Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 15, 2024 on DAYS

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Sloan accidentally got drunk and ruined dinner. Chanel agreed to remarry Johnny. Theresa got high. Sarah moved in with Xander.
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of January 15, 2024 on DAYS

Salemites celebrated MLK Day. Leo wrote his first column. Sloan accidentally got drunk and ruined her dinner. Justin secured a transfer for Tate to a rehab facility. Harris raided the Bistro but found nothing. Sarah moved in with Xander. The Johnson family coordinated a scavenger hunt with Everett and Wendy. Chanel agreed to remarry Johnny. Theresa got high. Ava struggled with her conscience. Nicole left for Italy with Holly. Lucas recovered from an attack in prison. Clyde summoned Harris to talk. Alex saw Theresa kiss Brady.

Salem residents celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Salem residents celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Salem residents celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 15, 2024

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by Steve Holley

Outside the Brady Pub, Abe, Paulina, and Chanel were thrilled by the sight of Salem residents beautifying the town on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Nicole appeared, and she told Abe and Paulina that Holly was undergoing tests to qualify for a medical facility in Italy. Abe said that everyone was praying for Holly's recovery, and he added that he and Paulina were there for anything Nicole needed.

In Horton Town Square, Nicole encountered Sloan. Nicole mentioned her plans to have Holly transported to the medical facility in Italy. Nicole was taken aback when Sloan said that it was "wonderful" that Nicole would be joining Holly in Italy. Sloan claimed that she had misspoken.

As Nicole turned to leave a short while later, she said that she appreciated how "generous" Sloan had been in allowing Eric to visit Holly and Nicole at the hospital. Sloan said that she would have to learn to cope with the fact that Eric would always care about Nicole and Holly.

At the mayor's office, Abe and Paulina talked about the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Paulina recalled that Olivia had marched with Dr. King in the 1960s, and she said that the least she could do was to record a special message for the residents of Salem on the holiday. Soon afterwards, Paulina began to record a live podcast with a special message for the citizens of Salem.

In her address, Paulina thanked everyone who had turned out to help beautify their community, and she encouraged others to do the same. "May we continue to live in Dr. King's spirit every day," Paulina said. Paulina's voice soon grew weak. Abe added his voice to help Paulina continue her remarks.

At the Spectator office, Leo entered and gloated to Chad and Everett about his return to the paper. Leo handed Chad and Everett a copy of his Lady Whistleblower column, and he asked for their input. Chad noted that Leo had written about Bayard Mustin, an openly gay African American man who had helped organize the March on Washington in 1963.

"He was a true hero. And the reason you've never heard of him is that, back then, a lot of people didn't want to link together civil rights and gay rights and any other kind of equal rights as being a part of the same movement. And sadly, that's still the case today. As if there's only so much equality to go around," Leo opined.

Everett proposed that, given the seriousness of the column, the paper publish the story under Leo's own name instead of the Lady Whistleblower byline. Chad expressed reservation, and he worried that the paper would receive fallout. "Screw the fallout. What he wrote is right and true and enlightening. Isn't that more important than the bottom line?" Everett said of Leo's column.

Chad agreed, and he said that the paper would publish the piece. Leo was ecstatic, and he pulled Chad and Everett in for a group hug as the three of them celebrated. "Working with someone who you've had a conflict with in the past, finding a way to have common ground and move forward, I'd say that's in the right spirit for MLK Day," Chad posited. Leo agreed. When Leo asked for the rest of the day off, Chad handed Leo a shovel. Chad told Leo to join others in beautifying the park in the spirit of the holiday. Leo eventually agreed, and he left.

In the park, Rafe tried to comfort Jada, who was upset after a security guard and store owner had detained her and forced her to consent to a purse search. "They called the damn cops on me, Rafe. They said I nicked a brand-new lip gloss that I had in my purse I bought two days ago. I was shaking. I'm just so -- so furious, I could just -- I'm sorry. I try to just let these things roll off my back," Jada said. Rafe asked what Jada had to feel to be sorry about. "Because I'm a Black woman, Rafe. I'm not allowed to get angry," Jada said as Rafe pulled her close for a hug.

At the Brady Pub, Jada told Rafe that she had always worked on Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a way to honor Dr. King's legacy. "I think that when you see an injustice, you need to do something," Jada said. Rafe agreed with Jada. Rafe recalled an incident years earlier when he had been behind a white person in the checkout line at a market. Rafe said that the white person had written a check for groceries with no questions asked. Rafe added that a clerk had given him a hard time when he had tried to write his own check because his last name was Hernandez.

Nearby, Chanel told Johnny that she had also been the victim of racial profiling. "Just the other day, I was walking in the square, and this lady, she was sitting on a bench by herself. She had her purse next to her. She sees me walking, and she takes her purse and puts it on her lap," Chanel recalled.

Chanel noted that racial profiling happened everywhere, including in Italy, where she and Johnny had honeymooned two years earlier. Chanel said that people had been staring at her and Johnny on their honeymoon because they were an interracial couple. "When Mama was a kid, it would have been illegal for us to get married in many places in this country," Chanel added. Chanel said that, while society had come a long way, it still had a long way to go.

Jada called for Chanel to join her and Rafe at their table, and she asked if Chanel had ever had someone ask if they could touch Chanel's hair. Chanel said it had happened on several occasions. Johnny was embarrassed when he tried to ask why it was an issue. Chanel said that being willing to ask questions and have difficult conversations was the first step to overcoming biases.

Jada recalled that a random girl had approached her and begun touching her hair without permission when Jada had been in high school. Jada said that it had been an act of microaggression. Chanel said that she was fortunate that both her and Johnny's families were supportive of their relationship. Jada recalled that her mother hadn't approved of her marriage to her first husband, who she noted was a white, Jewish man.

