Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, October 14, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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Laura is about to leave Jen's house when Trent shows up and scares Laurahalf to death. Trent saidhe was just checking out some movement in a bush, which ended up being acat. Trent asks whereLaura is heading and she tells him she's going back to the hospital to see asick friend. Laura thenspills the beans that Jennifer is working and Maggie is baby sitting Abby. Lauraleaves and Trentbecomes curious as to what Jennifer is up to. Suddenly T.C. shows up to seeTrent, claiming to wantmoney. Trent and T.C. discuss Jen, Trent is worried that Jen may be up to nogood. T.C. tells Trentthat Jack has been causing problems at the prison with a new female guardand doesn't know why.Trent however has an idea and says that Jack is just an overgrown boy scout.T.C. says to hell withJack, he will have this new guard.

At the prison Jack and Jennifer are in each other's arms. As they are kissing aguard approaches Jack'scell. Jack manages to fool the guard, but then both Jack and Jennifer overheartwo guards discussing"Hope's" whereabouts. The guards have noticed that Hope's car is still inthe parking lot, eventhough she went off duty hours ago. They worry and decide to search theprison. Jack and Jennpanic and search for a way to get Jennifer out. Jack hides Jennifer under his cot andstarts screaming in pain,he tells the guards he thinks something is wrong with his appendix. Theguards escort Jack out andleave the cell door open. Jennifer makes a break for it, only to be caught byT.C.! T.C. asks why she'shere this late and Jennifer says that she felt ill after he came on to her. Jennsays she just laid down in thelibrary until she felt better. T.C. comes on to Jennifer once again, he tells herhe can make her feel better.Suddenly Jack, and another guard show up and prevent T.C. from going anyfurther with Jen. pissed off with Jack and he says Jack obviously needs more lessens. Jackis put back into his celland another guard walks Jennifer out to her car.

Jenn returns home and is caught out front by Trent. Jennifer says that she's justbeen working on a storythat could give her what she wants most in the world. Jennifer goes inside andTrent knows that whatJenn wants most is Jack, he has to know what she is up to. In prison Jackwonders if perhaps thereis a chance for him and Jen. T.C. looks in on Jack and says he won't behaving sweet dreams forlong.

At the hospital Marlena has brought Roman some butter pecan ice cream. Romanhowever pushesMarlena away and tells her to go. Roman tells Marlena not to come see himagain and to get out ofhis life. Marlena says he doesn't mean that, but when he tells her torespect his wishes she leaves.Marlena is devastated when Shawn and Caroline approach her. Marlena tellsCaroline what Romansaid to her and Caroline tells Marlena that Roman is only trying to spareher the pain of watchinghim die. Back in his room Roman remembers his beautiful love for Marlena andwishes things didn'thave to be this way. Marlena returns to Roman's room and refuses to leavehim, she knows what hewas trying to do. Roman tells Marlena he just didn't want her to put herthrough anymore pain, butMarlena says this is about his pain, not hers. Roman tells Marlena thatwhen he returned to Salemhe assumed that she still had feelings for him, and perhaps they couldreunite. Roman says he nowrealizes he shouldn't have assumed that, he never thought that perhaps shewould no longer want tobe with him after the way he left. Roman apologizes for leaving her and hesays he will always loveher so will she please go. Marlena tells him that she is exactly where shewants to be, by his side.Marlena says she will continue to hope and pray for a cure, but if itdoesn't come then she wants tospend his last days with him. Roman and Marlena hug, Marlena has tearsrunning down her face.

Laura shows up at the hospital and she talks with Caroline and Shawn aboutRoman. Carolineprays that Roman can hold on long enough for John to return with a cure.Marlena comes out ofRoman's room when Dr. Marcus shows up with Roman's test results. Dr. Marcustells them all that Roman is developing an immunity to the medication, and thatthe virus is spreading rapidly, there is nothing they can do. Marlena thenconfides to Laura that shenow realizes she was only crying for Roman. Marlena tells Laura that eventhough she's worriedabout John, her main focus right now is on Roman. Marlena tells Laura shefeels guilty but Lauratells her that she shouldn't, Roman is the one who needs her now. Lauraurges Marlena to go homeand rest but she refuses to leave.

