Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 26, 2023 on DAYS

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Abe remembered Theo. Jerry helped stage Abe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 26, 2023 on DAYS

Abe remembered Theo. Rafe and Jada slept together. Stefan found Kristen's phone. Megan got the drop on Harris. Jerry helped stage Abe's fake death. The police announced that Abe was dead. Tripp took Wendy on a mini date. Johnny comforted Chanel. Leo begged Gwen to reject Dimitri's proposal. Xander and Dimitri threatened one another. Xander and Chloe had sex. Megan used memory-erasing serum on E.J. and Kristen. Rolf brainwashed Harris. Leo found E.J. and Kristen. Eric supported Nicole through a scare. Harris interrupted the engagement party with a gun.

Whitley plots Abe
Whitley plots Abe's death

Whitley plots Abe's death

Monday, June 26, 2023

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by Mike

Li was alone at the Shin apartment when Megan phoned from the DiMera mansion. "Tell me you've got good news," Megan begged. "Rolf will be arriving any moment," Li confirmed.

Li warned that Harris probably wasn't going to just lie down and submit to another round of brainwashing from Rolf, but Megan dismissed the concern and promised to find a way to handle that problem. "Stefan is in for quite a surprise," Megan declared with a cackle before saying a quick goodbye to Li then ending the call, having just realized that Stefan was listening from the foyer.

Megan forced a smile and greeted Stefan. "I didn't hear you come in," Megan admitted. "Obviously not. So, what's this big surprise you have in store for me?" Stefan responded. "Spoilsport," Megan grumbled before claiming that Stefan had simply overheard part of the phone conversation that had put an engagement party on the calendar for the following evening. "I was gonna keep you in the dark until the main event," Megan continued. "But now that you know, I guess I'll have to figure out another surprise for you tomorrow night," Megan concluded with a smirk before rushing off.

Stefan phoned Gabi and explained what had just happened -- and they agreed that they would like to have Kristen at the party, even though Megan had insisted that wouldn't be possible because of a scheduling conflict involving emergency meetings with custody lawyers in New York City. Gabi argued that it wouldn't hurt to phone Kristen and try to resolve the issue -- but when Stefan did that, a cell phone started ringing somewhere in the living room. Stefan traced the rings to a desk drawer and found Kristen's cell phone inside. "Why the hell would Kristen go to New York without her phone?" Stefan muttered.

Li met up with Rolf at the pier. "Why are you wet?" Li wondered, eyeing Rolf's damp suit. "One of the hazards of traveling via submarine," Rolf explained to Li with a sigh.

Li was surprised to learn that Rolf had a submarine that had once belonged to Princess Gina. "A fine mode of transportation -- especially when one wishes to arrive by stealth," Rolf declared.

Li revealed that Megan wanted Harris brainwashed again, and Rolf agreed to help then created a list of items that would be needed to complete the mission. "Plutonium?" Li sputtered while reading the list, drawing a shrug from Rolf. "The last time I performed work like this was under trying circumstances, to say the least -- I want the proper tools this time instead of having to resort to a collection of kitchen implements and pub paraphernalia, and that's not too much to ask in exchange for my talents!" Rolf argued, and Li conceded the point then rushed off in search of the items.

Harris met up with Kate at the Brady Pub so they could discuss their plan to get rid of Megan. "How do we proceed now that you've lost the element of surprise?" Kate fretted. "I placed a small tracking device on her car," Harris bragged.

Harris rushed off after getting an alert that Megan was on the move. "You following me?" Megan snapped when Harris approached her in the park. "We have unfinished business," Harris explained to Megan while drawing a gun.

Jada was thrilled to learn that Rafe had stopped by the Brady Pub to share good news -- and they celebrated Talia's plea deal with a hug that led to a kiss.

Rafe pulled away then started to apologize for having initiated the kiss, but Jada dismissed the concern and insisted that it had been a mutual thing -- then repeated Kate's take on the matter.

Rafe admitted to having received similar advice then conceded that it was difficult to argue with Eli and Kate about life being too short to worry about things like fraternization rules -- and Jada agreed then initiated a follow-up kiss.

Jada and Rafe later decided, while lying in bed together, that they were simply going to keep their personal and professional lives separate from each other.

Abe gave Jerry a suspicious glare while they were alone together at the King apartment. "I just had -- just now -- a vivid memory of my wedding day," Abe revealed. "I was talking to my best man -- my son -- and it wasn't you," Abe continued. "I want to know who the hell you are!" Abe concluded, drawing a gulp from Jerry, who retreated to the kitchen for a glass of water -- and sent Whitley an emergency text message while there.

Eli wrapped up a phone conversation at the police station then started to rejoin Whitley in one of the conference rooms -- but Theo was quick to object, wanting to know why the nurse was being questioned about Abe's disappearance.

Whitley emerged from the conference room while Eli was explaining the situation to Theo. "My cat is sick, as I told you, and my neighbor has to leave, and so I must get home and tend to him," Whitley claimed before rushing off -- and Theo waited until the coast was clear then wondered if Eli had noticed that the nurse had seemed quite anxious. "I suppose that anyone would be anxious if they're being questioned by the FBI," Eli reasoned, but Theo sensed that Whitley was hiding something. "She also seemed super nervous when I was talking to her earlier," Theo explained. "Nurse King would know where the cameras are and how to avoid them," Eli acknowledged.

Eli and Theo reviewed a background check on Whitley that an FBI employee had just completed. "Born in Scottsdale, Arizona; youngest of five; father was a pastor, mother a schoolteacher; she paid her own way through college and nursing school -- this is all pretty unremarkable," Eli declared. "Widowed just a couple of years back -- and no kids," Eli continued. "I'm sorry, man, but this just isn't the profile of a criminal," Eli continued. "I know you had your hopes up, but upstanding citizens don't just turn to crime without a reason -- and by the looks of it, this woman doesn't have a reason," Eli concluded, drawing a sigh of defeat from Theo.

Whitley returned to the King apartment and laughed off Abe's concerns about Jerry being an imposter then explained that another son had been seen in the earlier memory. "Why the hell didn't you tell me I have another son?" Abe snapped. "You haven't seen Brandon since the wedding -- actually, he doesn't really approve of us, and...I'm sorry to say, but the two of you had a falling-out, and I just didn't want to bring this up; you've had so much going on, and I didn't want to share that tension with you," Whitley reasoned before giving Jerry a signal to end the conversation. "I am feeling a bit tired," Jerry announced with a fake yawn to bail out Whitley.

Whitley escorted Jerry out of the apartment after Abe apologized for the misunderstanding. "You are so lucky that he has another son!" Whitley snapped at Jerry before producing a wad of cash and handing it over with a sigh. "There's something else I need you to do," Whitley continued. "Just wait here for a second -- there's something I gotta go do first," Whitley concluded.