Johnny said that he and Chanel had recently watched a documentary on Loving v. Virginia. Chanel said that, as a Black woman who was also bisexual, she had stopped labeling herself because it was "exhausting." Jada countered that it was equally exhausting not to acknowledge race or gender. Jada thanked Johnny and Chanel for joining her and Rafe.

Johnny said that volunteering at the Brady Pub had been the most rewarding feeling he'd had in a long time. Johnny added that he felt it was time to consider a new career path, and he said that he wanted to do something more meaningful than being a filmmaker. Chanel countered that what mattered was in the eye of the beholder. Chanel mentioned that Paulina was recording her podcast live. Rafe pulled out his phone so that he, Jada, Johnny, and Chanel could all listen live.

As they listened, Paulina continued her speech to the citizens of Salem. "Equality and inclusion should not be controversial. Diversity in creed, background, abilities, and beliefs is what makes us a great city and a great nation. In the end, we all want the same things -- health, prosperity, safety for our family and our friends and ourselves."

Paulina continued. "We should not shun people who disagree with us. Instead, we must love, learn, open our hearts and minds, and most importantly, continue to do the hard work to make this world a better place for everyone to live in. And our words are all the more powerful when we raise our voices together," Paulina said as she reached for Abe's hand.

Back at the Brady Pub, Jada raised her coffee cup, and she proposed a toast. "To Dr. King," Jada said. "To the future," Rafe added. "To my Mama," Paulina said. "To us," Johnny added. The four of them toasted.

A drunken Sloan ruins the family dinner
A drunken Sloan ruins the family dinner

A drunken Sloan ruins the family dinner

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

by Spalding

Sloan nervously sipped wine as she set the table in her apartment. "Calm down. It's just my mom and dad coming over for a casual dinner," Eric said. "Everything has to be perfect," Sloan countered. John and Marlena arrived early, and Sloan gulped down her glass of wine as Eric opened the front door.

While the grandparents cooed over their new grandson, Sloan gulped down another glass of wine. "He is beautiful," Marlena announced. Sloan offered to pour a glass of wine, but John and Marlena asked for club sodas instead. Eric retreated to the kitchen to get appetizers and drinks.

"I am over the moon that the both of you could make it tonight to dinner. I mean, Eric and I have been waiting so long to have the both of you," Sloan said. "We are so pleased to be here," Marlena said. John commented that the apartment looked nice. Sloan explained that they were happy in their small apartment until they could find a bigger place.

As Sloan, John, and Marlena stood in awkward silence, Eric returned with a tray. Sloan poured another glass of wine. Eric asked John and Marlena about their New Year's Eve while Sloan sipped her drink. Marlena noted that it had been fine other than the bad news about Tate and Holly. "Damn tragedy," John said. "I don't even know how Nicole is gonna handle all this," Marlena added. Sloan agreed.

"But that is not going to happen to us, because we will do anything to protect our son. From drugs, people, just all that kind of bad stuff," Sloan said. Eric agreed, but Sloan continued. "We would do whatever it takes. Even lie," Sloan added. Eric looked over at his parents, and they exchanged a look as Sloan took another gulp of wine. Marlena asked Sloan what she meant.

"I just mean, yeah, like I would tell a little white lie to protect him, you know? Not like a lie-lie. I'm not in favor of lie-lies," Sloan said. Eric encouraged Sloan to eat some food. With a slight slur to her words, Sloan said she was not hungry. Sloan asked Marlena if they could talk about being a first-time mom. With a chuckle, Sloan noted that Marlena had had twins "right off the bat." Marlena smiled sadly.

"Not right off the bat. I had a son named D.J. He died of SIDS," Marlena said. Sloan was taken aback, and she apologized. "I didn't know that," Sloan whispered. Embarrassed, Sloan chastised Eric for letting her put her "foot in it." Marlena assured Sloan that it was fine. Sloan apologized for having said something tactless.

"Especially to you, because you're, like, perfect, you know? Like, you say everything right, unlike me," Sloan said. Eric suggested that they sit down to dinner. "I am starved," John said cheerfully. Eric sat his parents at the table, and Sloan took another gulp of wine. "Wait! Before we get to dinner, I think that you should tell your folks about the big news," Sloan said. Confused, Eric asked Sloan what she meant. Sloan mentioned Eric's pictures.

"Oh! You mean about me setting up my photography business again?" Eric said. Sloan nodded yes. Elated, Marlena told Eric that she was glad he had returned to his photography. Eric explained that he intended to set up his business over the next few weeks. Sloan interrupted to say that she had a joke.

"Why did the photo critic marry the photographer?" Sloan asked. John shrugged and asked why. "Because she loved his percussion! Oh no, it wasn't percussion. Hold on. It was because she loved his perspective," Sloan said with a chuckle. John and Marlena smiled good-naturedly. "I didn't know comedy was with dinner," Eric joked. Sloan noted that comedy was the spice of life, and she told another joke. John, Marlena, and Eric smiled appreciatively.

"Anyway, I thought those jokes were hilarious. But I can see that Dr. Marlena Evans over there doesn't find them funny," Sloan said. "Okay, no more wine for you," Eric said as he took Sloan's glass. Sloan reiterated her request to talk to Marlena, and with a drunken slur, she called Marlena intimidating. "I don't think of myself as intimidating especially, but I do think Eric is right. I think maybe you should lie down," Marlena said. Sloan refused.

"And I think, Marlena Evans, that you should laugh at my jokes when you're in my house," Sloan said. "Be nice," Eric warned Sloan. With a smirk, Sloan told Eric that she was "being funny." Sloan picked up her wine again, and she noted that she was determined to make Marlena laugh. When Sloan leaned forward, she knocked over a glass of water.

