Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

Monday, July 22, 2002

by Sherry

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Roman and Billie arrest several teenagers, accusing them of therecent break-ins in Salem. The kids insist they were innocentlytrading baseball cards, but Roman drags the whole crowd down to thepolice station. The aliens appear, and the female gazes at a pictureof Shawn. When Belle and Shawn arrive, the male alien pushes Shawn,who counters with a punch. The alien couple runs off. Hope refuses tobelieve that Billie is serious about her new career as a policeofficer. Bo is unsettled by their invitation to the reading ofStefano's will. Hope enters the police station and flatly welcomesBillie to Salem. They argue, and Billie offers her test scores asproof of her dedication to the police force. Hope believes Billie onlywants the job to work with Bo. When Hope leaves, Billie calls someoneand reports that her plan is working. Roman is surprised to receive aninvitation to Stefano's memorial service. The dinner party at theDiMera mansion is tense, as Marlena asks why Sami is there. Tonyenters and informs the group that he invited Sami. Lexie furiouslytells Tony that Sami is a sociopath. Bo and Hope arrive, startled tosee the other guests. Tony announces that Stefano left specificinstructions regarding his will.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

by Jesse

Belle and Shawn drag the aliens out of the water. Belle wants tostay with the aliens, but Shawn still doesn't trust them. Jack waitsfor Jennifer at the pub, suspecting she has a meeting with Colin. WhenColin enters, Jennifer shoves Jack and quietly orders him to playalong. She sits down with Colin and tells him she wants to continuetheir romantic relationship. Jack cannot help wondering if Jennifer isreally pretending. Isabella visits Brady and encourages him to helpChloe through her illness. Brady confesses his feelings, but heworries that it's the wrong time to tell Chloe. Lexie watches as Samiand Brandon share a passionate kiss. Brandon finally pulls away andtells Sami their relationship is over. He avoids her questions aboutLexie and warns Sami to be careful around Tony. John and Bo try toopen the crate before the reading of Stefano's will. When Tony andLexie interrupt, Bo announces he doesn't trust either of them. Samiwatches as Brandon and Lexie leave together. Alone with the crate,Tony gives into his curiosity. He chuckles when he sees the contents.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

by Soap Central

Marlena is reluctant to attend Stefano's memorial service. Bo decidesnot to go, but Hope persuades him. Roman and Sami argue about herrelationship with Tony. At the DiMera mansion, Tony and Lexie preparefor the service and reminisce about Stefano. When the guests arrive,Lexie is uncomfortable with the presence of her father's enemies. Tonyspeaks about Stefano's life, and the guests recall their individualencounters with Stefano. At the conclusion of Tony's speech, anemotional Lexie stands up and talks about her family. She stillgrieves for her father and her son, but she is thankful to have abrother. To everyone's surprise, John rises and shares his memories ofStefano.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

Thursday, July 25, 2002


Billie sneaks into Abe's office and gets out Bo's personnel file. She sneaksthe folder, stuffed inside a newspaper, out to her desk and reads thecontents. Later, Billie is talking on the phone with someone about the realreason she is in Salem, and it's not for Bo!

The people at Sefano's memorial service have to leave before the will isread. Colin shows up in time for the reading of the will per Tony's requestas his doctor. Bo doesn't buy it and keeps a close eye on Colin. Stefano'sattorney starts reading the will and Kate is first on the list. Stefano sayshe is giving her a food she has been desiring. Kate opens the box and pullsout a jar of kipper fillets. She is very upset and disturbed by it and runsout. Celeste is next. Stefano says he has something that she misses morethan she realizes. Celeste pulls out linked paper dolls with the words "wemust reclaim our youth" written on them. Bo thinks its Stefano's way ofsaying he was behind the baby switch, but Celeste thinks it's somethingcompletely different but she won't know what it is until the time comes.Roman is next receiving a gladiator statue which means they will fight tothe death. Grandpa Shawn Brady is told his gift will remind him of atroubled childhood and his family's troubled future. He pulls out a woodenboat, yells that it's a bomb, and throws it. Bo picks up the boat and saysit's not a bomb and John picks up a small wooden baby that fell out of theboat. Shawn looks very upset seeing the baby doll and looks directly atColin, then runs outside for air. Colin wants to know if the baby doll hassome meaning for him, but Shawn tells him to leave it alone. Next, Hope iswarned to keep her eyes open despite the darkness and opens up a scarf witha knot in it. She holds it up and thinks it is a noose. Tony looks at it andtells her it is only a lovely scarf. Later, Hope determines that it is ablindfold. Marlena is told that her days of role playing have not ended. Sheopens a pillow that is embroidered, in French, the words "a sleeping beautyin the woods", and on the back of the pillow are stars. Hope figures outthat he is referring to the sleeping beauty story where she pricks herfinger and falls asleep for 100 years. John, is left Stefano's special chessset. Later at home, John realizes the queen chess piece is missing and thatit represents Marlena. And Marlena's finger gets pricked on the pillow fromStefano reminding her of the story Hope talked about. Lexie was left aplaque with the DiMera family crest on it. Later, she finds a note fromStefano hidden inside asking her to do everything he tells her and Lexieagrees. Tony is given a doll house version of the DiMera mansion. He reachesinside the chimney and pulls out a phoenix feather, the feather catches fireand Tony blows it out as everyone looks shocked. Later, when Tony is alonewith the doll house, he reaches inside the front doors and finds the queenchess piece from John's chess set and he sees Marlena's face on it.

