Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

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Hope took a home pregnancy test and Brandon continued to try to dig up dirt on Abe
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

Comprehensive daily recaps for Days of our Lives, dating back to 1996.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

Monday, July 24, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

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Nicole and Eric are lying in bed, just having finished a round of sex. Nicole tells Eric that it hasn't changed, them together. Eric says there is one thing . . . Nicole says it is better, but Eric says she's married and that makes what they've just done very wrong. Nicole asks Eric if he has any idea how much she needs him? She says if she's going to die, if she doesn't have anyone to ever love her again . . Eric stops her from thinking that way. He says he wants to be here for her, but . . . Nicole wonders how she can have cancer when she is so young. She then starts talking about Lucas and how she doesn't want to be condemned to live a life with him. She tells Eric that he is the one who taught her what real love is. Eric says she is getting treated at the best hospital in the city, and they have counselors there who can help her with anything she needs. Nicole tells Eric that if he wants her to have something to look forward to in life, that would be him. They start to kiss and go at it again.

Afterwards Eric asks Nicole if she needs someone to take her to her treatments and sit through her chemo with her? Nicole says she doesn't know, she didn't ask. Eric tells her that she has to take care of herself and get better. Nicole says she really doesn't want to talk about this right now, so Eric drops the subject. Nicole starts talking about how she probably deserves this, getting cancer, but having him with her makes her feel like the entire situation could turn around. Nicole gets up and gets dressed and says she's going to the doctor. Eric offers to go with her, but she wants to go alone today. She then asks Eric if he would consider running away with her, using her money. Eric says he doesn't care about money, he cares about her getting healthy. Nicole says she doesn't think she can fight this herself, and without him she has nothing good in her life, no hopes or dreams. She says if she had hope then maybe she could get better. Nicole asks Eric if she wasn't married, could they have a life together? Eric tells her yes, and Nicole hugs him.

Austin and Greta are playing basketball. Greta is a newbie, so Austin is teaching her how to play. She is a natural and screams and cheers every time she makes a shot. They take a break and talk about their favorite subjects, Nicole and Sami. Greta thinks she was silly to worry about Nicole, and Austin says he has made some peace with his problems with Sami. Austin and Greta return to Austin's place. They are both starved, but neither one of them can cook. Austin says he has frozen pizza, which Greta says is fine with her. Austin asks if she's sure she doesn't want to have lunch with Eric? Greta says no because she is a mess. They eat and discus various topics, such as what Greta wants to do with her life. Greta wants to spend time with the elderly because in American people put the elderly away in homes, whereas in Europe the elderly are respected. They then start talking about Nicole, how Greta thinks Nicole is so strong, and how she wishes she could be that way. Austin tells her that she is wrong, he believes Nicole only pretends to be strong, when she is actually very weak. Greta eventually leaves, and hides when she hears Eric's door open. Nicole and Eric come out hand in hand, and Nicole tells Eric that she still loves him. She says she prays he still loves her, and she asks him if he does? Nicole tells Eric that she needs to know the truth. Eric tells Nicole that he still loves her, which devastates Greta. Nicole gives Eric a kiss and leaves. Eric says this is killing him. Greta confronts Eric and says she was just telling herself the same thing.

At the hospital, Nancy calls channel six and gives them a story for the six o'clock news. They thank Nancy, and make a one hundred dollar donation to the University Hospital in return. Craig tells Nancy she's doing very good, and when they start to kiss, someone knocks at the door. Nancy tells whoever it is to come in. It is the ever snooping Brenda. Craig asks how Mrs. Horton is doing? Brenda tells Nancy and Craig that apparently Mrs. Horton has bankrolled the entire hotel bill for that homeless family. This sours Nancy's mood, and Brenda continues and says that Mrs. Horton has stated that she will do whatever it takes to see that a solution is found. Nancy tells Brenda that she can go back to work, and throws Brenda out of her office. Nancy is furious and says that Alice Horton will not be mentioned in their broadcast. She vows that they will be the star citizens on the news tonight and Alice Horton can eat her dust. As Nancy works on her speech, Craig fears what type of scene Mimi will cause. Nancy assures Craig that Mimi will be a brat and refuse to live under the same roof as Chloe, which will make them look all the more like saints. Nancy asks Craig if he can imagine what Mimi and her snot-nosed little brother would do to their house? She wonders where they will go after they refuse their offer, but Craig could care less. Nancy says that he better care because Alice will care, and that they can't let the news crew catch a happy looking Alice Horton on camera.

