Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

Monday February16, 1998

by Soap Central

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Affected by the "Jungle Madness" disease, Celesteimagines seeing a strange woman who she thinks isKristen. Stefano finds Celeste on a park bench andbrings her to his home. He tries to force her to stay thereuntil the next batch of the cure is created but shemanages to sneak out. Stefano hears on a TV reportabout Jennifer's death in the car crash and hopes thatPeter had nothing to do with it. Laura advises Jack thatJennifer forgave him for walking out on her and suggeststhat it's time he forgave himself. Laura looks for Kristenbut can't find her and is told that she left with a couple ofpacked suitcases. Susan is devastated when Kristen tellsher by phone that she has the FAX that was sent toMarlena and that she has Sister Mary held captive. Shevows to kill her sister if Susan doesn't secretly returnhome. Susan quickly packs but makes plans to put anend to Kristen once and for all. The mystery womanshows up at Susan's door. Marlena makes all thearrangements for Jennifer's memorial service. At theservice, friends and family members all say theirgoodbyes to their dear friend. Abe brings Jack at the lastminute to comfort Abby.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, February 17, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Celeste has made it back home to her place and decides a shower and change ofclothes will help her. She is having bad headaches and keeps having visions of Susan and thebaby and wonders if she may be in trouble. She leaves her home and heads to Salem Place whereshe has what else but a cup of tea. As she is sitting there and having more visions of Susan shelooks down and thinks she sees worms and bugs in her cup and throws the cup down. Thewaitress picks it up and asks if she is OK. She says yes she's fine but she wonders what is goingon in her head. She again has visions but this time it also includes Kristen and Laura and fearsthat Kristen is in danger from Laura.

In England, Susan tells Violet why she is returning to Salem and leaves little Elvis with herpromising to take care of Kristan once and for all and that she will return to England. Violet triesto get Susan to wait for Edmund to return but she says she can't she must save her Sissy's life andleaves when the taxi arrives. Edmund arrives home from his trip with a ring only to be given badnews about Susan being gone. He says he would have gone with her is he had made it back intime.

Kristen is hanging out at Peter's house and hoping that Susan believed her when she said shewould kill Sissy even though she doesn't believe she can actually kill someone. She headsdownstairs and fixes herself a glass of brandy. She also pulls out the bottle of pills that Lauradropped and takes a few. She is starting to get a little woozy from the drink and pills when thereis a knock at the back door. It's a man that she must have contacted about selling Susan to. Hewants to see what she looks like and K shows him a picture of Susan and he says she's the ugliestwoman he's ever seen and that the deal is off but K promises she will look just like her and hesays OK and leaves saying he will return later as discussed.

With him gone Kristen gets a can of soda ready for Susan. She knows that Susan will not takeany food or drink for her but maybe she won't think a can of soda would be drugged but Kristenhas put some of the tranquilizers and booze in it. She also changes clothes into a long off whiteevening gown - it's very pretty - but not sure why she changed. She sits down for a minute andbegins dreaming. John, Marlena, Stef, Laura, Jack, Celeste, Susan and Peter are all screaming ather and saying what a bad person she is. She screams as she wakes and grabs some more pillsand booze. She is ready for Susan she says as we see Susan has arrived outside. Susan says she isdressed like K just as she instructed but she doesn't have the her teeth in yet.

The rest of Salem shows up at the funeral (except Sami and Franco). Kim and Eric offer theirsympathy to Laura and Mike. Lexie is concerned that Celeste is not there and tries to call her butjust misses her. All are gathered around talking when Stef shows up. Lexie goes up to him andsays he should not be there and that if he had told them where Peter wasthis would not behappening. He swears he doesn't know where Peter is. Stef goes up to Laura and says he is trulysorry and she says she thinks the correct response is thank you and turns away. Marlena and Johncomment on how calm she is and M is concerned that she is too calm. They all sit to begin theservice and Alice hands Jack Tom's journal that contains some things h e wrote about Jen - shethought they might comfort him. Abby asks if Mommy is really in heaven and Jack says yes.Mickey talks first about how the Horton's have had pain before and with God's help they canmake it.

