Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

SC Desk
Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, November 10

by Soap Central

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At the hospital the doctors are working to bring Roman back to life. Shawnand Caroline rush toICU where Marlena and Eric are already waiting. Dr. Marcus tells them thatRoman's body isrejecting the cure and if they can't stabilize him soon they will lose him.They manage to bringRoman back, but they need a drug to counteract the side effects of the cure,and they need it now!A nurse overhears this and calls Stefano.

On the pier Stefano and John are arguing about Roman. Stefano accuses Johnof wanting Roman todie because he's insecure about Marlena's feelings for him (John). Johntells him that is not true,Marlena was only granting Roman his dyeing wish. Stefano says he saw the wayMarlena wasgazing into Roman's eyes and says it's possible that Marlena has realizedshe loves Roman insteadof him (John). John tells Stefano he's had enough of him for tonight andwalks away. Stefano getsthe call from the nurse and both Stefano and John go to the hospital.

John and Stefano arrive at the hospital. Eric tells Stefano that his curedidn't work and now Romanis going to die. Doctor Marcus tells the family that it looks like Romanwon't make it through thenight unless they somehow find the correct dosage and drugs to give Roman.Of course, Stefano knows exactly what drugs Roman needs to survive. Stefano claims he had touse these same drugs to save his life and he writes down the drugs Roman needs. The doctordoesn't want to trust Stefano, but Stefano points out that this is the only way to save Roman'slife. Stefano reminds Marlena of her promise to forgive him and asks her to please believe him.Shawn asks why they should believe anything he says, but Caroline wants to try it. A nursenotifies them that Roman's blood pressure is dropping and Marlena says to do it. The doctor refuses toadminister the drug so Marlena says she will do it. Marlena prepares the drug and administers it toRoman, and it works! Marlena and John leave the room and decide to get some fresh air. Eric tellsStefano that just because he brought a cure back for his dad that they will forgive him thenhe's dead wrong. Eric also tells Stefano to stay away from his mother. Stefano says if there isanyone he should protect his mother from it's John! John and Marlena go out to the terrace to talk. Johntells Marlena he loves her, but he has to know if she still wants to marry him or is she falling inlove with Roman all overagain.

At Jonsey's place, Jonsey is chasing Vivian around the house trying to makewhoopee to her. Jonsey throws Ivan out so he and Vivian can get down to business. Vivianreminds Jonsey about his will, and how if he doesn't take care of it now she will be distractedtonight. Jonsey tells her to fetch a pen and paper and he'll write the will right now! As Jonsey writes hiswill Ivan returns and Vivian tells him to go get some champagne, she's going to try to get Jonseysmashed. Jonsey puts the finished will in his shirt and asks Vivian to come and get it. Viviandistracts Jonsey with champagne and Ivan shows up to drink with them. Jonsey tells Ivan he's not welcomedhere and throws him out. As Jonsey goes to kiss Vivian she sneezes, which causes Jonsey tosneeze as well. Jonsey continues to chase Vivian around the living room and as they kiss Jonseyfalls down, luckily Ivan is there to catch him. Jonsey sleeps on the couch and Vivian decides to figureout what to do about redecorating. Suddenly Ivan tells Vivian that he thinks Jonsey is dead!

At prison T.C. intercepts the note that Jen had sent to Jack. Jack isfurious because now he fears Jen will be in even more danger. Herb tells Jack he took a peak at the note,all it said was "lockdown." Jack knows what it means and thanks him. Jack uses his portablePC to break into the warden's computer. In the warden's files Jack finds a list of inmate numbersand decides to track down Travis. Jack learns that the number Travis was using was issued to aninmate over thirty years ago. Jack realizes Travis was a plant and he knows Stefano DiMera plantedhim in prison. Suddenly it hits Jack that Travis and Trent could be the same person.

