Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

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Marlena learned that John and Kristen were married minutes before the baby
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, March 10, 1997

by Nat

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Susan decided she wants to keep her baby. So she and Kristen had a littlediscussion about that. Kristen is very upset and is trying to think ofevery way to keep the baby.

Marlena is trying to tell John her feelings but John keeps trying to guesswhat she will tell him. She gets anxious because she can not seem toexpress her feelings without John stepping in to interrupt her. Finallywhen she is about to tell him about Kristen, there's a scream outside thedoor and you can tell that Marlena is very frustrated with Kristen. Sheknows that Kristen was attempting to stop Marlena from telling John.

Marlena sees Kristen on the floor and Vivian and Ivan standing to theside. She only then figures out that Kristen is faking. But John onceagain steps in, forgetting about his conversation with Marlena and get'sKristen to the hospital where she is to get rechecked. Kristen tells thedoc she is fine and that it was merely the excitement of having her babybut the good old doc doesn't seem to care. He's going to check her out.Kristen tells him she's feeling very tired, that she wants to go home andcan she be checked tomorrow instead. For some reason the doc decides thisis ok and this leaves Kristen just enough time to get Susan in there. Willshe be able to pull this off as well? John will go for it but will Susan?

Bo needs to pretend that Billy is his girlfriend because the thugsquestion why she is there with him. He explains to Billy what is going onwhile they are dancing, but Billy still seems confused. Then Hope shows upand Bo can not let anything on. They get into a huge fight and Hope endsup storming out thinking it 's over and not realizing why Bo did what hedid. He can not let on that Hope is the woman of his dreams, the woman heloves. Although Billy understands that she is being used as a decoy, Hopethinks Bo is a complete jerk and believes it is over for good. Poor Bodoesn't know what to do.

Sami gets all excited thinking she and Austin will be taking their realhoneymoon. To her dismay Austin and Carry decide it's unfair to them forSami and Austin to do this. Therefore Austin tells Sami that the honeymoonis off, leaving Sami hurt and confused. Austin and Carry are very anxiousabout this entire dilemma being over; they are sick of having to pretend.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, March 11, 1997

by Nat

Well today on Days, Kristen realizes it is her last chance to get Marlenaaway from John. Since Marlena is planning on visiting John to tell himEVERYTHING, Kristen turns to her last chance, her very last option. Shephones Marlena to basically plead with her not to talk to John for ONEMORE day. Of course Marlena, who is becoming smarter by the day it seems,turns Kristen's plea down. "Of course not Kristen. I've waited longenough." However Kristen and her have an argument about how Kristen feelsthat Marlena always gets what she wants and Marlena tells her that is nottrue that Kristen is a liar and is evil. With that Kristen is fuming andhangs up the phone not sure what to do. Well down stairs Vivan has comeover to see Kristen. When John questions Vivan's presence, Vivan simplytells John she's worried about Kristen. She goes up to talk to Kristenleaving Ivan downstairs to chat with John. Meanwhile upstairs Kristentells Vivian that there's only one thing left to do, as she holds up agun.

Kristen and Vivian decided that shooting Marlena would not be the bestthing. Therefore vivian decides she will pitch in once again and convinceJohn that he needs to make it clear to Kristen which woman, she orMarlena, he is committed to. But John demands that Kristen knows it'sher that he loves, and belives that Marlena does not have any feelings forhim so therefore Kristin should not be worried. "Oh?" Vivian asks? Youbetter go find that one out for sure. So John is left very confused anddecides it's time to have a talk with Marlena. Well these were notVivian's intentions, so once again she returns to Kristen only to tell herthe plan did not work; that John is going over to Marlena's. Now Kristenis fuming, what will she do? The plan failed.

Marlena is preparing to go over to John's. Will she tell the truth? Atthis point she is ready and not the least bit nervous. So she tells Laurawho is standing by her side. Marlena tells Abe about her feelings for Johnand that Kristen is evil.

Susan is going crazy. She hears her baby crying in the distance as shecarries around a fake baby. She also has flash backs.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, March 12, 1997

by Nat

Marlena, who moves very slow, is talking to Laura about how it is going tobe such a perfect night. If she ever gets movin' it might be! The entireepisode she is thinking about how this night will be so wonderful and thatshe and John will be back together? Ya think?? Throughout half of it, moretowards the end, Marlena goes to the church to say some last minute wordsto God, hoping God will hear her requests. She hopes that once she saysthis stuff that some force will be with her and she will have John all toherself. As she leaves and the episode ends John is there praying to,only, of course, they don't face each other. She sees him but he does notsee her. Nothing yet, but maybe tomorrow she will tell him. This isdragging!

