Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

Monday February9, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

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Peter tracked Jack and Jennifer down to the Salem Circus through Laura's buggedearrings and kidnapped Jennifer, nearly strangling her in his madness. Jackwas recaptured by the FBI. Stefano went to the jungle to get a cure forPeter's madness, while Kristen watched over Peter in the townhouse. Vivianand Jonesy were married, with zany Edmund and Susan standing up for them.Marlena went away by herself to think about her situation. Roman gave her herspace, but remained optimistic about his chances to win her back. John washurt that she didn't choose him immediately. Eric and Sami realized all wasnot lost between their parents, even though Roman discovered the truth. Ericand Roman had heated confrontations with Kristen, who was left without afriend or ally in Salem. Franco aroused Lucas and Austin's suspicions bycontinuing to court Sami's favor, but Kate was happy to see her plan working.Sami doubted Franco's motives, but was flattered by his attention. Carrie wasunable to confront Mike about his feelings for her. Bo saved Hope from amaniacal Peter, whose attack landed her in the hospital.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

Tuesday, February 10, 1998

by Marcia Elgart

At the pub in England, Jonsey is ready to consummate his relationship withVivian, who isn't as energetic as Jonsey is. In private, Ivan asks Vivianif she will sleep with Jonsey. Vivian tells him she will if she has to, butnot until Jonsey signs his will. Jonsey then shocks Vivian by saying how he'dlike to live here in England. Vivian wants to go back to Salem to histownhouse, but Jonsey recalls Stefano ordering him to leave. Jonsey asksViolet to call the solicitor.

Meanwhile, Susan tells Edmund all about her friends Dr. Marlena Evans andJohn Black. Edmund feels for Ivan because he is in love with someone whocan't love him back. Susan says that she knows what it is like lovingsomeone who doesn't love her back because of her previous marriage.Edmund is shocked and asks why Susan didn't tell him she had been marriedbefore. Susan explains the circumstances of her marriage to John, whichconfuses him. Edmund is still angry and he asks her to step outside so theycan further discuss the issue. Edmund asks Susan if she is still in love withJohn and Susan says maybe just a tiny bit because of what he's done forher. Susan tells Edmund that the love she felt for Elvis and John arenothing like what she feels for him.

Edmund tells Susan he knows just what she means and he takes her hand.

At the Inn, Roman sees John in the room with Marlena and assumes they weretogether. Marlena points out that she was not with John, he just found herthere. Roman says that the fact that she came to this inn on theiranniversary alone means that she may prefer to be with him instead of John.John and Roman begin to argue, Marlena tells them she came here becauseof the memories she had of the place, so both Roman and John apologize.

Marlena tells them that she has feelings for both of them and she camehere to sort them out. John asks her if she has done that and Marlena yells atthem for rushing her to make a decision.

Roman says he only came here to check on her safety and he accuses John ofcoming to force Marlena to choose him. They argue once again. Marlena onceagain yells at them and tells them they are doing it again! Roman and Johnrealize that they are acting like kids fighting over the prettiest girl onthe playground. John gives Marlena a kiss and tell her he loves her andthen leaves.

Roman is about to open his mouth, but Marlena tells him not to . Romandecides to leave and Marlena says there is no point for her to stay, so sheaccepts a ride home with Roman because he offers to drive in this weatherbecause he has a four wheel drive car. Outside the inn, John is kickinghimself over the situation that is developing.

At Jonsey's place, Kristen accidentally stabs Celeste with the antidote.Celeste thinks Kristen just scratched her and she calls Kristen crazy.Kristen yells at Celeste to leave, which she does. Kristen recallsStefano's warning about antidote causing Jungle Madness and panics. Stefanoreturns andKristen plays it cool so Stefano doesn't suspect what she has done. Stefanothen begins to yell at Kristen that if Peter is caught it will be herfault. Kristen has her own problems when she sees that the syringe is nowempty. Stefano notices the syringe is missing and Kristen says Celeste kindaknocked it off the table and the cure got ruined. Kristen also tellsStefano that during a fight with Celeste the serum got injected intoCeleste's arm. Stefano says that Kristen has not only givenCeleste the Jungle Madness, but she's also killed her own brother. Stefanosays she has failed him time and time again. Stefano then warns Kristenthat she will never get near his son because he can'ttrust her at all. When Stefano tells her she will NEVER take care of hischild, Kristen's eyes grow wide with anger. Kristen starts crying about hownone of this was her fault. Stefano tells Kristen that he's no longer goingto yell at her and thanks god that she is not a blood relative. Kristencries abouthow she's lost everything she loves, especially her baby. Stefano tells heryet again that it is not her baby and he will never trust her with his son.Kristen is in tears and Stefano tells her to get out of his sight, out ofhis house, just plain go away. After Kristen leaves, Stefano makes a phonecall to Bart

Outside the townhouse, Celeste begins to feel some pains where Kristeninjected her. As she triesto walk home she begins to see fire, tarot cards, and the DiMera's laughingat her. Kristen seesCeleste stumbling home and she feels bad about what happened, but sheinsists it wasn't her fault.Suddenly Kristen realizes how she can find Elvis.

