Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

Monday, December 23, 1996

When Kristen sees the cradle she thinks that it will symbolize that theywill finally be a family. Stefano calls Kristen and tells her the laseris finished. He wants Kristen to see if John will get the police out of theairport so that he and Peter can escape. Kristen then gets upset. Johnsees her and grabs it and asks who is there. Stefano hung up and him.Kristen told John that it was a store clerk who was giving her a hard time.John wants to call the clerk back but Kristen convinces him not too.Kristen begins to worry about Laura. She then decides to invite Jenniferand Abby to come over for Christmas Eve. Abe and Lexie arrive and Johnbegins to wonder where Kristen went. Lexie finds a not from Kristen sayingthat she went out and that she will be back. Jennifer and Abby arrive.John tells Jennifer that he is doing everything that he can to find Laura.He said that he moved the police from the airport to the bus and traindepot. Jennifer asks why and he tells her that it is the best thing to dosince Laura is afraid to fly. Jennifer tells John that Laura is not afraidto fly and asks John where he got that from. He said that Kristen told him.Kristen walks in the house and they ask her why she said that Laura wasafraid to fly. She starts a big lie about Peter told her that a long timeago. Abe decides to put the police back in the airport but Kristen liesagain. She says that without her credit cards and checkbook in her purseLaura won't have the money to buy a ticket. Kristen reassures Jennifer thatLaura will be found. Jennifer says that she can't be sure unless Kristenknows something that everyone else doesn't. Before leaving Stefano takesPeter to the DiMera mansions to see Jennifer. Kristen sees them and gasps.John thinks that something is wrong with the baby. Kristen fakes everythingonce again. Peter vows to come back for Jennifer and that they will betogether again.

Jack, Mike, and Jennifer wait for news on Laura. Jennifer begins to fearthe worst and Jack comforts her. Jack then decides to go and search somemore. Jennifer said that Jack is just doing it because he feels guilty.Mike said that he thinks Jack really cares. Jennifer gets a call fromKristen asking them to come over for Christmas Eve. Jennifer accepts.

At the Blake house Peter and Stefano argue about everything that hashappened. The police have now left the airport so the get ready to leave.Kristen then shows up asking how the laser went. Stefano again tells herthat they will not know until Laura wakes up. They begin to argue overLaura and what will happen if it does not work. Stefano says that he canjust take Laura with him. Kristen refuses. Peter promises to return oneday and reclaim Jennifer. As everyone prepares to leave Kristen asksStefano where he will leave Laura. He laughs and says that it will be someplace so obvious that even Celeste's powers will do no good.

Jack sees Celeste as he was searching for Laura. Celeste offers to helpJack search for her. She feels Laura is caught between the forces of goodand evil. She also has visions of clouds and wings and that Laura is aloneand the others were flying away. Jack asks if he should check out theairport and she says yes. And that he should hurry. Jack arrives at theairport and he sees the man from the corporate terminal (flashback to whenJack, Abe, and John went to search the log books) he wonders what he isdoing there. He follows the man in a disguise of a janitor.

At the Brady pub Shawn D prays that Jill will wake up so that his parentscan be together for Christmas. Bo and Hope arrive and tell Shawn D thatJill has waken up. He is sure that he prayer has been answered. Bo tellshim that they will be a family for Christmas. Shawn D runs off happy. Hopegets mad a Bo for getting Shawn D's hopes up. They get into theBillie/Franco/island argument. A nurse from the hospital interrupts andtells them the Jill had a nightmare and was screaming for Bo. When thearrive Jill says that she doesn't want to have anything more to do with it.Hope begs Jill to do it but Jill won't change her mind. Hope reassures Jillthat she knows the fear of being stalked and attacked. She tells Jill thatthe only way to overcome it is to face it. Jill agrees with Hope andchanges her mind. Bo thanks Hope and tells her that Franco will go to jail.They go to Salem Place and do some Christmas shopping for Shawn D.

Franco makes an appointment to see his boss tonight or the deal is off. Hetells his boss that he wants his money and to meet him at Salem Place.Franco tells his boss that if he is going down the so is he/she. Bo seesFranco talking to someone behind a tree. He thinks it could be his boss.

Laura is shown cuddled in a blanket on a bench. Stefano and Peter go to theairport in a limo.

Tuesday, December 24, 1996

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At the Brady pub the Brady's gathered to light the tree and celebrate.Austin decides to give Carrie and early present because he can't wait. Thepresent was that Kate gave them the use of the Kiriakis jet for Austin tofly back and forth. Sami and Lucas see Carrie jump into Austin's arms andwonder what she is so happy about. John, Marlena, and Kristen arrive.Carrie tells Marlena about her present from Kate. Austin tells Sami shetells him that he will miss Will's important things like his first step. Asshe says this Will walks towards Austin. Kristen is looking at the snow andJohn thinks that she is missing Peter. Marlena and Lexie both notice thatKristen looks a little tense. Bo arrives. All of the Brady's decide to goto church. Carrie, Austin, and Sami make peace for the night and sittogether. Hope shows up to sit with Bo and Shawn D. Billie also shows upand Franco comes but leaves because he says to himself that he doesn'tbelong there. Marlena arrives after seeing Laura. John asks how Laura isand Marlena tells them she is still unconscious but was mumbling the wordhome. Marlena notices that Kristen is very tense and Marlena asks if she isall right. Kristen says that everything is just overwhelming. The churchservice begins, and the Brady's all sing "Joy to the World."