Then Jack gets up to talk. He has Tom's journal and finds something Tom wrote about Jen whenshe was a child. He says she was so special to them, a sweet and loving person and he hoped shewould never change. Jack says she didn't she was just as sweet today as she ever was. Laura isupset and get up to get some air and goes to the back of the church. No on joins her as she juststands at the back. She begins thinking about how Kristen is responsible and says she is going todo something about it and leaves the church. She heads to K's and busts in and searches thehouse only to find K not there just as Iliana said. She leaves vowing to find K not matter whereshe may be. Back at the church Jack grabs a rose and says his good-byes to Jen. He says he willalways love her and that one day they will be together forever no tnow as he needs to take care ofAbby. Just as he finishes we hears the church door open and they all turn to see Peter comebusting through and hollering out Jennifer's name.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, February 18, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

Celeste is drawn to the townhouse where Kristen is. She remembers the night she wrestled withKristen and got the needle in the arm. Inside Kristen is swaggering between the wine and Laura'stranquilizers. She recalls what she's done, kidnapping and threatening to kill anun, and continues with her pity party, calling for Susan. Sister knows that thatKristen person is truly unbalanced and could kill her. Only way Kristen could get away withgetting rid of her and Susan is not to leave any witnesses. Susan, dressed like a drabKristen, is outside planning what to do.Susan wonders if it was such a good idea for her to come.Hearing the doorbell, Kristan swaggers to the door. Yup, it's Susan. She checks out Susan andasks her where her teeth are. Susan pulls them out of her pocket. She asks where the baby is andSusan said she's not as stupid as she thinks and the baby is somewhere safe til she gets her sissy.

Banging her head on the door, Kristen is upset Susan didn't follow orders and bring the baby.Kristen invites Susan in and after learning Stefano isn't in there, goes in.Kristen tells Susan she looks good and Susan said you would think so because I look just likeyou. Kristen agrees. Kristen offers her a drink and Susan refuses as she doesn'twant to be drugged again by her, which Kristen expected her to say. Kristen says she'll have another and Susan tells her it looks like she's had enough already. Susandemands her sissy. Kristen says Susie Banks has a tude, England must agree with her.Kristen toasts her new life, with the baby. Susan asks why she had to dress up likeher in a fancy dress and Kristen remembers her talk with the man in the turban.Kristen asks if she talked with anyone about this and although she remembers telling Violetwhat she was going to do, says no. Removing her coat, Susan is dressed just likeKristen. She comes back to find Susan sipping a canned soda thinking Kristen couldn'tget to it. Flash to Kristen previously opening the can a little to spike it withtranquilizers and alcohol. Both women think about how it will be over soon for the other one.

Laura gets in her car, determined to seek revenge from Peter and Kristen.She promises her dead daughter than neither Peter or Kristen will ever hurtanyone again. Sister asks God to take her life if it will save Susan and her preciousbaby. Laura remembers talking about Stefano's hideout and realizes that must be wherethey are hiding Peter. Wondering what she's doing, Laura looks at a map.

Meanwhile, Peter storms into the church. Stefano gets up to stop him fromdoing anything, but Jack starts to go after Peter. Peter whips out a machine gunfrom his coat He says he's taking Jennifer with him and no one is going tostop him. Alice comments to Mike that Peter looks different, insane. Mike comments helooks very ill. Roman and John are holding Jack back from going at Peter. Stefanotells Peter that Jen is dead and he refuses to believe it. Peter yells at Stefanothat he turned his back on him just like he did to Kristen. Peter goes on about how much Jenmeans to him. Jack tells Peter to let her rest in peace in Heaven and his turn is next. Peter aimsthe gun at Jack saying Jen died because of him and his breaking out of jail.Alice, speaks out. Shetells him he's frightening Abby and he lowers the gun. Bo asks to remove the women andchildren and Peter refuses. While Stefano pleads with Peter to drop the gun, Bo edges aroundthe back of the church toget him. Bo and Stefano rush Peter together and with his super humanstrength, Petergives a good fight and breaks free. He shoots out the lights and the top of thechurch. A light comes on in the front of the church and we see Jen lowered in a white gowntelling Peter that it's impossible for her to be with him. Jen confronts Peter withthe truth about what happened the night Jack tried to protect her and Abby when Petercame to kidnap them. She also tells him that he almost killed her that night atthe circus. Everyone is looking up at Jen is awe and John said it's a miracle. Abbyasks Mike if it's her mommy and Mike said she came back as an angel. Jen asks Peter ifhe wants God's forgiveness, then he has to admit what he did was wrong. He says yes,and tells her what happened that night at her house in front of the people at thechurch. He admits the gun going off was an accident. He tells her he just wanted tomake her happy and she tells him it was all that HE wanted, not her, just likeKristen tells Stefano that she's in a different world where violence and angerdon't exist. He'll never see that world unless he makes his amends. God will not accepthim in his paradise unless he admits his sins and repents. Before she leaves, she asksif he will do as she asks. He asks what she wants and she said to drop his gun and to turnhimself into the police and pay for his crimes. If he does that, she will forgivehim. Stefano tells him to do it. Peter drops the gun and Bo and Abe arrest him. Peterjust looks to the top of the church where Jen floated back up to. Bo tells Jack he's afree man, right Agent Byers? Byers said he'll take care of the paperwork. In the back ofthe church, Bo looks at Hope and Shawn D., who are standing with Franco. Billie goes upand hugs Bo saying she can't stop shaking. Hope rushes up to Alice to check onher. Maggie tells Mickey is was a true miracle and even in death, Jen was tryingto protect Jack. Alice thanks Tom for sending Jennifer down to protect them. Carolineand Marlena talk about the miracle and how Jack will find it different at home.Jack went to collect Abby from the nursery and take her home. They just now realizedLaura is not there.