Travis and T.C. meet in a back alley. Travis says he doesn't want to killJen, but they have to do something. Travis says he's going to kidnap Jen and take her to an isolatedplace where he'll find a way to pass the time. T.C. also "wants" Jen and Travis says if he plays hiscards right he'll get to visit her. Travis returns to Jen's place and deactivates the security system. Ashe breaks in Jennifer hears something and realizes someone is downstairs. Travis puts some ether on ahandkerchief and makes his way up the stairs. Upstairs Jen thinks she was just hearing thingsand goes back to bed. Travis makes his way to Jen's bedroom and struggles with her. As Jen passesout Travis says she's all his.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, November 11

by Soap Central

Travis/Trent is telling Jen that she is all his and he is typing a messageon her PC to leave behind - I guess so others won't think her disappearanceis odd. Then he hears a noise - it's Laura coming home for the evening. She notices the alarm system is off but thinks that Jen was too tired andforgot to set it. She wants to talk to Jen so she heads up to her room. Trent has left her in the bed and Laura walks in and sees her in the bedand thinks she is just sleeping. She goes off to get ready for bed herself but then thedoorbell rings - it's Maggie - seems Abby needs her bunny to go to sleepand while Maggie's there Trent prints a letter from Jen. Laura thinks shehears something but Maggie tells her she doesn't hear anything and withthis alarm system no one will get in the house. Trent hideswhen Laura comes back upstairs and Jen has had time for the ether to wearoff some. She comes to and remembers someone in the room with her and getsup to call 911 .Trent comes back in the room just in time to stop her and give her some more ether. He places her back on the bed and waits for the coast to clear. When Laura goes to her room he grabs Jen and is heading out the door when his cell phonerings. He hurries back into her room and Laura hears the phone and thinksit's Jen cell phone but when it quits ringing she thinks Jen's answeringmachine picked it up.It's Stefano calling Travis/Trent telling him to leave town as his work isdone. Trent says he was ahead of him and already packing. Trent then getsJen out of the house and into the trunk of his car. He tells Jen he issorry it had to happen like this and bids Salem good-bye and drives off. Laura gets down on her knees to pray before going to bed that Jen will beable to help Jack and he will be home soon.With Jack figuring out that Travis and Trent are probably the same personhe is going crazy and hollering for a guard to come. He new cellmate tells Jack to calm down he will get TC suspicious and figure out that Jack is on to him and then Jen could be hurt. Jack finally agrees to wait til the shift change and then try to get the newguard to let him call Jen - he has to warn her he says. TC comes by andsays that Jack is waking the other prisoners and to quite down. Hethreatens Jack with solitary and Jack tells him he knows that he is workingfor Stefano or Peter. Jack is concerned that TC will do a room check and findthe computer but TC leaves for now. But hey guess what TC returns and saysthat he thinks Jack is hiding more than prison issues stuff and startsgoing through all of Jack's stuff. Jack has hidden the computer in hispillow and he is hoping that TC won't find it.On the balcony, Marlena and John are discussing their relationship and thewhole situation with Roman. He asks her if she still loves him or has shefallen in love with Roman again. She tells him it is no that easy andexplains about Roman's dying wish and that he confided in Eric and thenEric told her. She says that it is all so complicated. Kristen comes tothe hospital and sees Eric and tells him to look happy that his dad isgoing to live. He is not a very happy person today as he is worried abouthis dad and what will happen with Marlena and John. When he leavesKristen talks to Stefano who points out that Marlena and John are on thebalcony. She is upset about this but notices that Marlena & John appear to behaving a very serious conversation. Stefano told her about his conversationwith John earlier and that he told John he has lost Marlena to Roman. Kristen is happy especially when she walks closer to the door and thinksMarlena is telling John it is over for them. Taking Stefano's advice she goesoff to freshen up and be there when John needs a shoulder to cry on but shealso tells Stefano she would already be comforting John is they had just been2 minutes later getting to the church because Marlena and Roman would bemarried. He just shrugs his shoulders knowing that is true but too latenow. Back to Marlena and John he wants to tell Roman the truth as soon ashe wakes and they talk some more about whether she has fallen in love withRoman and does not love John anymore. She finally says that she lovesJohn with her whole heart and will always love him. John is relieved tohear this and talks some more about telling Roman the truth as soon aspossible - after all he says if it were him he would want to know thetruth. Marlena is still not sure but John finally manages to get her toagree and they fall into each other arms and begin to kiss. They areembracing and kissing passionately when Kristen walks up and sees them andhollers out NO.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, November 12

