Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

SC Desk
Hope took a home pregnancy test and Brandon continued to try to dig up dirt on Abe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

Monday, August 28, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

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Bo went into the station, and Abe offered him the day off so he could go to the hospital and be with Hope. Abe knew that Lexie and Hope were taking their babies in for checkups. Bo said that he felt he needed to keep a routine going, and it would drive Hope crazy if he hovered over her all the time. Bo just hoped the doctor had some good news for Hope because he didn't think she could take any more bad news. Abe said that he knew what Bo meant, and being a father had made him realize that he needed to straighten things out with Larry Morris.

Abe realized something was bothering Bo and asked if he wanted to talk about it. Bo told Abe that Hope still didn't remember her times as Princess Gina, who she had been with, and what she had been doing. Abe thought Bo was concerned about what Hope might have done with Stefano. Bo replied, "Stefano and any one of the other many men Gina had falling at her feet." Abe asked if Bo thought little John might not be his son. Bo said that Hope felt their connection was so strong that she wouldn't have made love to anyone else, no matter who she'd thought she was.

Abe suggested Bo talk to Hope about it, but Bo didn't think Hope was strong enough to deal with the truth. Bo decided to head home to see Hope. Abe asked Bo to wait five minutes, and he'd tag along to check on Lexie. Bo thought to himself that perhaps he should tell Hope the truth; perhaps she was strong enough to handle it.

Hope and Lexie went in together to see the doctor with their babies. The doctor had never talked to two mothers at the same time. Hope said that, even though their babies had been born on the same day, she knew Isaac was a healthy baby and hers had fetal alcohol syndrome. However, Hope said she felt that her baby's condition was improving; he was getting better. The doctor said Hope was not imagining it; John was getting better. The doctor said that little John was gaining weight much faster and hadn't shown any of the other FAS symptoms.

Later, Hope and Lexie went to the docks and stared at the water. They talked about their children, how amazing they were, and the feeling they gave them. Bo and Abe met up with Hope and Lexie at Bo and Hope's house, and they got the good news about their babies. Bo and Hope danced to the radio. Hope told Bo that he was a wonderful dad, and what they had right then could never be taken away from them by anyone.

Lucas hugged Nicole and said goodbye. Nicole told Lucas to know that she loved him and would be there when he got back. Lucas gave Nicole the number of a security agent in case Eric continued to stalk her. Greta showed up at that point, and when she heard Lucas say that through the open door, she pushed it open and couldn't believe Nicole was still lying to Lucas after she'd begged Greta to help save her marriage. Lucas asked Nicole what Greta was talking about.

Nicole told Lucas that she had already told him that she'd gone to see Greta for help. Greta told Lucas that Nicole was lying, Eric was not stalking Nicole, and Nicole wanted her help in fooling him into believing she was committed to their marriage. Still, Lucas believed Eric was stalking Nicole because he understood that when someone fell in love with a woman like Nicole, she stayed in his system. Greta thought Lucas was very deluded, and she was sickened when Lucas told Nicole he wanted to make their marriage work and kissed her.

Greta couldn't believe Lucas could love someone whose entire life was based on lies. Lucas told Greta that she didn't know Nicole and asked how she dared judge her. Greta said she knew Nicole a lot better than he did. Still, Lucas said he would love and trust Nicole until the end of time, and he thought Greta was feeling rejected by Eric and was blaming Nicole for her problems. Lucas hoped that after what she'd been through, she would stop being so nave. Greta exclaimed, "I'm nave? Look who's talking!"

Nicole thought the real problem was that Greta was jealous of her strength and courage. Greta informed Nicole that if she were like her in any way, then she'd slit her wrists. Lucas told Greta that he and Nicole were in love and had a basic energy that would never go away. Nicole told Lucas that she loved him very much and was glad they had worked through their problems. Greta told Lucas that he would live to regret the decision.

Henderson told Lucas that Will had fallen asleep in the limo and then gave Lucas the passports. Greta asked Lucas if he was leaving the country. Lucas lied and said he was going away on business and was just taking the passports in case something happened with the overseas Titan division. Lucas took off, and Greta told Nicole that she was despicable.

Nicole replied, "Blah blah blah, your routine is getting old." Greta hoped Nicole truly suffered for what she'd done to Greta and Eric but especially to Lucas. Nicole thought Greta needed to let go of that anger because it wasn't healthy. They continued to sling insults until Greta said it was too twisted for her. Nicole told Greta that if she wanted advice, she should go see Reverend Austin -- he was good at telling people things that made them feel good but really didn't mean squat. Greta yelled at Nicole some more and told her that despite how awful her life had been, nothing gave her the right to be as spiteful as she had become.

Greta walked out, and Nicole got a call from Victor. Victor asked Nicole how she was, and she asked "the bastard" "how in the hell" he thought she was. Nicole realized she couldn't let him know that she knew the truth, and she yelled at Victor for taking Lucas away from her right when things had been going well between them. Victor said he'd thought she was going to divorce him, but Nicole said she had realized she belonged with Lucas because he fulfilled all her needs.