In the jungle, Hope and John are in the river and Kristen and Stefano areabove them in ahelicopter. John tells Hope that they have to go up the ladder to thechopper, they have no choice.Hope goes up the ladder and John holds it steady at the bottom. Stefanonotices another group ofnatives heading for John and says that John will never make it. Kristenstarts screaming at Stefanonot stay that, there has to be something they can do. Stefano drops a smokebomb when Hopemakes it into the chopper. Hope and Kristen look down at the ladder, andwhen the smoke clearsJohn is gone! Kristen tells Hope this is all her fault, she didn't climb theladder fast enough. Stefanotells Kristen that John never had any intention of climbing the ladder, hewaited for Hope to be outof danger and then went for the flower. Stefano points to the cliff whichJohn is climbing. Hope andKristen see that there are natives above and below the cliff, John doesn'tstand a chance. Kristenand Hope want to help him but Stefano says that John will get the flower andescape. John pusheshimself up the cliff towards the flower and Stefano takes the helicoptercloser to the cliff so that Johncan get in and they can all leave. When they get closer to the cliff, Hopeand Kristen see the nativeswaiting for him and realize it's a trap. Hope and Kristen try to scream toJohn but Stefano tells themthat John can't hear them. John makes it to the top of the cliff, retrievesthe orchid, and puts it in hisbackpack. In Salem a sudden chill comes over Marlena, she senses John is interrible danger, asmuch danger as Roman is in! Back at the cliffs John is knocked off the cliffby a native and plungesinto the water below. When John doesn't resurface Stefano tells them thatJohn is dead.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, October 15, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

It's a new day in Rome and Mike and Deborah are having breakfast inthe piazza while Carrie and Austin are waiting on room service to bringbreakfast for themin bed. Uh-oh seems Sami has arrived at the hotel and the bell boy is takingher to theroom she requested . She hears Austin's voice as he hearsthe bell boy and wonders if it is room service. Sami managed to hide in acart before Austin opens his door. The bell boy doesn't knowwhere the young lady went that he was showing to her room but he says hewill check onroom service for Austin. Sami jumps out of the cart just as the bell boyturns around andalso managed to also grab a huge ring of keys that was hanging in the cart.In her roomshe is trying all the keys saying that one of them has to be a master key.She gets the doorbetween the rooms open and sees Carrie and Austin making love. She is upsetat the siteand says that should be her in bed with Austin and then dreams that he tellsher that he was afool for leaving her. A little later after Carrie has gotten dressed Austingoes to showerand Sami looks in again to see Carrie writing in her diary. Oh great saysSami, Carrie hasa diary - I wonder what she has written in there about Mike Austin finishes showering and sees Carrie with her diary. He asks to read itbut she saysno - it's her private thoughts. He jokes about keeping secrets from himalready and shesays maybe one day she will show him but that there is one entry where shehoped to behis wife one day and now she is. They head off to sight see and the maidsays she hasmisplaced her keys and wants to go ahead and clean their room if they areleaving now.Darn says Sami she will have to get a look at Carrie's diary later so shefigures it's time tohead out and check on this Deborah girl.

Mike and Deborah are chatting and he says that he wants to spend time withher. She asks ifhe is still in love with the married woman and he says yes but that is readyto try to moveon with his life. He explains that he learned a lot from the woman and thatthere is lifeoutside your job and that he can open up his heart and have fun. He says thewomanshowed him how to have fun as he has flashbacks of him and Carrie. Then hesays hewould like to leave Rome and go to Israel to see Jeremy and asks Deborah tojoin him. Sheis thrilled and says yes but when Mike calls he finds that Robin is takinghim and somefriends on a camping trip. Sami arrives in the piazza and spots Mike andDeborah and themalmost runs into Carrie & Austin. She gets stopped by a couple wanting toorder and Austin seesher back and says she looks familiar.They join them and Mike and Austin go to getcappuccino since they don't see a waitress. Deborah tells Carrie how wellthings are goingfor her and Mike and mentions that what Mike said about the married womanshowinghim how to have fun and that he even mentionedmarriage and children in general. They guys come back and Mike suggestsightseeing anddinner and a nightcap and tell Carrie & Austin they want to go alone. Theyleave and Austincomments that they are hitting it off well but Carrie doesn't have much tosay. Then wesee Sami dressed as a nun - she thinks this disguise will help her moveabout Romewithout being recognized.

