Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, June 16, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

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In Rome, The wedding continues. When it's Bo's turn to say the vowshe hesitates (thinking of Hope) and King clears his throat. When Bo finallysays his I Do's, Hope faints. Bo & Franco rush to her side asBillie tells Bo to just let Franco take care of her. She comes to and saysshe is okay (must be the heat).Hope watches on (choking back tears) asBillie & Bo are pronounced man & wife. As it shows each of the players they are thinking to themselves...Hope is thinking that she mustget over Bo...Franco thinking he can help Hope, if only she will lethim...Bo thinking that he has to tell Hope the truth...and Billie thinkingthat if King notices any wrong move, he won't hesitate to kill Hope. Kingis taking it all in. He congratulates B&B and tells them that he has aromantic evening planned for them in their suite. Once again, Bo tellsBillie that it is Hope that he loves. Billie tells him he can tell her assoon as they nail King. When they finish dancing, Billie butts inand says it's time to cut the cake.

Carrie and Austin find out from Marie about the business trip that Kate hadarranged and both are a bit puzzled and a bit uncomfortable about it.Austin wants to talk to Kate about what is happening. Meanwhile, at theKirikas house, Kate has her hands full as she holds Victor and cries.She lashes out at Sami telling her it is all her fault and if Victor diesshe is a murderer. The nurse rushes to call 911 as Sami stares on in shock.Sami sees the picture on the floor and thinks that seeing the picture iswhat caused Victor's attack. The paramedics arrive and Kate says she is riding in the ambulance. As Sami crams the picture back into the envelope,we get a glimpse of it. Couldn't see what it was, only that it looked like an old black and whitephoto. Hmmmm.... The whole time we hear Victor thinking to himself that heunderstands and forgives Kate for what she did...he doesn't blame her.

He thinks that Sami is the cause of's all her fault, not Kate's.Back home, Sami fills Lucas in and he's furious at Sami. He sees theenvelope and snatches it up and they get into a tug of war over it. Samioverpowers the wimp and snatches it away from him. They all go the hospital tocheck on Victor's condition, and Sami & Kate end up arguing again.

In the secret room, Marlena emerges from the bathroom and Kristen delightsin telling her the news that Stefano is on his way, while Susan ispanicking over the same news. Stefano notices something wrong in Kristen'svoice, says she sounds shaky and not like herself. Kristen comments thatSusan is NO MATCH for Stefano, he will know she is an imposter.Susan askswhere is he planning to take M and he says far, far away from Salem. In the secret room, Kristen continues to tease and taunt Marlena. We seeKristen in what looks like a long black evening gown, putting on lipstickShe asks Marlena if she doesn't want to get fixed up for Stefano...whoknows you might just grow to love him M sits there like awhipped puppy. After Susan gets off the phone with Steph, she is in atailspin, scurrying around packing her stuff and getting ready to haul assbefore his arrival. We see Stefano rolling into the city limits of Salem and he says "how good it is to be back."

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, June 17, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

In Victor's room Austin asks Kate what it is she wants to tell them. Katetells them that Victor stood up, collapsed, and she thinks Victor wanted totellthem something. When Kate is about to spill it all, Mike comes in, and saysthe testsshow some improvement, but he must stay calm or he could suffer more damage.Mike says the slightest outset could set him his progress backindefinitely. Mike asks them all go wait in the hall so he could examineVictor. Sami asks Austin to pleasego call Wendy to check up on Will, and Sami and Kate go at it again.Kate says she will expose her one day, but Sami says she wouldn't dare.Carrie sees them together,andthinks to herself that the look on Sami's face looks like the old Sami. Carrieasks them what is going on, and Sami just says that they are talking aboutVictor and thetype of care he needs. Sami tellsKate that she is going to give Austin a big promotion, and then she'sgoing to buy them a great big house in the country. Kate tells Sami no way,but when Samithreatens to let Vivian in on her secret Kate agrees.

Carrie goes and finds Mike, and they talk about how she can't believeAustin thinks something is going between them.(The look on Mike's face suggests he wishes there was something going on between them).

Mike goes to see Laura, and tells her she was right about Carrie, she's sucha great girl, he just doesn't know what to do and wishes she was there to help him. Mike leaves, and then finds Carrie crying, and comforts her. Carrie says she doesn't understand why Kate is doing this to her, shethought Kate was on her side.As Mike comforts Carrie, Austin and Kate leave Victor's room and see themtogether.