At jail, Laura decides to get revenge on the DiMera's with her handgun.Jack tells Laura she can'tdo this, but Laura feels responsible for leading Peter to Jen. Laura stayswith Jack and they bothwait news on Jen and Peter. FBI Agent Buyers shows up and forces Laura toleave.

Out on the highway, Peter has lost sight of Jen, and Bo and Abe have lostsight of Peter. We then see Jen's car go over an embankment and explode! .Peter thinks that he has somehow past Jen and decides to double-back. Backin Bo and Abe's car, Bo and Abe are wondering about Peter andhow he gained such superhuman strength. Bo and Abe get word of a car fireand head off. Petersees the sirens and the smoke and is also wondering what has happened. Thevehicle is totallydestroyed and there were no survivors. Abe calls for a forensic team tocome out and is thencontacted by Jasper Ward. However, before Jasper can say anything he isgrabbed by Peter, whodemands to know where Jen is. Jasper tells Peter he doesn't know and Peterbegins to beat him toa pulp. Meanwhile, Abe has traced Jasper's call to a pay-phone down theroad and he and Bo head over there. Bo and Abe arrive and see what Peterdid to poor Jasper, who is barely alive, and they worry about Peter .

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

Wednesday, February 11, 1998

by Soap Central

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

Thursday, February 12, 1998

by Soap Central

Marlena comes down the stairs at Alice's house and sees John asleep on thesofa. As she watches him lovingly, he wakes up and they start to discusstheir predicament. John says he realizes that he hasn't been patient, andthat unlike Roman, he has not given Marlena the space she needs to decide.Marlena says it's understandable that he's losing patience, considering allthey've been through together, but she still can't decide what to do - sheloves John, but has strong feelings for Roman as well. John tells Marlenathat she can take her time to figure out her feelings; he won't bother her anymore. Marlena steps outside with John and they stare at the house that Romanand Marlena used to live in, the one that Roman bought Marlena for Christmas.Marlena remembers that she and John had happy memories there, too. John saysthat she fell in love with him because she thought he was Roman. Marlenaadmits that's true, but says that she stayed in love with him because of whoJohn turned out to be.

Lexie and Abe sit at Salem Place, discussing Jennifer's disappearance. Abenotices that Lexie looks more troubled and distracted than she should be, andasks her what is wrong. Lexie admits that she is worried about her mother,Celeste, because she couldn't get in touch with her. Abe assures her thatCeleste probably stayed overnight with friends. Abe says he has to get backon the case and they part ways. As soon as Abe leaves, Stefano, who has beeneavesdropping, appears. Lexie is startled and obviously none too pleased tosee him. Stefano asks her what is wrong, and Lexie begs him to tell thepolice what he knows about Peter, because Jennifer's life is at stake and herfamily is suffering. Stefano claims he knows no more than Lexie does.Lexie stares at him and says, "I don't believe you," and walks away. Stefanostares after her, startled that his hold on her is starting to fade.

Celeste has spent the night on a park bench, consumed with horrible nightmarescaused by the jungle madness serum she unknowingly received. In her dreams,Stefano and Kristen are shown as demons, laughing at her. Celeste wakes upand is terrified to discover where she is and what is happening to her mind.She is convinced that Kristen did something to her while they were fighting.While she's trying to get her bearings, Sister Mary Moira comes along and asksher what is wrong. Celeste claims that it's nothing, but the nun clearlydoesn't believe her. Sister Mary asks Celeste to come to the convent, but sherefuses. The nun leaves and Celeste has more scary visions of Kristen andStefano. When she is starting to recover, Lexie discovers her and asks herwhere she's been. Celeste lies, saying she has been with friends. Lexienotices how bad she looks, and tells her she should spend some time resting atthe spa. Celeste claims she is merely worried about Laura and Jennifer, butagrees to go to the spa. She tells Lexie she will make her own arrangementsand Lexie leaves, but Celeste is feeling far from well.

