Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

Monday, February 3, 1997

by Carrie Snyder

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As Sami is sleeping Marlena tells Caroline that Sami is paralyzed from thewaist down. Sami awakes and the nurse brings her breakfast and a magazine.Sami starts to look at the magazine and starts screaming. Marlena keepsasking her what is wrong but Sami just keeps saying that this can't behappening to her.

When Susan gets home she puts the chain on the door. Vivian and Ivanarrive. She opens the door a crack and Vivian says that she is taking acensus for the government. Vivian tells her that she needs to know how manypeople are living with her and how many rooms there are. Susan tells herthat therre is only one person living in the apartment. Vivan asks how manyrooms there are and Susan says that it decides on what you call a room.Vivian then says that she did not catch her name and Susan says that she didnot throw it. Susan then asks for some ID. Ivan says that he can not findit. Susan says that she is not supposed to talk to anyone. Vivian and Ivanhide and Susan leaves to go to the store. Vivian and Ivan break intoSusan's apartment after she is gone.

Kate, John, and Kristen are talking at the Salem Place. Kate tells themthat Vivian is desperate and will do anything. Kate says that Vivian willdig up all of their secrets. John says that he hopes that Vivian does notfind out his secret that he loves chocolate covered ants. Kate leaves andKristen asks for more hot chocolate. As John leaves Kristen call Susan andgets the answering machine. She does not leave a message. What she doesnot know is that Vivian and Ivan are listening in.

Sami tells Marlena to look on the date on the magazine and asks if it is ajoke.

Carrie wakes up and finds that Austin has left. She hears voices inAustin's apartment and goes into room. Austin is telling Sami how much heloves her. Carrie screams and realizes that it is just a dream. They talkabout the annulment and what will happen if Sami does not remember. Theydecide to go back to the hospital.

Marlena tells Sami that she has amnesia. Austin says that he wants toexplain to her what happened. He told her that she was walking and he hither with the car. Carrie says that it was an accident because something waswrong with the car and Sami told him that something was wrong. Sami askedhim why he did not listen to her. She starts to get upset and Mike askseveryone to leave. Austin says that he may know of something that willhappened.

As John and Kristen leaveSalem Place her phone rings. Susan asks Kristen tocome and see her. Kristen tells John that she needs to see a friend and willmeet up with him later.

Austin returns to the hospital with Will. Marlena says no but then Austintells her that he checked with her specialist. Then the discuss the fact ofWill getting upset if Sami does not recognize him. Kate then asks if it ispossible that Sami is faking it. Carrie agrees with Kate and wants to knowif it is possible. Marlena says that they will find out when Austin takesWill in because. If Sami recognizes him they will see it in her eyes. Theytake Will in the room and she smiles. Will says mama and and Sami tellsthem that they should take him back to his mother. He says mama again andSami starts to get upset. She asks if she should know the baby. She tellsAustin to take him back to his mother. Then she asks Carrie if the baby ishers. Carrie says no and Austin takes Will out of the room. Marlena tellsSami that she needs to rest and they leave. Marlena tells Kate that she wasthe on closest to Sami's eyes and asks her what she saw. Kate says thatSami truely did not recognize Will.

John asks what is wrong with Marlena and she tells him the incident withWill and Sami. He tells her that it is time for her to quit being sostrong. He hugs her and tells her that he wants to be there for her. Shetells him that it is terrible that Carrie and Austin are being kept apart.Marlena starts having flashback of find John's letter and talking toKristen. John tells her that she is not talking abot Carrie and Austin andthat he knows what she is talking about. Marlena asks if she is reallyshowing that much.

Austin and Carrie are back in Sami's room and Carrie decides to leave thesong on of the wedding. They hope that the song will help calm her down.Mickey asks to talk to Austin and Carrie. Austin asks if there is anotherway to get the annulment. He tells them that there is no other way. Samistarts to remember giving birth to Will, talking to Will about Austin, andtheir wedding. She starts screaming the she remembers.

Kristen goes into Susan's apartment and asks her what is wrong. She has herback to Kristen with the wig on and does not answer her. Kristen begins totake her coat off and asks her if she is in labor. Susan does not answeragain but puts a glass down. Susan slowly turns around and it is Vivian andshe tells Kristen that she knows what she is up to.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

Tuesday, February 4, 1997

by Carrie Snyder

Jack tells Jennifer that he wants to be around for Abby's life. Jenniferasks Jack if he had changed his mind about pleading guilty. He says that hehas.

Carrie and Austin hear Sami yell that she remembers and they rush into herroom. Sami says that she remembers everything.

John asks Marlena to share her feelings with him. He says that it is abouttime that they both start sharing their feelings.