Susan comes over to Kristen's and John's to get Elvis back. she calls forJohn but realizes he is not there. At first Kristen almost gets her toleaves, but Susan, this time, does not let Kristen take advantage of her.She tells Kristen, Vivian and Ivan that this is it; she will tell John thetruth and he will understand and give her baby back. Before Vivian andIvan can get her out, she demands to stay until John returns.

Meanwhile Kristen is totally cracking. she does not know what she is goingto do. Just when she thinks the worst has hit, that is when Susan arrives.

Abe lets on to John that Vivian may be right about Marlena's feelings forhim and that he should listen to her. John takes offense to this, for someodd reason and Abe apologizes explaining that he doesn't want to meddle inJohn's romances, but at the same time he cares about his best friend, andcan see John's confusion. Abe tells him to have a talk with Marlena tofigure this all out.

Jack calls Jennifer but Abby answers it. She questions whether he'll bepicking her up the next day but he tells her to realize that he will notbe around for a long time. Jennifer talks to him long enough to start cryingand gives the phone back to Abby. she removes her wedding ring as Abbysays to Jack on the phone, "Mommy is putting the ring in the drawer." Jackthen knows how Jennifer is feeling and tells Abby to tell her mom that heloves them both. Abby hangs up and does just that.

Jack, in jail, is telling another inmate about Jennifer and Abby and how muchhe misses them.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, March 13, 1997

by Diane Dix

While Franco is trying to console Hope on the pier, Abe runs into them. Abeasks Hope what is wrong, and is shocked when she tells him that Bo has goneback to Billie. Knowing that Bo is working undercover and doesn't wanteither Hope or Billie involved, Abe realizes something has gone wrong. Hetells Hope to keep her faith in Bo, which gives her renewed hope. Francotells her to give up, but Hope has the nagging feeling that Bo is not tellingher something, and is more determined than ever to find out what it is.Sitting alone on a swing in the park, Hope's memories of a lifetime with Bocome flooding back to her, from the first time they made love in New Orleans,to their wedding, to Shawn-D's birth, to their romantic days in Santa Rosa,and Hope knows she can't give up.

Back at the Snake Pit, Billie apologizes to Bo for getting caught in King'soffice and messing up his life again. Bo tells her that her heart was in theright place, but she is now in a lot of danger. Keeping up the pretense ofbeing in love, Bo and Billie leave the Snake Pit. King orders Max to followthem and look for any sign that they are lying to him. In the park, Billieand Bo manage to lose Max and rendezvous with Abe. Bo tells Abe how Billiegot caught in King's office, and the only way to save her life was to pretendthey were together. Then, to Billie's chagrin, Bo asks Abe to put her in thewitness protection program until the case is over. Billie protests, but Abeagrees it is the only way. After Abe leaves, Max finds them again, and Boand Billie resume their charade of being lovers.

At the church, Marlena listens quietly as John prays aloud. At first, she isthrilled to hear John confirm that he loves her, Marlena, more than ever.Just as she is about to go forward and reveal herself, John begs God to tellhim that Marlena only loves him as a friend, because every time they havegotten together, Marlena has suffered. John says he is committed to Kristen,and if Marlena loves him he can either live a life of misery with Kristenwhile keeping his vows, or marry Marlena and live a life of guilt forabandoning Kristen. As Marlena turns away in confusion, John quietly leaves.Marlena, after realizing he left, prays for guidance. A new priest comes totalk to her. Marlena asks him if John could get an annulment because Kristendeceived him into marriage, but the priest tells her that if the marriage wasentered willingly, the church will not grant an annulment unless the weddingitself was a lie. Marlena is reluctant to put John in turmoil, but as shesits there, she remembers all of her good times with John/Roman - hisproposal, their marriage, and the touching moment on the pier when they werereunited, after John thought she was dead for five years. Marlena decidesthat the only way she can resolve her doubts is to talk to John.

At the DiMera house, Susan stubbornly refuses to leave without talking toJohn. Kristen, furious and anxious, tries to run upstairs to get her gun tothreaten Susan, but Vivian stops her and tells her that won't work.Meanwhile, Ivan plies Susan with liquor in an attempt to confuse her. Susanbecomes agitated and threatens Vivian and Kristen with scissors. Kristentells Susan that she will buy her a nice condo in the Carribean and bring"Elvis" down to visit her every month if she will keep silent to John. AsSusan is on the verge of agreeing, John comes in. Kristen distracts himwhile Ivan hustles Susan out into the garden. John enters the parlor andsees Vivian. Upset with her for stirring up trouble, he tells her to leave.Vivian says she is going to the garden for fresh air, leaving John alonewith Kristen. John reassures Kristen that he is totally committed to her andwill do anything to prove it. Kristen convinces him that they should go tobed, but that she wants some hot cocoa first. As John leaves to get it,Kristen runs out to the garden. She finds Vivian, who tells her Ivan managedto get Susan to go home. Talking to Vivian, Kristen realizes that the game isup as soon as Marlena talks to John, and becomes convinced that she must getJohn out of town immediately. Kristen goes back inside and tells John thatsince they are newlyweds, they should go out of town and be spontaneous.John asks about the baby, but Kristen tells him she has it all figured out.Just as they are packing to leave, Marlena approaches the front door.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of March 10, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, March 14, 1997