In the jungle John falls from the cliff just as Celeste has a dream thatJohn is hurt andwakes. She heads to find Abe and Lexie. Abe had joined her at the hospitaloutside thebaby nursery. She says she wants to have a baby with him but is concernedabout theDiMera blood. Abe explains that that does not matter and that it's whoraises you thatdetermines your personality and tells her that Kristen turned out bad andwas not Stefano'sdaughter but raised by him and she was raised by wonderful people. Lexieremembers aconversation she had with Kristen where she told her that she way have theDiMeracurse. Lexie meets up with them and tells them of her dreams. In themeantime, John is floatingaround in the lagoon unconscious and Hope threatens Stefano to land thehelicopter . He tries to tell them that John is dead and they need to leavebut Hopesays that John got the flower and if nothing else they need to get it sothat John's death willnot be in vain. Stefano agrees to lower the helicopter and get low enough forHope and Kristento jump. They head to the lagoon and Kristen wants to go in since Hope has agun andcan do a better job at keeping the natives away. Hope stops Kristen justbefore she stepson some spikes. She heads into the water as Stefano hollers at Hope on thewalkie talkie thatthe natives are getting closer and he is going to land and get them. Hopehollers to Kristenthey have to go but she says she won't leave without John. Then a nativeshoots a poisondart but misses as Hope fires the gun. Kristen gets out the water fast andthey go to meet Stefano. As they walk off we see that John wasright there hidden in some grass. They get back to the compound and thewomen arguethat it was each other fault that John is dead as Stefano tells them to shutup. Rolf arrives tosee if Stefano got the flower - he only have 36 hours to make the cure. Inhis office he puts John' battery back in the phone just as Abecalls. Abe puts Stef on the speaker phone so that Lexie and Celeste can hear.Celeste says that John is in danger and Stefano hears her. Lexie also saysshe is there as hesays oh my dear Alexandra how is my daughter. She just says they want totalk to John.Abe tells Stefano that until he talks to John he won't do any more and hangsup. Kristenwalks in at the tail end of the call and figures that Abe has called hisbluff. They argueabout John being dead and it's his fault and Hope comes in to join them andsays thatJohn's death is on his head. She says that she he hoped that she had diedout there too butshe didn't and she will remember the secret and bring him down. Next we seeJohn stillfloating in the water as natives walk by

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, October 16, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

At the hospital Eric is with Marlena, Roman is stable. Marlena tells Ericshe's so glad he is here forhis father, and for her. Marlena tells Eric he's inherited his dad's besttraits, traits Sami used to haveas well. Kate comes to see Marlena and they talk about John and the cure forRoman, but theconversation soon switches to one about Sami. Kate doesn't know if anyone canhelp Sami find herway. Marlena thinks that perhaps this trip of Sami's will help her get overAustin, but Kate knowsbetter! Marlena asks Kate about Victor. Kate says that the clinic saysVictor is making progress,but she doesn't see it. Kate says she misses Victor so much, and Philipneeds his daddy. Kate asksMarlena how she feels about Roman, Marlena says she will always love Roman,but John is the manshe wants to marry.

In Roman's room, Roman wakes up and sees Eric sitting by his side. Ericwants to call Sami,Carrie, and Bo, but Roman tells him no. Roman doesn't want to get in the wayof their lives. Romantells Eric his one regret is that he wasn't there for him and Sami. Erictells Roman they always knewhe loved them and they hug, Roman tells Eric he's proud of him. Roman tellsEric he's inherited allhis mothers qualities, and he has to carry on the Brady name. Roman saysthat he (Eric) is the manof the family now, and he has to take care of his mother and sisters. Healso tells Eric not to worryabout Stefano, John and Abe will put him in prison. Roman says he can nowlet go because he'sleaving his family in very good hands. Marlena comes in and finds Ericsitting by the window.Marlena comforts Eric, who says he wanted to be strong. Suddenly Roman'sheart monitor goes"beeeeeeep" and Marlena tells Eric to call a code blue. Roman is stabilized,but the doctor warnsMarlena and Eric that Roman can't take another cardiac arrest.