At the DiMera's Jennifer thanks Kristen for everything that she has done tohelp search for Laura. Abe and Lexie leave to go to the Brady's. Marlenacomforts Jennifer because she thinks that Laura won't come back. Everyoneleaves and John, Marlena, and Kristen are left alone. John says how happyhe is and next year will be even better with the baby. John leaves Marlenaand Kristen alone and Marlena says that John is wrong because next year hewill be with her and Belle. Marlena walks away and Kristen says "Don't holdyour breath Doc."

On the way to the Horton house Mike and Jennifer find Laura laying on abench. She is unconscious and Mike wants to take her to the hospital butJennifer says that she doesn't want Laura waking up in a hospital. So theytake her to the house. Everyone is so excited to see her. Jennifer saysthat someone must have taken care of her because she is nice and clean and ina nice blanket. She wakes up briefly and sees everyone looking at her butshe doesn't speak. Mike and Jennifer take her upstairs so she can rest.Hope arrives and Alice tells her that she should be with Bo. Hope leaves.Jack arrives and tells Jennifer that he is so happy Laura has been found.Jennifer thanks him for everything that he did. Jack leaves the room. AsMike and Jennifer are about to leave Mike notices a scar on her forehead.Mike figures she will explain when she wakes up. Lucas arrives with a giftfor Alice. Mike and Alice convince him to stay. Jennifer tells Lucas shehopes that the new year will bring them closer and they hug. They all taketurns placing the ornaments on the tree. Jack still has an ornament whichhe places by Jennifer's and Abby's. Jennifer hangs Laura's by theirs aswell and thanks God for bringing her home. Lucas hangs his ornament andJennifer gives him Bill's to hang. Alice hangs Tom's ornament. When allare hung they sing "Silent Night" and "Oh Come All Ye Faithful."

Bo sees Franco talking to someone at Salem Place and goes to see who it is.Franco's boss leaves and Bo arrives. Franco tells Bo that he wasn't talkingto anyone. Bo runs after someone walking away and it is Billie. He asksher if she was talking to Franco and she says no that she was shopping.Franco then says that he was all alone. But Hope arrives and says that shesaw Franco talking to someone. He decides to tell the truth. Franco saysthat he was talking to God and asking him to watch over the woman he lovedso deeply and his son. Bo says that he is a piece of garbage to use aprayer to cover his lies and schemes. Hope calms Bo down because it isChristmas Eve.

Peter and Stefano arrive at the airport and think that there is going to beno problems. Inside Jack is dressed as a janitor spying on Stefano'shenchman. The henchman makes plans to meet with Stefano and Peter to takethem to the plane. Jack follows them. He stops the man and asks him whathe knows about Laura. The man tells Jack that he doesn't know anything.Jack asks if he wouldn't mind if he tagged along to see who he was in ahurry to meet. Around the corner Stefano and Peter hear Jack's voice andPeter gets upset. The man says that he is going to meet a lady friend.Jack gets a call that Laura has been found. Jack leaves to check on Laura.Peter again vows to return for Jennifer and to get revenge on Jack. Peterand Stefano fly off in the DiMera jet. Peter feels bad that Kristen willhave to take all of the heat if the laser didn't work.

It ends with a picture of MacDonald Carey and says "Merry Christmas Mac, Westill miss you."

Christmas Wednesday, December 25, 1996

Carrie and Austin wake up and he gives her a present. Austin says thatMicky had the annulment date moved up. So now they can get married beforethey leave on their business trip. Meanwhile Sami wakes up to a noise inAustin's apartment. She finds out that it is Santa. Santa tells her thathe has been looking at her file and she has been very naughty. She startstelling him that she has been good and Carrie was the one who was thenaughty one. She tells Santa that she wants Austin for Christmas as herpresent. Santa asks her what he should give Carrie. He says she should geta lump of coal because she stole her husband away. Sami proceeds to showSanta the video of the wedding and tells him that they are very happy.Santa says that Austin seems to be staring at someone else. Sami repliesthat Carrie was trying to get his attention and take him away at thewedding. Santa agrees with Sami's idea of the present. Sami wakes up andwonders if Santa was really there. Austin and Carrie come into theapartment and Sami says the Santa came to the apartment. Sami sees snow onthe floor and says see he really was here. Carrie says no the window isopen and some snow probably blew in.