by Soap Central

Sister Mary invited Susan to the convent to show her Sami doing penance forher sins. Mary tellsSusan what Sami is done and Susan says that Sami is mean, mean, mean. Susanis positive that hersister can set Sami straight. Mary tells Susan that she too is sufferingfrom delusions and she plans toprove to her once and for all that Elvis Presley is not her baby's father.Mary tells her go on whileshe deals with Sami. Mary screams at Sami to wake up and asks her if she'slearned her lesson.Sami swears she will never try to break up on Sami and Austin. Mary tellsher if she does she willhave to deal with her again, and the punishment will be even more severe.Sami asks if she can leavebut Mary says only after she has served breakfast and washed the dishes.

At Jonsey's place Vivian learns that Jonsey left everything to Flora Doraand not her name, Vivian,this means she is still flat broke. Ivan is horrified that all she caresabout is her money but Viviansays she did care for the sweet old man. Vivian says they need to figure outhow to dispose ofJonsey's body when Jonsey starts moaning and groaning, but he soon collapsesagain. Vivian saysshe has to keep him awake long enough for him to change her name in thewill. Vivian suddenly getsan idea and calls Dr. Wu. Dr. Wu arrives and Vivian pays him with some ofJonsey's money. Dr.Wu goes to work on Jonsey and Vivian thinks she's about to be rich onceagain. Dr. Wu tells Vivianthat Jonsey is old and his body is shutting down, that is why he keepsfalling asleep. Dr. Wu tellsVivian there is something that can keep him awake, healthy foods,interesting activities, andexercise. Dr. Wu tells her to never call him again and leaves. Jonseysuddenly wakes up and startsdrinking tea, Suddenly Susan and Sister Mary show up to speak with Jonsey.Mary tells them allthat Susan believes her child is the son of Elvis and that he is attached tothis house in some way.Susan asks Jonsey when is the king coming to get her, and Jonsey thinks shemeans the master. Ivansays what master, and Susan says he must be the king. Jonsey, Susan, andMary argue over the factthat Elvis is or is not dead. Susan and Mary decide to leave and Mary saysthey will pray that Susancomes to her senses. Vivian asks Jonsey that he needs to do something forher, he needs to put hercorrect name in his will. Jonsey says he'd be happy to and then begins toyawn and falls asleep.

At Carrie and Austin's place Carrie is dreaming about Mike and says in hersleep what a goodfriend he is. Carrie wakes up and finds a note from Austin on the pillow, hewoke up early and wentto Kate's. Carrie calls Kate and asks if Austin is there. Kate says she justmissed him but she'd liketo talk to Carrie in person. Carrie says she will get dressed and will beright over. Carrie arrives atthe Kiriakis mansion and talks to Kate about what Sami was doing in Rome.Kate tells Carrie thatshe wants to send her and Austin on a cruise but Carrie has to turn down theoffer, she doesn't wantto leave her dad. Carrie says she'll keep an eye out for Sami, she can't doanything now. SuddenlySami shows up and says she shouldn't be to sure about that. Carrie and Samiargue over Austin andMike, Sami refuses to believe that Austin does not love her. Carrie hopesSami will get the help sheneeds one day and leaves. Sami asks Kate what offer she made to Carrie. Katetells Sami sheoffered to send them on another honeymoon which Carrie refused. Kate andSami argue overCarrie's feelings for Mike and Sami says she will not give up until shemakes Carrie admit that Mikehas feelings for Carrie. Kate tells Sami she has no more allies, but Samisays she has one, and it isn'tFranco.