"That is enough!" Eric said. "Don't yell at me!" Sloan countered. John winced and looked down at the table as Marlena's mouth gaped. Eric guided Sloan across the room, and he told her that she was no longer funny or entertaining. Sloan waved dismissively at Eric, but he ordered her to lie down. "And miss the dinner?" Sloan asked. Eric said yes. With a pout, Sloan noted that she had spent all day cooking. "I wanted everything to be perfect. I can't miss the dinner," Sloan said as she sniffled back tears. John noted that it was not a big deal for Sloan to skip the dinner.

"No! It is a big deal. Because I wanted everything to be perfect for you guys, and I just keep screwing it up. I'm sorry," Sloan said. Sloan leaned into Eric's shoulder, and she cried in his arms. After a moment, Sloan told Eric that it was not her fault that his mother did not have a sense of humor. Jude fussed, and Sloan started to go to him. Eric stopped her. "I will take care of Jude. You need to sit down," Eric said. Sloan yelled at Eric that she would not let him treat her like a child.

"I'm treating you like somebody who drank an entire bottle in 20 minutes," Eric countered. Marlena handed Sloan a glass of water. As Sloan complained about Marlena's vocabulary, John offered to take Jude out for a walk with Marlena. "I'll bet you that we can get him back to sleep," John said. Marlena agreed. While John, Marlena, and Eric settled Jude into his stroller, Sloan grabbed her glass of wine and gulped the rest of it down.

After John and Marlena left, Eric helped Sloan into her pajamas, and he steered Sloan to bed. "Please dance with me," Sloan said. Eric refused. "It's time for you to sleep," Eric said. Sloan started to dance. With a sigh, Eric asked Sloan why she had drunk the entire bottle of wine. "Because I was afraid that your mom wouldn't approve of me. She'd probably think I wasn't good enough for you," Sloan said. "So, you got smashed so she would like you?" Eric asked. Sloan said yes. Eric shook his head no, and he added that John and Marlena would understand. Sloan ran into the bathroom to throw up.

John and Marlena pushed baby Jude's stroller through the town square. "[Jude's] sound asleep," John said. "What a little sweetheart. You know, it's strange. When he smiles, he reminds me of Eric," Marlena said. John noted that Eric had not smiled much at dinner. "I feel bad for him, Doc," John said. Marlena agreed. John asked Marlena why Sloan had gotten so drunk. With a shrug, Marlena admitted that she did not know Sloan.

"I imagine she was nervous, and she just wanted to impress us," Marlena said. John chuckled and noted that Sloan had definitely not impressed them. "She'll be mortified when she sobers up," Marlena said. John asked Marlena if she thought it was an isolated incident or if Sloan had a drinking problem. "I hope not. For Eric's sake. And for Jude's sake," Marlena said.

At the police station, Theresa paced in the interrogation room. Brady walked in, and he asked what was going on. "Justin called us, told us to come here," Alex said. Brady confirmed he had received a call, too. When Justin walked in, Theresa pleaded for information on her son. Tate walked in. "Hi, Mom," Tate said. Brady and Theresa eagerly hugged their son.

"Are you okay?" Brady asked. "I am now," Tate said. Theresa asked Justin what was going on with Tate's case. "I filed a motion to have Tate transferred to a juvenile rehab facility while we prepare the case. The judge approved that order today," Justin explained. Theresa thanked Justin profusely. Brady asked about E.J. and whether he could revoke the judge's decision. Furious, Theresa argued that she would not let E.J. send her son back to jail.

"I hear your concern. When it comes to E.J., I put nothing past him. But I made a very strong case with the judge. Otherwise, he wouldn't have signed off on this order," Justin said. Justin explained that Tate would be transferred to the rehab facility immediately. "But I don't do drugs. Why do I have to go to rehab?" Tate asked. Justin explained that the facility also treated behavioral issues.

"I don't have behavioral issues, either! What am I even gonna do there?" Tate asked. Justin told Tate that he would undergo group therapy. Tate complained that he did not need therapy, but Brady and Theresa encouraged Tate to accept the offer. "It's going to be a paradise compared to jail," Theresa said. "It is the best solution we have right now," Justin stressed. Tate nodded yes.

"But I didn't do anything wrong," Tate said. "We understand," Justin countered. Theresa stressed that they wanted Tate to be safe. "And you will be safe there," Theresa said. Justin asked Theresa to pack Tate's things for his bus ride to the facility. Worried, Theresa said she would follow the bus to make sure that Tate was settled in there. Justin explained that the facility did not allow outside contact for the first month of Tate's residency.

"Are you telling me I cannot speak to my son for a whole month?" Theresa asked. Justin confirmed it. Tate assured his mother that he would be fine. "I don't want you to worry. That's the last thing that I want," Tate said. With tears in her eyes, Theresa told Tate that since he was brave, she would be, too. Tate hugged Theresa and told her that he loved her.

While Theresa journeyed home to pack Tate's things and Tate went with Justin to deal with the transfer, Brady waited in the interrogation room. Alex returned with a cup of coffee for Brady. "Your son is a good kid. He's just in a bad situation. But I do have faith that Justin is going to make things a lot better for him," Alex said. Brady told Alex that he was glad to hear that Alex had changed his tune about Justin. "I was unfairly critical at first, but I've come to recognize that he can do this," Alex admitted.

When Theresa returned with a bag for Tate, Justin and Tate returned at the same time. "Things are going to work out," Tate assured Theresa. Justin's phone beeped. "What is it?" Brady asked. Justin explained that E.J. had accepted the judge's order and would not appeal. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Theresa thanked Justin for having saved her son. Alex walked over to Justin.

