Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
A special week of episodes featuring some of The Bold and the Beautiful
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

James had a change of heart about Sheila. Eric recognized Rush, and a confrontation ensued. Grant proposed to Macy. Taylor decided that it was time to get on with her life.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

Monday, December 1, 1997

by Michael Keith

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Eric feels he knows who Rush is and urges Lauren to get Rush to shave hisbeard off so he can be certain. Rush wonders what they are talking about andshoots his crossbow at them. The arrow gets past Eric and Lauren and thenRush denies he intentionally shot the crossbow. It was an accident, Rushexplains. Eric was the last one to use it and forgot to put the safety valveon so if it is anyone's fault, it is Eric's, Rush continues. Eric doesn't buythat defense and demands to know who Rush is. Eric and Rush trade verbalassaults that ends with Eric decking Rush.

Ridge informs Brooke he and Stephanie are going to Greenland to find Eric.Brooke doesn't like the idea and fears for Ridge's safety. Ridge gets Brooketo promise to be strong for the kids if something does go wrong. Brooke,then, gets a call from the children's principal. Rick and Bridget aremissing...

Sally brings the news to Macy and Darla that Eric is missing and fears thatLauren might have been on that plane with him. Macy suggests Lauren is stillin Italy and has taken up with an Italian suitor. Sally is still worried.She is the one who pushed Lauren to go after Eric no matter what the cost andlook what it may have cost Lauren. Sally says she can't rest until she knowsfor certain that Lauren is alright.

Rick and Bridget turn up at Taylor's house seeking advice. They heard fromother kids at school that their father's plane crashed and they want someanswers. Taylor phones Ridge and tells he the kids are at her house and areasking tons of questions. I'm on my way, Ridge says.

At Taylor's, Ridge informs Rick and Bridget that their father's plane did godown and that he and Aunt Stephanie are going to Greenland to find him.Neither Rick nor Bridget want Ridge to go. They fear for Ridge's safety andif something were to happen, he and their mother would never get married.

Lauren tends to Rush's wound while Eric is watching, wondering what she isdoing and just exactly who is Rush? Rush wants to resume what he and Laurenstarted before Eric came in and stopped them. Lauren gives Rush a kiss andasks him to shave his beard off. She wants to love him without it. Rush goesto get his razor.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, December 2, 1997

by Michael Keith

Brooke has a meeting with Rick and Bridget's principal and is informed thereason they ran off from school is because they heard other kids talkingabout their father's plane crash. Brooke wonders where Rick and Bridget wentonce they left school.

Rick and Bridget fear for Ridge's safety in Greenland while Ridge tries toassure them he will be ok. As Taylor looks on, Rick gets Ridge to promisethat he will marry their mother once he returns from Greenland. Ridgerealizes Rick and Bridget have had their share of disappointments in theiryoung life and promises once he returns, he will sit down with them and theirmother and pick a wedding date. Ridge thanks Taylor for being there for thekids. Taylor wishes Ridge a safe trip. Ridge says Thorne is one lucky guyand gives Taylor a kiss. Once Ridge leaves, Taylor cries over what mighthave been.

Rush allows Lauren to shave his beard while Eric watches. Before Laurenstarts, she asks Rush to read some of his poetry. After Rush reads hispoetry, he says Lauren reminds him of the woman he wrote about. Rush asksLauren to stay with him after the rescue team has come. He promises his loveand devotion, something Eric can not give her.

Clarke questions Thorne about his relationship with Taylor and wonders why heand Taylor are not married since she is carrying his child. Thorne thinksClarke is implying Taylor is settling for him since Ridge is marrying Brooke.Thorne says he is tired of the deception and realizes he will probably haveto give up his dream of he and Taylor being together. He is heading toTaylor's to settle things with her. Life is short and he is tired of chasingafter a woman who doesn't love him.

Taylor says to herself that as much as she wants Ridge, she can't interfere withthe kid's need for Ridge and Brooke to marry and become a family. Taylorrealizes she has a good man in Thorne and wonders if she can really move on.Thorne arrives and Taylor throws herself into his arms.