At the hotel, Mimi's father returns and their family is finally reunited. Mimi tells her dad that he wouldn't believe how sick Connor was, and that he is the best medicine for all of them. Mr. Lockhart has bad news for his family, he still has no job. However, Belle informs him that things are about to change for the better. As Belle tells him about their plans, Mimi becomes upset because she seems to be their total focus. Shawn tells Mimi that they just care about her. Mr. Lockhart says he is desperate to find a job so he can support his family. Alice tells him that there is a way he can put a roof over his family's head. She suggests they listen to the Habitat for Humanity worker to learn how. The woman says that they won't build something that they can't afford to maintain, and one of the heads of household must work outside the home. Mr. Lockhart says he will take any job that will keep his family fed and sheltered. The woman says they will need volunteers, and luckily they have several young people willing to help. As Alice Horton is about to tell them that she will continue footing the hotel room bill, there is a commotion at the door. Mimi answers the door and is met by a ton of cameras and reporters who want to interview Mimi and her family. Suddenly the Wesleys show up, as planned. Mimi says she doesn't want to be on TV, and ends up up running out the back.

John is driving to Hope's house, wondering if he can remove the chip from Hope's brain? He tells himself that he's going to have to for the baby's sake. John tries to tell himself that even if he is this child's biological father, he can't keep coming up with excuses to see Hope. Still, John feels like this child needs him for some reason. John asks God to help them all.

At Hope's, Lexie and Hope have their little babies in bassinets. Hope can't believe how rested and relaxed Lexie looks and she jokes that she does not look like the mother of a newborn. Lexie says it isn't her, it is Isaac, he loves to sleep. Lexie sees the reaction on Hope's face and tells her not to compare their situations because she's sure her situation is the norm. Hope says she doesn't think so. Hope tells Lexie that she had hoped she was only overreacting before, but now she knows it is true. Hope tells Lexie that there is definitely something wrong with her baby. Lexie tells Hope that little John's cheeks are filling out, and he is smiling. Lexie and Hope talk about baby John's doctor, and Lexie assures Hope that he is a very good doctor. Hope cries that she just loves her baby so much, she just wishes he knew that he wasn't alone in this. Lexie tells Hope that he knows.

John shows up to see Hope and the baby. He had brought a gift for baby John, which Marlena bought, and he apologizes to Lexie for not bringing Isaac's gift, but he didn't know she would be here. He then tells Isaac, thinking he is Hope's baby, that he will look so cool in that outfit. Lexie tells John that she hopes he didn't buy the same outfit for Isaac because he's already outgrown newborn's clothes. John realizes he's confused the babies, and then he tells Hope's baby that he'll grow soon. John says he is beautiful, but Hope says he is miserable. John says it is not his fault what Gina did to him. Hope reminds him that he's talking about her. John says she is not responsible, and she is nothing like Gina. Hope starts worrying about what she did to her baby. John says that they don't know everything she did as Gina, but they do know she created a little miracle. When Lexie says John is right about Little John, John is shocked to learn they went ahead and named the baby after him. Hope hopes he is not upset about it. John says he will just have to keep a closer eye on his name sake from now on. Suddenly, John notices something is wrong with the baby. Lexie decides to take him inside so she can get a better look at him, while Hope demands to know what is wrong with the baby.

