Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

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Hope took a home pregnancy test and Brandon continued to try to dig up dirt on Abe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

Colin tuned out to be Shawn's nephew from Ireland. Stefano pressured Lexie to keep secret that Isaac and J.T. had been switched at birth. Philip and Jason fought over Chloe. Nicole and Brandon learned that their father was being released from prison. Tensions mounted at Tuscany for many Salem families.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

Monday, May 7, 2001

by Marcia Elgart

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Hope and Jennifer continued their chat but were interrupted when Shawn and Bo arrived at home. Bo suggested a "boys night out" and decided to take J.T. along with them. As they left, Hope joked not to vote anyone out of the tribe. When they were gone, Jennifer told Hope what a wonderful family she had.

Hope wanted to hear more about "this Colin guy," but Jennifer said that she thought it was all in her head. She called herself pathetic, but Hope promised not to judge her. She said that she felt that Jack had even more power over her than before. She explained how when Colin had left Africa, she had followed him to Ireland and that he hadn't been pleased to see her there. He had told her that he had thought of her as a "chum" and nothing more. She talked about how nice he had been to her in Africa and said she had truly thought he had cared for her.

Jennifer said that once they had been in Ireland, Colin had treated her differently and had ended up sneaking off. She called herself a "love-struck teenage girl," but she was actually relieved that she would never see him again. She told Hope that she felt like an idiot for following him and that he was out of her league. Hope reassured her that she was beautiful and intelligent and would never be out of anyone's league. Jennifer appreciated the kindness and thanked Hope for being such a good friend, but she needed go home to Jack. Hope had an idea and invited Jennifer to spend the night there, and Jennifer decided to take her up on her offer. Certain she could get home before Abby woke up, she wasn't even going to call Jack to tell him where she was.

Bo, Shawn, and J.T. arrived at the pub, much to the delight of Grandpa Shawn and Caroline. Shawn and Bo joked about how neglected they were over all the attention J.T. was getting. Grandpa Shawn and Caroline hauled him away to show him off to everyone as Bo and Shawn talked about how Bo's attitude had changed toward J.T. in the past few months. Grandpa Shawn decided to call his sister in Ireland, and he asked if all was okay. Colin explained he was lying low after all the trouble Bo had caused there. He told Shawn to keep Bo away.

Back at the table, Bo questioned Shawn about girls, dating, and such -- and about Belle Black in particular. Shawn got kind of flustered as Caroline returned with J.T. Bo called J.T. his buddy and couldn't imagine life without him.

Jack was asleep on the couch and heard a noise outside. He jumped up, thinking it was Jennifer then he thought it was a burglar. Actually, it was Greta stopping by with some accessories for the house. She decided to leave them at the door and sneak away quietly. However, Jack rushed out the door with a frying pan as a weapon and fell over the stuff. He invited her in and didn't even offer to help her.

Greta lectured Jack on how to treat women. He took note and went for tea. Greta wondered how Jennifer put up with him. Jack loved all the stuff she had picked out, and Greta hoped Jennifer liked it as well. He didn't know where she was and thought Jennifer was trying to teach him a lesson.

Abby went downstairs, looking for her mom, as Jack joked about the "princess" and called her "Lady Abigail." Greta started to leave as Jack offered Abby a cupcake. Outside, Greta thought he was really weird -- but that he was a good father. Jack and Abby enjoyed their cupcakes, and Abby had icing all over her face. Abby asked again where mommy was. Jack changed the subject and sent her off to bed then he wondered where Jennifer was as well.

At the DiMera mansion, Lexie rang the doorbell, but Stefano wouldn't let Abe answer it. The phone rang, and Stefano said it was probably Lexie and for Abe to get it. It was Celeste, who was in a panic, telling Abe about Glen, Barb, and the lawyer at the door. Abe told her he would be right there and not to panic. He stormed off as Lexie hid in the bushes.

After Abe was gone, Lexie walked in, and Stefano handed the phone to her. She gave Celeste instructions on how to handle the situation. She told her to take the papers and be polite. After it was done, Glen and Barb wondered what was going on and what the Carvers were up to.

Lexie assured her mom that Abe would be there soon and that she would call back in five minutes to talk to him. Abe rushed in and demanded to know where Lexie was. Lexie was furious with her father and demanded the truth. They bickered, and she told him that she knew that Glen was the father of Hope's baby.

