Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

SC Desk
Hope took a home pregnancy test and Brandon continued to try to dig up dirt on Abe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

Monday, June 18, 2001

by Marcia Elgart

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Due to coverage of a playoff round of the US Open Golf Tournament, Days of our Lives was not shown. Regular broadcasting will resume on Tuesday, June 19th.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

Tuesday, June 19, 2001


Larry welcomes a tardy Sami to work at the hospital with a complaint about the revealing outfits she wears. She's curious when he hints that Brandon's not going to have any trouble finding a new woman to date now that she's with Austin. Meanwhile, Brandon's encouraged when Greta explains her feeling that Austin and Sami are a mismatch. Sami spots them together and quickly tries to flirt with Brandon, inviting him out for a cup of coffee. He's not interested, however and gives Greta a knowing glance. Greta has coffee with Alice and admits that she's ready to deal with her father and can also handle it if her mother lied to her about her father's identity. Sami finds Brandon outside and tries to seduce him but he quickly reminds her that she chose Austin. When he worries about Lexie and her baby, she sternly tells him that it's Abe's problem. Victor spends time with Brady, encouraging him to have faith he'll get better. They also talk about Marlena and Isabella with Victor admitting Isabella would not have liked the anger he sees in Brady. Boasting about J.T.'s return, Shawn reveals to Philip that he asked Belle to the Last Blast. Chloe invites Susan to the Last Blast with her and the others and then volunteers her to help set up for the party. Kevin later convinces Susan to attend the dance. Roman brings Glen and Barb to meet Hattie who eventually agrees to tell all she knows about the body.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

by Marcia Elgart

Rolf and Bart continue to talk about the "what ifs" where Hattie is concerned. Bart worries the trail leads back to him, but since he was in a blond wig and panty hose, cannot be fingered. (Referring to when they dumped Marlo's body in the lake) But Rolf is not too concerned, as he claims that if Hattie blabs, in spite of his attraction to her, he would kill her.

Roman and Bo have the tape recorder out for Hattie's tale. She now says she was mistaken about the body, that it WAS just a leftover Halloween prop. She knows this to be true, cause it did not stink. And, since she is so good at smells, she would have noticed if it did. Bo and Roman try to change her mind, but she remains adamant. Glen and Barb start to leave, but not before Glen says he still plans for a DNA test, and if comes out positive, he is not leaving Salem. As Bo and Roman leave, they tell Hattie she can go home anytime, they dismiss the guard outside, and as they walk down the hall, comment on how they have nothing on Stefano now, (Rolf is hiding around the corner, listening). Glen and Barb are waiting for them, as Glen wants police protection for the next DNA tests. Roman agrees and tells them to check into the Salem Inn, charge it to the police dept, make the arrangements with the lab, and the police will make sure it goes well. Bo then tells Roman the only way they can nail Stefano is for him to go to Ireland and get the goods on him. He says he has to protect his sons and family.

Meanwhile, Rolf gleefully says he can now tell Stefano it is safe to return to Salem. He knocks on Hattie's door, pretending to have lost his watch earlier. She seems happy to see him They both sort of look around , He gets sort of starry eyed, and asks her to dinner sometime. She tells him to "phone her sometime. You know how to phone, don't you....just pick up the phone and ...dial" She blows him a kiss and he leaves.

Kevin is talking to Susan, (now being played by Jennifer Gee), trying to convince her to go to the dance, asking her to help him with the video display and equipment. He says he got a really cool outfit from a 2nd hand 50's store and she confesses she has no dress. He takes her inside, and with a few clicks of the computer, finds a dress, (she types in the size while he looks away and it will be delivered tomorrow morning, in time for the dance tomorrow.

Jan comes over, wanting to talk to "nerdboy," and Susan immediately looks down. Jan pulls him away, asking all about the video equipment, the stuff he is going to show, his slide presentation. Kevin thinks she's asking too many questions, and mentions the chem lab thing he did for her. Jan tells him to keep his mouth shut about that, and when he asks what's in it for him, she whispers in his ear. Meanwhile Susan bumps into Mimi, who chastises her for "not leaving space for anyone else."