On the plane to Italy, Sami is afraid for their safety. Brandon says no one will mess with them, which worries Sami even more because Brandon believes that he can handle the Italian Mafia. Brandon says this guy following them has nothing to do with the Moronis, but Sami isn't so sure. Brandon goes back looks at the Private Detective, who is on the phone. Brandon decides to find out who he is talking too. He asks a stewardess about redialing a number he just dialed, and claims he can't get it to work. The stewardess tells him he has to make sure to use the exact same credit card he used the last time. Sami thinks that was pointless, but Brandon plans on getting the guys credit card and sneaking into his seat while he's up so he can find out who he was talking to. The movie is about to start, which Brandon tells Sami will be there chance to get to the guys phone. Sami doubts he will leave his seat during the movie, but Brandon says this guy is on his sixth cup of coffee, he can't hold out much longer. Brandon then tells Sami the plan. Brandon goes to spy on the guy, but a stewardess asks him to take his seat because the captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign due to turbulence.

Brandon claims he is going to the bathroom in coach because of a problem with the one in first class, so she lets him go. Brandon goes into the bathroom, and then the detective gets up to use it, only to find it is locked. As he is going back to his seat, Sami pushes the refreshments cart towards him, and he ends up with juice all over himself. The detective is furious and goes back to the bathrooms. Brandon leaves, and on the way back to his seat, checks the detective's phone. Unfortunately the detective returns a little early, and Brandon overhears the stewardess offer to bump him up to first class as an apology. Fortunately the detective says his seat is fine. Brandon is forced to hang up the phone moments before the secretary at Victor's office answers. Brandon returns to first class and says that nobody answered the phone. However, Brandon says they did prove that they make a good team.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

Tuesday, July 25, 2000

by Jaegar

Lucas, Kate, and Victor are talking about the Sami situation and trying tofigure out what to do about her. Kate and Victor get into anotherdiscussion about their relationship, and Lucas tries to tell Victor to layoff. Kate asks for some private time. She assures Victor that she neverslept with Nicholas, it was always him as far as she was concerned. Shewants to marry him. Victor tells her not to make too many plans, since shecould end up in jail. The two try to figure out what Brandon's role in thewhole deal is. Victor says they need to go to Italy, and they need to takeWill, and Henderson. Kate asks Victor about the Moronis, and he admits thathe's had problems with Signore Moroni in the past, but he'll make surethey're soon saying arrivederci to Sami.

When the cameras show up, Mimi bolts, and she's not on hand to see Habitatfor Humanity agree that the Lockharts or excellent candidates, or to seeCraig step in to offer the Wesley home to the Lockharts. Craig missesNancy's signals, and is shocked when the Lockharts agree to move in! WhenMimi learns that they'll be living with the Wesleys, she says no way. Shehates Chloe and vice versa! She storms off, and Nancy and Craig argueamongst themselves about how their plan went wrong, until Alice steps inand tells them to take the Lockharts home.

Chloe and Philip are on their first non-formal date at the Brady pub. Bothare really nervous, and Philip becomes even more so when Chloe tells Philipthat the Wesleys have his number. She asks Philip again why he asked her tothe dance, and he changes the subject, telling her that he needs to getinto an Ivy League school, and will probably need help with calculus. Shejumps to the conclusion that he asked her because she was smart. He saysno, it was because she was the most beautiful girl in school. She KNOWSthat's a lie, and tells him that until he grows up, she doesn't want to seehim. She leaves the pub, regretting her comments as soon as she getsoutside. In the pub, Philip knows he can never let her learn the truth.

Greta's heart is breaking as she confronts Eric about his love for Nicole.She's realized that while he was giving everyone the impression he wasfalling for her, he was really using her to get over Nicole. She feelscompletely humiliated. Eric admits that he's still in love with control,and Greta realizes that he was with Nicole when she called. She's disgustedthat he would sleep with a married woman, and wishes them every misery. Shestorms out of the apartment, breaking into sobs in the hallway. Inside,Eric says he knows what he needs to do.