Kristen is back at her mansion, gloating over the fax she received whilespying at Marlena's, showing Susan and Edmund at Vivian and Jonesy's weddingin rural England. She knows that now she can get her baby back, but shedecides to plan it carefully. She tells herself that she can't just gobarging over to England and demanding the child - somehow, she has to getSusan and Elvis to come back to Salem. Suddenly, she is hit with a brilliantidea. She is on her way out when she runs into Stefano. Stefano is stillfurious with her for what happened to Celeste and what might happen to Peter.Kristen realizes she left the fax of Susan lying on the desk, and quietlyhides it while Stefano's back is turned. She tells Stefano she's sick of theguilt trip, and that none of it was her fault. Stefano keeps railing at her,but Kristen says she has more important things to do. Stefano yells, "Whatcould be more important than your brother?" Kristen just leaves, and Stefanowonders what she is up to. Kristen heads over to Salem Place and watchesSister Mary Moira, who is collecting donations with two other nuns. When theother nuns leave, Kristen creeps up behind Sister Mary and tells her to doexactly as she is told - Kristen has a gun at her back. Sister Mary isstunned to realize it is Kristen, but she obeys and starts walking.

In England, a woman sits looking at the society page of the village newspaper.We can't see her face, but her fingers run over the picture of Edmund and sheexpresses surprise. The woman calls Susan on the phone. Susan is daydreamingabout Edmund and telling Elvis what a great daddy he would be, if only hewould propose to her. The woman says she saw Susan's picture in the paper andwould love to meet her. Susan asks who she is, but the woman will only saythat she and Susan have a lot in common. Edmund is down at the shop withViolet, daydreaming about Susan. Violet says she is so glad her son has foundlove at last. Edmund says he's crazy about Susan and wants to marry her, buthe hasn't found a ring unique and beautiful enough for her in the village.Violet tells him he must go to London to find a ring. Edmund says that's agreat idea and runs up to Susan's cottage. When she opens the door, they areso overwhelmed with passion that they seize each other and begin making outclumsily. They are interrupted by little Elvis' cries, and Edmund apologizesfor getting carried away. Susan says it's all right, she was carried awaytoo. Edmund tells her he is going to London for the day, but wants to seeSusan for dinner tonight for "a surprise." Susan gets excited, but Edmundwon't tell her what it is. She tells him to be careful in London, and heassures her he will - right before he trips over a cobblestone and is sentsprawling. As he leaves, Susan remembers that she forgot to mention thestrange woman on the phone to him.

Bo is at Alice's house talking to Mrs. Horton. He tells her what's going onwith Jennifer and what happened with Hope. Alice says that Bo spent a lot oftime with Hope, acting as if he were still in love with her. Bo says that'sbecause he is, but it would take a miracle to get Hope to take him back.Alice says that where true love is concerned, miracles do happen. Bo says hehopes she is right. Bo heads out to follow up on Jennifer's case with Abe.The forensics team is examining the wreckage of the burned out car, and theyfind one item of evidence, which they give to Bo and Abe. Bo and Abe headover to see Laura, who is beside herself with worry for Jennifer and anger atPeter, Kristen, and Stefano. Abe and Bo show Laura the evidence and she looksat it reluctantly. Suddenly, she smiles in relief and reports that she hasnever seen it before in her life, so it must not be Jennifer who was in thecar that went over the cliff. Laura feels enormously reassured and allowsherself to hope for the first time. Abe and Bo decide to take the evidence toJack.

Jack has spent all day in his prison cell, raging at his inability to get outand help look for Jennifer. While he's pacing, he sees his old friend Herbie,the trustee who helped him escape. Herbie tells Jack he lost all hisprivileges when his role in Jack's escape was discovered, and he can't helphim any more, but they're glad to see each other anyway. Jack is restless andhas the horrible feeling he'll never see Jennifer again. Abe and Bo come tohis cell and ask to be let in. He asks if there is any news on Jennifer, andthey give Jack the piece of evidence from the crash site and ask if itbelonged to Jenn. Jack takes it out of the bag and examines it closely. Itturns out to be an elaborate sapphire necklace, and Jack laughs in relief,sure that it did not belong to Jennifer. Abe and Bo heave sighs of relief,but as Jack is examining the necklace, he notices an inscription plate coveredin carbon. He scrapes away the grime to discover an inscription that chillshis heart. Abe and Bo ask what is wrong, and Jack tells them that theinscription reads, "To Jen: all my love, Peter." Jack says numbly that Petermust have given it to Jen before she escaped him in Jasper's car. He iscertain suddenly that the reason Jasper was calling Abe was to tell him thatJennifer took his car. "Oh my god," Jack gasps. "Jen's dead!"

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 9, 1998 on DAYS

Friday, February 13, 1998

by Soap Central

Susan sits in her cottage fantasizing about Edmund and having nightmares aboutKristen, who is dressed as a witch and coming to claim baby Elvis. In herdreams, Edmund, dressed in a superhero's outfit, comes to her rescue. Susanis so excited about their upcoming dinner that she rolls her hair up in sodacans and covers her face with cold cream to get ready. Edmund calls fromLondon and they have a mushy conversation. Violet comes knocking and offersto take baby Elvis for the night so Susan and Edmund can have a romanticevening.