by Diane Dix

While Bo and Billie are putting on their act for Max, Hope sees them kissingon the pier. She is devastated to think that Bo has been lying to her allalong. Hope hears Bo tell Billie that he has always loved her and only her.In tears, Hope leaves to take a walk in the park. Bo, realizing that Max isgone, reminds Billie of how important it is to keep up the charade of beingin love. Billie was swept away by Bo's kisses, and asks him if it was alljust acting. Bo says of course it was, and that he loves Hope more thananything, and that although he and Billie shared a wonderful love, the bondhe has with Hope is beyond love or marriage. Billie asks Bo what wouldhappen if he can't get Hope back after the assignment. Bo says that's notgoing to happen, but Billie continues to cling to the possibility that Bowill alienate Hope too much, and end up with her, Billie. After she goeshome, Billie dreams that she and Bo are married again.

John continues to reassure Kristen that he will always be with her. He tellsher it's a bad idea for them to go out of town because the baby is still indanger. Kristen asks him to come up to bed with her. Just as they areheading up the stairs, Marlena comes in. John notices Kristen shaking asMarlena stares at them. Marlena asks to speak to John privately. John sayshe is reluctant to leave Kristen alone; Marlena says that maybe Kristenshould be there anyway. As Marlena begins to speak, the phone rings. Johnpicks it up and speaks to the baby's doctor, who tells him that John Jr. willmake a full recovery. Kristen and John are ecstatic, and while they areembracing, John tells Kristen that now they can begin their normal life as afamily. Marlena, looking at them, remembers the words of the priest at thechurch - that if she tells John the truth about Kristen, his choice is tobreak his vows and live a life of guilt, or to keep them and live in aloveless marriage. Making the hardest decision of her life, Marlena decidesto keep silent. John asks her what she wanted to tell them, and to Kristen'sutter amazement, Marlena says she only came to say she would move out oftheir house and into her penthouse that night. John asks if she is sure, andMarlena says she thinks it is best. As she goes upstairs to pack, Kristenhugs John, wildly happy and relieved. When Marlena comes back down thestairs, John takes her bag to the car, and Kristen tries to thank Marlena forsparing her. Marlena tells Kristen how much she despises her, and that sheisn't doing this for Kristen. Marlena explains that she is only doing it tospare John the pain of being either in a loveless marriage, or of breakinghis vows. Marlena lets Kristen know that if she finds even one excuse to getJohn off the hook with the marriage, she won't hesitate to tell. As they aretalking, the phone rings. Susan, who had been sitting home miserable, hadremembered that she left her gloves at John's, and had also wanted to sharethe good news about the baby. Kristen tells her she can't talk now and notto come over. Marlena is suspicious about the phone call, but John comesback in to see her out. After Marlena leaves, John notices Kristen is morerelaxed than she has been in weeks. They go happily up to bed together,although John reminds her that they can't make love for a couple of weeks.

Sitting in the park after trying to call Kristen, Susan thinks about herlittle "Elvis" and cries. Hope, who is mourning her own loss of Bo, seesSusan and compassionately asks her what is wrong. Susan tells her that shegave up her child to some people and that she isn't allowed to see him anymore. Hope says she understands about loss, and suggests Susan talk tosomeone to help her deal with the grief. Susan says she doesn't have anyreal friends, so Hope gives her Marlena's card, telling her that Marlena canhelp her with anything. Meanwhile, Marlena had returned to St. Luke's topray to God to help her get John back, to find a way for John to get out ofhis marriage honorably. Just as she is about to leave, her cellular phonerings. Marlena picks it up and hears Susan's voice at the other end, beggingfor help. Marlena tells her she can't take any new patients. Susan begs andsays that Marlena's friend saw her crying in the park and told her thatMarlena could help. Marlena asks who the friend was, and Susan says shedoesn't know her name, but she was like an angel. Marlena looks around thechurch and wonders if this is God's way of answering her prayer. She agreesto help Susan and tells her to come to the office at University Hospitaltomorrow morning. Before she can get Susan's name, Susan hangs up.

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Edited by SC Desk