Nicole is driving along, telling herself all about the wonderful life sheand Eric will have together. (Flashback to her and Eric making love, andher letting Eric believe she had cancer.) She knows he'll forgive her lies.When she arrives back at the mansion, Lucas is waiting for her. He tellsher he's been worried about her, but she doesn't care. She's sick of livingwith his family, she's sick of playing stepmother to his son, and she'ssick of being married to an 'uptight, boring AA loser'. She wants adivorce! Lucas tries to tell Nicole that he loves her and wants to work ontheir marriage, but she doesn't care. He can take his money and hisproblems and shove it. He accuses her of lusting after Eric. She's movinginto a guest room, and as far as she's concerned, the marriage is alreadyover. He vows that she will not get away with this.

On the plane, Brandon and Sami continue to discuss the man following them,and trying to figure out why. They discuss Franco's death, and come to theconclusion that Kate and Lucas killed Franco because he wouldn't dump Sami.And Sami is confident that there is no way she will let Kate or the Moronisstand in the way of her getting back her son, and Brandon says he's withher every step of the way. Sami excuses herself to go to the bathroom, andBrandon calls the hotel to make some romantic arrangements. When shereturns, he tells her he was checking on his sister, but got the answeringmachine.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

Wednesday, July 26, 2000

by Marcia Elgart

Chloe shows up at home and sees a news van and wonder what is going on. Inside, Mimi says she would prefer a cardboard box over the Wesley's house any day. The reporter wants to get Mimi's feelings on camera, but she pushes the cameraman and yells at him to get out of her face. Craig asks the reporter not to use that footage, and Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart apologize for their daughter's actions. Mimi says she needs some fresh air and leaves to go on a walk. Nancy tells the camera that Mimi and her daughter are such good friends that she is just overcome with emotions. Chloe walks into the house and asks "What in the hell is going on here?" The reporter asks who this girl is? Chloe says she lives here, and asks the reporter who she is? Chloe asks once again what is going on here? The reporter doesn't understand why she is in the dark about this if she lives here?

Craig tells Nancy to show the reporters the backyard where they are thinking about putting in the baseball diamond. After they leave, Craig tells Chloe the bad news about the Lockharts moving in with them. Chloe is not pleased and refuses to allow this to happen. Craig says that the Lockharts are in serious trouble, but Chloe says she can't play roommates with someone who hates her. She thinks this is wrong because they didn't even ask her how she felt. Craig says they were wrong not to ask her opinion because she is a member of this household. Chloe says that on one hand she hates the idea, but on the other hand she does understand what they are trying to do. Craig says he felt the same way about Nancy's father when he was in the hospital, he really didn't want him to get better, but his conscience told him to help the guy. Craig lectures her on the importance of being kind to others, but she realizes this is about improving their position in the eyes of Salem's citizens. Chloe agrees to play nice and says she could use the good karma.

Chloe tells Craig that she fears she blew it with Philip today. Craig says if Philip can't see what a great girl she is then she should move on to the next lucky guy. However, Craig is sure that Philip won't think anything she said is to him was stupid, and he will still be interested in her. Craig and Chloe go inside, and Nancy asks Chloe if she is ready to start packing her bags? Chloe says that it would have been nice to have been consulted, but she has accepted Craig's apology. She says as long as she doesn't have to share a bedroom with Mimi then it will be okay. Nancy tries to talk to her, but Chloe just runs off. Nancy is ticked off that Craig has once again gotten through to Chloe. Craig says he got through to Chloe, and that is all that matters. He also reminds her that this whole idea was hers. Nancy goes to talk to Chloe, who yells at her for not thinking of her when she was planning this screwy summer camp.

Jan and Jason are hanging out at Dot.Com when Philip shows up. Philip tells them that he doesn't want them blabbing to Chloe about the bet. Jan doesn't understand what the big deal is, he could have any girl in school, why does he care about her? Jason says he is the one who wanted to tell her in the first place, and they are the ones who stopped him. Philip threatens to keep them quiet through blackmail. He threatens to expose Jason as a Britney Spears Fanclub member, and to expose Jan's true feelings for Shawn to him. They agree to stay quiet, but want to know what is up with him and Ghoul Girl? Philip tells them that name calling is for immature jerks, and he warns them once again if they tell Chloe about the bet then he will blurt out every stupid secret he knows.