But while Susan is happily daydreaming, Kristen's evil plans are coming tofruition. She drags poor Sister Mary Moira to a secret room in the DiMeramansion (not the one in the wine cellar this time) and locks her up. SisterMary prays for guidance and is inspired to use her ruler to untie the knots onher wrists. She waits for Kristen's return, ruler in hand. Kristen comesback with lunch and easily disarms the nun and tells her she might as well getused to her confinement - she's going to be there for a long time. ThenKristen goes out and makes a phone call to some mysterious person (probablythe woman in England who called Susan). She tells the person that she has amutually beneficial proposal for her. Then she makes another phone call, thisone to Susan. When Susan picks up the phone, Kristen insanely yells,"Surprise!" and Susan drops the phone, screaming, "Kristen!"

Meanwhile, everyone else in Salem is waiting for news of Jennifer. At thehospital, Sami watches Franco cozying up to Hope in her private room, andbegins to believe that Lucas was right about Franco not really desiring her.Billie comes up to schedule a sonogram and runs into Sami, with whom she islately quite friendly. Sami tells Billie about Hope's accident and tells hershe'd better go in there and let Hope know that Bo is committed to his unbornchild. Billie takes Sami's advice and goes into the room. Franco leaves themalone and Hope bluntly asks Billie what she's doing there. Billie tries to befriendly, but it quickly turns into a war of words between them. Before itgets really nasty, Mike comes in to check on Hope and Billie leaves. Hopecommiserates with Mike about Jennifer.

Out in the lobby, Billie and Sami watch with interest while Carrie and Miketalk about the circus fundraiser. The feeling between them is getting moreand more obvious, even to Billie, who asks Carrie where her handsome brotheris. Carrie tells Billie how excited Austin is to be an uncle, and Billiewishes Bo were so excited to be a father again. Sami and Carrie exchangeunpleasantries. Franco takes Sami to Salem Place for an espresso and tellsher they need to continue to work on her image as a sophisticatedbusinesswoman. He cancels her order of hot chocolate with "lots of whippedcream" and tells her she will learn to like espresso. They go shoppingtogether and Sami is charmed by his attention, thinking that he must have someattraction to her. When she tries on a sexy silver crushed velvet dress,Franco tells her it needs something and places a beautiful necklace around herneck. He tells her she is beautiful and begins kissing her passionately.

In Jack's jail cell, Jack throws the sapphire necklace with rage, refusing tobelieve that Jennifer is dead. He tells Abe and Bo to leave no stone unturneduntil they are sure there is no hope. Abe goes to the Horton house to breakthe news about the necklace to Laura, Marlena, and John, while Bo takes a newpiece of evidence to Jack - a scorched purse found near the crash site. Jackimmediately recognizes it as Jennifer's and nearly breaks down at the sight ofone of Abby's toys inside it. Meanwhile, Abe goes to the hospital to tellHope and Mike the sad news about the necklace. While he is there, a man fromthe circus comes to thank Mike for all he did for Jasper. He mentions to Abethat he knows Jennifer drove away alone in Jasper's car. The news isdevastating to Mike and Hope, who are beginning to believe that Jennifer isdead. Meanwhile, Bo calls Abe from Alice's house, where everyone is waitingfor confirmation about the body in the car wreck. They compare informationand come up with compelling evidence: Jack identified the necklace and thepurse as Jenn's, a video of Peter busting through a road block shows that hewas alone, Bonkers the Clown say Jennifer drive off alone in Jasper's car, awoman's body was found burned to death in the crash, and forensics evidenceidentifies blood and hair samples around the crash site as Jennifer's. Theycome to the grim conclusion that Jennifer was the woman in the car. Bo sayshe wants to tell Hope himself, but Abe tells him she already knows. Bo breaksthe news to Laura, Marlena, and John. Mike comes home to grieve with thefamily and Laura disappears "for fresh air." Carrie promises to do anythingshe can to console Mike. Mike starts to worry about Laura, but Marlena andJohn tell him she probably needs time and that she's stronger than they think.

Laura drives grimly to the jail, vowing to get revenge on all the DiMeras forwhat they did to Jennifer. She gets in to see Jack (apparently, once again,with a loaded weapon; don't these people at the jail check women's handbags?),who is beside himself with grief and guilt, feeling that it's his fault thatJennifer died. He collapses to the floor when Laura arrives and says she musthate him. Laura says she could never hate Jack, but she does hate theDiMeras, and she will make them suffer the way Jennifer must have suffered.

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Edited by SC Desk