andMarlena tells him her husband and a young girl are inside. Susan points out to Marlena that shecalled Roman her husband when the fireman comes back to say stand back and that they couldn'tget in now, it's too dangerous.

Susan says she's sorry about Roman, but the last thing she wants to do is stand around for agroup hug with this seedy Edmund and her arch enemy Marlena. The firefighters come backsaying it's impossible to go in, too dangerous, when Roman comes around the corner with thelittle girl in his arms. Marlena rushes up to Roman and hugs him. Edmund said he's a true hero.While the woman (Sharon) thanks Roman for saving Megan's life, the fireman come to take themto the hospital. Roman asks Marlena what the tears are for and she tells him she was afraid shelost him and he hugs her. Edmund and Susan walk by and watch what's going on. Edmund tellsSusan that he might not be as brave as Roman, but if she were in danger, he would walk acrossthe deepest ocean to save her. Susan says it's too late Ed, your beloved Susan is already dead.

The turbaned man brings a belly dancing costume to Susan and tells her to put it on for the show. Shecalls it a genie costume. She can't get dressed like she is now. She said he stuck a bag over herhead and then put her on a plane for hours and hours and she's a mess. He agrees and sends in afew women in black hooded garb to wash and dress her. In a gold plated tub and bubbles, Susanthinks about missing her sweet pea and Edmund so much. She wonders how she can escape fromthat room if she doesn't even know where she is. Turban man comes in after Susan waved off thewomen trying to help her. She said she'd naked and to get out. He tells her he's sick and tired ofher chatter and she has 2 minutes to get in that costume or (he pretends to slash his neck to showher). Turban man comes in and sees Susan in the costume with her hair in ponytails, teeth in anda scarf on her head. Oh yeah, and a jewel in her belly button too. Turban man knows he wasdeceived.

In the limo, Sami tells Franco she didn't know that Lucas was Will's father 'til just a few monthsago. He says everyone in the restaurant noticed her, including Austin. He tells her that sheoutshines Carrie in every way. He tells her he finds her very desirable. They gulp champagnein the limo. Franco kisses Sami and wow, she said. It was different, like one of trust. Franco tellsher she's innocent in his eyes and if she trusts him, there's many things for them to experiencetogether, starting with another kiss and eventually they sink down on the seat as he tells her he'sgoing to teach her the most important lesson about being a woman.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, March 12, 1998


Lucas announces to Lynne that he wants to take his sonaway from Sami's environment. Franco backs away fromkissing Sami in the limo and thanks her for a wonderful time.However, he confesses that he's had too much to drink. Hewants her to want him so much that she would never considerbetraying him. Carrie tells Eric about Lucas and how he wentafter Sami and the resulting punch thrown by Franco. Ericthen admits his problem with Jed and what happened inColorado. Lucas boasts to Sami his intention to sue her forcustody of their child. When Sami ignores the threat, hereminds her that no judge would be happy to hear that she isblackmailing someone. Hearing Vivian scream, Ivan assumesthat she and Jonesy are in the throes of passion. Vivian callsa doctor who reports that Jonesy has died. Ivan suggests thatJonesy died a happy man making love to her. Susan realizesthat Kristen set her up. With a veil covering her head, Susanis taken to a sultan who, after watching her trying to do adance, decides that he doesn't want her. He then orders herkilled. Roman visits the girl he saved from the fire. Marlenaconfides to a disguised Kristen that while she loves both men,John is her soul mate.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 9, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, March 13, 1998


Celeste explains to Sister Mary that she is not going toKristen's funeral service. Celeste then has a vision of Susanand the funeral where some of the attendees are screamingwhile others stare in shock at the casket. John remembersthe good and bad times he spent with Kristen. He remembersthe little bottle of her favorite perfume he once gave her.Seeing John arrive for her own funeral, Kristen believes thatJohn really cares about her. Stefano confides to Lexie that heloved Kristen and now that she is gone, Lexie is the onlydaughter he has. Returning from England, Vivian and Ivanarrive for the funeral which worries Kristen who wonders howwell they knew Susan. Laura celebrates Kristen's deathdressed in red. Mickey gives Jack the good news that all ofthe charges against him have been dropped. He is a free mannow. Jennifer boasts that Jasper is out of his coma and shouldrecover completely. Laura is furious when she overhearsStefano promise Peter over the phone that he will get him outof prison soon. Laura confronts Stefano and vows to stop anyeffort on his part.

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