Lexie called and talked to Abe as he bombarded her with questions. She told him that she was at Stefano's, and they were going to dinner. Abe fumed. She told him that Stefano and Brandon were trying to help her and for him to just trust her, much to Abe's dismay. After getting off the phone, Abe asked Celeste what was going on. She prattled on and on about Stefano's involvement until Able blew his top. He apologized to her and went to make some calls. After he was gone, to herself, she said she'd always had a feeling that Isaac would be taken away from them.

At the DiMera mansion, Lexie and Stefano got into it again, and she demanded the truth. She told him about switching the DNA samples with Hope's baby, and Stefano was shocked. She told him that she had already known that Bo wasn't the father and wondered how Glen had gotten Hope pregnant. She demanded to know what he was not telling her about the situation. Stefano said that he had already told her everything and assured her that Glen was not the father of Hope's baby. She wanted to know how he could be so sure and said that if Stefano was so sure that Glen wasn't the father, that meant that he knew who was.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

Tuesday, May 8, 2001


Mimi and Jan were at .com, checking out the website. Jason nearly caught them, but they covered. Jan planned to broadcast the video of Chloe showering on the big-screen television monitors at the Last Blast dance. She was sure that Philip would dump Chloe in a nanosecond when he saw that video.

Chloe and Belle were in Belle's room, discussing the pros and cons of Eminem, when Philip called. They agreed to meet Philip and Shawn at .com, and when Chloe hung up, Belle suggested taking Brady along. Downstairs, John told Brady that he was very proud of Brady for keeping his cool after losing the case. Brady gave John a sob story about how he felt like a prisoner in the penthouse, and Marlena heard every word. She stormed into the living room, amazed that John would allow Brady to lie about her like that.

Marlena blew up at Brady, but Belle arrived downstairs with Chloe and interrupted the argument. Brady was more than willing to tag along with Belle and Chloe, since doing so would get him away from Marlena. Before leaving, though, Belle demanded to know what was happening with Marlena and Brady, so Marlena explained what had happened earlier. Belle told John that she believed Marlena -- Brady was a great actor, and he was stringing John along.

Outside, Brady and Chloe started to argue again. Belle emerged from the penthouse and interrupted them, and they headed off to .com. Inside, John told Marlena that hearing Belle say what she had said about Brady had made him realize that she was right -- Brady was playing John. He apologized to Marlena for being so clueless.

Philip and Shawn arrived at .com and started talking to Jan and Mimi. Jan antagonized Philip, telling him that Chloe had him wrapped around her finger, and Jason joined in. Philip went off on Jason, and they got into a fight. Chloe, Belle, and Brady arrived in time to watch Philip knock Jason to the ground -- and Jason didn't get up. Belle thought they should call the police.

Hope told Bo that she wanted to have another child with him, which led to another discussion about J.T.'s true paternity. Bo told Hope that he couldn't handle not knowing; it was killing him. Hope begged him to leave it alone and accept J.T. as theirs, but Bo wanted to follow some leads he had and try to track down the true father. Bo told Hope that the father had to be someone that Gina had loved, and then he realized it had to be John. Hope assured Bo that they'd been down that road before, and John couldn't be the father. Bo seemed to buy it but wasn't ready to give up searching for the father. Hope got a bit seductive in order to get Bo's mind off of J.T.'s paternity, and they began to make love.

Lexie told Stefano that she knew that Bo wasn't J.T's father -- and she thought Stefano knew who the father was. He tried to deny it, but Lexie had had enough of his lies and demanded the truth. As Stefano continued to evade the question, Lexie began to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realized that Hope had Marlo's baby, and Lexie had Hope's baby. Stefano tried to assure Lexie that that kind of thing only happened in the movies, but Lexie wasn't convinced.

Lexie remembered that on the day that J.T. and Isaac had been born, Lexie and Hope had both thought for a second that their babies had looked different than they had the last time that they had seen the babies, which only made her more certain. She was sure that she and Hope were going to lose their babies. Stefano was furious with Lexie for switching the DNA -- everything would have been fine if she'd just let Stefano handle it, he said. Lexie realized that Stefano had always been sure that things would work out, and she asked if he'd had something to do with the switch. He denied the accusation, and Lexie believed him.