Kristen acts like she has no idea what Vivian is doing. Vivian tells Kristenthat she needs to talk to her. Kristen tries to leave but Ivan says thatVivian has some questions for her.

Sami says that she is glad that she remembered and what would of happened ifshe did not remember those four years at all. Mike comes in and asks howshe is feeling. She says that she remembers but still can not feel her legs.

Marlena says that she has been thinking of this moment for a long time. Andthat she does not know what to say. John says that he knows that it is hardto forget how they both hurt Roman. He continues to say that the accidentwith Sami has brought back a lot of memories. A nurse comes to tell Marlenathat Sami remembers.

Kristen tells Vivian that she was just checking on a friend. Vivian asks ifher friend called. Kristen says no. Vivian continues to tell her that shecalled a number on a paper that has K on it. And asks K to come over.Vivian decides to call the number again. Kristen's cell phone startsringing. Kristen answers it and Vivian uses Susan's voice to ask Kristen tocome over.

Mickey goes by Jennifer's. He tells them that Sami has part memory back.Then he shows her an article that says that Jack and Jennifer are gettingmarried. Jennifer wants to sue but there is no proof that they are notgetting married. Jennifer tells him that Jack has changed his mind. Jacktells Mickey that he has changed his mind. Then he sees the tabloid on thetable. When he sees the article he changes his mind again.

Carrie and Austin are happy that Sami remembers now they can get theannulment. Carrie tells Austin that she wants to be married by the samejudge - she doesn't even want to take the time to go to the church for fearSami may pull something else. Marlena and John arrive. They ask what Samiremembers. Carrie says that right now Sami is just overwhelmed byeverything. Mike comes out and says that all Sami is talking about is Willand that she wants to see him. John leaves to go get Will.

Vivian shows Kristen the wig, teeth, clothing, and picture that Susan hasthat would make her look just like Kristen. Vivian says that the bloodtypes were differen. She wonders why Kristen needs someone to look likeher. She says that maybe Kristen lost the baby in Paris and did not tell John.

Jack says that he does not want to put the family through anymore trouble.Mickey calls to get a judge and a date for the hearing. Jack says thatthere is no turning back now.

Everyone goes in to see Sami. She is so happy that she rememberseverything. John arrives with Wil. Sami apologizes to Will and says thatshe is so happy to see him. She remembers that she and Austin have abeautiful son together and that they got married. Austin asks if sheremembers why they got married. She says that they got married because theylove each other.

Vivian figures out that Kristen was using the baby to keep John. That Johnand Marlena are still in love. Kristen tries to leave. Vivian grabs her andIvan her to watch out for the baby. Then Kristen baby pillow pops out.

Mickey says that the judge that Jack has is known to be fair and tough.

Sami remembers that everyone was there. And that Carrie was her bridesmaid.She says that the wedding was so wonderful. Sami does not remember all ofthe terrible things that she has done to Austin and Carrie. Sami asksAustin how long they were dating. Marlena says Sami needs to rest. Everyoneleaves. Sami asks Austin if he was going to tell her bye. She then asksfor a kiss. Austin gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Kristen does not know what to do. Then she says that John already knows hervote and she can not go against him at the board meeting. Vivian says shebetter help her or she will tell John everything.

After Mickey leaves Jack starts going through some papers. Jennifer comesdownstairs and he tells her that he has a mutual fund for Abby's college andthat the plumber, roofer and heating people are coming by to see if anythingneeds fixed before he goes to jail. Abby comes downstairs and wants Jack toread to her.

Austin tells Carrie that Sami will get better.

Kristen tells Vivian that Stefano would not like what she is doing. Viviantells Ivan not to worry because he is dead. Kristen asks her how she knowsthat he is dead. She also asks if she is going to take the chance that heis dead

Marlena and Mike tell Carrie and Austin that they think they have a way tohelp Sami remember things. They say that she can not be told everything atonce because it may make her forget everything.

Ivan gets scared Vivian tells him to leave.

Jack comes back downstairs after reading to Abby. He says that he will havememories of Abby to get him through in jail. Jennifer asks is there issomething else he wants toremember. He says yes and leans over to kiss Jenn.

Mike and Marlena ask Austin to act like he loves Sami. And to act like herhusband. Carrie says that she will not go along with it.

Vivian tells Kristen that she has until tomorrow to change her mind. Or shewill tell John everything.