Whitley reentered the apartment and approached Abe with a syringe. "Right before I came home, I got a call from the hospital -- they want you to come all the way back down there just to give one little sample!" Whitley explained to Abe with a shake of the head before insisting that was too much to ask of someone who was still recovering from serious injuries and was married to a nurse. "I'll just run this down to the hospital," Whitley added before exiting the apartment with a vial of Abe's blood and handing it to Jerry then beginning to explain what needed to be done.

Rafe and Eli later headed over to the pier together after Jerry phoned in a tip that a man had fallen into the water. Jerry recapped the supposed accident for Rafe and Eli, who soon found blood and a patient identification bracelet that Abe had once worn.

The police conclude that Abe is dead
The police conclude that Abe is dead

The police conclude that Abe is dead

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

by Spalding

Li escorted Rolf to his lab in the DiMera tunnels. "You'll have top-shelf equipment, I assure you," Li said. Li promised that Harris would arrive soon. "I'm impressed with your preparation, but that doesn't change the fact that twice you promised to have Commander Michaels ready to do what must be done, and twice you have failed to produce him," Rolf grumbled. Li assured Rolf that Rolf's return to Salem had not been wasted, because Megan was handling the delivery of Harris herself.

In a wooded area of the DiMera grounds, Harris held Megan at gunpoint. Megan asked Harris if he wanted her to beg for her life. "Truth is, I've been expecting you, Michaels. You specialize in gunning down the defenseless," Megan said. Megan held out her arms, and she asked Harris if he wanted an engraved invitation to kill her.

"Nobody's going to get shot. The only time I pulled the trigger on an unarmed person is when you were messing with my head," Harris yelled. Harris argued that he was not the person that Megan had made him. "Your days of making people do whatever you want are over!" Harris said. Harris told Megan that her destination was somewhere that she would "discover new levels of misery every day."

"Let me guess. Disney World?" Megan quipped. "Joke all you want. You won't be laughing when you get there," Harris said. Megan asked why Harris was kidnapping her. Harris argued that he needed to stop Megan from hurting Bo, Hope, or Kate.

"Funny you should mention Kate. Tell me, what's her role in this cheap little stunt of yours?" Megan asked. "Forget about, Kate! I'm doing this alone. I want to be the one to make sure that you get what you deserve," Harris said as he thrust the gun at Megan's face. Megan wondered aloud why Harris would make a move "now."

"And when I ask myself that question, I remember just how ruthless your friend Kate Roberts Brady has always been. So, let me guess: Kate wants me dead, but you held out for delivering me to my own private Siberia," Megan said. Harris told Megan that her boat was waiting for her. With a smirk, Megan told Harris that he was too much of a Boy Scout.

"You were only effective when I was giving you your marching orders. Kate isn't here, Commander. It's just you and me and Mr. Beretta in your right hand. So, I'm wondering what you would do if I were to suddenly turn and run for my life," Megan said. Megan asked Harris if he had it in him to shoot her in the back. As Megan lunged to run away, Harris grabbed her sleeve and stopped her.

"I'm not gonna shoot you, because you're not going anywhere except where I take you," Harris said. Harris told Megan that she would have plenty of time alone to think in the middle of nowhere. "Don't I get a teary goodbye with my old friend Kate?" Megan asked. A dart shot into Harris' neck, and he winced. Harris pulled out the dart, and he stumbled. Megan muttered that Harris should have killed her when he'd had the chance.

"This changes nothing," Harris said. Megan cackled. Megan pulled a tracker out of her purse, and she noted she had pulled it from her car. "You thought you had me right where you wanted me. The truth is, I had you the whole time," Megan said. Harris' arm started to sag, and his legs started to give way.

"You're not going to get away with this," Harris said breathlessly before he collapsed. Li crept out from the bushes. "You didn't put enough in, you imbecile. He nearly killed me!" Megan complained.

At the pub, Kate and Jada talked over coffee about what had happened between Jada and Rafe. "I am very happy for both of you," Kate said. Kate told Jada that she hoped things worked out for them. When Kate asked why Rafe had left, Jada explained that Rafe had had to rejoin the search for Abe.

"Why don't you tell me about you and Rafe," Kate said. "There's not much to tell. It's still pretty new," Jada admitted. Kate asked Jada if she was happy that she had slept with Rafe. "No regrets. We definitely want to be together. But we have to keep it between us, you know, behind closed doors," Jada said. Kate asked Jada to thank her for the good advice. Jada thanked Kate, and she said that Eli had given Rafe a pep talk, as well.

Rafe texted Jada to meet him at the docks for a case. Jada asked Kate to keep Jada's relationship with Rafe a secret. "Believe me, I know how crucial it is to have someone you can trust, especially with your secrets," Kate said. With a grateful smile, Jada walked out.

Kate looked at her phone, and she wondered aloud why Harris had not sent her an update on the Megan situation. "What's taking you so long?" Kate said. Kate texted Harris. On the DiMera grounds, Li grabbed Harris' phone, and he noted that Kate had texted. "I knew she was in on it. Well, forget about her for now. We've got work to do," Megan said. Li texted Kate from Harris' phone, "Mission accomplished."

At Paulina's apartment, Theo informed Paulina that the police had a lead on Abe. "Something that's going to tie that nurse to my dad," Theo said hopefully. "Wouldn't that be great!" Paulina yelped. After a moment, Paulina shook her head, and she said she refused to get her hopes up. Theo calmed Paulina down.

"I can see how this is affecting you. And it's not my place to tell you how to deal with it, but I can tell you what's been working for me," Theo offered. Theo urged Paulina not to give up hope until there was official word that the search was over. "My dad and I, we've been through bad things before," Theo said. Theo told Paulina about when he had been in a coma, and Abe had stayed at his bedside.

"My dad never stopped believing that I was going to come out of it. And maybe I felt that. Maybe that's why I pulled through. And maybe that's exactly what dad needs from us right now. To never lose hope," Theo said. With a smile, Paulina thanked Theo for having changed her perspective.

"I've been worrying about myself, when it's Abe who is suffering the most, being away from his loved ones, God knows where, likely scared out of his mind. I'm going to have to keep myself strong for him until he gets home," Paulina said. "We both will," Theo agreed.

Down on the docks, Rafe and Eli examined a patch of blood on a piling. "We've got to know for sure. Right now, all we have is this guy's word," Rafe said as he looked over at Jerry. "Did you get a good look at him before he went in the water?" Eli asked. "It all happened so fast," Jerry stammered. Rafe showed a photo of Abe to Jerry.

"Yeah, that was him," Jerry said. Rafe took Eli aside and noted that he did not trust Jerry. "He seems a little nervous to me," Rafe whispered. "Well, why wouldn't he be? I mean, seeing somebody fall into the river and just disappear?" Eli countered. Rafe insisted on a dive team and forensics. Frustrated by the wait, Eli pulled off his shirt and dove into the water against Rafe's objections.