Later in Laura's room Lynn tells Jen she feels Laura will come out of itsoon. Jen says she's so grateful to Lynn, and Lynn asks her not to thank her.Mike comes in with some great news, Laura will wake up very soon according to the batch of neurological tests.

In prison Jack is upset that he can't be a family and blamesthe DiMera's. When Jack says why hasn't anyone found proof that Peterand Stefano are alive, Stefano shows up outside Jack and Travis's cell!Stefano listens in as Travis tells Jack to find another man. Stefano opensthe cell and pullsTravis out of the cell (Jack doesn't recognize Stefano). Travis is shocked,and is told that he has some big plans for everyone in Salem. When Travisreturnsto the cell he tells Jack that he's being transferred to another prison. S

Jen returns home and tries to call Jack, but the guard laughs at her andhangs up. Abby says she wishes her daddy wasn't in jail because she wantshim to come home.

Lynn goes to see if their are any private duty nurses available, and learnsanother male nurse is doing to private duty work for Laura Horton, and maybehe could give her some info. Lynn approaches the man, and when he turnsaround it's Stefano with a bighonking rubber nose on. Lynn is shocked to seehim, and when he asks how Laura is doing Lynn says better. Stefano is outraged to learn Lynn has stopped drugging Laura, and is shockedto hear that Kristen ordered her not to drug Laura anymore. Being nearStefano jogs all of Laura's memory, and shesays she will destroy the entire DiMera family. Stefano leaves, and tellsLynn shedoes not like this at all. Stefano says he's going to see Kristen to learn whatthis plan of hers is.

In the secret room Kristen has a fantasy that Stefano has come to the secretroom and rescued her. Kristen watches the monitor where she sees Susanrunning around packing in hopes to escape before Stefano shows up.Downstairs a door opens, and Susan thinks it's Stefano, and then makes one of her weirdo faces. Kristen, also thinking it's Stefano,begins cheering as well. Susan grabs a bat, and almost clubs Caroline Brady. When Caroline offers to watch John Jr. Susan says she's taking himwith them, and then quickly shows Caroline out so she can keep packing.Susan gets themini-tv monitor and tells Kristen that she's leaving before Stefano can get her, andKristen tells her that's a good idea. Susan says she hates to leave John,and then torturersKristen sayingJohn loves her. Susan says she's leaving now, and she's taking Elvis with her.Kristenwarns Susan that if she takes John Jr. Stefano will hunt her down. Susanrefusesto leave without her baby, and Kristen says how much this will hurt John.Kristentells Susan her baby would have a much better life here with John, and saysthat it isbest for him. Unfortunately, Kristen's plan doesn't work, she only manages toconvince Susan to stay! Suddenly Stefano calls and says he's on his way tosee her.Susan says he can't come because of the police, and begs him not to come.Stefano saysshe's acting very peculiar, and is on his way to see her right now. Susanrealizes she has toleave Salem, and she's taking Elvis. Susan runs out of the house, andKristen screamsat the monitor for her to come back. As Susan is running through the parkStefanograbs her and she screams, but Stefano doesn't realize it's not Kristen!

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, June 18, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

John tells Abe that he hopes Stefano tries something so they can use him tofind Marlena. Stefano takes a disguised Susan home. She manages to warnMarlena. Susan considers locking up Stefano in the secret room.

While the real Kristen is in the bathroom, Stefano talks with Marlena on themonitor, but is forced to hide when Abe and John arrive home. Johnheads down to the wine cellar to retrieve a bottle of champagne to helpcelebrate with his wife.

Jennifer talks with Trent about Jack and he makes some small talk. Travisthen calls Jack in prison and continues to make Jack think that he's helpinghim.

The fortune teller warns Franco to beware of the person on the phone shesees him talking to, boasting that this mystery person is very desperate. WhenBo admits that he wants to tell Hope everything, Billie warns him of thedanger Hope and their son face from King if he does talk.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, June 19, 1997