John calls Kate and tells her not to worry Kristen will vote against Vivianjust like he will.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

Wednesday, February 4, 1997

by Carrie Snyder

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

Thursday, February 6, 1997

by Diane Dix

On the pier, Marlena reflects on her conversation with Bo about true love.As she looks forward to being together with John, Kate sees her and stops totalk. Kate tells Marlena she hopes that she can find true love with John,and talks about her problems with Vivian. As the conversation turns to Sami,Kate again mentions that she suspects Sami is faking the amnesia. Marlena isangry at the suggestion, but Kate smooths it over. Together, they head overto John and Kristen's, where they are surprised to encounter Vivian. Kateand Vivian exchange angry words about the board meeting, and John and Kristenassure Kate that their votes will go against Vivian, but Marlena notices thatKristen looks uncomfortable. To everyone's surprise, Kristen and Vivian goout to the patio together, where Vivian once again puts pressure on Kristento support her, telling her she must decide by tomorrow or Vivian will tellJohn and Marlena about the faked pregnancy and the double.

At Carrie's apartment, Carrie decides she can no longer put her feelingsaside to help Sami, and tells Austin that she will not agree to let himpretend to be in love with Sami, as Marlena suggested. Austin agrees, butobviously feels guilty that he can't help Sami, since he feels responsiblefor the accident. Later, Carrie sees Austin and Will bonding, and decidesshe is being too selfish. Austin finds her standing on the fire escape inthe rain. He asks her what is wrong, and she tells him she has decided onceand for all to allow Austin to participate in the ruse to help Sami. Austinassures her that he will always love her, no matter what.

At the hospital, Sami continues to have warm memories of Austin and Will, butcan't remember anything else about the last four years. Lucas bursts intoher room, having just returned from a business trip. He knows that Sami isawake, but does not know about the amnesia. Sami doesn't recognize him atfirst, but Lucas tries to remind her of their plots and schemes together.Just as he is about to tell her the whole truth about her marriage toAustin, Dr. Mike Horton enters and asks to speak to Lucas. Outside Sami'sroom, Mike tells Lucas about her amnesia and delicate condition. Mike tellsLucas that due to Sami's fragile mental condition, they have asked Austin andCarrie not to disillusion Sami about the marriage. Lucas is ecstatic, butMike warns him not to take advantage of the situation. Lucas enters Sami'sroom again and begins to make up stories about how much Austin loves her. Healso tells Sami that he likes Carrie, and Sami innocently agrees to helpLucas win Carrie any way she can.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on DAYS

Friday, February 7, 1997

by Diane Dix

As John and Kristen prepare for the Titan board meeting at Kate's house,Kristen becomes increasingly nervous, and waits desperately for Stefano toreturn her call and tell her how to neutralize Vivian. She tells John to goahead of her while she changes clothes. She tries to contact Stefano again,but his henchman says he cannot be reached. Kristen considers not attendingthe meeting at all, so that Kate would be unable to hold a vote, butdiscovers that John has taken her proxy anyway and the vote could still beheld, and her secret revealed. At Kate's, Victor sits up in a chair at themeeting. Although he is still unable to move or speak, he is fully aware ofeverything that is going on. He wishes he could help Kate with Titan, and issuspicious that Vivian has something up her sleeve. As Vivian and the boardmembers enter, Victor glares menacingly at Vivian. Kate calls the boardmeeting to order, but everyone wonders where Kristen is. The other boardmembers hand in their votes for Kate. Just as Vivian prepares to tell Johnabout Kristen, Kristen enters. Kate calls for the vote, and, as expected,everyone votes with Kate. But when the time comes for Kristen to vote, shehaltingly casts her votes for Vivian, to the shock of Victor, Kate, andespecially John.

At the hospital, Austin tells Marlena that he is ready to proceed with theplan to pretend he is Sami's loving husband. With Lucas, Marlena, and Carrielooking on, Austin enters Sami's room. Although she assured Austin she wouldbe fine, Carrie collapses into sobs. Austin and Sami watch the wedding videoagain, and Sami tells Austin it was all that kept her going. She asks forher wedding ring, which Carrie had been holding for her. Carrie watches indespair as Austin places it on Sami's finger. Sami remarks that she wishesshe could remember everything about the wedding, and asks Austin if it wouldbe possible to recreate it. Austin tells Carrie, Lucas, and Marlena aboutthe suggestion, but thinks it would be too horrible to actually put Carriethrough that ordeal.

The hearing for Jack's sentencing in Peter's death begins. Although thestate presents a strong case, Mickey's argument is compelling and heartfelt.He asks that Jack be sentenced for involuntary manslaughter and given threeyears' probation. Jack speaks in his own defense, and states that he shotPeter accidentally, and went to Jennifer's house that night only to preventPeter from kidnapping Jennifer and Abby. Maggie and Alice tell Jack that hisplea was very effective, and Mickey tells them he is sure the judge is ontheir side. The judge retires to his chambers to consider the sentence. Ashe enters, he notices there is someone sitting in his chair, with his backturned. As he asks that the person leave, the chair turns slowly around toreveal Stefano DiMera. The judge does not recognize him and demands to knowwho he is. Stefano replies, "Your conscience."

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Edited by SC Desk