Lexie told Stefano that she had to tell Hope that she had the wrong baby, but Stefano forbade her from doing so. Lexie panicked, telling Stefano that the lab was going to do another test the next morning and that when the results were in, she'd lose her baby. Stefano told her he'd take care of everything, but she had to agree to trust him and follow his instructions to the letter. Lexie agreed -- she'd do anything to keep Isaac.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

Wednesday, May 9, 2001

by Marcia Elgart

Brandon flashed back to the computer screen flashing the DNA results, pondered the why, and tried unsuccessfully to call Lexie. He attempted to watch television but was too restless. He called Sami, paced back and forth, and then answered a knock at the door. Ben, the lawyer, was very upset at the newspaper headlines. He complained about the case with Larry and how Brandon had not been around, flying off to Europe and such. Brandon replied that he had gotten Larry a job, he was doing well, and that "life is what happens when you're making other plans." Brandon said he still intended to take Carver down, just not in court.

Sami was still playing mind games with Austin and definitely winning. She just talked casually, pretending she realized she was moving too quickly for Austin and he was right. She wanted someone to sweep her off her feet, carry her to bed, and want to spend the whole day there with her, and Austin swallowed it all. Brandon called, inviting her and Will over to watch a G-rated movie. She told him Will was asleep and that Austin was there, but she said they could do it another time, and she would call him. She schmoozed Austin about all the men who had lied to her, including Alan, Franco, and Lucas, and how Austin had turned on her when she had been trying to get Will back.

Will woke up, missing Daddy. After Sami got him back to bed, she really poured it on, said she had never badmouthed Lucas in front of Will, and really snowed him about Lucas being Will's daddy and entitled to spend time with him. She then shocked Austin, telling him to leave. As she closed the door, she thanked her grandma for the advice and said it had better work. Out in the hall, a completely snowed Austin muttered to himself that he could not lose Sami.

Craig arrived home to a beautifully laid out dinner table and Nancy all dressed up, preparing a scrumptious dinner of prime rib, baked potato, and creamed spinach. She was very happy Chloe wouldn't be there because she'd be able to breathe. Craig was disappointed, as he had wanted Chloe there for a reason. Nancy got on her high horse, sarcastically mentioning how the two of them had bonded. Craig suggested she find solutions instead of harping on the problems.

Nancy told Craig about Chloe's "huge" friend who had stopped over and insulted her by saying that Nancy, too, was fat. Nancy said the girl had "such a pretty face," and it was not healthy for her to be so big. She then asked Craig if he thought she was fat. He tried to avoid answering, saying how he loved her and always had, just as she was.

Nancy persisted, and Craig finally said she might be a few pounds overweight. Nancy got very upset then Craig returned to the subject of Chloe, telling Nancy about consulting Marlena for some input. Nancy was very upset. Craig said he had been trying to find a way to help "our daughter," and Nancy, in a nasty tone, said, "Our daughter -- she is not yours. She is my daughter."

Craig was very hurt. Nancy apologized, and he smelled something burning. Nancy ran into the kitchen, returning with a casserole dish, and said that Chloe was not even there, and she still caused trouble. Dinner was burned. Craig smiled and said it was a good excuse to take her out to dinner.

Philip and Jason were still going at it, as Jason had faked being knocked out. All the kids were yelling. Shawn tried to stop them a couple of times and was thrown to the ground, hitting his head. Brady started to go, but Chloe tripped him, claiming he might further his injuries. Sirens were heard as Roman plus a uniformed officer arrived and broke it all up. Chloe was furious at Philip, telling him she could fight her own battles and that violence solved nothing. He told her he had only been defending her and trying to protect her because he loved her.

When Roman asked what had happened, no one answered. He directly asked Belle, but Brady harped on her to keep her mouth shut. Belle clammed up. So did Chloe. Roman said he was arresting the boys. Chloe claimed they had just been horsing around and had gotten carried away. Jan stepped up and agreed.

Roman questioned some adult onlookers, who didn't want to get involved but gave him a hard time about not stopping real crime and picking on kids. When the officer tried to talk to Roman about community relations, Roman brushed him off, telling him to go write his report. Jan talked Mimi into confirming their version of events, which she did. They whispered about getting back at Chloe at the Last Blast dance and said Philip wouldn't want anything to do with Chloe.