Celeste, Lexie, and Abe are at the Brady pub watching Wendy, Benjamin, andJonah open their gifts. Caroline gives Celeste a photograph of the two ofthem together her last Christmas in Salem. Marlena, John, Sami, Carrie, andAustin arrive. Marlena and Sami wish each other a Merry Christmas. Marlenatells Sami that they will be calling Eric soon. Carrie then informs Marlenathat the date of the annulment has been moved up. Marlena seems thrilledand gives Carrie a hug. Carrie and Austin the begin to kiss under themistletoe as Sami gives them a dirty look. John also gives Marlena a kisswhen she is standing under the mistletoe. Caroline tells Shawn that thismust be a very special Christmas for John and Marlena. Shawn asks Carolinewhat about Kristen. Caroline just makes the comment that she feels someonewill lose very soon. Lexie asks Celeste if she wants to go to the hospitalwhit her and Abe to give gifts to the children and she accepts. Celestewishes Kristen happiness and hopes that she has a Merry Christmas. As theyshake hands she feels a vibration. But she ignores them because she waswrong about Laura being with Stefano. Lexie asks Celeste what is wrong.She says that she feels that Laura and Kristen share something. Marlenatells Caroline that Kristen seems tense. Caroline says that is must bebecause she is so close to birth. She also adds that it is odd that aneight month pregnant woman has not gained weight in her face. Kristenremembers that she forgot a present for Jennifer. She tells John that sheis going home to get it.

Jennifer, Jack, and Abby open presents. Jennifer said that her greatestpresent was having Laura home. Jennifer calls over to Alice's and asks Mikehow she is doing. Laura is still sleeping. Jennifer asks Mike to tellAlice that her and Abby will be over for Christmas dinner shortly. Aliceasks Jennifer to bring Jack along with them.

Kristen has a nightmare that Laura comes over and tells everything to Johnand Marlena. When she wakes up she walks downstairs and sees them openingpresents with Belle and Brady. As Kristen walks in the room John givesMarlena a kiss on the cheek. John proceeds to go in to the kitchen andcheck on breakfast. Kristen then accuses Marlena of trying to take whatbelongs to her. They begin to get in an argument but Jennifer's callinterrupts them. She wishes Kristen a Merry Christmas. Kristen asks aboutLaura and finds out that she is still sleeping. Laura could wake up anytime and tell everyone what might of happened to her.

Jennifer, Jack, and Abby arrive at the Horton's. Jennifer and Jack check onLaura. Laura is tossing and turning. She wakes up shortly and callsJennifer's name. She also mumbles something about Christmas and goes backto sleep. Jack tells Jennifer that they should leave so she can rest.Meanwhile Maggie tells Alice that she knows that Alice wants Santa to getJennifer and Jack back together. Alice admits that is what she wants.Kristen stops by the Horton's to see Laura. Jennifer had already gone home.Kristen asked Maggie how Laura was doing. Maggie tells her that Laura hasn'tsaid anything. Maggie leaves the room to check on the turkey and leavesthem alone.

Jennifer, Abby, and Jack arrived at the hospital to give out the gifts.Alice gives Mike Tom's Bible to read the Christmas story to the children.

Thursday, December 26, 1996

Bo and Hope get the line up ready for Jill. Hope still is doubting Bo'saccusations. Billie shows up with Jill. All the men line up for Jill tolook at. Bo asks Jill if she sees the man. Before she answers Hope wakesup. She goes to the Brady's to find Shawn D fixing breakfast for Bo andHope. Bo arrives and tells them that Jill will leave the hospital today ifeverything is okay. Bo is positive that Jill will say that Franco is the onewho attacked her and Hope will be back with him. Hope does not agree. Thefinish breakfast and go their separate ways to get ready. Meanwhile Billieis remembering the past on the docks when Franco appears. She proceeds totell him that she believes that he is the attacker. He tells her that shein nervous because if Jill does not identify him then Bo could love her.Billie disagrees. He tells her that he is innocent and Jill will prove it.He tells her to tell Bo how she feels before the line up. She disagrees.She wants Bo to admit his feelings first. Bo then arrives to give a summonsto Franco. Franco tells him that something needs to be said. He proceedsto say that Billie will be able to explain it to him. Billie tries toignore what was said. She then drops the rose Bo first gave to her. Boreturns it as he remember giving it to her. Hope hears Bo and Billietalking and her heart begins to ache. After Hope leaves Bo says that it wasthe past and the future is with Hope. Bo tells Billie how important theline up is. Billie asks what will happen if it doesn't go the way that hewants it to. Bo says that it has to or Hope will be upset. Billie realizesthat he cares about Hope and doesn't tell him how she feels. Bo then gets acall that Jill is released and is ready to do the line up. Bo and Hope meetat the police station. Hope is very unsure about Bo's feelings and whatwill happen. Franco runs into Billie and she wishes him good luck. Francocalls his boss and says that he feels everything will go as planned. Francogoes into Bo's office and puts a rose, like Billie's, on Bo's desk for Hopeto find. Jill arrives and is nervous because she knows that it could effecteveryone's future.

