Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
A special week of episodes featuring some of The Bold and the Beautiful
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

James and Maggie's plan to catch Sheila being an unfit mother failed, and a stunned James found himself married and honeymooning with Sheila. Mike told Sheila about the plan to entrap her, and Sheila leaped from the hotel roof. Eric continued to be suspicious of Rush, while Lauren grew closer to the man.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

Monday, November 24, 1997

by Michael Keith

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Sheila leaves her house and Mary while Maggie and the social worker watchfrom the car. Maggie is sure Sheila has given herself enough rope to hangherself.

At the church, Molly and Damian fret that Sheila has not arrived and theminister has another ceremony to perform shortly. James doesn't believeSheila will leave the child. Amber heads home to pack because once Sheilafinds out what has happened, Amber will surely be kicked out of Sheila'shouse.

Maggie and the social worker enter Sheila's house with a key James gaveMaggie. Maggie tries to get into the nursery but can't because the nurserydoor is locked. After trying to push the door open, Maggie is frantic shewill not be able to get to her baby. Amber comes home and helps Maggie breakthe door down. Maggie is reunited with Margaret at last only the find Mikein the house.

James feels guilty for misleading his most difficult patient. It goesagainst everything his ethics stand for. Conner reminds James to focus onwhat is right for his daughter. Sheila arrives at the church. Connerreminds James they can't leave the wedding until they get a call from Maggiesaying she has Margaret. The wedding begins...

The minister begins by saying how well James and Sheila compliment each otherand how much he admires James for devoting his life to the emotional wellbeing of others. Damian also offers kind words for Sheila. Conner hopesMaggie calls to end the wedding.

Maggie tells the social worker since Sheila abandoned an innocent baby, thatis proof that Sheila is an unfit mother. Mike says Sheila didn't abandonanyone. He is there to babysit. He says he got a call from Sheila when Ambergot stuck in traffic and offered to come over to watch Mary. Maggie says Mikeis a criminal and can't be trusted. The social worker doesn't see it thatway. She says the baby was left in capable hands.

Sheila and James exchange rings and vows. Conner gets a call from Maggie butinforms her it's too late. James and Sheila just got married!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, November 25, 1997

by Michael Keith

James and Sheila arrive at their honeymoon suite to Sheila's delight. Jamesis still feeling regretful for deceiving Sheila.

Taylor is stunned to learn the James married Sheila. James never mentionedanything to her when the last talked. Maybe James is embarrassed, Thornesuggests. Taylor thinks there is more to the marriage than James marryingSheila for the baby.

After leaving Sheila, James heads to over to Maggie's. He wants to know whyshe didn't call on time to stop the wedding. Maggie explains that Mike wasbabysitting Margaret so the social worker assumed the baby was in capable,adult hands. James admits he can't go on like this, deceiving a formerpatient of his. James wants Maggie to admit they have lost the baby.Maggie wonders why James is going soft on her. Does he have feelings forSheila?

While James is away, Sheila talks to her mother on the phone then gets aknock on the door. It's Mike. He starts telling Sheila about Maggie bustingin her house about 30 seconds after she left for the church. Mike informsSheila that Maggie knew Sheila left the baby alone and Amber was part of theplan. Sheila says she will deal with Maggie and Amber after her honeymoon.James was in on it too, Mike says. Sheila thinks Mike is telling this tobreak up her marriage. Sheila throws Mike out for lying to her.

After filling in Taylor on the latest news regarding James, Taylor asksThorne if he knows when Ridge and Brooke's wedding is. Thorne informs Taylorthat they have postponed their wedding until Eric is found.

James says the feelings he has for Sheila are sympathy. James admits hecan't stand the person he has become. Lying to a former patient goes againsteverything he stands for. Maggie asks him what he cares about more, hisprinciple or his daughter.