"You are a damn good lawyer, and I am truly sorry for ever doubting that and doubting your skills. And I really, really hope that you can accept my apology," Alex said. "I do. And no matter what's happening between us, Alex, just know that I'm always here for you," Justin said. Alex hugged Justin. With a nod, Justin said he would check on the departure time for the transport to the rehab facility. Brady called John and Marlena, and he updated them on the situation.

When Sloan felt better, Eric tucked her into bed. "I'm so, so sorry about tonight," Sloan said. Eric said it was okay, and he handed Sloan aspirin and water. "I just tried so hard. Too hard. I just made a mess of everything," Sloan said. Sloan worried aloud that John and Marlena believed that she was crazy. "I don't even remember what I was saying to them" Sloan said. With a groan, Sloan noted that she could not hold her liquor.

"I've made bigger mistakes than that. Like much bigger. If I tell you, you promise you won't be mad?" Sloan asked. "I won't be mad. You're the woman I love," Eric said. Sloan asked Eric again to promise that he would not get mad. Before Eric could answer, John and Marlena returned with a sleeping Jude. John explained that they needed to head over to the police station to say goodbye to Tate. Eric started to tell Sloan, but Sloan was asleep.

"Why don't you let her sleep? She needs it," Marlena said. John told Eric to call them if Eric needed a babysitter. "I'm going to be fine," Eric said. "I know you will," Marlena said.

After John and Marlena left, Eric fed Jude a bottle. "Did you have fun with your grandparents? They love you so much. And so do Mommy and I," Eric whispered. Eric looked over at Sloan and smiled sadly. "Mommy had a rough night tonight, but that's okay because we're always gonna have some rough nights. And days," Eric said. Eric promised Jude that he would always be there for Jude. In her sleep, Sloan whispered, "I'm so sorry."

In the Bistro, Stefan informed Ava that he had stashed the latest drug shipment at the back of the meat locker. After the restaurant opened, Stefan noted that business appeared to be returning to normal. Ava admitted she was surprised that people wanted to eat there after what had happened to Holly.

"People come here for the food and the atmosphere. Plus, we beefed up security on the loading dock, so hopefully, things will be a little quieter here for a little while," Stefan said. As Stefan and Ava toasted to that sentiment, Harris yelled, "Salem Police! Nobody move." Harris walked in with a warrant and a gaggle of officers. "This is a raid," Harris announced. Harris and Ava locked eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ava asked. "I'm doing my job," Harris said. Ava scoffed, and she asked Harris if his job was to harass businesses without a reason. Harris showed Ava the warrant. Harris asked the patrons to remain at their tables while the police conducted a search. The officers fanned out, and Ava asked Stefan what they should do. "Nothing we can do. We're screwed," Stefan whispered.

When Harris returned from the back, Ava asked him if he was searching the restaurant because she had broken up with him. "No, it's because I know there's something not right with this place. And how could there be when it's run by a DiMera?" Harris said. Offended, Stefan said, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Harris warned Ava to protect herself and tell him the truth.

"The truth is, you are acting like a spoiled child. I broke up with you, and so you punish me? Frankly, I thought that you were better than this," Ava said. "You know I would never hurt you. So, let me help you out of this mess. Come on, you deserve better than this place and this guy," Harris said.

An officer spoke to Harris in the corner. "What are you thinking?" Stefan asked Ava. "That prison orange is a bad color for me," Ava countered. Harris walked over to Stefan, and he announced that no drugs had been found in the areas outlined by the warrant. Harris thanked the patrons for their patience, and he told them they could return to their dinners. "I'm sorry," Harris told Ava. "Is that the best that you can do? You defame us in public, you accuse us of a crime," Ava said. Harris reiterated that he was sorry, but Ava said that was not good enough.

"I executed my orders properly," Harris argued. "According to you," Ava countered. With a nod, Harris told Ava that she knew where to find him when she was ready to talk. "Our lawyers know where to find you. Now get the hell out of here and don't come back," Stefan growled. As Harris walked out, Ava announced that the police intrusion had been a misunderstanding and that the meals were free for all patrons.

Stefan took a phone call in the corner, and when he returned, he told Ava that Clyde had called. "Clyde got some insider information. Found out about the raid and had a guy come in and move the product out of here just in the nick [of time]," Stefan said. "Son of a bitch sure runs a tight ship," Ava said. Gabi called Stefan's phone, so he stepped out of the room. Ava received a text, which read, "Meet me at the loading dock. Now." When Ava went out back, Harris appeared from the shadows.

At the police station, Tate said goodbye to his family. "I don't know about this whole group therapy thing," Tate said. "Just be open to it. You having a safe place to express your feelings, that's very positive," Marlena counseled. Brady reminded Tate that his family was there for him, and they would not rest until he was free. "You will be home soon," Brady said. "Just keep me updated with what happens with Holly," Tate said. Theresa nodded yes. Justin escorted Tate out of the station.

"He's going to make it. We'll get through it together," Brady assured Theresa. Theresa sniffled back tears. "I've got you," Alex whispered as he wrapped Theresa in his arms.

Harris makes an emotional plea to Ava
Harris makes an emotional plea to Ava

Harris makes an emotional plea to Ava

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

by Steve Holley

At Xander and Sarah's apartment, Xander helped Sarah move in the rest of her belongings, which were in a lot of large boxes. As they unpacked, Sarah revealed that she had a "Xander box" that was filled with mementos from when they had been married. Sarah and Xander were touched when they opened the box and found a portrait from their wedding night.

After Sarah and Xander finished unpacking, Sarah stood up to prepare for bed. Xander reached for Sarah's hand, and they soon began to kiss. Sarah put a stop to the kiss, and she said that it wasn't a good idea. Xander and Sarah agreed to focus on being good parents to Victoria. "For Victoria," they said in unison as they shook hands. Sarah and Xander bade one another goodnight.