Brooke is relieved when Rick and Bridget return home but is surprised theywere at Taylor's. Brooke says there is no news about Eric. Ridge promisesto do his best to find Eric but that doesn't stop Brooke from worrying.

Lauren declines Rush's offer to stay with him once she and Eric are rescued.Rush says she would never have to question his devotion if she stays. Ericgets a views of Rush once he beard is shaved and realizes who Rush is. Ericcan't believe it. Eric heads outside and says to himself that Rush is goingto kill he and Lauren just like he killed her. Rush joins Eric outside andasks him if he looks familiar.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, December 3, 1997

by Michael Keith

Thorne holds Taylor who is upset about Ridge telling Rick and Bridget that heand Brooke will be married once he gets back from Greenland. Taylor realizesRidge's life is with Brooke and the kids. Rick and Bridget even see Ridge astheir father. Thorne says he doesn't mean to apply pressure but he is unsurewhere he stands with Taylor or how she feels about him.

Stephanie and Ridge are on a military plane heading to Greenland. Stephaniesays she can't imagine what Eric must be going through and says there is noexplanation for this . Steph and Ridge get word that there is a break in thestorm and the rescue team is fairly certain where the plane went down.

Lauren worries about Eric being with Rush outside for so long. Ericrecognizes Rush as an old photographer from the fashion industry who wasaccused of murdering his ex-girlfriend. It was some sort of fatal attractionsituation where Rush was enraged when his girlfriend broke up with him andthen later killed her. His girlfriend's name was Sharon. Eric deduces thatis why Rush will not allow he and Lauren to use the radio and call for help.If the authorities found Eric and Lauren, then Rush would be found out.

Steph remembers the time she first saw Eric. It was when they were incollege at Northwestern. She met him at a fraternity party. Ridge assuresher that his father is thinking the same thing. Stephanie is determined tofind Eric.

Thorne tells Taylor he has been hanging on to a hope of them being togethertoo long and is going to move out so they both can get on with their lives.Taylor stops him. Seeing Ridge today with the kids sheds new light ontothis. Taylor tells Thorne that he is the one constant in her life and if hemoves out now, she doesn't know how she will be able to cope. Thorne says heneeds more than support and friendship, and he can't wait forever. Taylorsays maybe she can make an effort. Thorne says you shouldn't have to make aneffort, it should come naturally.

To find out more about Rush, Lauren reads some of his poetry. She notices hekeeps referring to a woman names Sharon. Lauren finds a picture of a womanwho looks like herself.

Thorne tells Taylor he has waited so long to touch her. Thorne wants Taylorto kiss him if she is ready to move on from Ridge. Tearfully, Taylor kissesThorne.

Eric says he and Lauren can never survive in the wilderness and asks to usethe radio to call for help. Then I will go to prison, Rush says. Ericpromises if he can use the radio to get he and Lauren rescued, he will nottell a soul about Rush. Rush says it is a sign that Lauren, someone wholooks like his Sharon, has come to him. Rush turns down Eric's request touse the radio. As Eric turns to go inside, he grabs a piece of wood andswings it at Rush. There is a struggle . Rush ultimately hits Eric with thepiece of wood to knock him out and ties his hands behind his back.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, December 4, 1997

by Gladys

The OR team frantically tried to undo all the damage the fallcaused their patient.

Taylor is sunbathing when Grant arrives. He is glad to see her out ofbed. Grant tells her that they have a lot in common: her husband tobe. He has been seeing a lot of Macy; he likes her very much, butThorne is a tough act to follow.

What about Brooke, Taylor asks. He tells her that he loved Brookeonce, still does in some ways. But there was too much excess baggage inthat marriage. Not so with Macy, he tells Taylor. He thinks Taylor isone lucky lady to have such a handsome, successful man crazy about her.

Maggie is stunned; she cannot believe that Sheila tried to kill herselfby jumping from the roof.