After Eli returned to the docks, Rafe draped a blanket around him. "I couldn't see anything. The current could have carried him downstream," Eli said. "Why don't we wait for the divers next time," Rafe grumbled. With a shake of his head, Eli said it did not make sense that Abe had hit his head and fallen in the water.

"What the hell was he doing down here all alone? How'd he get away from whoever it was that grabbed him?" Rafe said. Eli asked Jerry if he was sure that the man in the picture was the man that had fallen in the water. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe," Jerry mumbled. Frustrated, Eli grabbed Jerry by the shirt and screamed, "What do you mean you guess?" Rafe urged Eli to calm down, and Eli released Jerry's shirt.

"I'm sure. As soon as I saw the picture, I knew," Jerry stammered. Rafe told Jerry not to leave town, and he released him to go home. After Jerry ran away, Rafe cautioned Eli to wait for forensics to check the blood on the pier against Abe's blood type. "We'll check the evidence because that's what we do, but Rafe, man, we can't kid ourselves. We both know how this ends," Eli said.

When Jada arrived on the docks, the dive team was entering the water. Rafe took Jada aside and updated her on the situation. Jada asked if there was a chance that Abe was alive, and Rafe said he hoped so. "I'm not going to tell Paulina about any of this. Not based on circumstantial evidence and one guy's statement," Rafe said. Rafe noted that if there was a body in the water, he believed the dive team would find it.

"One of the techs gave me a blood sample from the pylon. They want to do a DNA match with Abe's," Eli said. Rafe suggested that forensics check the blood against Abe's bone marrow donation sample at the hospital. "I'm going to take it over there now," Eli said.

After Eli ran off, Paulina called Rafe's phone. "I can't let her know what's going on. Not yet," Rafe said. "You did the right thing," Jada said when Rafe sent the call to voicemail. Jada lowered her voice, and she asked if the 9-1-1 call about Abe had come in while she and Rafe had been together at the pub.

"No. I know what you're thinking, but stop. Getting here a little bit sooner wouldn't have changed anything. We're here now, and we've got a job to do. Much as we're dreading what we might find," Rafe said.

At Paulina's apartment, she left Rafe a carefully worded message on his voicemail. "As soon as Theo told me you had a lead, I had to call, so please call me back," Paulina said. Paulina added that she was hopeful that Rafe was on the verge of bringing Abe home. As Paulina ended her call, Theo hugged her and told her that she'd done great.

In Whitley's apartment, Abe and Whitley watched more Body & Soul. Whitley thought about her instructions to Jerry to plant Abe's blood on the docks. Abe noted that Whitley appeared distracted, and she lied and said she had been thinking about Abe's improved health. Abe suggested that they go to the park instead of staying inside.

"You want to go out?" Whitley said. "Why not? It's a nice warm day," Abe said. Whitley argued that Abe was not ready for that amount of exertion. Abe stressed that he was well enough to make the trip to a park bench. "You were just telling me how healthy I was," Abe said. Abe struggled to his feet, but he immediately needed to sit back down.

"I know how impatient you are to be back on your feet -- and those test results are a great step in the right direction -- but look at you. You can barely walk, darling," Whitley said. Abe asked about his wheelchair. Whitley shook her head no, and she argued that Abe's assailant was still on the loose. Whitley refused to put Abe in danger.

"We'll be in a public park. I am not going to live in fear," Abe said. Abe refused to be a prisoner. Jerry knocked on the door. "Oh, Theo! I'm so happy to see you. Perhaps you can convince your 'father' that it's not time for him to go out yet," Whitley said. Jerry disagreed. "Come on, Pops. Let's get you dressed," Jerry said. Whitley gaped. Jerry assisted Abe into the bedroom, and then Jerry returned to the living room to talk to Whitley privately.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" Whitley hissed. Whitley argued that they needed to make the world think Abe was dead and not parade him around town. "I did everything like you said. And so far, it's going exactly the way you want it to, okay?" Jerry countered. Concerned, Whitley asked what Jerry meant by "so far." Jerry explained that when he had left the docks, the police had sent divers into the river to search for a body.

"You know what, when I signed on to this thing, I thought I was taking on an acting job to help a sick man, but somehow, it morphed into this whole weird nightmare where I faked someone's death, and it just so happens to be the mayor of the damn town," Jerry said. Jerry argued that since he was involved with the cops, he deserved a raise. Whitley said she did not make enough as a nurse to pay Jerry any more for the job.

"Well, you better figure something out then, because if I don't get the money that I want, then I'm going straight to the police station, and I'm blowing your whole world to smithereens," Jerry threatened. As Jerry started for the bedroom, Whitley stopped him and reminded him that she had helped Jerry get medication for his grandmother.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that the cops are going to try to pin this on me," Jerry said. "It's probably not just them by now. They must have called in the FBI. And you're right. You're the one who broke all the laws," Whitley said. Jerry argued that he had only done what Whitley had told him to do. With a chuckle, Whitley countered that no one would believe an actor over a respected nurse in the community.

"The police have enough on you to send you away for a really long time," Whitley added. Whitley went into the bedroom, and when she wheeled Abe into the living room, Jerry said he had reconsidered. "I think Paulina has a point," Jerry said. Jerry explained that he was concerned about Abe's safety, and he apologized for having disappointed Abe.

"So, it doesn't matter that I really wanted to go out?" Abe asked. "Of course, it matters. That's why I was really trying to get behind the idea," Whitley lied. Whitley told Abe that Abe's son Theo knew what was best for Abe.

At Paulina's apartment, she stared at her phone. "Rafe's busy," Theo whispered. Theo placed his hand on Paulina's. With a nod, Paulina agreed that Rafe would call when he had an update. Paulina thanked Theo for sitting with her. "We need to be going through this together," Theo said. With a grin, Paulina told Theo that he reminded her of Abe. "When Abe gets home, I'm going to tell him what a wise and caring son he has raised. And then I'ma plant kisses all over that man!" Paulina said.

At the police station, Rafe answered a call from Eli. "You were right. The hospital still had that blood sample of Abe's. Rafe, it was a match. The blood we found was his," Eli said. Rafe teared up, and he asked Eli if he was sure. Eli confirmed that Abe was gone. "I can't believe this," Rafe whispered. Eli told Rafe that he needed to tell Lani in person before she heard it from someone else. Rafe promised to handle everything in Salem and to break the news to Paulina. As Rafe ended the call, Jada hugged him. Rafe broke down in tears.

In Paulina's apartment, a frustrated Paulina yelled that she could not wait any longer for an update. "Don't worry, I'm going to be filled with hope and all that, but I need to hear something," Paulina said. As Paulina opened the door, she was surprised to see Rafe and Jada in the hallway.

"I was just coming to see you," Paulina said. When Paulina asked about Abe, Jada said, "Can we come in?" Paulina gasped, and she backed away. "No, you cannot. You didn't come here for this," Paulina said. Paulina attempted to slam the door in Rafe's face, but he blocked it and entered the apartment with Jada.