Nicole looked unhappy and told Victor it was because of a nosedive some stocks had taken. Victor knew better. Nicole was thinking about her father, and his voice was heard urging her to do something, and her voice was pleading she did not want to do it. She got up to leave, but Victor stopped her. He got her to talk about her father getting out of prison, and he tried to comfort her, saying he would always protect her. She said she had always wanted someone who could truly do that.

Nicole then got hungry, and they wondered what Henderson was surprising them with for dinner. Victor wondered what was keeping Philip. He talked about breaking up Philip and Chloe and calling Nancy Wesley into his office for a "talk." The phone rang, and Henderson said it was the police. Roman told Victor that they had arrested Philip again, and he was at the station. Victor said he would be right there.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

Thursday, May 10, 2001


Brandon vowed to stop waiting around for Sami and invited Fay over for dinner. Unbeknown to Brandon, Fay had some bad news to share with him that night. She began by apologizing for allowing Paul, Brandon and Nicole's father, to get away with hurting her children, but he assured her that it hadn't been her fault. He also assured her that he was not worried about girls -- namely, Sami -- at that moment; he had more important things to worry about.

After dinner, Fay decided to break the news about Paul to Brandon. When Brandon learned that Paul was up for parole -- and might get it -- Brandon's good mood immediately soured. He had audio flashbacks to an argument between Paul and Fay, which had ended with gunshots. Brandon assured Fay that he would kill Paul if he ever went near Fay or Nicole.

Victor and Nicole headed over to the police station to bail out Philip. Victor was sure that Chloe had had something to do with the brawl that Philip had gotten into and promised to find a way to break the two up. Meanwhile, at the police station, a jailed Philip continued to argue with his cellmate, Jason. Jason eventually calmed down, as did Philip, and they agreed to forget about the entire ordeal.

Brady and Chloe headed down to the police station; Brady was determined to break Philip out of jail by using his lawsuit scare tactics on the police officers. Unfortunately, he ran into Roman again, and an ugly argument ensued. Brady dared Roman to admit that he didn't love Marlena in front of everyone in the police station, but Roman couldn't and averted the question. Victor arrived and demanded to speak with Roman. Brady continued to enjoy himself outside, threatening the uniformed officers.

Victor and Roman emerged from Roman's office, and Roman told one of the officers to release the boys. Brady was sure that Victor had threatened the police department and was quite pleased by the idea. Philip was surprised to see Chloe there -- with Brady -- and got jealous. Victor ordered Philip to meet Victor and Nicole at Tuscany for dinner and told him to take Chloe along, as well. After they left, Brady taunted Roman again, telling him that his performance that night was only a small taste of what would follow.

Shawn and Belle were still at .com, and Shawn was fuming after hearing Brady's earlier comments about Shawn's dad. Brady had accused Shawn of getting his dad to drop Shawn's charges when Shawn had been caught driving a motorcycle without a license. Shawn and Belle began to talk about the mysterious can again, and Shawn still believed that there was something alive inside the can. Shawn took the opportunity to scare Belle by suddenly producing the can, which he had hidden under the table. Belle was quite upset with Shawn but seemed to forgive him. Shawn told her he couldn't forget about the can until he found out what it had in it.

Love was in the air as Marlena and John basked in the afterglow of lovemaking. Elsewhere, Bo and Hope were in a similar state of contentment. They had all worked up quite an appetite and decided to head to Tuscany for dinner, though John was less than thrilled at the prospect of seeing Maggie again. When John and Marlena arrived, Maggie was gossiping, and John immediately berated her for doing so. Maggie abruptly sent them to their table and headed off to greet Hope and Bo, who politely declined Maggie's offer to seat them at Marlena and John's table.

John took the opportunity -- as always -- to ask Bo how J.T. was, and Marlena warned John to be more careful in the future. Bo could start to get the hint that John was J.T.'s true father. John received a phone call from his lawyer, regarding property John wished to purchase for Basic Black, and took the call out on the terrace. Bo took the opportunity to speak with Marlena about J.T.'s paternity, and Maggie took the opportunity to speak with Hope about John's recent hostile behavior. Hope politely told Maggie that John's affairs were none of her business, and Maggie got upset, telling Hope that she had only been trying to be a good friend, and despite what Hope and John might think, she wasn't being nosy or gossipy.