Mike continues to provide Sheila with the truth. Sheila still can't believeJames would deceive her and insists that he loves her. Mike offers proof ofJames' deception. He pulls out a camera he found in the vent in the baby'snursery and plays the tape James was planning on using. Sheila is stunned.James had to live in the house in order to get proof the Sheila was an unfitmother, Mike explains. Sheila remembers James locking himself in the nurserybut he said he was planning a surprise.

Mike leaves and James returns to the hotel suite. He finds a note Sheilaleft with instructions to meet him on the roof.

Mike stops by Sheila's house and informs Amber he told Sheila everything.Amber says she only betrayed Sheila because she thought it was in the baby'sbest interest. Mike suggests now that Sheila now the truth, the old drivethat makes Sheila, Sheila, will come back. Amber wonders what Sheila isgoing to do. Mike isn't sure but thinks Sheila is planning on being a widowbefore the night is over.

On the roof, James is looking for Sheila. Once she appears, she questions ifhe really cared where she was. Of course I care, James says. Sheila walkstoward the edge of the roof, devastated and asks James how he could betrayher??

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, November 26, 1997

by Michael Keith

On the roof of the hotel Sheila is devastated the James lied about caring forher. Sheila admits knowing about the conspiracy and at first she couldn'tbelieve it but should have known James' love was to good to be true. Jamesadmits he lied to her but he does really care.

Stephanie and Ridge get word the storm has cleared where Eric's plane wentdown but are warned the rescue team must be highly trained. Stephanie iscautioned that because the plane went down in such a remote area, even ifEric survived the crash, it is unlikely he has survived. Stephanie isdetermined not to give up hope and prays for Eric's safety.

Eric wants to try the radio again but Rush says he tried earlier and got noresponse. Eric doesn't believe him. Lauren tries to calm Eric down andfills in Rush as to why Eric is missing Stephanie. Eric thinks the reasonStephanie didn't show up for the wedding in Italy has something to do withLauren. Lauren denies that charge and says Stephanie just doesn't love you,not the way you deserve to be loved. Their bickering amuses Rush.

Amber is afraid Sheila might kill James and tries to call Maggie for help.Mike stops her and says whatever James has coming to him, he deserves.

Sheila is threatening to kill herself by jumping off the edge. James pleadsfor Sheila not to take her own life. Your daughter needs you, James cries.That's what Sheila thought, but Mary will be ok with James. It's too lateto work things out, Sheila says. One of us is not going downstairs, Sheilasays and walks over to the edge...

Rush says Stephanie must be an incredible lady for Eric to want her overLauren. Lauren notices Rush has cameras and suggests he publish his poemswith pictures to go along with them. Rush says he doesn't write about thewilderness but lets Lauren read a few of his poems anyway.

James begs Sheila not to jump for Mary's sake. Sheila only wanted James'love, he gave her life and now that's over. There is nothing you can do tohelp me, Sheila declares. Sheila can't take Mary away from James because sheloves him to much to do that, but she can't live without Mary. That is whyshe is doing this, for James. Sheila asks James to take care of Mary andjumps off the edge...

Thursday, November 27, 1997

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, The Bold and The Beautiful was not shown today.

Friday, November 28, 1997

Sheila stands at the edge of the roof, crying; the wind whipping herhair about her face.

"I cannot take Mary away from you, James, and I cannot live withouther. I'm doing this for you, James. Take care of my baby." Sheilaturns and jumps over the side of the building. James rushes to theroof's edge as Sheila lands on the ground below. A woman screams; a manyells for her to call 911.

"Oh, my God," James cries in horror. "Oh, my God!"

Ridge and Thorne greet Stephanie. Why did you call us here? they ask.

"I have made a decision," Ma Forrester says. "And it isn't up fordebate. I am just informing you of my decision to go to Greenland andhelp search for your father. Mr. Friberg has agreed to take me alongwith the rescue party. Once we land in Greenland, we will go to thecrash site by helicopter."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Until I find your father," Stephanie answers.