Jack arrives at home with a carpet cleaner to get Peter's blood out of thecarpet. Jennifer becomes upset and goes upstairs. Alice comforts Jack, butit does not help him. Jennifer comes back downstairs and Jack apologizes.The cleaner gives an estimate and says that the stain will be permanent ifthe wait much longer. Jennifer says that Peter's death will be a stain ontheir lives forever. She then leaves to go see Laura. Jack becomes upset.Alice says that Jennifer needs some time to heal. Jack is running out oftime and if he doesn't find proof that the shooting was an accident then hewill go to jail. Jack leaves to meet with Mickey at the Brady's. Jack saysthat he will find the proof that it was an accident. Mickey wants to putPeter on trial. Jack does not agree, but Mickey says that there is no otherchoice. Jack decides he needs to think about it. Mickey tells him that heneeds to think fast or he will go to jail. Jack decides that he will pleadguilty to save Jennifer a lot of pain.

Kristen can not get Laura out of her mind. Kristen asks Marlena if Laurahas said anything. She says no and asks why she is so nervous about Laura.Kristen says that she is concerned for Laura. After Marlena leaves the roomKristen tells John that she wants to get married. John says that she issuch a hurry to get married because of Peter, Stefano, and Laura. Kristendoes not understand and asks what he means. He says that she in such ahurry because she has lost so much. She convinces him that she wants to doit for the baby. John agrees and begins to prepare the plane.

Mike is examining Laura when Jennifer and Marlena arrive to check on her.Marlena see's the mark on her forehead. Jennifer says that they can'tfigure where it came from but hopefully she will tell them. Marlena asksJennifer what is troubling her. Jennifer tells Marlena about the stainon the carpet and then moves on to loving both Jack and Peter. Jenniferalso says that she feels guilty about having fun with Jack on Christmas.Marlena thinks that Jennifer is falling back in love with Jack. LaterJennifer talks about Jack with Alice. Alice also agrees with Marlena.Jennifer does not know how she feels. She does know that she can't takeanymore pain with the trial coming up. Kristen and John arrive to check onLaura. Mike says that she has not woken up yet. They really do not knowwhen she will wake up. As John and Kristen walk down the stairs Jennifersays the Laura woke up.

Friday, December 27, 1996

Sami is thinking about Austin. Austin and Carrie arrives and gives her theannulment papers. They tell her that they will be married as soon as theannulment goes through. Sami vows not to let any of it happen. Sami callsher lawyer to stop the annulment. Her lawyer tells her that nothing can bedone. She tells Sami to just accept it and move on because Austin is. Samistill refuses.

Carrie and Austin arrive at the Brady's and tells them about the annulment.Everyone is happy and Shawn gets out the champagne to celebrate. Carrie isafraid to get her hopes up because Sami could be planning something. Austinreassures her that Sami can not do anything. Caroline calls Kate and theydecide that they can get married at the mansion as soon as she comes homefrom the business trip. As they discuss plans Sami arrives. She hearsAustin and Carrie talking about going to the Green Mountain Lodge for NewYear's Eve. Sami then attempts to steal Austin's car. When Austin andCarrie see that the car is missing they call the police. As Sami is drivingthe car gets out of control and she gets into an accident.

Marlena, John, Kristen, Mike, and Jennifer check on Laura. Kristenremembers what happened to Laura the last couple of days. Laura begins tomumble Kristen's name. Marlena wonders why she is saying Kristen's name.Mike ask everyone to leave the room so they can examine Laura. He says thatLaura is okay. Marlena and Mike are still confused about the mark on herforehead. They ask Laura about the mark but she doesn't say anything.Marlena asks her why she was gone so long, why she wants Kristen, and whyshe wants to see her. Kristen tries to convince John to leave but Johnwants to wait and see how Laura is. Kristen leaves to get some air. Johnfollows. Kristen asks John if she wasn't pregnant if he would still loveher. He asks how she could even ask that. Kristen asked if he would marryher if she was not going to have his child. He thinks and says that hedoesn't understand why she is worrying about it. Marlena comes and tellsKristen that Laura wants to see her. They all go upstairs and Kristen triesto stall but Marlena insists that they go now.

Bo and Abe are at the station getting ready for the line up. They need tokeep Jill from seeing Franco before the line up. If she sees him then itcould effect the legalities of her testimony in court. Bo is still surethat Jill will identify Franco and he and Hope will get married. Hope andBillie disagree with Bo. Hope leaves to get Jill some water. When she aregone Bo thanks Billie for all of her help. Bo leaves and Billie rememberswhat Franco said. She notices the rose on Bo's desk. Outside Francoassures Hope that he will be cleared and the truth will come out. Franco istaken away and Jill is brought in. Bo and Hope tell her that all she has todo is be honest and everything will be over. Bo reassures her that she willbe safe from him if she sees him. When they come to Franco he hesitates togo forward but does. Bo asks her if she sees him before she can answer Abeasks her some questions that the defense might ask. She says that she doesnot see the man in the line up. Bo gets upset that she did not identifyFranco and does not want her to go and tells her to look again. She looksat Franco.

