On The Bold and Beautiful, Luna is short for "Lunatic"; The Bold and the Beautiful Two Scoops for August 26, 2024

Poppy's daughter brings out the Luna in "Lunatic."

The Confronter-in-Chief, Steffy, finally fooled around and found out why you don’t show up at a psycho killer’s house. Like something out of the movie Orphan, Luna showed viewers that things aren’t always what they seem. Taylor’s return feels like déjà vu, as if the Krista Allen version of Taylor never happened. Plus, Steffy’s hypocrisy with Finn proves she’s just like her mother. Let’s scoop!

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...Who’s the most hypocritical of them all?

Steffy—or Taylor?

Did I just step back into 2006? You guys surely remember when the space-time continuum was irrevocably broken for Ridge’s branch of the Forrester family. If not, let me remind you: in 2006, Ridge finally learned that Taylor had slept with James Warrick. Back then, Ridge wasn’t upset that Taylor had cheated. Oh, no. They could have gotten past that, he said. Instead, Ridge’s problem was the hypocrisy! It was the nerve of Taylor to slander Brooke all those years while putting herself on a pedestal of virtue.

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Flash-forward to 2024, and viewers can see that Hope and Brooke aren’t the only “like mother, like daughter” duo in town. Steffy just blasted Finn for “allowing” Hope to kiss him, all the while never bothering to tell Finn that Liam had kissed her three times already—and seen her in her nightie! It sounds a lot like Taylor, who covered up her affair with James while shunning Brooke, doesn’t it?

Not to be outdone by her mother, Steffy took it a step further by victim-shaming Finn, blaming him for letting Hope’s “sonic-speed flying saucers” land on his mouth. Only Steffy can twist a man’s loyalty and complete devotion into something that’s his fault. She told him so, and he should have known better, Steffy said. But I beg to differ—how could Finn have known that turning down someone’s advances would lead to being "romantically" assaulted at a family gathering?

All I can hope for now is that Liam tells Hope he understands about misplaced kisses—because he did it to Steffy three times after Rome. Armed with that information, I want Hope to act just like her mother did in 2006 and order Steffy to tell Finn about it before Hope does. I would love for Finn to say to Steffy that it’s not about the kisses—it’s about her self-righteous hypocrisy, bringing Taylor and Steffy full circle to the real reason Ridge left Taylor in the first place.

Déjà Vu: The Taylor Redux

Taylor’s back, and Rebecca Butig is killing it in the role. But so was Krista Allen. Am I right, or am I right? For me, Taylor will always be Hunter Tylo, just as Ridge will always be Ronn Moss, and Hope will always be Kim Matula. But I’ve accepted the new actors in these roles. I couldn’t stand Taylor, and Krista Allen did a mighty fine job of stoking that raging fire within me—almost as well as Bobby Eakes made me hate Macy. That’s called good acting.

I don’t know why The Bold and the Beautiful decided on a third Taylor, but I have to note that not only did they get a new actress, but they’re also writing Taylor’s return almost as if Krista Allen’s Taylor never existed—as if that iteration of Taylor never empathized with Sheila, never ran up a mountain to escape Ridge, never got jilted at the altar by Ridge in a makeup-smeared gown, and never became BFFs with Brooke before leaving town, defeated by Bridge again.

The sentiment of Taylor's newest return causes me to feel as if the writers seek to pretend Taylor's last stay in town, when she'd been portrayed by Allen, had never taken place. It’s as if Taylor is reset to returning after the long stint Allen’s Taylor had in Africa. Steffy acts like her mother wasn’t just there a few months ago. Ridge’s flirting is still fresh, as if he shouldn’t know better than to do that with Taylor after the whole CPS-call-turned-enemies-into-BFFs scandal. Taylor is back to setting up her practice once again, without even wondering if her old office—Krista Allen’s Taylor’s office—is vacant.

What has remained the same, though, from Taylor one, to Taylor two, and now to Taylor three, is Taylor’s self-righteousness. She’s still teetering on that pedestal, blaming Hope for Steffy and Liam’s problems as if Steffy wasn’t the one who stirred the pot by going after Liam and kissing him in that limo.