At Steve and Kayla's penthouse, Stephanie, Tripp, and Wendy met Steve and Kayla for dinner. Stephanie received a call from Everett, and she invited him to join them. As they sat for dinner a short while later, Stephanie and Everett told everyone how they had met years earlier in Seattle. Steve asked if Everett had moved to Salem to be with Stephanie.

Stephanie told Steve to stop "interrogating" Everett, who dismissed Stephanie's worries that Steve was overstepping. Everett said that he and Stephanie were only friends. Tripp shared that he and Wendy had agreed to a scavenger hunt game involving geocache. Steve asked what the point was, but he agreed to help.

Everyone was happy as they agreed to take part in the hunt. Alone in the kitchen, Steve whispered to Wendy that he and Kayla were happy that Wendy was staying in Salem. Back in the living room, Everett prepared to say goodnight to Stephanie. They said they both looked forward to the scavenger hunt.

At the Bistro, Stefan spoke by phone to Gabi, who had called from Statesville. Stefan was relieved to hear that Gabi was safe, and he said that he missed her.

On the docks outside, Harris pleaded with Ava to tell him what was really going on at the Bistro. Harris added that he was genuinely worried about Ava. "I know something's wrong. I know you gave up the whole Mafia princess thing years ago. And at first, I thought, 'What are they doing -- sucking her back in?' But that's not it. Something's gotten into you. I know it. I feel it," Harris said.

When Ava turned to leave, Harris reached for her hand. Harris continued to plead for Ava to allow him to help her, and he placed his coat around her arms. Ava began to soften, but she insisted that nothing was amiss with her. Harris gazed into Ava's eyes, and he slowly slipped his police badge into her hand. "Right now, I'm not a cop. I'm just a man. A man who cares deeply for you," Harris said softly.

As he stared into her eyes, Harris said that he didn't believe that Ava was the same person he had gotten to know months earlier. Ava and Harris were prepared to kiss when Stefan appeared. Stefan yelled at Harris to leave, and he forcibly grabbed Ava by the arm to force her back inside the Bistro.

In the restaurant, Ava yelled that Stefan was a "freaking Neanderthal" for having grabbed her. Stefan said that it had looked to him like Ava and Harris had been about to kiss. Ava said that Stefan was "dead wrong." Harris entered, and he said that it was his duty to check on Ava after Stefan had "assaulted" her.

Stefan scoffed at the accusation, but Harris asked if Ava wanted to press charges. Harris then made another plea to Ava. "You cannot deny the connection between us. I see the real you. Just come with me, please. I can protect you," Harris begged.

Stefan responded by grabbing Ava and kissing her. Ava played along with the kiss, and she lied when she said that she and Stefan couldn't keep their hands off one another. "I guess you two deserve each other then. Ava... I hope the next time I see you, it's not behind bars," Harris said as he walked out.

Once Harris was out of sight, Stefan and Ava argued over whether the kiss had been necessary. Stefan said that Harris wasn't Ava's friend. When Stefan walked away, Ava yelled in frustration as she headed behind the bar to pour herself a strong drink. Ava placed a bottle of hard liquor to her lips, and she gulped heavily.

Johnny asks Chanel to marry him again
Johnny asks Chanel to marry him again

Johnny asks Chanel to marry him again

Thursday, January 18, 2024

by Steve Holley

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny and Chanel lay in bed together in the dark. Johnny recalled the ordeal Holly was going through. Johnny said there was no guarantee as to how much time anyone had left. "And that's made me realize I don't want to spend another day without you, Chanel. So, let's get married again," Johnny said.

Johnny added that he had been thinking of proposing to Chanel before the holidays. As Johnny rambled about possible wedding destinations, Chanel reminded Johnny that he hadn't properly asked her to marry him. Chanel said that she wanted Johnny to surprise her. "That's just about my favorite thing to do," Johnny said.

From the hallway moments later, Johnny yelled for Chanel to close her eyes. When Johnny entered and Chanel opened her eyes, she saw Johnny wearing nothing but a black tie around his neck. Johnny handed Chanel a red rose, and he dropped to one knee as he began to propose to Chanel.

"Chanel Dupree... I love you with all my heart. And I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet to have you in my life. You deserve the world, and I intend to give it to you because you are my world. So, will you marry me?" Johnny asked tenderly as he produced a ring. With tears in her eyes, Chanel smiled widely.

Chanel accepted Johnny's proposal, and the couple celebrated with a kiss. Johnny quipped that the ring he had given Chanel was only temporary. When Chanel asked about the ring, Johnny said that it was an Italian signet ring that had been a gift from Stefano after Johnny's high school graduation. Johnny promised that Chanel would have a formal ring soon.

Soon afterwards, Johnny returned with hot fudge sundaes for him and Chanel. Chanel said that she had loved Johnny's idea for a proposal. Johnny and Chanel said that they couldn't wait to be married to one another again. "And you know what I was thinking? Maybe... we could get in a little practice for our wedding night," Chanel said as she grabbed Johnny's tie and pulled him close for a kiss.

At Wendy and Tripp's apartment, Wendy and Tripp lay in bed together and spoke lovingly to one another. Wendy received a call from her mother in Hong Kong, Tripp headed for the kitchen, where he was alarmed to discover Ava drinking alone in the dark on the sofa. Ava told Tripp about the police raid on the Bistro earlier that night, and she added that the police had found nothing. Tripp pleaded with Ava to let him help her. Ava dismissively told Tripp to go back to bed.

When Wendy appeared, Tripp doubled down on his questions for Ava, who said that Tripp should have taken her advice and left for Hong Kong with Wendy. Ava tried to suggest that the raid at the Bistro had been a result of her having dumped Harris. Tripp disagreed, and he threatened to call Harris.

