Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

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Greta almost revealed Jack
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

Monday, October 7, 2002

by Soap Central

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John and Marlena fought Tony as he argued for custody of Rex and Cassie. John eventually tore up his custody document while Marlena tended to the twins. Cassie and Rex met Tony and asked if he was going to take them out. He insisted that he could take care of them and downplayed their concerns about their tattoos. John announced that the custody order had been rescinded and vowed to keep the twins from Tony.

After the football game, Philip moaned to Belle that he feared he had lost Chloe to Brady after sensing the two were closer than ever. Dozer spotted them hugging and later took great pleasure in telling Shawn, who tried to fight him. Shawn later asked Belle why she had been with Philip again. At the dorm party, Cynthia told everyone about Philip and Belle being alone upstairs in her room. Belle refused to leave with Shawn and later returned to her room, only to be surprised to find a drunk Dozer there. Mimi and Penny sent Shawn up to Belle, and he found Dozer on Belle's bed with her.

Roman explained to Brady that he knew what had happened in Dry Creek and advised that Syke was back in the Witness Protection Program. He explained that he couldn't help Brady get information on Chloe's father but would help if he could. Craig talked with Chloe about her feelings for Brady. When Brady stopped by, she let him know about her mother's pregnancy.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

Tuesday, October 8, 2002

by Soap Central

At Hartley House, Shawn found Belle giving CPR to Dozer, who had passed out from intoxication. Caprice addressed all the students for not having reported the drinking. After more suspicions from Shawn, this time about Dozer, the teens each questioned their own feelings. Belle confided in Philip while Mimi told Shawn to give himself a break as he blamed himself for overreacting. Shawn later admitted to Belle the need for time to adjust -- to find their way back to the way things had been in high school. As they hugged, Belle reminded him they could never go back.

At University Hospital, Nicole was nervously insecure when Victor asked for the engagement ring back. But he surprised her with a candlelight dinner on the hospital terrace to make up for the romantic weekend they'd missed when Nicole had been shot. While they toasted Nicole's acceptance of Victor's proposal, Sami and Kate were drowning their sorrows at the Cheatin' Heart. Sami got a call from a friend at the hospital about the dinner. The two headed there in hopes of eavesdropping on the dinner conversation over a hospital intercom system.

While shopping for Hope in anticipation of her return, Bo saw Billie in the same store. The duo unexpectedly succeeded at apprehending a shoplifter. Later, Bo apologized for thinking that Billie had had ulterior motives for wanting to work with him. Billie returned to the dressing mirror, finding the words, "It's time. Lock in on Bo." scrawled in red. She phoned Chief Russell, saying she could not work her security detail at the mayor's dinner -- and additionally, requesting time for personal reasons.

After hearing about Nicole's hopes for an immediate wedding once she was discharged, and Victor's promised wedding gift -- to make Kate and Sami "history," the two women realized their time was short. Once Sami told Kate about returning the tape and pictures involving Colin to Nicole, the two finally agreed that despite their hatred for one another, working together was their only hope. A handshake sealed the deal between the two -- in Sami's words, to "pool our resources and find one of the many skeletons in Nicole's closet before the wedding and bury the bride."

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

by Soap Central

The guardianship hearing for Cassie and Rex got underway. Tony pleaded his case in order to assume custody of them. John contested it, but he still didn't want to take the twins into his and Marlena's home. Tony was awarded guardianship of Cassie and Rex. Upon arriving at the DiMera mansion, the siblings were mesmerized with the size and extravagance of it. Marlena became mad with John for refusing to take custody of the twins. John still believed that they had been sent to Salem to cause destruction.

Bo was excited over the fact that Hope was headed home. What he was not pleased about was the fact that Billie was hanging around the police station. Billie met with Abe and begged him to take her back on the police force. Her motives, however, appeared suspect. Billie then made a phone call to the mystery knuckle-cracking man and told him that she knew Hope's itinerary.

The hospital released Nicole, and she was excited about marrying Victor, mainly because of the wedding gift he'd promised her -- the destruction of Kate and Sami. Victor, who was unaware that Nicole only wanted to walk down the aisle for that sole purpose, planned a special evening for her. Meanwhile, Kate and Sami realized they didn't have much time left before Victor implemented his plan to destroy them. They decided they had to find something on Nicole before Victor set off the big moment. Roman saw Kate and Sami huddled together and wondered what they were up to. He tried to pressure Kate into going out on a date with him, but she blew

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

Thursday, October 10, 2002

by Soap Central

Jack and Jennifer figured out their "hot scoop" from an anonymous source had actually been planned by Tony. They conferenced in the hospital cafeteria, trying to unravel the reason why Tony wanted guardianship of the twins and who had leaked the story to the media about them. Colin showed up, and Jack told Jen that he could possibly be their "deep throat." Colin interrupted the conversation, and Jack left. Colin and Jen made a dinner date for that evening, Jennifer left to work on a story, and Kate sat down to have a chat with the doctor. Kate told Colin of the many connections they had, such as Bill Horton and Nicole Walker. She told him that Victor needed to get away from Nicole before his life was ruined and that Colin could help.