After Nicole hung up on Victor, Victor thought that Nicole didn't know she was penniless. Nicole told herself that Victor thought he had won, but he hadn't. She vowed to pay him back and made a call to someone who would help her. Meanwhile, Greta wondered why Nicole was so desperate to stay with Lucas.

In Italy, Sami watched from the bushes as Moroni held a gun on Brandon. Angela pleaded with her father not to do that. Moroni said Brandon was a dead man unless he could give Moroni a reason not to kill him. Brandon said it would be a shame to get blood all over his designer suit. Moroni said it took guts to make a wisecrack in the face of death, and he put his gun away. Moroni said he wasn't going to kill Brandon; it was just a warning, but the next time, he would kill him.

Brandon explained to Moroni that he was there with his girlfriend, the love of his life, and Angela had only kissed him because he'd killed a spider, which had terrified her, and she had been showing her appreciation. Angela told her father that Brandon was such a gentleman that he lied to protect her. Angela said she'd kissed Brandon because she liked him.

Moroni knew that Brandon had kissed his daughter before, and he was angry with Brandon for lying to him. He said that it was time for Brandon and his girlfriend to leave and find someplace else to stay. Brandon said he was sorry, but they couldn't do that. Brandon said that one day, years before, her mother had fallen in love with her father there, and that was why he had taken his girlfriend there.

Moroni thought that Brandon was lying, but Angela believed the story and said Brandon would fall in love there; he would fall in love with her. Sami couldn't believe that and said that girl wouldn't give up until she got Brandon killed. Brandon said he had done nothing to encourage Moroni's daughter; he was only there to convince Samantha to marry him. Moroni said it was a special place; he had proposed to his late wife there, and he agreed to let Brandon stay. However, he warned Brandon that if he succumbed to Angela's charms, then he would have to marry her.

Sami and Brandon returned to the cottage, and Sami told Brandon that he was amazing. Sami asked him what was next. Brandon said he needed to get closer to Angela, which worried Sami. Sami reminded him of Moroni's warning, but Brandon said he was willing to marry Angela if it would help her. Sami asked him if he was crazy. Brandon said it was the best way to get Angela to open up. Sami said Moroni wouldn't let him leave Angela's side, and Angela would expect -- she stopped herself before continuing.

Brandon said he was willing to make the sacrifice, but Sami said there had to be another way. Brandon told Sami to stay there while he went to find Angela. Sami told Brandon to please be careful. Brandon left and ran into Angela, who apologized for getting him in trouble. Brandon said he couldn't stay mad at her if he tried because of those wonderful kisses. Back inside, Sami told herself that Brandon was putting his life on the line for her, and she couldn't lose him.

Kate couldn't stop talking about the wonderful dinner she and Victor had just had, but Victor was angry because Lucas was not there yet. He wondered where Lucas was because he was vital to their plan. Kate told him to relax; Lucas would be there and would slip the herb into Sami's food and drink, not realizing that the herb would do Sami permanent damage and not just confuse her as they planned to tell him.

Later, Victor received more papers from the states. Victor told Kate to put them on the table because he had more important things to think about. Kate told herself that was what she was counting on. Victor wished someone else could take care of those things, and he looked over some papers. Kate told him to just sign them and forget about it, but Victor refused and said he hadn't gotten where he was by neglecting details and fine print.

Later, Kate called Lucas, who was on the way to the airport with Will, which relieved Kate. Lucas warned Kate that she had better not put Will in jeopardy. Kate said she loved Will and would never do such a thing. Kate asked if he had the disguise, and he said yes.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was the deliveryman with another package of papers for Victor. Kate told Lucas that she planned to slip some papers in with a batch of those, which would ensure their future. Lucas thought that was risky, but Kate said she had no choice. Lucas said she was going to screw everything up if she did it, but Kate reminded him that he was the one who had screwed things up for them.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

Tuesday, August 29, 2000

by Soap Central

Hoping to drive up ratings for her radio show, Nancy suggested to Marlena that she spice things up a bit. Marlena stated that she was happy with the way the show was going right then. When Marlena asked her about a change in Chloe she might have noticed, Nancy admitted that she thought Chloe was causing problems between her and Craig to the point where Craig thought Nancy needed professional help. Meanwhile, still complaining about Marlena taking over the radio show, Hattie realized that she looked a bit like "Dr. Evans."

Worried that Bo was feeling guilty, Hope asked if he blamed himself for their son's illness. Bo assured her he didn't. When he asked to talk about her past as Gina, she realized that she might have been with other men during that missing time of her life.

Abe updated Lexie on his meeting with Brandon's mother, Fay Mendez, and admitted he was worried that Brandon could be abusive like his father. As they talked about Bo and Hope, Lexie decided to urge Bo to get a DNA test.

Fay advised Nicole that money was always a security blanket for Victor. Lucas dressed as a surfer looking for a job as a waiter to put part one of Victor's plan for Sami into action.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

Wednesday, August 30, 2000


Bo admitted that he was bothered by the fact that Hope had pushed him away when she had been Gina, and he didn't know who she had been with. Hope began to realize that Bo thought she had been unfaithful to him and that little John could be someone else's child. Hope assured Bo that she could never be with another man, no matter who she thought she was. Bo started talking about what a horrible person DiMera was, but Hope reminded him that it was Stefano who had saved the life of their child. Bo wished he knew why Stefano hated his family, and he mentioned the idea of going to Ireland to find out. Hope told him that she couldn't possibly go with him because she couldn't take little John away from his doctor at that time, and she was also worried about the danger to Bo if he went.