Kate gets a call from Franco, he wants to come back to Salem and see Hope.Kate tells him noway, he can't come back to Salem because of everyone thinks he's away withHope. Kate tellsFranco about Sami and her threats, and Franco says Sami is so evil. Francorefuses to let Sami getaway with this and Kate tells him if she could she would, but she can't stopher. Kate tells Francoshe has to go and then hangs up.

In Rome, Sami is running around in a nun's outfit trying to find a way tobreak up Mike and Deborah.Austin and Carrie are sitting at a cafe talking about Mike and Deborah, andhow they went to thefountain to throw the special coin in. Billie and Bo are walking around,Billie is feeling much betternow. Billie asks Bo if he's going to go back on giving their love anotherchance, Bo says he isn't butthen thinks about Hope. Billie looks at Bo and knows he was thinking of Hopeand says he is havingsecond thoughts. Bo tells Billie that he always thought that when hereturned to Rome, it would havebeen with Hope. Bo tells Billie that he still wants to give her a chance,and as they hug Billie tellsherself she has to make him love her more than Hope. Austin and Carrie seeBo and Billie and theytalk. Billie is glad they are happy and hopes that Sami will leave themalone. Austin is sure that Samiwill never cause them problems again. Austin excuses himself to buy Carrie aflower, and Billie goeswith him. Carrie is glad to see that Bo is happy, but she's surprised he'snot with Hope. Bo tellsCarrie that he and Hope drifted apart, Hope is with Franco now, and Bo issure they are in love. Botalks about the similarities between Franco and Hope and her (Carrie) andMike. Bo says perhapsshe could have fallen for Mike if things didn't work out with Austin, butCarrie doesn't believe that.Carrie thinks Mike is in love with another woman.

Back at the Hotel, Sami breaks into Austin and Carrie's room and findsCarrie's diary. Sami hopesthat something juicy is in Carrie's diary about Mike, but it's allDullsville. Suddenly Austin and Carriereturn and Sami is forced to hide under their bed while they get busy on topof the bed! Sami sulksand vows that one day Austin will be married to her. After the deed is doneAustin takes a nap, andCarrie takes a shower. Sami then decides to sneak out of the room, but notbefore she goes shegives Austin a kiss. Austin then grabs Sami and kisses her and tells her heloves her! Suddenly theshower goes off and Sami bolts out of the room, Austin doesn't wake up.Carrie comes out in abathrobe and Austin wakes up. Austin asks how long she's been here and whenshe says 2 secondsAustin says someone was just in the bed with him! Carrie says he must havebeen dreaming, butAustin checks the door to see if it's locked. Austin starts knocking on thedoor to the adjacent room(where Sami is), and when he finds it's lock he guesses he was justdreaming. Carrie then looks forher diary and finds it's gone!

Back in the plaza Petra shows up and Bo introduces her to Billie. Petra saysshe needs Billie's help,she needs someone to testify against Dino and Billie says she'd be glad tohelp. However Petra saysthe files may not be sealed, and it could leak out to the press. Billierealizes what effect this couldhave on the business, and her mom. Billie decides that she wants to do this,she has to do it.Another undercover cop takes Billie to question her. Petra asks Bo if he isover Hope, and Bo tellsher that Hope is over him. Petra tells Bo that she sees a sparkle in his eyenow that he's with Billieand she tells him to be happy with Billie and take his second chance. Billiereturns and Bo tells Boshe wants to talk to him. Billie tells Bo that she understands if he hasmemories about Hope, and shedoesn't want him to try to bury them. Bo thanks Billie and he tells her hislife is with her now. Billiesays she's grateful to him and God, and she wants to help someone else. Botells her she's doneenough for one day and she should go back to the hotel. Bo goes to thefountain and throws a coinin for Billie. At the hotel Sami tries to sneak out in a nun's disguise butis stopped by Billie.