Philip leaves and runs into Mimi. He offers to buy her a cup of coffee, but she says no thanks because she has had enough charity for today. Philip thinks what Belle and Shawn are doing for her is great, but she doesn't agree. Mimi says she is planning on running away tomorrow, there will be no more humiliation in Salem for Mimi Lockhart. Philip convinces her not to run away, so he thinks, and he tells her that things will get better. He even jokes that if she sticks around she'll get to see him get his hands dirty on this project. Philip tells her to go visit Belle, and she says she will. Mimi runs off and ends up sleeping in an alley somewhere. She thinks it will only be for one night because by this time tomorrow she will be long gone.

Gregory Charmaine shows up at the mansion to see Kate. Kate asks Gregory to do some research for her, which he will, but he warns her that she is living in a state which doesn't recognize common law marriages and she and Victor had no binding agreement between them concerning their living arrangements. Kate is furious, to say the least. She lays into Gregory and tells him that he is worth nothing to her as a lawyer. Gregory tells her that if Victor kicks her out, she will be penniless and will be worth nothing to him! He suggests she makes the most of this trip and woo Victor. Kate tries to calm herself down and says that nobody will bring Kate Roberts down without one hell of a fight.

Eric call's up Nicole and tells her that he has to see her right away. Nicole says she's halfway there already and hangs up. As she is leaving, Lucas confronts her and refuses to let her leave until they finish their earlier discussion. Nicole says they are over. Lucas says he has some things to say, for starters the divorce will never happen. Nicole just laughs. She tells him that he means nothing to her, and she walks out. Victor shows up and tells Lucas to go finish packing, but Lucas says he can't leave now. Victor says he can and will. Lucas tells Victor that as long as he is living in his house, he does what he says. Lucas asks if he doesn't have a say in this matter? Victor says no, stupid misguided little boys don't have a say. Lucas says he may seem misguided to him, but Nicole needs him. Victor says she certainly doesn't show it. Lucas says Nicole is sick and needs him, this is his marriage they are talking about. Victor tells him that nobody in this family considers what he has a marriage, so unless he wants to spend the rest of his life behind bars, he is going on this trip! Kate shows up and says Victor is right, he must come with them to Italy. Lucas doesn't want to walk away from his marriage, but Kate tells him that it is time to count his chips and cash in!

Lucas says "yes mommy dearest!" Victor orders Lucas upstairs, so he goes up to pack. Kate thanks Victor for telling Lucas that he didn't want to see her in jail. Victor says that Lucas will be glad he came because he will enjoy destroying Sami after what she's done to him. Philip comes home, and Victor asks Kate to excuse them while they have a father-son chat. Kate leaves, and Victor tells Philip about his trip with his mother. Philip thinks this is good news about their relationship. Victor asks Philip if he loves his mother? Philip says of course he does, they are a family, right? Victor says he is right, he is just not used to this type of sentiment from him. Philip tells him about Mimi's problems and how lucky he realizes he is to have both his parents home and together. Philip remembers when he was still in the hospital and how mom kept him positive, but it broke his heart to hear her crying herself to sleep at night. Meanwhile, Lucas asks his mom if she enjoyed insulting him as much as Victor did? Kate tells Lucas that his wife will leave him if they end up broke, which Lucas says is her fault. Kate says she will fix things between her and Victor, but first they must deal with Sami. Kate says that Sami will wish she had died by lethal injection when she gets through with her!

icole shows up at Eric's place, and Eric tells her that Greta found out the truth about them tonight. Nicole feels bad for Greta and for Eric. Eric says that Greta claimed she'd never be able to trust another man again. Nicole says that she will when she finds the right guy. Nicole says this is for the best, they are meant to be together and Greta is meant to find someone else. Eric then drops a bomb on Nicole, he's leaving Salem and might not be coming back. Nicole thinks she is going with him, but he tells her no, and their relationship is wrong because she is married. Nicole tells Eric to listen to his heart and not his head, that is what she did. Nicole tells Eric that she has already told Lucas she wants a divorce. Eric reminds her about the cancer, but Nicole says with him by her side she can beat it. Nicole tells Eric that they belong together, and he needs to stop fighting it.