Lauren is reading Rush's work. "This is good!" she tells him. It isromantic, from the heart, sweet and sincere. She then reads one of thepoems and tells him that this is not sappy; most women would giveanything to hear words like these from her man. She looks up at him andtells him that she will never hear them from Eric.

"Eric is a fool," Rush tells her.

"Maybe I am the fool," Lauren responds.

"If you are a fool, then I am a madman," Rush says. "I see you as aworthwhile woman. You are beautiful and full of grace. If he can't seethat, then he is a fool. It is unfathomable to me that you could beturned down by anyone. Don't ever forget that you are special."

Lauren tells him that when she hears his voice, she can feel neithercold nor empty.

"Is she alive?" James asks the Med. Tech.

"Just barely," he answers, as they rush the stretcher into theambulance.

"Don't let her die," pleads James. "Do whatever you need to do, butdon't let her die."

The Med. Tech. calls in on the radio to the hospital and he says that hervitals are weak; they may be looking at a code.

"You've got to live; you hear me? You have got to live!" James tells hisnew wife.

The couple break their embrace as Rush tells Lauren that he wants toprotect her. She tells him that she feels safe with him but he cannotprotect her.

"I can do it better than he can," Rush says of Eric. "He is a shallow,selfish man. All he can think of is being rescued. He is self-centeredand blind. Your love is too pure and perfect to waste on someone whodoesn't deserve it or cherish you. Whether you go or stay, I willalways cherish you." They kiss.

Just then, Eric returns carrying a crossbow.

When Thorne objects to Stephanie going to Greenland, Stephanie tells himthat he has nothing to say about it. Ridge offers to go with her;Thorne then says that they will both go. Ridge objects to him going andthey begin to argue, but Stephanie interrupts and tells Thorne that shewould like him to stay and handle the business. Ridge can go with her.

As they rush Sheila into the emergency room, the attendant reports thatshe has massive internal injuries. When the doctor asks about a headinjury, the attendant reports that her pupils are equal and reactive,which is a good sign. They go into the trauma room. As James tries toenter the room, the doctor stops him, but James says that he is adoctor and he has to be with her.

The nurse reports that he BP is 90/60 with a pulse of 92, weak andthready. Sheila begins to groan. James calls out to her. Shecontinues to groan intermittently and finally opens her eyes.

"James . . ." she says.

"Don't talk, Sheila. Save your strength," James tells her.

"Let me die!" Sheila begs.

The blood pressure begins to drop. "We are losing her!" shouts theattending physician. "Talk to her, for God's sake. We are losing her!"

"Fight, Sheila," James tells her. "You've got to fight. Don't giveup. Please, Darling, speak to me."

Rush wants to know what Eric has been doing outside. You should notplay around with that, he tells Eric, referring to the crossbow. Ericinforms him, hauntily, that he has taken archery. As he holds thecrossbow in a somewhat threatening way, he demands that Rush try thecall again.

When Rush tells him that he can't make the call just now, Eric tells himthat he doesn't trust him. He is wondering just how much he wants tosave them. What is his excuse going to be this time?

Rush waves a paper in front of Eric's face. This is the reason I can'tmake the call. When Eric wants to know what it is, Rush tells him it isthe schedule of when the satellite will be overhead.

"You are pushing me beyond my limit, Big Shot!" Rush tells Eric. Youreally do not want me to lose control!

The doctor informs James that Sheila isn't doing good. They still don'tknow the full extent of her injuries; she may have paralysis and aneurologist is coming in to see her. There is only one person who cansave Sheila and that is Sheila. Right now she doesn't want to live.

"She will live," James says with emphasis.

You have to get along with this guy, Lauren tells Eric when they are intheir section of the room.

"It's the beard," Eric mumbles. "If I could see him without the beard,I would know who he is. I know I've seen him before. He is a dangerousman."

Lauren reminds him that he is only a mountain climber, but Eric is surehe is not. He is a fake. He is a threat to them. He won't help themto get out. He then tells Lauren she can help him prove it. All shehas to do is get him to shave off the beard. If he could see himwithout the beard, he know who he was.