Ava sternly told Tripp and Wendy that they couldn't go to the police. Ava said that the police could be more corrupt than citizens, and she stormed into the guest room. Alone in the living room, Wendy vowed to join Tripp in his efforts to help Ava.

At the Salem Police Station, Harris joined Rafe and Jada in the interrogation room, They speculated on why the raid at the Bistro had failed. Rafe said that he had personally signed off on every officer that had been involved in the raid. "Could we have a dirty cop?" Harris asked.

Rafe said that the idea of a corrupt cop sickened him, but he agreed that it had to be considered a possibility. Harris, Jada, and Rafe agreed to keep their suspicions to themselves. Jada received an alert on her phone, and she left. Afterwards, Harris said that he had felt a sense of smugness from Stefan after the raid had turned up nothing. Rafe warned that neither Stefan nor Ava could be trusted.

Harris admitted that Ava had a checkered past, but he said that he felt she had changed in the months when he had been getting to know her. Rafe suggested that Harris was allowing his personal feelings for Ava to get in the way of the police's investigation, and he threatened to have Harris removed from the case. Harris protested that it wasn't necessary.

When Rafe asked if Harris was sure there would be no bias involved in the case, Harris firmly swore to his professional integrity and commitment to the case. Rafe said that he was sorry if his comments about Harris' objectivity had offended Harris. Harris sighed to himself after Rafe had left the room.

Harris then flashed back to his candlelit dinner with Ava weeks earlier at the Bistro. Harris recalled having slow danced with Ava as soft music played. At the same time, across town, Ava had the same flashback and memory that Harris was having. Ava stared at Harris' photo and contact information on her phone. Ava yelled as she threw her phone against a wall, and she appeared on the verge of tears.

Also at the police station, Jada received a call at her desk from Brady, who shared that Theresa was missing. Brady worried that Theresa might have relapsed due to her worries over Tate. Jada encouraged Brady to file a missing person report. Brady pleaded with Jada for answers. A short while later, Brady received a call back from Jada, who shared that she had found Theresa at the Prairie Motel. "And Brady... she's high as a kite," Jada said remorsefully.

At the Prairie Motel, Jada welcomed Brady and Alex into a room that Theresa had rented. After Brady and Alex managed to awaken Theresa, Theresa yelled that she wanted to party then she fell backward onto the edge of the bed. Jada joined Theresa, who shared that she was beginning to feel warm.

Alex thought that Theresa needed to be taken to the hospital, but Theresa insisted otherwise. Brady and Alex tried to decide where to take Theresa so that she wouldn't cause a scene. When Alex said that his roommates would be up all night, Brady said that they had no choice but to stay with Theresa at the motel for the rest of the night. Brady and Alex agreed to call 9-1-1 if something happened to Theresa.

Lucas recovers from an attack in prison
Lucas recovers from an attack in prison

Lucas recovers from an attack in prison

Friday, January 19, 2024

by Spalding

At the DiMera mansion, Nicole packed up Holly's belongings. E.J. asked Nicole if she needed any help. Nicole admitted that while she had been packing Holly's suitcase, she had been unable to stop thinking about how Holly had looked on New Year's Eve. "Just glowing and beautiful and with all the promises of the new year, and maybe even new love," Nicole said. With a chuckle, Nicole picked up a teddy bear and noted that Holly still slept with it.

"She's all grown up, but she is still my little girl," Nicole said. E.J. asked Nicole if she was sure that she did not want him to go with her to Italy. Nicole said no. "I could be gone weeks. And the work you are doing here is important," Nicole said. "You know I will be there when I can. And I will be on that jet in a heartbeat if you need me," E.J. said. Nicole told E.J. that she was thankful that he had been able to coordinate Holly's treatment in Italy.

"[Holly's] made me a better person. Kinder, more empathetic, curious. So, when we come home and she is well again, I know you will have made sure those dealers will never hurt her or anyone else again," Nicole said. E.J. nodded yes.

Eric prayed at Holly's bedside in the hospital for an easy transfer to Italy. When Maggie arrived, Eric told her, "I'm so sorry for your granddaughter." "It's ironic. I've devoted most of my adult life to staying sober and helping other people stay sober. And yet, I watched drugs and alcohol claim my daughter, Summer. And now, I've watched drugs put my granddaughter in a coma," Maggie said.

With tears in his eyes, Eric noted that he had made an unforgivable choice when he had driven drunk and killed Daniel. "By the grace of God, I found forgiveness in my heart for you. And it was because of Holly. I love her. And you love her. And for her sake and for Daniel's, I knew I had to let go of my anger toward you," Maggie said. "I'm deeply grateful," Eric whispered. Maggie noted that Eric had been a father to Holly longer than anyone else.

"The doctors say that she can hear what we're saying. I know that it means a lot to her that you're here. And it means a lot to me, too," Maggie said. As Maggie started to cry, Eric pulled her into a hug.

When Nicole and E.J. arrived, Eric explained he had wanted to spend a few minutes alone with Holly before she left for Italy. E.J. announced that Holly would be picked up within a few minutes. "I guess it's my time to say goodbye," Maggie said. Maggie told Holly that she loved Holly, and she kissed Holly's forehead. "I can't wait to hear your voice again when you come home," Maggie said. Maggie walked out.

"Doctors must be hopeful about the treatment," Eric said. With a shrug, Nicole noted that her biggest worry weeks earlier had been the SATs. "But everything that seemed so important then doesn't even matter now," Nicole said. "The doctors are going to help her. I got a real good feeling about this," Eric said. Nicole agreed. Nicole vowed to never give up on her daughter. Eric asked Nicole to keep him updated on Holly's progress.

"Of course. And enjoy that little boy. Cherish every moment with him," Nicole said. "I will," Eric whispered. Eric said goodbye, and he left E.J. and Nicole alone with Holly. With a sad smile, Nicole talked about when Holly had been a fussy baby. "I love you both so very much," E.J. said. E.J. kissed Holly goodbye. "I swear to you, I will get justice done in your name," E.J. said.