In the jungle, Hope is at the compound and is thinking about John and how hefell from the cliff.Hope wishes Bo was here because he could save John. Kristen is furious withStefano and refusesto leave the jungle without him. Stefano tells her to calm down, he thinkshe has a plan to find John.Stefano says that he doesn't think John could have survived the fall, butJohn put the flower in hisbackpack. Hope is pissed off at Stefano and says he doesn't give a damnabout John or Roman, hejust cares about that flower and his pardon. Stefano says of course he wantshis freedom, but thereis much more at stake for him. Hope and Kristen offer to go find John butStefano says he hasnatives loyal to him that will find John. Stefano leaves and Hope goes tothe compound wall, sheknows John is out there and alive. Outside Stefano and Doctor Rolf talk andHope hides andlistens as they talk about keeping a close eye one her, they can't let herfind out the secrets toMaison Blanche! Hope vows to save John, find out about her past, and putStefano away for life.Stefano returns to the compound and Kristen is still pissed at Stefanobecause he failed to get herJohn. Kristen asks Stefano what is it about Hope that has him so scarred buthe says nothing. Hopeshows up and tells Stefano she's going to go to her room and lay down, andStefano tells her that's agood idea. Kristen asks Stefano why some of the natives hate him, andStefano says when he wasaway a lumber company came and cut down a large part of the jungle. Stefanodoesn't know whathe will do if he can't find John and the flower, his plan was depending onhim. Stefano and Rolfleave to go secure the lab. Meanwhile Hope breaks into a closet and finds itfull of children's toys.She then gets into the locked room where the table with the taro is, but shedoesn't get a chance,someone comes screaming for Dr. Rolf. Hope asks what is wrong and the mantells Hope that thenatives are back with news on John. Hope goes to see Stefano, all that hasbeen found of John is hiswatch. Stefano tells Hope that John is nowhere to be found, he is dead.

Out in the jungle John has washed up on shore, and we know he's alivebecause he moves a finger.At the end of the show some natives drag John off by is arms.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, October 17, 1997

by Diane Dix

Mickey and Maggie and Alice throw a surprise birthday party for Abby atJenn's house. Abby makes a wish when blowing out her candles - that her daddycan come home soon. She loves all her gifts. Trent comes in and gives hercoloring books. While he's there, he tries to pry into Jenn's mysteriousassignment, but she is very evasive and even indicates that it has nothing todo with Jack. Trent doesn't quite buy it. Jennifer leaves for work while Maggieand Mickey stay with Abby. Before leaving, Jennifer asks Mickey if he's heardanything more about Judge Cameron's disappearance, and plants the idea thatmaybe it is related to Jack's conviction. Mickey promises to keep his eyesopen. At work, Jennifer sneaks in a minute to kiss Jack and promises that shewill get the warden's password by infiltrating his office, although Jacktries to talk her out of it. In the hallway, Jennifer runs into TC, whoimmediately starts making lewd suggestions. She is rescued by a female guard,who tells her she has been reassigned to the visiting room. While she is onduty, Jennifer is surprised to see Jack there. Jack whispers that he has avisitor. It turns out to be Maggie and Abby. Jennifer ducks out of sight. Jackhas a touching visit with Abby - until TC comes in to tell Jennifer thatDeveraux needs to get back to his cell. Jennifer steps out - and Abbyimmediately recognizes her and shouts, "Mommy!"