On the other side of the screen, Rush is helping himself to a drink. Hewatches the silhouette behind the screen. He is going to be trouble forme, he says. I know he is trouble unless I can do something. But thenthere is her. She has been dropped from heaven; like manna from thesky. "Like you, sweetheart," he says, looking upward. "This time itwill be different. But first things first. Right now I have to takecare of Mr. Big Shot."

James sits at Sheila's bedside, holding her hand. Why are you here, sheasks. Because you are here, he answers.

"Just go . . . it's for the best," Sheila tells him.

"You are wrong!" he answers. "This is where I belong. I am sorry Ilied to you."

"You are the best thing for the baby," Sheila tells him. "Mary is yourdaughter. You cannot live without her, can you? I know, because Ican't either. Things are happening as they should. I gave my daughteraway; I cannot go on without her. We both want her and she cannot bewith both of us. You are the best thing for her. You are a goodfather. . . .Don't let me live, James. I do not want to take her fromyou. I want to do this for you, please, for you and Mary. Take care ofher; love her."

Sheila begins to choke. The doctor rushes up and orders suctioning.Start a morphine drip. Hold her still, nurse," he shouts as Sheilabegins to seize.

Rush continues to drink and watch the curtain. He wonders what they aretalking about. He has to stop them. He rises and picks up thecrossbow. He begins to caress it. Suddenly, the arrow shoots acrossthe room and through the curtain. There is a scream.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, November 27, 1997

by Gladys

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, The Bold and The Beautiful was not shown today.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 24, 1997 on B&B

Friday, November 28, 1997

by Gladys

Sheila stands at the edge of the roof, crying; the wind whipping herhair about her face.

"I cannot take Mary away from you, James, and I cannot live withouther. I'm doing this for you, James. Take care of my baby." Sheilaturns and jumps over the side of the building. James rushes to theroof's edge as Sheila lands on the ground below. A woman screams; a manyells for her to call 911.

"Oh, my God," James cries in horror. "Oh, my God!"

Ridge and Thorne greet Stephanie. Why did you call us here? they ask.

"I have made a decision," Ma Forrester says. "And it isn't up fordebate. I am just informing you of my decision to go to Greenland andhelp search for your father. Mr. Friberg has agreed to take me alongwith the rescue party. Once we land in Greenland, we will go to thecrash site by helicopter."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Until I find your father," Stephanie answers.

Lauren is reading Rush's work. "This is good!" she tells him. It isromantic, from the heart, sweet and sincere. She then reads one of thepoems and tells him that this is not sappy; most women would giveanything to hear words like these from her man. She looks up at him andtells him that she will never hear them from Eric.

"Eric is a fool," Rush tells her.

"Maybe I am the fool," Lauren responds.

"If you are a fool, then I am a madman," Rush says. "I see you as aworthwhile woman. You are beautiful and full of grace. If he can't seethat, then he is a fool. It is unfathomable to me that you could beturned down by anyone. Don't ever forget that you are special."

Lauren tells him that when she hears his voice, she can feel neithercold nor empty.

"Is she alive?" James asks the Med. Tech.

"Just barely," he answers, as they rush the stretcher into theambulance.

"Don't let her die," pleads James. "Do whatever you need to do, butdon't let her die."

The Med. Tech. calls in on the radio to the hospital and he says that hervitals are weak; they may be looking at a code.

"You've got to live; you hear me? You have got to live!" James tells hisnew wife.

The couple break their embrace as Rush tells Lauren that he wants toprotect her. She tells him that she feels safe with him but he cannotprotect her.

"I can do it better than he can," Rush says of Eric. "He is a shallow,selfish man. All he can think of is being rescued. He is self-centeredand blind. Your love is too pure and perfect to waste on someone whodoesn't deserve it or cherish you. Whether you go or stay, I willalways cherish you." They kiss.

Just then, Eric returns carrying a crossbow.