Kevin returns to Susan, and they talk about the name calling, etc. Kevin has an idea on how all the outcasts can "get their school back", and says he knows it will work, asks Susan to help. Jan is putting down Mimi's friendship w/Belle, and tells her about Shawn asking Belle to the dance, and everyone knows but her. Meems asks Kevin who confirms, and she angrily calls Belle. She won't accept any of Belle's reasons, gets ticked at hearing Chloe is there, and hangs up on her. Jan shows her some slides she has (no wonder she was asking about the video equipment) and Mimi whistles. They grin about the revenge against Chloe coming up.

Belle and Chloe return from shopping. Belle's is nervous about her date.....they talk of Chloe not buying the silver dress, but Chloe says she wants to wait til the last minute. They look up to see Brady staring down at them. (Earlier he was pumping iron, and had a flashback of his conversation with Chloe). He comes down, just as Belle gets the phone call from Mimi, and goes out on the balcony to talk. Brady and Chloe talk about Philip, as he tries to discourage her from continuing to date Philip. He tells her Phil is taking their relationship much too seriously, and as they talk, he seems to be getting more disturbed about Chloe's defense, as does Chloe. Belle comes in from balcony, upset, tells them about Mimi. Brady realizes Shawn asked Belle to the dance, they all talk about chances of a repeat of the chicken blood incident, but Belle says Phil and Chloe are a couple now, and everyone is comfortable with that, there will be no repeat. Brady flashes back to overhearing Jan and Mimi talking about their plot against Chloe, and knows things are not going to run so smoothly.

Lexie is continuing to pressure John about being the father of Hope's baby. John is astounded that Hope told Lexie that Bo was not the baby's father. He is having a hard time, tho, and asks her "Just what does me being the father of Hope's baby have anything to do with you and your son?" Lexie babbles on about caring about them all, etc. etc. John says that now one more knows the truth.... and the more that know, all will having a way of coming out. He leaves.... murmuring to himself that something is just not right.

Switch to a brief scene at a lab....a computer screen shows a DNA match, one technician tells another they got a match. They talk of the blond who brought the sample in....and pick up the file. It says Glen Reiber...paternity test. Back to Lexie who, with a determined look on her face, is muttering to herself that before friends or anyone else, her son comes first. No one will ever take him away, no one, no matter what she has to do to achieve that.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

Thursday, June 21, 2001


At Titan, Nicole asks Marie about Brady's mother and whether Isabella's mother Loretta and Victor were married. Marie tries to stonewall but Nicole forces her to admit that she doesn't know if they were married. Victor orders Brady to go the Last Blast in his place with Nicole. At the diner Kate reveals to Fayethat she's currently living in a homeless shelter. Fayeoffers to let her move in with her and when she refuses, urges her to at least come by for a hot bath. Fayeleaks to Roman about Kate's living situation. Vowing to do as she promised her son, Kate calls Victor about going to the Last Blast as a chaperone. He assures her that he never wants to see her but she vows to be there. A friend of Philip's spots Kate working at the diner and makes fun of her. Roman tells his fellow cops that he wants to pursue the Franco Kelly case. Finding Mimi mad at Belle, Shawn tries to talk with Mimi but she remains upset. Belle asks Mimi to tell her what's wrong as Jan nervously watches. Learning Mimi's upset that Belle's going with Shawn, Belle urges her to go to the dance because it won't be the same without her. The two finally end their disagreement and hug. Chloe then convinces her to go with them. Jan confronts her but is interrupted by Philip and Chloe.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of June 18, 2001 on DAYS