"I will not have it!" Paulina yelled. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. We didn't find Abe, but we did find some remnants. There was a witness," Rafe said. Paulina repeated "No" over and over as she collapsed into a chair in sobs.

In Rolf's lab, a groggy Harris woke up strapped to a gurney. Megan smirked at Harris as Rolf looked on. "What are you trying to do?" Harris asked. Megan told Harris that she was impressed by his strength but that she did not think he would be able to resist Rolf's treatment.

"What does that mean?" Harris asked. "In just a few short moments, you will be back under my control," Megan said. Harris screamed. "I should have seen this coming," Harris muttered. Harris warned Megan that Rolf's treatment would not work again. "Don't worry. I have enough faith for the both of us," Megan said.

Xander and Dimitri make mutual threats
Xander and Dimitri make mutual threats

Xander and Dimitri make mutual threats

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

by Spalding

In the town square, Johnny called Wendy at home to invite her to dinner. Wendy agreed to meet up with Johnny in an hour. As Wendy ended her call, she turned and saw Tripp standing in the kitchen in a towel. "I didn't hear you come in," Wendy said. "Well, you were on the phone. I didn't want to interrupt," Tripp said. Tripp asked Wendy if she was going on a date with Johnny, and she said yes.

"He beat me to the punch. I was going to offer to make you dinner when you got home, but I wanted to get a shower in first," Tripp said. When Wendy explained that Johnny would arrive in an hour, Tripp suggested that they have a mini date first.

"I bet you I could show you a better time in 45 minutes than Johnny could over a three-course meal," Tripp said. "You're on. See you in 15 minutes," Wendy said. After Wendy changed, she returned to the living room. There was a knock at the door. It was Tripp with a bouquet of flowers. "Ready for our date?" Tripp asked. For their date, Tripp and Wendy played Jenga and did tequila shots.

In the square, Chanel sobbed as she stumbled past the caf. "What's the matter?" Johnny asked. Through tears, Chanel said that Abe was dead. "[Eli] told me that they found blood on the docks and Abe's hospital bracelet, and now he's on his way to go tell Lani," Chanel said. "Did they find the body?" Johnny asked. Chanel told Johnny about the witness at the docks.

"They think he drowned," Chanel said. As Chanel started to sob again, Johnny pulled her into his arms. "I should go. Eli said Rafe and Jada were on their way to tell Mama, so I have to be there so that she's not alone," Chanel said. Worried about Chanel's ability to drive, Johnny offered to escort her home.

When Chanel arrived at home with Johnny, Paulina was gone. Jada called Chanel to tell her about Abe, but Chanel said she had already talked to Eli. "I just got home, and my mom's not here," Chanel said. Jada told Chanel that Paulina had insisted on joining the police at the docks. Johnny offered to drive Chanel to the docks, but she opted to stay home and wait for Paulina.

"You don't have to stay, though. I'm sure you probably have plans. So, it's really okay," Chanel insisted. "No. It's not. I'm going to stay here until your mom gets back," Johnny promised.

At Wendy's apartment, Wendy looked at her phone. "You did it! You packed a whole date into 45 minutes," Wendy said. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. But you know the date is not over yet," Tripp said. Tripp told Wendy that they should kiss goodnight. As Tripp leaned in for a kiss, Johnny called Wendy's phone.

"I ran into Chanel, and she just found out that Abe is dead," Johnny said. "Oh, my God," Wendy said. Johnny explained that he was waiting with Chanel at her apartment for Paulina to return home. "I don't think I can leave Chanel alone," Johnny said. Wendy told Johnny not to worry, and that they could reschedule their date.

"I can't imagine what Chanel must be feeling right now. You have to stay with her. You can't just run out when her mom gets there," Wendy said. Reluctantly, Johnny agreed. "I'm just really glad that you were there when she needed you," Wendy said. Johnny thanked Wendy, and he promised to call her later.

As Johnny ended his call, Chanel returned to the living room in a robe. "Was that Wendy? Did you two have plans for the night?" Chanel asked. Chanel told Johnny that he did not need to stay. "I'm happy to stay for as long as you need," Johnny stressed. Chanel looked at a photo of her with Abe, and she hugged it to her chest.

At Wendy's apartment, Wendy told Tripp about Abe's death. "Abe was one of my dad's best friends," Tripp said in disbelief. "Seems like a lot of people loved him," Wendy said. "Especially Chanel. She lost her own dad awhile ago. He was the only father she had left," Tripp said.

After Sloan wrapped up her day in court, she visited Eric at his apartment. As Sloan took off her uncomfortable heels, she told Eric that her mind had wandered during work. "I kept thinking about you," Sloan whispered. Sloan kissed Eric, and she told him that she could not wait to make him a father. Eric lifted Sloan onto the bed, and they made love.

While in bed, Sloan asked Eric if he thought they had made a baby. "We could always try again. Double our odds," Sloan added. Eric smiled at Sloan. "You really want this, don't you?" Eric asked. Sloan thought about when she had doctored Eric's DNA sample for the paternity test. Sloan pulled away from Eric.

"I just know how bad you want this and how important it is to you," Sloan said. Eric noted that a child was a lifetime commitment. "I hope you're doing this not just for me," Eric said. "I want this for myself, too. I want this for both of us," Sloan said. Sloan reminded Eric that she did not have any family left other than Colin.

"If I want to be surrounded by family, then I have to create that for myself," Sloan said. "I have a big family, and they drive me crazy, but I can't imagine life without them," Eric said. Sloan told Eric that she hoped that she could make up for the mistakes of her and her parents.

"I just feel like it would be a chance at redemption. I mean, in other words, if I can be a good mom, maybe I can be a good person," Sloan said. After a moment of snuggling, Eric suggested that they get dinner downstairs. Sloan told Eric that they could finally have their long-promised dinner with John and Marlena. "We could tell them that we're trying to have a baby," Sloan said. Eric agreed to the dinner, but he asked to wait to tell them about the baby.

When Eric called Marlena, she told him about Abe. After Eric ended his call, Sloan asked what had happened. Eric told her that a witness had spotted Abe falling off the docks. "They presume he's dead," Eric whispered. "I'm so sorry," Sloan said. After a moment, Sloan asked Eric if Abe had been wandering around since his disappearance. Eric shrugged.

"I was thinking about what this means for my brother. I mean, when Abe went missing, the first thing that I thought of was, you know, that Colin killed him," Sloan admitted. Sloan noted that if Abe had fallen into the river while Colin was in prison, then it was good news for Colin. Eric scowled. Sloan apologized for her insensitivity.

"I understand. You love your brother," Eric said. After a moment, Eric gasped. "Nicole. [Abe] was like a father to her," Eric said. "I had no idea," Sloan said. Sloan encouraged Eric to visit Nicole as a supportive friend. "That's very kind of you," Eric said.