At Jen's place Laura is talking to Mike, who has learned what Jennifer wasdoing. Laura tells Mikethey just have to pray that Jen finds another way to prove Peter is alive.Laura then starts to giveMike a lecture on Carrie, and Mike once again sets her straight. Mikesuddenly realizes that Samiarranged for him to go to Rome, and Laura says she's glad she did. Lauratells Mike that she thinksSami is right, Carrie does love him. Mike says Carrie doesn't love him andhe'd do nothing to comebetween Carrie and Austin. Laura says whatever, but she knows Carrie belongswith him. Mikedecides to go to the hospital and Laura says she wants to go with him. Laurasays before they leaveshe wants to wake Jen up. Laura goes upstairs and comes back down and says"Jen isn't in herroom!" Laura shows Mike a note that was left in the room and Laura thinkssomething is strange.The note claims Jen is out checking a lead. Mike says she'll call when shecan and they leave for thehospital. At the hospital Laura and Mike continue to bicker about Carrie andAustin's marriage.Laura tells Mike that the real issue is that Carrie does not know that heloves her. Suddenly Miketurns around and finds Carrie standing behind him. Luckily Carrie did notoverhear what they weretalking about. Dr. Marcus shows up and tells them all that he was justcalled to Roman Brady'sroom, so they all decide to go see what is happening.

In prison Jack asks Herb to get a message to Jen about Trent/Travis. Themessage is "Danger,Trent is Travis, send Mickey." T.C. returns to Jack's cell and asks him tohand over the laptopcomputer he has. Jack says he traded his laptop for phone calls awhile back,but T.C. doesn'tbelieve him. Herb asks T.C. to let him leave before he can call hisgirlfriend, and Herb leaves (withthe laptop). T.C. finds a picture of Jennifer and takes it from him whileanother guard holds Jackback. After T.C. leaves Herb returns with Jack's laptop. Herb also toldStacy to give Jen a call , butStacy can't reach Jen, since nobody answers her cell phone.

Meanwhile Jen wakes up in a hotel room and remembers what Travis did to herthe previous night.Travis warns her if she screams he'll gag her. Jennifer asks why he is doingthis, and Travis tells herthat his name isn't Trent, it's Travis. Jen figures out that Travis isworking for Stefano and Travis tellsher she's a little to smart for her own good. Travis explains everything toher and Jen tells Travis thathe's too late, Jack knows everything. Travis tells her she's lying and hedoesn't like being lied to.Travis then tells Jen that he's no longer working for Stefano, he's workingfor Peter now! Travis tellsJen that he is going to deliver her to him!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, November 13

by Soap Central

Strolling through Salem Place with baby Elvis, Susan spies Stefano, Kristen,and Lexie and turns around, telling Elvis she doesn't want that "mean, mean,mean man" to touch him any more. Soon they run into Celeste, who beginstelling Susan that she has strange vibes about little Elvis' father again.Susan tells her that she is wrong, because Elvis Presley, the King of Rockand Roll, is her baby's father. Celeste shakes her head and walks towardStefano, who is trying to convince Lexie that he really has changed, eggedon by Kristen. Lexie is thinking about it when Celeste walks up and tellsher never to trust anything Stefano says. Stefano and Kristen walk off indisgust, but not before Stefano promises to prove Celeste wrong.

Sami starts the day at Kate's house, thinking out her next move to get Austinback. She has sharp words with Kate, who accuses her of forgetting herfather and Will in her obsession to get Austin. Sami says that's nonsense -she's going over to visit Roman now and throwing a birthday party for Willlater on. She heads to the hospital.