by Diane Dix

Things aren't improving for Carrie and Austin. Carrie is devastated thatKate, who seemed like an ally, offered to buy a country house for Austin,Sami, and Will. Mike is there to comfort her, but it's obvious that Mike'sfeelings are beginning to be more than friendly. Carrie is too wrapped up inher problems to notice. Austin and Carrie try to see each other to talkthings out, but keep missing each other. Kate encourages Austin to keephoping he can be with Carrie soon. Sami searches for houses on the internet,and when Austin comes home, she tries to show him what she's found, but heseems distracted. Sami is furious because she assumes Kate has turned himagainst buying a house, and she calls Kate in Victor's hospital room to applymore pressure. Kate is too distraught to worry about Sami's blackmail andblows her off. Carrie goes to the rooftop, the site of so many romanticmoments with Austin, and thinks about how good it used to be. Mike comes upand tells her everything will work out. But Carrie's eyes fill with tearswhen her special song with Austin is played on the radio. Mike, touched andhelplessly attracted to her, offers to dance with her, even though he's nosubstitute for Austin. Naturally, Austin picks precisely that moment to comelooking for Carrie on the roof. He sees her dancing close with Mike to whatused to be his, Austin's, song with Carrie. He is hurt and angry and wondersif it is already too late. He goes downstairs and tells Sami it's time tostart looking for a house seriously. Sami, of course, is ecstatic with hischanged attitude. On the rooftop, Carrie tells Mike he will find the rightgirl someday, but Mike is thinking only about Carrie. As he turns away to godownstairs, he hears Carrie saying to herself that her heart will alwaysbelong to Austin. Mike is touched by her loyalty and beauty and says tohimself, "Austin's a fool."

John heads to the wine cellar, completely unaware that Stefano and Marlenaare there, only a few feet away. Stefano is preparing to open up the secretroom, but the sound of Abe's voice on the stairs alerts him to John'spresence. By the time John and Abe get there, Stefano is hidden. But heaccidentally left a crack in the door of the secret room, and through it Johnhears the faint sound of Marlena's voice. He convinces himself that heimagined it, even though it seems so real. They head back upstairs so Johncan have his pre-wedding celebration with "Kristen", and put the anklebracelet on her leg. Marlena and Kristen, watching on the monitor from thesecret room, are on pins and needles, waiting to see who will be discoveredfirst - Kristen, by Stefano, or Susan, by John. It's all they can do to keepfrom attacking each other. John goes up to his room where Susan, disguisedas Kristen, is waiting for him. As he is about to put the ankle bracelet onher, and discover from her Elvis tattoo that she is really Susan, a policeofficer knocks on the door to make sure they're okay, because he sawsomething by the kitchen. John heads downstairs to check it out, and Susanhurriedly puts the ankle bracelet on her own ankle. Abe, meanwhile, goesdownstairs to check out the cellar one more time, but a phone call distractshim and he goes away. Stefano enlists Susan's help to get him out of thehouse for the night. Disguised as the world's ugliest maid, he slips pastthe policeman outside. Susan is thrilled to have him gone, convinced he willnever get back in the house after John beefs up security for the wedding.

Vivian and Ivan, released from their convent penance, hear about Victor'sstroke and rush over to the hospital to see him. Kate does not allow theminto his room. Vivian is furious, but as she walks the pier with Ivan, shebegins to regret some of the terrible things she did to Kate and others.Ivan encourages her conscience, thinking it is caused by her time in theconvent. Vivian resolves never to commit any more evil deeds for Kristen orStefano. But before she can put her new self into action, Stefano appearsbehind her and Ivan and tells them he has a job for them - to sneak him intothe house during Kristen's wedding tomorrow.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, June 20, 1997

by Diane Dix

Hope goes to Bo to tell him she's leaving Rome that day. Bo tries toconvince her to stay, because he wants to tell her about the undercoveroperation the second King is nabbed, but Hope is determined to leave. Billietells Bo it's for the best, so that Hope won't be endangered when the drugdeal goes down. King tells Bo and Billie the shipment will arrive thatnight, and Bo will sail a new boat back to Salem, claiming it was a deal hecouldn't pass up, with the drugs secretly stashed aboard. Bo is relievedthat the long nightmare is about to end, and soon he will be back with Hopeand Shawn-D, but Billie is quiet, realizing her fairy-tale marriage to Bo isabout to come to an end. Franco gets an earlier flight for himself and Hopeback to Salem, knowing she is eager to leave. On the flight home, Hoperemembers that John and Kristen are renewing their vows that day, and she andFranco will be back in Salem in time for the wedding. But she's not sure shecan handle another wedding after seeing Bo and Billie's. Franco offers toescort her, and invent an excuse to leave if she can't handle it. Hope isgrateful to him for being such a good friend. Franco tells her he wants tobe more, but is willing to wait, because she is the only woman in his heart.