After Eric left to find Nicole, Sloan dressed. "Here is to hoping you're in there, baby -- so I don't have to feel so guilty about what I did to Eric's paternity test. But then again, maybe there's no reason to feel guilty. Maybe E.J. really is the father of Nicole's baby, after all," Sloan said.

In the DiMera living room, Nicole called E.J.'s assistant to find out any updates on E.J.'s travel plans, but there was no news. As Nicole sighed and ended her call, Chloe walked in. "This is such a nice surprise!" Nicole said. Chloe asked about the specialist.

"The doctor thinks that I can carry this baby to term," Nicole said. "I'm sure that you and E.J. are just thrilled," Chloe said. Nicole admitted that E.J. had not checked with her in days. "E.J. doesn't need to share his business affairs with you, but he does need to call you to see how you're feeling," Chloe said. Nicole agreed.

"It's just that something is off. Chloe, he was so excited to have this baby, and he was concerned about me," Nicole said. With a shrug, Nicole said she could not understand why E.J. had not only skipped the appointment, but he had also not called to ask about it, either. "I just wanted a better father for my baby," Nicole admitted. With a sigh, Nicole wondered aloud if she was being too hard on E.J. Chloe disagreed.

"It's not like I didn't know exactly who [E.J.] was when we got back together. I mean, I was married to the man twice," Nicole said. "So, you've accepted him, flaws and all?" Chloe asked. Nicole said yes. "Then I think you should accept that I have done the same with Xander," Chloe countered. Nicole groaned.

"If you're okay with all the things that E.J.'s done, do you think that you should lighten up on Xander? You were kind of hard on him the other day," Chloe said. "With good reason! For God's sake, he kidnapped me and Holly and Bonnie and Susan, and he left you with a murderous drug lord in Mexico," Nicole argued. Chloe reminded Nicole that E.J. had kidnapped Sydney.

"We could spend the rest of this night cataloging all of E.J.'s and Xander's crimes and trying to figure out who is more appalling or whatever, but for the sake of our friendship, please, I think we should stay off of that topic," Chloe said. Chloe suggested that they not comment on one another's love interest.

"So, you're telling me that Xander is likely to remain your person of interest?" Nicole asked. Chloe nodded yes. When Nicole asked if it was serious, Chloe laughed. "You don't want to know if it's serious. You want to know if I've slept with him," Chloe said. "Well, have you?" Nicole said with a laugh. Chloe said no. "Ah, but you're going to," Nicole countered. Chloe and Nicole laughed together.

"Whatever you and Xander do is your business," Nicole conceded. "Thank you for acknowledging that. And speaking of, Xander's picking up dinner," Chloe said. Chloe said that she loved Nicole and that she hoped E.J. would return home soon.

Outside the Brady Pub, a frustrated Dimitri left a voicemail for his mother on her phone. "You won't answer my calls or call me back to tell you exactly what it is that you want to hear. I asked the Rizczech woman to marry me. She hasn't accepted the proposal quite yet, but let's just say that I am very confident she will," Dimitri said. Nearby, a worried Xander overheard Dimitri on the phone.

When Dimitri ended his call, Xander asked if he was Dimitri Von Leuschner. "I am, and you are?" Dimitri asked. When Xander introduced himself, Dimitri said he had never heard of him. "I co-own the Spectator with Gwen," Xander explained. Xander admitted he had overheard Dimitri's phone call.

"You asked Gwen to marry you? You barely know her. She only interviewed you once," Xander said. "It was an in-depth interview," Dimitri said. When Xander pointed out that Dimitri had called Gwen "that Rizczech woman," Dimitri explained that his mother was more familiar with Gwen's last name.

"Why do you care who Gwen marries?" Dimitri asked. Xander told Dimitri that he had been married to Gwen. "Yes, Xander, that does ring a bell," Dimitri said. Dimitri explained that Gwen had told him about how Xander had hurt her. "And how she's doing everything in her power to move on from you," Dimitri added. Xander recited the history of what Gwen had done to Sarah.

"The fact that you still work with Gwen doesn't change the fact that you have no right to anything in her personal life," Dimitri said. "That's not your call," Xander objected. Dimitri warned Xander not to interfere in his personal life, or Xander would regret it.

"We have something in common! Because if someone hurts someone that I care about, and I still care about Gwen, they also end up regretting it," Xander growled. Dimitri sarcastically asked Xander if he planned to write an article about Dimitri. With a smirk, Xander noted that Dimitri did not know about Xander's past.

After Chloe left, Nicole paced the DiMera living room and texted E.J. again. Frustrated, Nicole grumbled, "If the father of my baby does not walk through that door in the next five minutes, I am gonna scream." Eric walked into the living room.

When Chloe returned home, Xander was unpacking their pub takeout. "You seem a little distracted," Chloe said. Xander told Chloe that he had run into Dimitri outside the pub. "It looks like him and Gwen are getting married," Xander said.

At the Salem Inn, Gwen was working on her computer when Leo returned to the room with flowers from the front desk. "Let's find out which of my many suitors is trying to rekindle my flame," Leo said as he opened the card. Leo groaned, and he told Gwen they were from Dimitri. "Hoping these will inspire you to contemplate my proposal," Leo read. Leo scoffed at the idea that Gwen would marry Dimitri.

"Actually, I am considering it," Gwen confessed. "You don't even know him," Leo protested. Leo asked Gwen why she would consider a proposal so soon after Xander. "[Dimitri] finds me interesting, and he wants to spend time with me," Gwen said. Gwen reminded Leo that she needed to move on with her life.

"You can't have a rebound marriage," Leo argued. "This is not a rebound! And the reason I took so long to get over Xander is because I've just been waiting for the right man," Gwen said. Gwen noted that it was nice to be pursued for once. With a sigh, Gwen explained that Dimitri understood her because he had lived a similarly dysfunctional childhood.

"And he sees me for who I am, and he still wants me, anyway," Gwen said. "I get wanting to have that kind of connection with someone. But I also get all too well how painful it is when you find out it was all just an illusion," Leo said. Confused, Gwen asked Leo what he meant.

"He is playing you. Why can't you see that?" Leo asked. Gwen told Leo that he did not see her connection to Dimitri. Gwen reminded Leo that she had a terrible reputation and no money. "How does [Dimitri] benefit from making me his wife?" Gwen asked. "I don't know what [Dimitri] wants, but he sure as hell must want something," Leo countered. Gwen appeared wounded.

"I'm trying to protect you from being a jilted bride again," Leo said. Leo asked Gwen if Dimitri needed a green card. Gwen told Leo that Dimitri was in the country legally. "Maybe, just maybe, he actually loves me, and he does want to spend the rest of his life with me! Did you ever think of that?" Gwen yelled. Leo admitted it was possible but unlikely.

"Because you are eminently cynical," Gwen said. "I am protective of my best friend is what I am," Leo countered. Leo reminded Gwen that he was familiar with con men. "This dude is up to something," Leo stressed. Gwen asked Leo to keep his doubts to himself and wish her the best. Dimitri knocked on the door.

