Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

James seemed to be making progress with Sheila, but when he mentioned Maggie's name, Sheila tossed him out of her house. Ridge had a heated exchange with Taylor. The doctor committed Taylor to bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy, but Taylor was still determined to tell Ridge about the baby. Eric began romancing Stephanie, but Lauren vowed not to give up.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

Monday, October 6, 1997

by Soap Central

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At Mannequins, Thorne urges Taylor not to tell Ridge she is carrying hisbaby. Ridge will only reject you and the baby again for Brooke, Thorne says.Taylor does not want to keep lying to Ridge and gets up to tell Ridge thetruth. Thorne stops her from going to Ridge and Brooke's table. You willonly jeopardize the baby by putting yourself under so much stress, Thornesays. Taylor is adamant. She is going to tell Ridge the truth because it isthe right thing to do.

James is at Sheila's feeding the baby. Sheila notes how happy Mary is withboth parents in the same room and not at each other's throats. When Sheilaleaves the room to get her camera, Amber notes what a great performance Jamesis putting on. James cautions her to not give him away. Amber is not goingto give James away because the minute Sheila finds out James is really tryingto get the baby back, all hell will break loose!

Taylor goes to Ridge and Brooke's table only to find them on the dance floor.Taylor is hurt when she sees them dancing closely. Taylor thinks Brooke isinsecure for clinging to Ridge the way she is. It's what Ridge wants so whyinterfere, Thorne asks. Thorne and Brooke make eye contact: missionaccomplished!

After Amber takes a picture of Sheila, James and the baby, James says he willput the picture on his desk at work. Amber falsely encourages Sheila intobelieving she has a chance with James if he is willing to put their pictureon his desk.

After dancing, Ridge and Brooke head back to their table. Taylor comes up tothem and says she wants to talk to Ridge. Ridge tells her to make anappointment because he is on a date. Either we talk now in private or I amgoing to make a scene, Taylor threatens. Ridge agrees to talk in private butfor only five minutes. Thorne tells Brooke not to worry when she wonderswhat Taylor is up to. Taylor does not even get a chance to get a word inedge wise before Ridge blows up at her. He says she has some nerve wantingto talk to him after sleeping with his brother. Ridge blasts Taylor bythanking God they ended their relationship and never had children together.

Sheila spills her coffee when James asks if he can bring Maggie with him onhis next visit. Don't even mention her name, Sheila says, Maggie is not themother of this child. Sheila will never accept Maggie as having a part ofMary's life and orders James out of her house. James promises to come backfor the baby.

Taylor is crushed by Ridge's harsh words and tells Thorne that Ridge was sodisgusted with her, she did not get a chance to tell him the truth.

Brooke and Ridge wind up at his place and Brooke wants to continue theirdate. Ridge declines and Brooke excuses herself to the powder room. Ridgephones Taylor but gets a busy signal. Brooke comes out of the bathroomwearing a sexy negligee.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, October 7, 1997

by Soap Central

Eric calls Stephanie from the Caf Ruse and invites her to dinner.Stephanie doesn't want to go but a persistent Eric gets her to agree to havedinner with him. Eric spots Sally basking in the afterglow of Spectra'sfabulous showing. Sally comes over to greet Eric and rub his nose in hersuccess. You might have financial success, but you are still alone, Ericsays. Not so fast, Sally informs. Her sudden rise to stardom has producedmany callers for her attention. Sally introduces Eric to her date. Ericwarns he will be watching her.

Lauren has mixed emotions regarding her department store's success. Herstores in Dallas and Houston are sold out but what is this doing to Eric?

Brooke tries to persuade Ridge to hop into bed with her. Ridge wonders whatthe dogs are barking at and goes outside to check it on it. Brooke gets aknock on the door and surprise, it's Stephanie! Stephanie can't believe shecaught Brooke in her underwear at Ridge's house. Brooke accuses Stephanie ofbeing her same old boring self, while Stephanie counters by calling Brooke atramp from the Valley. Ridge comes back and Stephanie orders Brooke to puther clothes back on and get out of her house.

Lauren confesses to Grant that she hasn't given up on Eric and it's only amatter of time when she will have him.