Maggie walked off before Hope could reply or apologize. Bo asked Marlena for the truth -- he was sure that Marlena knew more about J.T.'s birth father than she had revealed. Bo asked to speak with her privately sometime, and Marlena agreed to set up an appointment with him. She didn't promise to let him in on anything, though.

Lexie was determined to keep her baby and agreed to do anything that Stefano told her to do. He told her he was taking her to dinner, though, which wasn't exactly what Lexie wanted to be doing during that time of crisis. She couldn't believe that Stefano was acting so nonchalant about it, but Stefano assured Lexie that he would take care of everything -- but the less Lexie knew, the better. He convinced Lexie to get dressed and accompany him to Tuscany. Privately, he mused that Lexie and Stefano had to be seen in public, so that no one could connect them to the events that he was going to set in motion that night.

Upstairs, Lexie called Brandon to get him to promise, once again, not to tell anyone about the DNA test. Stefano walked in on her and demanded that she hang up the phone immediately. He warned her that he did not appreciate having other people knowing his business and informed Lexie that Brandon might have to "disappear" after the ordeal was settled. Lexie begged Stefano to promise that he wouldn't hurt Brandon; he didn't exactly do that but changed the subject and made Lexie promise not to make any more decisions without his input and approval -- ever. She agreed.

Stefano headed downstairs, where he placed a call to Rolf and explained the plan for the night. Lexie called Brandon back and warned him that Stefano was going to want to meet with him, and Brandon told her he was not worried -- Stefano DiMera couldn't scare him. Stefano walked in on Lexie again, and she told Stefano that she had just been warning Brandon about Stefano's intentions to speak with him. Stefano was amused to learn that Brandon was not afraid and told Lexie that Brandon had better learn to fear Stefano DiMera if he planned to survive in Salem.

Later, when Stefano and Lexie arrived at Tuscany, John and Marlena were shocked to see them together once again. Marlena observed that Lexie seemed to be in a trance of sorts and worried about her friend. Stefano and Lexie exchanged some friendly greetings with the Bradys and the Blacks, and Stefano told Lexie to keep a happy face for the night. Lexie wanted to know what Stefano had planned, but he only told her that everyone in Salem would be affected. Lexie wondered if Stefano was planning to hurt people but decided that she didn't care -- she would do whatever it took to keep Isaac.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on DAYS

Friday, May 11, 2001

by Marcia Elgart

Lexie expressed her fears about the baby switch and that whoever had fathered Hope's child would go after J.T. the same way Glen was seeking Isaac. Bart showed up at Tuscany to scope out the place. When he returned to Rolf, Bart reminded Rolf that Stefano did not want anyone killed because of the plan. Rolf made an unconvincing promise to do his best.

Marlena thought Bo was getting closer to the truth about John being J.T.'s father. John pressed Marlena to tell Bo the truth, but Marlena was adamant about keeping her promise to Hope. When Brady's name was mentioned, Marlena and John got into an argument but quickly declared a truce for the rest of the evening.

Meanwhile, the tensions built between Bo and Hope with Bo's growing suspicion that John was J.T.'s father. Hope told Bo point-blank that John could not be the father. When Bo insisted that he had a right to know who J.T.'s father was, Hope stormed out, with Bo trailing after her.

Jack and Abby called Jennifer at Bo and Hope's house, wanting to know when she would be home. Jennifer explained to Abby that she was babysitting J.T. and would be home as soon as she could. Abby said she wanted Jennifer to go home, so Jennifer decided to take J.T. with her. After calling Hope, Jennifer called Jack to tell him she was taking J.T. back with her. After she hung up, Jennifer was not in any hurry to leave.

Victor and Nicole arrived at Tuscany before Philip and Chloe. Victor was determined to prove to Philip that he could do better than Chloe. However, Chloe made it difficult when she impressed Victor by ordering her dinner in Italian. When Victor asked Chloe about her feelings for Philip, Chloe shut Victor out. Philip tried to protect Chloe, but she warned him that he had gotten into the fight earlier because he had been trying to protect her.

At Tuscany, Nancy was showered with compliments over her radio show. Craig tried to convince Nancy that the three of them should be in counseling, but Nancy thought it was a waste of time. She regretted ever taking Chloe from the orphanage.

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