"I hope you don't mind me stopping by," Dimitri said. Gwen waved him into the room, and she thanked him for the flowers. "Leo, weren't you just leaving?" Gwen said. Leo fell onto the bed in protest. Dimitri told Gwen that he could ignore Leo. "Now that you've had a bit of time to think about it, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?" Dimitri asked.

Eric rushes Nicole to the hospital
Eric rushes Nicole to the hospital

Eric rushes Nicole to the hospital

Thursday, June 29, 2023

by Mike

Xander and Chloe had dinner together at their shared apartment, but one of them showed more of an appetite than the other. "I had kind of a big lunch," Xander explained. "Or is it because you had that run-in at the front of the pub?" Chloe responded.

Xander tried to laugh off the suggestion but wasn't able to fool Chloe. "On a scale of one to ten, how worried do I have to be about how protective you are of your ex?" Chloe wondered. "Zero! Look, I admit, I find out that she's getting married, but I'm totally over Gwen!" Xander answered. "Okay -- that's good to hear --" Chloe declared. " the spirit of total honesty, I should admit that maybe Sarah will always be 'the one that got away' -- so, do you need a number of how worried you should be about --" Xander offered, drawing a sarcastic laugh from Chloe.

Xander and Chloe agreed that they had unresolved feelings for Sarah and Brady, respectively, but were eager to move on and find love again -- perhaps with each other. "Actually, I was just talking to Nicole about this," Chloe revealed. "Bet she was thrilled," Xander muttered. "One of the first things she asked was whether we had slept together," Chloe grumbled. "And what did you tell her?" Xander wondered. "I was vague -- I'm a lady; I do not kiss and tell," Chloe insisted, prompting Xander to seize a kiss then joke about how it would always be their little secret -- and they soon ended up in bed together.

Leo was outraged on Gwen's behalf when Dimitri joined them at the Salem Inn and once again extended a marriage proposal that didn't even involve an engagement ring. Dimitri apologized for the offense then produced a jewelry box and got down on bended knee to propose in a more traditional way -- with a diamond ring that was so extravagant that it left both Gwen and Leo speechless.

Leo remained suspicious of Dimitri but decided to back down and allow Gwen to marry the man. "Well, how very generous of you, indeed -- thank you very much for your grudging permission, Matty!" Gwen snapped. "Might I remind you both that I have not given Dimitri my answer yet?" Gwen continued. "Given that you two have now kissed and made know what, maybe you two should just ride off into the sunset together!" Gwen concluded.

Dimitri laughed off the suggestion then invited Gwen to attend Stefan and Gabi's engagement party -- and Leo sighed when the offer was accepted.

Wendy finished eating dinner at the Shin apartment then once again praised Tripp's cooking skills -- and they soon resumed the kiss that Johnny's phone call had interrupted earlier that night.

Tripp and Wendy's kiss was interrupted again when someone knocked on the apartment door -- and they shared a look when they saw that the visitor was Johnny.

Johnny was quick to realize that Wendy and Tripp had been in the middle of something. "I'd better just...leave you to it, then," Johnny grumbled before turning away from Tripp and Wendy.

Johnny started to exit the apartment -- but Tripp received a text message just then about an emergency at the hospital, leaving Wendy's calendar clear again.

Tripp apologized to Wendy then initiated a farewell kiss, earning an eye roll and a pointed cough from Johnny. "Dessert?" Johnny suggested to Wendy with a smirk after Tripp left.

Wendy and Johnny headed over to the town square and ordered a banana split from the Bistro then shared the dessert at a table outside the restaurant.

Dimitri soon emerged from the nearby Salem Inn and wondered if Johnny was going to be attending Stefan and Gabi's engagement party -- and Wendy expressed interest.

Sloan headed over to the police station and shared the news of Abe's fate with a delighted Colin. "I'm all for anything that causes Chanel DuPree and Paulina Price to suffer -- now they know what it feels like to lose someone you love," Colin declared. "Damn it, Colin -- I'm not gonna sit here while you dance on a man's grave!" Sloan countered. "You're on the path to righteousness, eh -- all goodness and light?" Colin summarized. "Actually...I'm a complete hypocrite," Sloan admitted with a sigh before telling Colin about the rigged paternity test. "You did what you had to do to hold on to someone you love -- there's no shame in that," Colin reasoned. "I've fixed it so that neither Nicole nor Eric -- or anyone else -- will ever know," Sloan bragged.

Sloan also admitted to having decided to try to start a family with Eric -- and Colin supported the move.

Nicole was surprised to see Eric at the DiMera mansion -- and was devastated to learn the reason for the unexpected visit. "I thought you knew --" Eric whispered. "I can't believe this to be true!" Nicole protested, fighting back tears. "Having him in my life meant so much to me -- I mean, having someone in my corner, no matter what," Nicole continued. "Even when I felt all alone, I always had Abe -- and no matter how much I disappointed him through the years, he never judged me," Nicole concluded. "Because you were like a daughter to him," Eric acknowledged. "What am I gonna do without him?" Nicole fretted before accepting a hug from Eric.

Nicole soon phoned Brandon, who had already heard the news from Theo, then thanked Eric for stopping by -- and was surprised to learn that Sloan had encouraged the visit. "Maybe she does have a heart," Nicole muttered before asking about Eric's decision to try to start a family with Sloan. "She saw how disappointed I was when we found out the baby was E.J.'s --" Eric began to explain -- but Nicole doubled over in pain before anything else could be said.

Eric started to rush off in search of E.J., prompting Nicole to admit that would be a waste of time -- and the pain continued during the conversation, forcing a trip to the hospital.

Rolf brainwashes Harris
Rolf brainwashes Harris

Rolf brainwashes Harris

Friday, June 30, 2023

by Spalding

Nicole sat in her room in the ER with Eric. "I've been through this twice before, I know what it feels like. I am losing the baby," Nicole countered. Eric assured Nicole that she would not lose her baby. "You don't know that," Nicole said. Eric pointed out that Nicole's cramps were less frequent and she had stopped bleeding. Eric reminded her that the doctor had said the best thing for Nicole and the baby was to relax. "Well I can't relax. I've been down this road too many times," Nicole said.

Nicole made a face, and Eric asked what was wrong. "You're being kind and caring and this isn't even your baby. And after what happened with Jada," Nicole said. "Don't you know by now, I care about you? Even with all the ups and downs we've been through. I'm not going anywhere," Eric said. Eric held Nicole's hand.

Nicole told Eric that she did not deserve to be comforted and that she was being punished. Eric stressed that God did not punish people with miscarriages. "That's not how it works," Eric whispered. Nicole and Eric shared a moment of silence, and he left to search for the doctor.