In Rome, Carrie is very concerned when she can't find her diary in her room.Austin helps her look for it and tells her it has to be there somewhere.Carrie is upset because she says all her private thoughts and dreams arewritten down, and she would be horrified if someone read them. Austin tellsher they'll probably find it when they're cleaning up the room. Carrie leavesthe room while Austin stays to take a shower. Meanwhile, Sami, in her nundisguise, refuses to look at or talk to Billie, who is beginning to getsuspicious of this nun who won't talk to her. Billie finally decides the nunhas taken a vow of silence. Sami sits down with Billie and listens to hertale of how Bo made her feel worthwhile when nothing else would. Samiremembers when she felt worthless after Alan raped her, and Austin made herfeel worthwhile again. She decides Billie is similar to her, and that Hopeand Carrie are viciously trying to steal their men. Billie thanks the nun forlistening to her and gives her some lira for her order. Sami is about toleave when she literally bumps into Carrie in the doorway. Sami hides herface. Carrie tries to talk to her, but Billie says the nun took a vow ofsilence, and tells her about donating to her order. Carrie asks the nun towait so she can get some lira, and Sami nods, but naturally when Billie andCarrie return, the nun is nowhere to be found. Carrie says that something isvery familiar about that nun. She and Billie go down to the marketplace tomeet up with Austin and Bo.

In the marketplace, Mike and Deborah run into Bo, who asks to talk to Mikealone while Deborah changes into evening clothes. Bo says that it looks likethings are going well with Deborah. Mike says they are, and then asks Bo whathe wants to talk about. Bo says that Billie is doing a lot better since Mikeprescribed drugs for her to help with the withdrawal symptoms. Mike says thereal cure has been Bo's love. Bo prattles on for a while about how he stillloves Hope, but they can't be together. Mike says maybe it's time for Bo tomove on. Bo says that's good advice, and asks Mike if he's taking it himself.Mike says he's ready to try to move on with Deborah, and to try to get overthat woman in Salem.

Deborah, Carrie, and Billie meet up in the piazza. Deborah is wearing a verysexy dress, and Billie and Carrie tease her about knocking Mike's eyes out.Deborah says he seems to be having a great time and getting over the woman inSalem. Carrie receives the news strangely - she doesn't look very happy.Deborah and Mike and Bo and Billie sit down while Carrie goes off in searchof Austin. Billie tells Bo it seems as if he's getting over Hope. Bo asks herfor a kiss and they share one. Mike flirts with Deborah, even though he can'tget his mind off Carrie. Meanwhile, Austin is in the shower and Sami issneaking back into her room to put the diary back. Sami slips the diary undersome tissue paper and has a daydream about getting back together with Austin.She almost gets caught when Austin's shower stops, but she manages to slipout in time. Austin sees the diary and takes it to Carrie in the piazza.Carrie is amazed that he found it because she is sure she looked everywhere,but she is grateful. Mike sees them kissing and is disgusted. Sami peeksaround the corner to watch them - and then is suddenly grabbed from behind bya man we can't see, except for his shoes.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on DAYS

by Diane Dix

Austin, while kissing Carrie in the piazza in Rome, catches a brief glimpse of what looks like a nun being dragged away. He goes to look but sees nothing. Carrie convinces him that no one would treat a nun that way, especially in Rome. Austin says he must be seeing things and they go to join Mike and Deborah and Billie and Bo. While they're all sitting together, there is a lot of teasing and talk about love. Deborah says he favorite part of Rome was the catacombs, and Carrie's story about Claudius and his lost love. Carrie says she doesn't see why the girl in the story didn't dump the blacksmith and hook up with Claudius if she was that unhappy, and Austin reminds her things didn't work that way back then. Mike stares at Carrie and can't help relating the story to the way he feels about her. Billie shows off some flowers Bo bought her and Deborah says she loves men who make spontaneous romantic gestures. Mike says that he has a gift for her and produces a beautiful gold scarf. Deborah is thrilled with the gesture, but Mike immediately notices the scarf doesn't look the same as it did when he bought it...the colors somehow are not right for Deborah. He tells her he will take it back and let her pick out a new one. Deborah swears she loves it and will treasure it, but as she is about to put it away she glances at Carrie and asks her to hold the scarf up to her face. Deborah is amazed at the way the scarf suits her and picks up her eyes. Deborah says, "The scarf was meant for you," and Mike realizes that he picked it out with Carrie in mind. Deborah asks Mike if he would be offended if she gave Carrie the scarf, and Mike says of course not, but is obviously troubled by his inability to get over Carrie. Carrie accepts it with thanks.