At the hospital, Carrie and Mike rush to Roman's room in response to a callfor Mike. Carrie is panicked, thinking something is wrong, and runs intoAustin on the way. They enter Roman's room to find him sitting up andsmiling, with his joyous family all around him. Caroline, Shawn, Kim, Eric,Abe, the doctors, and the nurses are all ecstatic at his recovery, which Mikesays will probably be a complete success. Roman says he remembers Stefanobeing there. Abe tells him Stefano brought the cure, and all will beexplained later. Abe leaves to do the final paperwork for Stefano's pardonand runs into Celeste on the pier. Celeste tells him that Lexie is beingdrawn in by Stefano. Abe says she isn't buying it yet, but still vows thatalthough he and John have arranged to pardon Stefano for past crimes, thefirst time he steps out of line in the future, Abe will lock him up and throwaway the key.

Carrie is overwhelmed by Roman's recovery and kisses him. Roman says that heis better than all right - he is surrounded by the people he loves, exceptfor Marlena - and where is she, by the way? Eric slips away to Marlena'spenthouse, where John has spent the night. They decided not to make loveuntil they could tell Roman that they were together. As they come down thestairs, they see Eric, who is tight-lipped and cold with John. John headsoff to run some errands and Eric asks Marlena how she could betray Roman withJohn a second time. Marlena says that's her business, and it's not fair todeceive Roman any longer. Eric says that she's being selfish, that herbehavior could cause Sami to have a total breakdown. Marlena tells him thatshe's heard enough from him. They go to the hospital, where Roman has beentelling everyone that he wants to marry Doc as soon as possible. Marlenagoes in to see him and has flashbacks of their first days together - thenight Roman spent in her apartment protecting her from the Salem Strangler,the romantic dinner when he proposed to her. She leaves the room and runsinto Kimberly, who tells her to follow her heart.

Sami comes to visit Roman and puts on quite a show of angelic behavior. Shepromises to bring Will by to see him later. She heads back to Kate's, whereshe finds Austin playing with Will. Immediately, she starts gushing abouthaving a birthday party with her son and his "Daddy." Austin tells her toquit living in a dream world - Lucas is Will's father, and the only thing sheis doing with her delusions is hurting her son. Sami says that somedayCarrie will dump Austin and when she does, Sami will be waiting with openarms. Austin tells her she's crazy. Lucas comes in and Sami is shocked tosee how much he has bonded with Will. Austin takes Will to play, and Lucastells Sami that her games are over, and if she wants to stay in Will's life,she had better not let her obsessions affect their son in the least. Lucastells her to decide who is more important to her - Austin or Will.

Austin invites Carrie and Mike to lunch. Mike and Carrie are surprised tosee each other there, and both are obviously a bit uncomfortable. Austintells Carrie that it's time to give Mike a present - a gold pocketwatch theybought him in Rome, one that looks like the watch Tom Horton had. They tellhim it's to thank him for all his work with Roman because, like hisgrandfather, he's a great doctor and a wonderful friend. Mike says it's aperfect gift, and Austin tells him it was chosen by Carrie, the perfectwoman. Mike has to suffer through watching them kiss again.

Back at Salem Place, Susan runs into John, who starts playing with littleElvis. Susan gets misty-eyed, remembering their good times together. Johntells her she will be a great mother to Elvis. Kristen sees them togetherand barges in, but Susan won't even let her hold the baby and stalks off.Kristen tells John that they would be much better parents for baby Elvisthan Susan. John tells her there are some things that are unforgivable, andwhat she did to Susan and to him, pretending that Elvis was their child, wasdespicable. Kristen tells him that he should remember the love they shared,especially now that Marlena is obviously still in love with Roman. John saysthat the only reason she was marrying him was that she thought he was dying,and everything is different now. Stefano comes up behind him and tells himto face the facts - Marlena is still in love with Roman. John stalks off tothe hospital to meet Marlena, leaving Kristen to ask Stefano how she issupposed to win John back. Stefano says that part is up to her, and walksaway to make a phone call. Kristen sneaks up behind him and hears him sayingall is in readiness for himself and the child. Kristen suddenly realizeshe's talking about Susan's baby, and tells him there is no way she is goingto let him take Susan's baby; she will prevent it, and show John she is stilla good person. Stefano tells her she will tell NO one what she just heard.