Celeste is seeing visions of Kristen, Susan and Sister Mary asking for whatthey want. She knows that Sister is in terrible danger. Sister is praying for the Lordto take her to protect her sister and asks His forgiveness for what she has to do. Kristenoffers some ice to Susan for her soda and Susan refuses. She tells her she's gettinguse to drinking things warm in England and likes it now. She tells her Edmond is teachingher how to do things now. Susan doesn't want to talk about her love life and afterKristen tells her she must be dressing up and acting like her again to get a boyfriend, Susantells her she may be beautiful, but she's like a snake and her boyfriend wouldn't likeher one bit! That's why John Black won't ever love her again too, nor will anyone else.Pouring another glass of wine, Kristen tells Susan that Marlena took John away fromher. Susan tells her she only has herself to blame for losing John as shechanged. Kristen goes on with what happened with the baby, the secret room, etc. Susan tellsKristen she tries to blame everyone but herself for what happened. Kristen tells herto shut up. Susan asked how come John couldn't tell the difference between her andKristen when he was making love to her and Kristen gets irate. Susan continues totell Kristen off and how she'll never hurt anyone again. Being in love has made herstrong. Kristen said being in love with a loser has made her strong. Susan says she's inlove with Edmond P. Crumb, NOT a loser. The verbal war continues. Susan starts to getwoozy and wants to see her sissy, but then realizes that Kristen drugged heragain. Kristen tells her she wins right after Susan feels the effects of that sodaand leaves the room. Susan sees the letter opener on the table and goes after Kristenoutside. She holds the knife at Kristen's throat and tells her she'll never let her gether baby. The baby is safe far away.

Celeste calls the convent looking for Sister Mary Moira. The nun who answerssays the sister hasn't returned since she was collecting donations at Salem Place.Celeste realizes her visions were correct and has to stop it from happening. Laurafigures that Kristen must be holding Peter in the secret room at Peter's own house. Susan (?)back in her own clothes, gets in a car and prays that no one realizes what she's done.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, February 19, 1998

by Soap Central

Susan nearly hits a car as she flees from Kristen's house. We still don'tknow what happened, but Susan keeps remembering holding a knife to Kristen'sthroat and threatening to kill her. Susan gets to the airport and makes aphone call to the police station, telling them that Sister Mary Moira waskidnapped and is being held in the Peter Blake house.

Everyone is getting worried about Laura, but Marlena runs into her outside thechurch. She tells Laura about the angelic vision of Jennifer, and Lauraregrets that she was not there to see it. Marlena asks if she went to seeKristen and Laura admits that she did, but didn't find her. Marlena warns hernot to do anything drastic, especially when Laura learns that Peter wasapprehended. Abe calls Marlena down to the station to do a psychologicalevaluation of Peter and Marlena leaves, with Laura not far behind.