The orderlies wheeled Holly into the hallway by the nurses' station. "I guess this is goodbye for now," E.J. said. E.J. kissed Nicole. Across the hallway, Brady averted his eyes from the intimate moment. "I'll miss you, my darling, every day," E.J. whispered. "I'll miss you, too," Nicole said. The orderlies wheeled Holly into the elevator, and Nicole followed. After the elevator doors closed, E.J. and Eric nodded at one another.

Alex escorted Theresa back to their apartment with the help of Brady. Still high, Theresa asked what they were doing at the apartment. "It's going to be okay," Brady said. Theresa struggled to leave. "I want to be around people who want to laugh and celebrate," Theresa said. When Brady said that Theresa could not leave, she lied and said she needed to run an errand. Brady said no.

"You are so nosy, Brady," Theresa complained. Brady told Theresa that he would not let her get another fix. "You had a relapse tonight, and the most important thing you can do is recover from it," Brady said. Theresa said she was not interested, and she headed for the door. Brady blocked the exit. "I want to go! It's really important!" Theresa yelled. "What's important is that you get sober," Brady said. Alex told Theresa that Brady was trying to help her.

"I don't need help!" Theresa yelled. Theresa said that she was happy for the first time in a long time. "You're just high. You need to come off of this," Brady said. Theresa disagreed. Theresa complained that her son was being punished for something he had not done.

"[Tate's] been sent off somewhere where I can't see him, and he's probably really lonely and scared. It's not fair!" Theresa said. Brady agreed. Theresa said she was annoyed that Eric had come over to pray and act sanctimonious instead of asking Nicole for help. "Eric does care about you," Brady countered. Theresa blamed Alex for not having hired a lawyer to get the charges dropped. Still angry, Theresa told Brady he had made the situation worse when he had attempted to cover for Tate. Theresa tugged and twisted at Eric's rosary.

"What is wrong with you two? How do you not see how wrong this is? I mean, honestly, how could you make things any more worse than this?" Theresa screamed. The rosary in Theresa's hands snapped, and the beads scattered across the floor. After a moment, Theresa dropped to her knees, and she attempted to pick up the beads.

"I'll take care of this," Alex said as he attempted to pull Theresa to her feet. "No! It's my grandmother's rosary. God is never going to forgive me," Theresa said. Alex assured Theresa that God would forgive her. Brady grabbed a bottle of water, and he gently pushed it into Theresa's hand. As Theresa sipped the water, Alex and Brady lifted her to her feet and maneuvered her onto the couch.

As Theresa stared at the beads in her hands, Alex and Brady stepped across the room to talk out of earshot. Alex suggested that they give Theresa an alcoholic drink to calm her nerves. "She can't have that," Brady stressed. Frustrated, Alex argued that he could not stand there and do nothing. Brady told Alex to leave.

"Why the hell would I leave? This is my apartment. This is my girlfriend," Alex argued. Brady apologized. "I'm just a little rattled right now. Of course, you don't have to leave. It's your place," Brady said. Brady explained that he believed Theresa was comfortable showing her worst side to him but that she was embarrassed to let Alex see that side of her. "I think it's agitating her," Brady said. Brady told Alex that he did not need to leave, but he believed the best thing for Theresa was doughnuts, coffee, and dark chocolate. With a nod, Alex reluctantly agreed to run out and get those items.

As Alex walked through the square, he ran into Maggie, and he asked to talk to her. "I'm really not in the mood to talk shop, Alex. I just came from saying goodbye to my granddaughter," Maggie said. Maggie explained that Holly was leaving with Nicole for a treatment facility. "I'm sure that was really rough, but I just think you might really want to know about this. It's about Theresa," Alex said. Worried, Maggie asked what was wrong. Alex explained that Theresa had relapsed, and he was worried. Alex recounted the events of the night.

"I'm very sorry to hear it," Maggie said. "Brady sent me off to get coffee and doughnuts, but I think the truth is he is trying to get rid of me because he thinks I might be agitating Theresa more. Because she thinks that I might be, like, you know, judging her," Alex said. Maggie nodded. Maggie said that coffee and doughnuts would be helpful for Theresa.

"I'm proud of you, Alex, for including Brady. He's a recovering alcoholic, as you know, and he knows Theresa very well. That was a very good call," Maggie said. Alex nodded, but he admitted he was unsure how to behave after Brady left. Maggie advised Alex to be supportive and to encourage Theresa to attend meetings. "Be kind and not judgmental," Maggie added. Alex added that he planned not to drink in front of Theresa in the future. Maggie agreed that was helpful in the short term after a relapse. "I'm here for Theresa anytime, night or day. I'm here for you, too, Alex. If you need help, advice, just call," Maggie said.

At Theresa's apartment, Theresa sipped water, then groaned. "Please tell me this was all a bad dream," Theresa said. "There you are. Hey, you with me now?" Brady asked. "I wish I wasn't," Theresa said as she ran her hands through her hair. Tired, Theresa wondered aloud why she had slipped up after so many years of sobriety. "I've let everyone down," Theresa whispered. Brady assured Theresa that no one was judging her.

"I don't deserve either of you. I don't deserve anyone's love or respect," Theresa said. Brady vehemently disagreed. "You've worked very hard. You've made amends. You've struggled to become a better person. I've seen that. You're doing fine," Brady said. With a shake of her head, Theresa noted that she had not been talking about the past. Concerned, Brady pushed Theresa to talk to him.