Celeste runs into Susan again and warns her that her father's child is comingfor her. Instead of being alarmed, Susan breaks out into a jig of glee andstarts dancing around with Celeste, thinking Elvis Presley is coming for herat last.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, November 14

by Soap Central

Mickey, Maggie, and Alice applaud as Abby shows them a few ballet steps forher dance recital. Abby asks where her mommy is, and Mickey says she iscovering a story, but should be back in time for the recital. When Abby goesupstairs, Alice says she is worried about Jennifer, and that it is unlike herto run off and just leave a note without telling Laura where she was going.Mickey says she is following a lead to get Jack out of prison, and all theycan do is pray that it pans out. Meanwhile, in a hotel room outside ofSalem, Jennifer pleads with Travis to let her go. She says that she knows hejust made a mistake, that they were friends once and Travis is probably adecent person deep down inside. Jennifer tells him that if he lets her go,she will make sure her Uncle Mickey keeps him out of jail and that they putStefano and Peter away for good. Travis says there's no way he will risk hismoney by betraying Peter, and Jennifer better just get used to the idea thatshe will live the rest of her life with Peter Blake and will never see Abbyor her family again. Jennifer says that if Travis hurts her, he is riskingmore than his money. Besides, her family will start to worry about her ifshe doesn't show up at Abby's dance recital. Travis says she is right, andthen gags her and leaves. He shows up at Jennifer's house just as Mickey,Maggie, Alice, and Abby are starting to wonder where Jennifer could be.Travis says he just saw her at the airport, and she asked him to pass on themessage that she was flying out of town to follow a lead, that she was veryupset that she would miss Abby's recital, but that she would call Abby assoon as possible. Everyone buys his story and Travis leaves. He goes back tothe hotel, where Jennifer has managed to loosen her bonds and is about toescape. He stops her just in time and ties her up more tightly, saying shebetter not try anything like that again. Jennifer starts to cry when hetells her that he told everyone she went out of town, and she realizes thatby the time anyone realizes she's gone, it may be too late to help her. Backin Salem, Stacy finally shows up at Jennifer's door and asks for her. Mickeytells her that Jennifer is gone, but that he is her uncle. Stacy explainsthat she has a message for Jennifer from Jack, but she isn't supposed to giveit to anyone but Jennifer, or her boyfriend Herbie, the trustee, will getmad. Mickey and Alice assure her that they can trust her, and that ifJennifer calls, she would want the message right away. Maggie points outthat Mickey is Jack's lawyer. Stacy says the name Mickey was in the message,but when she looks for it in her purse, she can't find it. She tells themthe part of the message that she can remember - "Danger...send Mickey" - butshe forgets the part about Trent being Travis. Mickey goes to the prisonimmediately, where Jack has been fretting all day about Jennifer and TC hasbeen taunting him. TC stops Mickey in the hall and tells him he can't seeDeveraux because he is in lockdown. Mickey stares him down and says he hasthe right to see his client, and if TC thinks any differently, they can seethe warden together. TC has to back down, but tells Mickey to make it quick.Mickey says he'll take as long as he wants. Mickey goes to see Jack with TCaround the corner, listening to every word. Jack asks if Jennifer is okay,and Mickey tells her she is gone following a lead. Jack is relieved, andsays that with the news about Travis, he had been worried. Mickey frowns andasks what the news about Travis is. Jack looks puzzled and says it was inthe message. Mickey explains about the lost message and Stacy's memorylapse. Jack tells him that the lost part of the message was that Trent isreally his ex-cellmate, Travis, in disguise, hired by Stefano DiMera to keepan eye on Jenn. Mickey looks alarmed as he tells Jack that Trent was the onewho told them that Jennifer was away. Jack suddenly realizes what that means- that Travis kidnapped Jennifer!