John went into the station and was furious with Roman, who had picked Brady up for buying booze. Roman said they hadn't arrested him; they were just holding him. John felt he should have been called before they'd even taken Brady in, but Roman said that John was no longer the commander there. They ended up in a huge argument when Roman didn't want Sami and Will going to the penthouse and being around Brady, because he thought Brady was a bad kid.

John pointed out that Eric and Sami weren't exactly the kids of the year, but when he had been raising them, they'd been angels. Roman didn't like that comment at all, and John liked it less when Roman referred to Marlena as his wife. Eventually, Roman informed John that the next time Brady landed in trouble, they would throw the book at him. John went to pick Brady up, and Brady gave John an attitude.

Hattie entered wearing a scarf, and Fay just knew she'd done something to her hair. When Hattie finally showed her hair, Fay said that she looked just like Dr. Marlena. Hattie said she had not cut her hair to look like Marlena, but Fay didn't believe her and teased her about it.

When Roman and Abe entered for some chow, Roman couldn't believe how much Hattie looked like someone he knew. She told him if he said Dr. Marlena, she would shoot him. Meanwhile, Abe talked with Fay and thanked her for all the support she had given him years before during a tough time in his life. Fay said she didn't think she'd supported him as much as he'd supported her. Fay secretly hoped that Brandon never found out just how supportive she and Abe had been of one another.

In Italy, Moroni went over and told Kate how beautiful she was. Victor showed up, and he said he hoped they could work through their problems and become associates again, which Moroni said he'd like. They then introduced him to Lucas the beach bum who needed to learn the value of a dollar. Moroni said he had a daughter with the same problem, and he agreed to give Lucas a job as a dishwasher. Kate asked Moroni not to let anyone know that it was her son; that fact had to be kept a secret. Before Lucas took off, Kate told him to make sure he added five dashes to Sami's dinner.

Brandon talked with Angela and even hinted that he might be tempted to marry her if it weren't for Sami. Angela thought that Brandon belonged with her and not that horrible Sami, who treated him like dirt. Brandon flirted with Angela and eventually got Angela to admit that Roberto had confessed to killing Franco for the almighty dollar. Sami watched them together and got a bit jealous, so she butted in; she and Brandon put on a show to make Angela a bit jealous. They shared a kiss, but Brandon kept telling her that they had to keep kissing to make it look good. Later, they went to the restaurant for dinner, and Sami ordered spaghetti, unaware that Lucas was planning to add a little something extra to her sauce.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

Thursday, August 31, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

Philip invited Chloe out to a movie but then suggested that Shawn and Belle join them as well. She and Belle agreed to meet the guys in front of the theater. Chloe urged Belle to dress seductively for Shawn's sake. Philip called Victor in Italy, and his father quickly guessed he needed money. Philip assured him that he had not been gambling but had been working hard that summer. Victor agreed to transfer some money to his account and hinted to Philip that he and Philip's mother might get married.

Nicole confronted Marie to find out where Victor and Kate were, but Marie wouldn't talk. Austin asked what was upsetting her, but Nicole lied and claimed that she was just checking on a new location shoot. Austin let her know that he was aware of her interest in Eric, thanks to Greta. She then decided to write a note to Victor.

At the restaurant, Lucas caught wind of Sami's order and doused it with the special herbs. Sami ate her spaghetti and went on a walk later with Brandon. Acting a bit tipsy, Sami asked Brandon to tell her all about himself, resting her head on his shoulder as she listened.

Victor received some good news over the phone and kissed Kate passionately as a result. Hope tried to convince Bo that little John was his baby.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of August 28, 2000 on DAYS

Friday, September 1, 2000

by Soap Central

Chloe and Belle dressed to kill for their movie dates with Philip and Shawn. The boys were impressed to discover that Chloe followed baseball and knew her stats. As the movie became scary and Philip left to get more popcorn, Chloe ended up grabbing Shawn. Belle was upset when she heard Shawn assure her rival that he'd protect her. Outside the theater afterwards, Belle complained to Mimi that Chloe was going after Shawn.

Rolf used Bart to try to find out some answers from Hattie. Finally talking with her, Bart suggested to Hattie that she could do a better job on the radio show than Marlena.

Abe started Fay's heart beating quickly when he admitted that he'd been thinking about their night together years before. She evaded his questions when he started asking about Brandon.

Hope surprised Bo by unbuttoning his shirt and announcing that she wanted to get pregnant again. The two then made love.

A drugged Sami told Brandon that she wanted to be his "girl." She asked him to carry her home, but before anything could happen, Lucas called and, with a disguised voice, asked Brandon to return to the restaurant to clear up a problem with the bill. Lucas was shocked to run into Angela. Kate used a doll that looked like Will to try to wake Sami and draw her to a window.

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