When Thorne objects to Stephanie going to Greenland, Stephanie tells himthat he has nothing to say about it. Ridge offers to go with her;Thorne then says that they will both go. Ridge objects to him going andthey begin to argue, but Stephanie interrupts and tells Thorne that shewould like him to stay and handle the business. Ridge can go with her.

As they rush Sheila into the emergency room, the attendant reports thatshe has massive internal injuries. When the doctor asks about a headinjury, the attendant reports that her pupils are equal and reactive,which is a good sign. They go into the trauma room. As James tries toenter the room, the doctor stops him, but James says that he is adoctor and he has to be with her.

The nurse reports that he BP is 90/60 with a pulse of 92, weak andthready. Sheila begins to groan. James calls out to her. Shecontinues to groan intermittently and finally opens her eyes.

"James . . ." she says.

"Don't talk, Sheila. Save your strength," James tells her.

"Let me die!" Sheila begs.

The blood pressure begins to drop. "We are losing her!" shouts theattending physician. "Talk to her, for God's sake. We are losing her!"

"Fight, Sheila," James tells her. "You've got to fight. Don't giveup. Please, Darling, speak to me."

Rush wants to know what Eric has been doing outside. You should notplay around with that, he tells Eric, referring to the crossbow. Ericinforms him, hauntily, that he has taken archery. As he holds thecrossbow in a somewhat threatening way, he demands that Rush try thecall again.

When Rush tells him that he can't make the call just now, Eric tells himthat he doesn't trust him. He is wondering just how much he wants tosave them. What is his excuse going to be this time?

Rush waves a paper in front of Eric's face. This is the reason I can'tmake the call. When Eric wants to know what it is, Rush tells him it isthe schedule of when the satellite will be overhead.

"You are pushing me beyond my limit, Big Shot!" Rush tells Eric. Youreally do not want me to lose control!

The doctor informs James that Sheila isn't doing good. They still don'tknow the full extent of her injuries; she may have paralysis and aneurologist is coming in to see her. There is only one person who cansave Sheila and that is Sheila. Right now she doesn't want to live.

"She will live," James says with emphasis.

You have to get along with this guy, Lauren tells Eric when they are intheir section of the room.

"It's the beard," Eric mumbles. "If I could see him without the beard,I would know who he is. I know I've seen him before. He is a dangerousman."

Lauren reminds him that he is only a mountain climber, but Eric is surehe is not. He is a fake. He is a threat to them. He won't help themto get out. He then tells Lauren she can help him prove it. All shehas to do is get him to shave off the beard. If he could see himwithout the beard, he know who he was.

On the other side of the screen, Rush is helping himself to a drink. Hewatches the silhouette behind the screen. He is going to be trouble forme, he says. I know he is trouble unless I can do something. But thenthere is her. She has been dropped from heaven; like manna from thesky. "Like you, sweetheart," he says, looking upward. "This time itwill be different. But first things first. Right now I have to takecare of Mr. Big Shot."

James sits at Sheila's bedside, holding her hand. Why are you here, sheasks. Because you are here, he answers.

"Just go . . . it's for the best," Sheila tells him.

"You are wrong!" he answers. "This is where I belong. I am sorry Ilied to you."

"You are the best thing for the baby," Sheila tells him. "Mary is yourdaughter. You cannot live without her, can you? I know, because Ican't either. Things are happening as they should. I gave my daughteraway; I cannot go on without her. We both want her and she cannot bewith both of us. You are the best thing for her. You are a goodfather. . . .Don't let me live, James. I do not want to take her fromyou. I want to do this for you, please, for you and Mary. Take care ofher; love her."

Sheila begins to choke. The doctor rushes up and orders suctioning.Start a morphine drip. Hold her still, nurse," he shouts as Sheilabegins to seize.

Rush continues to drink and watch the curtain. He wonders what they aretalking about. He has to stop them. He rises and picks up thecrossbow. He begins to caress it. Suddenly, the arrow shoots acrossthe room and through the curtain. There is a scream.

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Edited by SC Desk