At the station, Peter is being booked while Stefano, Roman, John, Bo, and Abekeep an eye on him. Peter makes a break and almost escapes, but Roman andJohn manage to bring him down and put him in a straitjacket. Peter begsStefano to help him, and Stefano pretends to turn his back on Peter, but getsa sly look in his eye when Bo tells Peter he will spend 25 years to life inprison. Stefano begs permission from Abe to use the jungle madness serum onPeter, and they reluctantly allow him, although they think he is up tosomething. Marlena arrives and asks Peter some questions. A few minuteslater, Laura arrives and finally has a chance to vent at Peter, telling himthat he is responsible for killing Jennifer and she hopes he and his familyrot in hell. Peter says that no one is more miserable about Jennifer's deaththan he is. Then Abe learns that Sister Mary Moira was kidnapped, andimmediately everyone turns to Stefano, assuming he knows something about it.Stefano tells them there is a secret room in the Blake house, and he will showit to them. They run over and discover Sister Mary Moira lying on the floor -but when she sees Stefano, she suddenly attacks him and demands to know whereSusan is. When all the confusion is straightened out, everyone realizes thatKristen is responsible for the kidnapping, and John vows that she will pay forher crimes.

At the pub, everyone gathers to mourn Jennifer. Billie talks to Shawn-D, whois amazed at the angelic vision he saw. Billie tells him that an angel oncesaved her soul when Curtis tried to take it, and that angel was named Bo.Hope overhears and glares at Billie. Kate smiles to herself. Franco asksBillie how she is doing with Bo, and Billie admits that things aren't goingwell - he will be there for her and the baby, but she wants much more fromhim. Billie asks Franco what's up with him and Sami, and Franco says Sami istrying to use him to make Austin jealous. Billie warns him to be careful, andFranco assures her he can handle Sami. Sami is piling food on her plate andFranco tells her to slow down. Sami says she eats when she is upset, andFranco tells her that she should keep her body beautiful and have a salad.Sami is flattered enough to listen, but Lucas overhears and sneers that Francowouldn't be interested in her if she weren't his boss. Sami sees Francochatting with Kate and takes him aside, demanding to know if Kate has orderedhim to be nice to her. Franco tells her that if she is so insecure that shedoesn't believe it when a man likes her, he feels sorry for her. Meanwhile,Carrie is doing her best to comfort Mike, who is grieving for Jennifer, butcan't help appreciating all the attention. They share memories of Jennifer'sgoodness and Carrie tells Mike that she will always be there for him, just ashe was there for her when she thought Roman had died and when she thought shelost Austin. Carrie gives Mike a big hug while Austin watches them. Billie,meanwhile, decides to talk to Hope and starts reminiscing about the greattimes she used to have with Jennifer and Kristen, when they used to help eachother over the rough spots. Billie says she can't believe Kristen didn't showup to pay her respects. Bo comes in and asks Billie how she's feeling; shesays she's queasy and asks him to take her home. Bo complies, but can't keephis eyes off Hope all the way out the door.

At home, a miserable Jack consoles Abby by looking at pictures. Jack promisesAbby that he will make up for all the time he missed with her, and that theywill have to learn to get along without her mommy. Abby runs upstairs for astuffed animal and Jack vows out loud that he will take care of her.Suddenly, Jennifer appears in the room, looking VERY real, and says that sheknows he will. Jack is astounded and assumes it's another angelic vision -until Abby, coming down the stairs, sees her mother and runs into her arms.Jack can't believe his eyes and asks Jennifer if she's really real. Jenniferlaughs and says of course she is - didn't Jasper tell him about the plan tofake her death to lure Peter out of hiding? Jack tells her about Jasper beingattacked by Peter and being in a coma and Jennifer suddenly realizes thateveryone really thought she was dead - at the same time as Jack realizes she'sbeen fine all along! There is a joyful reunion. Jennifer tucks Abby into bedand as they prepare to go to Alice's to break the news in person, Laura andMarlena walk through the door. They look up and see Jack walk in, followed byJennifer. For a minute, they just stare at Jennifer - and then Laura faintsdead away.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 16, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, February 20, 1998

by Soap Central

Jennifer anxiously tries to wake up Laura as Marlena stares in amazement.Jennifer quickly explains what happened and Jack and Marlena help Laura wakeup. Once they convince Laura she's not dreaming, she is ecstatic to see thatJennifer is really alive. Jennifer and Jack head over to Alice's and to thepub to let everyone else know the good news. Marlena heads over to the Blakehouse to tell John and Laura privately gloats that none of the DiMeras willever hurt her family again...

At the Blake house, John, Roman, and Abe question Kristen's maid, Ileana, whotells them that she doesn't know where Kristen went. They make her promise totell them the minute they hear anything. Sister Mary goes back to the conventafter having a few choice words with Stefano, who is just as anxious about thefate of little Elvis as the rest of them. John accuses Stefano of beingresponsible for Kristen's twisted mind. Stefano leaves the house to go checkon Celeste while Abe and Roman follow Roman's hunch and check for Kristen atthe airport. Marlena finds John alone at the Blake house and tells him ofJennifer's miraculous return. Marlena is stunned to hear of Kristen's latestscheme with Sister Mary.