When Eric returned, Nicole was dressed. "Well?" Eric asked. "The doctor said that the baby's fine," Nicole said. Eric asked about the cause of the cramps. "Something called round ligament pain," Nicole said. Nicole assured Eric that the syndrome was normal. "I just feel like an idiot," Nicole said. Eric told Nicole that her panic had been normal considering her past history.

"I'm relieved that the baby is okay," Eric said. "You and me both," Nicole said. "I'm sure E.J. is going to feel the same way when he gets back from wherever he is," Eric said. Nicole nodded stiffly.

At the Salem Inn, Gwen modeled her party dress for Leo as he asked about an invitation. "Dimitri is hoping for a very romantic evening, and I don't want you spoiling it," Gwen said. Leo scoffed. " I'm wondering if perhaps you're just a wee bit jealous," Gwen said. Leo denied the accusation. Gwen asked Leo to consider the idea that her connection to Dimitri had been love at first sight just like she had known she would love Leo when she had first met him.

"Okay. Maybe you're right," Leo said. Leo admitted that he might be jealous because no one had taken an interest in him in a long time. "Petty jealousy aside, I am still certain that [Dimitri] is up to something," Leo said. Leo asked Gwen to call him if Dimitri pressured her to accept his proposal.

"So you can talk me out of it?" Gwen asked. "No, so you could see if I dug anything up," Leo said. Gwen noted that it was unlikely that Leo would find anything incriminating during the engagement party. "All the DiMeras will be out tonight. It is the ideal time for me to swing by the mansion, nose around a bit, look for clues," Leo said. Gwen told Leo she was certain that Leo would not find anything.

In the Brady Pub, Kate texted Harris for an update. Outside the pub, Li looked through the window at Kate. Li texted back, "Best if you don't know the details." Kate invited Harris to join her at the pub for a drink to toast to Megan's demise.

Li texted back, "Moving Megan to a secure location. Will look forward to a drink when I return." In the pub, Kate was reading the reply from "Harris" when Chad and Stephanie entered the pub. "We just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing [after Abe's death]," Chad said. Kate admitted that she had not processed the news yet.

"We haven't either. Feels kind of wrong to be going to a party," Stephanie admitted. Chad said that he did not want to go to Stefan's and Gabi's engagement party, but Megan had convinced him to attend. "When exactly did [Megan] send that invitation?" Kate asked. "A little while ago," Chad said. When Stephanie asked what was wrong, Kate said she just wanted to avoid Megan. Chad warned Kate to stay away from the Bistro because Megan was hosting the party there.

In Rolf's lab, Harris twitched as the machine sent volts through his brain. When Harris lay still, Megan asked Rolf if he had killed Harris. "Of course I didn't kill him. But since he's already broken free from your control once, I had to administer an especially intense regimen," Rolf said. Rolf assured Megan that Harris would be under her control.

"Are you sure that he's ready for the job that I need him to do tonight?" Megan asked. "This will be your brother Stefan's last night on earth," Rolf said. Megan grumbled that Stefano would turn over in his grave if the DiMera empire was run by Gabi.

"DiMera should be mine," Megan growled. "And it will be," Rolf said. With a sigh, Megan noted that E.J. and Kristen were a problem. "I can hardly take out the entire family. But if I let them go, they'll turn me into the authorities and they'll ruin everything I planned," Megan said. Rolf pulled a bottle of medicine out of his pocket.

"CRS-17 to the rescue," Rolf said. Megan called Rolf a genius. "If Kristen and E.J. can't remember that I kidnapped them or admitted that I planned to kill Stefan, then I am free and clear. Can you make them forget that and only that?" Megan asked. Rolf explained that he had determined the proper dosage through trial and error over the years. Rolf handed a syringe of the drug to Megan.

Dimitri interrupted Johnny and Wendy's date at the cafe to invite them to Stefan and Gabi's engagement party. "I'm glad that we can celebrate their engagement," Wendy said as she looked at Johnny. Johnny took the hint, and he agreed.

"And it means a lot to my mother. She's trying to do something nice for them but the attendance on the DiMera side is looking a little thin," Dimitri said. Dimitri thanked Johnny, and he left. "I was surprised that you even wanted to go to the party," Johnny admitted. Wendy explained that Gabi was the closest thing she had had to a sister, and she wanted to support her. Wendy told Johnny that Li regretted his actions. "I'm really glad he came to his senses and realized that he has to move on," Wendy said.

At the DiMera mansion, Gabi rushed into the living room as Stefan was tying his tie. Gabi apologized for having been late. "I'm not sure how much of a party it is going to be," Stefan said. Stefan noted that Tony and Anna were on a vacation, E.J. was on a business trip, and Kristen was in New York. "Wait, Kristen and E.J. decided to leave town without telling us? That's odd," Gabi said. With a smirk, Stefan commented that it was even odder that Kristen had left town without her cell phone.

"This party's gonna suck," Gabi pouted. "Impossible. You're gonna be there and I'm gonna be there and I plan on having a grand old time, celebrating us, our love, and the fact that you and I are soon to be husband and wife again," Stefan said. "You're right. Us being there together, that's all that matters," Gabi agreed. With a flirty smile, Gabi asked Stefan to help her get dressed.

In the DiMera wine cellar, a tied up E.J. and Kristen screamed for help. "You would think with all the lushes we have in this family, someone would have come down here and gotten a bottle of wine," Kristen grumbled. E.J. argued that everyone might have been distracted by Stefan's death.

"If that was the case then [Megan] would have gloated about it the last time she was down here," Kristen said. "Good point," E.J. said. Frustrated, E.J. marveled that Nicole had believed Megan's story that he had left town on business. "And if [she got bad news from the specialist], I hate to think that Nicole is going through it alone," E.J. said. Kristen argued that Nicole was the least of their worries.

When Kristen wondered aloud how the situation would end, E.J. warned Kristen not to think about it. "There's no reason for her to keep us alive. Is there?" Kristen said. E.J. argued that they were likely safe because Megan would have already killed them if that had been her plan. "Maybe she's just waiting for the right time," Kristen countered. Kristen reminded E.J. that Megan had no issues with killing a sibling.

In Stefan and Gabi's room, Stefan struggled to zip up Gabi's dress. "I can't possibly suck in any more than this," Gabi said. "Maybe this is a sign," Stefan said. Stefan nuzzled Gabi's neck, and he suggested they take off their clothes instead.

In the living room, Megan called Li, and she assured him that she would handle Kate. "I just want to make sure that none of this gets traced back to us," Li said. "Commander Michaels is firmly back on my team. So he'll take Stefan out at the party tonight. And then you'll be free to move on with Gabi, and we'll both get what we want," Megan said.

In the square, Li ended his call with Megan as Wendy and Johnny walked by. Li asked Wendy why she was dressed up. "We got invited to a party tonight," Wendy said. "Not Gabi and Stefan's engagement party?" Li asked. Wendy confirmed that was their destination. "No! I don't want you to go!" Li snapped. Harris' phone rang with a call from Kate.