Stefano calls Lynn at the hospital to tell her that his men will arrive totake Laura away. Lynn does not have the stomach to allow Laura to be takenfrom her family again, and resolves to help her escape. In Laura's room,Jennifer, Mickey, Maggie, Alice, and an HIV positive woman named Dana aretalking. Alice thanks Dana for visiting Laura every day, and Dana says shecould never have handled her positive diagnosis without Laura. Jenniferpromises to get the message out about AIDS awareness and the need for a cureon her show, and Dana reminds her to also spread the message about thedangers of casual sex. After they all leave for John and Kristen's wedding,Lynn sneaks in and tries to get Laura up to avoid Stefano's men. She seesthem out in the lobby, but fortunately, they have to duck into a supplycloset to change clothes, giving Lynn time to wheel Laura out into thecorridor. When Stefano's men enter Laura's room, they're shocked to findshe's not there. Lynn hurries her into a stairwell, where she is justbeginning to regain consciousness, and promises to hide her out at the Hortoncabin on Smith Island. Stefano's men notice the abandoned wheelchair, butrun in the other direction, giving Lynn and Laura a chance to escape.

The wedding day has arrived, and the groom, John Black, has no idea he'sabout to remarry Susan, and not Kristen. Susan is beside herself withexcitement. She is sure that Stefano can not possibly penetrate John andAbe's security measures, although she tells the guards to watch out for afunny-looking woman (Stefano's last disguise). Stefano, naturally, is onestep ahead of her. With Vivian's reluctant help, he sneaks into the weddingas a member of the catering staff, wearing a beard which does not do much tohide his distinctive face, but Vivian helps keep John distracted enough so hedoesn't take a close look. Stefano's promised reward to Vivian, besides notkilling her, is that Kristen will sign over all of her Titan shares to Vivianonce Marlena is safely away from Salem. As Stefano wanders around waitingfor his opportunity to steal down to the cellar and take Marlena, the weddingguests begin to arrive. Jennifer arrives with Dana, the HIV positivepatient, but her mind is on Laura. Abe and Lexie and Celeste arrive, andthe second Celeste steps through the door, she senses Stefano's evil and thenagging Elvis Presley song she can't get out of her head. Everyone thinksshe's imagining it and ignores her. John brings a glass of champagne up toSusan and Susan, unaccustomed to alcohol, proceeds to get plastered as shemakes up for her wedding. In the cellar, Kristen scrapes frantically at thewall with her metal tool, but she doesn't seem to be making much of a dent inthe wall. Marlena anxiously watches the monitor, but doesn't tell Kristenwhen Stefano arrives. Kristen cuts her hand and viciously blames Marlena.When she goes to the bathroom, Marlena takes over the digging. Kristentries to stop her, but Marlena whirls and tells her to quit being a dimwit,since they will both starve if John and Susan go off on their honeymoon andStefano doesn't get through. Kristen lets her keep digging, planning tooverpower her once they've broken through. Upstairs, the real horror of thewedding reveals itself - the hideous, gaudy, Elvis-style costumes that Susanpicked for the wedding party. Vivian looks like a cross between Minnie Pearland Tammy Faye Bakker in a glitzy black dress with a poufy skirt andrhinestone accents, and Ivan, in a pink - yes, pink - sequinned leisure suitis a nightmare. John is horrified to find, instead of the expected cutawaysfor him and Abe, a sequinned, rhinestoned black leather monstrosity for him,and a ridiculous leopard-spotted cowboy suit for Abe, complete withten-gallon hat. Vivian rushes over to Kristen's room, assuming there's beensome mistake and wanting to borrow a decent dress. When she opens the door,she sees the gaudiest sight of all - Susan, disguised as Kristen, with a tallbeehive hairdo, way too much glittery blue eye makeup, a scrunchy veil abouttwo feet tall, and a glittery, tacky white dress with an awful, gathereddesign that makes her look like vaudeville stage curtains. Even moreastonishing is the look of dewy-eyed pleasure on "Kristen's" face - it'sobvious she's pleased with her outfit. As everyone upstairs tries to figureout what in the world is going on, Stefano sneaks downstairs and is about toenter the wine cellar when he notices that two cops are there as part of thesecurity team. He isn't worried, knowing that when John and Kristen leavefor their honeymoon, he can take his time getting to Marlena. Not 15 feetaway, Kristen shrieks in triumph as she breaks through the last of theplaster - only to encounter a metal plate of some sort, which turns out to bea pipe. Just then, Marlena notices a funny smell. Horror dawns on thebattling prisoners when they realize what the smell is - gas.

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