Sally is enjoying her date in the wake of Spectra's success. A photographertakes a picture of her and her date. Eric is glad when Stephanie joins him,although Steph is unsure why she even bothered to come. Stephanie fills inEric on her run in with Brooke. No one gets to me the way Brooke does,Stephanie says, except for Sally Spectra. Sally has drinks sent to Eric andStephanie. Stephanie wants to leave but Eric persuades her to stay, not togive Sally the satisfaction. Sally is filling in her date about Eric andStephanie's aborted wedding and wonders what they are doing dining togetherafter what happened. Sally phones Lauren and informs her that Eric is at theCaf Ruse with Stephanie. I'm on my way, Lauren says.

Lauren shows up at the Caf Ruse in a fabulous dress. Eric vows to startover with Stephanie and is not going to let her go ever again. Lauren runsin to Sally and Sally wonders what Lauren is going to do about Eric diningwith Stephanie. Lauren says she is going to put a stop to it by putting on ashow you have never seen before!

Brooke admits she forgot what a nightmare Stephanie can be. Brooke says shedoes not want to put any pressure on Ridge, she just wants to hold him andlove him. Ridge says he's not ready. He can't feel anything, can't giveanything right now. Brooke wants Ridge to start thinking of the future, theway Taylor is moving on with her life with Thorne. Brooke says she knowsRidge is confused but she has loved him for ten years, her feelings havenever changed, and she will always love him. Brooke says they can finallyhave everything they always wanted together, nothing can stop them now.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, October 8, 1997

by Soap Central

Grant is frustrated over a nightgown he is designing. He thinks it lookstrashy while Macy thinks it is elegant. To prove her point, Macy decides tomodel the original. Macy points out the nightgown doesn't look cheap at all.Grant says Macy could make anything look elegant. Macy says she would takethe nightgown home and wear it but she has nobody to wear it for. Grantacknowledges his attitude toward Spectra has changed because Macy is theclassiest woman in the industry.

Sally advises Lauren not to drag her heels in winning Eric back. Don'tworry, Lauren assures, she knows just the thing to win him over. Lauren askthe bartender to talk to the band about a request...

Eric is trying to stir up conversation with Stephanie but she is making itdifficult. Stephanie suggests Eric go back to the office and concentrate onhis work. Eric is upset with Sally being at the same restaurant which isspoiling their evening. Sally was only the catalyst in their breaking up,Steph reminds him. Stephanie wonders why Eric doesn't just go after Laurensince he must want her so bad.

Sally fills in her date with the recent history of Eric and Lauren'srelationship. Whatever Lauren is up to now, it will be irresistible to Eric,Sally says.

Eric wants to go back to his place, but Stephanie thinks he is trying toignore what he did with Lauren. Eric is at a loss as to how to win Stephanieover. Steph reminds him that she did not create the situation. Both Ericand Stephanie decide to leave but before they get away from their table, anannouncer introduces the incredible Ms. Lauren Fenmore!

Lauren surprises everyone by singing "Sooner or Later You're Going to beMine." Lauren works her way around the tables singing lyrics such as " Ialways get my man", and "the more you resist babe, the more it excites me."Lauren saunters her way toward Eric and Stephanie's table, sits down on thetable, and finishes the song. Stephanie is horrified.

Eric tells Lauren he loved the song and it really turned him on. Laurenmakes sure Stephanie heard that Eric was turned on by her singing. Stephaniegets up to leave but Eric pulls her back and kisses her passionately. Laurenis shocked. Eric thanks Lauren for the song and says that is just what heand Stephanie needed. Steph gloats and leaves with Eric.

Macy again assures Grant that the nightgown is just as classy as his dresses.Grant thinks he and Macy make a great team and will continue to make a greatteam as long as they stay professional. People will talk about us having anaffair if we continue to work closely, Macy notes. Grant thanks Macy forbeing an inspiration. Macy thanks Grant for being a part of the Spectrateam.

Lauren is left standing alone. Sally tells Lauren her song was great butthere's nothing more you can do since that was your best shot. Best shot?That was only my first shot, Lauren warns. That man is definitely going tobe mine!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, October 9, 1997

by Soap Central

Stephanie awakens to find Eric in her bedroom watching her. She isconfused but he tells her that he slept in the guest room. They discussthe previous night and Eric asks when she would like to marry him.Stephanie hems and haws for a while but finally gives Eric her answer:first, he will have to court her! He agrees and they kiss.

Stephanie, Eric and Ridge are having breakfast. Stephanie mentionsseeing Brooke in her "all together" the night before and Ridge admits tohis parents that he was out with Brooke the night before. He tells himthat he saw Thorne and Taylor, but he assures them that he did not losehis cool. However, he does admit to having a few mean-spirited wordswith Taylor. As he continues to talk, he becomes more and more angryand finally admits that he is not over Taylor yet. Stephanie tries toreason with him about Taylor but he won't listen.