When Kristen sees the cradle she thinks that it will symbolize that theywill finally be a family. Stefano calls Kristen and tells her the laseris finished. He wants Kristen to see if John will get the police out of theairport so that he and Peter can escape. Kristen then gets upset. Johnsees her and grabs it and asks who is there. Stefano hung up and him.Kristen told John that it was a store clerk who was giving her a hard time.John wants to call the clerk back but Kristen convinces him not too.Kristen begins to worry about Laura. She then decides to invite Jenniferand Abby to come over for Christmas Eve. Abe and Lexie arrive and Johnbegins to wonder where Kristen went. Lexie finds a not from Kristen sayingthat she went out and that she will be back. Jennifer and Abby arrive.John tells Jennifer that he is doing everything that he can to find Laura.He said that he moved the police from the airport to the bus and traindepot. Jennifer asks why and he tells her that it is the best thing to dosince Laura is afraid to fly. Jennifer tells John that Laura is not afraidto fly and asks John where he got that from. He said that Kristen told him.Kristen walks in the house and they ask her why she said that Laura wasafraid to fly. She starts a big lie about Peter told her that a long timeago. Abe decides to put the police back in the airport but Kristen liesagain. She says that without her credit cards and checkbook in her purseLaura won't have the money to buy a ticket. Kristen reassures Jennifer thatLaura will be found. Jennifer says that she can't be sure unless Kristenknows something that everyone else doesn't. Before leaving Stefano takesPeter to the DiMera mansions to see Jennifer. Kristen sees them and gasps.John thinks that something is wrong with the baby. Kristen fakes everythingonce again. Peter vows to come back for Jennifer and that they will betogether again.

Jack, Mike, and Jennifer wait for news on Laura. Jennifer begins to fearthe worst and Jack comforts her. Jack then decides to go and search somemore. Jennifer said that Jack is just doing it because he feels guilty.Mike said that he thinks Jack really cares. Jennifer gets a call fromKristen asking them to come over for Christmas Eve. Jennifer accepts.

At the Blake house Peter and Stefano argue about everything that hashappened. The police have now left the airport so the get ready to leave.Kristen then shows up asking how the laser went. Stefano again tells herthat they will not know until Laura wakes up. They begin to argue overLaura and what will happen if it does not work. Stefano says that he canjust take Laura with him. Kristen refuses. Peter promises to return oneday and reclaim Jennifer. As everyone prepares to leave Kristen asksStefano where he will leave Laura. He laughs and says that it will be someplace so obvious that even Celeste's powers will do no good.

Jack sees Celeste as he was searching for Laura. Celeste offers to helpJack search for her. She feels Laura is caught between the forces of goodand evil. She also has visions of clouds and wings and that Laura is aloneand the others were flying away. Jack asks if he should check out theairport and she says yes. And that he should hurry. Jack arrives at theairport and he sees the man from the corporate terminal (flashback to whenJack, Abe, and John went to search the log books) he wonders what he isdoing there. He follows the man in a disguise of a janitor.

At the Brady pub Shawn D prays that Jill will wake up so that his parentscan be together for Christmas. Bo and Hope arrive and tell Shawn D thatJill has waken up. He is sure that he prayer has been answered. Bo tellshim that they will be a family for Christmas. Shawn D runs off happy. Hopegets mad a Bo for getting Shawn D's hopes up. They get into theBillie/Franco/island argument. A nurse from the hospital interrupts andtells them the Jill had a nightmare and was screaming for Bo. When thearrive Jill says that she doesn't want to have anything more to do with it.Hope begs Jill to do it but Jill won't change her mind. Hope reassures Jillthat she knows the fear of being stalked and attacked. She tells Jill thatthe only way to overcome it is to face it. Jill agrees with Hope andchanges her mind. Bo thanks Hope and tells her that Franco will go to jail.They go to Salem Place and do some Christmas shopping for Shawn D.

Franco makes an appointment to see his boss tonight or the deal is off. Hetells his boss that he wants his money and to meet him at Salem Place.Franco tells his boss that if he is going down the so is he/she. Bo seesFranco talking to someone behind a tree. He thinks it could be his boss.

Laura is shown cuddled in a blanket on a bench. Stefano and Peter go to theairport in a limo.

Tuesday, December 24, 1996

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

At the Brady pub the Brady's gathered to light the tree and celebrate.Austin decides to give Carrie and early present because he can't wait. Thepresent was that Kate gave them the use of the Kiriakis jet for Austin tofly back and forth. Sami and Lucas see Carrie jump into Austin's arms andwonder what she is so happy about. John, Marlena, and Kristen arrive.Carrie tells Marlena about her present from Kate. Austin tells Sami shetells him that he will miss Will's important things like his first step. Asshe says this Will walks towards Austin. Kristen is looking at the snow andJohn thinks that she is missing Peter. Marlena and Lexie both notice thatKristen looks a little tense. Bo arrives. All of the Brady's decide to goto church. Carrie, Austin, and Sami make peace for the night and sittogether. Hope shows up to sit with Bo and Shawn D. Billie also shows upand Franco comes but leaves because he says to himself that he doesn'tbelong there. Marlena arrives after seeing Laura. John asks how Laura isand Marlena tells them she is still unconscious but was mumbling the wordhome. Marlena notices that Kristen is very tense and Marlena asks if she isall right. Kristen says that everything is just overwhelming. The churchservice begins, and the Brady's all sing "Joy to the World."