At Marlena's penthouse, Susan is dancing around after Celeste's revelationthat her baby's father would pay her a visit tonight. Celeste tries to tellher that the baby's father is not Elvis Presley, but Susan won't listen. Thedoorbell rings and Susan runs to answer it, sure that it is Elvis, but it'sonly Sister Mary Moira, Susan's twin. Sister Mary is very disapproving ofCeleste's premonition and the effect it has had on Susan, but Celesteexplains that she only said that the baby's father was coming, not that Elvis- who is, after all, dead - was coming. Susan suddenly realizes that herhair is a wreck and she runs upstairs to get primped for Elvis, leavingCeleste and Sister Mary to watch baby Elvis. When she comes downstairs, in afoot-high beehive hairdo and a pink fifties style dress with big plasticflower appliques, Celeste and Sister Mary tell her her outfit is veryinteresting, and that a man who wore white sequinned jumpsuits wouldcertainly like it. Susan says she is going to make some peanut butter andbanana sandwiches - the King's favorite - and tells Celeste and Sister Maryto get out, promising that she will bring Elvis by to meet them after hecomes to pick her and baby Elvis up. Reluctantly, they leave, wishing theycould stay to keep an eye on Susan.

At Salem Place, Kristen tells Stefano that she will never let him takeSusan's baby, because she and John loved the child as if it were theirs, andKristen believes that the baby is the key to getting John back in her life.Stefano tells her not to be a fool. Kristen rushes off to tell John,thinking that saving the baby from Stefano will redeem her in John's eyes.Stefano grabs her arm and tells him that she has no more right to the childthan he has. Kristen asks him what possible right he could have to Susan'schild. Stefano then drops his bombshell - that he is Elvis' father. Kristenis stunned and disbelieving, and asks Stefano why, of all the women in theworld, he would have an affair with Susan Banks. Stefano points out that shewas the perfect one to impersonate Kristen, and that she fit his plan in allother ways. Besides, he says, he didn't have an affair with her. He tellsKristen that he disguised himself as Elvis in order to make love to Susan andfather baby Elvis. Kristen can't believe what she's hearing, but she has toaccept that Stefano is telling the truth. Then she asks him how he could leta hillbilly like Susan raise his child when Kristen herself would be a muchbetter mother. Stefano says that may be true, but he is not ready to takethe child yet. He promises Kristen that when he is ready, she can raise babyElvis along with John, if she can win him back. Stefano says that he needsto see the baby tonight, and asks Kristen to help him get into the penthouse.Kristen says she will help him if he agrees to help her in the future.Stefano says of course he will, and Kristen asks what she needs to do.Stefano hands her a peanut butter and banana sandwich laced with a sedative,saying that if she can get Susan to eat it, he can sneak into the penthouseand see the baby. Kristen asks why on earth Susan would accept a gift fromher, and Stefano tells her to use her head and figure something out. Kristenheads up to the penthouse, where Celeste and Sister Mary have just left andSusan is getting ready for the arrival of the King. She's disappointed whenshe opens the door and it's only Kristen. Susan asks what she wants, andKristen says that it's the holidays and she just realized she doesn't haveany friends. She tells Susan that she wants to make amends for the way shetreated her, and offers her the peanut butter and banana sandwich as a giftof friendship. Susan is suspicious, but she lets her in, and they share abottle of root beer. Susan eats the sandwich and promptly falls asleep whileKristen promises to watch the baby and tell Susan when the King arrives.Kristen holds baby Elvis and promises he will be hers someday. Then sheleaves and Stefano comes in while Susan sleeps on the couch. Stefano playswith the baby, telling him how handsome he is and what a bright future hehas. Then he takes out a pair of scissors to clip a lock of the baby's hair.Just then, Susan, still bleary from the sedative, wakes up and looks over towhere Stefano is sitting and exclaims, "You!"

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Edited by SC Desk