Belle and Shawn got two surprises, one that Dozer's parents had taken him out of school for good and the other that the twins were living at the DiMera mansion. Belle called John to confirm the information and to see what could be done. When she discovered nothing, she headed over to the mansion with Shawn in tow. Shawn disagreed the whole way, confused about why Belle would even want to step foot on DiMera soil. They were surprised when they saw Stephanie, Cassie, and Rex, dressed very formally in a black dinner dress and suit with tie.

The twins welcomed Belle and Shawn to their new home and told them they were very happy about their rooms, clothes, and the whole situation. Belle went off saying they couldn't be and that Tony had other motives. Tony admonished Belle, telling her to get respect for him or leave. Shawn apologized. Belle divulged an idea she had -- let the twins attend Salem University and live in the dorms with her and Shawn. The twins immediately liked the idea and begged Tony to let them; he told them he'd work on it. Belle and Shawn left. Outside the door, Shawn blew up at Belle, asking her what she was thinking because she had never discussed the idea with him and telling her she'd made the biggest mistake of her life.

Kate and Sami had another anti-Nicole rally on the hospital balcony but were interrupted by Brandon when he heard Nicole's name. Kate went to make phone calls, and Sami broke the news to Brandon that she couldn't go away with him that weekend, using the excuse of Kate and Lucas wanting Will to participate in rock climbing; she wouldn't let them watch him. In actuality, Victor and Nicole's wedding was taking place, and she couldn't miss it. Brandon understood. He got a page and told Sami he'd meet her in the cafeteria.

Brandon and Sami met back up. He told Sami that it was Victor who had called, and he'd invited Brandon to Tuscany for the wedding dinner. She begged him to let her go along. He didn't think it would be good but relented and told her that she'd sit at the bar, he'd make an appearance, and then they could have an evening to themselves. She was happy; he got another page and left. Sami found Kate again and told her about the planned dinner.

While Kate was making phone calls, Lexie approached her for a talk. Lexie wanted to know what Kate's connection with Stefano had been, considering the gift he'd left Kate in his will. Kate told her the kipper snacks were meaningless and that their relationship was none of her business. Lexie mentioned that there had been more than the snacks bequeathed to Kate, but it was in permanent seal; she wanted to know what. (It was a check for one million dollars).

Kate didn't budge. Lexie decided she'd find out on her own. She went to find Brandon and told him he needed to get away from Sami. Brandon promised her he wouldn't tell that they'd slept together and said that he wasn't dumping Sami, stating that when they slept together, Sami wouldn't ask him to keep it a secret. Lexie still vowed to win Abe back; she loved him and always would.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of October 7, 2002 on DAYS

Friday, October 11, 2002

by Soap Central

Bo prepared for Hope's homecoming. Caroline stopped by and pitched in with the housekeeping chores. Bo made arrangements for Caroline to watch Zack so Bo and Hope could go to Green Mountain Lodge for some romantic time together.

Philip and Brady were the first to arrive at Nicole's engagement party. As others were arriving, Sami received a phone call from Kate, who couldn't find any dirt on Nicole. Sami waited in the bar while Brandon joined the party. Victor was planning something secret. Philip tried to excuse himself after making "an appearance" at the party. Victor told him he couldn't leave and ordered him to sit down.

Kate continued searching for ammunition to use against Nicole to stop the wedding. Lucas arrived at home and told Kate he was grateful to Victor for his help in getting joint custody of Will and therefore wouldn't help Kate stop Victor's wedding. Kate continued searching on her computer, thinking she was about to hit the jackpot.

Victor stopped the party to make his announcement. He toasted Nicole and their future together and announced that the wait was over. Victor had made all the arrangements to marry Nicole right then, right there at Tuscany. The marriage license was in order, and the mayor was on hand to perform the ceremony. Sami was eavesdropping and nearly choked on her drink. She put in an emergency call to Kate. Kate told Sami she was on her way, but Sami had to stall the wedding until she got there.

After the house was spotless with Caroline's expert assistance, the banner was hung, and the gifts were in place, Bo left to pick up Hope and Zack at the airport.

Just as the nuptials were beginning, Sami tripped a waiter. When Maggie went to investigate the crash, she revealed Sami's presence in the bar. Victor went ballistic and ordered her to leave. Brandon took responsibility for Sami's presence and said, "If she goes, I go." Nicole agreed to let them stay because she wanted Brandon to stay. Nicole and Sami exchanged words about "burying the hatchet," although each was thinking opposite thoughts in her head.

The wedding resumed, and when the mayor asked those present to "speak now or forever hold your peace," everyone looked around at each other. Moments later, Kate barged in and yelled, "Stop!" Victor, of course, ordered her to leave the restaurant immediately, which she, of course, did not do. Kate made Lucas announce that Victor could not marry Nicole because "she's still married to me." Everyone was shocked; Kate and Sami shared gloating glances.

At the airport, Hope's flight was delayed slightly. When it finally arrived, Hope and Zack were not on board.

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Edited by SC Desk