At the DiMera's Jennifer thanks Kristen for everything that she has done tohelp search for Laura. Abe and Lexie leave to go to the Brady's. Marlenacomforts Jennifer because she thinks that Laura won't come back. Everyoneleaves and John, Marlena, and Kristen are left alone. John says how happyhe is and next year will be even better with the baby. John leaves Marlenaand Kristen alone and Marlena says that John is wrong because next year hewill be with her and Belle. Marlena walks away and Kristen says "Don't holdyour breath Doc."

On the way to the Horton house Mike and Jennifer find Laura laying on abench. She is unconscious and Mike wants to take her to the hospital butJennifer says that she doesn't want Laura waking up in a hospital. So theytake her to the house. Everyone is so excited to see her. Jennifer saysthat someone must have taken care of her because she is nice and clean and ina nice blanket. She wakes up briefly and sees everyone looking at her butshe doesn't speak. Mike and Jennifer take her upstairs so she can rest.Hope arrives and Alice tells her that she should be with Bo. Hope leaves.Jack arrives and tells Jennifer that he is so happy Laura has been found.Jennifer thanks him for everything that he did. Jack leaves the room. AsMike and Jennifer are about to leave Mike notices a scar on her forehead.Mike figures she will explain when she wakes up. Lucas arrives with a giftfor Alice. Mike and Alice convince him to stay. Jennifer tells Lucas shehopes that the new year will bring them closer and they hug. They all taketurns placing the ornaments on the tree. Jack still has an ornament whichhe places by Jennifer's and Abby's. Jennifer hangs Laura's by theirs aswell and thanks God for bringing her home. Lucas hangs his ornament andJennifer gives him Bill's to hang. Alice hangs Tom's ornament. When allare hung they sing "Silent Night" and "Oh Come All Ye Faithful."

Bo sees Franco talking to someone at Salem Place and goes to see who it is.Franco's boss leaves and Bo arrives. Franco tells Bo that he wasn't talkingto anyone. Bo runs after someone walking away and it is Billie. He asksher if she was talking to Franco and she says no that she was shopping.Franco then says that he was all alone. But Hope arrives and says that shesaw Franco talking to someone. He decides to tell the truth. Franco saysthat he was talking to God and asking him to watch over the woman he lovedso deeply and his son. Bo says that he is a piece of garbage to use aprayer to cover his lies and schemes. Hope calms Bo down because it isChristmas Eve.

Peter and Stefano arrive at the airport and think that there is going to beno problems. Inside Jack is dressed as a janitor spying on Stefano'shenchman. The henchman makes plans to meet with Stefano and Peter to takethem to the plane. Jack follows them. He stops the man and asks him whathe knows about Laura. The man tells Jack that he doesn't know anything.Jack asks if he wouldn't mind if he tagged along to see who he was in ahurry to meet. Around the corner Stefano and Peter hear Jack's voice andPeter gets upset. The man says that he is going to meet a lady friend.Jack gets a call that Laura has been found. Jack leaves to check on Laura.Peter again vows to return for Jennifer and to get revenge on Jack. Peterand Stefano fly off in the DiMera jet. Peter feels bad that Kristen willhave to take all of the heat if the laser didn't work.

It ends with a picture of MacDonald Carey and says "Merry Christmas Mac, Westill miss you."

Christmas Wednesday, December 25, 1996

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

Carrie and Austin wake up and he gives her a present. Austin says thatMicky had the annulment date moved up. So now they can get married beforethey leave on their business trip. Meanwhile Sami wakes up to a noise inAustin's apartment. She finds out that it is Santa. Santa tells her thathe has been looking at her file and she has been very naughty. She startstelling him that she has been good and Carrie was the one who was thenaughty one. She tells Santa that she wants Austin for Christmas as herpresent. Santa asks her what he should give Carrie. He says she should geta lump of coal because she stole her husband away. Sami proceeds to showSanta the video of the wedding and tells him that they are very happy.Santa says that Austin seems to be staring at someone else. Sami repliesthat Carrie was trying to get his attention and take him away at thewedding. Santa agrees with Sami's idea of the present. Sami wakes up andwonders if Santa was really there. Austin and Carrie come into theapartment and Sami says the Santa came to the apartment. Sami sees snow onthe floor and says see he really was here. Carrie says no the window isopen and some snow probably blew in.