Margaret is fine, she tells James. I saw her last night. Amber istaking care of her. I tried to take her, but the authorities wouldn'tlet me.

"But it won't be long now," she says on a more cheerful note. We willhave our baby back with us."

"What are you talking about?" James inquires.

"Connor said all we had to do was show Sheila as an unfit mother. Nowwe have proof. What better proof than her trying to kill herself? Ourbaby could come home today. Lets call Child Protective Services rightnow, James."

"I can't believe you," James says, aghast. "Sheila is fighting for herlife; she could die, and all you can think about is taking advantage ofher condition! Have you no decency? You and I are responsible for whathas happened to her. It is our fault she jumped!"

Mike comes to the hospital and inquires about Sheila. He is told thatshe is in surgery. He sees Molly sitting alone and goes to her. Hetells her who he is and sits with her. "She is a fighter," he says."She will pull through this."

In the OR, someone announces that her pressure is dropping. Someoneelse says that her Oxygen saturation is also dropping. Hang on, Sheila,the surgeon tells her. You are lucky to be alive. We are doing all wecan do; the rest is up to you.

Molly says that her daughter has been in surgery for hours. How couldthis happen? Things have always been hard for Sheila until she met Dr.Warwick. Now things seem to be going right for the first time, so whydid this happen? Just yesterday she was so happy. She was marrying theman she loved; she had a beautiful little girl. For the first time shehad something to live for.

"We are not responsible for what Sheila has done!" exclaims Maggie."Sheila has always been unstable. She has made a career of hurtingpeople. Now she has turned on herself. Look at what she did to us.She took away my child; she turned our world upside down. Now you aremarried to her and I am left alone. I don't have my husband and I don'thave my little girl. We didn't push her off that roof; she did it toherself!"

"Can't you see what we have done to her?" James asks. "I trappedher---tricked her. I destroyed her. For you to deny our actions---torefuse responsibility, is beyond me. I don't even know who I am anymore. I used to be someone I could be proud of; I was a man with aconscious. Now look at what I have become."

"You were saving Margaret from a death sentence," Maggie declares."You cannot back down now. You have to stay strong. We have to getMargaret back."

"You cannot see that it is about justice and decency?" James asks."There is no way you will ever convince me that what we have done isright."

He heads for the door. When Maggie asks where he is going, he tells herhe is going to be with Sheila. "I just hope to God that she makes it."He tells her. "And I wish you could feel the same way."

While Mike and Molly are talking, the doctor comes to the waiting room.He takes them into Sheila's room. He tells them that they has done allthey can do. There was just so much damage----punctured lungs, brokenribs, internal injuries. They did all they could, now it is up to her.Her condition is very tenuous; she is critically ill and could die.They bring Sheila in. Molly goes to her and calls her name. The doctorsays she is still unconscious; they don't know when she will wake up.

Molly is alone with Sheila, except for Mike. She talks to herdaughter: You finally found true happiness, she says. All I everwanted for you, you had found. A husband who loves you, a child whoneeds you. Don't go.

Mike speaks: This isn't the way it is supposed to be, he says to her.We love you so much. You will beat this thing; you are strong. Nothingcan stop you when you try.

vJames comes to the door with Amber and Mary. He tells her to waitoutside; he doesn't want Mary to see Sheila like this. He walks to thebedside. Sheila, he begins, we need you. You have never been soneeded in your life. We need your love and support. I am sorry forwhat I did. I was wrong. I doubted you and didn't believe in you.Please forgive me. Heal yourself. Come home. Mary misses you---we allmiss you. Life is so sweet; you have too much to live for. Hang on.

Just then Sheila goes into cardiac arrest.

"Sheila do not let go," shouts James.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on B&B

Friday, December 5, 1997

by Gladys

James tells Sheila that she has to fight; all the people who care abouther the most are at her bedside. He is sorry he doubted her, trickedher; he asks for her forgiveness. Suddenly, she is in cardiac arrest."No, Sheila, don't go!" shouts James.

"She is dead!" cries Molly. "My daughter is dead!"