Speaking of that moment, who wouldn’t have loved it if Hope had reminded Steffy of that limo kiss? And when Steffy said she was leaving town, Hope could have followed it up with, “Don’t forget to leave your ring on the mantel on your way out the door.” After all, by leaving, Steffy is serving her man up on a silver platter.

Who leaves town, anyway, when another woman is coming on to your husband? Someone who’s about to get kidnapped—that’s who!

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...Who’s the killer among them all?

Not Sheila!

Once Steffy is rescued from her cage, I’m gonna need her to write a strongly worded, full-throated apology, and not only to Finn for her hypocritical fretting and for always putting on her running shoes when times are tough. I guess she gets the urge to run from her problems from her mommy, too. After she writes an apology to her husband, she should write one to Sheila, and it should go a little something like this:

“Dear Sheila, birth mother of Finn,

I’m sorry for all the times I charged into your house and accused you of things you didn’t do. I finally fooled around and found out.


‘From now on, I’m minding my own damn business’ Steffy”

Steffy confronted the wrong psycho when she chased Luna to her home. Finally, all the disjointed puzzle pieces come together, revealing that the most “innocent” one of them all is actually the deadliest. Should we have seen it coming?

Well, “Luna-tic” was definitely on our suspects list, but I never imagined she’d be sexually attracted to Bill. Though I am oddly satisfied with the idea of Luna poisoning Steffy to death, I wish it had been Katie who'd witnessed the kiss and followed Luna to the apartment. Or maybe Luna should have lured Katie there after witnessing Katie in an intimate moment with Bill. Katie should be the one in the cage we saw in Friday’s preview, not Steffy.

What clues did the writers drop to point to Luna? Here are some I caught, but if you have others, let us know in the comments below. First, Luna wanted to go to Tom’s concert, but then we never heard anything else about it. Second, Baker produced Poppy’s mint case, which was last seen in Luna’s possession. Third, Hollis and Luna were suddenly friends, when he's too old to be her friend.

The biggest clue was this: Luna accusing her mom of something she didn’t do—murder. The last time she falsely accused Poppy, Luna harped on the fact that Poppy had “drugged her own daughter!” She said it with such disgust, but Poppy hadn’t done that. I couldn’t believe Luna would turn on her mom so easily, and that feeling lingered when Luna accused Poppy of killing people—especially after telling Katie that her mom wouldn’t even kill a spider.

Yeah, “Luna-tic,” I bet you wanted to fry the legs right off a granddaddy longlegs as a kid.

I just wonder if the mints made Luna crazy or if she’s had it out for her mom all along. The only other mystery to me is why Li, to this day, is calling Poppy a gold-digger. Is Luna the real gold-digger, or did she just snap and become a stone-cold killer after overhearing Tom and Poppy in Deacon’s loft?

I don't know if anyone noticed, but after the kiss with Bill, Luna stopped wearing white and started wearing black. Is this a dissociative identity disorder? Is she a twin like Guiding Light's Sonny and Solita? Stay tuned.

Here's another mystery for us: How did Luna get ice-cold tea in an apartment set for demolition? The electricity is still on in that place?

Viewers were treated to a scene like something out of the movie Orphan when Steffy walked in on what she thought was Bill’s biological daughter trying to seduce him. The scene would have been leagues better had it been Katie or Will who'd seen this, leading to Katie confronting Luna at the apartment on the verge of demolition. Yes, I want Katie demolished, in case it isn't clear. It's not fair that she gets to walk off singing the Justin Timberlake lyric, "The damage is done, so I guess I'll be leaving..."

In a look ahead: Steffy wakes up in a cage

What is it about the Tridge kids that makes villains put them in cages? First, Justin put Thomas in a cell in the bowels of Spencer Publications, and now Steffy looks trapped like a rodent in a cage at the condemned apartment. It’s kind of ironic that she’s trapped in an abandoned building like Sheila had been months ago, isn’t it? Finn gets a clue while at Bill’s house. I’m guessing he spies Steffy’s phone by the front door. Wouldn’t it be appropriate if Sheila helped save Steffy?

That’s it! That’s all the scoops! And whether or not we ever scoop again, I hope you always stay bold and beautiful, baby!

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Edited by Lisa