Friday, June 22, 2001


The teens are all in history class, finishing up their test. Mr. Woodscalls times up and tells them he has an important announcement. Mimifreaks, thinking she and Jan have been caught. Mr. Woods talks abouttheir upcoming senior trip an environmental trip to the CaribbeanIslands and how he is disappointed with the response. He encourages allto participate, if possible. As class is dismissed, they all discuss thetrip, as Shawn, Belle, Philip and Chloe all seem excited. In thehallway, Mr. Woods talks with Susan about what a good student she hasbeen. Kevin joins them and he asks them if they are planning on going onthe trip. They tell Mr. Woods "everyone would make fun of them" but Mr.Woods encourages them and tells them "they should stand up to the otherkids and not let them get the best of them" and to reconsider the trip.After he leaves, Kevin encourages Susan, telling her "you are smart andthat knowledge is power." Mimi worries about getting caught and wants toback out as Jan berates her for being a wimp. She says that Mimi goingto the dance with Shawn and Belle is so "Brady Bunch" and calls her"stupid." She says that Shawn and Belle inviting her is like they areperforming community service or something for dateless losers. Jantries to convince Mimi that Chloe being nice to her is just so she canrub her nose in it and gets Mimi all fired up. Kevin asks Susan to gowith him and help him set up for the dance and they talk about how bothare sure that Jan is up to something against Chloe. They both like Chloeand don't want Jan to get away with it. They vow to find out what isgoing on and are excited at the prospects of bringing down Jan. Jasonjoins Jan and Mimi and Jan informs him that they "are up to somethingthat will make the chicken blood from last year look like a refreshingshower." But, she won't give him any details. Meanwhile, Philip ispsyched about the trip as Belle reminds him that it is a field tripabout the environment. Philip says that "it may even turn out to be thenext Survivor." He asks Chloe if Craig and Nancy will let her go, butshe informs them that she already has plans. Philip gets upset and wantsto know what. She sarcastically tells him that she didn't know that shehad to tell him everything she was doing. She explains that she wants towork this summer, but won't give any details. He pressures her but sheoffers none. He says that maybe he doesn't want to take her to the danceand she storms off. He turns and asks, "What did I say?" Belle assureshim "Way too much!" Philip catches up with Chloe and they make up. Shestill won't tell him what she is planning but promises to tell him allabout it at the end of the summer, because if it doesn't work out, itcould be embarrassing. She tells him to pick her up at Belle's for thedance cause they are getting ready together. Shawn and Belle walk up andjoke about heading home to start "operation drop-dead gorgeous." AfterShawn is gone, Belle's curiosity gets the best of her and she questionsChloe about her plans. But Chloe don't want to tell her either.

Brady is at his therapy session and Carl talks about how well he isdoing. He tells him about his evening as a chaperone and his date with aformer model. Carl is impressed and tells him to go home and rest. Atthe penthouse, Marlena finds John stretched out on the bed asleep. He ishaving dreams about his visit with Lexie and wakes up to the sound ofMarlena humming as she gets dressed. He asks her if she is going tochaperone the dance, but she informs him that she is going to butt outof Belle's first date with Shawn. As they talk about it, she gets mistyat how fast Belle is growing up. They change the subject and she tellshim that she thinks that she is making progress with Brady. He wantsdetails, but she offers none and cautions him that it is only a start.She questions him about Stefano and John tells her that they don't havea clue as to his whereabouts. She is worried about Lexie losing herfather and the prospects of losing her child as well. John assures herthat Lexie will be fine and is probably a lot better off now thatStefano is gone. They go downstairs to find Brady coming home as Marlenaasks him about his session. Marlena and Brady are very civil to oneanother. She goes to get coffee for them and Brady shows John that hecan walk without his cane. John is thrilled for him. He spots thepicture on the piano and asks Brady where it came from. Brady tells himthat Marlena gave it to him. Marlena returns and hears them talking andexcuses herself to go upstairs and not intrude. John thanks Brady. Whenhe asks "for what?" John says, "You know."

Abe and Lexie are at home as Roman shows up with Glen, Barb and otherofficials to get the DNA samples. Lexie puts on a show for them like sheis scared of the test. Roman drags Glen and Barb outside, against theirwill as Lexie gives the performance of her life. Glen is sure that theyare up to something as they can hear her wailing all the way outside.Abe tries to calm her down as she thinks to herself about what a goodacting job she is doing. Abe lets everyone back in as Lexie takes Isaacupstairs. Abe and Glen argue as Lexie comes back down, telling them tohold it down and that Isaac is frightened. They all go upstairs to getthe sample. Later, they have the sample and as they get Glen's, Barbpulls Lexie aside to talk to her. Lexie is downright hateful to her asshe apologizes for all the trouble going on and tries to get her to seeit from Glen's side. As they go to leave, Glen has something to say andit's not pretty. He tells them that he is "only trying to do the rightthing and they have lied, cheated and even blew up the lab to stop him."He tells Abe and Lexie that they don't deserve to have children and assoon as he has the proof, he will take his son far away from them. Asthey head to the lab, Barb and Glen both think something is off and thatLexie is up to something. The feel like she already KNOWS the DNAsamples won't match. Meanwhile, in another city a technician is mailingthe results of the other DNA test to Glen and Barb. After everyone isgone, Lexie is sure that everything is okay and that the samples won'tmatch. Abe asks, "How is she so sure?" She gets upset and asks just whatis he accusing her of now. She storms upstairs as he wonders what isgoing on with her lately.

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Edited by SC Desk