"Finally changed your ringtone, huh?" Wendy said. Li rejected the call, and he noted it was spam. Wendy asked Li why he did not want her to go to the party. "Stefan humiliated me," Li said. After a moment, Li noted that he knew Wendy was fond of Gabi, and it was okay if she went to the party. "Just promise me that you'll watch your back. You never know what can happen in a room full of DiMeras. No offense," Li said. "I know exactly what you mean," Johnny agreed.

In the DiMera living room, Megan looked at the portrait of Stefano. "I'm only doing what's best for the entire family. And as for Stefan, you never even knew he existed. And honestly, I don't think you would have liked him very much," Megan said. Megan complained that Stefan was too easily manipulated by Gabi. With a sigh, Megan opened the entrance to the tunnels.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Dimitri asked as he entered the living room. Megan said she had been headed to the wine cellar. "What else you been up to? I've texted you about a dozen times," Dimitri said. Megan explained she had been busy with the party. "Has she accepted your proposal? Megan asked. Dimitri complained that Gwen's protective roommate had kept Gwen from saying yes.

"[Gwen] has agreed to come to the party tonight, and I'm sure that all of this engagement excitement will be contagious," Dimitri said. "I don't need to remind you about the small fortune that's at stake," Megan said. Dimitri told Megan not to worry, and he left. Megan ducked into the tunnels as Leo snuck into the living room from the patio.

As Leo crept around the living room, he whispered into his recorder. "Given how shocked Megan was when I came through the tunnels the other day, I am certain they're hiding something down there," Leo said. Leo added that he was certain that the evidence would explain how Dimitri planned to hurt Gwen.

Leo ducked into the tunnel entrance as Nicole arrived home with Eric. "Would you like some soup?" Eric asked. Nicole shook her head no. "I know it must have been difficult for you to be in the hospital with me, and I just want you to know it means a lot," Nicole said. "I'm just glad I could be there for you," Eric said. Nicole and Eric hugged.

In the wine cellar, E.J. admitted he was concerned about Megan's plans for him and Kristen, but he was more concerned about whether Stefan was alive. Megan walked in. "Relax. I haven't done anything to Stefan," Megan said. "Thank God," Kristen muttered. Megan added, "[Stefan] will be dead within the hour." Kristen asked how.

"I am throwing an engagement party for Stefan and Gabi tonight, and this is the exciting part. Dr. Rolf has worked his magic," Megan said. Megan explained that Harris would assassinate Stefan at the party. Kristen asked Megan if she planned to kill her and E.J. as well. Megan argued that Stefano would not want her to kill E.J. and Kristen.

"If you let us go, we swear that we will not implicate you. We'll say nothing about any of this," EJ. said. Kristen nodded vigorously in agreement. Megan scoffed, and she held up the syringe of CRS-17. "As soon as this drug takes full effect, I'll be back for you," Megan promised.

In the square, Stefan told Gabi that he was glad they had decided not to skip the party because she looked beautiful in her dress. "And then we get to go home and spend the rest of the night in bed together," Gabi said. As Stefan and Gabi kissed, Li said hello as he walked past.

"[Wendy] said she's on her way to your engagement party. I'd like to offer my congratulations," Li said. "That's very kind of you," Stefan said. As Li looked at his phone, he explained that he wanted Gabi to be happy. "I want the same for you, Li," Gabi said. Li looked at his phone again, and Gabi noted that Li appeared to be on edge.

"I just hope that your evening is every bit as lovely as you deserve it to be," Li said. Harris' phone beeped, and Li rushed to the corner to listen to Kate's voicemail. Kate asked Harris how it was possible for Megan to host a party if Harris had kidnapped her. "I guess I'm going to have to go see with my own eyes," Kate said. Li deleted the voicemail. "Hope you don't get caught in the crossfire, Kate," Li whispered.

When Chad and Stephanie arrived at the Bistro, Johnny was relieved to see someone he knew and liked at the party. "Back at you," Chad said. Johnny introduced Wendy. "I've heard a lot about you from Tripp," Stephanie said. Johnny shuffled awkwardly. "[Tripp] mentioned that you two might be dating, but never mind. Obviously, given that you two are on a date right now," Stephanie said. Stephanie apologized.

"Actually, Tripp and I, we did have a date earlier today," Wendy admitted. "So we're calling this a date now?" Johnny asked Wendy. Chad chuckled, and he wished Johnny and Wendy a fun night. Dimitri arrived with Gwen, and he asked if everyone knew her.

"Not only is she my date, but I'm hoping that she might do me the honor of accepting my wedding proposal," Dimtri said. Chad laughed. "What?" Chad said. Stephanie asked if Gwen and Dimitri had known each other in Europe. Dimitri admitted that the acquaintance was new, but that they shared a deep connection.

"I hope that you all can be happy for us," Dimitri said. Stephanie and Chad averted their eyes. "I guess not," Dimitri said. Gwen assured Dimitri that they did not need anyone's approval. "Good. Because you're not gonna get it from me," Chad said.

Stefan and Gabi arrived at the party, and Gabi muttered, "A room full of people who hate us." "And each other," Stefan added. Gabi lamented that they had not stayed home.

In Rolf's lab, Harris woke up tied to the gurney. "You're back," Rolf said. "What's going on?" Harris asked. Rolf asked Harris if he remembered his mission.

In the wine cellar, E.J. said, "Damn it. I feel [my memories] slipping away." Kristen agreed. Leo opened the door. "WTF?" Leo said.

Megan hurried through the square, and she bumped into Kate. "I can't believe it," Kate said. "I'm late for a very important date," Megan said. As Megan walked away, Kate muttered, "Mission accomplished, my ass."

In Rolf's lab, Li walked in and asked Rolf for an update. "It is as I said it would be. Commander Michaels is like a heat seeking missile, singularly focused on destroying his target," Rolf said. "But only the target. My sister is at that party," Li said. Rolf assured Li that Harris was programmed only to hurt Stefan. "Won't everyone blame Megan immediately?" Li said. Rolf chuckled. "I took care of that," Rolf said. "Stefan will be gone. Gabi will be mine again. And this time, my hands will be completely clean," Li said.

Megan marched into the party with a bottle of Stefano's favorite Champagne. "I'm so glad that you are all here too. Because there is nothing in this world more important than family," Megan said. Dimitri clasped Gwen's hand. Megan announced that she was happy to throw the party for her brother. "And I just know that Father is smiling down on us now, happy to see us all together again. At least most of us," Megan said. "Very few of us," Johnny whispered. Megan said it was important to overcome their differences.

"That's what families do," Megan said. "Well, normal families like yours," Chad whispered to Stephanie. Megan lamented their lost years as a family, and she celebrated their future years together. As Megan announced a toast, Harris walked into the party. "Oh my god! Harris Michaels!" Megan said melodramatically. Harris pulled out his gun.

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Edited by SC Desk