Celeste, Lexie, and Abe are at the Brady pub watching Wendy, Benjamin, andJonah open their gifts. Caroline gives Celeste a photograph of the two ofthem together her last Christmas in Salem. Marlena, John, Sami, Carrie, andAustin arrive. Marlena and Sami wish each other a Merry Christmas. Marlenatells Sami that they will be calling Eric soon. Carrie then informs Marlenathat the date of the annulment has been moved up. Marlena seems thrilledand gives Carrie a hug. Carrie and Austin the begin to kiss under themistletoe as Sami gives them a dirty look. John also gives Marlena a kisswhen she is standing under the mistletoe. Caroline tells Shawn that thismust be a very special Christmas for John and Marlena. Shawn asks Carolinewhat about Kristen. Caroline just makes the comment that she feels someonewill lose very soon. Lexie asks Celeste if she wants to go to the hospitalwhit her and Abe to give gifts to the children and she accepts. Celestewishes Kristen happiness and hopes that she has a Merry Christmas. As theyshake hands she feels a vibration. But she ignores them because she waswrong about Laura being with Stefano. Lexie asks Celeste what is wrong.She says that she feels that Laura and Kristen share something. Marlenatells Caroline that Kristen seems tense. Caroline says that is must bebecause she is so close to birth. She also adds that it is odd that aneight month pregnant woman has not gained weight in her face. Kristenremembers that she forgot a present for Jennifer. She tells John that sheis going home to get it.

Jennifer, Jack, and Abby open presents. Jennifer said that her greatestpresent was having Laura home. Jennifer calls over to Alice's and asks Mikehow she is doing. Laura is still sleeping. Jennifer asks Mike to tellAlice that her and Abby will be over for Christmas dinner shortly. Aliceasks Jennifer to bring Jack along with them.

Kristen has a nightmare that Laura comes over and tells everything to Johnand Marlena. When she wakes up she walks downstairs and sees them openingpresents with Belle and Brady. As Kristen walks in the room John givesMarlena a kiss on the cheek. John proceeds to go in to the kitchen andcheck on breakfast. Kristen then accuses Marlena of trying to take whatbelongs to her. They begin to get in an argument but Jennifer's callinterrupts them. She wishes Kristen a Merry Christmas. Kristen asks aboutLaura and finds out that she is still sleeping. Laura could wake up anytime and tell everyone what might of happened to her.

Jennifer, Jack, and Abby arrive at the Horton's. Jennifer and Jack check onLaura. Laura is tossing and turning. She wakes up shortly and callsJennifer's name. She also mumbles something about Christmas and goes backto sleep. Jack tells Jennifer that they should leave so she can rest.Meanwhile Maggie tells Alice that she knows that Alice wants Santa to getJennifer and Jack back together. Alice admits that is what she wants.Kristen stops by the Horton's to see Laura. Jennifer had already gone home.Kristen asked Maggie how Laura was doing. Maggie tells her that Laura hasn'tsaid anything. Maggie leaves the room to check on the turkey and leavesthem alone.

Jennifer, Abby, and Jack arrived at the hospital to give out the gifts.Alice gives Mike Tom's Bible to read the Christmas story to the children.

Thursday, December 26, 1996

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

Bo and Hope get the line up ready for Jill. Hope still is doubting Bo'saccusations. Billie shows up with Jill. All the men line up for Jill tolook at. Bo asks Jill if she sees the man. Before she answers Hope wakesup. She goes to the Brady's to find Shawn D fixing breakfast for Bo andHope. Bo arrives and tells them that Jill will leave the hospital today ifeverything is okay. Bo is positive that Jill will say that Franco is the onewho attacked her and Hope will be back with him. Hope does not agree. Thefinish breakfast and go their separate ways to get ready. Meanwhile Billieis remembering the past on the docks when Franco appears. She proceeds totell him that she believes that he is the attacker. He tells her that shein nervous because if Jill does not identify him then Bo could love her.Billie disagrees. He tells her that he is innocent and Jill will prove it.He tells her to tell Bo how she feels before the line up. She disagrees.She wants Bo to admit his feelings first. Bo then arrives to give a summonsto Franco. Franco tells him that something needs to be said. He proceedsto say that Billie will be able to explain it to him. Billie tries toignore what was said. She then drops the rose Bo first gave to her. Boreturns it as he remember giving it to her. Hope hears Bo and Billietalking and her heart begins to ache. After Hope leaves Bo says that it wasthe past and the future is with Hope. Bo tells Billie how important theline up is. Billie asks what will happen if it doesn't go the way that hewants it to. Bo says that it has to or Hope will be upset. Billie realizesthat he cares about Hope and doesn't tell him how she feels. Bo then gets acall that Jill is released and is ready to do the line up. Bo and Hope meetat the police station. Hope is very unsure about Bo's feelings and whatwill happen. Franco runs into Billie and she wishes him good luck. Francocalls his boss and says that he feels everything will go as planned. Francogoes into Bo's office and puts a rose, like Billie's, on Bo's desk for Hopeto find. Jill arrives and is nervous because she knows that it could effecteveryone's future.