"I've tried to change, but I've just been, I've just been a failure. I've done some really horrible things," Theresa said. Theresa thought about when she had plotted with Konstantin to make Alex the Kiriakis heir. "I'm a bad person. You need to know that," Theresa said. A look of worry crossed Brady's face, and he asked her what she meant. "I shouldn't have said anything," Theresa said. "Yeah, but you did," Brady countered. Theresa looked at Brady, and she said she was a failure.

"This was one slip. One. You're going to be okay," Brady said. When Brady added that Tate would be okay, Theresa gasped. "Please don't tell Tate!" Theresa begged. "I won't. I don't see any reason or need to tell him," Brady said. Relieved, Theresa thanked Brady.

Tired, Theresa sat on the couch next to Brady, and she said she wanted to sleep. Brady asked Theresa to stay awake and drink water instead. Theresa complied as she put her head on Brady's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Alex called you," Theresa said. "I'm not," Brady countered. Theresa called it an imposition, but Brady disagreed. "I want to be here for you," Brady said. Theresa clasped Brady's hand, and she said, "I'm really glad you are." After a couple sips of water, Theresa noted that despite their problems, they had had some great times together. "We did," Brady agreed.

Theresa marveled that after everything, Brady was being a good friend to her. "Thank you for being my friend, Brady," Theresa said. Theresa looked into Brady's eyes, and she kissed him. Alex returned home and saw the kiss.

Outside the Brady Pub, Konstantin ran into Steve. With a smirk, Konstantin asked if Steve wanted to join him for a cup of coffee or just ship him back to Aria, his home. "Now you're talking," Steve muttered. Konstantin argued that Steve had lied about his knowledge of Aria. "What difference does it make if I ever set foot in your God-forsaken hometown?" Steve asked. Konstantin scoffed.

"The real question is, why so secretive about it? Why don't you want me to know [that you had been in Aria]?" Konstantin asked. "I don't know what you're talking about. And I'm really not interested," Steve said. Steve told Konstantin to pack and leave town, then he turned to walk away. "Have you ever heard of the pawn?" Konstantin asked. Steve stopped in his tracks.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Steve said. Konstantin argued that Stefan had won a pawn in a match. "I know little more than this, but I am aware that this pawn was a man of mystery who played an important role in Victor's life and, by extension, in mine," Konstantin said. Steve argued that Konstantin did not make any sense.

"Perhaps [the pawn's] identity is known by many. It is certainly known to you, Victor's former employee, the man with the patch," Konstantin said. Concerned, Steve asked Konstantin why he was so determined to learn the identity of the pawn. "I will never forget those eyes," Konstantin said. Frustrated, Steve said he could not help Konstantin. Konstantin grabbed Steve, and he demanded to know the identity of the pawn.

"There's nothing to tell!" Steve yelled back. "You are hiding something," Konstantin countered. Annoyed, Steve reminded Konstantin that Konstantin was the one that had arrived in Salem with nothing but lies for Maggie. "Tell me!" Konstantin screamed. Steve grabbed Konstantin by the lapels. "You push me too far, old man!" Steve yelled. "What is going on here?" Maggie asked as she walked up.

At the prison infirmary, Kate sat at Lucas' bedside. Harris rushed into the room, and he gasped when he saw a slash across Lucas' face. "Oh, my God," Harris whispered. "This is your fault, okay? You told him that you would protect him, but it was just a ploy to get him to do what you wanted him to do. You never gave a damn about my son, you bastard," Kate grumbled. Harris apologized.

"I just talked to the warden. He assured me that the guards were instructed to watch out for Lucas. I'm sure you talked to him, too," Harris said. Frustrated, Kate yelled, "I didn't, because I trusted you. Something I will never do again." Lucas stirred awake and asked Kate to stop yelling. Harris asked Lucas what had happened. With a shake of his head, Lucas noted that they had attacked him from behind, so he had been unable to identify his attackers.

"Did they say anything?" Harris asked. "A lot of things I can't say in front of my mother," Lucas grumbled. Lucas explained that the gist was that Lucas had asked too many questions to the wrong people. "Who did you talk to?" Harris asked. Lucas named a few of the staff members. "I thought I could trust them, but I guess I was wrong," Lucas said. Harris said he believed they had confirmed that there was a dirty cop with the Salem PD.

"What? Why didn't you tell us?" Kate said. "Because we didn't suspect it until recently. And we do not know for sure. It's just a hunch. But it's one we are taking very seriously," Harris said. Kate argued that she had believed the reward for Lucas had been worth the risk because Harris had assured her that the prison would watch over Lucas. "But clearly you were either lying or you made a misguided assumption, because my son is still here with a target on his back," Kate said. Kate demanded that Harris secure Lucas' release.

"Let me make a call," Harris said before he slipped out of the room. "Think there is anything he can do?" Lucas asked. "There better be something he can do. Because he got you into this. Now he needs to get you out," Kate grumbled. When Harris returned, he apologized. Harris explained that the prerequisite for Lucas' release was that he could provide evidence that could be used in court. Confused, Lucas asked why his tips that had led to the drug raids had not been enough.

"Because the raids didn't lead to the source," Harris explained. Harris promised not to give up on Lucas. Lucas shook his head, resigned. With a sigh, Kate told Harris that she was grateful he had saved her life, but she would never forgive Harris if he did not help her son. Harris promised to protect Lucas. A guard entered the room, and he told Harris that someone wanted to speak to him in the visitors' room.

"Who is it, and how do they know I'm here?" Harris asked. "The man just said he needs to talk to you," the guard said. Harris whispered to Kate and Lucas that he would get Lucas out of prison "one way or another." After Harris left, Kate told Lucas that she was proud of him.

In the visitor's room, Harris met with Clyde. "I requested your presence in the hopes that we could have a little chat. You know about current events in Salem. Like what happened to Lucas Horton. That's a damn shame, isn't it?" Clyde said.

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Edited by SC Desk