At the airport, Susan learns her flight to England will be delayed, whichsends her into a panic. She swears she will never return to Salem and keepsremembering threatening Kristen. She calls Violet and lets her know she's onher way home, and tells Violet that that mean Kristen will never hurt anyoneagain. While she is waiting to board, Abe and Roman start searching theairport for Kristen. Roman spots Susan and calls her name, and Susan lookslike she's going to panic...

Stefano returns to his hideout to inject Celeste, and is furious when Barttells him that Celeste left shortly after Stefano did. Stefano realizes thatall his plans are on the brink of ruin and that he will lose all the ground hegained with Lexie if she finds out what Kristen did to Celeste.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Bo and Billie talk about Jennifer's death, and Billieis depressed to see that all Bo's thoughts are for Hope. She tells him shewishes he could love her as much as she loves him, and Bo replies that he willalways be there for Billie and the baby, and that Hope doesn't want himanyway. While they are embracing, Kate walks in. Billie excuses herself, butstands outside the door eavesdropping as Bo confronts Kate about the lie shetold when he called from Rome, and she said that Hope was happy with Franco inParis. Kate covers her tracks pretty well by saying she thought that Hope andFranco were together because no one knew where Hope was and Franco had toldher he intended to take Hope with him to Paris. Kate confronts Bo about whatshe overheard Billie saying - that Bo saved her from a fate worse than deathin Rome. Kate puts two and two together and guesses that Billie was back ondrugs. Bo tries to cover, but Billie comes in and confesses. Bo tells Kateabout Max kidnapping Billie and injecting her with heroin, and Kate isappalled and sorry that Billie didn't tell her sooner. While Kate and Billieare discussing the possible effects of the drugs on the baby, Bo gets a phonecall from the pub. It's Hope, telling Bo that Jennifer is alive! Bo passes thenews on and rushes out the door. Kate is angry that Bo left Billie to seeHope. Billie says she doesn't see it that way, but Kate murmurs, "After all Idid to keep Bo and Hope apart..." Billie hears her and asks her what exactlyshe means.

At the pub, everyone is still mourning Jennifer, unaware that she is on herway over, alive and well. Austin is disturbed by the sight of Carrieconstantly comforting Mike, and keeps remember what Sami said. Lucas noticesSami watching them and gloating that soon Carrie will leave Austin and Samiwill be there to pick up the pieces. Lucas tells her she should have learnedfrom her mistakes, and that she is insensitive to be gloating while his half-sister Jennifer is dead. He walks away in disgust. Sami sees Franco talkingto Hope and tries to lure him away with a discussion about Titan, but Francocuts her off, saying this is not the time and place to talk business. Sami isstunned by the rejection. Lucas sees them and goes over to Austin, sayingthat it looks like Sami has alienated another man in her life. Austin agrees,but seems preoccupied, and Lucas guesses what's on his mind. Lucas tellsAustin not to worry, saying that Carrie loves him and he shouldn't doubt her.Austin thanks him and keeps watching them together. Sami apologizes to Francolater on for doubting his motives in befriending her. Franco says that untilshe learns to trust him, they have no relationship, not even a friendship.Sami is very troubled. Eric tells Lucas he feels sorry for Sami because shehas never known true love. Lucas asks Eric if he has ever been in love, andEric looks evasive and disturbed. Suddenly, Jack bursts into the pub andtells everyone to sit down because he has a shock for them - a wonderfulshock. Caroline immediately sits while everyone else waits. Jack beckons toJennifer and she walks in, to everyone's amazement and joy. Hope calls Bowhile everyone else gathers around and learns that Jennifer's death andangelic visitation were faked by the circus people to trap Peter, and that theonly glitch was Peter attacking Jasper so that he was unable to tell Jenn'sfriends and family about the ruse. Everyone is overjoyed to have Jenniferback, especially Mike. Hope is touched when Bo bursts through the door andembraces his longtime friend. Hope sees Jack and Jennifer kiss tenderly and saysshe had just about given up on happy endings. Bo tells her never to do that,and she turns around to look at him.

But where is Kristen? In the back of the Blake mansion, we see a filled pool and floating face-down in thepool, a female figure in a white dress...

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Edited by SC Desk