When Sami left the mansion she had a plan to slash her tire and get Brandonto stop and help her out. Brandon saw her go off the road and stopped justlike she planned. Sami got out of her car and unknowingly, the knife sheused, fell on to the ground. When Brandon came over and tried to comfortSami, she told him to go away because he didn't really care about her. Justthen, Abe shows up and tells Brandon to leave Sami alone. Abe and Brandonget into a fist fight and Brandon finds the knife on the ground. Brandon isabout to go after Abe with the knife but Sami jumps in, stops the fight andgets Abe to leave. Sami comforts Brandon over what just happened and triesto get him to open up about his childhood but he won't. Brandon goes tochange Sami's tire for her and sees that it has been slashed. Then herealizes that Sami slashed it herself to get him to stop. Sami admits thatshe did and that it was worth it because she again could see how much hecared for her. Brandon told her she is wacky and leaves her there alone.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 22, 2002 on DAYS

Friday, July 26, 2002


Philip daydreamed about telling Chloe how much he loves her.

Brady showed up on Craig and Nancy's doorstep to ask Craig a question. Brady wanted to know if Chloe might have any siblings. Craig and Nancy assure Brady that they were doing everything possible to "get" a sibling match for Chloe. Brady was impatient with Craig's answers about the search for Chloe's siblings. After Brady left, Nancy suddenly announced to Craig that she doesn't want to get pregnant.

Shawn tried to convince Belle that the strange teens are not aliens.

Jennifer and Jack plotted to expose the contents of Stefano's will. Jack assured Jennifer that he would not do anything to jeopardize the mission. Jennifer prodded Bo for info on the will reading. Bo suggested she talk to Colin. Jennifer gladly agreed and acknowledged Bo's warning to be careful. Colin wanted to bargain with Jennifer for a quote as Jack and Bo watched. Jack threw everyone a curve when he met Billie for dinner.

Colin daydreamed about his confrontation with Jennifer.

Grandpa Shawn had a flash back to receiving the boat during the reading of the will.

Roman assigned Billie to investigate the origin of the boat his father received. Roman then badgered Billie about her relationship with Bo. Billie stood her ground and asked Roman if he's been asking Bo the same questions.

Bo was uncomfortable when he saw Colin at the pub talking to his father.

Hope thought more about the scarf while a stranger watched outside her window. Just then, she received an upsetting phone call.

Kevin gave Belle a videotape for Chloe. Mimi, Kevin, Philip, Shawn and Belle discuss the possibility that the strange teen may be aliens.

Colin gave Jennifer information on Stefano's will on the condition that none of it will be attributed to him.

Jack discovered that Billie and Colin have met before.

The aliens helped themselves to clothes at a sidewalk sale. They began to undress out in the middle of Salem Place. The teens were scared off as bystanders starting screaming. Shawn and Belle went to find them. They caught up to them just as a group of "tough guys" found them also. Belle thought they should come to the teens' rescue, but Shawn thought differently.

Jennifer excused herself from Colin's table to page Jack. While Jack and Jennifer were away from their tables, Colin moved to Billie's table as Bo eavesdropped. It became obvious that Colin and Billie has a secret past, and Bo confronted her. Just then, Hope entered the Pub and saw Bo at Billie's table. Hope introduced Billie to Zack. After Billie left, Hope told Bo about the phone call. J.T. is having surgery and Hope is worried. She suggested Bo take time off so they can both go to see J.T. Bo can't go, but he told Hope to go on and take Zack with her. Billie was very pleased.

Roman told his dad that there was nothing unusual about the toy boat. Shawn had a flashback to being a small boy on a dock. Roman demanded Shawn tell him the significance of the boat. Shawn couldn't bring himself to tell Roman what was on his mind.

Philip told his dad how hard it is to watch Chloe and not be able to help. Victor offered to help in any way. Philip vowed that when Chloe recovers, he will win her back.

Brady was told there was news about Chloe. Craig received a phone call that there had been a change in Chloe's condition.

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Edited by SC Desk