Thorne visits Brooke and fills her in on the meeting between Taylor andRidge the night before. He tells her that Ridge actually told Taylorthat he is glad they never had any children of their own. This is goodnews to Brooke who tells Thorne that now she is sure that Ridge wantsto be with her and not with Taylor. This admission by Brooke concernsThorne. Are you sure that Ridge really wants you? he asks Brooke.Brooke is sure, but Thorne isn't convinced. You would say that, hetells Brooke, because you have a vested interest in him wanting you.But I need to know for sure. Brooke is confused by his questions.Thorne tells Brooke that if Ridge really loves Taylor and wants to bewith her, he would give Taylor up. He would even push the two towardeach other. Why? Brooke wants to know. Taylor is having your baby, shetells Thorne. Why would you want them to get back together? Thorneinsists that it is very important to know for sure if Ridge has feelingsfor Taylor. Brooke goes back to the question of the baby but Thorne isevasive. Brooke jumps to the conclusion that Taylor is not reallypregnant. She is only pretending to be pregnant to make Ridge jealous,she accuses. Thorne convinces her that Taylor is really pregnant.

Taylor tells James about her meeting with Ridge. She is upset and thattelling her only makes her more upset. James is concerned that she is onlystressing herself out. He tells her that she has to tell Ridge thetruth for herself and the health of the baby. He tells her that theonly reason Ridge said those hurtful things was because he was hurtingso much. I am convinced that he still loves you, James tells her.Taylor agrees that she has to tell Ridge about the baby, but she cannotdo it in person. She goes to the phone to call him but James stopsher. This is not something you want to tell someone over the phone.She agrees and starts to leave. But she has a sudden pain. James wantsto call the doctor but she says no. However, she sees that she isbleeding and becomes hysterical. James puts through the call to Dr.Santana.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on B&B

Friday, October 10, 1997

by Gladys

Eric has called a press conference; Ridge and Brooke join Eric at theconference. Eric announces that they will have the spring showing inMilan, Italy and it will be a show to end all shows. One of thereporters ask if the company can produce a show in time. Eric boaststhat nothing can stop the Forresters.

James finally reaches Dr. Santana and she comes to the beach house toattend Taylor. As Dr. Santana goes into the bedroom to examine Taylor,James waits in the living room. Thorne arrives home to find Jameswaiting. James explains that during a therapy session with himencouraging her to tell Ridge the truth, she began having abdominal painand some bleeding. James says that it is important for Taylor's mentalhealth to tell Ridge the truth about the pregnancy. Thorne is outragedthat James would "interfere" and orders him to stop giving Tayloradvise. If you don't think you can do that, then you are not welcome tosee her again. He then orders James out of the house.

Dr. Santana has completed her exam and tells Taylor that she needs to beconfined to bed. For how long? Taylor wants to know and Dr. S tells herthat she may have to remain in bed for the remainder of the pregnancy.Taylor tries to explain to the doctor her confusion about Ridge. Shecan't live with the lie. Dr. Santana tells her that she is havingcontractions and the bleeding is caused by a torn placenta. She warnsTaylor that if she doesn't take care of herself, she will lose thebaby. She gives her medication to stop the contractions and attachesher to an electronic monitor that will keep a record of thecontractions; the information will be relayed to the hospital viatelephone wires.

Dr. Santana talks with Thorne in the living room. She gives him astatus report on Taylor and the baby. She also asks Thorne to keepRidge away from Taylor since Ridge and Brooke are the source of thestress that Taylor is experiencing. She strongly warns that Taylorcould miscarry; if she does, she may never be able to have another baby,especially with her fertility history.

Brooke is glad to see Ridge back to his old self. He admits that she isgood for him. Are you really over Taylor, Brooke asks. No, probablynot, Ridge admits. But he also admits that he never got over Carolinecompletely. Could you ever give up on me? Brooke wants to know. Ridgetells her that he couldn't because she wouldn't let him get over her.He tells her that he is sorry for putting her through so much trouble.

After Brooke leaves the room, Ridge gets a call from Taylor. Taylorasks Ridge to come over right away; she has something she needs to tellhim. I am on my way, Ridge tells her.

Alone in her bed, Taylor says that tonight Ridge will learn the truthabout this baby---his baby.

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Edited by SC Desk