James quickly grabs for the defibrillator and gives her chest a shock.He jumps to her chest and begins manual compressions and artificialrespiration. Just as the doctor and nurse rush into the room, Sheila'sheartbeat resumes. James tells the medical persons that he got the codegoing when she died. The doctor begins ordering tests; have aventilator present in case this happens again, he orders.

Sally is on the phone with Fenmores. They haven't heard from Laureneither; it seems she missed an important board meeting, something thatshe has never done. Sally is now doubly worried and requests that ifthey hear from her, to let her know. When she hangs up, she tells Grantthat she doesn't even know what country Lauren can be in.

Sally looks at the sketch Grant is working on and says it looks"interesting." Grant thinks she is talking about the dress, but Sallymentions that the "model" bears a striking resemblance to Macy. WhenSally makes reference to "ice water in the lap," Grant admits that he'sconfused by what happened during his date with Macy. Sally compareswhat happened with him and Macy as someone expecting a lifetime ofchocolates but only getting one little box. Suddenly Grant gets it;Macy was expecting a marriage proposal instead of a proposition.However, he tells Sally that had he known, he still wouldn't haveproposed. They have only known each other a couple of months. He isn'tready for marriage.

Meanwhile, Macy tells Darla that she can't believe she did it! Darlasays she loves it! Macy berates herself for expecting so much, butDarla tells her that she is a beautiful woman and she is happy to seeher friend like this. Like how? Excited, looking forward to life,going with the flow. The only trouble is that knowing Macy, Darlasuspects that Macy is worried about what could go wrong. That will onlyget you into more trouble, she lectures her friend.

"Your are right," Macy agrees, with a dreamy look. "So Grant didn'twant to get serious so soon. We have both had bad relationships. Thereis no need to rush into anything. I don't see why I can't just relaxand have fun. That is obviously what Grant wants"

"God, you are going to have pretty kids!" exclaims Darla. Macy pushesher out of the office; she will finish the inventory, she tells herfriend. But, after Darla has gone, Macy holds a picture of Grant andthe rest of the company with a dreamy look on her face.

As things begin to settle down, Molly notices that Sheila is waking up.James goes to her and tells her that she is okay now. The doctor ordersan echocardiogram. As he leaves, he tells the staff to let him knowimmediately if anything changes. James asks if Sheila is going to makeit. He answers that it is still touch and go. It could go either waysince Sheila is so critical. But, he tells James, a lot depends onyou. Go to her and talk to her; make her want to live. As Jamesreturns to the room, Sheila says that she wants to speak to James alone.

"Grant, I think you are making a mistake," Sally tells Grant. "Youshould follow your heart. You shouldn't let your wounded pride stand inyour way of happiness. Life is too short. Just think about that for awhile."Sally leave Grant sitting alone in his office with a thoughtful look onhis face."We need to talk," Grant announces when he walks into Macy's office.He then apologizes for how their date turned out. "I now know what youwanted that night. There I was planning a romantic evening of just funand it turned out all wrong. I found out what you were really expectingthat night; you were expecting me to propose."

Excuse me!" Macy says. "What makes you think I was expecting aproposal? I was simply trying to think of a way to let you down. Whatan ego you have!"

"You were going to say no?" asks Grant. "I don't believe you. If Ihad offered you a ring that night you . . . "

"I guess we will never know, will we?" Macy says as she heads out thedoor.

Grant calls her name and when she turns back, he is holding an open ringbox out to her.

"Macy, will you marry me?" he asks a totally shocked Macy.

"Sheila, you have got to make it," James tells Sheila when they arealone. "We need you. Mary needs you. Don't abandon our little girlagain."

But Sheila tells him that the baby doesn't need her; she needs James.She begs him to take care of her baby. "You don't need me," she tellshim.

"You are my wife. I love you," James professes. "Promise me you won'tleave me."

"You love me?" asks Sheila with tears in her eyes.

Molly enters the room and James tells her that Sheila is going to makeit. "Aren't you, darling? You have come back to us, haven't you?"

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Edited by SC Desk