Meanwhile, a few feet away in an alleyway, Sami the Nun gets dragged away and confronted by Franco. She is amazed to see him there and asks what he is doing. Franco calls her a "meddlesome little bitch" and says he will put a stop to her schemes. Sami is taken aback and asks what she ever did to him. Franco says that because of her blackmail of Kate, he had to leave Salem and get away from Hope. Sami is very surprised to hear that Hope is not with Franco as everyone assumes she is. But she convinces Franco that he is still in good shape because she happens to know from Billie that Bo and Billie are now committed to each other. She convinces Franco that if he works with her, they will both get what they want - Austin and Hope. Franco agrees, but warns her that if she crosses him, she will pay. Sami looks a little afraid, but agrees. She then gets Franco to bribe the restaurant to do a couple of things - play "You Are So Beautiful," a song she knows Carrie and Mike had danced to in California (presumably by reading Carrie's diary). Carrie immediately recognizes the song and knows she danced to it with someone, and that it was very special, but she can't remember who. Mike, of course, remembers it very clearly. All three couples get up to dance. Then Franco implements phase 2 - playing a romantic song and getting to waiters to suggest that everyone switch partners so that Carrie is paired with Mike. Sami is thrilled.

Billie is surprised to see the fortune teller who was at her wedding with Bo a few weeks ago. She tells the lady that she was right about Billie's life being in danger, but it's over now and she is happy. The fortune teller says she is surprised Billie is still with her husband because Bo was strongly in love with that other woman. Billie loses her smile and tells the woman that his love for Hope is over. The fortune teller says she is wrong, that the other woman is in grave danger right now and if Bo knew that, he would leave Billie in a second. Billie is very troubled. Bo comes and asks her what that character wanted. Billie explains she is a fortune teller, and Bo asks what her fortune is. Billie decides not to tell him anything about Hope being in danger. The fortune teller, who is listening, is saddened and disappointed by Billie's selfishness.

Back in Salem, TC is very suspicious when Abby calls Jenn, in her Hope disguise, "Mommy." He demands to know what she means. Jennifer says she has no idea, that Deveraux's little girl is obviously confused and she has never seen her before in her life. Maggie sweeps Abby away and tells her that Mommy is playing a game and doesn't want anyone to recognize her, and asks Abby to keep a secret. Abby nods and comes back. Jack and Jennifer finally convince TC that Abby was just talking about her mommy and is easily confused because her parents are often gone. TC actually questions Abby, but she plays her game and tells him that her mommy is at work. TC finally buys it and they take Jack back to his cell. Jack tries once more to convince Jennifer to drop the whole prison guard disguise because it is too dangerous, but Jennifer says she isgoing to get the warden's password so Jack can hack into his computer. Jack finally agrees and warns her to be careful.

In the jungle, Kristen and Stefano try to convince Hope to go with them out of the jungle, because John cannot possibly still be alive. Hope says there is no way she is leaving without him. Stefano and Dr. Rolf are worried that Hope will discover the mysterious draped table with the secret of Maison Blanche hidden underneath the cover. Stefano realizes he has to get Hope to go with them rather than risk her finding the secret and somehow escaping the natives alive. He resorts to putting her on a guilt trip, thinking about all the people she will hurt if she dies - especially Shawn-D and Bo. Hope finally realizes she can't take that chance and agrees to leave with them. Meanwhile, John has regained consciousness and found himself tied to a tree and all alone (these natives don't believe in guarding prisoners, apparently). He reaches his knife with his toes and flips it into his tied hand and manages to saw through the vine ropes (handy guy!). In seemingly no time at all (as opposed to the days and days it took him to get through the jungle before) he is back outside the compound, but he realizes that Stefano and his men are leaving, and the natives are between him and the plane. Just then, Hope and Stefano and Kristen leave the compound. Hope gets a crafty look on her face and starts to set off in a different direction from Kristen and Stefano. She is unaware that a native with a poison dart blower is just feet away, and aiming a dart right at her...

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Edited by SC Desk