She kisses him and then asks Eric to show her how much he loves her. Eric tells her to stop this! Eric says they need to focus on her health right now. Nicole says that with him by her side she can beat anything. Eric says he can't be by her side. He says that she needs to be honest with Lucas about why she married him, he's tired of the lies. Nicole asks if she is honest with Lucas, and gets a divorce, can he promise her that they'll spend the rest of their lives together? Eric says he does want a fresh start with her, but first they need to tie up these loose ends. Nicole says they can tie them up together, and then she asks Eric to hold her, which he does. Eric tells Nicole that he loves her, and she tells him that she will never let him leave her.

Brandon and Sami arrive at a car rental place in Italy, and are followed by the Private Detective. Sami says he could ruin everything, but Brandon promises her that he won't get the chance. Sami fears that he might work for the Moroni's, but Brandon says he will take care of things. Brandon makes some plan changes when he gets to the desk, and says very loudly that he wants to drop the car off in Venice now, not Naples. Sami doesn't understand what Brandon is doing and starts arguing with him. Brandon eventually shuts her up by kissing her. Brandon and Sami eventually leave, and the Private Detective tells the man at the desk that he needs wheels, NOW. Sami and Brandon take off, but the Private Detective is right behind them, he is onto their game.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

Thursday, July 27, 2000

by Soap Central

Belle and Shawn stop by Hope and Bo's place to ask about a job for Mimi's dad. Lexie guesses it's jaundice when they notice something's wrong with baby John. John offers to take them to the hospital but Bo refuses. At the hospital Bo explains to the doctor about Hope's pre-natal adventures and he guesses that their baby is suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. Hope feels guilty but admits that she doesn't remember everything that happened to her. In bed Eric tells Nicole that he's still leaving town. She agrees to meet him in the park and then guesses that once she gives him the news that she is cancer-free, he'll want to be with her forever. Shawn and Belle convince a very generous John to buy an empty lot for the house to be built. John and Shawn suggest to a concerned Belle that the lot's been available so long because it's haunted. Lexie returns home to Abe and mentions the lot for the Habit for Humanity project. Abe advises her that there has been a lot of problems around the place and mentions that the Mendez family lived next to the lot. After calling Victor with an update, Gary follows Sami and Brandon to a restaurant in Naples. Victor advises Lucas to wait for Nicole to come running back to him. Eric punches Roman after he calls Nicole a tramp and a "whore." Roman refuses to accept his apology unless he dumps Nicole. Instead, he meets Nicole in the park.

Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS
Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 24, 2000 on DAYS

Friday, July 28, 2000

by Gist

Shawn and Belle learn that Mimi failed to come home last night. Chloe guesses it's because she's there. As they discuss the plans for the home to be built, Nancy's upset to learn that it will take six months for the house to be finished. Chloe almost catches Mimi sneaking in and out of the house. She does find a note revealing that Mimi has gone to Chicago. Eric stops by the station house to apologize to his father before saying goodbye. Roman tells him a story and assures him that he and Marlena can handle his decision to leave town. After a bite to eat at a Naples restaurant, Sami and Brandon face danger when Victor's man Gary tries to push them off a cliff. Brandon saves Sami but starts to tumble over the edge. Nicole refuses to talk when Lucas asks him about the results of her biopsy. While Lucas runs to get a drink to calm him, Nicole flirts with Victor, who's not interested, and boasts that Kate cheated on him. Seeing him fall off the wagon, Nicole calls Lucas a loser. Eric stops by to tell Greta that he's moving to Colorado. She blasts him and Nicole for lying to her and refuses to accept his apology. Determined to start life anew, Greta goes out and finds she's following Eric in his car. Speeding, Eric's car is hit by the same train on which Mimi is traveling to Chicago.

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