Jack arrives at home with a carpet cleaner to get Peter's blood out of thecarpet. Jennifer becomes upset and goes upstairs. Alice comforts Jack, butit does not help him. Jennifer comes back downstairs and Jack apologizes.The cleaner gives an estimate and says that the stain will be permanent ifthe wait much longer. Jennifer says that Peter's death will be a stain ontheir lives forever. She then leaves to go see Laura. Jack becomes upset.Alice says that Jennifer needs some time to heal. Jack is running out oftime and if he doesn't find proof that the shooting was an accident then hewill go to jail. Jack leaves to meet with Mickey at the Brady's. Jack saysthat he will find the proof that it was an accident. Mickey wants to putPeter on trial. Jack does not agree, but Mickey says that there is no otherchoice. Jack decides he needs to think about it. Mickey tells him that heneeds to think fast or he will go to jail. Jack decides that he will pleadguilty to save Jennifer a lot of pain.

Kristen can not get Laura out of her mind. Kristen asks Marlena if Laurahas said anything. She says no and asks why she is so nervous about Laura.Kristen says that she is concerned for Laura. After Marlena leaves the roomKristen tells John that she wants to get married. John says that she issuch a hurry to get married because of Peter, Stefano, and Laura. Kristendoes not understand and asks what he means. He says that she in such ahurry because she has lost so much. She convinces him that she wants to doit for the baby. John agrees and begins to prepare the plane.

Mike is examining Laura when Jennifer and Marlena arrive to check on her.Marlena see's the mark on her forehead. Jennifer says that they can'tfigure where it came from but hopefully she will tell them. Marlena asksJennifer what is troubling her. Jennifer tells Marlena about the stainon the carpet and then moves on to loving both Jack and Peter. Jenniferalso says that she feels guilty about having fun with Jack on Christmas.Marlena thinks that Jennifer is falling back in love with Jack. LaterJennifer talks about Jack with Alice. Alice also agrees with Marlena.Jennifer does not know how she feels. She does know that she can't takeanymore pain with the trial coming up. Kristen and John arrive to check onLaura. Mike says that she has not woken up yet. They really do not knowwhen she will wake up. As John and Kristen walk down the stairs Jennifersays the Laura woke up.

Friday, December 27, 1996

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on DAYS

Sami is thinking about Austin. Austin and Carrie arrives and gives her theannulment papers. They tell her that they will be married as soon as theannulment goes through. Sami vows not to let any of it happen. Sami callsher lawyer to stop the annulment. Her lawyer tells her that nothing can bedone. She tells Sami to just accept it and move on because Austin is. Samistill refuses.

Carrie and Austin arrive at the Brady's and tells them about the annulment.Everyone is happy and Shawn gets out the champagne to celebrate. Carrie isafraid to get her hopes up because Sami could be planning something. Austinreassures her that Sami can not do anything. Caroline calls Kate and theydecide that they can get married at the mansion as soon as she comes homefrom the business trip. As they discuss plans Sami arrives. She hearsAustin and Carrie talking about going to the Green Mountain Lodge for NewYear's Eve. Sami then attempts to steal Austin's car. When Austin andCarrie see that the car is missing they call the police. As Sami is drivingthe car gets out of control and she gets into an accident.

Marlena, John, Kristen, Mike, and Jennifer check on Laura. Kristenremembers what happened to Laura the last couple of days. Laura begins tomumble Kristen's name. Marlena wonders why she is saying Kristen's name.Mike ask everyone to leave the room so they can examine Laura. He says thatLaura is okay. Marlena and Mike are still confused about the mark on herforehead. They ask Laura about the mark but she doesn't say anything.Marlena asks her why she was gone so long, why she wants Kristen, and whyshe wants to see her. Kristen tries to convince John to leave but Johnwants to wait and see how Laura is. Kristen leaves to get some air. Johnfollows. Kristen asks John if she wasn't pregnant if he would still loveher. He asks how she could even ask that. Kristen asked if he would marryher if she was not going to have his child. He thinks and says that hedoesn't understand why she is worrying about it. Marlena comes and tellsKristen that Laura wants to see her. They all go upstairs and Kristen triesto stall but Marlena insists that they go now.

Bo and Abe are at the station getting ready for the line up. They need tokeep Jill from seeing Franco before the line up. If she sees him then itcould effect the legalities of her testimony in court. Bo is still surethat Jill will identify Franco and he and Hope will get married. Hope andBillie disagree with Bo. Hope leaves to get Jill some water. When she aregone Bo thanks Billie for all of her help. Bo leaves and Billie rememberswhat Franco said. She notices the rose on Bo's desk. Outside Francoassures Hope that he will be cleared and the truth will come out. Franco istaken away and Jill is brought in. Bo and Hope tell her that all she has todo is be honest and everything will be over. Bo reassures her that she willbe safe from him if she sees him. When they come to Franco he hesitates togo forward but does. Bo asks her if she sees him before she can answer Abeasks her some questions that the defense might ask. She says that she doesnot see the man in the line up. Bo gets upset that she did not identifyFranco and does not want her to go and tells her to look again. She looksat Franco.

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Edited by SC Desk